The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941, June 22, 1928, Image 5

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FRIDAY J t ’NE 22, 1i»28
Scotch Flem ing$
In Newhareo. • Utile flatting com­
m unity on the shore of the F irth of
Forth, ftcntland. there Is a colony of
flsherfolk who are the descemlenta of
Flemish settlers of the Fifteenth cen­
tury. Th e settlers, refugees from the
T h ir ty Tear** w ar waged by Charles
V In Flanders, carried with them their
native cuatoma and manner of dress,
which are still In evidence despite the
long sojourn among the Scotch.
Old M an’s Privilege
DoStoo K*OUj
Trit WfiW To
foce measST
o s A e ir o * * a
V fTS ?
A woman I highly esteem scolds me
because she believes I criticise women
too much. At seventy-four a man does
not admire the ladles as he did at
! twenty, thirty or forty and somewhat
at fifty and sixty. An elderly man la
entitled to a good deal of charity In
hla vaporing*; the mlstnke la made In
admitting him to your presence.— El
W . Ilowe's Monthly.
Right Sorrow
by d ia ria Sughroc
The Dog Arrives
u*t Jurr oow*
rrmiM« vuav
u i C
i i
M OW ■
Aaaiviu* w m
Ou VM* A (O
t a a iu !
K eltic Croee Symbol
Keltic crosses are such as were
fonnd on the Blessed Isle, one of the
Hebrides group known as Iona. Some
authorities believe that the circular
symbol, wldcli appears at the connec­
tion of the upright beam and the
cross-beam, la the sign of the sun.
Y W i W M l f T C ft
acr our
O* T MS * A N .
m m h
W hat do you allow yourself to
grieve over 1 Do you Indulge your-
| self In sorrow over what cannot he
\ helped? Are you saddened more by
a harsh word from another than by a
1 harsh word you yourself utter? Much
i success and happiness depend on ho-
Ing sorry for the right things.— E x ­
G randm a Classified
One day little K a th e ryns grandma
came to see them. H e r mother bad
caller* and Katheryn wanted to In­
troduce grandma to them, an she said:
“T h is Is grandma, one of our girl
friends."— Children's Magazine.
W hetstones o f Intellect
As diamond cuts diamond, and one
bone smooths a second, all the parts
of Intellect are whetstones to each
other; and genius, which It but the
result of their mutual shanienlng. Is
: character, too.— C, A. BartoL
Viking Fortifications
In the Isle of Skye, which was not
restored to Scotland until 12(16. are a
number of ancient round forts pre­
sumed to have been built by the Vi­
kings n ho took possession of the Isle
In the Ninth century.
When a M an’s a Bull
An authority on women's shops com-
1 plains that the erpresrion. “ A man is
a gift shop" should supersede the bull
In the china shop as a symbol of the
Inappropriate.— W om an’s Home Com ­
T ree of the Desert
T h e forestry service says that the
Joshua tree Is a desert tree which
grows In California, Arizona and New
Mexico. It has light, spongy wood and
Is used for boxes and wrapping mate­
Producing Chickens
incubators were tirsi u«ed In Eu­
rope In A. D. 1777. but the Chinese and
Egyptian* practiced artificial Incuba­
tion over 2.0i*» years ago. Th e y used
large egg ovens of brick.
Little of Everything
In the making of a telephone re­
ceiver there are employed aluminum,
silk, copper, rubber, flux, nickel, mica,
shellac, lead, cotton, silver. Iron, wool,
platinum, zinc and gold.
Anybody Can H ave It
Adventure Is where Interest Is ;
whet** curiosity, eager and enthusi­
astic, leads on to new knowledge, new
experience and to new achievement.—
American Magazine.
V egetably Speaking
“l.lfe's a game of sbellin |>eus." m y*
Bill Benz. the neighborhood phllos-
j opher. "and the good sports are wlll-
j in’ to take podluck."— Farm and Fire-
I side.
U ngram m atical, but True
Epitaph In Radnorshire, W ales:
“ H im . as was. Is gone from w e;
Us, as is. shall go to he."
— Boston Transcript.
There Is No Privacy
T h e archeologists have made us ss
familiar with the lives <if the ancient*
as If they had had competent biog­
raphers In those days.
Mother seem s to have no consideration for Father’s candidacy
Look to the Birds
T h e airplane may be able to fly
higher than any bird, hut the birds
j have better landing equlpm tnt.— Cin-
j cinnnti Enqnirer.
Ancients Did Good Work
A sewage system which would com­
pare with any In use today was Isld
'n Crete 2..***» years before Christ.