> / T im FRIDAY. JUNE P F A v rn T O N n r v r r w I « Visitors w. i. one Hi in« Mr. ami Mrs, Theodore T. Da. W ----- ----- — - - H UKNKIlAI. tlAStH.INK. I» alili \ vis of Portland w,....... .. ont attests ( M u g o li S tilli* N oW S Ilia Iteal. Atlv .Id If .'•“ ''I’**- lly order of V\ M . H it . ¡en.I '.orhum. Mui|¡.o. I Denney, tit the home of Mrs. M. C. Mchvt U W Carlyle Karl ay »pent Sunday I ■Inry. 1 eher. with Charley Walter». The Korest Svslem la cleaning the MM t i m ; n o t h k A htthy daughter was horn lo »ite for the tlr»t airport in Clark- .4 lie IM I' t hue , e No. lot'. M:*s V *y MrsoHI had her tun Mr. and Mrs i,. \V. Huff. Mrs. amas County. » Is tant *d, Monday. V r f <>• *: M. Ktute,i Cum ! YES. SURE, Still .» in the Womens Hospital in Th,. |V .lfl„ |W „ r * y Kht Co. Mr. at Mr». W. U. Patch »pent TIIK GREEN (L O V E R loriland. are plnitninir to extend Ilea up the Saturday it Yamhill. Mia» Oma Emmons left Monday Mrs. Charles Katerly and dauirh Oufur Valley, tain Matron» and Pa Hmn to Mr. and Mr». I,. . Mad with Mr».: Krad spent W'ednesday for a trip to Honolulu. BVRBKUUE IS OPEN dox of Mvitgar June Id, a hahyson *•'«'. Krames. sp»nt . the weekend Thr |,uat A |,n» com. Irons Associate Mu’ r.iii» mid he, Pent«. M. H. Writer returned Tuesday | “ wi»h frlemla from IVrtland at De- p>„wl lh, U.mll* road from Han-1------- E. W. Woodruff left Monday for \ family reunion was held in \ ila l ake. J— !at’ Inwl 9 frjm an extended trip eaat. d.m è.» to I Gaylord. bN K Ck'AN t.w .• .wg.w.'ta'WMa.'vw^Nt,v m v . a week'» trip to Seatt’e and ether the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1 M. Mrs. WiMinm Furley of Portland, point« north. Roseman. i Mi«» 1’au'inc Del and John Korbe» Oregon n t y ha» contracted for Martin, Jennie, ami Wcdne »lay. Nelli* luir [ocal Happenings 9 Mi»« Helen Rose,nan left Sun . day to attend summer school ». Cors-»lIi*. Summer Time Paint Time J ü T * í" 9 2 9 6 f 4 4 4 Paint, Kalsomine, Varnish and R oof Brushes • From 25 cents, each. To $5.00 each lh,- Beaverton R*n>ty I'omp.iny Mrs. Louis AUyn of Seodleld iu , |a,|-; a cu»h ».i « l two uc i » and »pending a week at the home o f ' house at Aloha to A1 Bnthrick, of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry h »\ California. Mr. Ituthrick Nelson. moved in immediately und began Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Johnson work improving the place. and Mr. and 31rs. John Walter» Bert Hunter of Whittier Calif., spent Saturday evening at Mrs. formerly of Beaverton, an over seas San, Wallers. \ clean, now engaged in the V*as arrived M ss Carna Peterson .is work- aid OJ He..c« Station. :.crv Monday, for a ewo weeks vis­ ing in th* book-kaep of the H. M. Haines oil plant tor it at the home of his 1 1 1 rents, Mr. aid Mrs. W. fl. Hunter. the summer. Mrs. J. E. Davis entertained at a h red Schvupboch while running luncheon Tuesday. Among those a evtfei vote? loot Mnnday d w an Mrs. Carl Grammar thrown otf, tw oting hu ankle and un i two children. Mrs. Ray At ilson uisloeating it. .uni two iluidi* A A n - Mr. and Mrs. James Whitcomb man amt daughter, all fiom I ort - have ino-eJ into the house for. and a • • - -aagnler marly uwnad by Mr. Lo-i. an 8* of Lake Grove. .ond and Angel S t.. COM E Singer and Furniture A A A A 4 B ft - trip East can be a Circle Trip .— i f you go via Southern Pacific, through California and circle back ov er N o r t h e r n lines. This summer get more for your travel funds. N o mat­ ter what your eastern destination go one way, return another. Y ou can sec the whole Pacific Coast and much o f the United States at only slightly higher fare. First to California over the spectacular S h / st a R oute . Enjoy cosmopolitan San Francisco, Los Angeles, H olly­ w ood, San D iego,— world-famed beaches and resorts— can be in the enchanted circle o f your trip east. From California, go eastward over any o f the follow ­ ing routes, with choice of routes returning via northern United States or Canadian lines. The Sunset Circle r> „ V*'" Round the nm of the U nited States. First on the "S un set Lim ited," fam ed round the world, via El Paso and the old South to quaint, romantic New Or­ leans. Then by rail, or at no more cost (meals and berth included in vour rail fare) enjoy 100 golden hours at sea to New York by Southern Pacific Steamship. The Golden State Circle TO w /V I A From Los Angeles to Chicago "G olden Srtte Lim­ ited" in its 6\y4 hours, spread* before you the historic Southw est; a g lim p se o f O ld M exico at Juarez, 5 minutes from El Paso, Thence to Kansas City, Chicago & midwest points. The Overland Circle 7 49, Low Rmindtrip Fares Summer excursion fares on and after May 22. Return limit October 31 St ipovers anywhere Your choice of routes. Let your !oca: agent help you plan your trip via S ^ t h C. c E. n Allen, i Agent P a c ific First Class Meats of all Kinds ^ And Choice -’ oultries Satisfaction Guaranteed i ELMER BENSON l j 9 BEAVER WOOD & COAL COM PA NY } at N azarcn c C h u rch 8 Dependable ! 1 * 8:00 o'clock each evening J A * —* J Groceries — J j A i B Oregon Beaverton WATER Reasonable PRICES S\ ) The wise housewife will do her rhepping where she can obtain ihe be»t value». Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Metcalf and [ son spent troro Saturday to Mon­ day < n the home of Mr, Metcalf's , parents o f Portland. Good value« keep customer» satisfied. Mrs. Merrill of Garden Home, 1 lormeily of Beaverton, had the misfortune of breaking both bones : in the right arm last week. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SATISFIED. DF.I.IVIÍRV SERVICI'. \Vi«t Sidr 2 |. n: Mrs. L. D. Chat erton and grand­ son, Franc s from Gstraudcr, Wash. dy. are here visiting Mr». Chatterton’s daughter, Mrs, Ham Walter*. BEAVEKTON AND GROCERY SE O Sm x: fcV v ; !-* r r* * Í» jM w yMtt ' ■np c * « ^ ‘ êiè et r I lls it tkc Durant Kmklent. It is carried on all Durant Si I ver A nni» aaryiSl scianti on íe s * : ss the world-fain- oos D l'R A N T , .STAR Fou THEVVEEK’S PROGRAM Beaver Theatre Pearl, the daughter of Mr. and OREGON Mrs. Paul Dud ey of Route 4, was BEAVERTON | taken to the Emanuel Hospital, Friday and Saturday, June 22-23 ' Tuesday, anl had her tonsils ta- THE RED RIDERS OF CANADA moved. She returned Wednesday, j Starring Patay Ruth Miller C| Men-, Tiie«., June 21-23-26 TIN TIN The Wonder Dog in “ While London Sleeps" and Th" r ,• Merchant’» Nights June 2T-28 Mr .and Mrs. G. A. Gilmor* and "J1IGOLO" daughter El zabeth, of Portland, f rom the at<(ry hy Edna Fcrber and Miss Susan White of Pon-st • SUrring Rod La Rocque Grove were guests Monday eve- . with Jabyna Ralston and Louiae j ning of Mrs. M, C. McKcrcher, J Dreiser MAFKET Farinera: We pny caali for your egga and produce Harry Parker and Bob Malone' j ) , e $400,000 Astoria Hotel has have purchased a new sandw ich ' ; een soi,i to the U. S. National hay bailer and will begin the sea- Bank of Portland. 's o n s bating at Bam Walters’ home The arrangements for the early Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shull aau operation of the Johnston Mill at sons, Bolbie and Jack, of Tacoma Coquille are comp’eted. Wasii. were U.nr.er g .e jis, ounda^, The range conditions at Wallowa of Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Livermore, are s»id to be the best in several Jr. years. .Mrs. Maud M l er of Portland, The county fair w.ll Imlld two j a daughter of Mrs. Eiizabein Da large new buildings at Klumalh .v s underwent an operation for Falls. append.citis at thv Emanuel Hos- The new 18-unit Schultz apart­ j pital. ments of Tiliuiuook are almost com­ Mr. and Mrs, V. A. Wood and pleted. Doy Giay were recent visitors of I had b'.Lie'M -«une h •- 3Iartin Bergs in the Masonic llorr.c j at Forest Grove. Mr. Gorge is phall for the paving of the cities streets. very ill. Glendale is planning the paying J. W. Cullen of Glen Cullen on It will cost h* 'doth birthday was knocked of its streets this year. down by a car and sutTered severe j »30,000. cuts about the head and one arm The farmers of Jefferson County was injured. are expecting a large crop of wheat i The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. this year. 1 W, Butterfield was the scene of The new union high school build­ ! a family reun'on held Sunday in ing at Klamath Falls is nearly . honor of the 78 th birthday of completed. I Mr. Butterfield. Haen Far.ey and Esther Lery For Sale Half Persian black and blue kittens, 26c. 1H mi. west. \ tti Oslander Wash, spent the week E. Rice. Tt. 4 Box 47, Beaver­ end w.th Jessie Walters. Miss ton. c.30 Farley is entering train ng at Good | Samaritan Hospital Monday. The M sscs Helen Tefft and Bar- Sim. bars Cady went to the Jcnningt fxidge Tuesday to attend the a n -[ KIN nual Congregational Young People's Conference to be held from Tiin* " ' d' 20 to June 27. I **t Fide A p til \% ,- Deliver Suti.ul»> At 10.. 0 n. in. Mike Penovi underwent an oper­ ation for appendicitis, last Friday at the Portland Surgical Hospital. Plan.» are ready He ¡» reported as improving. D'.ug'as County courthouse at Rose- Mrs. lO . E. Venable and two burg £ of Athena, Ore. is spend- daughter f j ,c j a,te paper bn - factory will ng thro, v eeks in the home of -oon ^e „ active commercial oper- i her moth« , Mrs. A. W. Butterfield. au on. Mr. and Mrs. W neland, wiio have | been occupying the house owned | by W. C. McKell, moved Satur- | day to the house owned by L. A. i Kennedy in the Kennedy Acres.. From San Francisco follow the Overland Trail o f via Lake Tahoe, the scenic Sierra, to your Colorado or Utah destination Or direct to Chicago on the "San Francisco Overland Limned," in 6iy4 hours. & Speaker! W. E. Evans, manager of the 1 G-to Erickson Co., returned Wed­ nesday from a few days vacation ; spent at Lake LyteL Mrs. dus&n Clement and daugh- | c , A lee, Iclt Thursday on e mo- I ter trip to San '•'rancisco Cal. They expect to visit the Oregon Caves and Crater Lake on the way. •V HEARj of Merit j Rev. V W. Anglin June 25 In July 1 ! \ B W e Solicit Your Paint Business B Not “how cheap” but “ How Good” o ^ H ardw are \ Get the Block Wood Habit Flat Wall finish Masters Flat Paints Likanamel implement and Trac­ tor Paints Paint and Varnish Removers Laqucr and Paste Wood Fillers One Cost Under­ coat [in colors] Pure Linseed Oil Turpentine E.HALSTEN BENSON'S ME A '' M A R K E T 9 W e carry in stock at all times Two thousand dollars worth of paint. Such As Handy Home Paint Zinc-o-lith Snow-white Porch & Deck Paint One Coat Enamel U. S. Stock Paint Diamond Oil Stains Varnish Shellac Laqucr [all colors] Japalac [all colors] Ripolin [for autos] Gas Ranee Enamel Kalsomine [all colors] Inside Floor Paint Inside & Outside white « M «'1» 1'» A vhiih .. whieh 5 w‘ ' ‘'0*‘ * ' I« The new Reni buaineaa lilock, 4 Mr». J. E. Davi« aeeompani»d by which is being built in Raedsport i» V Mr*. Garretty and daughter Mar her r niece, Caroline Grammar, left near completion. ÿ garet spent Wednesday with Mrs. Thursday to spend a few days at Lotta Walter». Seattle, Washington. ALOHA-IIUHKR Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Charles ! Mr. and Mr«. A. E. Hanson and '* M. Kulbel of Route 8. Tuesday a ba­ • fam ly were dinner guesta Tues- . Frank Gaunt has purchased by daughter. day in the home of Mr. and Mra. HuK'k Sedan. r. Mr*. J. W. Hamel i» in the Thomas Jacobs, Jr. Mrs. Thompson if V ila Ave. ha» Re~thaven San tarium of Portland ^jr unj ,\|ra. .\v_ Woodruff and been il| at her home, for treatment. family .pent Sumlay at U m summer Rolierl Morrilloll ,„'CP|. Mrs. W. Bushed fell while kal-; home of Mr. and Mr»_ J. D. tw i- V,„ K ln ,Blllu.m Bt tho ,,m> ., of ,,r. _ f«mining her home fell otf a box ford near Dodge Park. We'sh for a splinter in ha linger. 1“ and broke her arm. Dr. and Mra. J. R. Talbert ac­ hí r. and Mrs. Krank Gaunt and B Miss Rose Cave, secretary of the »ncompA-d by Mr*. Talbert » la- c)t:Idrwn of Aloha spent Saturday 4. Otto Erickson Co. will leave for a V; '■n>u 1 OI 1 **• and Sunday at Willamina on art»h. 4. week end visit at the beaches. F«>»- ^ nd“ >' li*S O caul lng trip. 4 Mrs. Orval Yancey and four , . . . „ . 4 J. R. Law of Portland was a children of Idaho Kail, left for John M tsel of Huber, ha« re- A Sunday guest in th* home of Rev. their home Saturday after a week »'»"•d « • the Wash A 1SE OREGON W \HTK and Mrs. W. E. Ingalls. Visit at the home of Mrs. Yancey's ‘"Ktun •» 4 Klfeetive April 1, and B Mrs. Willi* Cady and son ra- ..»ter, Mrs. V. A. Wood. I l,ln#“ ot ,non“ w- 4 B turned Tuesday from the Wo­ r.-e Sohiera of Hul-er haa ac- Mr wh >'».de, wro has l*en tar $A until further notice kA>* men's Hospi.al o f Portland. ceutad a position st Noyes’ Plumb­ iously U) in h* home south of A- 4 No. I Heavy Block ...»8.73 had ¿ a t * lohn, has boon moved to the St. / Mrs. Peter McGaugh of Sprague. ing shop ii\ Beaverton. $3 Inside wood I A" and under Vncent's llosptal n Portland for 4. Wash., spent the week end w.th No. : Light Runge Wuod UM load Mr*. W. R. Van Klcck and her treatment. 4 the J. Schmidt and C. Hell fam. d mghter, Cathryn, accompanied by Ju»l right for summer co»k wool dies. , -, 16" site and under her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. *4 How good news doe» spread J Place your order now for cord wood and good roontry slab for B Mr. and Mrs. Farley and daugh Anderson of Portland left Wednee- 4 ter Helen were v si.or* at the Sam1 j„ y for ¡, few week's trip to O- ( ¿ /.later delivery. Our price i» right. • B 4 Wulteis home Tuesday night for lCall Lake. kYN bsMa Otto Erickson Co, Washington County Distributors Ol STAR CARS * A ■» n a t Mkdlk A 6> -f) i k é~ i — t_>-_ sis #■. A m * . O' t * a