FRIDAY. JI NK 8. 1028 THK BKAVKRTON IIKVIKW 7h eW < atH ok R o W H T! Mg C rittenden M a r r io tt V ^ < l?' % KITCHEN i d iti Implement* i CABINET I Long-Han Are Big Convenience. t U ItSt. WMUru NtwsiMMr I'nloA I rr DUST-PAN WILL SAVE STOOPING Com « ou t, « bun dl« « ad » tick la a ll Y o u 'll n««d to c a r r y A long, I f y o u r ho-irl c an c a r r y a k in d ly a ord. And y o u r llpa can c a r r y a «on * — A lfre d N o y a * SEASONABLE Q O O O T H IN G S On a an n o day when hot food doct not Appeal to tha appetite, a dish of ■ pressed meat, or •Af 1M U * » , O iS» J if f or tub lu Jelly la (P iv io r v J ki Ik* t'altad Hi*)** »I AgrU'kliui* I W hy stoop over to ch'iin, or got «to'*'® ni# >otir knee* on th* floor to scrub, «hon you rau use ho®e*ct**n Ing tool* « Ith long hstHllos? Moo», »» rub hruahe® dust -brooms and dust pans can all ba bought with extended handle* that Sara effort and Uni* as wrll aa tha muscle* of your hack , llora I» a farm r oman In Marshall imnol® who ha* found a long handled dual twin a groat convenient»* when cleaning a room. A* with any o lhcr dustpan, in selecting it . hi «» aliould see that the e»lg* 1» Art® and straight, so that It will come Into dl reet contact with the floor, T h* side to which the handle la attachetl should Brown Stew ol Beef 1» Girl Didn’t Quite Get Liked Beet by Family Witty Waiter’i Point Not every ou* knows how to make William Lehman, secretary ot tha a good atew, aud yet, when well ae* IV altera' and W aitresses' unlou. re­ »»■tied and carefully co iked, a atew cently declared before Hi* state Indue may prova to ba on* of th* meat trial roiumlaMoii of New York that hla dlshea th* family like* h*»t. A good »ioga n I sat Ion hated the tipping ayetvm brown Mew la started by browning but must put up with It till a living th* ple»-c* before covering them with wage for waiters and wullrvaaea was watar. The meat ls simmered, never obtained. holle»l. aud c»H>ke»l until It I* lender Afterward, In an Interview. Mr. t.*h Her* are th* full directions, from th* man told a story. bureau of houi* economics: "The way girls dres* nowaday®" h* said, "you esu hardly tell them from B ro w n S la w o f B * « f. boy® This holds good In III* inoun I S lb s roun d s t e a k I la p s a il tains especially, »»here brood about I c u p * w a te r I lb * » - h o p p e d I to I la p prated paral»/ dem i, hollow chested girls climb almul onion F lo u r lu knlckertMH'kers aud suioka and Select a g»*od piece of round steak, drink, and even awear. "W ell, In a mountain hotel during T H IR K I* sofAotg quite like Bayer wipe and cut It into small uniform A»|wrm (or all mnlt ol »ehrt *ud piece*. Roll In flour and sear In an tb* summer a girl went to tha man pam», hut It* aura It it genuine Bayer ; Iron skillet In soifle of III* fat from uger and aald: that name mutt h* a® the paiksg® “ ‘I nani to moke a complaint almut the steak, then plat's It In a covered and on every tablet. Ilsyer I» genu­ saucepan, add the water, aud ilmmer on* of your waiter® I lu has been ine, and the woid genuine—in red— until tender. Add th* t>ul»>u and salt. blank liuptulvul.' i» on every laut. You can't gu wrung “ 'I'm very rorry,' aald th* manager. Measure th* liquid, and to each cup il you will just look at the boa when flit allow thro* tablespooafuls of flour W hat did h* d or you buy it ; “ 'Wh*n I tipped Iti in for getting me for browning. To brown th* flour put It In a clean smooth skillet over a box of cigarette*.' aulii the girl, 'lie medium heat and stir the flour con­ had Ilia blankvty blank Impudciic* to stantly until It become* well browned. »«y ■ “ T hank you, lady ; you r* a gen Mix the browned flour with th* broth, add the meat and paraley, and cook Hainan.' “ until the gravy has thickened. The flour ran also be browned In Great Flyer Leader in the oven, stirring now and then *o All His Undertakings that It doe: not scorch. If one Is Ueut. Frank Luke, Jr ., of Arlsona, rapeclally fond «•? ;!w browned flavor a quantity of flour ran b* prepared th* only American flyer In the World AMrln la war to receive the congressional medal and stored for us* aa needed. I k * lr»»l* M ark * f _______ o f honor, who brought down M tail H• r' r u*t»»r**i*r* mt W * » * * « • l l « * r l d * » l * r o f a » l l # z l l f * » I J loons aud four planes within IT days Strawberry Ice Cream I$ before meeting his own »loath, had al­ Protection at Popular ae Shortcake ways been a lender In everything he Hunter— \Vhat's all the trouble? did. long before he got In Hie war. Strawberry season begins before the writes Norman M. Ilnll In Liberty. Ilia W ife -W illie tins swallowed local t>e rr lea are ripe, for the In- In telling of l.uks'a younger days In one of your cartridge* and I daren't creaaed facilities for transporting Arizona, h* says: “ Il mattered llltl* wallop him for fear II will go off.— strawberries from th* Far South are whether It was a fishing expedition to I'aaslug Hhow. bringing this delirious fruit to north­ Hi* Junction of the Halt and Gila riv­ ■ - ■ ern tables a* early as January, and er® or a football game with the M l* almost everywhere, by the middle of »Ion Indian® whn understood a deal April, berries from some market ar* about kicking hut relntliely little con to bo bad Strawberry Ice cream la corning football—Luk* led. I t* aa almost as popular aa Mrawtierry »umed leaitvrahlp a i hla natural pre­ shorti-ake, and the family will enjoy rogative and until the day of Ills death It aa often aa you can make It by the found willing follower® II* was at recipe given by the bureau of bom* hla best when th * odds w rr* against economic® him ; triumphant when It seomvd he Strawberry Ice Cream. could Dot win.“ Ing disk. Halibut In To­ tlon. and aha bad grown more nr leae mato Jail/.— Se­ callous to blood letting. But abe had S Y N O P S IS lect two medium- never eeen one assassinated. Mora sited altces of than anything elsav Wade's calm ex­ halibut weighing about a poind each. “ Go A h s s d " M orton. V lr a ln la a and D ep artm en t o f J u s t ic e op ar- planation mails her real I as that Fair's Season with salt, pepper and lemon s t lv e , re c e iv e s a le tte r from Tom denunciations of tha members of tha Juice, then ste^ n until tender—about F a ir , b an d it le ad er, u rg in g that gang of thieves and murderers were twelve minute® Cool and dlvlda Into som e one ba s e o t to rescu e 85*11» Justified. M orton, fo s te r stater, from th* eight III less, free from skin and booe. g a n g . An enem y In the g a n g p re­ "You mean you’d shoot Barker To prepara tha Jally, cook a quart SsT* 1 v en ts F a ir from help in g th * gtrL down without giving him a chance?" can of tomaUve* for fifteen minutes, T h * le tte r w a a Intended fo r "Go T \ she demanded. add on* pint of watar. one small onion I A head '» " fa th e r, w ho la t e s t "Su re I would. What you chewin' »tuck with four doves, one teaspoon- ! from home. " C o A h ea d " d ecid es 6 V . to g o h im self. A t " R o b b e rs ' the rag about? You'd shoot Mm your­ ful of salt and two teaspoonful* of R o o st" F s l r e x p la in s the altu a- self to get away from him Just as you ! sugar, cne-cightb teasp»H>nful of thyme. ! tlon to S ta ll» , n ow eig h teen tried to shoot me ten minutes ago. a sprig of paraley. a stalk of celery j y e a r s old. Sh a does not w an t to le a v e F s lr . fo r whom ehe h a s the wouldn't you? Well. I'll taka the Job diced and six peppercorns. i’reas affectio n o f a d a u g h te r. Jim off /our hands" through a sieve, add ona teaspoouful j I l ; B a r k e r , sh e riff and s e p lr s n t fo r Stella nodded. “Tea. 1 would shoot j of salt and one-fourth tenspoouful of : S te lla * hand, d ire c ts F a ir to run him If | had to," she admitted, slowly tapper, four tablespooafuls of granu- J a shipm ent o f a rm s Into M exico f 1 and b rin g b ack w h isk y . Un­ “But that'a different." j lated gelatin which has been soaked In j know n *o F s lr , S te lla , dreeeed r “ Humph I What's the difference?" ! on* c"pful of cold water. Cool and j a s a boy, ac co m p an ies th e g a n g . ►i \\ . Stella hesitated. That there was s add the whites and shells of two eggs. ! f f e m. T h e b an d its' erra n d la su c c essfu l \\ difference, she knew; but she found and the p a rty re tu rn s to B a r k e r" ! boll up at d strain. Cse a shallow : ranch. S ie lla r e fu s e s p ro p o sal o f It hard to state It. , mold r»n»l pour In a layer of tba aspic; m a r r ia g e by W sd a, B ark er"» “If you c a n t see It for y o u r s e lf ; chill and when firm arrange on this I lieu ten an t. s h e said at last, “ I guess there's do the eight piece* of fish; pour enough use my trying to explain. No, I wont aspic over the fish to hold them In 1 marry you. BIIL And I wont marry place. I-ay strips of pimento between CHAPTER IV— Continued Barker, either. But If you'll give me the fish a n j cover with aspic. When j back my gun HI tight my way past : firm fill up the mold and let stand sev j Pere Wade found her. “took him; and If he tries to Mop me HI oral hours In the let chest to become j L o n g .H a n d la d Q u it P i n . here, klddo." he said, perching on the shoot him. Give me my gun. please. [ fin® When ready to serve, turn onto table dose to bet chair. “I ain't got B ill!“ She held out her band Implor a plane and garnish with water- b* high and shaped so as to prevent a thing against yon; Just the eon Ingly. cress and sliced cucumbers dressed «Bit from falling out. Th* tin of which trary. Bnt Barker wants you; an “Yea I will—not!“ Wade’s face with French dressing. Pass tartar | the dust-pan Is (®ad* should ba of be'» the real head of the gang. That darkened and the veins In hla fore­ j ft ilr ly h e a v y q u a lit y . dad of yours was a mighty good man head stood blackly out. Ills real na The housewife using the dust pan "areal Scuffi*.—A spoonful or two q t ® s t r a w b a r r la s 14 tap. s a lt In his tim e; but he’s played o ut; he's ture. concealed—except for hi* plan of cereal, which is so often thrown *h°wn Is a member of a testing circle 1 pint d ou b t* cream Lem on Ju ica I f In W rong kwt hit pep. An" what Barker says In regard to Barker—for a moment Into the garbage or down the organized by the county home tleiu d *a lr*d i cu p * s u a s r goes." The prevailing aystrra of buying F o r c o rre ctin g o v er-a cid ity , no r­ beneath a mask of good nature, glared sink drain, will ad t much to the food ouatration agent. Each tm-mber teat* Stella's llpa curved. "Doe* UT* she bleakly out. “ToolI marry roe before Wash aud rap the berrie® Chop everything on credit caused Roger m alizing d igee*‘^n and q u ickly them and cover with the sugar and llahson to rem ark; “Th# system lias asked, scornfully. "Maybe you’ll And you leave this house." he rasped. value of a dish. To one cupful of r*rl»>us piece* of household equip reliev in g belching, gaa.aourneae, thick white sauce add one-half cupful ment In turn, so that all may have a let stand In the refrigerator for two atrippe»! nearly every one ui their 11 you're hanking on a dead card. Then “I've given you a fair chance an h ea rtb u rn , n au se a and o th e r di- you'll be aorry for this misguided you're tamed me down. Now I'm going of ap> leftover cereal. Beat well, add chance to see which pieces are adapt- or three boure. i'n-aa the sweetened nanclal privacy anil In small towns thi» the beaten yolks ot two eggs, one-half c * to ,he special needs of the Indi- g r s tiv r d iso rd er*. Safe. P leaaant. Add th* does not always work out In advan­ bluff. Anyway, we'll see I" to fix thing* so yooll have to marry tr.rpoonfui of salt, a dash of cayenne ! rl'lual household. Then, as opportu- fruit through a collander. cream which haa been whipped and tage. I met a friend o f min* In on* "Su re we w ilt That'a wbat I'm me. And a hen Barker get* here I'm N o rw tafis*« OigmfMMk a n j pepper and one half cupful or more of n,ty arise® the piece may be bought, beepin’ you here for. But the quicker going to llx him for good and alL Get any seasoned meal or savory as The picture was taken by the United the salt, and freeze. Use a freezing of the»* town* and asked him If h* & w *t« u rA* Rrsw/A mixture of one part salt atid four to knew a certain party. you get It into that bead of youra that me?" cheese, mushroom® bam or sweet pep- State* I department o f Agriculture, six parts of Ice. and turn the crank Barker's goln’ to hare his way the “Oh. yp® I know alt the best peo­ Head projecting, eyes glaring, lips per. Cool, fold In the stiffly beaten j . of the freezer slowly. After freei better it'll be for you. That 1 a hell ple In town." he cried, "but I can't curling bock from his teeth, he ad Ing remove the dasher, pack the frees- help you socially.“ get bit way unless 1 help you." white, and bake twenty minute. In a N e e d e d in C h ild ’, D iet vanced upon the g irt moderate oven. _ e r with more Ice and salt, and let “ How la that? la there anything “Oh. that'a I t is it? I might have i L . iit 1 » Cuit.—-i ut togetner i„ „ wucfr ! »® 001,1 vegetable* B cU rA M S in o _ ® »_ i.» , _ and fruits supply the cream stand for an hour or mor® wrong?" guessed I t Well, w W a your priieT' CHAPTER V . .. . , . *he body with Iron, lime and other to ripen in flavor. Hof w a fe r pan, one and one-half capfuls of milk I ______ , _ ” , “Oh. no. but Fro the credit man, * r jo u ! ” , ,, . , _ ,, mineral matter, and some protein and and one-half cupful of cream. Boll . . . . . . _ ' . * ,, , .. " and they know I know loo much about S u r e R elief “M e ? Stella sat up in good earnest Go Ahead Morton rode out of Mas- the mixture until reduced to one cup- them." . . . * * 1..... a‘ ,l',' T ey Creamed Saleify With Wade squirmed at the amazement * IT T T V u In her voice. "Why not?"' be demand­ tln toward Loboville on the morning frl of liquid. Stir in one tablespoon after Jack Green reached Robber*’ ful of sugar and one-elghth teaspoon h* 1 S ta te . De- Roastt Most Excellent ed. hotly. “Too ain't never been over F e w e r F e a rs Roost. Gayly be whistled as he rode ful of salt. Iv o r into a glase pitcher £ r,n,en,( of Agriculture. T h e , ahould much Muck on yourself so far'a I can Hatslfy or oyster plant It some­ There have been no end of Jokes re­ He was young; he loved the ootdoora; and chill before serving. Served with ,J,)r ' •* ,h«‘* s e e ; an’ I'm as good as the next man what unusual in flavor and excellent garding Leap year blrthilay® Girls of 23« AND TS« MCMAOIS EVERYWHERE he loved to feel the smooth stride of stewed fruit It U s dish of especially *° k~ p ,.h* b°w *ta ln ™ —even If hla name is Jim Barker." with roast meat, chop® steak or twenty delight In celebrating their fifth fleror j dltioo. Vegetables m n, be used as his horse between bis thighs; and be flne fine flavor. Stella waa really a woman, though chicken. As It turns dark as soon as birthdays and that Isn't all. In l-o* flavoring for soups and stews, m aj he was riding to the rescue of his lady Those « b o are making new discov­ the outer skin Is scraped off It must Angele® the humor haa taken another ahe had always posed as a boy; and fair (of course she was his lady; of eries about foods tell us that when we lidded to milk or meat stews, or In the emergency she flew to the fra be kept ln cold water while It la being turn, for nn February 20. the marring* course she was fa ir; so much at least most cook cabbage, put It In the oven served with meat gravy. If gravy Is dltlonal weapons of her set. “Oh, used, do not have It too fat uor make prepared. It will he more tender If business flourished extraordinarily. must be granted to the situation) with butter and bake about five min­ shucks. Bill." she scoffed. “1 hsven't ■alt '.3 not added until It Is cooked. On* young husband, aa h* led his Villains— real robbers and murderers utes at a high temperature and then It with scorched fa t Try Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh got anything against you personvlly The bureau of home economics fuff bride from th* altar was heard to re­ —were waiting for him; what more we will have a food which cooking has kiém —except this dirty trick you're J um nlshe* the recipe: mark ; “ It's a great Ides. Now I ran coold youth want ? He was twenty-sev­ not killed of Its food elements eu k e e l U « A b tf Mfi em ssad played on me, hut I don't want to F e ed in g the C an ary only forgrt our wedding anniversary en ; but he felt twenty-one—and. tra t bunch»» aalalfy or I'o iffl »aure tirely. marry at alL I don't want to be a The food requirement* of canaries every four y e ar*!“ (Jltjonally, a man is as young as be oy»tcr plant bait woman. I'm going to play man all are simple. Canary seed to which Cakss for Dessert. feel® — » m j life.“ have been added rajie seed and a little Wash and scrape the salsify and cut Far In front of him a closter ot A choice cake makes one ot the • “Jo n c a n t Ton wont be let.“ ranch buildings ultimately began to very nicest dessert® The following hemp Is a staple diet that persons who It In sraiill piece® (W hile preparing keep only a few birds usually pur­ Hie salsify keep It It cold water to “Why wont I? Nobody ever hint­ lift themselves above the plain, shim are a few worth cber chase ready mixed. Canary seed alone prevent It from turning dark.) Boll ed anything different till only the merlng through the heat wove* that ishlng: does not furnleh a balanced food, but In unsalted water for 30 minutes or other day. Wbat's the matter with swnra above the nearly arid soli. Ohio Sponge Cake.— you and Barker and all. beginning to “I reckon that must be the J/B Boil one and one-half j forms a good combination with hemp uutll tender. Prepare a cream sauce, bother me all of a sudden?'' ranch," be muttered. “I'm Just about capfuls ot gromdated ; an,11 ' urnm‘‘r ra^ ' “ uch, ,of1 ,h* r»P* using I cupful milk. 2 tablospoonfuls T housand* o f traitm onU la from all part» of th* tl, 8. ■ !>*»« with Wade hesitated. Then he laughed due to reach I t Guess I'll stop to ask sugar with one-half cup seed In prepared seed sold In cartons flour, 2 tahlespoonfuli butter and Lydia E. Pmkham’a Vegetable grwfliu«l* of m»rv*ll»nia rratilfa from Is of a «¡»ecles that even wild birds do '■j tenspoonful suit, and pour this over ”1 c u ld tell you that you're gettln ful of water until the for work and give Barker the once U;K"8 r o n .T R Y t a i i l e t ® d ». i . Compound Strengthened Her U r box will ,a f * S u*r«clt« "Didn’t know you had any. eh? northweM a trail of dust rising from until thick, add to them Hie Juice of a cid'd to try IL w ith ** c h box. I am »till taking Well, you have. Your granddad back the plain Indicated that an Indefinite small lemon with the grated rind it and it sura ts East left a fortune Didn't even know number of riders hsd probably left Its combine the two egg mixture* and * help to m*. I r * c h p a r k * * * rnntatna •nn u «h you had a granddad, did yon? Well vicinity not so very long be fore. At fold In one cupful of pastry flour t«M «U fo makA 10 Rnllnna t f m«d* can do my work you h are: an’ the lawyers are buntin' It'll»«. Full direction* on nmt h box. the ranch lt*elf a single horse, sad which has been sifted three times be without resting Thla lntro»Iuclory offer will I * w ith- for you to hand It to you on a silver died and bridled, whlnneyed to hi.* fore measuring. Bake ln a greased b e f o r e I am d raw n inn». A ct now l'f.i d ollar platter. Barker got wind of It through own from the corrnl Inside whim It and floured angel food poo In a slow through. I know MU to this ad and m all TO D A Y Or W'o'll ar-nd la la C O I I . and aD ad In the paper an' got somebody that if women was hitched; but neither Its rider oveo one and one-fourth hour® you ra n pay p o .im an II and f .w to Inves.lgate for him. I don’t know nor any other human beings were via will glvs the Vegetable Compound a cent* p ostag e when deliver» d. Lemon or Orange Icing.—Boll to trial they rsn overcome those tired Just what he found out. but It wn« Ible. And no smoke, with Its connota gether two cupfuls of granulated sugar and worn-out fi-elingi. I cannot ex­ enough to make him want to marry tlon of grub, rose from the chimney. with one-half cupful of water and one press th* happiness I have recelred 508 Ciaiiiiatal BUg. OMikom Gty, Okk. you. An' If It satisfied him It'll sails Disgustedly Go Ahead regarded the eighth teas[ioonful of cream of tar and how completely it has made over fy me See?" place. “Too late for breakfast I tar. my home."—Visa. D. II. H ibz * t , 132« fo u r the sirup when It has Stella saw. She saw a good deal reckon." he remarked, “"nils sure Is reached the thread stage over the Laurel BL, Elkhart, Indiana. P A K K E K ’9 that Wade did not see. The Informs one hot old welcome Still. If I'd noti whites of two eggs which have been H A IR B A L S A M tlon shout the money threw her de Bed Barker that I was coming I beaten to the froth stage, only; beat a * * H ,* M lw « ,lr « * ■»». iw II « i r r e t i i parture for the East Into new persper R a a ln r * * C o in , aw * might have got a hotter one than I vigorously to a stiff and fluffy muss D * * * l r 1 * G n r * a d F a d e d H a l. tire and Illumined It with a rosy wanted. . . . Guess Barker’s not Add orange or lemon Juice for flavor •* and 0| 10*1 Iffttrglria RELIEVED Jllkeotfhem VV k a 1 ‘afc li glamor. 1‘ersonnlly she had never had here. . . . Well. It don’t matter and bent until right for spreading r. . . QUICKLY Ft.oarxTON SHAMPOO bleat for nm in much money or much use for what I'll meet old J. L. soon en<»ugh with con n ection w ith Parker'« lUir lUissrn Makes th« Piccadilly Prune Cake.—Take one Carter's Uttt* Dv.r Mis she did ha»e; but her rending ano out hunting for him Mill, maybe I —" hair aoft an«l fluffjr. mi cent« hy mail *»r at dru«> V i » f b H o L a m M w hulf pound of good prunes steamed AlaU. Iliaco* CU* mie ai Work«, ruchofu«, N. f . the talk of the outlaws had given het 3tartlingly sudden as the explosion m o % « t h « b o w « U from from until tender, then pitted and chopped a v-ry good Idea of the value that of a cannon cracker a cry cut the * f f * c ta . 1 h * y rclU w * t h « « r t t a m o f c m M lp t - most ;eople set upon it. At the very stillnes® And another and yet an coarsely. Sift the following Ingredi SC H O O L FO R MEN t l o n p o U o n a w h ic h m a n y t im e s c a u s e « am ir e n ts: Two and one-half cupfuls of TraWa* Im »USI«IIS. TIADU *• Z«Of 11110*1 leuat It would take her to her own other followed. a n d « ctd co o d M io n I n t h « s y s t e m . K « m « m h « r Army 8ho*t Ar* Built on Correct Lints of Stout Durabl* Malarial e n r o ll »n y lia r . H .,„ l f o r l l l . r a l u r e t h « y i r « • d o c t o r 's p r e s c r ip t io n a n d c a n h « flour, one and one-half tenspoontula ot people, not ns a poor relation hut as (TO B E C O N T IN U E D .) 0 8 Z0 0 N I N S T I T U T S O F T t C N N O L O S V | iv « n w ith a b s o lu te c o n fid a n e « t o a n y b o d y * Faking powder, one-fourth teaspoonfu (Prrpftred b y th* C n ltfld M lttN D *partm »O f V, AI. C. A 111,1« rartlaart.anfna a wealthy one. It would make a dlf a shoe I« well adapted for use In city A U D r u g g is ts 2 S c a n d 7 9 « R a d P a c k a g e * . of Aifrleultur* » each of soda and Milt, one-halt tea ference. she told herself angely, even and country alike. In choosing this serviceable type ot B e e c h e r M ade V ictim 'V. N. U., PORTLAND, NO 22-182® spoonful of nutmeg and cinnamon If her kin were ns friendly as Fal> The heel* of these shoe* are nearly for the United Htates army, the o f C h ild ren t P ran k Add one and one-half cupfuls of sugai »Inn» had maintained If she could get to maximum of comfort und efficiency ns hroad throughout na the til'd seat Henry Ward ISeerlier was s great ami two eggs well beaten; finally add them— R a in drops M easured H a d Its Uses of the shoe. Aa a rule, shoes for men for the wearer was the aim. It coo He was happiest one-fourth cupful of softened, hut not If she would get to them I But lover of children If 312 average raindrop» were luld and boy* do not have high heels, hut Tim Man—I Ilk* to arc n girl with forma to llie correct shape for shoes could she get to them? There waa when, sealed In Ills favorite armchair melted butter. Beat well, pour Into In «hoes for women the height und able hy side, they would make nn Inch a »billing, happy far® described In Funner«' Bulletin 1523-F In the evening, tiis grandchildren a well-greased square pan and hake Barker—and Wade— to he considered The Mairi—Him ilocan'L T hat’s why In that It Is broad and round at the ¡dich of the heel are Important; heels of wnlcr. This hns Just been d eter an hour or longer. When the cake Is Wade wns talking—In fact, he had climbed and pawed over him or nestled that slant too far forwnrd cannot sup mined at University college. Dublin, she carries a handling. toe and strmgnt along the Inner edge nearly finished, sprinkle with granu rot »topped; and with t wrench she in hla lap It was on sueh an occnsloc It has thick soles, which protect the port Hie tuxly «readily, or hold It In where more than 3,(UK) falling drops wlien one evening lie reineintiered with lated sugar and place at the top of the forced herself to listen. When folk* grow sentimental about feet against Injury from (harp and the proper [»ealtlon. The heel of no were measured. The experimenters a »tart ttint It was time fo* the eve oven to glaze. Itellclous cut warm "B arker doesn't give a hoot fo* uneven surface» ur.d again*« watfr army nurse's shoe I* Ilk Inches high found that raindrops vary In size. Home the olii home, they don't give the olii yon." I.e was saving. "F a rt Is. hr nlng service, relate* Thrift Magazine and served with whipped cream for being ten time« aa large aa the av er family row* any weight. and tapera but little. and >lu»h. v> that It Is especially suit hales you You get on his nerve* Without stopping to arrange tils toilet afternoon tea. able for severe outdoor conditions. The United Htnte* Department of »««. Somehow. I guess you know that ne hurried to the I’lymoutb church In The vain lielng Is the really Military A* thick soli»* last longer than thin Agriculture wHI supply Information yourself. And he's too old for yon Brooklyn, and ap|>eured before the Quiet died* bent loud prayer® being.—Allertine)*. ones, they are more economical. Sin h on Delecting and caring for (hoe® v rO fi Now. I'm different. I'm young an 'srge audlem-e There was ■ tlttertn* good lookin'. If I do say It myself Bn thill grew to a positive roar ot laugh I'm fond ol you; honest. I am It 'er For. as the great divine stood be House Chose P residen t Chicken fat 1» particularly good for A R O U N D T H E H O U SE you'll marry me we ran go East and tore hts audletn-e with all Ills umjesth making cnke„ that have a decided The house of representatives elected get the money an live In style, an dignity. Hie audlem-e dls<-erne m > si Once aniel cake® nls flowing locks had been done up In rusry 1?. 1801. The candidates In Hie generally wear a hat with a brim. a s * I'm his son In law an' gone, he won'» ■ url pujs-rs. Motnei,lari';-, tie was non popular election In November, IWJU • a a have « Ml of trouble." I hissed, then placing ids hand to hl> were Jefferson. Aaron Iturr and John Evary-day nae of th* Snap, ssalstad by If th* bacon for breakfast la Fried or highly seasoned foods Stella nodded absently. Very proh th* O intm ent a* needed to sooth* and 1 ead. his lingers .fohnd the offending Adams, but no candidate received pickle«, coffee or lea should never he drained on a piece of brown pn|w>r heat any irritations, docs much to keep the ahly tills was true. But— pig-toils Home one nearby heard him majority. after It la fried it «III he crisp uad fed to small children. •kin fresh and youthful, ths scalp fres from "And Barker?" she «Siestloned say, much to himself. “That rBSeui free from faL • a a dandruff and th* hair healthy. Cutlcurs » » » "Barker? Don't you worry shout Daley." and then he Joined In the gen Try painting the wull helilnd the Talcum, smooth, cooling a n j fragrant, is Our Oldest Cities lilm When he get» here with the erul uproar. th* ideal toilet powder. Avoid Hie high price of egg« lu It 1* not generally known Ihiil e> kitchen stove with Hire* coat» of pudre I II lust bump him off. Anrt- wnlerpftiof varnlxh. Mo*I »pot* may winter by preserving them In spring cept for HL Augustine. Fla., Hanta F f« p 1 #. Olnti _______ _____ ■> B», loM tlien the padre cun marry ua R. e l A general «Isti fo he successful is H n " i H Í 'lU Íd ff|t" l/V ,,|r'’11* » "ÖNMsar* Is the oldest city In the United Himes he removed cavlly from till* with soup when they are Inexpensive. Water s 's trow» istnlrailed She * ad no better than no nis-h at all — Amerl ■md wnte* glass Is one of the best preservatives W ~ C M » .á r a * S k a r ia * S t i.h 2 S c . — M o llim i» H om e I'unipniilo®. S< i p ilk*fv thull ■•i.e limn killed In nr »¡in Magazine. Sure Relief No more Heartburn ELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION For Foot Rot in Sheep and Foals in Hoofs of Cattle COULD NOT GET OUT OF BED I For White Diarrhea, Cholera, Chicken Pox, Worms Makes Ten Gallons Lee Poultry Co. BILIOUSNESS K CARTER’S I5S1 PILLS Retain Your Good Looks WiH Help You