FRIDAY. MAY 2\ 1928 TDK HKAVKHTON MKVII.W • TH E • KITCHEN CABINET ■e. IM S W e elx a Nawaeapsi l uloo t H appy the man who c a rrie s O o4 w ith in hum an Id eal o f beam.* and o b ey s It. an Id e a l o f art, an Id eal o f aclenca, an Ideal o t co u n try, an Id eal o f tha v ir tu e s o f the G ospel. T h e »# a re tha liv in g source a o f g r e a t th o u gh ts and g ra a t a c t io n s E v e r y th in g grow* c le a r In tha r e ­ flection s fro m tha X n fln lts— t’ aa* C T he ID a r d of R o b b e rs’ R o o st chance that * as good as this tuny he a long time coin ing" Green nodded. "Sure. • under stand," lie answered "I'll atari rigid now." CHAPTER IV World's Great Writ ere Found Work Laborious H o w e A b o u t- G IRLS, C O O D 1 lEALTHl MAKES YOU ATTRACTIVE! TOM EN On one occasion, John Buskin was being tntor'h wed by a reporter, who c'pivsim d Ills udintrntlon of the seem­ ing enne with which that great mas­ ter o f proae produced Ills hooka. "M y dear sir," said Buskin, “ you have no Idea o f the labor nini palli It la to me to write. I will show you a gr -at writer’s work, w ho could writ« ns elisili ns you have Justly said -Ss the flew o f wuler In u river. IK tlieieupon produced the MS. of Sc.dl’a "Fortunes o f N igel," and «un tlnurd. “ Examino that; It la Just ns isropt wrote It. In his own clear, ncnl T « k » • b o lli« or I w « « I thaï wsll lnvuwn band." Then he showed the Inter­ Kstbsi Tests, Dr. Piare«'« viewer the manuscript o f oue of I It Golden Medical Ducovery own works, which lie had Just fin titled. It was a musa o f alterutloiia Te/m rvee» f u e MmrnilK Casaraffy and crnaun*a scarcely one sentence AH Ona salata remaining as It was originally written Thus It has almost always been Would Feel Saler with the giants of literature. C a r lylca uiHiiuacrlpt wus the despair of Judge— Ibi you wnn. a lawyer lo the compositore, because o f thv mani­ defend you? fold alterations and lnter|iolatloua. Blgnudst— Well, to tell the truth. I'd Emerson ta said to have often s|M>nt rather tune a couple of liueky police­ ftxun six months to a yonr over thw men. composi lions o f one or Iwo short es says. Ills object wns to roudcna«i his thoughts Into the fewest isisslhle words. Hawthorne "passed the day In writing stories, and tlie night In bunting them "- so by is-fcrltlcsl was he regarding his own work. U. I . Stevenson eon fessi d to have rewritten whole chapters e f one of Ida hooka as often as file or six times, and one chapter eight time* himself, once by hi* w ife —tils wife's «craloii nc'ng the second Inst. Alphonse Daudet. In speaking of his method o f work, said: " I write slowly, very slowly, and revise and revise I am never satisfied with my work. My books go through muny processes. T o begin with, I fill my notctsmks F.urh Dot* as It Is unsi la scratched out In B E L L -A N S red or blue pencil. From these notes and the tablet o f my memory, I write out In copy books the first copy for my novel. I write this first ropy on alternate pages o f my copy hook, and leave the opposite pages blank. When the book Is finished In Ita rough alate. I rewrite It page tiy page on the blank H of w a fe r sheets T h * page on the right la the S u r e R e lie f amended copy o f the |>age on Iti« left. Then my w ife look* at this second ropy, and * 0 * * 1 1 1 * to me what Ini provement* might tie made. I note these down. Then I rewrite the whole book again.“ — Weekly Scotsman. 154 AND 75« PACHAGCS ÍVCKVWHtRf From daylight till mill afternoon Wnde and his follower* rod ) steadily southward. Then they crossed the railroad at a “ flag atop" which wns lt»ll Stn.ll.-sl» w k u astvivs. marked only hy a small shed, scarcely bigger than a sentry box. set lu the A magasliie writer predicts that midst o f apparent desolation. Closer within a few years women will item '»nr. scrutiny, however, disclosed, a tulle Imito htnlni-BS, the I kw doctoring KEEPING UP W IT H PROGRESS or two southward, the buildings ol preaching, and pretty turn It every­ tha J It ranch, owned by Jim Barker, thing else. I do not think so. There T lie reading and thinking bouagwlfit sheriff o f Lotto county, who hud olio will he lev, sentiment towa.d tlie sex currsiioca m a i r i o t t la an evolutionist; she belle'es In the sen that brand for tils cattle or. more In future, and more Justice. The mod c W O , tlifip m flE , constant Improvement of accurately, for the cattle on his est, useful women have been receiving TH E R E I* nothing that h i* era- WNV our dally food. Improve­ ranch. Whispers ahout the extraor­ wages list lew, iiifil will get an In taken the place o i Bayer Aspirin as ment In methods, uten­ an antidote for pain. Safe, or physi­ dinary Increases and sudden decrease* crease. ThA held women w ho lunko 4 sils. in time-saving and *r on the M o Ah«'ml'* M orion, V irg in ia n . At this ranch Wade and hla men sion. will I m > reduced. It will be a • n«l secret s e rv ic e man, r « « « I V M cook may ¿o, for food box, and the word gmmmt printed in halted to eat and resL The guns were slow process, but that will tie the * le t t e r fro m T om F a ir, hamllt possibilities are Increas­ r «i: there, (wicked Just ► * they hud come, teudency under “ suffrage.“ leader, u rg in g that aon n one be ing all the time. A new salad com­ a few boxes at a time I marked “ hart! •ent t ) rescue S tella M orton, foe* • * # bination thrills her as a new star does te r sister, from the g a n g . An w are") during the last week or ten The filthy writing the world objects en em y In the g a n g p re ven ts Fair the astronomer. Some one has well days. The wagons that were to take to la no new thing, but a survival fron t h e lp in g the g irl. T h e lette.' said that “ we already have stare them were ready; and so were the from old savage limes. arts intend«-«] fo r “ G o Ahead's** enough, hut we will never have too fa th er, w h o la a a ay fro m home. fresh horse# that the bandits were to Though the Arubluu Night* Is a ( many new dishes.” "(Jo A h ea d “ d e c id e « to g o him * ride, leaving their own to rest o v e r very old book, amt the moat familiar s e lf A t "R ob b ers* K o o a t" F air I f you have not yet acquired a tasie night and be ready for any dash away In Kngllsli, next to the Bible. It I* one e x p la in s the situ a tion to Stella, for splnaifh In your family, perhaps that might he necessary. Wade and o f the least known, the reason being now e ig h te e n y e a rs old She does — the following will aid you In that eu- not w an t to lea ve F a ir, fo r tils followers hnd nothing to do until that fully oue fifth la entirely unfit for w hom she has the a ffe c tio n o f a . dcavor: nightfall made It aufe to ride to the translation, snd the moat sanguine d a .ig h ter. Jim B ark er, sh eriff Spinach Souffle.— Wash and cleau border, some twenty miles to the in I aspira n t fo r S t e lla 's hand, orientalist would not dare to render aspirin t. thoroughly one-fourth o f a peck of south. d ire cts F a ir to run * shipm ent literally more than three-fourth* o f th* trad» Mr* «* o f a rm « Intc M exico. fresh spinach. Cook until tender In Stella had long before been “ discov­ B.r»r M «»«f»e t»r* — the remainder. A literal translation of M aaoae»tlcaciaM Ur st S * llc r llc * «l* | the water that clings to Us leaves, ered.” but her presence had caused no o f the entire book Into English was leaving It uncovered as soon as boil­ sperla! comment. It was not the first once made (1SS5). and It was so filthy How He Cot Them CHAPTER III— Continued ing starts. Add a teaspoonful o f salt raid by many In which she had taken that not one man In a million has Dougtiboy— Aw. what do you know when the cooking ts finished. Chop p a ri; and no one except Wade *»•*•11 a copy, nor la he able to procure fine two cupfuls o f the cooked vege­ about war? seemed to know that Fair had object­ Fair frowned, "I don't Ilka that.* one, ao well organised are modern Leatherneck— Nothin' buddy. Not a table. Bleud two taffiespocnfuls of he s«ld hesitantly. ed to tier going on this or similar veo force* o f decency. O f sixteen original thing. War's somethin’ 1 don't know butter with one and oue-balf table­ “ l W s sound like a bid. don't It? lurew. volumes, all that la safe lo place In nothin' about. But I got two medals spoonfuls o f flour, add a cupful o f But I reckon It was Just a warnin’. The delay at the ranch lasted aev- the hand* o f children hat been easily In an Intervention, three machete cuts cream and cook uutll smooth, add the •We’re enemies.' he goes on. 'You an eral hours, part o f which Stella spent reduced to one. In a pacification, and tlx bnllet wounds rplnach and the beaten yolks o f three 1 and Fair are Just meetln' now under I d wandering about the pluea. looking An old city railed Font pel I was eggs, one-half teaspoonful o f salt, In a punitive expedition.— Life. ai the horaea and chatting with the a flag o f truce for a particular pur burled In tha eruption o f a volcano, pgprika and pepper to taste. Add the Mexican rider* who cared for them, pose, (flic* we've put that over, we'll more than seventeen centuries ago. stiffly beaten whites o f the eggs and dig up the hatchet again. Meanwhile especially with Diego, the foreman. Font pel I was occupied hy the moat pour into a well-buttered baking dish. Stella did not like Mexicans Like I don't want to take any unfair nd advanced civilisation o f Its lime, yet Bake thirty minutes In s moderate vantage. Yon tell Fair that I'm most “ gringos" she thoroughly die when the ruins were excavated, much oven. wholly In his hands, an' that I’ ll meet trusted them; hut on (hat particular o f the art work found waa so filthy Are yonr onions always cooked or afternoon she was restless and had to sll his conditions about Cousin Stella that women and children are never steamed In water and dressed wttn talk to somebody. Diego looked like and all thaL And tell him to he care permitted to sc« It. white sauce or cream? I f so t r y : a pirate and wus quite us had at he 12 Days’ Free Trial ful not ro let me find out anything So, had a i we are. we are better G azed Onions.— Cook a dozen small that he don't want me to know, for looked; hut the same might truthful thnn our ancestor*. Cgly thing# have ly he said ahout most of the bandit*: T o get relief when pain tortured even sized onions In boiling water I'll have to use It after the armistice he»-n so covered up by modern men joints and muscles keep you In con­ slightly salted for ten minutes. Drain Is over. An' I told him that would and he was at least a human being that wo may almost boast o f virtual stant misery rub on Joint-Ease. and had a tongue. Slella did not real them and add one teaspoonful o f pow- he all right.* It is quickly absorbed and you can dereil sugar, one tablespoonful o f but- i • • • lie jo w aixin and how aireniintisjy »h< Fair nodded. “ Right enough." be rub It in often and expect results ter and a cupful o f good chicken stock, Sister men have too mneh gallantry and Diego were to come ig an open agreed. “ Now what's the layout?“ more speedily. Get it at any drug and too little courage. dash. or any good stock. Simmer uncovered gist In America. “ 'Rout as we fixed for It to be. He I do not doubt that gallantry hat Night came at Inst; and the bandits nntil the onions are well done, the Cse Joint-Ease for sciatica, lum­ got ofl st Mustln last night. In cow started, escorting the wagone with accomplished more harm thnn good. liquid absorbed, and onions well bago, sore, lame muscies, lame back puncher rig. Intendin' to get s horse llie rides and moving with extra rare One definition o f the word found In browned. chest colds, sore nostrils and burn an' ride toward Lobovllle, kinder loaf because o f the fe w — very fe w —army dictionaries Is, marked hy showlneaa. Young Dandelion Salad.— Find a lng, aching feet. Only 60 cents. It At the Movies Another, excessive penetrates. patrol* that were strung along the ornamentation. bunch o f tender blanched dandelions In’ along an’ askin' for work but takln “ I'm getting kinds lln-d o f Igklng care not to get none. Lobo>l0 The amount o f comfort one Is able Com pound Helped Her So Much W rite for It, NOW, to Mae Martin two cupfuls of sugar snd one half with the whisky runners, was sick In enemy raider attacked the convoy to obtain depend* largely upon hla Home Service Dept., Diamond Dyes cupful of water and one square of limi» Nond for lltrrnturs. that went to mn guns and whisky Don't fall to keep nn eye on the the state, hut iheae cattle Joined the him, but enrried him a prisoner Into o r T IC M N O LO O V across the line. They're south o f the » . M. C. A . I ll.l(. P „r, u rn p n buffalo and hail disappeared when the hla camp. Thnt ended the war, and friend who offers yon suggestions nt J/R ranch now; bnt they ought to be the soldiers returned to their neg­ i he expense o f nnofher friend. / W -' ’ c / yrtiH , back there for breakfast tomorrow settlement o f Colorado began. The w . N . U., P O R T L A N D , N O . 20-.1978. P A R K E R 'S lected homes and families. gold iJIacoverles, attracting many thou H A IR B A L S A M morning If you can get In touch with # • • k o r «iH a n d m ff «D i«* H a ir > a iiln » sands, and the establishment o f Den Punch Remarkt — Stella and Go Ahead In time yon may What Is best to do with the poor? Reatores Color and ver and other towns called for treat Beautr to Gray and Faded Hait Those who wrliih in sleep In comfort i be able In tlx tilings so that she can W’a have been charitable with them a Sur-, am i « I no a t iT o g iru ta . whlrh resulted In th* driving In of should follow the m*w f;i*hli.n of Join him right away, ft's only a I ' ' ^ the Texas cattle or "Ion * horna." good many centurlea, and the poor ere wtoirlnK pwJurnHt with plnld pdf fern*. chance at best; and even If you do FLORESTON SH AM PO O Thai for n.« n growing poorer. Should we *t Inst That was the beginning o f th* In connection with Parker*« Hair Balaam. Makes tha Nothin* I* more f im d id r « to ln*om find them both you'll probably have a tell them the truth? Which I* 'hat hair «oft and fluffy. *n cents by mad or at drug­ dustry. nln thtiO the of being gist* illscox Chemical Works, Pstcbogue, N. V devil o f a time In getting Stella away their poverty It mainly their own T o keep his skin and scalp clean demode.— fhmton Trnnucrlpf. from Wade. You?! have to watch fault, ae there I* plenty for all, and Peculiar Rainbow yonr chnnre and grab It If It cornea." and healthy, and Cuticura Ointment that there ran he no remedy until The name "fogbow” la applied to a they supply It themselves. " I will." to noothe and heal rashes, itchings Peculiar Earth Line faint whitish or rosy-tinted bow, some • • • " I knew you would Jock, f'd (o An agotilc line Is one of several and irritationsand toprevent the for­ T r y H A N F O R D ’S what resembling a rainbow, seen In A wise man o f the yonnger school tnyself If I knew On Ahead, and If I dnes on which the direction of the fog. mation o f blackheads and pimples. dared to leave the valley till Stella say* that when a man expreaaea the magnetic nwdle Is truly north and was snfe. . . . She won't want to wish that he were young agnln, ha south. It Is s line of do mugnefli ta z go without seeing me; hut you tell The aky Is cheerful when It I* the really mean* be wishes he were single SrW beiti» if sef n M . declination. again. tier I say she riust, for another bluest, but It la different with • man Sure Relief TELL YOUR FRIENDS What You Know about for Indigestion Quickly Relieves Rheumatic Pains ELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION C LO TH ES ID EA S FROM ABROAD ^ M a e Martin Joint-Ease Oregon & California Directory Business Training Pays CANT PRAISE IT ENOUGH HOTEL ROOSEVELT Pip© V alves, Fittings Pump Engines Farm Tools Supplies A L A S K A JUN K CO. Hotel Hoyt IN D IG ESTIO N Hotel Roosevelt « soler aoiSLasies CARTER’S Iivxi PILLS Your Boy Needs Cuticura Soap For Barbed Wire Cuts B a ls a m o f M y rrh ag 1