T ff* BFAVFÄTON REVf*W raun. Forest Grove, Ore., cor- t'a»h Paid for Chickens— Chas. Ber­ abut 80 being present. The county ti h ut, and 6th ave. adv pl4tf thuid, Beaverton, (Vegon. c49tf league was entertained by the Scholls organisation. MDa Havel Mis. Mr lane's mother is serious- Bennett's Wlahboae Chicks— From 11.. rry Robinson and Ernest Hite Itnatelt is president of Scholia lea­ Fur Sale Barred Ria'k hatching | ly ill at Mrs. Me Lane's home on eggs. ‘’ Improved Ohio" strain. N years' trapneated Hollywood visited school Monday. gue and wishes to thank those who Interesting Little N otes from the Surrounding Country a » ( Vista avenue. Great egg producers. |l.28 per > Tsnered strains. Hens and cock­ helped make the affair a sneeeas. M i» F.dmr Blnnkivn has been ill setting of lb. Mrs. W J. Alex erels on rango. Chleka |1S a I T o ld by O u r Active Speciai C orrespondents W e e k ly il mid absent trom school. M ix William Clifton was kept ander, 1 hi mile* west of Beaver­ hundred. |14 a cwt. In 1,000 , to Uer home by illness for a few Mr. Wuln.n Campbell called at FORMER BEAVERTON WOMAN 1.100 breeders, 10,000 egg ton on the lllllvboro road. Ad- ‘ lots. day s last week. the buuuuis home bumlay. PASSES AWAY l?l INDIANA diesa Beaverton Kt. 4 e-14-IH caparlty. Inquire of Carrie Ben BARNES ITEMS "Tom 1 ’ -Mivan has started to HINTON NEWS nelt and Bon, Rt. t, Beaverton, Miss l.y,a Scott of Uillsboro was For Sale Several tons of looae si bui d on thc lot rvcenlly purchased Mrs. Floyd Tefft received word Ore., I h miles north of Rted- a week end guest of Miss Dorothea faifa hay. Alto about 7 ton of of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Price. if the death last week of her sister, vllle. Adv r it f (■ •«rp Trachsel was utntnt from otcuihers. buled clover hay. Inquire of R, Mr». Emma Bryant, school super- KhcK)i i6St Knd,} Sanl'ortl Rogers has bet'll building Mra. Mae Rhodes of Bloomington, M Bennett, I mile north rff Reed For Sale—Cheap. •uiso Mary Yodel, Lacher of tue Davenport and lntendent, visited the school last u garage at the residence of H. rndiana. dining table. Mr«. R. F'. Wray, ville. pU-lR Mrs. Rhodes wa« t«nm in llenver- Thursday. !. MJ*- 1C:‘‘ n*! « “ T* “ “ htl ***otb* r Duihaiu ... uool .-(»iu Thursday ev- Gcrrow tn YV Heeler Avenue. in Portland last \V cine .-day. lllllahoro road and lutng ave. I V» euuig at .lie .line Home. 'on. May 9. HW*. She attended the Miss Bertha Hallman recently How good new* does spread miles weat of Beaverton. GUorge, .on of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- public school here and was a ntem- p-lfl Irene Chin .ell school Monday About ,n,. iy inende of Misi left for Moro, Oregon, where the ¡ENFHM , tlABOM NK I* «till noon, and was also ill on Tuesday. Doiothe» Citruiiiers speut a most -oii, had . A' iim I operation jH'rform- 'ier of the Bethel Con tregatiunal l » t employment. I lie host \dv .3« If For Hale— Barred Rock hatching cd at a I .inland hospital Saturday. 'hutvh. Mrs. henry Martin visited with dcltgiiuui liiila j evening with nor. F. A. Bucher and son A lb e rt eggs. 00 renta a dosen Mrs. It She died at the ago of 40 ve’ rv. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Itayea and ■wla, Evpina clisou ,,oU daugnte, Dtimtaa Review. SI.SO a year trade a business trip to the county Mrs. John Mcv’leod last Tuesday. K. Denny. adv c-10 daughter, Elisabeth, visited Mrs, following an operation fc;‘ litre. seat last Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Spies was a business o-atKi » i l l cuiiuay guests Ul Mrs. tlawitins, at the Women's hospital visitor m Beaverton last i norsuay. Oksoa s u.. .gater, Mrs. L. M, Davis. ■ r.d Harry Gee at thc Eye, Ear -Rtp* KTC » v n •n»'|VS rw o s F N Gus Dssainger of Beaverton was \S MODELS f o b show dvr. aim ...is. cnanes tail Kiev and Thro«! hospital Friday morning. a recent visitor at the August Wen Mrs. W. W. Uo UiU'ti tii.K'vi ill Aloha. Ore. March 1* Swclal ■el home. Cooper mountain. Beaverton on a shopping tour last a ....o vu too quaiter.y meeting in Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Martin, Mrs. The Ewer triolet*, danghtera of uie Kintou enurvh bunday alter noon. Harry Weaver, Mrs. Jess Hayes, • The Misses Ida and Rosa Bucher last Tuesday-. Mr. and Mr*. II F-ror and twin s»r, ui.u Mrs. VYiiiiaiu Cauipbei. Mrs. Wm. llhoemaker and daugh­ of Portland spent Sunday with Polly Chinn was absent from week end guests ter Mary and Mrs. Robert Chamber- drla of Mr and Mr* Nunn'ramn their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. school Monday sulteiuig witn un anu son »ere will he model* In a atlyo show to at lire 1.0tue of Mr. Campbell » lain were Portland visitors Monday. Bucher. infected eye. *-# held order the auspice- of Meier M ITO TOUCH AND LIVERY SIRVI0E, DAILY T R IM uioiuer a..u lather. Mrs. Bush. Recdville, Mrs. Dob- and Frank Co. at the auditorium In Mrs. L. S. Bierly and daughter Miss Mildred Barry spent Sunday TO PORTLAND m i . anu Mrs. Charles btruthers ’ ins, Beaverton, Mrs. Robert Cham­ "Prt1*nd Fridav and iUturdav. The Mrs. Ethel McCormick of Hillsboro, with a friend. Miss Gladys tiaurer, FURNITURE ARD PIARO MOVINO anu va.ntqi were bunday dimiei berlain. and Sanford Rogers paid • rinlet* are alx ve*r* of age and were at their hon)e in this town in Sherwood. guests at me Mr. and .urs. J. A. iigardville Rebekah lodge a fralcr- •he twins are aeVen. i Monday afternoon. tii’ .e * Iteaxerlon, Corner o f YValaon and First Rt Annie Chinn of Beaverton high t e.risen houk ul Fortiaud. tal visit Tpesday evening to see Mr. end Mrs. W. J. Edwards and school Portland O ffice, Portland Aulo Freight Term inal called at school several Mr* Ra’ nh Davi«, who h*a he«n ...v. nil aits. Charles Van Elec a. he initiation work. family of Beaverton spent Sumlay evenings ast week. Photic Ueaverton »1203 Portland. Main 3#I0 Miss Crc, .rude luenter and Miss nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey entertained -eeelvlmr t-eatment at the Frimnn- Mr. N. P. Jonnson.'Hucai contrac­ tm.c im i juaek atendeu TTgaru •iel hoanttal for »h* o*vt three Mir. and Mrs. Buck, Mr. and Mrs. Snider, Pleasant Valley road. tor, made several business tups to gia,.ge .due -nay et tuing. Icnscn, Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside. Tffi1 1. re*',*vied s*t"rd«v to the ’ ’ ns I-enorc A. Schulte and Mrs. . ortland last week. .'Jr. and Vis. Gerrow and S. Rog home of Me and u - Imil* H »-h j , nu - ..utueser aud son Harry F -in ti of Portland were guests on v.„ Mr aed Mra ffn-h*on motor, Miss Eileen Wuiegar of Cooper rs at a i nner and card party at Svnday of Miss Schu’te’s uncle and ov avo. .. atnhoaie were buuday „d to Monmouth Sunday to ta'e Mountain visited with Miss Louise their home Thursday evening. sunt, Mr. and Mrs. A Schulte. ailomoot, guests of Mr. benuieit- Mr*. Davi* *o the home of *mr .Spies last Saturday. Lillian Penny entertained several "unt. Mr*. Whltcher. iter s sisur, Mrs. Herman Metzen- E. L. Cos and William VanLoh Mrs. .V P. Johnson attended a UM. if her f -¡end* at a *turtnday party at tended the meeting of Canton club meeting in tue Cedar Mins afternoon ...: s. L ige Anderson was host- at her home Saturday rvrtland No. t, I. O. 0. F., held .omnium,> last week. Games were played and refresh W A N T E D n i l P O P S A L E ' In Tort land ast Tuesday evening. 1 « » tor .e iigardville Rebekah en's served. She received a large Mrs. Ccunn »a s ill Satuiday buwmg tlab iuesday. The club Miss Mildred Richards, who is number of pretty ami useful gifts n..,. next with Mrs. Roy employed In a green house near Ti­ with a bad a tack of lumbago. or. w in Advertisements In this column 1 Mason calie<4 there Sunday. Thc regular meeting of the P. T. liac. u on Match 2d. gard spent the week end with her ,*nt a ward. Minimum charge 25c. A. will be held at the schoolhouae Mr. and Mrs. D. H. sinter of iiu- parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Rich­ 1.. 0 u .„tee worit of Beaverton ards. ber wei-e Sunday afternoon callers ..et .an ttge iuesday evening Tje-dajr afternoon, March 20, at F'ar Sale— Mission book rare. fh.iK) 2:30 p. m. All are invited to come cnah. Mrs. J. H. Sidwsll, Aloha. \, a - mutii t.ijoyed by uie following Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van Meek at lm! J' U’ lr *c** el nome- The president, on behalf of the e-ld iiit t .ii e-v- mr. and Mrs. Char- and Mrs. J. C. Anderson of Port- Mrs. E. E. Berst and grand daiig- •ommlttee serving the ehicken sup- iCa » ¿U l sw.eeit, Mr. and Mrs. Charles land were among those in town on ter Helen shopped in Beaverton :>er given Saturday night at Huber F’or Sals— Ford touring car body in Christensen, and Miss Etfie Van good condition. ReasonuMc. Fu*l Saturday. They formerly resided after school one day last week. hall, desires to thank all thosc hieek. hsra contributing to Its success. Mrs. E. E. Berst called on Mrs. Mrs. John v’heth of Tigard was Beaverton IU*liek- Rehearsals will scon start for an W. W. Howard last Monday afler- nonoTeu fcy a shower at the home of nb I. im I kc N «». ' faster program to be given at the noon and later called at school. SC30LIS HAPPENINGS Anderson by the mem- 2 1 8 lin e '* first J church Easter Sunday, April 8. It ,, _ .. ___ , , . , , oil r&. . . . , Mr. Leurge Clara and D. A. ocra Ul k .0 mteon Progressive club Mrs. Samuel B. I->vvrence, of nini llitril Tue* win be given by members of the .. Khoo] * shearer made a p.easure .rip to •ten. esuo s'fternoon. Mrs. PUetii Raleigh, ii visiting her sister a' day evening* n the Sandy last Tuesday fur smelt. recv.ted 'Huvny pretty and useful Seattle. 7:30 I* M .n I lo­ Miss Helen Van Kieex has been ,, , ti. <>. K. Hull Mr* W n '!." gifts, •*» Mr. r :'■! Mrs. Lester Morgan quite .U at her home on Pleasant * * W "*d " Ur* U Murri*. Secretary, Mr* Marjnr Bethany- community, iiiane a b.,.i- sr-t the dinner guests cf Mr. cn ' M i » i Jro.hea btrutoers enter­ v alley road during the past two r* Wn ter Willis of Thatche ie Lewis, N. G. p U lf weeks witn la guppe. She is le- * ^ 00‘ #s* tained a number of young |)eopie at iiev h. n.e FTidsy evening, March h i Sunday. ported ss improving. *' lb «ve: loo l ii'l.c Jtn. The ;arty was greatly cujoyeu The Rrlcigh Parent-Teacher Also Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sparks of W‘“ * Cr and W l K 'r > **** No. 252. I •> by all i sent. Tne evening was iiG-n will meet Monday night at Portland mid Mr. and Mrs. L. P. C“ *erS " O. F'., tnmd* e- -pent in uaneing, and refreshments He acheo! House at 8:00 p. m. Mra. Dunn of Vancouver. Washington, ^ home of Mr. ery M- odn eve were sewed late in the evening. Vif N. Wallis will preside. visited Sunday at the home of Mr. ** " tn. Visitors wet There Were 30 young people pres­ and Mrs. Kouert Pomeroy. Several of the young people of Revival meetings are scheduled •ome. S. G. Roger», N. G M. ent. Tbo from Beaverton include: __ this neighborhood attended tne Kal- at Scholls Methodist E. Underhill, Secretary. 7»f » ...cam Wenzel ms'1- a business . , ., 0 , „ the Misse Daisy, Violet and Phyllis to begin trip to Gresham last Wednesday m ft ,m * orUand 01 ltle * Y ‘ **’ Taylor, netty Huntley, Dorothea chureh next Sunday. Mrs. Captain be present to help connection with the Weniel walnut U’ S>Und* > evenm* ’ aud Ken: :h Stnuhers and Archy Brctiscn will with the meetings. oi.iiard. Mr. Wenzel has had a good Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tramsei aim Masters. m e for his trees this spring. children, John, Anthony, Clara anu BF.AYER SOCIAL CLUB A g»y and lively party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Klees 9 * ° '* * ■ » « * * * * * * ln 1J° ru* “ d 00 A U ; i A - , . L ‘OLA i l £ A Huclions laat Saturday evening. of mteon and Mrs. A. B. Flint mid bUame“ and sboPPln* ’ daughter, Margaret of Scholls at- Mr. and Mrs. Williams and fam- Mrs. BricUine has been ill at her Twenty-eight adults and 12 children were present to help Mr. Huchona tended the preaching service at ily of Portland visited over the homo on the highway. "elebrato his birthday. the church Sunday- afternoon. week end with Mrs. William s par- Ted’s c > > had a new electric Ruhy Rebeknh lodge met Wednos- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer HaU and enU’ Mr *nd Mr’ J- U‘ * ' < - * * - sign add«! last week. — of course not! But how much are you act­ ' >y cvenirg of last week and after daugnters Misses . onny Jean and Bernice Trachsel was a caller a: ually saving? Mr*. C go Sollers, Hulor, was -»g e a r meeting enjoy yd a social Helen from The Dalles spent tee school several days last woek. Soe a T caver o.i visitor last week. t-ing. Oyster -tew was served The most satisfactory answer to your weeu end with Mrs. Halls sister, played the piano for various n iu- Mra. I Kinntnran was a nd games were played. Plans are Mrs. C. W. Young, Tile Elat road, bers on t:ie program Friday mgm.. financial problem is a savings account with heir" r ide to attend the meeting vi-itor last week. at lucre was- a very good at toil Mr. ard Mrs. Henry Com ana county sc of the Rebekah Association a* HUBNR HALL There h :ve been several cases of Boavertrn next Saturday. dance at the "»Oo ‘ party held a, -Win Uuugu.irs, Maiiuii and .daxin:, tue uau Saturday evening. i t s , , from A.,u.r»a are visiting with Mrs. pink eye at school the past week. Msreh 17th The league party laat Friday vrid be anotner one of m e » pop am Co.es si- ar, airs. Ed Toung th... A GOOt) BANK i H A GOOD tO W f IN TH* OAHDKN XrOT OK OMGON Mrs. Walter Anderson was kept night at the hall «fas weil attended St. Patrick’s Night purt.es Held at the same place Sat- week. to her ho .e by illness a few days for Masonic Building urday evening, March 24. Mrs. Eugene Burn was quite ill last week. Five Prizes Mrs. E. L. Cox spent Thursday with quinsy over the week end. FURNITURE Mrs. A! :e Whee'cr visited Harry and Friday with friends in Pott- Dr. Mason was called Saturday, Door prize, men nnd women costume May Now Be Purchased on the Mrs. Alice Wheeler visited with land, incidentally taking in the She is better now and able to be last week. prizes, moat novel co*tumc prize. v . YV. UvorM or«*. P iti». li. K. I V u noy, Y’ ico pme. Installment Plan adv c-15-l*i meeting of Scholls Women's Club around again. Used furniture bought or exchanged Doy (Jrny, ( ’irtliior tr. ?. J. Buck and Mrs. Hawley which met with Mrs. Fred Groner, Mr „ j Mrs G. H Vanhoy and The c Are Attractive New Buck » r - • Portland visitors last kdd'tion* On Our Bargain Counter. at her apartment in the San Carlos daughters, Mrs. Cara belew of Ore- aparunenu, Vista avenue. gon City md Mrs. Cnarleg j KDlung. Thursday. d f it s c h hakdw arf : AND FURNITURE Gerro’.vs Garage is having a coat I Miss Lueda Dallman, who is of Portland, called on Mr. and Mrs. employed in Gresham spent Sunday D. Shearer last week, of last week with her parents, Mr. Mr Johrmie Welch u b movin and Mrs. August Dallman. She their old iiOUS4, ^ ^ nom [OT , was accompanied on the trip by Lr- new mod, ^ gjx rooln boildln>, The nest, Albert and Alfred Obnst and new houst wi„ the , , Harry Bartlett, all of Gresham. whcre thc oId ofM, Uied to ,an(J If I T EON N E W S {F R O M I OUR C O R R E S P O N D tiY i S | . of | nint which makes a decided Im prove ment. Ueaverton Transfer Co. Lewis Brothers Props. m sf^ x ^ ■ P DANCE i f if H A N K OF B K A V E R T O N There was a large attendance at at preaching service held at the cm. h Sunday afurnoon. Presiding e dec. Rev. Dr. C. C. Poling Port- land preached a very forceful ser- i. on after which about 25 partook d ihe Lord's Supper. A number from Hillsboro and Beaverton atten- Jed the services. The next preach- ng service by the pastor. Rev. W. f,. Strange will he Sunday afternoon March 25, at 1:30. Several subcontractors nave ^ bury around the new ,n(., gchool k u ., gathei-ing up arr-1*, pipeg rn cc;,1€i,lt r a. c Wirk tn tU, bu;.)Jin.., , , ex- ; irtday ..fttrr.oon r-.t 2:00 0 cluck t< laii.eu of the tK-.g i : >r- kood will gather to hear ;!• e re. .ct tr:,m the iinan.ial co nines or. _ ®a e t*le l,uHe. : A surpminrly good report is forth­ coming. r aheo 4 swung The Barnes tchool board meeting was held at the hon-e of D. A. Shearer list Monday evening. The principal business cf the evening Mrs. Mary Reeves is spending a w’ * the rejection of the furnace few days in Portland with relatives. r.7v in t'n building and the hiring If you smoke for pleasure CEDAR MI LLS _______ Mrs. E. S. Babb ha. been spend- ° f ‘ tCa ' ; ,r for next >’ear' ing a few days with relatives in Mrs. J. D. Traschel and two Portland. daughterr, Bernice and Clara at- Mr. Elvin Hask.U of Sauries th= M « 'i<>n*Tr Guild meet- island was in Cedar Mills last 2 * * B rtta !JI ‘ " " i Th/ursd“ 'a week visiting relatives. T’1" ” a/ P « f 'd l y gomg forward there t - a missionary provran F riends of Mrs. James Waller which v .11 be given in the >ar were sorry to hear of her illness future. and hepe for s speedy .ecovery. Thc „ ofht(?r ( f r ami i i ¿Ur Mi.is v as well represen.od Mrs. C : ge Ciar': had < i a he d •t .be new Barnes school opening accident cnc day b it wet!-: The and is proud to be their near neigh- chid wa: playing in l'-- woodshed bor»* * when she fell on a bottle. It cut Mr. and Mrs. Charles Diehl, Mrs. £ ’** * tr*f'h in th<* '*■ Perkins and Louis Stark went fish- ^ a Beaverton dressed the in« Wednesday at Troutdale for woun°- a catch of smelt. Several hdies of the community, Mrs. Lottie Walter entertained am°nK tbim *fe«dames, N. P. the Ladies Sewing club on Wednes- '!.ohn"r'n' D A PV’,';' rp'' B Stevens, day, March 7. Sixteen members and Ed Youn,r n " r t * 1 one visitor were present. The next Traer.^el and Vi. Vi Hn ,-ard, meeting of the club will be March /'n “ up '•‘»wmittee at 21 at the home of Mrs. Ernest ,he P0U,° Sat. / after- Wuthrick. noon. Hundreds of cups were _ _ , washed and floors were swept and Mra. R. Bauman has been very cleaned. sick for the past two weeks but is ___ reported much better. Mrs. Bau- ____ . , man’s five daughters have been „vT T * Mf:r' Portland with her during her sickness, Miss _ ! df ube ,l* furniture production Anna having closed her school in and '"crease payrolls $500,000 a Montana to be with her mother ]rMr* R i? . . . yet Buick clears, tne ruts and gives head-room as w ell .US —you’re out o f the beginner class. Camels arc made for smokers who know Uuick’s remarkable combination of modish, grace­ ful beauty— maximum head-room — and ability to their cigarettes clear the ruts— is the direct result o f the Buick double-drop frame. This brilliant advancement, pioneered by Buick months ago, places Buick far ahead o f other can Came in beauty, safety and all-around roadability. SLOANS |119i to 11995 * * COUPES $1199 *• $1S50 SPORT MODELS $1199 to f t 925 Urn GM jLC-t B U IC K **rd w a lk a m ile f o r a C a m e l* M. C. Peterson H-t-L'y.i K ) URECiC >N 9 IW , 1. J. Uofmmide Td CMt$My, fbiMon-Hahni, N. C »