Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1928)
t T im 1928 FRID A Y M iu Doris H arris U confined to her home by a »ever» cold. Mr». M. C. M cK etcher »pent Sun day w ith friend» in Portland. Mis* Zola Hedge left Wedne»day fo r a m otor trip to K lam ath Fall». C. E. Hedge »pent Friday in Sa leir. in regard to the »ale of aome it ate land. Gill B rother»' seed* will be ■ale a t the G range Hall S aturday M arch 10. ade e-15. Mr. and Mrs. Henry P ortland spent Sunday and Mrs. L. L. LasswelL K em a of w ith Mr, Mrs. Charles Esterley and daugh te r France» »pent S atu rd ay with friends in Portland. Mr. and Mra. Elm er Stipe »»ere dinner guests Sunday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Stipe. Francis Hocking and L. Jones of F orest Grove spent Sunday a t the home of Mrs. M artha Samms. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hughson w ere dinner g u ests Sunday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. H arris. Mr. and Mrs. J . R. Rasmussen and children of Hillsboro w guests Sunday a t the home of J. B Hayes. Mrs. J . W. Clock of Portland spent W ednesday of last »reek at th e home of h er sister. Mrs. J . E Stephens. Mr and Mrs. G raham Chandler and Jack C handler of A storia spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Thom as Jenkins. The Bethel Male Q u artette with Mrs. R. C. Doty as accompanist san g on th e program given Friday by the Scholls Grange. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Roeemsn. Mrs. Charles Fergueson and baby w ere dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C harles Roeemsn. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. G ifford am tw o children of P ortland were din n er guests Sunday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Janin. Mr. and Mrs. Collis More of Moro arrived Tuesday fo r a week’s visit a t the home of Mrs. M ore's parents Mr. and Mrs. J . C. H untley. Mrs. M. C. M cKercher who has been spending s month w ith her husband in San Francisco, Califor nia, return ed S aturday m orning. Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Legler r ' P ortland have rented one of th W elter houses and »rill move soon. Mr. Legler is s traveling salesman Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoyle and sen Richard of Lake Grove were dinner guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Roberta and Rev. W. E. Ingalls. RÄAVKRTON RKVTltW Beaver ('hap. No. I0«(, 2 acre». S ci. 3 T. S S. K. I W. ^ OKI.RICH N U RSERY HIGH SCHOOL ( AKIM M l It «o d Pilli DI It O. K, S. Statevi com J. W N eurer et ux to J. K Me- : (C ontinued from front page) COMPANY m unication, Wed., eve, Donald et ux, 2.50 aerea Anthony KriniidaUnx. Firn miai ion Work and m em bers of the cast. Mar.'h 11. Social ch ar He.xrt el. III Uhoru, Routr Tour Roofing H ER B AND T H E R E te r m em bers, special % W p curry n full I In# of V eh -.1 Hcixler et al to George . ABOUT SCHOOL guests. 1929 receipts Also pn|iertng and painting H. Ilei V* et ux, p art of Sec. 14 Spring has com*. So thinks Mrs. necessary. By order of W. M. F ru it, Shrubbery, T 2 S. R. 1 W. R obertson's biology class. If they MIMO HI U K M urgnret A. iVmioy, »»viviwry Andrew Kennedy to Viola Hend- can't hava gardens outside, they'll Filbert and Nut Trees PH ON E BROADWAY 8080 rn-ls. t r a . ' SS, Kennedy Acre*. have them Inside. In the chem istry Mrs. S. C. F reem an w as a dinner O tto A W ohlfiel (o John Wm. room are found »niall boxes o f dirt TH E WKKK*S PROCRAM 1,oca ted one mile n o rth of GOOD WORK PROM PT SERVICE guest S aturday a t the home of P atterson et ux. north 2.T acre* of ¡n which corn, peas and beans have Reedvilie, a t the c o m e r of B eaver T h eatre FA IR PRICKS Mrs. H. C. Austin. lot 528 Johnson F.state Add. been planted. They must have run BEAVERTON {-: OREGON M arket and Huaeline Road Mrs J . C. H untley was hostess U rban Heinerk et al to S arah out of d irt, because in one box for the Friday B ridge Club March C hristen n. part of lot 5, blk 4, dam p weed ahavins have been used The chem istry lah look« like a sm all Friday and Saturday, 2. Mrs. J. E. Davis won the hon- H ighland Park March 9-I0 P eter V~n W yndendehl to Sophie experim ent farm We hope the ora and Mra. H enry Nelson the con Ruck Jones in Fisher. le t 7. H aielbrook Farm , experim enta are a success. xolattoa. “ BLOOD W ILL T ELL" * --------- Friday Is Auction Night The Indies o f tho Bethel Con e re T ualatin River. . R Report carda »re due F riday, to gatkvnal church are planning V r b u r d , to A rthur S day. We ll bet th ey ’ll all be in on Stilt. Mon. Tties. March 11-12-13 old-fashi >ned Southern d w ner the <* •****> T 1 Down Comes llie / / iy/i Cost o f H o o t/ time. By the expresions on the “NEW YORK" fourth week in Mareh. WatcK for R - faces of vome students th eir report Notlc# th« d ltf . We were ju*t inform ed of ■ s h a rp s shortage and high price* S ta r e n » . Ricardo C rr’-* Lois e-rtls errVo not exactly encouraging. reduction in pricea of mill wood,(he following pricaa: Wilaon and Rateile Taylor Mr. N ierg arth . who has been con- 0 R E T 0 1 I S T A T E N EW S W er' hard fo r your next card. Coming March 18 rood only from March l to March ducting a tailo rin g shop on B read — All orders filled C. O. D. John Gilbert and G reta Garbo In 91 (o clenr away the surplus (hat way, removed Tuesday to Coquille. Severs I-egit-g cam ps have oren- “LOVE" fV' ’ W hat fun! The boya cer hav piled up during the recent w arm K(j , lo # 4 ............... 14.18 Oregon, where he »rill open an es- ^ „„<1 more will open soon r t tainly know th eir boxing gloves' ta h llsh m e n l Wh.-eler .. . . (20 in. blk and slab. City Dali A t ler*t it Ttmks as though they Now (h at we have theae new Mr. and Mrs. F H. Sohoene en- . . d :d At noon th e hoys practice i~ prices under our control for a short Full Cord ...................................... 14.75 •ertained the S orrento evening cb-b The ' e-orican t-eg o n »nil h-P d the r-y“" , »*lum for the coming period, we are glad to announr» (4 ft. blk. and alah. City dsl.) S aturday. F eb ru ary 25. Mrs. F. *n a irp 'rn o h an g ar on the Stive ton *mn|(f r . Boxing and w restling are that those new reductions will be W. W oodruff and W. C. McK-11 »'odrome. b -th ee-l I ing ra-sed on down to our custom ers. >our «■•»«venlenee sod to give m and M distressing ________ P The won th e honor«. N estle s F o-1 Company is m aking r ?r’« . Pem to enjoy the fun as much Now is the tim e to aviod th a t Xou ••»•vica. P»»""* “ ■ “"«• w# *"* Mr and Mm. J. C. H askins a re heavy r ’a r t im provem ents a t Me- as the hoy«. 4n fact at some high sum m er rush which alw ays creates arran g e to have your wood »awed. being co ngratulated over the arriv a l Minnville. point of interest In the gam e some Sunday m orning of a baby son The to ta l Columbia River salmon " ,r | wilt ’ rin g her fist down with Mrs. H askins is in the W omens’ pack 1927 represented above \ »* *® « « k « people w o-der Tt seem* a pity th a t the hospital o f Portland. $8.000.00<\ O te g o n rirls can’t do some light boxing. R iv e " » v i Miss T ouise Feldm an retu rn ed on G reat N orthern will a t once begin _ Sunday from th e St. V incent's h o s a $50.0<v > passenger statio n at Kla- . „ , , ., . , , O PE N IN G MARCH 17 ... “ 5 St Patrick s not luck dinner pital of P ortland w here she under ___. he given W ednesday evening went a goitre operation th ree weeks Sw ift Packing Co. has bought March 14 at the Bethel O ong reg v A carn atio n to each lady. ago. She is im proving. cream er es a t Cocjul'le and Noreray. tional r*-im-h. E very one la re- Mr. and Mra. John Bankus and f \ H,8 county. cue*ted to b rin g dishes ap ro p riate W om en’s neckw ear, trim -h i'd ten of P ortland. Mrs. F W. to the day C ad r a sd d a u g h te r B arbara w ere ^ v e m m e n t wtll spend an Mr and Mrs. H. R. Nelson Mr. m in g , lingerie, frocks, hos 'in n er guests S atu rd ay at the home •*»«« 100 to im Prov* th i CraU,r - i d M rs Norman G regory. Miss Lake road*. ■>f Mr and Mrs. W illis Cady. iery, h ats and dresses. M -“v T-t'hert and attorney H. G. A Company M ontgom ery, W ard Mr. and Mrs. W. J . Edw ards. Mr Salem . Eugene W„” r \ ^ rtla m i « .r e Sunday Phone 870.1 and M rs W. R. Van Kleek w ere will open stores in cal' -rs -» the home of Mr. and Mrs. guests a t a 500 p a rty given S a tu r and Medford. S. C. Freem an. ^ day evening at the home o f Mr. and A new draw bridge will be con- . — . _ Mrs. J . R. D aniels o f Kinton. strile ted over Tillamook River west — — — —— — — —— Mr and Mrs. Ray C. Coffield and o f Tillamook. Tennett end Mias Mabel Sundborg O ption- have been taken on 28 ® tarnished the music fo r the m om - acres o f land n ear Milwaukie for a gj :ng services Sunday given by the force cannery. ■ M issionary Alliance over KOIN. _ . , ' , . „ , . ■ F rickson B res of St. Helena have Z F ran k Hocken of Spokane spent bought a site fo r a $15,000 ice They can buy a can of corn on Thurnday for a few hours Sunday a t the home o f cream factory, They a et quality k ' hk I s a t low price*. hi* m other. Mrs. Em m a Hocken. He had been on a trip to San F ran- ^ ™ Company »rill They can phone in an order and have it del- sm udging oil cisco and was on his re tu rn home. cofli!tuct * 820.000 th e sam e price a* on S aturday. w , __ _ . . . tank at Medford. Mr. and .Mrs. Claude Anderson, ivered promptly. line in Lane Mrs. C harles Ar.derson. Mrs. G ladys The Lucky Boy Thev can't buv anyw here more reanonably. -h irid s and d au g h ter, Analee of county ’ -oped a carload of ore to ■ ■ ■ ■ j 1 Portland were Sunday visitors a t Tacom a m eltcrs. ej O tIR CUSTOM ERS ARE SA T ISFIE D . u the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R, “ n Van Kleek. ASTORIA FOLKS V ISIT D K I.I V K R Y S I - R M C H W« m N idr 2 p. m K asi S id e 3 n m Wr l>*'ivi-r Satutday At 10:30 a. m. The b am owned by Jam es Oules R ELA TIV ES IN BEAVERTON 5 Send the kiddies o ff to school in shoes th a t as completely destroyed by fire Mrs. Jock C handler and son. Jack a let th e ir feet grow naturally. Sunday m orning a t 6 o’clock. Twt. Jr., of A storia spent 10 days a t the J Stop and get o u r prices; they are low hut brooders and various farm im pte- home of h er paren ts. Mr. and Mrs. 5 B E A VER TO N M A R K E T AND GROCERY •nenta were lost. The cause of the Thomas '-co b s, Sr. She left Wed- _ o u r quality is high. fire is not known b u t the loss is nesdav fo r a sh o rt visit a t the H Farmer*: We pay cash for your aggs and produce W e also do repairing. n a rtia l'y covered by insurance. hon e of hor- b ro th er Lloyd Jacobs ■ ________________ f P o rt ra d . J Bang! Rose Fletcher SHOPPE Beaver Wood Our Customers. Z How - od n e w s d o e s s p r e a d ’. P N F m i G A SO LIN E is s iili T eresa E. , 'h e b e « ' A dv 38 If Conzelman C h a rte r No. 32 a a SOCIAL STUDIO BARBER SHOP F IR S T CLASS WORK AT REA SO NA BLE PRICKS A Set of Stainless Steel Knives J. St. Says I to myself, uys I, 1 The Review1! the piper For me to boy," Sayo I. A Set of Shamrock Kettles March 17th P atrick ’s N ight fo r Masonic Building Five Prizes Doer prize men and women costume prizes, m ost novel costum e prize. adv c-15-16 A t Beaverton, io the S ta te of O reg-v, t the ckwe o f business Feb 28, 1928 . GIVEN AWAY STUCK COM PAN IES With automobile Every New Gas Range $414.958 67 148,408.82 2,668.78' 5.480 00 : 30.400 00 PORTLAND GAS & COKE CO. Rabbits, Chickens anb Meats of all kinds 36.891,58! Office. Beaverton N. J. Skee — (Cook<*r4 M tp U d ) Good Meats S ix th an d S a lm o n LEW IS COUNTRY RATES insurance Finance Co. Aloha. Ora. DELLM0RE LFSSARD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Off)»«* with Justice K. K. Swenson, II,,avori on Her* ru w d sy s and T hursdays N A PES ft SON MACHINES R EPA IR ED a t Dewey’s Plum bing Shop AT R E A S O N A !LE PRICES I. F. P erry Phone 7702 H e llo F o lk s ! A. E. HANSON WOOD and COAL — any length, any kind— CORD WOOD or SLAB P r o m p t D e liv e ry T e l. 4 5 0 4 A. C. C H IN N P a in te r and Builder day or HARDWARE, PAINTS Phone 2 0 0 3 Beaverton W. E. PEGG U ndertaker and Rmhnlmer S. T. W ININSKY That are just a little better work P W. BISHOP Plumbinf and Heating WOOD SAWING If You Want* Eats contract PHONE, BEAVERTON 2754 GRANGE Telephone 3003 BLDG. than anything you’ve ever eaten before, and Service That makes the Meal a ' J ■ l ■ fo r two weeks, sta rtin g on ■ March 12 Proprietors HILLIARD PARLOR C lfa rs, Tobáceos Confections, Soft Drinks la d y Rid«. — W atson SL SEW IN G a IIHOS., B R d w v 7611 081 m \ y expires August 22 1828. We Solicit Your P atrn n ag r Opt irai Work— R epairing NOTICE I CoimniMion RESTAURANT The Heul of Rain Opposite I*. O. lleaverton BEAYERT0N LUMBER CO. O ITOM ETRIHT Benson-Newlander ■ D lrseto r. WHITEHALL DR. A. E. WILSON 3,065 50 ! T o t a l ....................................................................................... $641,843.3* LIA B ILITIES 18. Capital stock paid i n .................................................................... $ 25.0IS: I • OREGON BEA V ERTO N . . . . . . . . 20.00*'.(Si 17. Surplus fund 18. (a) Undlvided p r o f i t » .............................................115.483 04 (b) Less current expenses, interest and taxe- p iid 6.594.91 8.898 131 . . 19. Reserved for taxes, interest and depreciation ■ ■ ■ ■ R I I I I B i l l l i i a i l S 20 . Dividends u n p a i d ........................................................................ 68.75 22 . United StatesI)et>osils, including poalal savings and deposits of U S. d.sbursing officers . . . . 230 28 DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, vjbject to reserve: 23. Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due the S i'llc of Oregon, county, cities or o th er public funds 25t>. 882.3'i . . . . 386.19! 24. Demand certificates of deposit outstanding 2:.. C ashier’s checks o f this bank outstanding payable on de mand . . . . .............................................. 6,452.461 Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, sub je c t to reserve, item s 23, 24, 25, $282,720.04 T IM E AND SAVINGS DEPO SITS, subject to reserve and payable on demand or subject to notice: 27. Time certiAestes of deposit o u t s t a n d i n g ................................. 178 260 56 . . . . 28. Savings deposits, payable subject to notice 146 696.61 Total of lime and suvings deposits payable on demand or sub My office will be closed ject to notice, items 27 and 29, . . . $324,956.17 ^ w Livermore B K D rnn.y. E. Stephen», Prop. MAGAZINES CANDY Fountain Servire and ■t H UBER HALL The Bank of Beaverton F T A T E OK O R E iJ O N . C o u n t y o f W a s h i n g t o n , mm I, I>oy G r a y , r u h l t r o f t h « a b o v a n a m « d h a n k , d o a o l e m n l y a w * a r t h a t th tb< ve R ta tc n i n t la t r u « t o t h e b « « t o f m y k n o w l e t l g e r $ i <* I *• - f Doy G ray. C a a h 't r C O R R EC T —A tteat COMMERCIAL- - CLUB DANCE R EPO R T OF CONDITION OF T o t a l ......................................................................................... $641 847.66 Business—Cards llll .a d BEAVER Reserve D istrict N o i" RESOURCES 1. Loans i nd discounts, including rediscounts, acceptances o r bills of exchange, sold with endorsem ent of the bunk -including item* shown in ¿9, .10 and 32,if any. 2 . Overdrafts secured and u n s e c u r e d ............................................. 4. O ther bonds. w arr*nta sod securities, including foreign gov ernm ent, sta te , municipal, corporations, etc., including those shown in items 30 and 35, if any . . . . 6. Stocks, securities, claims, liens, judgm ents, e tc .. . , 7. Real estate owned other than I-inking house 8 . (a) Lawful reserve with federal rererva bank 8 . (be) Cash on hand in vault and due from other banks, bankers ■nd tru s t companies ............................................................. 11 . Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and other cash item* ..................................................................... Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10 and 11. . $70,367.08 ENSIBLE CHOOL HOES MIKE’S SHOE SHOP REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mrs. Charles Fergueson and baby Schuyler S. Teck to of D ayton spent from Sunday t- Bocan, Efo of lot 12, W ednesday a t the home of h er par Bros- Acres. ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Roseman G. Louise Slocomb to T eresa E. Mr. King has bought the acre Bocan. E t4 of lot 12, Conzelman and a half adjoining his property Bros. Acres. J. W. Sprague e t ux to J. W On th e Canyon road, form erly own ed by Mitchell Fouraaaa of P o rt Raynard, p a rt of lots 7 and 8, blk. Beaverton. land. M. W. M anning et ux to J. W. % Rhode Island Red H atching eggs R aynard ct ux, p a rt of lots 1 and blk 7, Beaverton. fo r sale. Fine P rise stock. $1.00 J. W. R aynard e t ux to M. W fo r setting o f 15. Mrs. W. H. Bos Manning et ux, p a rt of lot 3, blk. well, W ashington st-, phone 1112. Beaverton. adv e-15 M ultor Co. to W. S. Holt et ux. Subscribed *nd sworn to before V .. K. P u g g . N o ta ry P u b lic . My fne th is 7th day of March 1928 and Coal Co. jt f a ■ Dr. J. R. Talbert 5 Still Better, Then Try : TED’S BARBECUE BEAVER WOOD ft ICE CO. Beaverton Greenhouses Block Wood, Pinner Ends; All grades of U tah-W ash, coal, P. L. S chu.ts — :— Phone 6702 fn rd a t F ro n t A Main C ut Flowern, Fern» All Kind* of F o r a i Design PH ON E 6466 W ’ve ¡ Jit c o m ? to town, an d w u ’d like you to d ro p in a. d s c us— we’ll tre a t j t u Right. • S tan d ard H ardw are and F u rn itu re TED’S BARBECUE Cash paid fo r old stoves furniture. In Bank block, Form erly liobie’* B arbecue H alsten H ardw are ■=l and Ed FOR . . . . . PR IC E and .... ... * QUALITY Sea Dewey, the Plum ber Phone 7762 Beaverton, Ore.