Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1928)
F R ID A Y . A P R IL 20 . 1 * 2 * TTtK DKAYFRTON RFYTFW ; Review To Sponsor 3rd Annual Cooking School SEA DREAMS , , 5 2 “ M , , ** ,'“ 11 " « * (Continued form »port page) INTERCI.ASS the highest degree of cleanliness in TRACK M EET.. .. the kitchen. With the modern Because of the disagreeable wea- i j Smoothtop all gases and vapors ther the track meet which was from combustion are carried under schesluled for thia Friday. April 30 the Mnoe’■'•top. and rented into the h,.„ UMt|1 Friday, ’ chimney The dirt which collects., A,,rj| 27 Thu »ill give the classes over a range i. caused by the ra -, UnM> in wh.,h to piactirv. Pid rise of warm air which carries [ There ,mly |0ttor-men in rarticles of dust and dirt wh,ch tr„ . w in th,. , , Ullol„ body. whl, h may be in the room and deoosit, ,t wj„ mj<kl, ^ llouk| mteres- on the cooler walls and ceiling _ tjnK. over the range just as it does over _____ a steam or hot water radiator. In TENNIS addition the vapors and fat from _ . . , . ine tennis committee appointed rapid boiling and frying are simi- Isrlv* carried* o ff ~ With *he” Smooth by th,> Pj-*'»'*'«'»« °* ,h* »“ «dent-body ton if - Ar.iin.rv :« t«w.,n in is vs pairing me rue - re|>airing the i.-nius tennis court, court. The top* cooking ami closed vessels and oruP of weeds has tw n almost as much cooking in the oven a, * a ‘ ~ ^ - would T ossihle. the kitchen may he as « * •»'«'* * * « • " «• "bi"«' immaculate a . any other room in «•?“ Pla> » '¡«J» the home. * * ‘•'“ b « yrVti‘ n t VPry “ No rance ia considered compie u w^* Ti'| n‘ By Verne Bright There will be green waves washing my heart forever Tho I be city pent, tho I be desert- bound; There will be clean winds, there will be stars and spray, Salt wind will sniff my heels like a swift hound. I may not escape them—green waves and white stars. And winds blowing out o f the ultimate deep— There will be sea voices haunting my waking. There will be sea dreams troubling my sleep. ,r„ ».Jrr. ...Ur urlrn Sto ^ ^ 5s“ T tiJ S ‘ u " r L ,',u:!*..... artistically decorated »ith ( ¿ u n l r n H ,H )L N K " S | , ST. , llo iiu * T r im s ........................................ Id»- T I I K W E E K ’S I l e a v e r IIP \\ lilt’ll)N PROGRAM T h ea tre DKKGON #f ***• ‘»•s'heatra were. Helen Tefft. 1,0* Emmons, saxaphone; (Continued from front pugo) 1 1*r" '<* **'***• f *arinet ; l.loyd An- I'lensure was expressed by the Friday. Saturday, April 20 21 banjo, and Hanna \ «Hing, president of the league, ti. R. HIN-TINTIN violin. I >ehe i — ‘ ‘ »ere Williams who attended the opening eu» refreshments “ A l*og of the Regiment" served. game here Sunday at the interest tinnii Comedy tn Ivasrbull evidenced by local fans. Friduy IS Auction Night A number of high school pupils he declared that the futur.- lor the attendevi a (»arty given by Mr. Roy baseball season looked bright , , , , , . for Sun., M*n. Tue»., April 22-3*4 Chtrstcnsen at his home on April Iteaverton with such loyal Ivaeklng Tom M(, w„ h T„ ny. lho w<1|l(,rr U Dancing was enjoyed. Those by tho lovers of the national pas horse In present were: the Misses Henri- une here “OUTLAWS OF RED RIVER" etta, Ihirothy Strut hers, l.a ’ >en* tl ___ ., _ •it in ' x _ ._ i... , ' ” T. ' rue 0 n,x nest game. game, Sunday, Somlay. with Underhill »•kein« I hyl'i. Taylor. Dorothy _ T,K. 1 rit h#„ wi„ b. fo„ uw^ by . Detersoli, Jenny IVterson Esther r(>nt„ , „ Br,eky.rd which mean. Wednesday, Thursday. April 25-28 Sturm Merchants' Co-operative Nights Henrietta ' Myer- «•-'■* AÏ-i-.-T* ,h" ‘ ,hr ncxt tima Beaverton fan. •NO MAN'S LAW" v ,g IT’, *1"* 'b n will have a chance to see the borne , An hie Mut'ers Robert Hoi- "‘‘'"V' tb? Tt‘ SUrri,’*r K,-x Kln* of W,ld ,,u,,,,#a land. Henry Metsentine. Mar in Ur- t " * ' * ™ ' * w‘ " »" M a y ‘ ; -------------------------------------------------- “ dy. and Elmer S tur». pn-par.ion. are being made ______ * hJ,ndl- an ,v « n * r*a‘ ,r ‘ rowd M E. E A S T E R D A Y Many of the students attended th* Prr* 'n* * ' h# M »pelili»* U im * Imll eavm* in Portlaml i V M T W ’ L' REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR ..... ” I_____ NOTICE_ “ -JK *........... COUNTY COMMISSIONER I'RI- ......................................................................... , . v „ , «„u ivnms , „ « > T a y l o r s C i v f PlITt V E (»r President Plnder Ima Issued a g heat from various conking and hak- r-,. . ,, . , . call for a a|ivcial meeting of Ihe MARY ELECTION - C l ing processes as it is to measure r v T r B T i i v . i i V T . v l,,r ,S P r ia a y r.VtM im ji Beaverton Chamber of Coni me ice . A X f il f f W r o r W S i n i f W W W I W W W W W W W W W t m e m K a the ingn-vlients of cooking reel 1-0« . I’ m t o b i i i u " F l> ---------- fur Tuesvlay evening, April 24. dollar's worth of service for Nearly all borne economics publics- DITORIl M........ Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Taylor enter- Business of importance will be tions and up-to-date cooking books The grade school pupils gave an tained in honor of their daughters transacted and It is every dollar spent" give temoersture revyilrvments as a entertainment in the high school Friday evening. April 13, with a honed that there will be a good - p 21-25 part of the instruction. It is safe auditorium Thursday evenings. The dancing party l the I. 0. 0. F. "** * attendance. to say that approximately 75T of program was very entertaining Hall. all new large sixe Smoothtop ran- and amusing. With the entertain- Dancing and games were enjoyed res sold t.wiav in Portland are e- ment in the auditorium they also and serpentine and cnofetti were __ _________________________________________________________ ouipped with oven heat regulators, staged an exhibit of school work in liberally used. A large punch bowl Mr. and Mrs. Guy Carr spent tbe Henry Van Hyning fractured his Tb* n’ *ny P°»*iwIitiaa in oven can- the gymnasium. proved a attraction throughout the week-end with friends in Salem. leg laat Friday. niup and whole meat cooking with ---------- evening. At 12:00 o'clock dainty refreshments were served. Walter Oh! has started construe- the Smoothtop oven heat controlled SOCIAL........ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cavaness High achool pupils were guests. Sixty guests were present, most tion o f a new house at Abha-Hu- ,lw ,y * *pr* ,U t0 ,b* bou~ - have purchased a Star touring car. and thes chool orchestra furnished of them school mates of the Taylor ber, just west of the school. , . Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Roberta of Can you imagine a more beau- the music for a charming dancing girls. Portland called on Beaverton ac- Mrs* . Lk*r" am attended a tifnl rloce of furniture in a modem party given Fridav evening. April ........................... quaintances Sunday. card party given Tuesday-^evening kitchen than the latest gray ena- 13, by Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Taylor cFor Sa'e— Pigs, eight wk.s. old. W, in the Masonic Temple in Portland. finish Smoothtop? Its beauti- ¡„ honor of their daughters. The H. Pribnow, Beaverton, Rt.3 p21 L. A. Kennedy returned , , Thursday An epic story of a country doc- ful lines, careful proportions snd of last week from a wee s tnp to # mjtn-g ( j ^ n ^ sacrifice and appointments in design have made i_i urande, Oregon. devotion in the rugged hills of New the modem Smoothtop an elegant Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roobins England— such is the picture. "The piece of furniture in the home to spent the week-end with Mrs. R ob-! Country' Doctor." to be given April say nothing of its great cooking bins' sister in Salem. , "7. 28 by the Needle Club at the convenience. One housewife said !n plarinR our ordrrt» for that if she had to choose bet wee- O E N U IN B Ruth, the small daughter of Mr. Beaver. Itl’ c foodstuff we sell to you and Mrs. J. W. Raynard, has been The family pot-luck dnner at the h i" bu,b*nd. wh" m *hi V*TV .11 for a few days. I Congregational church Wednesday n’ ufh' »-d th. new Smoothtop. ab- » our first thought Is ((jiality. ... k.. .k...,, uo was afraid she would have to Mr*. Louis Allen of Banks spent * / M 1 , . . . *»••**»^\ h*- year* of matrimo- Whether it he fresh or staple goods that we or f/ua/unfcW Color a few days this week with her par • A program followed consisting of nial experience and keep the « series of songs by all. Rev. Don- nml ents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelson. der, we have in mind tho fact that our purchase* •Id MacNeil” read the" scripture and Smoothtop So you see what cm- • M j)* Mrs. 31. Haines and Mr. and Mrs. offered a prayer. Inthe game th,nk of tb,Mr ,iiust please you, and mu I ho right in price, W ASH F A B R IC S L. W. Tucker were dinner guests ceriod following. Mrs. Barnes, won . Ey that standard we rise or fall. Sunday of Rev. and Mrs. George the prize for guessing the identity A l l t o R.1CP l o n tP S t Vt W. Taylor. o f the ladies represented in old SundaV S ch ool C lo s e s 01 R CUSTOMERS ARE SATISFIED. Allen of photographs, guessing them all cor- ’ ______ Mr. and Mrs. C. D You'll r»*»l tn iK« lowlyjilttet iKhin ind iK« dinner rectly. The men had charge o f the Camas, Washington, The losing team of the recently- D B l.IV K K Y S H R V K 'li \V<«I Sidi I p m I*» • » b «V .t p Ill » w ith o 1 p t i u it u C m s i j fan i thki com« In th* guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. E. ; program. comrleted BiWe-quotation contest l\e Pvlivct StoluttUy At 10 : D n. ni. Y ou’ll d«lt*hc tn «h« rtrM taf. !i»n# w m in s t w P. Edwards. , st the Sundav school of tho Church t u n Of th:« ht«K-<)U«iiir » « a h fahrt« U l i ÜM g u a ru u M j tun lo fun t * U d *. of Chirst entertained the victors on Little Eveline, the small daughter Houseflies Find Life Ot'AAAKTVf BEAVERTON MARKET AND GROCERY Friday, April 13, with a supper and of Rev. and Mrs. Roy Nolt was “ T « tot lì nr plutei any t*jn»v#n» m.uU Hard ot ldiversity progarm in the church nar’ ors. OÍ m u » i'L TBR FAN «/ .< faJm. - confined to the house last week Farmers: We pay cet-li for your eggs and produce -------- The contest was started on Janil- You'll want to m «k« many P r in Pan with the flu. AnJ you t s n - n 45 m inuti« f«ch . O u t fa («o«s UN4V£RSITY OF OREGON, Eu Brv g when the membeshin of the D«i’Muudw will «L»>w yvu — l U êun p b The Matron' Club of 1928 held a gene.—Poor HtUe Heteropteras «ho „h o o l divided into two team«, tb' luncheon and business meeting on wander about in the osone «a the Uni “ Fords" and the “ Victory Sixes,' Saturday in the Heathman hotel, versity of Oregon campus are ni Uie- rivalry of reading a pre- ilrs. N. W. Gorham a tended. longer safe’ Thia ia the atari bag de gor,bed of the Bible each ,^ ,nir prf<fn, church L. R. Dean and son Harold and <-la ration made by members of the staff dav ^ Dr. T. G. Hetu and Billy Miller of the zoology department, in announe- each Sundav took thf forTnof a very srpnt Sunday fishing near Astoria. ng the addition of two new plants, a intrr^ ting auto race. "piteher plant ” and a “ Venua Fly _ . , , » . _ .. They reported a fair catch. * „ r ' Thru the whole dlitaiK« the rare Mr. and Mrs. John L. Harris ' to those who are not familiar with w»» ^«-nlv-conteated and the driv- have gone to California to see Mrs. .ueh term., it most be explained that . to add 10 ri» I,ty **? EVERYBODY'S STORE 1 Harris’ mother who has had three the Heteropteras is just another way affair were made to contend with SERVICE OF THE BETTER SORT jf saying “ housefly.” To the eyes of suet, reenmon car trouble*, a. tire strokes and is critically ill. and Ignition trouble and hot bear B E A V E RTON. OREGON little "H et” the leaves of the new M as Fern Haines left last week plants look soft and inviting, but once ings and dry radiators. for a visit with relatives and On Easter morning. April 8., the he alights he finds himself “ stuck. friends in Nebraska. She expect* for a aubstanre oa the leave* holds him re™'t of the contest wss announ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a to be gone two or three months, * - a ’aat. The petals tbeg fold over him ced and the church was full of in u Start by saving a certain amount terested spectators, anxious to hear m Robert Summers, A. M. Jannsen, tnd he becomes plant meat, to-day, tomorrow and the next day, great race, The plant, were imported for «'a** th « outcome of the A. M. Hoc ken and son Billy mo and the future will I nut yuu ne|l- tored to Three Rivers Sunday for a tudy, although professors do ecm; lain Richt ur to the last tmarter-tn:'» f.shing trip. They report a fine a bit about the scarcity of flies this post both cars raced madly, neither prrpared. Systematic saving has On thev time of year for practical demonstra one having the advantage catch. came, wheel to wheel, and tu«t at psvrd tho way fur many a success, :icns. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Perkins the finish line the powerful “ Vic ful man. II.M will start an account. have purchased the Opis place on . . . , tory Six” leaned into the lead sn^ ♦ he Canyon road and moved there1 z*lt<N)n L lU b H o l d s NO Vpl w*« first undrir the wire. Saturday. Mrs. Perkins was Miss Hiprloom Contest Party The en-'nunr.wnent ut the winner, ofanniause from -lunel Denny. Hiteon. April 19, 1928. (Special) brought a frenzy Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Barnes and An heirloom party was given by the *he race-fans, ®Bekinring Tuesday, May 1, wi two children spent the week-end at Topic committee at the Wednesday I will »'art regular Ice Service ir, k K o k n tva «f \tt-c Rom as' ■ iliar _ _ _ i 1 tl:._ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ■._ the hoir.» o f Mrs. Barnes’ sister, _ meeting o M f . the Hiteon Progressive • t * - ■ - . . P I The City of Beaverton and in rrt-im"d Mrs. Tester Tall man, of Ryderwood, club at the home o f Mrs. Roy Ba- Mrs- 3 F- BennPt hris . »1 I I *• K S A CDU 11 T O W N IN I IIX U S a U K N Sl o t U g O p g liO N eluding all country routes t h* brief visit to Los Angele Washington. eon. Prizes were given for the most tram same as last year. We have al o added many new routes this Mrs A. M . Gottachald and two ir'erseting article and story presen- California, where she » » « 1 « ifuest year and hope we have not ove looked any who may bo in need children from St. Paul. Minnesota, ted at the meeting. of n u » ^ » U t.v e . t h ^ She of ice. If YOU haven't one of our yellow ice ca.ds, phone or who are visiting in Portland, spent Mrs. Davie, received first prize, »‘ ate* that brnaPd . write us and we will gladly supply you with a card and see you W. l.lvi'Hinirt*. fren. II. K. Di-nncy, Viti* I’ roH. Saturday with Mrs. Gottschald's " ^ h - cannqpi UJ1 picked up on ®unshine and the P ^ P * ^ 1 ' have plenty of good clean ice made from« Bull Run water. sister, Mrs. B. C. Doty. , fhe field o f the battle A Fpeder- beneath the raim tree, have made Hoy dray, CitNltiiT 7 | ick.burg by Lester Davies in 1 * 17. * «r seriously consider the prospect HAVE THE ICE CHEST READY AND HANG \ j P A CARD Miss Ethel Joh n s« of The Dal-, ^ pn2€ in the patchwork contest <* retunun* fv f • more extended Twice-a-week deliveries, Tuesdays and Saturdays until rsal sum lea «pant Sunday with her grand w„ won b Mr> v ir ¡, Meyer. stay mer weafhej demands a more frequent servui. patents. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. S » « j- eon. She was accompaied by Misa ----- Dorothy Bleberg, of Portland. ^ ° PER SO N AL AND V 1X0 R M EN TION Lights and Sidelights on Local Activities WHEN WE BUY G R O C E R IE S sjSiake your Spring ‘Dresses of Jfrttrp u i You Can Make One in 45 Minutes Per yard, 59c. R AG U S I s Your Future : Scored IC £ iAnnouncement B A N K o r 11KAVKKTC)N Mr. and 31rs. A. G. Birk and children, Donald and Agnes of Centralia, Washington, were week- end guest at the home o Rev. and Mrs. Donald MacNefl. Î « S s J Miss Ida Woodbury of New York City will occupy the pulpit of the Bethel Congregaticndl dhurch on Sunday evening. She it one of the best speakers on the Missionary Board. f f j r # « Mr. and Mr*. Walter Hughson, •on Lawrence, and Miss Lela Hayes of Carlton, and Miss Cama Peter- •on o f Forest Grove were guests on S’ -mlny of Mr. and Mrs. John Te terson. € E 0 Â 0 0 Mr*. I. C. Roberts and son Ricb- ard spent a few days this week at the home of her parents, Mrs. W. E. Ingalls, during the absence of her husband. Little Richard was confined to his bed with a severe e ld . R R R R R R I 'Tie Beaver Social Club entertai- red at luncheon and '‘500" Wednes- day. There were 10o for lunch and 15 tables of ”500.” Mrs. Ana Wat- son o f Multnomah won the first prize Mr*. Helen Woodward, second and Mrs. B. A. Rohse, consolation. 5 S 5 S ^ M S Th* Maxwell touring car belong- 0 ing to L L. Walker was badly da- 0 maged in an accident Tuesday even- 0 Ing In Portland. The car was par- J ked ad Mr*. Walker was sitting in E it, when another auto, in trying 0 to go between the Walker car and 0 a passing street car was thrown against i t Mrs. Walker was not J 0 ^ ■ daaver Wood 0 f m • Bv.i verton lr PICTURE P - TIME! ¡ The J & l D and Coal Co. 2 Oregon SM OOTH TOP . « G a s ra n g e will be used by * Cleaned Red Brick, per M, $ 1 1 .00 Rose Bartlett Beaverton 3lake Dean's Drug Store your pic ture headquarter« for the season ju«t now beginning. BEAVERTON, OREGON Review Anual Free Coking School in the Our Kastman kodaks, best quality film ro Is. and prompt attention to all orders for developing will more than satisfy you. Dean’s Drug Store Fire brick, e a c h ...........................C4 at the Take a kodak and plenty of “ am munition" with you on your next fishing or camping trip. High School Auditorium Tuesdays and Thursday* May 8, 10, 15 and 17. I ^ Building .Material Portland Gas and Coke Co. 2x4*8 to 1 2 x l2 ’s, per M , $ 1 1 (2° up Rustic, flooring, ceiling M 12co up Doors and windows 50c and up Cross panel or horizontal. Complete sets of plumbing at a G R E A T SACRIFICE SHINGLES - ROOFING ~ PIPE A-B-C WRECKING Co. 14tli & Hoyl Sts Sixth and Salmon Sis Portland, Oregon