/ IK IT'S KOK IIK W KIITON, K KV IK. W S I II K KOK IT T he B eaverton R eview CLEAN READING4 * POR ALL TH E KAMIL* The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively To The Interests Of Eastern Washington County. Single Copy, 5 Cents Volume VI, No. 32 irs meet Mi National Playground; Beaverton, Washington County, Oregon. COURT HOUSE ITEMS ' I.O.O.F. Instai Term Officers |H--------------------------------------- — ,„.g| ARRESTS M. L. Beery whu arrested July for poisenslon of |i<|uur by dil u ì . I hi ley, W .ckort und Sitien d-l. Willlnm Kuy'nr win arrested Ju ly I fur imtuM'iudon of liqimr by . . .. de ml ui» Wuchert, DuUy und Sch I H. W. Price Invites r.Cll* i i Helen Erickson Is R. M W sgener wn» tuken Into tors Of Oregon To U 'tn lv July I bv Deputies Week- As Noble Grand e rt Duley nnd Rehundid. He I« Crater I.uke Park charged with drunkennat, liekah Lodge, I'h irg e d w ith an attem pt a t rupe, Trunk Smith wn* In/1- ■ t '.n the. CMMB OLD VOLCANO county lutatile. He wa* apprehend. rd Jtt'y 1 by Deput“ ñXv .nd OFFICERS 1 hey Kind A || Road« l-eadlng To C rater Lake In Kin* Condition » nlef of police a t Foraat Installed In Re- Tues. INSTALLED Friday, New Pulp And Paper Mills Being Constructed Them are now, in the Columbia Iia*in Country, adjacent to Kort- > land und in the Puget Sound coun try , eleven new pulp and paper mill enlerpriA a. When thi»* plants are all completed and operating they wi!| ultim ately produce !HRl ton« per day. i'll is production will, in the opin ion of ex|ierta only take care of a p art of the n atu ral increase of con ■umtion of pulp. I t w/1 be some tim e yet before dome, tic produc tion will cut into the h e a w /npor- tatio n i. Oregon and th s N orth, w tit's hemlock and spruce are now I tin g used in m ddle west paper mill«. The w ater fre ig h t rata on pulp, Portland to New York and Atlanta- aeaboard points, 'a the same as from Michigan to New York, so we are n factor in the big game of p a per production. The pulp .’ndustry has a big He'd and there need be no apprehension about over-devel opment for project» rightly financed and engineered by paper mill ex p erts who know how to get their stuff to m arket. $1.50 Per Year July 6, 1928. » Oregon State News In Regular Session Water Kor City C e te More Peli lion Read To Pave Side Of Watson Si 33---------------------------------- -------------- -fifl Salem has opened a new fire s ta tion and is now building a g a r ! bage incinerator. The Souhem Pacific Co. will bu:ld a $20,800 freight station ad - i dftion a t Salem. Oregon < berry preserves. I A new d rag line' excavator w ill! open the B urnt River placer depos- ' its near Baker. The CITY VACATES PLAT Teams Hold About Same Relative Place Scappoose drainage Phillip» Siili In V ai. Beavcrtonians Trounce Fairvale, 23 to 3. district ^ d>*crM u í the VERBOORT PROTESTS The R ay-B row n cannery at Wood' ’rn' ,,i A charge of assault with a dan- The Two Lodar« Hold i>*an-Annu- Haynea P r e ^ n t , Bill For S etting * hc* Vy ‘ “P '-G a rd e a Homo BeaU Brickyard A t . n rm weapon H w ritten on the , The Oregon S tate Ldtorla! Aaao. J((|1 r,.,.Ut(.r , ,.,id, lh. namc ,,f c . •* Election Of Officers Stakes Kor Sidewalks, Ditches i The Nation«! F o « rest » . , —ill A Score Of Nine T# Three The Santiam Santiam N ational F w'.ll elation w** ‘«vited by Mr. K. * . , whn w„ . u j,.n inU) Kd<_ ■pend about $43,930 on the m ain- I rire , the m anager of the l ra te r ,od Junp 2 , b Sheriff Reeve. and The C ity Dads met in regular tenance of .the trees. U k e l«>dge, U. convene tb.» year ,>u| ov/ and Srh-mb-l session Monday evening at the Town . ™' . . XJ. [ The results of the Tualetin Val- Monday of th a week, the Ik-avtr- V 1*1» u u .a u from June JU to J u ’y AlffW, w„ Brr#. tp<) June ton Ixxlgc mf 1. O. O. K. held th eir hal| with all members of the ad - . " m.les n o r- )ey League, Sunday, Juiy X, X92S rre»ted min Stratton present excepting Ma- ^ 0 i / * kue r' , h“ ^ * *75 or* « • : ' J. A! 01 » bad I en *eb ' d «* (or Rpuor In hi» ponae*«. in su la tio n of officer« for the en . be m a tin g place fo r the e l , « , f,.rm „r p , a w t o n r ,.. , uln|f lerm of <u o „ .* £ yor Erickson Attorney Allen was a depth ^ ^ feet. ----------- out from Portland to give any a s - O. W. R. A N. Co. ask for bida Beaverton beat Fairvala a t Bea- : rimi , t e . ° * 1 " * ° , rr|f,> . ' n »1 i l lent ' l l 1 «nd nnd Inti Intclv opened a »hop following even fig the ladle» of tile but th a t city very r o u r lo u .lv w th - m.|ir r roKM, „ . sisstance required in solving the on six buildings fo r Albina term in- verton 23 to 3. Kebekah degree held th eir in»t«l- drew her offer when Price a genet'- ,,, problems wh'rh m ight present yards a t Portland. ---- —_ . . , I'am ities We " u a " Invitation w ... n n e ved. v \' I T ' '''.'''.V 'T ,>U'» V “ n d themselves. • The Garden Home won from Brick- .. . The Oregon Oregon Linen Linen Mills Mills of of S S a- a- ll.for* t h . newspaper folk a r- 7 \ ' "Tv.", " T * . a " "'I . 1 h o'*. ln,,U,IM “* The w ater bill 0 le a plan U> double th e ir output and y*rd a t Garden Home a t a score rived at the C u t e r I nk,. National f lr '. , " f tW" nI’on' h ■"? ^ " T ' 1 ^ IW* ka‘«' » « . : Noble Grand, h 'ghcr than in form er months, to add ^ more employees o£ 9X0 3- Th* Brickyard Club out i ..... I at Medford _w ,,h ° 'nt««»rntlng Helen Erickeon; \ ... . Buttermilk Is Now Beimi $3*7.76, but th a t is to be expected Wt Garden Home, but bunched h iu I'nuor. Cham berlain; Secretary, Mr», God- where those '"ilerr»tcd in golf, were a t thla time of year. On the mo- *h0 Astorva bo x and Paper Co. and atoien bases helped Garden Dritti And Distributed dard; T ieasurer. Ro»e lluinburg; tho»e intereated iIf g*>If Wele gtlSU lion of Raynard, Dan Adams was w',i* *xP»nd their plant a t A storia, Home to win while Floyd, pitching CIRCUIT C O ''R T R. s. N. O., ( lu tti. Marri»; L. S. g o e s '» of ihe Country Club under allowo*i $7^0 in addition to the aikl m*Y a P^lp mill. f or Garden Home kept B’lickyard’s F . g. A trad, nlalnliff va. Il.-ni-y N. G.. Lottie Jeune, U. S. V. G. Th«» movement toward* former en invlta’lnn ex ten d 'd through th ,ut^m .,f wasU- niajeri.ils, the max- pri/ » o£ *20 , for w«'rk •» The Cooperative D airy Ass’n of hit« »cattered. of the ‘ ',nt „ ,n ' r' ? ' r « ella llu le lt; L. S. V. U.. Mrs. M. .Ifoid papers. The ed ■ ..r »lon* the WMt A storia has sta rted a new condena- R H E I hue, R. W Kuh I was the Thos. H T o y , is the W are; P. N. G. M arjorie Lew la; m g of by-products Into useful m ar- e0?1P,,* ,nf* tke Mail Trlbuo IJ >mbard =t. t r y and nulk powder plant. Garden Home 9 7 X - charge of * - the ---------- Inside Guardian. Doris H a ir s ; Out- ketnhl* commodities /< cxenipliflcd * 7 mnnnger In nrrungi attorney for the nUlnf.IT Th** $t.*nd»ed Oi* VT" Co., r,’'[T * ,,r ' "‘'h" Guardian, Mr. Price; Conductor, ment«. Mr. Prte* offered a »liver •»thin, ilnlntiff. vu t i > '. * * * « • « . . . » <*. * " * > ' « ______ 310 2 r. w IN g v . Kth, | C n u n t. W arden. Eva Price; cup f.»r first prr>e In on editorlnl In an i* . .. _ r money c h a p !* ,,. I»ulu CLfton; Inslal'ing „11 ,k . <-l..mi.nU of lr..-h ¡ ¡ ¡ f r 1' J i T T ? * * ' . * ,h . T il, t— t V .rboort .1 golf tournam ent in the afternoon. butterm ilk with fu rth er advantage, b»l fo r W1.00 for work ,n s t r i n g ^ A‘Z n a >,,rd Buck™ n Fi(>!d- 5 to L This game ’ ÿ V " ¡>r" o r r . 'i r.' H aü ië iu ir ië i A banquet was aim riven to the. *ir " . n.Cirn." » for tbe oln'nt ^ ___ t _. .. . of economy n freight. It proves * ,u k o * f',r »d'*walks and dit- h a, been protested, however by the editor* f t the Medford Hotel by Tno*e installed as officers for O. T PhiIHns. ’ In*lff. vs. F r a n - to be a valuable constituent wfa-n " u n n * th0 1,tU* whl *• lh e contracts are let fo r the U . Verboort Club for violation of the the Cham ber of r.,m«.i>rr* and the ..... i , . the Odd Fellows were: Noble Grand. for Thc 1)1,1 was al oW0<1' r:,on Hlgh school building to b esit- P a y in g rules by Dunniway Park MlNon. defendant « « c a se ró n - ---- M r -------------- - Vice Grand. , Kobert l)U*lness men of Medford . „ w l incorporated in a mixed feed catCe hncra nnd pouRry A -ctitlon was presented to have »k C onroe. I t will cost a - R H E They left early Saturday m om - . * ' 'V * Cham berlain; R. 8. Noble Grand, Dried butterm ilk < > pro.luced and ,h " W0rt ,id0 o£ Watson St. pave- bout $5C,400. Dunniway Park 5 8 2 In* and arrived at C rater U k e for " * " 'I T 0 “ ,h ' " " ° " ’' y f,,r Hugh Lew *; L. 8. Noble Grand, the plaintiff. m a rle cd s t splendid profit, where- - e n t between F ront St and Se- _ V erboo.t X 1 2 luncheon . ,, . . . ,,l" 'ni,> _ „ , . . . . Mr C Secretary. M. Iin>n*..n. . . l7- . V lfto n ; oe«-m«ry, in. E. r.. Under v n n .r dTnt^ th *‘ d t c o ™ e * P I C N I C A N D F I E L D Col. r O Thomnsnn. the Suner- ' , |v,n ^ h o e n s . Bemlfu Schoens. hill; T rensurer; F. W. Livermore; ns In the p ast a vast amount of f ond St 4^ur,) at * he edge of the sid e, M EET « S rilE n iT I I 'l l p hdlips won th e ir eleventh of C m ' - ’ ’ N'ntlonnl ' rr,1" n S 'boena. .1 fendant. in c tmd„rto r CTiarloa Florence; W ar- butterm ilk w ent » to the sewera ex- *° I n 'cn d m t » L l l b i U L L E U stra ig h t game w inning from T igard percentage which w“ tJ'*‘ C ,tF A ttorney was In -, • ' T ’" ' " T ’ . L L Me vers; ••• o| n. L. F. eept a small Park, welcomed the party to C ra. P ret^ re a resolution I. ihe attorney for the plaint «'. H am burg; Outatdc Guardian. H ar- brought hut two cent» a gallon or tin u rJI - A C* a ‘ T igard , 8 to 0. Rogers te r I ak*. w a, a, adopted les. It is such ingenl.ius efforts as « which P irn w aoomefi init m il atin atin g g the tne Hi. Is boro, Oregon, June 30, 192«, pitched for St. P h ilip s. Schefter H .»H-th Ulen Is tbe nialntlff and Wy T n y W . tn , idp Guard an, John Mr l*rlce. Ih*, host of ih r oe-.i». for pr..sp<.rity. proceedings looking to the com ple- (Special) A field meeting has been h it a home run fo r St. Phillips. f it 1 Vn la the defendant g, n d i- R(„vp. R vice Grand. J. L. this th a t make Ion sp-.ke to the cd I or« In the nf- _______________ lion of th is p a v n g projert. arranged for on the F ritz E b n e r R H E .n " ! r * n ,h ° Thompson; High, Scon Support, C. t nio>.n. lie spoke of his ap , re vr ........ .. The E ngineer was instructed to farm near Sherwood July 15, a l St. PhiTlpa 8 12 3 tte m -v for the r 'n n tlff . j g (pvpnB nnd , x.ft Sot.n ¡¡wport Oregon ManufactorinR A clnllon of the publicity the pre*s prepare a draw ing o f the present 3 lo P. M. in conjunction w ,th the T igard A. C. 0 7 3 Fleet " n i l of T .gard, a corpor- F. Turnstoad. has given h » reatirt and he said («real Many Products drainage system to the north nnd Odd Fellows picnic being held th a t ______ st'r>n, rlalntiff, vs. P. P. Spaulding, ---- — - ■ .... - that he felt t *>» dutv to do some _ to the south of the Southern P a- day. The g rain nursery to be in - Standing of the team. U d n g 'V r 'them in "re t urn 'for w hat i ''''" * 1; ' •" »" 'on fo r money. A n o t h e r L i n t O f P e o p l e C f more than e ghty million dot- r> h t-o f-w a y . This diagram spected contains fourteen varieties tbev had 4 m o for him Ho gave H T - n ^ , , | B the attorney r _m . T „ f t „ , r n n lars of exports of O regon product« 1» to go to tbe S uperintendent of of w in ter w heat including W hite s t Phili ps W L P et 11 0 1000 th a t ns 11 fo r n v . 'n - t h . ... fur «»- p «>*♦»• S m , n ( o m , n K T o O r e g o n from the Columbia River, consider- Gonstroction fo r the Southern P a- W inter, Jenkins Club, Rink, W hite Verboort 3 728 to visit thl* eee—» n* h 'a >»uc«ts. sbly more than h alf of thi* am ount 1 j'j' *"ho has nromisod to lav suit- Holland and R slit. In the tria l of Garden Home PRORATE The following inquiries have come ia m anufactured commod 4ioa hav . He stated th a t In li>20. 20.000 pea- e dra nage ti e 'n the ditch along oats there are eight plantings of Dunniway Park The estate of Feeder k V alentine to the la n d Settlem ent D epartm ent id.. vs*#d the lake end In IW7. Ing passed through one or more th0 »racks and to have tho « n p ear. w inter varieties. The barley p la n t- Tigard A. C. 87.030 people v'sltcd tho lake. This waa fllad Ju y J and John asking for general (iform ation a . mgs conUin Tennessee, W iter O. A. Beaverton Inrr«-.i,- Mr. Pr».> a*trU’'ites to the V rlentino are tho adm in'M rator« |>out Oregon. We have answered processes up to tho completely fin- #n<'0 °> the P,ace minroved. ished article. The necessary ordinance was In- C. No. 7, U tah W riter and other Fairvale f..rre of new«o*ner publicity. The for the estate nnd Tho«. Tongue, these inquiries send'Hg general 11- j The hope and the best bet of »rodured -n d passed for the vaca- varieties. Brickyard 0 1 0 OOflf editors were verv loyally enter l* *he aMorney for the estate. teratu re and they have returned the lumber industry of the P^c fie *m * of th0 ’rtre0U in Stud,° Add' l h e h rra,n nursery on the E i s n e r ________________ tained during th e ir stay. The e .in te of John M. Thomas signed questiona’res giving the fol- ia in tka m erearing ¡»’n” ■« th a t the p»at could be bet- farm u conducted in conjunction G ... . » « Scverrl parties climbed the mono ’vas rtb d June 18. Edith Thomss is 'owing inform ation. These p re-p er. N orthw est N othing w ith dem onstrations and expen- A C ie n a a n c e A t M C- ♦ etn a r.l some went down to the lhe n d n -in trix for the estate and five settlers are all sufficiently fi- range of demand, the fln d n g of new <0r used fo r an ah-v,rt. usos for Douglas Fir. the spruce, was 8ald of the removal of the m ents being carried on by th e O re- Kay S c h o o l R e u n i o n , S a te lake where ’they crossed to an ev- " “ n J Kinney Is the atorney for rtanrrd fo r tb eir nee<U:-r- requested some months ago. gin A gricultural College a t C orval- tln rt vol-ano and ellmb-d *o Its «state. 21301 ia inter«.sled tn securing etc., ad as the desirable qualities The resu lts from this tr al The 12the 12i annual reunion of the ton. One party wen* to the bottom The estate of Simon Woelfel was from 5 to 10 acres of unimproved of these ways arc ascertained and , A communication from J. A. M,’- lis. b» carefully checked w ith the M. Kay School S Alumni Aasoc’atiorf of the ¿ r a te r and had th er plctur » filed June ?8. Clyde I-ecdy ia the land on a well travelled highway april'ed the m arket will move ac- \er was rp*d " nd ,a;d on the tabl0' ^ l 'l Tt reouosted the continuance of the results of e x p e rm e n u l ploU a t th e was held TV •— ™ “ 7 * " » ' results oi ex per m ental plots a t the was held Saturday in th e school {„ken. adm inistrato r. between 50 or 100 mi’ea from a cordingly. ------------------------ drainage ditch along h 's p roperty Oregon E xperim ent Station in or- grove on the Scholls F erry Road. The rang.-rs of the Nation«’ Park --------- good town. E jpeciaaly interested Mother Of Bcavertonian ^ ^ " ^ .wv n .r t“' ^ The lm ‘ f crul ^ J>rOVlde additi«nal and r e . There was a very g,>od atten - gave a d inee Saturday night. MARRIAGE LICENSES _ in the Const section. # * k a c* i \\T f r to ^ n> * th ° 1TT" nform ation for local use. O. dance, considering the w eather Revrrnl parties saw th e hears Penjam ln Faster^ of \ ernonia 21305 'n interested in securing Buried At Spokane. W n . provyment as the others on the T. M cW horter, County A gent of Some wen- present who had at that inhabit the park ratin'* in the nod l" ’n N rw es ef< anvon ( ity re . about 10 or 15 acres suitable for ---------- . , - W ashington, County, is in charge tended the s< hool 65 year» ago* even'pg. <o re<l a license June 30. mixed farm ing coming this summer. I S .cral of the most prominent Carl M. Brodemon. and Frances 2 1307 is intcrestinl n W estern Mrs. John Delaney of Ralston. w m e un5er‘ co"sTcrarion a t °* " " " b 1' 18' a n J t many {™m a“ ch mr0, ir(r thoueh tW re w„ n ton County.______________________ ffl r-omts S eattle W ash, and Linn -It ike » th '.' ad In' -I'd the*» 'i- , *, in.*»n <f I rest '.ro v e received a ()r,j.on. W ants from 20 to 40 acres Wash, died at MH.kane, Wash. Juno ^ t on Were Dr. Tim. Tlnpfong Lew m arriage_license Juna 2*. im proved land onWobla for fru it bom a Troy, “ V £ I R « l E s ta te T ra n s fe rs | T u „ J , ... a G h in ee educator; Dean Jewell ^ raising nnd general farm 'ng. Also -'•' m ™. d o . LOCAL NEWS interested In irrigated land. P re- N. Y. nnd came west to W ashing. b(|,,ot this fpll po „„ to g.pt the ® ------------------------------------------------- * fol,° wed by a program . li.»m l). S. L\; H«l H ots, ropubli- Carm el B. Fairley et ux to O. H. Miss L ettie McKay <»ave the ad - cun candidata for »«vretar of sta te ; f ----------------- »l fers to rent at first with intention ton, 18 years ago. She has resided , r n t in.fn t 0f ^ e rc 3 rl.'nts here as j wba t thev real’y want. Schooler, 2o acres of Sec. 35, T. 1 dress of welcome. She addressed and Professor McIntosh of O. S.C Mr». C\ B P'.ttcomb of H olly- ,,f buying. Coming this September. thero ever since. N. R. 1 W. th e young people especially, u r- She visited hero with her tin ugh- ------------- ‘---------- Wednoa- 21308 Is interested ri the N nrth- The i irtv left the lake Immedl- wood California, arrived Mrs. Turner Sb te r „n,| Bister E u- William G. F>Vnert et ux to John g ing them to carry on a*l the good ately a fte r luncheon Monday no"ii, dny evening for a m onth's visit western pnrt of Oregon, nnd w ants ,,f the Ben.^lietine School a t W. Willis et ux, 39.59 acres of Sec. things the older ones had s ta r t- mc . ic leaving for home and other fur with her s.ster, Mra. I.urindu D a- from 20 to 40 neros suitable for several acquaintances here. She is survived by her husband, *t. Joseph M rineso'n. arrived last 13, T. 1 N. R. 2 W. ed and to live so the world would Oregon Caves whero a meeting was poultry and fruit. Coming, F ran cis Blosick to M a re Mendell be better for their lives, held' Monday o v e n ri- i M r. L. M. R0, Cman left Thur»- 2l:m ,a D terested In Eastern Johq P. ltelunc.y, of Talston, two Fridnv fo r s •"«•’th ’s visit at the Clyde Chalmers, a prom ising The e.I.l'T al men f und aM » «* d mornj„K for Kearney. Nehras- **r.'g<>n. and w ants unimproved daughters, Mrs. H erbert E. T urner |,nm(, 0 f t hei r bro**- — Jacob I « t 6, C hester Acres. John Russeil et ux to bessie K e- young tenor, and H arris Hansen roods that lead to < rate r J m I o ^ ^ w (h ^ tw<| „¡RU)r( land suitable for dairying and gen of Beaverton and Mrs. II. B. B ar- S c h n v ft. They nro leaving for Y-i. end. Mr. »th Russell, Lot 20 Kinnesswood A - san g several soloes. Mrs. Leigh- in good condition. They feel amply wh<)m h u not a en for ....wo «"»l farm ing. Kspcc/Vlv Interested ton of Newburgh, N. Y., seven vim-. Wash, for the ' y in irrig ated land around Ontario, grandchildren and two sisters of and Mrs. Schnvtt will accompany creage. ton of S eattle gave an in te re st- repaid for th eir visit ut the Lake. Philena P. O'eson et v r tx» Jam es ing talk. Troy N. Y. them. The lake wn* fully twice as won. 1 Coming 'n A ugust Rose et ux, .95 A cre. R. B, Denney w as re-elected as le fu' as they believed possible. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Desinger a r - __________________ Ladd and Reed F arm to A. L. In - president and C. M. McKay was They are sure th a t It would bs rived Sunday evening from K nap- [" man. .95 acres, o f Sec. 14, T. 1 S. re-elected secretary fo r tb« en su - w on h while for any one to take r a > Oregon, to spend p art of thoir N ational vacation ut tho W. F. Dessingcr R. 1 W. ing year. a trip to C rater Luke I Lois P. Myers to Carroll J. S e- - 1 Dark and to *eo all the Wl n.l.'i • .oine. Mr . u I Mrs. A. S. Ellis of Port- l cor et vir. Lot 32, Reedville Homes. P r i z e s A t H o r s e Show of this park which are ao hurd to O tto Eri kson e t ux to M att Put- , r , __ __ . . . ___• ___________ j dexcriba. l“nd a,,d ‘^ r ' and *'*• R“ r " io et ux, P art Lot io of E r'ckson’s ^ E x p o s itio n I n .r c a s c o We take thi» onportultV to thank n(.( 0f G runt's Pass »|>ent lust Add. Beaverton. * ---------- Mr. Prcle for hi* wonderful ho*- week with their uncle, J. W. Frank Howland e t ux to the Portland, Oregon, June, 26, 1928 pitality and we hope to visit his re- Burnc». Bank of Beaverton, 1.90 acres K in- (S)>ec al) W ith very largely rn - •o rt again In the near futuro. Mr ^ nd Mra Davis of ..... , anil nesswood A creage. creased shakes this year, mad«; pos- Mrs. Kol e rt Chanit erlam “ ■ ------- * « Knappa Uri'ifon, «re spemi mg n Johanna Feldmann to H arry T. sible through the generous respons« daughter, Vlrifinln, ®n<i^ ; Uè # month's vacation ” u 4 t *krt «.»,,. . of r the k home Feldmann 9 acres of Sec. 23 T. 1 of the new spapers, Chamber of Mrs. J. H- H u 'a tt and daughter, Mr. Davis's sister, Mrs. Louis S. R. 1 W. Commerce, banks, and other b u st. Joy, of the Beaverton RevVw of |f ht0||i Hugh E. N ald rett to Charles Rish ness interests there is ever}' indi ct ux. 2 acres of the T igardville cation th a t the P ac:fie In tern atio n , 8ta“l c " Kd it or hiV ° Asso, iatlon held at Mr. and Mrs. W C. McKell cn- H e'ghta. horse show, to be held in connec- t'r a ta r l.nke from Juno 30 to July teitam ed at u d nner, Thursdny N ctt'e P. Steele et vir to Lewis tion with the Pacific In tem atio n - . ‘ evtnin"* In hnn^** of Mra. Connie Smith e t ux 1 acre Anthony H art, al Livestock Exposit on next No- The trip waa made In an nulo Spencer of England, who is vis t- D. L. C. 60. vemher. wiK be the largest and' aml in tho four days, eight hundred in - with her son, Leslie, and fnm- F. D. Russell to John Russell best ever held here. miles were traveled. A trip vviih tn- ily. n*rt of Lot 20, Kinnesswood Acre- A to tai of $;o.000 has been pro- ken to Kbimnth Fall* nnd they re- . -------- --------- ap'5‘: - „ „ , _ . _ ,, vided fo r the stakes, and plans aro X « a '" « * B»rt»n 1« I k « • i aT T . ST l° i T ,, A' ■» course of preparation to extend , , C1 j* *'ot and ^'o t the horse show, to obtain more entries Medford bv th« Obamber of Com- Boy Rider” At “Beaver* 15 of Fdgewood. Tbe editors w ent together and to interest more people than IseSclIa McMil’an et nl to Henry ever in this feature. It is beleiv- sec the Oregon Cave*. They A- Stuwe Lot 21 Woodland Acres fd bv A C, Ruhy, Pres d en t of the i°«rp**th# ¿ 0 . 1 . of R- w ' Tid e a t B ust 1 niton, the th 'rtee n year / r j .,ke Lodge. Guido* old boy who wn« elevated to stn r- W sl am S. Tucker to Clive M. F xposition| and bi8 „ a o c ia t* . th a t J ' furn she.l and boat trip s on dom >1 less than a year's tim e e t4 ?!• P a rt Lot 57 John,on there are practically unlimited pos- i were m made is to be featured a t the Beaver b.state Add.__ _________ slbilit y* in horse*, bt Is held by , .V hc 1 lake a d e . ^ ___ ^ J u ,y . n i » a those who have made a study of m* f o r W n o r i ru lT F n - <* and 7 in “Th* h’— Tider.” I nieves Kreal: Into ( x a r - thc itu «trin. »nd it i* believed th a t M r s . E . W . W o D d n m r>n ^ p n r t l ..Boy Rider" has age At Aloha The Fourth many thousands of people in th e to rtn in s B rid g e » l u ” lived nil his life on n cattle ranch _______ N orthw est in p articular and th e e n . ■ ■ — and began to rde horses soon afte r Wednesday night, Ju lv 4th, G er- country in general will respond Mrs. E. W. Woodruff ente tained hp eou;d Not oly can he row’s gam ite was ransacked by invitation of th*» Kxpos tion tbe afternoon Hc dg- Club et lun , ¡d though, but can rope ami shoot n irh t prow ’ers. officials to come fo Portland th u rheon, F rila y . T h o se present as well. In the m o m '- thc complete line year to enjoy not only the llve- were: Mesdnmes F. O Donaldson,, Although he started his career of firew orks, valued at $25, some s’oek exhibit*, but to witness the F H. Rehoenc, * E. Hansen, Doy na „ movie s ta r by doubling for pennies and a 38 ca lilar revolver numerous thr'J ing events oí th» Grnv, I.ec1ie fl" " '" o r. W. H. Boyd. d;her youngsters who rould not were m issing. horse show. j t A. Hopgard of Portland, J. E. do the dff mlt stunts on horseback, The sheriff did not reach the *---- — ——— — Dav'.x and Lur* ' ~ so frequently cnlled for in W estern scene of th e robbery until later in Mrs. D. Gray of Aloha fell dowry The honors were ’«on by Mrs. pictures, he refuse» to have a dou- the day, la n d broke her left arm recently. Hnnson and Mrs. Foyd. bl« in a plctura. I