T il# Beaverton Review • • a v tr lo ft «t#%1#w. The grealrat »nie for lack o f aelf ro*i’ «MO«*e, » will aing a contralto solo, the rholr . . . Society Editor Juliette Carter will sing an anthem and the tirvhv«* St. Cecelia Church KINGING . »he sewage system of the laxly. “ A soft answer turneth away P O L I C E * Business Managet J. H. Hulett . j tra will bv beard in two apectul wrath," except in the case o f the People spend a vast deal o f m ot- ■ something that circulates the blood numbers. Thu pastor will preach bull dog. ey every year listening to singing, rapidly. Sunday M asses — 7 :4 0 an d Entered aa second-class matter on the subject, "The Message of - ■" Hut the trouble is they simply! Exercise should he taken judi 10 « . in. December 9, 1922, at the postoffice Je.ius to the World." It ia a great thing to be conten- list‘ ‘n to Th* ,r v auditors and ciously o f course, but the boat Sunday C u teoh lsm — 8 :3 0 and at Beaverton, Oregon, under (he Sunday School at 9:43, Junior form o f exercise ia mild exrroiac ted --but a dangerous thing to be not singers. Act o f March 3, 1879. t'hriatiun Endeavor at 11:00 p. m. 0 :3 0 a. m. We like to crowd the bleachers.' which you do regularly. Irregular too easily contented. limit Ism — 2 p, in. and Senior t'briatlan Endeavor at to watch baseball, football and ten -1 exercise or exercise once in a while FRIDAY. MARCH 23, 1928 t':öO p. m. W eek da y Maas H:20 a, m. T. . . ■ . . . . . j »d» games, and we like to go to | is about as good as none at all. j Do not forget the old etyle Satu rday C o n fe s s io n — 4 :3 0 „, "5 , __ usineia opportun the grand opera and concerts and Many people are constantly mak- ADVERTISING'S FUNCTION Southern dinner served tonight and 7 :3 0 p. nt. . \ ' J . *" someone start a vaudeville and hear them sing. i ing spurts toward physical culture. Recently one of Beaverton’s (F riday) in the church parlors by ’’ ’ f °P 0 m fn- But the host part of sin :ing is hut spurts are not what we need Rev. J. M. O’Neill. business meto said to us that an ad the Bethel Aid society. Dinner ! the reaction upon the singer him- Wo require re g u la r ity .# he . inserted did not sell a single 6:30 to 7:80. . . . . . , . . A m*n should be more concerned self. Take any form o f phyaical exer­ artKle o f the product he happened .bou t what he descends to than We are notoriously bad fingers. cise. any ayatem, for they all em- to be offering—an article, by the Methodist Church what he descened from. W# hire chViirs in churchea to brace about the same points, only way, that costs not cents, but dol­ - ' sing for us when we ought to be adopt some ayatem that will bring lars, and a large amount o f dollars, An economist is a fellow who singing ourselves. \ the unused muscles o f the body into S«Tviee* In this church Sunday,' too. He also was guilty of observ­ Do it youreelf, is the best advice play. Mareh 23th. aa follow*: ing that since evryone knew him, knows how to cut down expense-. by cutting down your expenses. j in physical culture. j There la no better healthful ex- Sunday achool at 10:00 a. m. Ed-; there was no need o f advertising. ward D. Uoseman, superintendent - ................. Let us not have to many th in gs, erclee than singing, provided we do on real estate. Low inter* I f a slng'e insertion o f a $2.40 Morning worship at 11:00. Law reforms nobody; the Japan- 'd o n e for us. but do them ourselves, i the singing ourselves. advertisement in the weekly paper eit co»t, repayment priv* Fpworth l.cncuc nt <1:30. Even­ It m ayj INiblic school teachers tell ua that were guaranteed to sell a house- ese have a saving, “ put a snake in km) we will be better off. ing worship at 7:30, sermon* both stick and it will still be plc«»*nt to have a masseur or a almost any number o f youths can ilegea. Write for details. and-lot, a bed-room suite or a a bamboo . morning and evening by the pastor. masseuse work at you. hut the best be taught to sing, and it is un art threshing machine, newspaper edit­ w riggle." I Choir rehearaala Tuesday evening form o f exercise is automotive. j that we should all culivate ors would wear platinum collar- WASHINGTON at 7:80. Prayer meeting Thursday Get out and take a walk or p la y ' There la no better music than buttons and the present large class ivcnlng at 7:80. f c . or do something that congregational singing, Savings & Loan A«an. o f salesmen would be forced to turn Special preparations have been the sweat and thus improve The Germans, all o f them can Shut* Bldg, Hillsboro, Ore. to a career of peddling horseradish « i » » Helen o jx c r, wno keeps going on for the past two wtieka for if they would continue to live. the book* ordinarily, become* the HOW TO W IN HIM B A C K ......... the cantata to be given Easter even­ whole police department o f North The function of advertising Is to ing by the choir. Special aervlce* Arlington, N. I., when the polico aid the merchant in selling his pro­ Dear Miss F lo:— wlH be he’d during "P»*»lon Week.’ ’ !^ « Jorce is called away at time*. duct. Granted. And the function I am very much in love with a A lordlnl Invitation Is extruded to ! When she has police powers thrust twenty-one. 1 o f the teeth is to aid in digesting young man about upon her in etnergeneiv*, the doe* the public In general to come and j the food. Yet, who among ua< have been going out with him over everything required of a cop, even join with ua In alt these eaaxon* o f] would hie himself to a dentist for a year. He is very nice to me and to hauling in the town drunk*, if worship. any. a complete job of extraction if a , tehs me that he lovea me dearly, W. Edwin Ingalls, pastor tummy-ache developed. Foolish, o f The other day w-e had a little course. Newspaper advertising can­ quarrcl and he hasn't been back Eugene grant«d building penult* Nnznrcne Church I think his love fo r me is not be measured with a slide-rule, since. amounting to $73.5)0 in February. as to the exact amount o f business doubtful. Don’t you? Could you A handle ia prop«»,«d as a local It brings. We only wish it could. tell me how to win him back? First and Stout Streets industry in Harrisburg. Experience, however, proves that M AY 10:00 a. m. Sun lay sch'-ol., J • • • the merchant who advertises consis­ I« Holden. Supt tently and wisely In the paper Perhaps your friend is timid 11 :M a. m. Morning worchlp. serving his buying public profits about approaching you again. In 8:30 p. in. Young IV 'p le ’s more than the one who does not. A all probability he will eventually; ; meeting. moment o f thought shews why. come back if he really loves you. As the gentlemsn in question re­ If he makes no move to patch u p ! marked. everyone knows he is things, it may be that his love is c a r p i v f f r « in d r i m n r r C h e a t i C h e e s e - lo a m here. Yet, not everyone is con­ doubtful. But there are many ways Bethel Cong. Church R«aind*'Iag. F «Min talion Work r.nd scious o f the fa ct' that they might in which to see him and tell what | be transacting business with him his attitude ia. It would be wise Roofing to mutral advantage. Now. that is. to invite him to a party or get a Al*u papering and painting they are aware of his existence, but girl friend to invite him to a patty it means nothing to them person- at which you are also to be present. lu n tvlcpl.i'iie ru panv, lilMtY HI U K a'ly. When you were courting the Then, face to face with him you owm-d by a H ixd.ly growing | only girl in thé world you probably can easily discover whether or not PHONE BROADW AY »869 list i f lodAMual atorkhilder*. told her that you loved her. But if he is willing to forget the quarTel GOOD WORK PRO M ÎT SERVICE ha« o n ', i n , function to fu l­ you had confined your courtship to and be your friend again. Perhaps fill. That ia to icrve to Ik* just that and did not repeat the you have hurt him in some way FAIR « PRICES tender thought, with proper demon- without being conscious o f it. text of it* ability the territory strationtiona and proof o f your in which It operate« We carry a full line of affections, your love-making was PAR EN TA L OBJECTIONS........ not a howling success. tè Dear Miss F lo:— Fruit. Shrubbery, The public has to have a thing I am eighteen years of age. I told them and re-told, before they have been going around with a Filbert and Nut Trees Toalixe that you are talking direct­ young man, twenty years of age. ly to them. I f you have establish Located one mile north o f b*«>th ° f us are very much in love. ed a business here and done all all We want to get married. But my Reedville, at the corner o f in your power to make that busi­ folks object. They want me to mar­ ness pay, yon have not overloked ry a wealthy man o f thirty whom ¿ * > //V j£ T T / A 5 A L A O M arket, and Baseline Road the revenue to be gained by a I do not love, though he loves me. From Marre Dakake’ a ftoaie Economic# nalse and place on the letture. O ELR IC H N U R S E R Y policy o f consistent advertising. On W’ hat shall I do? Kitchen. Kraft Cheese Co.. Chicago. Soften I packages of Kraft Cream Continuing th«* nerloj o f 1-entvn the other hand the merchant who Cheese with tweet cream and spread POISSETTI.% SALAD Broken Hearted message*, the pa tor v ill i paak In C O M PA N Y complacently folds his hands and Carefully peel a fresh medium slaed on tha outside of the loaf. Oarntah he morning on the S'lbjori, "Trlltr- • a • with parsley or water ere** and small says. “ Here I am. let them come tomato and cut In sections polnsettla 111 l..boro. Route Four ion—• Creed or a Companionship.'' Your letter truly presents a d if­ radish loses. Place In the refrigerator etyle. almost to the stem end. Place and buy," is not being fair to his about an hour before serving. ficult problem, but. “ Trolren Heart-| tomato on crispy lettuce leaves, and business nor himself ed,” you are still very young o n ly ' spread the sections «lightly (part CREAM CHEESE CAKE I f such astute business heads as eighteen. The attraction between 1 pk( Zweikeck 1 lb Krart O ra re Drees well with French dressing, and the manufactures of W rigley’s S the. batter Ckv.tr fill with grated American cheese Gar­ the young man o f twenty and your- j 2 the. saesr 1 cap saper Chewing Gum. Old Dutch Cleanser nish w l'b a sprig of parsley In the S esse, rolke end 1 tbs. dour *c’ f may be only what is called “ a J and Bayer Aspirin— all products whites beaten plack o f n i l case o f puppy love." The man o f j center c i the tomato. separat' 1 Up. esalila „ tel» that are now houshold words— still CREAM CIIEE.SE LOtF % plat cream thirty has reached maturity, and , continue to set aside thousands of Remove the crust from a loaf of Roll the Zweiback Into crumbs ana probably his love for you is a true dollars a month fo r advertising, ft sandwich bread. Slice bread length­ add to the butter and 3 tbs aug« love, but if you do not love him. I j wise. Place a slice of bread on a previously creamed together wou'd seem that such a thing as Rxa platter and spread with mayonnaise, this mixture until the tnyrcdients s*w the value o f advertising were not would not advise you to marry him, then cover with thinly sliced toma­ thoroughly blended, put In the c - » entirely a fond delusion o f country as it is not right to marrv a man j whom you do not love. However, | toes. Spread another slice of mend tom of baking pan and pres* C o»» editors. with mayonnaise and place with even all around. Beat yolks one at • l e t the merchant who does not vou ought to nut by thoughts o f dressing side on tomatoes. Spread time, then add remaining tngm li •»•• Relieve in advertising remove the marriage for the present— you are with t cencrous layer of K?y end Lastly add egg whites teen-«. un u a vet with the third slice of tread stiff and fold into the m:>»u»i P - « displays from his windows and take very young, and it would be wisest i -*p r.d t'.l* : c Kith n:.i> nnaiee this mixture in the baking p-a m down his sign if he would be con­ fo r you to marry no one until some t' p c f 111 * c r u m b s . DaXe • •' m N I r.-' • r - rr :> Irrtu * ' ;i n a d sistent in his policy. They, too, ‘ imo ha* rone by and vour feelings P • .’ T i-'i. «lice ii l ie.'..! with mnjc>n o v e n St S •j-rnp- r. ; ! -.;e -a "4# —. -» a serve the purnose o f advertising as have undergone many changes. Per­ 1 «•«*-’--* —m ; -—c » - ~*a»— i . - does the weekly paper— with this haps vou will come to love the man difference; whereas they carry his your parents have picked out for ^ message onlv to the passers-by, his you. You will know later whether ^ display in the Review’s column* vour love foy your young bov friend of would enter a thousand homes, and is a true and lasting love, and if £ be a regu’ ar reminder that he both his love and yours prove to 5 try to convince your ^ was ever elert to serve their needs be lasting, and was making a direct effort to parents that mar L ing him is tho rA only possible course for you. By interest them in his product. no means hurt vour parents, or do g anything without their knowledge. 5 ON BONDED 1NDF.BTEDNESS Multnomah county’s bonded in- Remember they are your best frinds 5 DttFraiik Crane Says LOANS :..H In Confidence- f enuncil i We Serve... J PP j Oregon Telephone Company .n ilR A N T - iote Our. Prices! Barn Sach d e b te d n e ^ ilm o u n u 'to a W t $275 ma‘ t" how hf ” h thT maV for each man. woman and child in * »"«• h»ve your m- the county. Washington county ha. '« ™ t s to their heart*. no bonded indebtedness. | Where in th i, section is a b rea d -'K E E P YOUR FRIE N D S........ winner or a father of a family who Dear Miss F lo:— wants Beaverton to be taken in by j am on|y onc 0f t),e many who Portland. "Taken in’ seems quite seek advice. I am a girl of eigh- (he proper phrase. teen and very much in love. The “ “ “ hoy that I love is about ten years THE USEFUL COMMA. AGAIN older than I am. Although he love* ‘ For Sale— Real mule, large and me, lie thinks that I am too flan- gent!», in every way no mat«.’— Ad perish and unsettled to marry, and he thinks that I do not know my in Hillsboro Argus. The enrter must not be so very own mind. I cannot make him be­ lieve that I love him. He ask* affectionate. that I do not go with any other Nobody loses anything by being boys, and especially one, o f whem he thinks I'm very fond. a good loser. This is my question— shtuld I do Homely girls are alwas glad that as he asks and refuse all other boys, when he has no intention of love is blind. marrying me? Should I do as he asks, lose all my boy friend* and Talking may get a job but it will live in the present with no outlook never hold it. fe r the future? “Bay” People who most enjoy fighting do none of it themselves. Dear “ Bay," there is no reason why you should lose all your boy When a gossip is wound up, she friends if the man that you love usually runs everybody down. does not intend to marry you. He has no right to ask that you relin­ rt ■ 1 — — There is nothing easier than quish all your other hoy friends, be­ cause of him You are »till yeung, thinking you have a hard time. and should have many friends. If I however, you can come to a defimte understanding with him that h» will ! marry vou. if you love him dearly . * it would be wise to confine your- A m ans importance cannot be t, him But do not tx at measured hy the way he feels about unlM( ar? th, t he h c„ to make you his wife. 2 5 ; w ^ ^ ^ ft (5 ft (j k? >w ^ . $ .70 Cedar Sid nj . 2 x 4 ’s . . . . 15.00 10.00 2.45 Paint . . . . . Gal. W. J. McCready Lumber Co. F D PEC,A, S*LES AGENT. B - AVERTON. OREGON Ber; ’ i c ! g *3 Famous Feed» Barthold’ Egg Mash Berthola’ Dairy Feed Berthold’Scratch Feed CHARTS — largest closed car for the world's lowest price is here T T U N D R E D S o f thousand» J l j L o f visitors to the great Auto Shows o f 1928 acclaimed the n ew D U R A N T -S i ARt he greatest trium ph o f America’s greatest industry — the greatest value ever offered by any motor car manufacturer. This auto­ m otive masterpiece that has astounded the world is nowbeing displayed by your DURANT- STAR dealer. We invite you to drive this car and be convinced o f its m echanical p erfection . The new D U R A N T -S T A R stands unequalled for performance, qual­ ity and style among all low-priced autom obiles— the greatest value ever offered— the largest closed car for the world’s lowest price. $ bsr th o ld Hay, Grain, Feed, Poultry Supplies Garden Seed r before has such quality built into a motor car sell- t such a sensational low . New high com pression Seal Continental M otor, sury patented rubber motor inting, wide Bendix 4-wheel kes, Bohnalite pistons, Morse nt timing chain drive, 107- !i wheel (>ase, beautiful new '»-H unt body — these are i few o f the quality features assure unm atched per» iorm ance o f the new S T A R . 495 F. O . B. LAN3INO. MICH. Dumpers on all nu «Irl# «t •Istflit «atra um Durant «Silver A D U RAN T-STAR T w o -D o o r Sedan (flfsilral«!) Roadster • Coupe . . . Four - D o o r Sedan . . . . on Display u n iv e rsa Lime, Cement, Plaster, Fertilizer If he con- Washington County Distributors Of STAR CARS E. S B E I N G M A D