/ The B eav erton U s a la * . ■ J 1 !■■■ l„r, former paster of Beaverton he U - t .r 'f o r vou * to cultivate your I (Gianlrr). own natural charm rather than to The 7:30 evening service Is to bs Cony egal ional shun-h. »train toward conformity to what Prayer meeting nt 7:30 p. m. on the regular Easter cantata service liwifd Kvvrv I ri'iay at Ueaverton. you call "New Style." Of course ! given by the members of the Bethel Widlicsday evening. Orrjron, the fam ly you spook of mav juilgv choir. Tho cantntn this yenr is You «re invited to attend these -B y - you wrongly but in attiring \ourself Tim services and worship with us. A bridge nt Smith Kerry is con­ "Our Living l o r d ’ (W ilson). THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. aa you do you put yourself open to » > tosila mo W, Il Boswell, 1!. tl. Roy L. Nolt, pastor. tracted at $02,168. suspicion. I am glad you do not W’cbb, Mrs. Il M. Barnes. Mrs Federal funds for Oregon road K. L. Spencer, Mr*. E. G. Wehb und Juliette Carter . . . Society Editor get ge, drunk—but I wouM hardly C h u r c h o f C h r is t building has reached $ 12.»MlI,fill). Dear J . H. Hulett . U utiue» Manage’. expect you to at your see! Mrs. J . E. Davi». Acconipanlst, TH E BA TTLE OK THE B I OS Tim Sunday »--h"ol will have an The t>exington-Jarmcn higway nt ______ Blue Eyes, do not think I am try- Mrs. R. C. Doty. Kurier program of mu.s e mid reci­ lleppncr is being graveled for 13 S¡ Entered as »ccond-claas matter t b • harsh. I just w :>nt to tations. If you want to hear tho I Dr. L. O. Howard says if mail miles. December V, 1922. at the postotfioe in press on you the importance of In a pamphlet called The Forest cl- . I trike twelve nt Urift, come Methodist (lu.lull nt Beaverton. Oregon. under (ho sooearances. Natural gayety and Prime* issued by the American Tree doe* not succeed in combating in­ The Willamette valley is fast tie- to Sunday srhool on Easter. sects they will destroy man. charm will always impress the r.ght Association, are some interesting Act of March 3. 1879. world famous for flower One of the greatest insect enemies n* The morning sermon for Easter persons more than rouge and short statistics about one of man’s great­ Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Kd is the termite or white ant. It bu will he on ’T h e Fact of the Kesur- FRIDAY. APRIL 6. 1928 dresses will. And. after all. it is est enemies. l*. Itoscman, superintendent lea tien.” Tim choir will havo spe­ Mershfield plans to a»k the state wnrd the good, honest family that you It appears that there are some penetrates the wood of floor», walls and foundations. Hence we must for a permit to build u t’oos Bay Morning worship at 11:00. cilli Faster munie. shook) want to impress rather than two hundred thousand kinds of tree- THE NAZ.VRF.NE’S LOVE not only fight to save the lumber, bridge, Kpvvorth league nt 0 : ’0. Keen­ Ilio evening sorivee will Consist the casual companinos who follow attacking insects and th»t these "And they »hall »courjre Him but to save the buildings. .. . —- - —_ ing worship nt 7 :tO, sermon* both of a pie - vice « om eri by Mr. Bash the "New Style." little insects cause far greater loss and rut Him to death and the morning and evening hy the pastor, eliti i.ilitit from Eugene, Oregon. There must be no let up in the NOTHING 1 IK F IT BEFO RE, to forests than do fires. third day He »hall rise attain'’ fight against insect». PERHAPS NEVER At; UN ! Uhoir rehear ats Tuesday evening Si « ini mu-ic l«v the ehiiir and the If unhindered these insects would MANY QUESTIONS . . Luke 18; 33 at 7:30 Prayer meeting Thur'day sermon will be on "l*r»ctlca! resulta We must either pay out more The world's greatest »how, 'Von destroy thousands of acres of v.ilu- The dawn of another Easter | D»»r Miss Flo;— money to protect the forest* or | ay H *r,” is coming to Hv iverton nt evening at 7:30. of tt<- Ilo-ui erection of Jesus.” W, are two girls girls, aged 15, nnd. abl* forvst* » yrar bears to us on its tinted w eirs the ever-Increasing prices for lumber, !«$*• It comes for a four day run. Special preparation* have be« n We cordially invite you to spemi are very w ry close friends. Do j-ou I« one section of Oregon these sacred recollection of a Christ tri­ and in the end see the forests dia- beginning Sunday. April 8. going on for the pa*t two weeks for Faster Sin «lus with us and enjoy umphant over death. Bolls, peiline think it is right f ° r two girls to pests have destroyed enough trees Three year« In the mnking, the the cantata to !*• given Easter even­ the proi-rnm and the Basket dinner their see n ,« = ? ? to build eight thousand homes at ,, in the steeples spread the mersajre tell each other all Much has been done in forestry P*«v •« said to have cost more thin ing hy the ehoir. Special eervi e* served by the Indies of the church. Wh.xt Kind of boys make the best ♦ 10.000 each. of Him who bore the sins of an in the Inst five decades, but much *■*>'HM>.(HXi to produce and includes will be held during “Passion Week.” , sweethearts, how old should a girl Birds are one of the best preven- erring world and faltered not. remains to be done, and the care of * 160.000 person case, A cordial invitation is «steaded to be when she gets married ? titires of insects. In a wav they As we pause to consider the sig­ St. Cecelia Church Beaverton movie patrons will I*- the public in general to com* and Also how old must a girl be be- are our best friends. Some insects the trees should be taught in every nificance of Easter day. what one public school. given the opportunity to whirl with| join with us in all these seasons of of ns can contemplate the vision of tore she can tro riding with boys by prey upon other», thus protecting Sunday Musses — 7:40 and Who can fully describe the bene- ^,,n Hur through (he furious chariot worship. the trees. the Naiarene, bearing his cross to herself and have dates at home? • 0 a. ni. fit of a tree? it is not only a thing races of that .lay. day. and with him W. Kilwln Ingalls, pastor Do you think a girl ought to go But man must be constantly vtgi- Golgotha hill without thereby find­ of beouty that enhances our land- 16« fierce joys of thrilling sen-J Sunday Catechism — 8:30 and riding with two boys? lant. He must fight the pmc ing strength and inspiration? The ipe. bu* it is Manager Freeman urge* i" useful. We get *'»ttle. U .io n. rn. J . J. beetles, borers, timber worm*, Bark »cape, but Nazarene Church cares and sorrows that are our from it the material for our houses, W* movie public to make definite! I I * Hnpllsrn — S p. in. beetle* attack the trees of the Adi- lot seem by contrast strangely for many of our utensils, and for I'lan* to be present on at least one Dear girls, you’ve certainly pro- rot* ducks. lessened. Wi-okdny Mass 8 :2 0 a. m. of the four big nights and view the First and Stott streets many other useful things. pounded a good number of questions, Not alon* in Beaverton, hut -n ^ The larch is the victim of th« Snlurikiy Confession — 4:30 Charles laithrop Pack, who has one mighty spectacle o f tho movie j Sunday, April 8 many Beavcrtons throughout our and they are questions to which it saw-fly worm. The pilic beetle !s devoted his life to the trees, and art. and 7 :3 0 p. m. is hard to give very definite ans­ 10:00 a. m. Run-la* school., 3 land, the old story, ever new, of well at the top of the list of insect spent much money at this work, L. Holden. Sup't. Faster program. Rev. J . M O’Neill One with so great a love that He wers. To the first question I would enemies. deserves great credit. 11:0* a. w> Morning wn-«hlp. would suffer on the Cross to expi­ answer that if the two girls trust In addition to this trees have dis­ Every town ought to have a Sermon on “Resurrection" by pastor ste the wrongs of mankind will be eeoh other very much, then they eases. although their power* of re­ 7:(k> p. m. Young People's meeting again recounted. And rightly so. sre true friends and may with pro­ sistance to disease are greater than municipal fores* in its environments and. ought to do something for the Ktflo p m. sermon on " Body, Soul The knowledge of such supreme fit confide in each other; but they their resistance to insects. trees of the country. and Spirit” by Rev. George N. Tayl affection makes the worid a better should refrain from telling anything that would cast discredit on some- place to live. “ ■ ’ ’- Nor should they tell anything Alder is being cut at fa’andon and The old Methodist churv.i at Co­ Bethel Con*. Church which might make the listener CARPI M l R ciuci H I II Dl R Who’s going to make up shined to San Francisco for furni­ quille is being razed to build a mod­ h*t envious or hurt the listener. ture use. on rent «-stale. Low inter­ of presidential impossibilities ! em structure. Remodeling, Foundation Work and i K ys who make the best sweet­ hearts are also the boys who make est cost, repayment priv­ Roofing A dance fiddler claims that he *v - ’ ______ | hard __ M working m men— modest, ileges. Write for details. Al -o paper i ng ami pointi ng taps his foot half a million tin' - a and clean cut youths who have some year. That’s nothing! Our office •e'-’ons purpo-e in life and are al- ^ IIINRY HI \CK WASHINGTON girl dances the Giglio. ways courteous and gentlemanly, A Fii ■ e boys should be »voided »* A PHONE I1KO VDW AY HOfiO Snvinffs & Loan Assn. We estimate ths* during May and husbands; they usually keep on be- A Shut»’ llldg. IliINboro, Or*. GOOD WORK PROM IT SERVICE A June^ 173 pilrs of Beaverton an! ing fickle all their lives. vicinity will be told they are the How old should a girl be when FA IR I'RIt'F.S “only girl in the worid." - she starts using rouge, lipstick, e tc ’ “ ! 1 eir! - to use the aids to Atlantic City is to have no more I think it is up to her. en- bathing beauty parades. That will : tire'y- when she begins using them, ë probably eliminate a lot of eve- j although of course. I would not ad­ vise young girls to use them. strain at that popular resort. . . Girls may have friendships with boys at any age. provided the T /“> /•• f Boy« ip* are purely friendships, think they should develop TH E NEW S T Y L E ......... | any serious relationship«, with mat- Dear Miss F lo :— | rimonial intention when very young. BETH EL CONGREGATIONAL Phone, 4603 »’ —tho trlcpKonc I tads for il Is the only communi­ I am a young girl of sixteen and Aga;n, tho, I must admit there is The joyousnesa of Easter will be f D PECK, SA L E S NGF... B i-A V tR T C N , PHONE 5603 not counted bad looking. I use no set age when these should begin. the prevailing theme Sunday in all cation systom that links the entire nation and rouge, powder and lip stick, have I* all depends on the girl and how AN service* of the Bethel Congregation­ permits you to immediately complete a transac­ bobbed hair and wear short dresses, old she is for her age. al church. Special exercises have not that I think this is acting cute tion regardless of distance been prepared in connection with tho A girl should get married when but because I think it is up to date. she meets the right man. I think regular Sunday school program st The telephone gives you I also go out with boys occas- she ought to be over 18 or 19. al­ the 9:15 service. sionally and wear evening dresses. though there are instances of happy PRI\ ' ' 1 ACCURACY- SPEED At the morning church hour the Now in mv section is an old-fash- marriages where the girl married pastor will speak on the subject of ECON(» I Y—C ERTAI NT V icned family. They don’t believe earlier. As to going riding with “The Joyous Disciples." The an­ in the new styles. They call me a a boy, or with two boys, that is all them to be given by the ehoir is flapper, etc., and say they are up to bow long the girl knows the entitled “In the End of the Rah- sorry for my mother. I do not at­ boy or boys ard how courteous, hath" (Speaks). Mr. 11-in-en will tend dances or get drunk. These respectful and trustworthv th«*y arc. *ing the offertory solo, “llosamui,” people can find no other fault but It is nlwavs best to have a chaper­ ju st merely the new style. one, but if the girl is sure that she BLU E E YES | can trust the boy i, mav be proper • • • to go riding with him alone, if her Dear Blue Eyes, perhaps you parents know and do not object. iiMunu ' overdo the “New Sty le" a little bit. For a girl of sixteen, vou seem to A < ortract has been let for an use artificial aids for beauty some­ $8,000 union high school furnishing what extensively. I think it would at Klamath Falls. Beaverton Review S&feNewv Dr. Frank Crane Says I I c h u h c ii ] ANNOUNCDILYF LOANS J BUY I NOW! \ Barn S a s h ..................... $ 2x4’s, per M, . . . . lx l2 's , per M, . . . . 2x12, rough, per M, In Confidence - ;rir nj ; .70 \ 10.00 i 12.00 0 14.00 ^ \ IN AN AGE OF SPEED W. J. McCready Lumber Co. ^ O re g o n Telephone C o . I ly, • • wr Î r r ^ tf y ts —w teeth u-!*. Radio employs .100.000 people, and broadcasting reachç 90,000,UU). By Arthur Brisbane NEEDLESS SPEED. THE RADIO INDUSTRY. IMMIGRANTS BUILD NATIONS. A DEMOCRATIC PRINCE. • Frank Lockhart, whom Barney Oldfield call»'the greatest automo­ bile driver in history,” drove hi» car ¿25 mile» an hour on a Florida beach yesterday, lost control and shot out into the ocean. Such speed in automobiles is val­ ueless, because it cannot be used. Trying for it it as unwi e as some “stunts’’ that fliers do, eir.f hasizing the danger of flying, instead of em­ phasizing its sa'cty, as th y should. It is to be ho; d tir.it Colonel Lind- bergh, the r- t ••••• tant yt ung man to his country, v. 1 ib danger t * • ~iwir and folly oi Lindbergh A serious V ears in would set 1‘ he wants. America. T a moving Great Bril:, rie Edith picture sii sy hy the Cavril «a i vu cidcs such Germans. Bntai and in- a picture would «ensify international bitterness. Edith Cavell was guilty under mil­ itary law. Allied nations executed women for crimes no more serious. |But the “moral" circumstances were different Military stupidity, that governed Germany and killed Edith Cavell, governs Germany no longer. The Argentine Republic wanted to ftwrite the United States tariff to compete with American farmers. But the Argentine didn’t have Balfour as representative, so this country said no. We can handle little republics. Britain is too much for us. Last year, this country »pent $600.- 000.000 for radio products, machines Hid parts. Nineteen twenty-eight will sec the first radio Presidential T V WttlM change» swift* An athlete, 1 rcakcr of records, with big lun.s and chist expansion, was •mazed when the life insurance doc- • tor told him “you are a lad ri-k. We can’t take you.” Next to n > exercise, the danger­ ous thing is over-exercise You can develop muscles almost without lim­ it. , y .i have only ■ ne heart, and it will stand only so much. Chas. Berthold, L o c a l A g e n limi- -J ‘ taker Prom -ers of South American in­ vestments intorni you that the pop­ ulation of Rio de Janicro has in­ creased nearly a million in eight years, Buenos Aires more than a mil­ lion in fourteen years. Agricultural p ; ilath.n has inerca^d enormously in South America. A!I that is due to our immigration laws which keep out of the United States the white European popula­ tions that we need, the men and wo­ men that made this country what it is. Shutting out such immigration, we build up other nations. The former Kaiser, who must have done some hard thinking in the last few years, tells Sylvester Viereck, “tc/day the center of gravity which determines world power has shifted to the Un:trd States. America is master of the world.” America probably COULD be mas­ ter of the world. But to desire that mastery would be fooli h. To !>e masters of ourselves, mind our busi­ ness, develop this country and in­ crease the well-being of the average man, is a big enough task. The Prince of Wales shakes hands, by mistake, with a waiter, best dre'o d man, probably, at a business men’s dinner. “But, Sir, I’m only a waiter.” “I don’t see that that makes any difference,” says the Prince shaking hands over again. The tyrant was annoyed when S Inn told him there could he good government “only when kings become philosophers, or philosophers become kings.” The young Prince leaves phil­ osophy to profe* >rs. But he knows that r val s ; hi eve permanency by becoming democratic The conference at Havana is over. And, as Mr. Rogers says. Uncle Sam is t be congratulated on going into a conference without losing anything; no hnttl chips scrapped to oblige naV Tons that couldn’t afford to compete; no silly promise nr* to fortify Guam, or do anything without the consent of kinutu, I rani« or Japan. Body by Fahrt (Sffortless Driving Smoothness «Power and Ease o f Control that make every m ile a pleasure COLORS radian tasihe H n itlb o W Spring beckons! And Buick owner* will greet the season in car» which take first place in rich, alluring beauty. Glowing colon—colors that rival the exquisite hue* o f the rainbow —color» as distinctive as the fleet, low lines of Buick bodies by Fisher. Not only in beauty, but in performance, too, Buick leads the way. Its famous Valve-in-Head six-cylinder engir.e provides the thrilling abilities so highly desired on tempting Spring days. Visit the Buick showroom ami *ee the most colorful can Buick has ever produced. 7 heir beauty will motivate you—and a demonstration will make Buick your choice. S E D A N S $1193 to $199^ - • C O U P E S * M 9 J to * 1 8 5 0 S P O R T M O D EL S $1195 to *1 5 2 3 The COACH $ 585 T h r T . . a r in 9 * A Q C o r KcMilatcr ■ ' -J The C oup« * *% Th«+L)oo« S « la n • • The Sp ort Mw ltnp.rlai *595 *675 *665 1 C U lu la li- - I U rlilo T ru ck I m nly) e 1 l . h l I ta li v e r r • A 7 4 ( C n r a .f i. I M I » ) J 1 ” A ll P r i e f. r*. b . F lin t. M ie li. C b ec-h O i e v r n l « « I I .I lv . ra d P l k c * T T i. o In clu C » l b . I*«w» (u n .U ln a « n d 0* a in n c im ln a s « h.r| lu r | il • ralla blu. D ay a fte r day It b e c o m e s m ore apparent that the un­ riv a le d p o p u la rity o f th e B igger and Ik-tlcr C hevrolet is due to its basic elem ents o f superiority. A nd the greatest factor o f all is the effortless driving it pro­ vides. It steers w ith the w eight o f the hand — for th e worm and gear steering m echanism is fitted with ball hear­ ings throughout . . • even at the front axle knuckles. T h e clutch Is vel­ vety smooth in action and the gear-shift lever responds to the lightest touch. A ccel­ eration is swift and certain, w hile big n o n -lo ck in g four- w heel brakes assure perfect con trol under every condi­ tion o f highway and traffic. Y o u ’ll n e v e r k n o w what a great car it is u n til you sit at rhe w heel uiul d riv e! So c o m e in today for a dem onstration! AO p r i m frp Jk . FltM . M u h , c m w a i i . i u b r a U r4. T h r C . U . A . C ftn rm t pUm, thr m o l 4 ru rrtU . » rratU ilU . BUICK H. C. Peterson HILLSBORO OREGON Bernard Q U A L I T Y « Stipe’s Garage Ci Beaverton A T L O W C O S T 1 * /