WOMAN WAS ALL RUN-DOWN _ S C > Xt*lrt9 1» tfc® tr*A® mark of B ty tr M u i f i m r t — of M **0ftc«ilc*cl4« « U r of Salley Even a Light Snack Would Satisfy Tramp On the doorstep stood s rerj miser­ able-looking tramp. I d his hand a tat­ tered baL ‘‘ Madam," be e&ld. -can I do any thing to help you? Is there any wood to be chopped?" •No, l am afraid not," said the housewife who had answered his knock. "Carpets to beat, p'r'aps?" "No, thanks." "Any gardening or other rough Job* to be done, then?*' "No, thanks, 1 don’t think there’s anything you can do today." The wayfarer heaved a sigh of re* lief and his miserable expression dis­ appeared. "A ll right." he raid cheerfully, •then p’r’aps I can have something to eat?"— London Answers. I . Not HU Time to Die Not everybody who starts to fall down an elevator shaft from the sev­ enth story Is lucky enough to land with only minor Injuries on the fourth, bat that Is what happened to Michael O'Hara, twenty-four, of New York. He w S working on the seventh floor of a” building under cgnstrujtlon when be fell down the snarl He si ruck a wire cable In the shaft and caromed off on to the fourth landing, escaping with only abrasions and lacerations of tbe right band. i* ~ ’ New Wonder Wood There Is a new plastic wood that can be molded to any required form and will adhere to tbe clean, dry surface of wood, metal, or any other material. It dries rapidly and then adheres flrraly. can be worked with ordinal? wood working tools, will take nails and screws, and paint, varnish and French polish. In fact It be­ haves like ordinary wood, except that It will not warp, crack, blister or peel. Just About “ Myrtle telle me she's been offered a name part In Shakespeare. Do you believe It?" "Oh. 1 expect It’a ‘Nothing’ In •Much A do.'"—Tit-Bits. /t’ s Just a Habit Tramp — Mum, I'm desperate. 1 haven't eateD for three days Lady (who has been on a diet) — Nonsense I I felt that way myself at first—Life. True “ One-bslf the world doesn't know bow the other half lives." "Well, we can't all figure In the so­ ciety column."—Louisville Courier* Journal. HU Little Joke W ife (at Wlllesden)*-My husband never says how much be earns; he Is really a most fanny man.—London Answers. The Modern A rt Glri—"Does the painting look like me?" Painter—''Oh, I'm way past that stage." After eight years of civil aviation In England, the British service covers 2.500 miles of air routes In Europe and the Near East Children may cry for the moon un­ til they get big enough to want the earth. Don’t think because It’s better late than never that It Isn't better never to be late. Copy-book philosophy Is so true that If seems nonsense to repeat It APPETITE IM P R O V E D . . Q U IC K LY **Oo Ahtad** M orton, V ir g in ia n a r d D ep artm e n t o f J u s t lc a op ar* « tlv e , re c e iv e s a la tte r from Tom F a ir , b a n d it le ad er, u r g in g th at so m a one be sen t to resc u e S te lla M orton, fo s t e r s is te r , fro m th e gan g'. An en em y In the g a n g p re ­ v e n ts F a i r fro m h e lp in g th e g irl. T h e le tte r w a s Intended fo r "U o A h e a d 's *4 fa t h e r , w ho Is s w a y fro m home, “ Oo A h e a d ' d ecid es to g o h im se lf. A t " R o b b e r s ' R o o s t“ F a i r e x p la in s the s it u s * tlo n to S te lla , now e ig h te e n y e a r a old. S h e does not w en t to le a v e F a ir , fo r w hom she hr.» the a ffe c tio n o f a d a u g h te r. J im B a r k e r , s h e riff an d a s p ira n t fo r S te lla '« hand, d ire c ts F a ir to run a sh ip m en t o f a rm s into M exico And b rin g b a c k w h is k y . U n ­ k n o w n to F a ir , S te lla , d ressed a s a boy. ac c o m p an ies the g a n g . T h e b a n d its’ e rra n d la s u c c e ss fu l an d th e p a r t y r e tu rn s to B a r k e r ’s ran c h . S t e lla re fu s e s p ro p o sa l o f m a r r ia g e by W ade, B a r k e r 's lie u te n a n t. W ad e d e c la re s he will fo r c e h e r to m a rry him . W ade a t t a c k s th s g i r l and “ C o A h ea d “ a r r iv e s on th e scen e In tim e to re s c u e her. B a r k e r a p p e a rs and la d isa rm ed . CHAPTER V — Continued — 10— “ Tou saved my life. Bob," be said, smilingly. "That's nothing between friends." langhed the girl, excitedly. “ But It you like, you can save mine now. Keep thewe men standing where they are for ten minutes." “ Oh, sure! Is that all?" "Yes." With the word the girl turned and ran to the tall window opening under the balcony on the out. side world, leaped Into It and tbeu ont and down. Fiercely Wade and Barker sprang forward, furious to see tbe girl es­ cape; but they stopped at a gestnr* from Go Ahead’s pistol "Hold oh people," he said, "You heard what the boy s a li Better not move for ten minutes.“ His voice was very kind. Wjlfle langhed fiercely. “ Boy?" he grated. T i T i^ '7 - "*S v “ Oh, well. Call him a man If yon like,” Go Ahead conceded. "He sure did act like one." Wade opened his month to speak, bat s furious oath from Barker si lenced him. “ Shut np, you fool I" be yelled. Go Ahead laughed. "Talk as rough as you like, fellows," he said, “but 1 guess you'll have to wait till the ten minutes are up before you can mix it." As the ten mlnntes dribbled awav Go Ahead canght the sound of furtive footsteps on the planking of the Dal cony over bis head. Evidently, he guessed, the man who had fired at him was leaving the balcony to try to slip upon him by some other way or to set an ambush for him when he started away after the teo minutes were up. Where would he watch—at the window or the door to tbe hall? Go Ahead did not rate the fellow's In telllgence very high and guessed that he would watch at the window he cause Bob had gone that way. Si ill. If be were Just a little more Intelll gent he would probably watch at the hall door. Just because Bob had not gone that way. After a ll It was Just a guess. What was the ac»ver? To Go Ahead It was plain enough Go Ahead and chance It I Abruptly his eves gleamed For ward he leaned, pistols extended menacingly. “ You d—n scoundrels r he raged. "Ill-treating a hoy like that! You ought to he killed. By heavens. I will kill yon!" From hi, hands blazed alternate streams of fire. Wade and Barker could not know that he aimed shove their heads; and they did not wait tn Investigate I’ell mell they rushed for the door to the corridor and flung themselves through It. And Instantly a revolver some where In the corridor began to crackle. Go Ahead knew what this meant and that he ought to leave hy the window at once. But curiosity held him. To the still-ajar door he ran and peered through the crack Ins' In time »n see Wade stagger hark and fall. Barker hurl a sheatn knife through the air. and Diego d ro p his pistol with a howl as the \nlfe drove Into hla right arm. This was enough for Go Ahead Leaving Diego to fight Jt out with his employer and hla etntdoyer'e henchman. Go Ahead Jumped ou' through the window His horse was gone, preeumnhlv taken hy Bob; hut Wade’s horse war still atandlng hltrhed In tlie corral, nnd In a moment Go Ahead was on bis back and was speeding sway C H APTE R VI Carter's little liver MU pain and unpleasant alter •fa cts. T h ey reltowa the rvatcci o f cooatipa* tlon p o h o o i which dull the lea ire fo r food. Retrem ber ¡Sew are a doctor's prescription and can be ta ken b e th e e n tire lam ilw . A ll Druegirts 2 5« and 75c Red Packapaa. CARTER’S ESS PILLS for Mosquito Biles Sting of Bees and Venomous Insects T r y H A N F O R D ’S BALSAM O F M YRRH ■Ji. r I j » < Nr. M l . , . When Stella leafed from the win dow she Intended to run to the cor ral fhr Wade's horse, which she knew was tethered there. But when ah* saw another standing close hy held In place only hy hla trailing bridle she guessed that It wa* Barker s lumped on It. and sped away. 8he felt no qualms at leaving Go Ahead to restrain Wade and Barker an»1 she had forgotten Diego Rn* bt.'ore she had gone a hundred yard- she remembered him and checked her horse. Diego was armed and was watching Go Abend (whoae identity she did not know) ap|»<:ired to be a slrrtger; he dM not knew (he Ins and outs of the ranch house: Diego might ambush him and— She would go back and fight It oul with It Isn't too late to tell Nile story ou him I It was all right for a girl to one respected Boaton citiseli. A trilla run away, but she was not a gtrl; she iinfumillur with American history, he wa, a man. Men stood hy each otliet got tils dates lulled and will never Helped Hy Taking Lydia E. Pink* to the death; the would do the same agiiln forget Feh uary 12. As lie was Her hand dropped to her hell— and haul's Vegetable Compound driving home from church alone to found nothing; and the remembered was dia imbed by Hie llioughl timi It Evansville, lini.—“ I am writing W that Go Ahead had failed to give her wee aomelMMly'e birthday. He tried lo tell you how gratelul I am that there back her pistol. Except for a small recall, bui lie riminoti Ids memory In Is such a medi­ «heath knife she was unarmed. Her vain. Un sal ng a coufecl loner ’s shop, vi ru» ax yours lor going hack would merely add to the he slopped sud purchased a (5 box of •ale In our eterea. I could hardly difficulties her champion might find bonbons with a pink rthhou around ll drag around. I getting away. He was a man. all Driving home, he made a low curtsy wee all run down. right; no doubt he would manage lo hla surprised wife and handed the I have taken I I thing-; satisfactorily—If she did no« go bo, to her, and al Hie an me lime boil lee of Lydia back to hamper him. On the whole— plauleil a kiss mi her elieek. K. I'inkliaiu'a Unwillingly, she spurred her horse "W e il Well," said the astonished Vegetable Corn- lady, "ivliiit le all Itila for?" and meal away to the north onee pound e-> far and more. But from time to time she "Your birthday, darling," mild he. am going to take It until I am looked back wistfully. For some rea "ami many happy returns of Hut day." well My frirada sou her heart was unusually heavy "My birthday I" she exclaimed notice the change In mv epi-eerei within her. "Why, you know that my birthday Is and nty huihmid »eld today that I I Augnai It. Tide la Lincoln's birth Meanwhile Go Ahead had settle,) looking to much letter and he wants with hla enemies and was riding ou day." me to continu» taking IL 1 hof>e to her trull Since then he has been booting Mm help all women who are rundown •elf about the house every time he eulfer ft ont nervousness by As he leaped to the saddle of ommcinhng V"ur medicine«" M, thinks of It.—Boston Globe. Wade's horse and raced awuy b » saw, VhT»n N Bcul nneaan. afar to the n< -th. th.- t.-wll of dust Alcune, Evaiievllle, Indiens. (¡.at marked 8 ella'e em and In Protection Given to stlnctlvely if r •> quite automatically he followe J .« Flyers Carrying Mail For a w 'Jo Ahead rode on si­ In preparing tor algid Hying tn the lently. not hurrying to overtake the slr-uiall service, four classes of equip- fieelng youngster but merely follow­ uieut are used. The flood lights are ing his trail. He was thinking deep­ used at regular fields to give the pilot Making Sponge Cake to Be Used for the Ice B ob Cake. ly ; but his thoughts were clearly not ss nearly as possible tlie same lllutnl When the cake la cool, split Into nut Ion of Hie field St night us Is avail unpleasant, for after a while a alow tP re p a re J by i t s t'siis.1 * t i t « e p v r e r tm s a l c f A c rlv e lt :re-t three sections, beginning at (he top. able In daylight, Thlv Is accomplished smile curved Ms llpw. Chocolate Ice-box cake la made of after eating or drinking “ Some boy." he muttered In admira­ sponge cake with a chocolate custard IMuce the ho tom section o, the cake by s powerful ur.lL In sddlllou to the In Hie (ut>e pan. and pour over It half large Held light, all buildings on the tion "Some hoy I ” 11 tell the world mixture spread between the layers. It Koc r of routing o *« » -a c id ity and of the chocolate custard mixture made field are flood lighted hy smaller units so. Good looking, loo, "Rob!* Good qulvh lr re lie v in g bwUhing, |M , Is put In the refrigerator overnight by the recipe below. Then put the The beiioon lights are placed on 53 name for a likely lad. Seems to fit hMMttmrn. lU h h aatU tb*, d iu i* to give the flavors time to blend nnd him somehow. Wonder what that big Intensify, and may then be served next section In place and pour In the foot towers and serve lu guide the pi nm , an d other dlgwatira remainder of the chocolate. Cover lot and show him the location of re* illaor»!«’ «. N ot a la ia tlv a but • lout w hs Jumping on him for? Dam with whipped creaui or Icing as a des­ i»««#vl Hue® lo t liullgaation. with the top layer. Set the rake In utar and emergency landing fields. A It I I ought to have shot the'cuss." sert. To make the sponge cake, which ! ,®if®* pound) It U p. v an tila B ell a m s seen, two or three miles ahead, at the whites and heat the yolks well. Grad­ V cu p « u s a r lined with white electric lights placed Hot water ually bent to the sugar, using a dover crest of the next swell, the men ISO to 300 feet nparL Melt H e chocolate In the donhle Sure Relief whom she was pursuing. They seemed egg beater. Add the water and con- to have halted for a moment The Unue the beating until the mixture holler. A id the sugar, salt, and milk. MU judged distance was of course too groat for Is very thick and light. Sift the dry Mix well. Separate the eggs. When President Pratt of the Standard her to make out the reason for their Ingredients and then fold them luto the milk Is hot, pour Hie mixture In­ str ’'»Ing (anywhere except In the des­ the egg and sugar mixture. Then fold to the ilghtly beaten yolks. Cool until Oil company of New lurk was talk ert hey would have been practically lu the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs thickened, stirring constantly. Add Ing about certain oil men's dlffirul « 3 « AND734 PACKAGES CVERYWHIRC Invisible to her); but she guessed that and add the flavoring. Grease a tube the butter, bent until well mixed, and vies In Mexico, fun) this custard mixture Into the pan slightly, ponr In the cake batter, "These men have been misjudged' they were looking hack Mr her and Surtly Qualified Wade So she rode on, faster than and bake from 45 to 50 minutes In a stiffly beaten whiles of the eggs Stir be sabl “ It reminds me of a story Captain —What niukoa you think you moderate oven at a temperature of In the vanilla. Chill before pouring A generous hearted stranger attended before. could quell a riot? over the sponge cake. a New York church one Sunday morn In the second “ valley" she came up 325 degrees Fahrenheit. UatrollHan—I was Judge at a baby Ing and was so moved by (he pastor's to them and tailed on to their plod­ v , . eloquence dial he decided to pul a •Jiow once. ding procession. PR IN T DRESS BEST Y E A S T N U T BR EAD ♦.'>5 Mil Ip thy collection ^i«ie. No one spoke H> her a? she came FO R MORNING W EA R COM ES IN H ANDY “ He was as modest a man aa he Catty Chatter up'; and she spoke to no otie! was generous, and when the collector First Cat—Mrs. Bits has many gootl There was no pajtjyular need for approached be rolled (he bill up and feature#, don't you think? speech, ana your plainsman Is con­ Garment Can Be Made al Favored for Slicing for Chil­ concealed It In Ida fiat; but a* he was Second Cat—Yea, Unhid, new on*» servative *n the use of language— about to make his splendid rnntrlbu every ycer. except of course when be goea to Home at Small Cost. dren’s Lunches, Etc. Hon the collector frowned down al town and points It red. After a while, that tightly clenched fist and Jerked »r< rn«nt When n man falls In Inv« at first however. Black Kennedy, a special (Prepared br the United Htatee Department ot Asrlcetrere. I the piale bark and whispered coldly; sight be had hrtlrr wipe Ills glasses o f A grtc w ltu r«.) crony of Wade's, who had known all In every wardrobe there should be A yenst-raised nut bread I* motster I “ *N cl Give It to me, air. One bav and take a second look. about the plan to hold Stella st the several easily laundered dresses for and keeps better than one leavened I Just come off my coaL'" ranch, dropped hack to her side* summer morning wear. These can lie with baking powder. For slicing for ! “ Where's W :de?" he asked. The Matter With It Stella glanced at Hie questioner made st home at small cost from children s lunches, picnics, afternoon i While old Itlley llexildew of Pe -lowly nnd Indifferently. “ Wade?" She charming cotton printed fabrics, nnd tea and other u«e*. yeast nut bread It Fool Comfort echoed. “ Left him at the ranch." If the Colors chosen and the deslgus Is the better kind to make. The recipe tunls was standing near his fence a Kre«|u#titly you hrar Stella knew that Kennedy was close of the dresses are suitable, they can and directions for handling the In- j rambunctious car came tearing around ••JT, “ M y Irrt |rr«| I re wln- t r r am) »uiuturr alirn I put to Wade, nnd she had decided to hold be worn on the street or at business gradients are supplied by the bureau . tba corner, rammed through Hie In on rubber« or h ra virr cloaure and tumbled It down on Mr. her tongue about the latter's conduct In warm weather. Printed zephyr*, of home economic». • a r - t b r t i wbrii I m u o v a batiste and dimity are some of the H to t jrvaateak* Itezzldew « cu p s flour Then the car stopped a toward her until she got back to the m r rb«w« m y frei chili I cup potato wa- moment and blew up. best fabrics to choose for the crisp, 114 la p s a lt quírkly ui ,\ often toy b horse was lame." car?" demanded the gentleman, eotnw U.®n àuei lite feet aj .4 The Illustration, token by the bureau • h Afe« In to lb® « h " » « tin * Kennedy knew tla . the girl’s horse Mix 3 'i cupfuls ot the Dour with the what Irritated. *oti«rp4kr, booling jM«w«l®r o f home economics, shows a model was lame, and he knew also how It nut*. Dissolve the yeast In M cupful j "Aw. It heered some feller call this F u ll ih r e r (km® « a t » . - « T ritt! P erk »«« m â e N o I*A m i Weib leg ti p«a| had come to be lame. What he wanted made of printed zephyr with a full- of the lukewarm fiotato water. If the j a spite fence." responded old Ben fr««. A«Wr«®, Alke a feef-Vew. U Bey. I . V. to know was how Stella had managed dough Is to stand overnight use H llumpusa, "and t reckon It wanted to la m riM b. U m A lka’« too« I m « cuke of yeasL If the dough Is made take the spile out of IL"— Kuusas to get another horae after he had per tonally seen to It that every other for quick rising, use 1 cake yensl To City Star. P A R K E R 'S mount at the ranch house except the remulndpr of the liquid add the H A IR B A L S A M »M>«*®I>en«irwff **t. v a l l a i « r%j|ii Wade's had been sent away. Frown suit, potatoes, sugar, and fnt. Tnen Never Too Late ReelurM Casio® a seal stir In gradually the nuts and flour, ingly. he stared at Stella—and made » • • - < « *- « . . . r ma» r*4aS Ha* Cortlandl Bleecker nodded from a to- •> 1 I ; u s i l e u , , ' . ' . another disc, very in.«! the yeast, and knead the dough window of the Knickerbocker club to , H ier., g t Vinn « k* |'*U * t ..r H V (T O R E CO N TT v t ’ E r i > until elastic. Add the remninlng H wards a painted old lady with a gold n . n n r x T o N s h a m p o o m <* i f-r ■ » te nHiW fliij« »u h l'xrkrr « II« r ItxiMSi H « t « « lh » cupful of flour If necessary. 1‘lace en bob who swaggered down Fifth k«i« «af! «ad ixltjr e» r»r>l» h, mxil - r xl ilrxg- Hie dough In a lightly greased bowl avenue In very high-heeled sllp|>era ol «iMa Hteoui 1 l»m„ «J Wuck«, l'u ri.«». N. f . No Way of Avoiding and grease the surface of the dough. annkeakln. flesh-colored silk stockings the “ Madding Crowd ” Cover tightly nnd keep In a wurtn and a skirl that ended au Irb or teo S C H O O L FOR M EN We can never get people out of our T-— « 1 - flu viali», t r a d ì ) . raom sioM S ploce until the dough has doubled In above her knees. Annui » iij Hai«. »«.,,! far lllaralurs. eye. Wherever we go they are with bulk. Knead Hie dough lightly, form “ It la never loo late to pretend," OWtOON INtTITUTC Of TICNkOLOflV us. great crowds of them. They have X .M .C . A lll.lg l'n flb U H l.llr .p ,« Into a loaf, put It In u greased bread he said. filled up the subway before we arrive. pun and press the dough with the They have packed the elevated train W. N. U , PORTLAND. NO. 24, 192B. knuckles to force It Into the corners Excess ot Patriotism liefore we get there. They have Cover and again put In a warm plnce •’Chauvinism" derives Ils name from Jammed every store before we decide to rise until double In bulk. Place In Crvtoe’a Itie Tune» tn to go shopping. If we go Into a bank a hot oven (about 400 degree» Fnhren- Nicola* Chauvin, a soldier In the army The Island of Juun Fernandez, off we are compelled to stand In line. If lielt) and after twenty mlnutca reduce of Napoleon who was ridiculed hy we want to buy a theater Ucket we the temperature to 875 degrees Fnh- hla comrades for hla demonstrative Hie western consl of Chile, which was stand In line. If we want to buy a renhelL Bnke the bread In nil for and unreasoning patriotism Ths lern) made famous by “ Robinson t'ruaoe,* forty-five to sixty minutes. Cool tfcor has come In he applied to any one’s Is no longer Isolated from the world. hunch of radishes wo stand In line. No Tlie Islnnd now boasts of n Bed ('n ee excessive entliuslnsm for national as »uglily before storing. mutter where we go there are a hun­ dispensary nnd wireless communica­ cenduncy. dred people ahead of us. They swarm tion wllh Valparaiso. like the frogs and locusts of ancient anilla Wafers Served Egypt. Egypt had ten plagues. We One Advantage Expenitvs Upkeep hiive only one. the plague of people. With Drinks in Summer "A fter all. a clay pipe has nn ad We could get on better with them There ere houses In Knglnnd the vnntuge over all ethera," said th* man To serve with Iced len. grape Juice, If they were not so close to us. They windows of which have never been orangeade, or any other roollng drink who was horn tired. elbow us and Jostle us and above us counted. These Include Windsor castle "How'* that?" replied hla friend. on the porch this summer, you will and step on us. Even wheu we gel and Wentworth Woodhouae. the York­ “ Well, If you drop It on Hie pave wunt some eually made cookies or them out of our eye lltej tarry In our shire home of Earl Fltiwllllain. A stnull cukes. Not king could lie nicer ment you needn't trouble to pick ll ear. When we go Into the Inner former duke of Marlborough raid that for thin purpose thon vanilla wnfer*. up."—Bdston I’osL ctiamlier and shut the iloor. we cannot putty for repnlrlng the windows of which ure made more easily thun or­ Simple Home Dress of Cotton PrlnL ■hut ll light enough to keep out th, Blentielm pnlnre cost him J5IX) (|2,5fJ0) dinary cookies heenuse they do not Chance to Win HU Enmity sounds of people. We liear them day a yeer. have to lie rolled nnd cut out. Thev Author's Wife— Mabel'» new husbano «rid nlghL "Night” Is only a poetic gathered skirt, attached to a plain, are also excellent for serving with la a censor, and I've Invited them expression, for New York city 1» like basque-llke waist, with short sleeves. afternoon tea. or with Ice cream or One Solution over t dinner tomorrow evening the New Jerusalem. There Is no night Collars, cuff» and pocket tops are punch at port lea. The following recipe Nervous Clerk (seeking a raise) — Author— Fine. That will give me mr.de of two shades of organdies there. A RlhlU-nl writer Inform* us from the bureau of home economic* en excellent opportunity to Insult Er—my Wife and 1 are Unding If ter­ that once upon a time Here was st matching two colors In the print, nnd Inis been carefully tented: ribly difficult tn live together on ny him. lenre In heaven h I mui I the space of bonnd with blus white luwn binding. H cup b u tle r 14 tap s a lt su I ary. half an hour No one hue ever marie Such a dress presents few difficulties H r u p a u a a r t tsp v a n illa Bos*— Well, what do you wnnf me Determined X tb« m ilk such a *t.;teiuen1 «hour New York.— of con*trtiction to the home sewer, 114 r u p * flou r to do—arrange a divorce?—Path- t tup b a k in g D o s- I egg Patient—WHI I gel well? Rev. Charles E. Jefferson la Hie North and Is earlly washed and Ironed. dsr Doctor—Yea. sir. You'll get well Bnder. American Itevh-w. Creum the butter nod sugnr, add If It coate you 850,0001 Fruit» for Shortcake» the wrll-heiiteii egg. Hie milk, and the Adept High Aspiration» When arrnwberrle* are over, other girted dry Ingredients, then Hie vanll •Thnf fellow knows Ida onion».” A fnt man will always Inngh nt Robert l.ouls Stevenson, while liv­ fruits m iy be used for ahortenkes, la. Drop by balf-teaspoonfuls on a yonr Jokes. That's how he keeps "lie wna horn In Bermuda."— ing c* Skerrytnore. had the Idea of throughout the season. In fart. In lightly grensed bilking sheet, allowing Louisville Courier .Inumai. fat adopting a hoy In whom he was In winter time when less fresh fruit Is room to Hprend. Bake In a moderule teresti-d, as Ms "body servant." and obtainable very giaid ihortrnke* con oven (ubout 850 degree» Fulirenliell) Blilfth saneas doesn't worry the peo Belting nn example goes fnrther giving him such education a* he could be made of prune*, date*, figs, raisins, for eight to ten minutes or until the than giving advice. pie who are shlftlees. naslmllnle. Before doing so, relate* dried peaches or apricot». edges are golden brown. B. L. S.'* great friend, dear little old Ml*s Adelaide Ihsolle. he pill It tc he hoy point blank whether any i tr on ■ flat surface and scrub them with HOUSEHOLD NOTES walk In life held for him more p> ■«. gasoline ur soap suds. ful attraction The answer came will* Never use a hot Iron or hot water out a moment'* hesltntlon; Two essentials In preparing tough " I ’lense. *lr. I wish I could be M# 00 silk stockings. Every «ley to keep them soh end meat are plenty of moisture and pro Townsend'» boy." • * a smooth. Bathe with either hot or cold longed cooking at a gentle heal Sir. Townsend wa* the local flab » • » water and always dry thoroughlj. If When cooking n cracked egg add a monger. chapped., red or rough uee hot water teaspoooful of sslt'to the water. When making gelatin desserts, re- end Cuticura Boap, rubbing In Cuticura ... s e e rnemlier that the fruit Juices may b* Ointment alto drying, especially e) Sam Day» added while Hie Jelly Is still In liquid A bli for atout persona; Wear night. Arithmetic I« n<>w> Iwlng taught Ip clothes made of plain material with form, bill the ffrull Itself should not some JUndergnrten»: *0 It seem» rii* he put In until the mixture hss snlldl' a dull finish. » • • even 'lie tiny tots hnve rbelr «lav» .0 fled enough to hold (lie fruit and nvl cifiewa Iksxtae flttsh flfle- reckoning.— Farm nnd Fireside. To clean toiled ribbon, stretch them allow II tn settle. Sure Relief No More Distress ELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION One Secret of Beauty Your Hands Need Cuticura Soap