E U G EN E, OKE U niversity L ibrary Ex ■ B ea ver ton R eview C L E \N FOR R EA PIN G ALL T H E FAM ILY The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively To The Interests Of Eastern Washington County. Volume VI, Number 21 Single Copy, 5 Cent« Beaverton, WaNhinjrion County, Oregon. Friday, April 20, 1928. $1-50 Per Year ■■ ~ ■ !!UJL City Attorney’» Opinon Heard By Councilmen A i|M>cial m eeting of the Town C '.um il wa* held Monday evening ! when City A ttorney Allen wax pres- I * nt and gave hi« legal advice on I .1 few of the m atter« th a t have II ' on occupying the attention of the Preparations Start Studuils Present Play And 'l* and Lumber Yard ^ U i l said th a t the City cannot Store « held retpoiaiM c for the w ater Program At Thursday Ransacked By Light- backing up in baaernenta on W at- Evening Function >m street, put in by private indivi­ Fingered Gentry Review And (ius Company I’lun I list ruction Course For llouHewiven CI.ASSKS Mr*. K om > Conduct FOUR lU rll II C ulinary YEAIt’S WORK SHOWN lo 1.c io n s Prelim inary preparation* have leen made by the Home Service d epartm en t of the Cortland Ga» and Coke company for the Heaver. Ion Review'» th ird annual Cooking School which w ll| convene a t the h gh school gym Tuexday and Thursday afternoon», M«y 8, 10, 15 and 17. at t N 0*1 loek dual«. ll» a r and Cunningham had *ent P O O T report on th " ir And 7 " ' ” ' w- ‘ s: ^ r i i v : DAYS Secured Local BusinessPlaces Mr«. Hoir Ila rtlrtt ooMiur expert wh > ha« cured to conduct ,M B eaverton Review Free School th a t w.ll be held 'ho H H. S, gymna«lum. Modem Smoothiup Ga, Kango, Si. a written PROVES SMALL Invading Green Sox Take Contest From Local Diamond Artists TIGARD GAME SUNDAY Hig lo p u la r Fea tu re Of Evening L tU ehed to the l ull Run w ater a t At 2»«h C rntury Grocery Ti„. n . . . . t , , „ I Portland’s city limit*. From the ---------- torium n hl* h •CJ,0° I *r ^|; report, on* would think th a t no Member* of the g en try with tak- iU T .. ? / y /*V,mnf . A pril wn»«. had been lout. ¡ng w ay. made b u .in ea. calU U st ami 1 * *bor*t * The m a tte r of the lady who had Monday evening a t two local busi- I i lh. t .WM pr*' '» "o n »nd h u rt her leg on one of ne” eetebliam enu, but received a been — —’ M i .1 lil i a i thV, * rfld* tbe bad wall:* in town wax also r*r Y *•“•11 recom pense fo r their ef- The 20th C entury Store and — 5* ""r"" “ ---------- « - w . _____ * •» « _ w - Lum ber Company were Cooking *"• i thought th a t a* the City R ecorder "e sv a rto n youngatert and p atrons of •oon at ^ n flh a d notified Meier A Prank to re- chosen by the pilferers as scenes » em*1 ln’ï ? r ! . £ T * ! n!ii: ? "'»‘ V l a n , i r a i r th eir walk th a t no o ne” ouid o t operations, Mary’s Nine Beal Garden Home Trims Beavers In Opener Sqaud O f laical For Place« (,‘a R ecru it, O ut Local Nin* K ing B aseball care* riding in royal high sta te to B eaverton Sun­ day, bearing « stout hickory veepter, and on hie flashing shield th ere were horsehides ram p an t, and done in high relief, appeared the cryptic words, “Play B all.” To do homage to the beloved m onarch all C. Haw lv> faithful subject! here w ere present coronation. Nin# f e c n - lightfully ren d ered ^ num bers, ^ ‘ * ' C° " <’Ct f r ° m the ToWn on *ccount U w ii brother* proprietor* of the R epresentative to Congress f r o m a " t ' . the ro ro n au o n - «>«* J P num ber on the e v en in g 's’ f n juries received on th a t walk. lumber company report th a t entran- this d istrict who h a , ° stockinged knights from the land of 1 he first equipped with o\»n h .a t con tro l, I I .,,.L * l l i o h • Score, 6 - 2 program w a. . p ^ n u T o ^ ' b ^ T h e i l l „ a v p r *«*i Z ^ " ‘"T* th ™ an • * ™ ndid,cy for re-nom ination a t Home i» »Pelted and high spsrd a e rated burner* will nl gad- An O ld-Fashioned B e a v e r t o n G r a n g e G o e s latched window th a t allowed the polls on May JH the tourney w ith the chosen w arriors be prov.ded for (he instructor's use. of la ir B eavertonia fo r the pleasure Mnry'» April 19, 192«, (Spec. ) G arden." in which M arjorie Jo n e .l T o Forest GrOVC Sessio’l *? w ithout The platform will he used so th a t -r.d edification of th e assembled lu the opening gam e of th# **»,. «P' eared aa the tiny .oloist., .u p - --------- dlffiqnky. E vidently be ieeing th a t all the Indie, in attendance may ourtiera and Hi* Royal H ighness, have full view of the dem onstrn- n L8fcL?,I ry hlgh *chocl drfVn'*'d p r ,'*d by * fM t " t eight class- “ God's N atu re.’' was the subject t h # * t u c e ' hldden about the good king, N ational Pastim e. |o f the sermon Rev. M. A. M ercy ad- of ^ * C0Wp,rUi tit n Sp#cUI lu rh ns m ay B A P , k ^ . jW , , ackoo| oa th e local dia- m a te . ransacking M CM X XV ni. Long live the King! !.*• fouml in th f iti all it* M M implies. Nine the F irst Methodist C hurch of For- total of th e ir takings, however A RRESTS den Home meet in the opening H a n s H ansen of Bva- ten led last year h a v e express.-d . *he t h ir d Inning, when thv.Saint* '1 ° " ' nf »a ioux c - l , r ai«l ch arcter est ‘ drove. " am ounted to only a few sm all coin*. * * ■ G reely w as arrested near tiam * cf the new ly-forn.ed Tuala- their appreciation of the Beaverton ‘w trh r for two r “ m« Jo life at th e w itching hour vert»n sang. A t th e 20th C entury Store th e ' ' itch Hazp| *»»t week on a oooze D p Valley league—a gam e, th a t, Rev ew 's effort» In g ettin g lloav hl "' w hlrh rc "u l,*d •" th rr* run», of r-v 'n g h y ss di I « picked detail S iate M estar Palm iter, w ith hi* while not o f m id-season calibre, did ___________ B artlett for another »rh«ol, and . lta,,k* c* " '0 “ nd rap, mi the ‘,f wooden soldiera. and th eir an two diti ghie rs was present. " T e n of more drastic method of cutting char*e a pane of glass in the window of , m“ 1I Was t»k*n into custody n everthelt**- keep th e crowd all ami droll adventures aorved to kee la ll fo r th ree hits, and two the 18 C ranges of this county aa runs. have »ngreated ccial ai'tlrlrs . for .. ---- was einnloyed as a **L l sb” ro *a st week on a drunk cn t 'P 'top* until th e last man in tho her to discus» Mra. B artlett state« ,hv *UI" Bital of th air counters f„ r Jh* « «dence agoi* with interesi we I as two of Yamhilll county a re a r door . . access. Here. too, too. a a c°unt. ninth w as retired. The invading represented a t the session. mrmn*l o f of ■ "<***■ H*r*. th at all .meation* »re welcome on Ul" d^ > M rrn" «ml Dorothy S tef were John K ittcrroan w as arre ste d on 'lirKr<-'ltation f®0*1 the contest by a • b ut 20 Beaverton m em bers at- , “ r' ,f1u.1 “ Bpch * •* m“ 4- want. »cored twice and added the sixth Young apj«ave the »ong. "T rials of A bountiful dinner w as served at secreted. • had many recruits anxious to Page P atton was taken into the w ere negli- get the full benefit the women m#n replaced Van Don.cion for A Boy, «o c-nvincingiy th at the no a. followed by an excellent pro- ... __ 10 3' ow th eir but not all eli- O A pril nearly as could be esti- . J > . fficer Duley should atten d all four clasne» No " 5 *»**!«* the S aints scoreless malp Portion o f th e »«»cinblagc uram In the afternoon, the Glee r under false F'bU- under th e rules of the League in dim es, nickles toT obtam ing money reservallons. however. «re M n g • n‘l »'"lee* for the rest of the w err w n to »mil* fondly as In re. H ub o f th is G range taking part. m ated, 86 cents and pennies, th a t he arran g ed to fo rfeit the was all th a t was pretenses. made and tho*, who come first d"F- colW tion of sim ilar experiences In stolen. o , oiuicn. A lfred Rogers, was arrested on *ame * n order to g e t a line on will receive the choice aeata. Tulare. S a in ts' rig h t fielder, was ' " ' ' tr own >’outh. Beaver \ Theatre f I. I . v ^ S l , A y ear ago. alm ost to the day. f t ? , 11* by 0 i f i ‘ e r and hi* a; a " ab lp m aterial in the in t« - It may not he tru e th a t all b rig h t lig h t of the gam e, uiak- T he litt'e to ts o f the firs t and First M e r c h a n t s N l i f h t theivea entered the 20th C entury ~ fo r a “ n1^ m vestigation. e*x o f fu tu rc « » te s ts . T he Garden housewives can cook as m other used inK two hit* in three trip s to the ,b jrd grades gave th eir version of George M liter w as arrested on Home a ■ "rregmtion w ere well orgn- store, using nearly the sam e methed to. but, according to Mr*. B artlett, plat*. Hi* fir-t drive wa* perhaps Story Book Ball The un- Al> mt 20« Beaver T heatre • pat- of entrance, and ’ succeeded in H m 1 8 a - M t- rtf cb arce anrf th e ..*1__‘ ir **ve evidence " UCU 111 iff I» , s -v Af'ri1 »«. If the proper equipm ent 1» furnished longest hit ever w itnessed on fol*",,K ° t the ta lc called Into play _ Ronuoa /V#/r n by ■ * S her- n'zed L.___ *• * if T mcceo more practice hours n th __ an did u. money. ReeVe* ° f f ‘« p «ml »he follow* the directions »* th e local field. W oodard, s ta r hur- thl* effort» of » larg e cast, and r<’,’, w,Te Present at the inaugural ing off w ith about m th at of th e locals. * outlined by ..there, there really lpr of the S aints whiffed twalva op. nm nper in which th*' httle folk* g e n in g of M vicb—.U ’ '^ o p e r a t iv e t ------ CIR CU IT COU RT Firew orks s ta rte d rig h t in the sh.m’d n..t be a ry g.c-* work »boot r«n*nta. acquitted thetnselv»» w ithout < u, .; .t» l»»t week. n-.3 M anager - l , -------- ; t r e n ( - T -------- e j u hor Group The action of Use County C ourt fir3t inninF when the visitors m ar- th* rooking o|»eratb’n* The tin e Ht. M ary's next game it with f0,'f '1-,*'oP >n line» o r action, was Ireem n n ’ high «nd th T n “ w V enture ‘bid«1 f” r A t ***» « * * » Station Meets J” disallcwaug an am ended claim ked up fo u r runs, and Beaverton and tem p eratu re control »n mo.lern V erboort high. The present ached- pleasing. Raleigh, A pril 19, 1928, (Special) t '*r prjS in the S am antha C lear- re8>stered her firs t counter in the equipment will take cure of all ule calls for game* with V erboort A liance was p ortrayed by to be a g reat success. At the Parent-Teachwr m eting on Wa.te r “ **, waa confirm ed in an * 'co" d Js U n u when »cored, A num ber of the m erchants who this. The modern machinery usetl C athlam et, S t BaoL Uwusa, Ht.4 m em bers of the six th un.l seventh plan to Monday c evcuuur. April 16, » I>r. ‘"ion handed down hy d g e Bag- to” overcome th is lead. But sponsoring • n -o rm jf the m e move m ove p u n 10 Vf 'r. Al- ' Ju -----* by men was designed tu li*hU n 8 t up hen a, • and’ rofunrbia Juniors. IT«llc». which w as followed by a are — Z ^ pv in«* — V T V - ................. sta rte d the gam e a t wimples of th e ir rc s r^ U y ii Wrx W itham. lecturer for the Pul» T V T !e k \ The ^ud,re heW th a t . , .V ' V ^ labor u th eir work. One of the St. M ary’s l ’oe Banks series of four songs by the Glee have to re g iste r any m m m odities In prasenj Tno near Me ■— H ealth “ League •* » * r-pose, ----1™ ™ lirie* to prasent in >Ke spoke, ami and vne the *i,l' - l - s ™ __ . aJUd‘.°a t!cn ,.on m,«*t iniportsnt function* of the Corcoran 8rd II, Van.lvrx'n * ° f the g rad e school. the second stanza, 1 fu tu re and In other w ays a re »elecetion of the officer* of th e or- . . m PPo^uled by Ida L. Or- present housewife 1» to prepare Gerace 2nd E astm an Booth Tarkvngtou'g popular one- w ith! w orking w ith Mr. Freem an to make W nization fo r the ensuing y ear wa* ^ V thp the claim g « ‘ t i«ty fovd, hut still conserve her Woodard lb Vug l'om ub u play."fitation V Y Y Y W“ h I M erchants' ' Co-operative ve nights a held. bv the Statute of ,im i- J " ? P T 5° ***** ,uck • it. rgy for other purpose*, and it h ijuwskl M a il Noma Browne. M aurice M anning,1 '»*rchanU cl tâtions. ----- »nd took the lead w ith four runs. Vocal number* by the Misses Vi- I. Mra. 1 at tle lt'a intention to pro Tular* rf A. Vanderz'd u G eorgen’' Haulenbeck, I-in iii.e N or-i _.y POP“ '“ » Plan- O rdeis were given in the follow- ^ of tho Fam e resolved Hs- The looked-for re tm show ing of ola Olesoa, Je a n Passen, and Rhoda sent short ru ts whereby tim e and I-acoy If Mota m»P. G ertrude M atzkc, [bills* Red- he liempsey-Tumiey fig h t g in u re s SheHenberger were given and Mrs. pa' es’ J ‘ ^ vs- to haul ¿ w n Phe ^ a r i energy can be saved w ithout sarrt- M eyers Thomp*un ‘laway, Billy 'Underwood and Isibert ss fic r,g the meal ’’The nature of Golassi G arrigua Wilson composing the cast, enm- had 1st men's work m akes them moro H ays Turk pleted the program Jo* *l>a aventng. opening n ig h t as they w ere m ailed Lawrence addressed the m eeting, c Lloyd Keeler was indicted on Garden Home added to her score The following oficers were elee- crlticnl shout what they c a t th rn S u -t'tu ti« n s: St M » a i y 'a , L. I be exhibit a rran g ed to show by stag e and arrived too late to be C II P ear !n a,m ost every stanze and refused They will be shown, ted: President, Mrs. Samuel B. th ree liquor counts. when our tro t her* learned to '•'.¡ok, W oodaru tor Golassi; A. F isher for the work of the student* completed presented. Weldcn and Bernice ^ ^ °yprha« 1« i _ The playing of Lawrence: vice-president, Robert o r Harold »«>•» Mr*. B artlett. “ 111* tenedt-ticy I acey. Banks, Thompson for A. the past year dtew the atten tio n on A pril 25 and 26. fhe locals showed th a t Beaverton Peterson, end secretary , Mrs. H. £ ilUi facp liauor indictm ents. ^ ' now Is going to salads and lig h te r Yand< rzunden; E astm an for Van of a'I, and brought forth high ___ _____ stro n g conten- thne bdls wprp ^ fOTrr<1 “ S 8 food stu ffs th a t require more care [>omt-U>n. B ottler. The next m eeting of the F,PP praise. The e n tire school momber- Rebekah Sewing Club To pleaded" guilty der fo r P€nnant honors, in spite of association will be held May 1, a t ' V' H. Pinerson In planning amt p rep aratio n than K II E ship m u represented in the entries ined 8500 and given a six i ? feat ,thov ?uff«red in th is game, Give Benefit Movie w hich"'um which tim e e"’ti.e the gradw gradua tfoil' cxercT- and was fined ,50° anJ P 've" « r ii (he foods th a t usvd tu bv served." St. Mary'» 6 -1 2 of the exhibit. m onths sentence, Bernice W illis Tho?e ,n charge declare th a t some sns will fi].«A I m > K ses also be be held. In an Interview w ith Mr#. B art- Banks 2 3 8 Those in ch arg e declare them - end Llovd K eeler and H arold Wei- 3teady p rartic e Periods will iron The Needle Club, an auxiliary or- lett, she sa!d; ■ — ■ ■ ■— — — ——— selves highly elnted over the inte- g n'zatior’ of the local den pleaded not guilty. ou^ ^ flaw s and put the boys in Rebekah “ It ha* been well said th at the riuUiouse At Huber Gets Field Worker To Sneak rest m anifested by the p atrons and lodge, th a t w as recently form ed will w ... . c . O rders w ere given in the follow- W‘th th e reSt ° f Smoothtop is the one range built At Missionary Session ir g cases: Credit Service company *1 a • a a x Good Spring Cleaning M "1? ,h?1. 8 *rp8t parent s;,irit an,! of, make' one of th eir firs t functions In accordance with a woman’s view­ __ ** co-operati'n I etween I a benefit presentation of the popu­ A m issionary m eeting point. It Is tho recognized leader f „ . , teacher will be resultant. l a r play, “ A C ountry The Clubhouse nt H uber, owned of modern rooking equipm ent and i tU- ' caver T h eatre on the evnings church Monday evening. A pril 23, Joseph Gornick, and Comm ercial Z 'i ? * **’’*,* h artm g average ■ «•- . • • r. , haa n num ber of distinctive fe a t­ and one in led ly the H uber. Com- • m ercial Club of th a t comm unity, d | \ i <•. k l l i S I tf .llf is i of A pril 27 a. ! 2 8 - Friday and a at t 7:30, a t which tim e Miss Helen C orporation vs. L. L. Lee , ’ ,n * .e [ aCe . _ r. tb*. ®rr’nfa on' ure*. Jones, a high school tw irler, pre- • Ul'.:. I gone a general ro At C om pany R iin q u e t Snnird«y_ of next week. Hawke, the Corn regational W omen’s s W. B. Coon is the p lain tiff and ,:aeH ' n ft, , , T ' ^ ■‘The ch 'ef thing in which a wo­ ‘ The film, decUured to be a ru ral Field W orker will give n m issionary f W. J. Hallock defendant in a suit ld" d ™ thf Z . IT * ? ' ; The ro. f hns Iwcn ro-iovctvd J. L. Bonson and C. J. Ro..c, lo- man is Interested in re itarJin g a f° r m ortgage forclosure, fiUxl on - w d h!" h ,t“' wh,le h,•', range I* th a t it rook* well. If It w tth patented ruofing sh in g b a and cal W atkins dealer» atten d 'd a ban classic of the highest quality, and talk. Those who have heard her r fo I unning-m ate, Schmidt. did cred it- ne th a t h a s played to capacity -t rrev o p s m eting declare th a t A pril 14. M. I. Langley is ehe sble work a t backstop. satu rate d with qu*t nt the Marlon hotel in Salem rook* too feat, the food mny burn, then thoroughly Kclly, FYee- houses w herever shown, deals with she brings an in terestin g m essage, atto rn ey for the p lain tiff. , . f t o h»at la too alow, the meal la Uaaco. a product highly rveommen- last week-end. also showed u p The W atk in . company staged the ^ f«n’ili«r ch«r*ctcr of country well-expressed. P L. IB r^'W .r ia p lain tiff, t o ^ < Z n t a g i T n ' spt to be soggy and unappetizing, ' l^,, f,,r ,h l* Pu rP°»“ ' The Job wa* is. bfo tho fam ily doctor, mid those The laidies Aid of tho church ' ■ K. H Schulte defendant in a p , , _ not to mention the tem p er of the d< *,y Larson. function as a "pep" m eeting fe r fo r Beaverton were Needle close o f the m eeting, the proceeds m ortgage forclosure suit filed A pril ' J. . r , , " n weFj husband who got no alm ost too late The t lubhouse also ha* a new th eir W estern representative«, and who know stHte th a t the he congratulated on to go to the m issionary work car- "L Thomas Tongue, Jr., is the at- Cchrii(it. c ;^t Ax-olio ivoTio Z and n .l B R*rrce| b u rn er w ith the ing Com m ittee nt tho last m eeting «sued on ¡g piannjn(f h a re some new men A pril 14. lid remuvud, to a w arm ing r.ono on »bowed the financial statu* of the in Feavcrton snffs fo r the gam e on B ernard R. Hodgden. _ e" b e I 8 nnd Spills Bovs C harles L. flrahet of Hillsboro filed In Ditch Near Barnes fo r C entral C om m itteem an fo r the One of W ashington cuunly'* An A loha-H uber houxewife Grabel precinct. B arnes, April 19, 1928, (Special) alert deputies was forced tu who derive* no little pleasure Ju stice of the Peace. C. J . Stick- W hat might have been a very rude y In terru p t a wedding ney, of Aloha, filed A pril 13 for from her hobby of planting «crloiia accident Occurred Just lielnvv Raedvilla Justice district. la*t week in Jiik duties of the school house here, n ear W alk- and ra rin g for a vegetable r ’s corner last Sunday afternoon. running to e arth one of the garden esrh Spring Witnessed Five hoys from Aloha-H uber, Den- Lonr Time Resident Of a dem onstration of \ oung num erous booze ca»e« th at nis nnd Robert Koch Dwnine nnd Aloha-Huber Passes On Am erica's business method« nunc up fur *tl*nti<>n al (he Oacnr Prink end Qoorne B randed, that was a t 'e a st startlin g , re ­ Aloha-H uber, A pril If* (Special) S h e r if f s ' office and keep the wore riding an ' ' " -Ick car at a cently. F uneral services w ere held Sun­ job* of the officer« from be­ high ra te of »pood n s t th " aihool Two enterp risin g youths had day from P egg's U ndertaking P a r­ hi so. nml oolng down the hill, the coming anything resem bling a established a roadside m ar­ lors for the m other of Mrs. Mc­ driver, Robert Koch, loat rontrol of Ik'd of ro*e* ketplace quite near her home Lean. Aloha, and in te rn e n t w as in th* whvgl. Thu c a r sw erved and and were offering for sale C rescent Grqv« cem etery. W alter It. I'uralh. P ortland ipaet, turned n num ber of som er- tem pting hunches of green Decease-t had been a resident of man, was engaged ill the •aults, amt landed In a deep ditch, onion*. heVe fo r a num ber of years. F or ceremony of taking unto him ­ bottom side up. The lady of our tale obser­ reveral weeks she had been ill a t self a w.fe, a Forest Grove Mr. Howard of th is comm unity ved the new business venture th e home of her dau g h ter, Mrs. damnel, when Deputy Ulrich w ent to the nid of the young fellows with much kindly in te re d , hot M clean , w ith h eart trouble. wan forced to in terru p t the who were pinned underneath, prob- we can wel’ im agine her Heshles Mrs. McLean she leaves to nuptial», and take the man in a b 'y saving some of them from great surprise when she chan­ m ourn a dau g h ter in G rants Pass, custody on liqour charge». drow n'nc. ced to look in her garden and tw o gram I children, Mrs. Jenn Mc- P '- r g e Brar dell suffered a badly Justice of the Peace IPalr the-e found unm istakable evi­ Breen of this place and Roderick cut leg In th e Occident nnd tho fined IV cath | U and la ter dence th a t the yonng m er­ McLean of th is place, and a host ctbora received c its nnd bru 'ses. chant» were supplying them ­ pronounced the word* th at of friends. Not all of the hoys have beeq able selves with onion« from her sentenced him to m atrim . ny to resum e th e ir achool work yet. private patch! for iife. Albert Fell has purchased a new The wrecked c a r w as removed from Glorious Spring the ditch Tuesday evening, Chevrolet coups. -••• . J*» «•..