Th« ■ •a v o rto n H ast« * . Beaverton Review morning and evening by the pastor. St n u lu y tint cctilstll — 8:30 «tld f'hoir rehearsals Tuesday evening (I:;I 0 a. III. at 7:90. Prayer meeting Thursday |tii|ilis in — 2 p. in. evening a t 7:80. | W eekday M ass 8:2«) a. m. A cordial invitutlon is extended to I Saturday (ion fis s io n — 4:30 the public in general to come and mil 7 :30 p. in. join with us In nil these seasons of [ Rev. J. M. O'Neill. worship. \V. Edwin Ingalls, pastor r c c huhch H oimMEvrs Issued Every I riday at Beaverton, Oregon, — By— THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. Born to Mr.and Mrs. John Frank Bethel Conjr. Church — - ------ a baby Tuesday, April 17. Juliette Carter .. Society Editor Archie Olson spent Sunday on J. H. Hulett . Busmens Manager (ja ]es Creak. He reports a good catch. Nazarene Church Entered aa second-class m atter Francis Fluke, who has had a First and Stott streets December 9, 1922, at the postoffice a t Beaverton, Oregon, under the serious time with a bad cut on his hand is improving. 10:00 a. m. Sunday school., J. Act id March 1!, 1879. K Holden, Supt. Janies Fluke a: d Ruth Filley are FRIDAY, A fR IL 20, 1928 t u r n a m. Morning worship STUDIO I I A R H K K S H O P among those confuted to their homes 7:00 p. in. > oung Peoples meeting I with German measles. 8 00 p. m. EvnneelNtic servie# FIR ST l I ASS WORK RULES GOVERNING THE PLAY­ The son oi George Aiken of Gar­ Roy L. Nolt. pastor, i AT REASONABLE PRICKS ING OF BASEBALL IN THE den Home cut his leg w ith an axe TUALATIN VALLEY LEAGUE. Thursday of last week. J. K. Stephena, Prop. DURING THE SEASON OF 1928 Church of Christ Miss Pauline Leel and John For­ GROUND RULES APRIL 22 i — — __ Section I. On« base allowed on a bes of Portland spent Sunday with Mdile school. 9.45. Fine classes Stock Country passed ball and runner has to make i Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Las we 11. with good tenchcrs. We bellow» Rules you canut afford to miss ltihle | unipan vs it. Peter W in.strand went to the Section 2. One base allowed on I Eiuaianuci hospital W ednesday and chool. Automobile Insurance overthrow at first, third or home, m il undergo an operation there. The morning worship service at N. J. SKKK — ALOHA and runner has to make it. lt:0 o will help yog to be » 1. 'v*er -u r. and Mrs. Trigg Panser of Section 3. One base on a dead man or woman. Morning sermon tr> Office, Beaverton Finance Co. ball, when ball strikes a spectator. Portland were recent v.suors uc The subject of the sermon Sunday | tie on "lie Tende..v l-ookid At .Mrs. Panzers father M. H. Weiter. morning is, "An Ancient Chullengv Me." Solo bv the same title, Section 4. A batted ball going be­ Mrs. Elmer Stipe was a luncheon hind the backstop, or outside the to a Modern World.’' The choir; Christian Endeavor at 7:'10. The DR A. E. WILSON wi!| sing. ‘Still. Still With Thee,*' young people are interesting. You ropes, if ropes are up, is out of guest Friday at the home of Mrs. Pearl Wisinger of Milwaukie, Ore. t Speaks), play. should see them in this iii.eting OPTOMETRIST Section 5. A ball hit out of sight In the evening the pastor will dealing with the nrnhlems of life. ¿.ehr Brothers are putting in a Evening sende at 8:00. 'tue pep must be made. preach on the subject, “The Love Optical W ork- Repairing cement floor in the basement of tho Christ." The anthem. “Tarry with pi*‘»t »«mg service in town, led by Section 6. Upon start of contests Louis Uughscn home on Watson Me. O. my Savior,“ (Miller). Other Mr. Fash. The sermon m on ‘"The [ the home team siiall furnish the road, Not content with spring house clcsn- jirano, E ; Hardest Step in God'» Plan of Sal- u , (hi. presidential campaigns senate in- B flat tenor, E flat baritone and B flat service« at the regular hour. umpire with the necessary balls W. C. Mcheil, W. tl. boyu, n . vestigations and nine saxophones, the bass. Sewing Machines Repaired On Monday. April 23rd. an even- ! vat ion ” required, and the balls shall be B. Emmons and Wane Van Kleek Fates have thrust upon us another saxo- ing missionary meeting will be held ’ A friendly Invitntior hv a friend new or practically so. and accep­ spent April 15 fishing on Dairy phone, making ten. We just received at Dewey's Plumbing Shop C o u n t 'E m a n d W e e p in the church parlors At which time ly church Is extended to alt. table to the umpire. this bad news from the Conn Music Miss Helen Hawke is to be the — - ■ ------ 1 ■ ■ Section 7. All other rules of the | Center. Elkhart. Indiana. REASONABLE PRICES Count ’em. gentlemen. Count ’em and game shall be gnverened by the I Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lassiter That will increase the suffering of the woft* Ten of 'em, now. speaker. All are invited to th is' S t . C c c i ’lill C h u r c h | I. F. Perry Phone 7702 \\ hat mokes it worse Is that the new meeting. | National Playing Rules as adopted spent Sunday at the home of their - k »..« r-ports of the country’s best statisticians, mezzo-soprano iu F is to be a lead Advance notice is given of a by the National Rules Committee. daughter, Mrs. I rank tu Tibbetu of The latest perpetration is a saxophone instrument. know wnar what mai that means, meant. a. You » ou anow Sunday M asses — 7 :40 and ' Salem. ---- We don't know what that Kememt-er r when you used to sing in the young people's conference to lie TIME OF GAMES in ~F." A. K. HANSON held In the church on April 2Sth 10 a. m . Section 8. The shall call Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Stipe and i. cans l-ut it is reported to mean “Saxo- choir ? E’ very body wanted to sing the __ ]§ii___ so tad _________ when misst and 29th. Rev. Fred Gray °f Se­ WOOD and COAL •May ball'’ not later than 2:30 Mrs. Robert Summers were dinner j!i--r,e in Finale." If it is true that this solo parts. o It wasn't the last saxophone, we're h"mbly ot the choir was set to work singing attle is to be the leader of the con­ o’clock on Sundays, except at Port­ guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. El­ r, liiaakfuL Providing no more saxo- alto, baritone or bass, but when they ference. Cunt Wood or Stab— any length, land city parks where the hour of mer Stipe. I • w e guess we can stand broke forth into the lead it was terrible. any kind play shall be goverened by the time ,,_ . . . „ , -ust one more. Hospital records will With the resourcefulness of the ¡>;>an- airs. V laudo Jenes and son. Bob- jc¡ Prompt Delivery.. Phone 4504 i h InqiuMtion, the makers of this in- fixed for occupying the grounds. Motho ks the same but it sounds different. APRIL 22 form on the field ready to play, future home. WOOD SAWING . j i wing: E flat soprano, C soprano, B flat We’re not interested. It can't sound Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Kd-1 on real estate. Low inter­ the umpire shall at once forfeit the •Sew and used furniture bought curved, B flat soprano straight, any worse. Ho hong ward D. Ruscman. suiH-rintcndent game to the other team. If neither and sold. Come in and see the bar­ est cost, repayment priv­ 8. T. WININSKY Morning worship at 11:00. Dietseh’s Hardware a n d team is ready for play by the time gains. Epworth la-ague s t 0:.'I0. Even­ ileges. Write (or details. —adv c 21tf stated, the umpire shall call it “no Furniture Store. ing worship at 7:30, sermons both Telephone 3003 "Gentlemen R ea lly Prefer Old-Fashioned game.” Mrs. Henry Nelson entertained WASHINGTON Section 10. When games are hal­ .he Friday fc ridge club April 13. ted on account of weather condi­ .drs. / . C. Huntley won the honors Feminine Curves/* A nita Loos ‘D iscovers Savings & Loan Assn. How guild nows due* sp rea d Beuverton Greenhouses tions, etc., each tesm manager will and Mrs. J. E. Davis the consola­ Shut«* lildff. IlilMioru, Or». < iKNKIl \I . ti ASOLINE is still agree on postponement New York.—It’s all a mistake won-«n is far removed from tl « tion. CUT FLOWERS and FERNS about g e n t l e m e n preferring sexless dynamo of neri us energy the best. Adv 30 tf CONDUCT OF PLAYERS Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hanson enter­ All kuids of flora) designs Suspension For Violation blondes! Anita Loos herself says j ^ V w o ^ ” Und°r tained the Sorrento Evening Bridge Section 11. Players are prohibited Phone 0455 The wise man of today takes om .*iub Saturday. Mrs. Walter Scott kl from smoking on field or players’ The doU-size authoress of “Gen- look at the straight-lined mod I of Portland and J. E. Davies won bench and from using abusive or tlemen Prefer Blondes" makes an fashion and moves on in his s> irer the honors. important modification to that dog- for femininity, her Smart Set ortl- obscene language. Umpires are in­ t IIAI.STKN HARDWARE matic title in an interview by Dor­ Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Tailman and structed to report to tho League 1 \ (DARD HARDWARE othy Holm published in the April baby from Stevenson, Washington, any violations. ' and FURNITURE issue of Smart Set magazine. are visiting at the home of Mr. RESPONSIBILITY OF PLAYERS She still holds it true th at the J Cush paid for old stow s and lallm an’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Section 12. The manager or cap­ male element will pick blondes for 2 I furniture playmates and brunettes for wives. tain (either of which must be in C. Tailman. ’ In llsnk Block But that is only because the phys­ uniform ) of contesting teams will Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dessinger f ' ............. ............... ical quality gentlemen really prefer be hold responsible for the conduct returned Tuesday to Knappa, Ore­ is something rarely found nowadays f I ouutuin Service . . .Best of Lets —the telephone leads for it is the only communi­ playing field or tench. gon, after a short visit a t tile home —good, old-fashioned, full-bloom­ ’UMPIRES: ENGAGEMENT OF of Mr. Dessinger's parents, Mr. and ing curves! cation system that links the entire nation and Whitehall Restaurant iTKv..«a; ; -*»•'-wt “The flat-chested, hipless figure Section 13. The manager of each Mrs. W. F. Dessinger. permits you to immediately eomplctc a transac­ th at now passes for the form of a team shall select an umpire who MAGAZINES and ( ANDY H. I- Hudson left Tuesday for woman is anathema to the average tion regardless of distance shall be fam iliar with the National San Francisco and points east. He man. A clothes rack intrigues him ft ! Opposite Post Olfice . IWavcrt»n Playing Rules (as per Sec. 7) and •sill be away about six weeks. His The telephone gives you ju st as much!” So asserts Miss otherwise be qualified to fulfill son, Jamie, arrived Thursday on the Loos in a broadside th at sweeps PRIVACY—ACCURACY—SPEED satisfactorily the usual duties of team er President Lincoln. her whole modish sisterhood. fc« * * The flat, thin modish figure umpires. Beaverton Lumber Co. ECONOMY—CERTAINTY Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van Kleek sought by girls today is woman's UMPIRES own ere. tion, she opines. Women and daughters spent the week-end Duties and Responsibilities f WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE seek sie iderness to inspire the with Mr. Van Kleek's mother m Section 14. Umpires must be at envy of other women and take no Portland. His mother is seriously^ Í nlaying field at least 15 minutes cognizance whatever of gentle­ ill with bronchial pneumonia. Lewis Brothers, Proprietors men's preferences. before time for starting of contest, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hughson of and shall require managers to com­ Loses Charm with Curves ply fully with these rules. The Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hugh­ Anita Loot * “But there is more to the loss of Dellmore Lessard son and son Gordon were dinner umpire accompanying the visiting feminine curves than physical ap­ cle says. " n e knows he will find team shall onen the game, umpire guests Sunday of Mrs. H. Hugh- peal.’’ according to Miss Loos. the angular, boyish girl hard, wit!, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW balls and strikes and alternate posi­ on's sister, Mr. C. F. Dodson, Cor­ “ When a woman changes her fig­ none of the softness th at belonr* Offices with Justica Swenson tions with the umpire of the home nelius. ure, she changes her disposition to women. He knows that she ;- and her outlook on life. When she restless, instead of soothing, an.' team at the end of each inning. Betty Jean Brownhili of Tilla­ Here T ucm U )» end Thursdays gives up her curves, she gives up th at she is under such nervous to-- Attention is particularly called to mook, but formerly ef Beaverton, as well the feminine qualities gen­ sion in her effort to be thin that the umpires watching the position underwent an operation Thursday tlemen Jove in women. When a man she is unable to give him the com of pitchers to insure legal delivery. .1 last week for appendicitis. She thinks of woman he visualizes a panionship he wants. I have nevj> MAPES & SON Ump'res shall promptly bring to, ■ i a grand daughter of Mrs. Eunice feminine woman, soft of speech, et known a real man who was no*, . . . . the attention of managers any in­ Murray. BILLIARD PARLOR restful in nature and deep in un­ lored to tears by a woman's re :it-i fractions of these rules and shall Cigars, Tidraccos derstanding. His conception of I of her diet.” . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woodward report to the Secretary full parti­ Confections, Soft Drinks culars of any ease where manager and son, Jack of Oregon City, Mrs. iaude Jones and son, Bobby, were ady llldg. — :— Watson SL fails to observe instructions. sented the story of William Tell I the homeWeof Kinton Calf Clubbers It is very important that each veek-end guests in the “ PI*1“. *nir. and Mrs. B. J . Woodward. ,[r Lchnherr'.« room recited “Tom- I his brother A. C. CHINN cepy of the above ru’e«. in order Mr. Woodward snd —----- j my Twist.” The pupils of Mrs. j that there «hail be no unnecessary pent Sunday fishing. Kinton, Ore.. April 18, (Special) . Mack's room won the cake baked I PAINTER and BUILDER controversies a«ter a contest. Varaaa Peterson, the son of Mr. Tin- boys’ and girls' Calf club met and donated by Mrs. Smith for the j Phone, 4603 ■nd Mrs. K Peterson of Cedar in the Grange Hall here Friday j room having the most visitors. I Day or Contract Work F D PECK, SALES NCR., BEAVERTON, PHONE 6«0S * iills, had the misfortune to have evening, April 13... There was a j Following th - program a short j School Health S u rre y Phone, Beaverton 2734 .is finger badly cut by an axe. large attendance of local people, business meeting was called to or- ^ Al To Be Directed Soon * he finger had to be amputated on and a very pleasant evening was der by the president, Mrs. Coward. enjoyed. I Minutes of the previous meeting In M cM innville School vVednesday of last week. F. W. BISHOP Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hughson en- The following program was p re-, wore rea^ and aproved and the ertained the Neighborhood ‘'500" sented: Songs, “Oregon, My Oce- tre a s u re rl report given. Mrs. Nun- UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu PLUMBING and HEATING of last it°n’ and "The Climate,” by the nicamp was appointed delegate to gene.—A complete health survey for iub Thursday evening eek. Mrs. O. H. Breiten and Roy gram m ar grades; recitations, “ My ,he next County Council to be the MeMionville senior high school vril Hardware, Painta Mrs. O. Bathtub," Francis Ilolboke; “The Gales ('reck, the fourth be made in the near future by tbi Young won the honors. I’hone, 2003 ..................... . Beaverton voted to school of physical education of the Uni 2. Riggs and E. E. Swenson won ' ‘^'3 C reed,’ Iu>o Young: som- s, i Saturday jn May. It was “Sailing,” and "Rocked In the Cra-1 have a cafeteria lunch and business rersity of Oregon, it is announced by he consolation. die of the Deep,’’ by chorus; ad- ! nietlng the first Fridnv in May. Delbert Obcrteuffer, head of th< The Enna club enjoyed dinner dress, "Types of Dairy Cows,” (il. j Tor the purpose of arranging for W. E. PEGG school. Working in cooperation will nu a social time M r^ D. C. iu 'strated /* b y ' c 0,Tn‘ 7 A gent’ Me* this the following committee was F. L. Fagan, head of the McMinnvilU J ngt> "Old BUck Jo e ? appointed: Mcsdame* Patterson, AI-‘ schools, and George Allison, former stu lallman a t her home Thursday. v, h„ UNDERTAKER and EMBALMER llson, Chamberlain, Saxton, I’rink dent of the University who is director 9 and Holden. of physiral education at McMinnville Grange Building — i— Beaverton " S J !" _8 ;.“ °.r Bird'.- p rlrr.iy 1 5 “ if , SP- will be Carl Rice, seniur in the depart < go and J. W. Merrill of ment here, and other members of tin “Dairying and Com Raising,” J. Ronl FMate Transfer« larden Home. University staff. •J. Van Kleek; addn-ss, "The Rela- * ----------------------------- --------------- 9 Beaver Wood & Icc Co. The survey will be made not only Vi r:s Emma I Mrs. Ethel tion Between School, Home and H'-Ien ( irie Fuget et vir to J. B. for the benefit of the McMinnvill' idwards and son, John, were lun- Club Work,” Mrs. Toozier; reeita- O’VeM, 1 nere Spencer Homestead. Block Wood, Planer Ends; All school, but also to serve as a mode heon guests Friday at the home of tion, ‘School Days,’’ Yuma Dallman grudea of Utah-Wash. coal. Hans Jasperson et al to Oscar Now jrou can rcadi Portland and intermediate stations for surveys of other institutions rs. Hockens daughter, Airs. W. mn r s by chorus, and “America," by Peuker et ux, 6 acres Sec. 11, T. 2 Schools desiring this service from tin I. Pearce of Portland. They spent ail, led by chorus, more conveniently than ever before. The fast Red Elec­ I’. L. Schultz Phone 6702 S. R. 1 W. University may eonfer with Mr. Ober .'riday night and Saturday a t the - tric trains are augmented by new, deluxe, silver-gray Yard ot Front A Mum Hettie Umschr-id to Mary A. Trail- teuffer on the subject, it is stated. motor-coaches. The couches arc of new design, espe­ kill, 10 acre* Sec. 17, T. 1 N. R. The work will have two distinc* Sng°im .n°ther tku‘hU!r’ M"-Studcns Give Program cially built for this service. 2 W. uims, it is declared by those in eh.irg The Ladies’ Aid of the Bethel ^ Aloha- P . T. A. Meet George II. Johnson et ux to Hen­ Dewey, the Plumber The first direct ri ,ult will be the map ry Erickson et ux lot 6, blk 43, Congregational church entertained . —— ping out of a program to be followc F u it PRICE and QUALITY ' :t a Silver Tea Thursday afternoon Ah-ha-Huber, Apr.l 19, (Special) Mctxgcr Acre Tract. by the McMinnville school for nez Ask for a handy time-folder and for complete infor­ f last week. The Misses Barbara T" * ,” ” • Held their regular year, using the present facilities an "ady and Helen Tefft played two £ ontHly meet;ng a t the school mation regarding low roundtrip fares. For example, Phone 7702 .......... . the funds to be appropriated for tb Beaverton .uets. Sandwiches, cake and coffee . ”use ?n Tuesday afternoon. An you can buy 10-ride commutation tickets good for 60 project. The second will be the on' vere served. The hostesses were Interest' nf program was one of the H. I. PATTEN days at greatly reduced cost. Take as many in your party lining of an ideal recreational program Rose Fletcher Shoppe rs. J. W. Barnes. Mrs. H. M. the •«"•‘t"- one which the community nmv wor as you wish using these low fares. James, Mrs. E. G. Webb, Mrs. L. . Th,> „f,rt ’»c'1 **<-ond grade “or- for in years to come. for LINGERIE, FROCKS, DRESSES V. Tucker and Mrs. Waite. che«tra gave • number of old time Y our rail tickets, unless specially restricted, arc The McMinnville project is in lir HOSIERY, NECKWEAR n . , . „ " w’!” !,n', "» d in g s. Two girls of good on the motor-coaches. with the aim of the University in 1 .\rs . W. Drennin arrived from the third grade, dressed as farmer C o u n t y Recorder j .......... TRIMMINS, HATS ........... cniujilg n i inter of service in urn;, rormany in Portland on Monday boy* rendered a very p lea* ^ - song Beaverton, Oregon lines for the stale at large. Other pro nd visited her s.ster here, Mrs. Al- and and dancing skit, nrd the sixth jerts are being undertaken by variou: Candidate .for nomination -at the ert Brandt Tuesday. The two sis- grade pupil., dre-sed apropriately. b partuent* hu .1 schools of the institu ers have not seen each other for 47 portrayed outstanding characters of ¡*on, it is stated, and details oa thes> Beaverton Harber Shop , ■s, and their reunion was a Oregon history. Anna Sherelli Republican Prim ary will be minouneed Inter. 0 . C. Allen A gent • Happy one. sang a Spanish song in the native i c • J -STEVENS, PROPRIETOR In the future Mra. Drennin will tongue, followed by the seventh MAY, 18, 1928 ake her home in Portland with her grade girls in the song “ My Blue SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Buvertoo Review, SI .50 « ye*: on, W. Dreruien. j Heaven." The seventh grade pre- ‘Prompt Mid Courteous Servka” Beaverton, ... £ v 0 rsgo* BUSINESS DIRECTORY (leaven Help Us! Another Saxophone Has Been Born! LOANS IN AN AGE OF SPEED mm I i ft I h Oregon Telephone Co. BUY NOW! i Barn S a s h .................. $ 2x4\ per M, 1x12’*, per M, 2x12, rough, per M, . . .70 10.00 12.00 14.00 We J. McCreary Lumber Co. to Portland By Train i w r s V B e i r r £ £ '¿■%2£-,rs v r or Motor Coach 1 0 - Ri d c T i c k e t s Southern Pacific I ¡ .