4*> jfJIGKNF. I»K t Ij„tver*ity Library IK IT'S KOK BEAVERTON, REVIEW ’ S EUR THE IT Ex T he B eaverton R eview CLEAN FOR READING ALL THE FAM ILY The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively To The Interests Of Eastern Washington County. Volume VI, Number 28 ■ First Cooking Class Slated For Tuesday ()| M T iin g Session of Third Annual Culinury School To Be Held May 8 NEW DISIIKS TO HE DISCUSSED Instructor. Hot« Harriett, Inter «»l mir Cookery I’ l«nn l\»ur»e The firet c la n of the third an­ nual fleo Cook in u School, ■ pon wir­ ed by the Bcuvcrti n Rev cw will meet at 3:30 p. in , Tuerday, May Mh at II,•mei ton h gh acbool. Mr*. Rune Ihirtlvtt, who haa been sc- ■ ur,-d ti conduct the r l i w n arnin thli year, will he preient to wel­ come the houie wive I of Beaverton and initruct thorn in the finer point* o f all thiuyi culinary Many IVavcrton l.nlte* reniomher the ifi.,,1 time* enjoyed at the two former Review Cool ins School aeia o iii at well aa the valuable information received, and are planning to bo I reaent at the opening d a n nest •Tuesday for the dual purpoie of renewing acnuaintancei with Mr*. Bartlett, and to receive further guidance along the fascinating path­ way o f evpert rookery methods The other three days o f classes will lie held on Thurdav, May 10. Tuesday, May III and Thursday, May 17. During these sessions rich tasty subject* aa luncheon loaf, tea rolls, prune nut bread, and rhw se fondue will be taken up by the Instructor and thoroughly ex­ plain'd to the lod l’ » present, and at the same time there will oe g o ­ ing forward the actual preparation o f the dial o* under discussion, snd the “ pupils" w 'll have the op jor- tunity o f reelng the cookery work Ci nduclod by Mra. Bartlett, assis- t. it hy her r ff riont aide, the Kmooihtup gas range Ami latar generous **«•**•■■ of the flrttehed product will lie offered, in order t h«t ti.e “ proof « f Hu pudding-* lest rwommrn I d In the old as om may he used as the flnst mode of Judgment, Mr* Bartlett announces that Beaverton ladies who sometimes secretly engage In wistful dreams of what they Would like in the way o f kitchen a pointmanta when they h i Id that long p'oVinvd ideal homo should plan to attend the school. If for no other purpose than to get new ideas on the subject of kit hen equipment. Mrs. Bartlett, herself n stickler for hnvlnt thing* ju*t right In woman's most Important domestic headquarter*. has teen busily supervising arrangementa for Installing the school hue. Chief among the appointments i* the b g gray Suioothlop range that will bo used. Altho, quite experienced in the matter nf using a Smoothtop. the Instructor has lost none ot the proud joy thut was hers when she first started cooking with one. On the subject of a Smoothtop Mrs. Bartlett waxes eloquent and Is enthusiastic in her praise. She declares that she can never quite derided whether sne is mors attracted by the fact that cooking Is so much Isss o f a task when us'ng a Smoothtop or that a klu hen is such a greasclsss and snot less place with one Installed. Co-operation . of the Fortlsnd Gas and Coke Go., the Review and those in charge of the high school Is resulting In preparations for the i vent going smoothly forward, and it Is eonfldetly expected that every detail will he In readiness next Tuesday afternoon. May 8, to wel­ come Beaverton’s housewives to the third annual Cookinb School -one thnt Is hoped to be even bigger and better than Its two successful pre­ decessors. Alo^a To Grade Students Re-Stnsre Operetta Alohn-lliiher. May ¡1, IP'JH ( 8 ’'»c ) The oreretta, “ Cinderella," wh ch wns given hv the first three grades o f Aloha-Huber school on April 27 nt the Aloha school g^m. will again hv staged by the little folks on Msv Ith. nt 8:00 p. m., at the snmc place. This t'/mc it will he given In cr.nJunction with the Beth­ any orchestra, which will furnish special mu.v'e between the acts. There will also he a mixed and a male quartette from Bethany. Everyone is Invited to attend and eiii'ouragc the efforts of the llttlo folks who hnve made such a success o f this operetta. There are nhout sixty characters In Cinderella, all In costume. Beaverton, Washington County, Oregon. Single Copy, 5 Cents Friday, $1.50 Per Year May, 4, 1928. » I IIKill SCHOOL NEWS | w— ---------------------------- m The high school calendar for II m remainder of the school larm hai l»en carefully planned by Mr. I. H. Met lier. It la a i follow ! : Fri., May 4 ...........Junior Claa* Flay Kontor picnic, afternoon Junior Prom at Studio Monday, May 7 . . , Sts wooka' osam i Tuoi., May ■ .................................. W ed, May » . . . ...................... Thun., May 10, Senior Claaa Day Fri., May II, Student Body ptenlc Sunday, May 13 . . . Baccalaureate •erv'ees In' Beaverton Swamps Brickyard Tossers Church Simerhood Gives Farewell To Mr*. Jeune Kebt'kahs’ Hubbies Give Surprise Feed Tuesday The ladiea o f the Sisterhood of the ('hurch o f Christ gave a fare­ well surprise farewell for Mrs. Har­ man Jenna, who is moving to Portland in the near future to make her home, on Tuesday after­ noon, May 1, in the church parlors. I/oca I Nine Chalks Up After a period o f social good Flower Growing Industry time, a lovely luncheon was served Season'« First Victory May Add To Fame Of the twenty-three l ai n* present. Following the luncheon, Mrs. Ell In Game Sunday Tualatin Valley Kingston, president o f tha Sister­ hood, presented to Mrs. Jenna in behalf of the ladiea • beautiful pair gets f in e bloom s H. 8. audU>- BEAVERS PLAY BIG TIM E BALL o f hand-embroidered pillow cases r e v i e w rlum, 1:00 p. m end a lovely bouquet She also re­ . Revitw and a n -' ceived other charming gifts. Monday, May 14 nouncemint of Six Corner Aggregation Gets Short Mr. and Mra. JeAn« have bean Gardener* Exhibit Pris* Specimens faithful worker* in the church line* •xemptloni End Of 23 To • Score Grown In This Vicinity it was organised in Beavsrton. T u .* . May 15 ....... Final esami Their many friends, though wishing Wed., May 1« ............. “ " hap| ness In Thurs.. May 17............. “ " The ball game Sunday wo* won them good-luck and With th* coming of anoth* blos­ Frolay. May 18......... " " by the Beaverton squad to the tune their new home, foe! keenly their som -tim e In Beaverton, both the loss from th* Beaverton circle. Friday, May 18, Conumrnromrnt ex ­ o f 36 «. amateur and commercial flow er- in H 8. Peaverton was slightly handicap­ growers o f the v ’: nty are proudly ped by the lack o f their regular Saints Nine Takes Game displaying choice blooms plucked Th« harcalsulaato services ore pitchers. Mark Jones was at Sea­ From Cathlamet High from gardens that each year yield under the supervision o f th* Church side where he hod planned to go up more beautiful and striking o f ( hr el 1 M »color class voted some time ago and Emmons, who Rt. Mary’s May 2. 1928 (S p e c s !) offerings o f the local flora. It is some time ago thgt this church was eligible to pity for the first The St. Mary’s baseball team added significant that every year Beaver­ should direct the service*. A very time Sunday had an engagement interesting program Is being plan­ elsewhere so that tt looked rather another scalp to their belt Friday, ton flower grower* succeed n pro­ April 27, when they journeyed to ducing blooms superior to those ned. bad for th* locals. Cathlnmet high school and took o f previous seasons, and that more The commencement exerrleoa are A fter casting «lou t for a time game from the tossers interest is being taken in their cul­ under the managt meat o f tho Sen - Coach Zehr dec'd-d to put Rutx a speedy there by a score 6f 13-2. Th» tivation. 'Those with an eye for lor claaa. into the box, having “ Snooze'’ Hal- Saints displayed mid-season form sten, ’’ Buss’’ Barron. Bill MeCallen In th’s contest and had but small the future in such matters declare that the natural facilities for flower STUDENT BODY MEETING and two or three others who. in trouble tn taking Hie game f r o * raising that tha vicinity possesses, Friday afternoon. April 27 the a f inch might be able te get the their dow n-river opponents. coupled with the increasing enthu­ regular student-body meeting woa hall across for a siMke-out a time W. Woodard, on the mound for siasm p this project undobtedly held. The student* d »cussed plan* or tw« during an Inn'pg. St Mary's fanned 16 Cathlamet for the student-body picnic They But Rut*. who was only signed batsmen, and was strongly suported means that the day when Beaverton arill be far-fam ed for her blooms decided to charier the river-beet, up two weeks ago proved equsl to all through the fracas by the and flow er-beds is rapidly ap­ “ Swan'* and go for a trio on the the occasion snd was able to hild snappy infield work o f his team­ proaching. K (Barnette. The etudrnts look fo r ­ the Red Sox to alx h'ts in nine In­ mates. ward to a very Interesting time. In the post week the Review nings was kept In till the end. The tlrketa have been Issued, and office has been the recipient o f a The team work o f the locals is Fortner T nc*| Girl Pavg the roa: o f the trip per person sdll Improving swiftly and from now number of unusually str ki|^ bou­ he fl.00. The host leaves the dock on there will be something to of­ VMt Here Via Air Route quets and blossom* that were prop­ 'h Portland on cost Morrison street fer st the end o f the game beside agated in the fertile soil of Tua­ at nine o'clock In th» morning and sn «l|d. Valley— flowers that would Mrs. R M. M 'ller had the novel latin will return at seven that evening. hostess aver easily win distinction for the beau­ With Davies on first, McBrcen at experience o f being The student« «re arranging their second, Churrhley at short and ole the "eek -a rd to guests who employ­ ty, color and tixe in compet.tve own picnic basket«. The boat will ‘'B u m '' Barron at third, the m- ed tho progressive mode of air-taxi show jig with any others that sur­ stop at « picnic ground (loyvn the •eld will give an aeeount o f Hself service In traveling to her home. rounding region* might have to riser and the paasetigrr* will ctvi°V against the strongest teams in the Chief among these were the Miss Mona Miller, who formerly offer. • picnic and games. AH wishing to Tualatin Valley Rs-ebsll league. w* • cm- loved in th» Studio Teauty exhib Cs o f G. W . Baker and sou, join us. be down at the dork Fri- Then there are Emmone end Parlor, and Miss Elvina Roe, both and T. J. Allen. u*v morning. May II, at nine A display o f six matched tulip*, Jones la the box, a pair that can c f Seattle, arrived Saturday after­ v c|o»k. be relied upon to get the p’|! *- noon nt the home o f Mrs. Miller all perfect in shape and gathered ernss when they want to. The nnd on Runday evening departed with an eye to pleasing contrast, TRACK-M EET their homes la Washington, were brought to us early n the record Jones has already trade is for The inter claaa track meet was an indication of what can be ex­ making both the trip and th» return week by the senior member o f the held at the h>gh arhool, Friday a f ­ pected from him. Emmons is said as passengers o f the newlv-est-nS- firm o f G. W. Baker and Son, com ­ ternoon, April 29. The weather to be one o f the artists that can !' bed W c»t Coast Air Serv:ce, ope­ mercial gardeners, with plots loca­ was not quite what we would have place the pill just where he want* rating from Portland to Seattle. ted in Sorrento at the edge o f ordered, hut the meet was very to. Be»v*rts that are offered by advertising Mrs. II. Cook cnterta'iiod In h on ­ Summary. Grove cemetery R H E the growing of blossoms, and now or of Miss Etta McCrelghl with a Beaverton identifies itself as “ Daffodil Town,’’ 26 22 2 culinary- shower Saturday afternoon Red Sox Mr. and Mrs F. W. Livermore, and the metropolis, « 6 7 Portland, has at Mrs. Cook’s home. M|ss M c- Hatierias: Beaverton, Rutx am'» Jr. snent the week-end at the home won world-wide fame by the slogan, Gpeight received many useful gifts, o f Mr. and Mrs. Rav Ryverson, of presented to her by little Wilma (continued on back page) Longview, Washington. (continued on back page) Buell, fetchlngly attired in a Cu- p'd costume. The afternoon was spent In playing bridge- and d eli­ cious refreshments were served. 'Those present were. Mrs. II Cook, Miss E. McCrelght. Miss J. M. MrCreleht, Mrs. Charles Wnlker, Miss G. Sanford, Miss S. L. Clary. Mrs. I. R. Metxler. Miss Thelma Parker and Miss Phyll'a Taylor. Local Bloom Raising Junior Millett Loody Grange Staffcs Mock Wedding Ceremony Cedar Mill. May 3, 103«. (Spec.) A novel feature of the regular meeting o f I.eody Grange held In the hall here Saturday evening wns the elaborate mock-wedding cere­ mony performed hv the members Archibald Hercules H e a d l i g h t (Miss Gertrude Reeves) and Rose­ bud Delicatessen (Martin Larson) were j o ’yied In the bonds of h o ly . padlock by Parson Brown (Miss C.l Kattermnn) with fitting and lm- r resslve ceremonies. The best man was M|ss Jessie Wa|ter and Carl Larson the charming bridesmaid, wh'de Mrs. Frank Stnffin snd Mrs. Mac Daniels, as flower-girls shared honors with the tiny r ’ ng-hcarer, Mrs. Jack Anderson, and the traln- hesrer. Miss Gertrude Walters. Mr. Frank Staffin, as father o f the bride, gave her nwav at the al­ tar, and following tho ceremony, everyone kissed the bride. A fter the usual r>e-throw .ng a bounteous wedding feast w ss served. A number o f the members o f the members of the Bethel C on gyga tional church attended the different ress'ons of the Oregon Congrega­ tional Conference held in the High- Isrd Congregational church o f Mr. and Mrs. Georg* Spady, Mis* Portland on Mnv 1. 2 and 8. Ths Pauline I**edy end J. Forbes were local church choir had charge of a guests Runday o f Mr. and Mrs. L. musical program 'Thursday night. L. Laswell. The feminine portion o f the local Rebekah lodge were pleasantly and completely surprised by their hue- bands and friends Tuesday evening by a well-appointed and faultlessly ! served d.nner, following the regular lodge meet jig Tuesday evening in the lodge hall here. A fter the businesa meeting the ladies were busily practicing their drill work, while the gentlemen secretly completed the final touches on the supper, and when the fair members discovered that the doors to the dyiing room were locked the euriousity with which all members o f that gender are said to be poe- aessed prompted an investigation— an investigation that revealed a sumptous repast prepared by the men and all ready to be enjoyed. The tables wer* decorated w th pink and green crepe paper and the waiters for the evening had jaunty caps o f the same material. A delightful supper o f chicken pie, ice-cream and two gigantic cakes, also decorated in the prevailing m otif o f pink and green was heart­ ily enjoyed by the members. Following the repast a program o f readings by Walter Harris, Ira Lee and Harley Taylor, and a solo by Fred Strickland, accompanying hirrself on the banjo was prescn?“d. Mrs. Lew's. Noble Grand o f the order, thanked the gentlemen on behalf o f the ladies, snd Mrs. Aik en who recently returned from Cal­ ifornia, where she has been spend­ ing the winter months gave a very enjoyable talk on her trip. Following the program an im­ promptu dancing was enjoverf. Dileon Proerressive Club Ladies Elect Officers Hiteon, May 2, 1928, (S-.scIal) The regular meeting o f the Hite- on Progressive club was held Wed­ nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. David Nelson. Elect.on of officers for the coming term was held at this meeting. Mrs. V ir g l Meyer was chosen as president; Mrs. George Davies, vice- president; Mrs. Christ Chrivtenseo, se.retary, and Mr*. George And“ f- ton treasurer. Mrs. Herman Metz- entine and Mrs. John Caldwell were appointed delegates to th? meetirg o f th" Washington ceuntv Feder?- tion o f Womens’ Clubs Follow'sig the business neeting the hostess served a dainty lunch. St. Marv’s Tb»sni^nq To Give “ Bair of Sixes” - i St V ary's H. S. May 2. (S -e e ) On Runday afternoon. May 6. St M srv's high schcel will »resect to the public the.r annual olay. It will start* oe 2:30 p. m. and w ll be held in the high school auditorium. The clav management declares that the production promises to be good and K w it pay evervone to eonie and see tt. The theme is o f two p i»-barons who a»? entirely incomcatihle and the strange hargain, based on a hand o f cards, that they make furnirhe* a griping and at times hilar m is nlot to keep the audience entertained. A spe-.al feature o f the program will be music furnished by the Rt. Mary’s school band. FmtJ Grcivors To Hold Regular M«etins: Monday The Tualatin Valley Growers or­ ganization will hold their regular monthly meeting on Monday even­ ing, May 7, at the Beaverton Real­ ty company's office. At this ses­ sion they plan to formulate their permanent organ i s t on and arc making prepartions with that in view. Secretary Deitsch announces that he is arranging a very interesting evening for the growers and it expected that the com m » conclave o f the fruit raieara will be one o f the mrst p rof t vble and Interesting o f any In the history o f the organ­ isa Don. Fcm*er Girl Fcnuts Giv#» Linder Surprise Parlv County Federation Of Organization Has All-Day Session At Gales Creek Friday, April 27 NEXT MEETING TO BE IN JULY Unanimous Offacers Vote Cast At Elccion For All Hour Washington county F ederaton of Women's Club* met in all-day ses­ sion Fn dav, April 27, st Geles Creek, the guests o f Gales Creek and Watts Women's Clubs. The newly erected club house was the scene o f the meeting. Mrs. W. Roberts, Forest Grove, president, called the body to order and the usual preliminary business of minutes, report* and roll call were duly discharged. The song, "B.nd ng T:es," written by Mrs. Agnc* Hines was adopted as the cflicial club seng, and the members joined in the singing o l their new refrain. Keporta w eie read from the fol­ lowing auxiliary organ ¿at.on* of Club Federation: Cornelius, Forest Grove, Gotevon, Watts, Hillsboro Service, Coffee, and General Relief clubs. Hillside, Huber, Hiteon, Gales Creek, Ljceyville, Metzger, Sher­ wood, Schools, H jlsboro Needlecraft and the Forest Grove W. C. T. U., all evidencing the activities o f the womens* organizations in those com­ munities. During luncheon hoar adjourn­ ment, Mrs. Emma Bryant, County School Super, ntendent, Harry Sey­ mour, State C lub. Leader, and Mra. Wells, o f Hillsboro, a cand date for the State legislature, addressed the members. The Federation announce* that they wish it thoroughly understood that they are not political in na­ ture, but they state that they, as progressive women at the county, are naturally interested in the sub­ ject and want to support those o f the inembersh.p who are g ving o f their time and efforts in making the government what it should be. Included among the business of the day was the subject o f rodoos and the question o f their cruelty, which was discussed and tabled, a motion to continue the cover charge o f ten cents fo r luncheon at the meet jigs, that was pussed, and an express.on e f thanks by means of a rising vote, tendered to the host­ ess chilw for their hospitality. \ iolin and piano duets by Mrs. PoI!y M:u shall and Mrs. Irene Mar­ shall, u picture demonstration and tableau, by Mrs. Clara Smith, art chairman, and a talk on the Oregon Club Women's Magaz ne by the bus ness manager. Mra. Lynch, were outstanding features o f the pro­ gram enjoved during the course of the session by the Federation mem­ bers. In tho elect:on o f officers, unani­ mous ballots were cast for Mrs. W. Roberts. f» r rc-election to the presi­ dency, Mrs Robert Warren, Watts, vice-president; Mrs. J. Person, of H llshoro, secretary; Mrs. G riffith, of Gaston, treasurer. Mrs. C. Christensen, Hiteon, Mrs. Batch­ elor, Hillsboro, and Mrs. Robert Chamberlain, Huber were elected as directors fo r the coming term. The next Federat on meeting will bo held in July. Turkey With Four Leifs And Odd Beak Hatched ^ A. V , Marshal, proprietor o f the Green Clover barbecue in west Beaverton, brought to the Rev’ew office a freak specimen from » recent hatching c f turkey* last Tuesday morning. The bird had four legs, two pointin g t» the fore and the other pair incltug to the aft. The beak, also, resembled something seen only in horrible dreams or in somt» fantastic futuristic painting, with two plainly discernible tusks where nothing o f the sort is to be found on respectable poultry. The street o f so much superfluous equipment was evidently too much for the h.rd and its life in this vale o f tears was short. Mr. Marshall reports that the oJd fowl was hatched from a set­ ting of eggs owned by his mother- in-law. Mrs. J. H. I,ee, o f Scap- poose, Oregon. Former w <»»'►. *•* ,-f Beaverton’s gir» rcotit orraeivaCons gave their ex leader. Mrs W. I. Cady, a svr- »rise party on Thursday evening o f 1a«t week. Games were enjoyed and cake, esndy and 'ce-cream were served. Those present were, Bessie John­ son, Georgene Haulcuhe. k. "Dorothy Lewis, Gra-o Johnsor. Thelma T efft, Georciabelie and R ise Kam- berger. Dorothy R cdfidd. Ritlm W oodruff and Mrs. M. C. McKer- {Cedar cher. rhumber of Commerce To Moot Tupsdnv W h t Mill Man Thrown Thru Truck Windshield Cedar Mill, May 2. 1928 (Special) Mr. George Kenny was badly eut shout the face Friday April 27. when hr was thrown through the wirtbMeld o f a truck, driven hy Ernest Wuthr'ck in wh'ch he w e f riding. A plank, ns»d to cover a recently repaired stretch o f road, flew up when th? truck strnck It. firm ly Mrs. Ted Thye o f Portland was a binding the wheels and stopping the (continued on back peg*) guest Friday o f Mrs. S. Mapes. President P'nder, c f the local Chamber of Commerce anntnm es that a meeting o f the tody is to be held cn Tnesdnv evening, Mav P. at the Odd Fellow hall. Business remaining from the last session o f the Chamber is to be resumed at this session.