TTTK BKAVFnTON nrV TK W ALOHA-IIUBKK FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Inter-aling Littl* Notes from the Surrounding Country a» j home. Told jy Our Activa Spacial Corrae pondent» Weekly^ | Mrs. About A rent of Huber is III at her J . H. Sldw.ll was Portland visitor last week. KINTON H A PPEN IN GS! BARNES BRIEFS Gsurge Ludwig spent Thursday in Mrs. Stevens visited Mrs. Eugene Portland where he viaitod with Buru Tuesday. relatives. Mrs. N. P. Johnson has been 111 Mr. and Mrs. Rcfcurt I'om.roy » « is transacting bust ns as In Bear« several days. srton Monday. Mrs. Chin, who was ill with lum­ 8. II Pomeroy waa a caller at tha bago is able to be about. home of his brother in Hillsboro Mrs. W. W. Howard visited at the Sunday afternoon. John McCteod home Tuesday. Rotary Van Kloek has bsen quite Curtis Johnson and Ralph Weav­ I’oorly at his home on Pleasant Val­ er called ob the Spies children ley road, during the paat work. Sunday. Miss Mabla Van Kleca spent the Anna Chin of Beaverton high week-end with friends in Scholls, re­ school called at the Bernes school lu m in g to her home Sunday even- Monday. Ing. Mr. J . D. Trachae! and daughter ihers will be another “600" party Clara were Portland shoppers Inst held in the hell thia Saturday even- Monday. ing. U is to ba givsa under the Miss Mildred Merry spent Sun­ auspices of the local Grange. day afternoon at LaureUiurst pa-* Frank Richards has been doing in Portland. quite a job of clearing on his Onion buyer* on business from laud adjoining the Harry Richards E. E. Herat plate and la now tatting It out to HUisboro called on last week. nut trees. Mrs. Lawrence Jones, of Portland The union growers in Pleasant Valley district have beta busy dur­ called at tbs John Barry, parental, ing tbs past weak topping oft their bom# Bunday , onion«, some of which nave been Mrs. John Wlnnegar of Cooper so.d to Portland buyers. Mountain eras a guest of Mrs. r.«J A special meeting of the Ladies' Young last Sunda>. F am ou a A viator Misting Nancy Larson was visitor last week. 'iw iT fc * r v win add to , h m io<*i >ufp tbrir fruit plant at Hood River, plana to Install Tfcr afeamrr "Knoxville CKy" plant, la taking a cargo of long piling . — _____ from St. Helens to New York. Government engineers approva | a 85-foot Wi lamette channel from Portland to the Columbia River. You Should KnoW a Portland Mr. and Mrs. Birch of Cooper Mountain are parents of a daughter born last week. NOTICE TO VOTERS B eaverton Lodge No. 2 5 2 . 1. O. O. F., m eets ev­ * ' *"* ” ery Monday e v e - r at 8 p. m. V isito rs w e t- I. 8. <3. Rogers, N. O. M. Underhill, Secretary. 7tf I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of senator for the joint district of Washington, Yamhill, Lincoln and Tillamook counties on the Republican ticket. If nominated and elected I will endeavor to fill thia office in an intelligent and conscientious man-I J- O O. F . Hall. Mrs. W aftsi ner. c. J . Edwards »■"»». Secretary, Mrs. Marjor adv c 17-18 <• Lew is, N. -------- p 4IL Ex Eire Chief Lee llolden is hav- ing a double garage built at his residence h«re. Mrs. Dobbim of Beaverton visit­ ed at the home of Mrs. McLane o n 1 Vista avenue last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Martin and daughters, Ruth and Eileen were! Portland visitors Saturday, Edgar Larson received bruises and a bad shaking up when he fell I from his step ladder at his home last week. The Southern Pacific ___ Railway and Transport company now has a ticket office at the Aloha Mercan­ tile store. Photo Shows: Harry Brooks, -famous aviator who plunged into the breakers off Melbourne while on s flight from Titusville to Miami, Florida. The Atlantic Ocean gave up his wrecked plane but the body of the famous aviator has not been found. Wtibam Shoemaker has resigned his duties at a camp near Kelsey and will spend • few days with his family here. Mrs. A. L. Larson attended the Lodi««' Aid and the Missionary societies of the First Lutheran church at Portland Inst week. The tjueen Esther Circle enter­ tained about thirty-five ladies at • Silver Tern Thursday afternoon at the bouts of Mrs. Smith on Wheeler > avenue. Aid society waa held at the church Robert Johnson spent part of Sun­ Mrs. Je ss Hayes and daughter tussday afternoon and plans ware day with Harry Parker of the Un­ Elisabeth, Mrs. Harry Wsaver and made to fix up the interior of the ion school, playing ball. church ns soon as It can be done. Mr, E. K. Beret and son, Roy tar Virginia war# county east visit­ Mrs. Virgil Land roe and children made business trips to Portland ou ors Saturday. of C hltwood, Oregon, who have' Saturday and Monday. * Mrs. Haskins of Timber who re­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson were turned from the Womans hopislai business cabers at the Cheater Uaa- in Portland last week has bacii lung mng with hor her daughter, Mrs. K. kili place last week. K angiporti hers. Mr. and Mr*. Lee of Portland called on their daughter and family i Sanford Rogers, Robert Chamber­ lain and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Den­ Mrs. Chin last week. Mrs. Charles Spies and children, holm of Stacy avenue paid Columbia Lodge, Portland, a fraternal visit Saturday evening The Nunnicamp twins end Ewer trip.cis, both of Huber were surely an added attraction to the Juvenile Stylo Show at Meier and Prank’s is improving at UU* writing. Mrs. U n Eugene Buru. who suffered suditorium Friday and Saturday. Eva Solberg, trained nurse from Mv. r, ly H„ k Irum a bad W. E. Abbott has received a large Portland is caring for bar. spoil of quinsy u again ubls to os shipment of Bermuda onion planu , airs. Julius Wcdokmg, Mrs. Loui-1 about. from Laredo, Texas. He has SH a* Van hlmh, Miss Amin and B a a -, Little Ralph Martin, younger son acres to be planted to onions. This ter \\o.*ekiiig were calling on rila- ^ U|J Sirs. Henry Martin, ceie- is his second year to plant them. lu e s in 111-Uboro Tuesday. Tboy brated his fifth birthday one day The church girls gave the church visited August tVedeking of Scholls ^ wtcg_ baskethad team a luncheon Satur­ who is very lit in Jones hospital. | . . __I r rank Buru has made several day evening. The decorations were Regular services at * * * ■ * trips to Portland lately to taks his green and white, and everything huiiUay. Bible-school at 0:0t> • * * father to the hospital and to visit was appropnaU to St. Patrick s In the morning, preaching service# h| ti_ Day. b> the pastor, Rev. W. L. Strange. , . ^ The Beaverton Eastern Star held at 1 ;oO in the afternoon. Everyone Mr. and Mrs. J . D. Trnchsel and it cordially invited to attend these family took dinner bflnday with s very successful dame at Huber ^ Mrs. Stacker, Mr*. Tracheal's mom- Commercial Hail Wednesday even­ ! i r t of Bethany. ing. Music was furnished by an Potato and onion buyor* from th* Indian Orchestra for 101 ranch in numerous Hrme in Portland have The Misses Anna and Hannah Oklahoma. boon making tbs rounds of the Young attended a party in beaver- The (Jucon Esther Circle will growers of these vegetables in this ton for the basket ball boys and give a play entitled "The P irates"! luiiiUiunity during the paat wee». girla Friday evening. on Friday evening, March 23. T h e 1 There me « few not “"J* Mra. John Barry and daughter very guod prices ur* being ul rc<1' Mildred called upon their grand- Hillsboro orchestra will play and several selections by the Aloha Airs. E. L. Cox atlsnded the mother, Mrs. John Barry, Sr., of male quartet have been secured. meeting of the Rebekah district con- Beaverton last week. Abgut fifteen ladies of the Huber veotiua held in Beaverton in an all Mrs. Luru has been to Portland Social Improvement Club i.ay meeting Saturday. The piesi- s«v«ral times within the lost few Lsdies dent of the Rebeknh assembly of days to call upon her husband at pleasantly surprised Mrs. J . Larson at her new home on the county; ttis state was |«resent on this oeen- s t. Vincent s hospital. road Thursday. A pot luck lunch I ,tun' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phillips and was served at noon and a good time ! ..'rs. August Wensel and son, Wll- b ^ y ol Vancouver were dinner had by alt. Ham and Virgil Bisk of Scholls g(le, u of Mr , nd M ri. W.- W. motored to Rainier Sunday where Howard one dny last week, they uponl the day, Mrs WeR»* Wr >nd Mrs. John Barry and i n l a»n at « • »on accompanied by Mr. ., , a Kurt L.aun and Mr. nc ^ ^ drove to i,.e heme of re «lives. Kandy for smalt last Sunday. Everyone’s Talking About The High Quality Eats We Serve Here! After the show or dance you’ll find a »well feed And a warm welcome here at TED’S BARBECUE For Sc la— Ford touring car body in good condition. Reasonable. Fred 1 raun. Forest Grove. Ore., cor- 4th st. and 5th sve. adv p !4tf Formerly Bobie’s Barbecue For Sate— Barred Rock hatching eggs, "Improved Ohio" strain. Great egg producers. $1.25 per setting of 15. Mrs. W. J . Alex­ ander, 1 Vs miles west of Beaver­ ton on the Hillsboro road. Ad­ dress Beaverton Rt. 4 c-14-18 Cash Paid for Chickens— Chat. Ber­ thold, Beaverton, Oregon. c4£Rl Bennett’s Wishbone Chicks— From 8 years’ trapnested Hollywood Tane red strains. Hens and cock­ erels on range. Chicks $15 a hundred. $14 ■ cart, in 1,000 lota. 1.200 breeders, 10,000 egg capacity. Inquire of Carrie Ben­ nett and Son, RE 2, Boavarton. Ore., 1H miles north of Recti- ville. Adv c9lf For Sale-^Several tons of loose al­ falfa hay. Also about 7 ton of baled clover hay. Inquire of It. M. Bennett, 1 mile north of Reed- ville. plf-18 . Senator Arthur Capper who has Just introduced a bill which fur­ nishes what he calls a "practical propram for the advancement of agriculture." It asks for Federal aid to extend the agricultural education of boys iris on tbs farm * For Sale— Jersey and Guernsey cow that will come fresh in May. C. M. Stephens, south Orenco. p-17 For Sale— Barrel spray pump in perfect condition. 17.00 F. Cro- raien, Beaverton, Rt. 4, bx 17 p-17 For Sale— Fresh cow with heife.' «~*!f *-V I N’ilson L’-averton, Ore. R. F. D. 2, box 15. *>i mile north of Canytn re. d. p-17 — of course not! But how much are you act­ ually saving? The most satisfactory answer to your financial problem is a savings account with ea BANK O F BEAVERTO N A GOOD BANK IN A COOD TOWN IN T H * GARDKN SPOT OP ORKOON 'V . I.iv c r n io iv . l ‘ rp s. D oy II. O rse Beaverton Transfer Co. About a. «loscn of the tm l ** " . L r m cftinr churi h nt t reg worked Thursday comforter*. finishing one and ginning on anothei which will quilted at th« next , - , _ „/ Mrs. John Barry attended » on ihow* r Sherwood recently given on *or Mia# Roae Murdock, whoso en- “ g .g em .n t h a . been announce!, be- • • a# Mr. and Mrs. Hsnry Cols and I twin daughter*, Maxine and Mar- , h- Ion, who were visiting at the Young '“j T «r- cat ™ *..... .... a «-*. te... |,er ««f tit* primary grndes at- John Trachsel and sons have tsiidsd ths Washington county teach- been busy with a wood saw the * r i ' instltuto Saturday in Clp- past week. They sawed in ths . 1, They report a vtfy rnjoy.iblt Aloha-llubar section several day# meeting % , Ths following war# guscU Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jtn n s ana of Mr. and Mrs Floyd Bierly: O. children, Francis, Verna and Wil- It Kraus and family ot Tualatin dam war* Sunday afternoon guests Mr nr.d Mrs. C. W. Young and at the Mrs. Oscar Swenson home in family, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cox Sherwood. • d Mri. Harictte Ford. A ine ^ "Sunbeam” furnace, which was ib 1 .«n dinnsr was served b" e Installed some weeks ago was re- bo'tesa. moved from th* new Barnes school ' ri Ilattis Cornwall, who ha* house and a new on* was installed i » guost s t th# home of her last Monday. . 1 , ,g .tor. Mrs. Kirk Hoover during Mr. and Mra. Carl Roger visited To aat two weeks, left for her Mrs. Henry Wirth iaat Tuesday to b«n<« n Gifford, Idaho last week. offer their help and conaolation in ' r . (’ortitve I will make stops at her sorrow caused by th* accident " ttii roast resorts on her which Mr. Wirth had in Portland. i •• (>, and al«o visit friends in Mr. and Mra. D. H. Miller of Alo- ' , . . 1 ha-Huber ralled at the homes of . mi, «her of Urge orders of day ho|n foBowirg a short session of »he of oor community aet week. As r « 1 - .rhonk T h e - who attend are Mr. \5 irth wns making one of hie v,.nested to hring a basket lunch « - t e r n « * H p . to PortUnd Public ihsro will he a basket dinner Market, he had the greet misfortune Lewi* Brother* Props. AUTO AND LIVERY SERVICE, DAILY T R IM TO PORTLAND FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING TRUCK O ffices: H ontorlon, C orner o f W alenn ,,nd F ir s t Bt P ortlan d O fflre , P ortland Auto F re ig h t T erm in al P h on e: Itenverlon (5203 P ortlnnd, Main 3 5 (0 t smoke easure --you have the right idea. Motor Coach smoking is the thing Now you can reach Portland and intermediate stations more conveniently than ever before. The fast Red Elec­ tric trains are augmented by new, deluxe, silver-gray mocor-coaches. I n e coaches are of new design, espe­ cially built for this service. 10-Ride Tickets Ask for t handy time-folder and for complete infor­ mation regarding low roundtrip fares. For example, you can buy 10-ridc commutation tickets good fot 6 0 days at greatly reduced cost. Take as many in your party as you wish using these low fates. Y o u r rail tick et», unless specially restricted , are g o o d o n th * m o to r-co a ch e s. 0. E. Allan Enjoyment in Agent that counts and you get it full measure in