Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1928)
KEEPING RECORDS * EXPENDITURES all your walls For tleeping room* * — formal parlor* and reception hall* — dining room ana living room — foe the library — and for public building*. Properly applied it won't rub off. W r i t s tm us or ask your dealer fo r a copy o f our f r a * drawing book fo r children— "T h e Alabas- tin t Home Color B ook " — and a f r a a color card. W rite to ns also for our beau tiful I r e * fcaak " A r t is t ic H om e D ecoration” by our H om e Betterment Expert, Mis* Ruby Brandon, Alabas- tine Company, 222 Grandville Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Alabestin* — • powder in white and data. Packed in 5-pound package#, ready tor uae by mixing with cola or warm water. Full direction* on •eery package. Apply with an ordi nary wall brush. Suitable for all interior •ur i ece« — plaster, wall board, brick, cement or canvas. I * $ « W r it* fo r <£5 n e w ■ "* C A T A L O G of nuortsoy* wearing apparrl and nding equipment Al l S trio « Of 9 TKTS 03 S». N - F A & M E B S U P P L Y CO. D w i r e r , Colo. W O M E N ! ! ADDRESS E N VE LO PE S at home— spare time. Experience un necessary. Dignified work. 515-525 weekly easy. Send 2c stamp for partic ulars. Marelle, Dept. Z24, Gary. Ind. S C H O O L FO R M EN T i w w <w susina*. TRADES « E u r o l l s o j U m e. I PROFESSICI« S en d fo r lit e r a t u r e . O ffC O O N IN S T IT U T E A . B ld f. OF TEC H NO LO G Y P o r t ban tl. O d j u b T o Stop F ire in Chimney 1 When the chimney catches fire. It Can be stopped by closing doors and windows, says Nature Magazine. If an open fireplace, hold a wet blanket la front to stop the draft. I Gathering o f A ctors "W h at’s the excitement on Broad way?” “ Old ham week.” A fter Colds or Grip See T h a t Y ou r Kidneys G et Rid o f the Poisons. OES winter find you lame, tired and achy— worried with back ache. headache and dizzy »pell»? Are the kidney »or ret ion* too frequent. »canty or burning in p»»»»ge? These »re often sign» of sluggish kidney action and aluggiah kidney» shouldn't be neglected. Doan's Pills . a stimulant diuretic, increase the secretion of the kidneys and aid in the elimination of waste impurities. Doan's are endorsed the country over. Ask !/our neighbor! D D O A N S p,& s A STIMUL ANT DIURETIC KIDNEYS foster Milburn Co. MfjJ Chem. Buffalo. NY A M ista k e June Bride— I would like to buy an easy chair for my huehnnil Sale« man—Morris? June Bride— No, Clarence.—Watch man Examiner. *v #* 1 When You Feel a Cold Coming On. Take Laxative BROMO QTTN IN E Tab let* to work off the Cold and to fortify the system against an attack o f Grip or Influenza. 10c— Adv. "Outs' In politics can’t waste the public money. Naturally, they de uounce the ins” for doing It A good pumpkin pie hits s faint flavor of mignonette. Too much gin per Isn’t good. I H T W A T TO KILL R a t s ' nd M i c e Always Usa i Stearns'Electric Paste Used by b< k evpero for 50 years ! Directions is in IS lam lsr?i AO Dealers 2 at. 3Sc—15 Money Back I I I t (a lls By ETHEL HUES TON Copyrlsbt !*? by The tVbtwMemn Ca. WKU S a m c a C H A P T E R X I— Continued — 15— “ Oh, you monster— the poor dear trusting heart," she muttered, all In the same breath. a a a a a a a Auntalnilry, flushed and radiant with exdtement. was tlie first to l b rive for the party. She was Joyously pleased at the unusual tenderness ot Alice Andover’s greeting, and took her all about the room to point out to her. with shy pride, how cleverly she had managed things, explaining all the little economies she had used, the ruses to which she had resorted. In her desire to make least money go farthest Alice was sympathetic, so Hcitou* warmly approving, hut kept always one sharp and terrified eye upon Gay. both o f them In a panic of fear lest the creature upstairs regain his sober souses and spoil ihe party for which Auntalmlry had worked so hard. At Gay’s direction. Auntalmlry took tip her position by the window, with Alice Andover and Gay on either aide, and pressed the electric button which set the solitary pine a sparkle with colored lights from top to bottom, flashing a brilliant holiday greeting all over that end of (he Island. "It Is the Inst Invitation.” she cried, and her thin tittle voice quavered with excitement “ Come to my party, coroe to my Christmas p arty! Every body can see I t It will guide them ap the hill. How the rhlltlreo will laugh 1 It Is very nice. Gay." The Island trooped to the party In a body, a long stream pouring ffp the hill through the snow, so that all In a moment It seemed the l-nne fin e was «-surge and a-throb with I t There was much laughter, much shrill squealing, the piercing staccato of children* voices, the high nervous laughter o f young girls, and deeper older voices, calling loud and cheery greeting. " I f this babel doesn’t wake him ap. be might as well be dead." whispered Alice Andover. “ 1*11 go and haw e a look." said Gay. "It Is enough lo bring the trees to Ufe." Gay listened ontslde the bedroom door a moment hoping to hear the tnnlfled heavy breathing that presaged the sleep o f their unweleome guest. But with the dlu from helow she could bear not) mg. so she opened the door quickly and stepped In. The room was wrapped In silence, utter and heavy, and In the darkness she could not distinguish the shadow hy the window-seat that was Buddy Bridges. She rressed the button that flooded the room with light and showed In a flash Its emptiness. The rugs lay In a rumpled heap upon the floor, but Buddy Bridges was not (here. The window was open. Gay ran over and looked oul. hut In ¿he shadow o f rocks and trees hy the house she could distinguish nothing. Her eyes swam giddily. "Such— a Christmas." she stam me red. Already with that vividly creative mind of hers she could see him lying on the rocks, s bleeding mangled shape, Aunlalmlry’s son. Sud denly she was afraid to he alone, and ran downstairs. Alice Andovei awaited her coming at the font o f the steps. She read fear In Gay’s eyes. “ What now, good heavens, what now?” “ He Is gone. He Is not ,ueve." "G one! Gone where? Gone how?" "Com e: L e i’s look." In (be Joyous confusion (list reigned aboul the Christmas tree, with Santo Claus noisily distributing the pretty gifts, with the burble of his bells, the laughing voices, the crackle of tissue paper, and the treble ot children* voices over all, they went oul unno tired. And with an electric flashlight, ooked beneath the window for the crushed and b leed in g- yes, he had certainly dropped down Into the hank of anow There were many signs of tramping, footprints but the white snow bore no stains of red. And Ruddy was not there. The outraged divinity whose patience still 'a Infinite had guurded Auntalmlry* boy that nlghL So they went bark, with what non chalance they could muster, and Joined the merriment within. But Gay was alek at heart. Everybody had come to the party, the Captain was there, the two ministers were there, even Buddy Bridges had come home But Rand came not "W ell, well." boomed Santa O uue "well, w e ll! H ere* another present for little old Auntalmlry I Aunt al- miry I" Santa Claua. powerful young giant that he waa. caught her up bodily Into his arnm. so that she was quite crushed In the shaggy fur of his big coat. “ Auntnimlry, Auntalm lry!" chorused the children gaily. And then, on ihe wave o f that lov- Ing Joyous call, the door opened, and he stood there, soft hat crushed low on his forehead over the big dark eyes collar turned up shout his rhln— tall, thin and weak, very pale, Itud dy Bridges. Santa Claus with little Auntalmlry «till In hi* arms, turned a* (lie others did. to look at this one who came so unceremoniously Into the party, his face alone unsmiling, set and grim. He crossed without s worn Into the center of the room, wnlked swagger Ingly. perhaps to hide the fact that he could not stand erect without sway ing weakly, and stood before Santa lined, nn»l her Angara erc|>t softly up tils coat toward bl* face, touching the curve of his chin uncertainly. Inquir ingly. as though It were hy flrrllug she would be convinced. “ Almlry, come away,” broke In Alice Andover harshly, hut It was pity (hat hardened her voice. "Come away, lie's drunk." " I t * Ruddy," Auntalmlry said faint ly. “ I t * Ruddy. It I* Ruddy." "Come away. I tell you; h e * drunk." Then suddenly Buddy Bridges laughed. "Drunk." he shouted weakly hut with derision In his vole*. “Oh, I t * you. Alice Andover, up to your old tricks! Drunk I So that's what you thought. Well, I thought you were crazy, the pair of you. stuffing me up with cognac, locking me In— I'm not drunk, mom. I’m sick. They couldn’t tell the difference." Ever, eye In the bright, disordered, crowded room was Intent upon Ruddy Bridge«, who held his mother In his arms, and laughed with her. wept with her. and talked to her In a fond weak vole*. “ Sick as a dog. In the hos pital—w eek * Weak as the dickens. I was In the hospital when they told me you were here. I got oul o f bed —knocked two Internes down—sick as I was. Came or here—clear from California, mom. Tw ice I fainted away, and when I cam* to. they had me off the train ana In hospital again. Rut as soon as I got my wind. I heat It again. Came on. Drunk I Isn't that like her. mom? I'd know In a minute It was Alice Andover) You haven’t changed much, mom—a little." How his eyes caressed her I "Twenty, live years; mom. Not a word from you In twenty-five years. 1 wouldn't have believed It, mom It waa—not— Just—like you. Was It because they sent me to the pen. room?" "T h e— the pen. Ruddy? The pen?" “ Oh, hush, you fool.’ begged Alice Andover. "In Jersey. Twentj-flve years— " "Roddy, you don't mean the peniten tiary—Ruddy— " “ Mom. didn't you know It? Didn't you ever know It?" "Ruddy— " "Mom, you've Just forgot. You knew It. You must have known IL It was In the papers— Is—Is she all right?" he asked falterlngly of all the room. “ Yon must have known It." Alice Andover was tall and One In her dignity. “ Yes. Ruddy Bridges, we knew It. W e all knew I t But nobody told her. Almlry never knew to this day—” “ Nobody, told her— " Alice Andover* dignity was simply killing. "On our Island, Mr. B rid ge*" she said greatly, “ we tell one another no news unless It's good news. There was nobody here low-down enough to tell Auntalmlry that her son had gone to Jail." "Ruddy—" Auntalm lry* voice was pleading. “ Aw. mom. It wasn't much. A roughhouse, a row over a game. You know I was always quick in a scrap It wssn t much. Rut s man was hurt So they sent me up for I t But, mom. since then, everything fine and dandy. No.nonsense since. Got a fine woman, got three nice kids, mnde a lot of money— Great, mom." And then, suddenly, mercurial man as he had been u mercurial boy, he glowered, glowered with sudden anger around the room. “ See here." he demanded sharply, "who sent me that p a p e r- marked Portland paper— that told me mom was dead? Twenty-five years ago! One o f you sent me a paper— that lied." The silence throbbed. Everybody looked at Alice Andover. She wn>. the administrator, and this was a terrible charge he brought Alice Andover did not flinch. She turned directly on the Captain. "John Christian Wallace, do you mean to tell me that you Aarjd In take It upon yourself— without eon suiting me— the natural admlLlstra- tor—" The Captain removed hla pipe and ambled amiably into tlie arena, a gen tie, dignified little old figure, lie pul an affectionate hand on Ruddy* arm. Ills voice was warering with age and with excitement, but be was not daunted. "Ruddy, I says to myself, ‘Jailbird or no Jailbird, h e* Aunfulmlry* son. He's got a right to know »b e * gone.' We said plenty o f hard things against you, times enough, but nobody ever said that Buddy Bridges didn't love Ids mom. ‘ No.’ says I, 'h e * got a right to know It. So I marked the pajier. and sent It right off to you. Buddy, in Jail or what-not, fur I don't hold to them as says— " "But, Cramp," he Interrupted, for everybody called tlie Captain Cramp, “ Cramp, she was not dead I She was not dead!" “ No. but we thought she whs . It said In the paper she waa. We didn't know till next day, or duy after, that she pulled through after sIL ‘No,’ says I, ‘he's her son. and as soon ns I read In the paper she was dead. I marked It and mulled It. and—" '■Rut, Cramp, my God. when you found out—tlint she wnsn't dead— that she had pulled through— Why, In G od* name, didn't you let me know V The Captain wnn crestfallen. taken abnek. Rut lie rallied, atowly. "Wh- what nay?" he asked feebly, hand to his ear. “ Why didn’t you send me word—let me know— when you found out that It was n mistake, and she hud not died? I never knew. When I got out I head ed west and never come hack. Never wanted to come hack If room waa gone. Wtiy didn’t you let me know?" "God t>!e*a iny soul," ejaculated Ihe Captain feebly. "Didn't you know she wnsn't dend? Just think o f that now. H it own mother not dead, and he didn’t even know It. Dear. dear. Ruddy. I never thought of It from that day to (Ida. I supposed o f course a boy w'otild know It if Ida own mother wnsn't dead." When the Inst tired hot happy voire had sent Ita final “ Merry Christmas" ringing bark serosa the anow, when Auntalmlry, with Ruddy* weak arm about her, had disappeared beyond the arc o f light that underlined the solitary pine. Gay turned back Into the bright disordered rooms snd Maher Not Sure Where to Take in or Let O * kdeelÜMjr, all Ihe nolay merry parly to her. by thf luttonu of Hoto« R i 'MOMIH U n ite ti N U I m I '» t>«r< u i«n t o f A * r U ’ ultttr% » when Rand had not come,-and she I f you have had trouble In filling knew not where be wet? In her heart she knew that Rand "" ,,r " " had not remained away o f hla own vo- "M“ « * “ ^ a ie ^well bw eause you were uot quit* suro where lltlon, that soniethlug had kept him against hi* will. He had pledged her to tuko In or let out to get the proper __ _ In __ ___ ___ to ____________ solemn aeerecy regard to ____ hla "hung“ or "e e l" o f the part ‘o f the movements, hut hi* prolonged aheooeo •‘' «rioeot that « « < wrong. ' ou will without word or reassurance terrified find farm ers' Bulletin I.V.10F, "fittin g her greatly. She aank down Into tlie Dresse* and Blouses," which hat ticen window-sent and looked ouL T b * tall, Issued recently by the bureau o f home gayty lighted pine was hateful, gnrlah economic* o f the t’ ultcd States IK>- to her saddened eye». Impatiently she partmeut o f Agriculture! exactly what pressed the button, and the hUlslope you need. Suppose, for example, you have Just was plunged Into darkness " I t —I t * that d —d old clubhouse," busied up a dress and the skirt swings she said bitterly. " I have a big no out In the frout. The two lllustra- tion to— to burn It down." With the puealonate word* came sudden determination. She could not ticar this anxiety, she must know the worst, however bad It tie. She would slip Into the forest, and reeonoolter. Rand had sternly ordered her to lyep entirely out o f the wood* and away * from the l.lttl* club, hut Gay. In on emergency like this, and goaded hy ; her fears for hltn, was not oue to tie | balked hy obedience. If she found the gang In m e U tile club, she would call j the police, immediately, have Ihe j place rald«M. and demand Rand of them. In her thoughts, vividly, she saw the alliu worn face, the shapely strong hands o f the one who had come J to her on the waves In the U ttle cove. < Almost she saw Rand a face, like that, with the merry eyes closed, the mock ing H im set Hard, swept hy M lt water. t "Oh. no," she cried faintly. Then she sprang to her feet, and pounded hotly up the stair* She was fe v e r Isb wllh excitement now, tier face | llamlng. her lips parched, ner eyes tingling h ot Rut her aleuder, strong hand* were like Ice. “ I f they catch roe. I do not care," A — Poor Fit Ou* to Underarm Seam she told herself hotly. " I ’ ve got to Slanting Toward Front. Sloev* find him." She could not hour that Wrinkling From Top to Underarm. recurring, evanescent vision ol R and* lions given here show a tlrcse which face oo the winter sen. The cold finger* tore her party dress had this defect and which wns cur from her, pulled on heavy silk and rooted by the following method; The entire tavck o f the dress was woolen undergarment* her thickest woolen stocking* stout hints. She raised 114 Inches and the front edge donned her warmest blouse beneath o f the underarm senm was eased onto the fawn-cnlored suede w ind breaker, tlie hack edge for seven-1 Inches below and bloom» r* beneath her heaviest the armscye. This treatment was nec- knlcker* The leather cap she pulled eirnry because o f the border on the bottom o f the iliv's. The armscye down to her e a r* caught up her leath er fur-lined g lo v e * and then her dark- o f the diesa was recut, and the sleeve was cut out tlinwrfourths o f an Inch colored slicker enveloped alL " I f they see me, they'll think I'm a lower than the arm. When the shoul man." ahe said sturdily to her stout der line was correctly placed, the top reflection In the gloss, "with this cop. trimmed and the collar put back, the Ureas hung perfectly. this slicker, these b oot*" Schooled hy the experience o f tlx Another way would have been to months on the Island. Gay slipped a open the underarm seam It* entire flashlight Into one pocket, ami her length and to tuke a durt three to live pistol In the other. She was trem bling all over. "But I'm not afraid," xh<- said firm ly. She pressed the last elqctrlc hut- ion, and the cottage merged Into the darkness that covered all she coast. She opened the door gingerly on Inch at a time, listening Intently. The Island was asleep In th» darkness. There was no moon; the sti-r* r< note and cold, were pin-points o f Ice. She dhl not hesitate. She quite con. fldently believed that would rather die than endure the suspense of uncertainty. Not daring to use her flash, she made her way through the snow slowly, from tree to tree, toward the Little club, stumbling often, r u i ning Into unsuspected pine* falling over hidden shrub* But she went on When she c u re at last to the row ol trees that circled the clubhouse, she stood for a long moment, as Rand had taught her. flattened against tlie bark, listening. Neither sound nor sigh from within. “ Sealed," she thought, "hermetically sealed." She crept cautiously around the cor B— Dress Shown In A Correctly Fitted ner. feeling her way Inch by Inch until — Entire Back of Dress Raised 1'/z she reached the spot where Rand had Inches and Front Edge of Underarm taken out the rocks to get under the Stam Eaaad Onto tha Back for Sav piazza. It had seemed simple enough eral Inches Balow Armscye. us she had watched him, und Gay felt she rould easily do the same thing, Inches long parallel to the floor on and thus obtain a view of the Interior, (he front edge at Ihe belt line or ut perhnps .jnflrmnllon, or denial, o f her Ihe fullest purt »if the hurt. One or fears. Rut for all the strength o f her more dart* In cither o f these places, young arms, for all the power o f her | or both, ore especially needed In stubborn will, she rould not so mu;h dresses for stout figures, hut n small os stir the smnllest o f the rocks, which duri under thè nrm Improve* thè hnng o f nny dress. The wldtli o f (he ilari* were now deeply wedged Into the fro zen soil, packed solidly, presenting s will vnry wllh thè figure nnd wllh thè nutiiher needed. Hometlmes gnther* firm nnd Immovable barricade to in trance tinner the plaiza. are used, as In thè lllustratlnn, hot Thus tinlked. she stopped a moment Ihey are not so sntlsfactory utile** to consider, tine thing was absolute, thè fullness I* sllght. she would not go home. Rut she wns puzzled os to wise procedure. Spiced Prunes Favored Tempted for a moment to fire her for a Change in Diet pistol Into the Hlr, hoping that fear of a raid would draw the gang from Those who enjoy spiced pearlies, the shelter o f the clubhouse, second | ginger pears, grape conserve or apple thought convinced her It would be butter will welcome this recipe for sheer foolhnrdlncs* At last she de spiceli prunes, which cun lie made at cided to go down Into the rove, to ex any time and practically anywhere, amine the great door and look for a since the Ingredients are found in all light beneath the window curtain* localities. The recipe Is from the bu Getting Into the rove Itself wns very reau o f home economics. difficult, for the crevices among ihe Spiced Prune*. rucks were covered wllh snow, and I p o u n d l a r e * li cup vinegar she was obliged to rlnw her way along, H t*a»poon whole prunes hand over hand, sounding with her I pint* allspice wster feet for stnnding ground. tNiwn. down, li teaspoon salt li teaspoon whol* cloves she slid, from rock to rock, from li pound sugsr S l-lnrh pieces of snowy crevice Into snowy crevice, kli k stick cinnamon Ing, holding on wllh both hand* like grim death, down, lower and lower, Select large prunes, wash them well until she attained the level beach of ind soak them overnight In the water. the rove. She moved wnrtly now. Drain the water from the prunes and feeling the great helplessness o f her make a sirup o f It and the sugnr. (■oaltlon. In the woods she could at T ie spices In a cheesecloth bag and least run for cover. Here In the cove add them to the sirup. Then add the she was at the mercy o f whoever prunes and rook them for 15 to 20 might come upon her. Softly, keeping minutes. Add the vinegar and cook In Ihe shadow of the rocky c liff* she about 10 minutes longer o f until the crept lo the clubhouse door. sirup Is fairly thick. Serve the She ran her nand over the lock* care- spiced prunes hot or cold. hilly. and then softly turned the knob. Well oiled, silently It moved beneath A R O U N D T H E H O U SE her hand. The door to the Little club wus open. ITO S I CONTINUBD.) T o seal n bottle dip the neck, cork and all, In melted paraffin. --------------------- — d * • • M od el Infant Readers Prevent wash-day backaches hy set Lively as s lambkin, busy a t a bee, that's the kind o f a little girl people ting the wnsh tub at the right height. like to see. Modest as a violet, as s The top o f the tub should come to the rosebud sw ift, (list's Ihe kind o f little bend o f the hip* e e e girl |ie»iple like to meet. Happy as s I.eft-over Jelly rosy he used on top rohln; gentle a* a dove, that's the kind of little girl everyone wilt lore.— o f s ball o f eottnge cheese served wllh a salad or on half a sllre o f orange Boston IranscrlpL us a garnish for tlie meat plate. j j j j C * * * * * i o f ¡d o m e E c o ty p * M e * | & Drink Water If Back or Kkjneys Hurt Z-S m - ■Leaf Rook.i Begin T a k ln t f f e lt s "if You Feel Backaehy or Have Bladder <riv|>nml l»y ||«« |lui««u ol llom« Kt'onumU'«t Week a **« Unit««! him i«sol ht|.irtm«nt of Agilvultui«.) The woman In the home purtucr- ■hip often handles tlie greater part of Too much rich fimi! forma adds Ihe family money und keep* the ac which excite amt overwork th* kid count* The tiureuu of home eco tu-y* In their effort* to filter It front nomics uf the I'ulted States Depart the system. Flush th* killings occa ment o f Agriculture believe* In keep sionally tu relieve them like you re ing records o f family expenditures for lieve the b ow el* remo» lug «rida, the mino reasons that business so- waste mid poison, else you may feel Counting I* considered Important. a dull misery In the kldiiey region, Tlie various group* of home expenses sharp pain* In th# hack or alck head — final, housing, clothing, and so ou — ache, diesine**, the attuimeli eours, may tie compared to (tie different » e e tongue ‘ a coaled, a (id when the weath lions o f a business enterprise. With er la hail you have rheumatic tw in ge* out a satisfactory system o f record* 1 Tlie urine Is cloudy, full o f sediment, there would tie no way for the tiusl- the chumiela often get Irritated, oblig ness mull to kuow which depart men I* ing tine to get up two nr three tlmeg were welt managed and which iiccdc-l during the night. to he reduced, lu a similar way any T»i help neutrnllge these Irritating group o f household e\|ieiises must ■rida and flush off Ihe body's urlnou* stay wllhln Ihe budget for that group. waste, begin drinking water. Alan get It I* uot enough, therefore, merely to about four nutieoa o f Jad Malta from list home expenditures tu miscel any pharmacy, take a lables|MMiufut laneous order and add them up They III ■ glass o f water before breakfast must tie classified under definllu for a few days and your khtnr)* may heads, so Itiut they cun he snalysed. theu art fine and bladder disorder# and used u* a guide to future speud- disappear. lug. Thta fuiuous sails Is made from tbe T o simplify the homemaker's task ■rid o f grnpea and Irtnon Juice, com- In keeping truck of household cvpcu blued wllh lutila, and haa hem used dltures, the bureau of home economic* fur years to help clean und stlinulata has planned u h oae leaf account hook sluggish kidneys and atop bladder Ir with marginal Indexes and couclm dl ritation. Jad Malts I* Inexpensive and rectIons fur entering ex|M-ndllurp* uti tuaki-s a delightful efferviauu-nt lutila- tier the correct bend* There are 1 water drink which millions o f men page* for estimating the yearly In and women take now and then In come and probable ci|icudlturca, fur help prvvent aerimi* kidney an»! blad tty all means, drink recording Insurance und Investment* der disorder* for making a summury o f property lota o f gnml water every day. owned and u household Inventory. Special pages are furnished for farm T e rrib le families who depend lu part on home T e d —A Mouth American explorer grown products. who had lo live on them guys that T lie account book may be purchased aula taste like cristi bacon for hi) cent* In cssh from the Mupvr- N ed— Whew I W’hal do you n a ia Intciidcnl o f Ihx-uinetil* Government by telling me that? ITIutlng office. Washington, D. 0. T ed — W’hat'a tha matter? You don't The Dcparliii»>nt o f Agriculture ha* have to eat an t* uo supply for free distribution. Maybe Thu Contain« « Hint for You! Women Continue to Sew at Home for Families l o * A n gele* C a lif—' I t waa my good fortuna to get on* o f l>r. flo re e'* books aeveral year* ago and it haa b e e n a wonderful help lo me while bringing up my family. T h » plain advice gtveo Is Invaluable to mother*. “Tb# us* of Dr. Pterre'a Favorite Prasrriptioa during »ipectancy and af terward »a e to ma th* greatest help. It gave me etrength, spirit and oerv*. I have also ue»d the Oolden Medica Dtacovery' for a had cough and bill ouatw»». and It haa entirely rid mi of these trouble* “ —M r* No»m b Reyn ter 150 N Dttman St. Dealer* W rite l>r fie rc e . Buffalo. N. Y. for free medical ad v ie * Women continue to sew at home, lu ■pile o f the wide distribution o f at tractive ready to wear clothing. More than two-third* o f a largo group o f women reached In a recent survey of clothing prueflee* reported that Ihey made nine or more kind* o f garment* for their fumili«-*, noe» riling to tho bureau o f homo economic* lu lle d State* Department o f Agriculture. Nearly 2.i*k> women were Included In tide suney. They r»'pre»cnlril com mutilile* ranging from lesa than 51,101 lo over ?-*i,< « « *. In most cases the largest percentage of women making garment* for wom en and girt* were In Ihe rural dis trict* amt the smalt to » ns. It wu* also found limi a larger percentage of women with a small Inromu are mak ing gurm<-iil* at home Mum those hav ing large Income* More than SU per cent o f the women In thl* survey were making house dresses, summer wash ■Ires»«-«, apron* and nightgown* for girls and women. The peroentnge making children's clothe* de» reused at (lie size o f the community Int-rcnscil, and In moat rases ns the income In creased. Cranberry Pie Slightly Tart and Is Enjoyable IVople are beginning to realize that cranberries may lie used during ■ number of month*, n* well us al Thanksgiving ami Christina* and ulso that there are many good »a y s of serving them heslde making them In to snuce or Jelly. Those who tike a ¿lightly »art pie will enjoy one made o f crnnherrl«-* The recipe Is given hy the tiureuu o f home economic* 1 quart eran- bsrrlv* H i to ? cupfuls sugar Ü cupful water REMOLA ININ I’— i t r s n } D isjointed Trills "W here I* that beautiful canary o f your* that used to sing *o sweetly?" " I hud lo aril M B M l «"n left the cage on the radio eel and the bird learned alnllc." Man propose* him stick to II. j 1 ! but Wuinno make* T lie woman who marries for tmmry gels all she deserve* ! ¡ The B A B Y f lahlsspoonfuls butter ii tv » s p o o n f u l salt fantrjr Select firm berries and wash them well, rejecting all Ihst are withered f re pure a sirup o f Ihe sugnr, water and salt, nnd when the sugnr la dis solved. ndd the fruit nnd rook fur five to eight minute*. Line n pie tin with pastry, pour In the cronberrlc*. fla r e on the U|i|a-r crust after moistening the lower rim nml presa the edges to gether to hold In the Juices. Cut a slit lo allow the steam to escupe Bake until the » rust Is golden brown. Bananas Are Regarded as a Good Source of Energy Rnnnnn* nre high In food value. Because o f the starch nnd sugar they contain, they may lie regarded as a goo»l source o f euergy. linked hnnn- mis muy he nerved In place o f a starchy vegetnhle with meat or aa a dessert. The bureau o f home econom ic* gives the following method o f pre paring them ns dessert. Baked Banana* With t rip* banana» Lemon Sauce I tablespoons 1-3 cup sugar lemon Julc» I tablespoons melt W traapoon »alt ed butter Skin the hnnnnas, scrape them light ly to remove the stringy portion nnd split them In half lengthwise. I’lnce In a grensed shallow linking dish nnd pour over them Ihe liquid mixture. Knke in n hot oven until brawn. Serve from the dish. Rnnnnus should he fully ripe before using In order to get the heat flavor nnd the most digestible condition. In buying them, he sure the stem end Is left on, so that the food Is deliv ered In a sealed pneknge. When hanging very fine materials on the line to dry, protect them from tearing by fastening an eitrn rloth under the clothespins. This Is espe d a lly useful In winter when Uiey freeze and tear easily. * * * Every child llkea to have n place reaerved e*|H-clnlly for hla loya nnd treasnrea. An attractive nnd Inez pensive piny box cun he mude o f a sturdy packing box covered wllh col ored pictures from rnngnxln.s arid these Dialed with ahellne. N o mother In this enllghtenej age would give bar bnby something ahe did not know wna perfectly harmless, especially when a few drop* o f plain Cuaiorln will right n baby's stomach und end almost nny little III. Fretful- ness nml fever, ton; R seems no time until everything Is serene. Thill's tho hesuty o f Csstnrls; Its gentle Influence seems Just whnt Is needed. It dims nil thst castor oil might neronipllsh, without shock to the system. Without the evil taste. It's delicious) Being purely Vfflreta- sble, you can give It as often us there's n sign o f colic; constipation; diarrhea; or need to aid found, uat urnl sle»>p. Just one warning: It Is genuine Fletcher's Csstorlu that physicians recommend, oth er preparations may he Just II* free from all doubtful drugs, bnt no child o f this writer's Is going to test them! Besides, the hook on care snd fce»|lng o f tishlea that cornea wllh Fletcher'* Ciiabtrla Is worth Ita weight In gold. Children