TH E BEAVERTON SICK WOMAN SOON RECOVERS Idle Island By Taking Lydia E. Pink kamV Vag eta bla “ "A ntlghbor advloafl in* to try Lydia I'luKtiam'a VaqaUbl« Oouipouud which ah* said had < balpad har BO much Bo I bought a few bottlaa mod triad It out. It aura balpad tua W o n d e rfu lly . I fait much batur. My work waa no longer a dread to mo. If | hear of any one who la troubled the way I waa, I will gladly recom­ mend the Vegetable Compound to Lheui and I will auawar any latter« In regard to thu aaina."— Mna. I tun n * M bai ' iia », 113« N. I'ena. A le , Lanalng, Mloh. “ I had I**en richly e ier sine* I waa Arte*» yeara old. After taking Lydia E Hlukham’a Vegetable Compound I II eo I could do all my boueework and am In good health "-M a e Miata K. i i x i i m * Ketchikan. Alaaka. ■from M it-Mrau to Alaaka.from Maine to Oregon and from Connecticut to California letlera are continually being written by grateful women recom­ mending I.ydla E. rtnkbam'a Vegetable Compound. The Compound te made from roota and herba and for more than fifty yeara haa heen helping to raatore run-down, overworked woman to health. Ara you on tha Huullt Hoad to Dat tar IteallhT I Lot It t Jim—You aiionlda'l uaa rouge. It Injun.* the akin. Maw—Well, who ever eeea thalT To Curo a Cold in one Day T a k e L a z a t lv * It HOM O g U I N I N K T a b ­ u le T h * R ef* a n d P ro v e n Itaniady. L o o k fo r S ig n a ta r * o f B. W. U ru r e ua t h e b oa . l e e . — A d a. 5 im pie Enough Hoarder—"llut why ara tha towela ao amali ?" d a f t -"W oIL there Isn't much water."—lUtrolt Newa, TTioee who follow the Htralgbl and Narrow Path Ilka It, else they wouldn't follow It. I The BABY 1 Why do ao many, many hahlce of to­ day eerape all the little fratful «pelle and Infanllla ailments that used to Worry mothers through tha day, and kaep them op half the night? If yon don't know the answer, yon haven't discovered pure, hartnleea <>.«- torla. It la aweet to the tmate, and •weet In tha little stomach. And Its gentle Influença aet-ms felt all through tha tiny system. Not aven a dlatnstw ful doe* o f castor oil does ao much good. Fletcher'a Caatorla la purely vege­ table, ao you may give It freely, at first sign o f colic; or constipation ; or diarrhea. Or those many tlmea when you Juat don't know what ic the mat­ ter. For real sickness, call the doc­ tor, always. At other times, a few drops of Fletcher's Caatorla. The doctor often tells you to do Just that ; and always aaya Fletcher's. Other prrparatlone may bo Just as pure. Just as free from dangerous drugs, but why exparlmrnt? Hesldes, the book on rare and feeding o f hahlea Unit cornea with Fletcher's Caatorla la wiTth Its weight In gold! Children Tha "T o u c h ” "First of all, my boy, realise that my time la short. Secondly, sny what you want. Thirdly, ho short." "Well, dad. firstly, I d a Secondly, I will. Thirdly. I sin." E xa ctly "Madge haa postponed answering Jack until the ran look up hla rat­ ing." “The asset teat, eo to apeak." Rome very modest people secretly have swelled head. Does Weakness Detract From Your Good Looks? Ban Francisco, Calif.—"About two ra«ra ago I waa waak and rundown in health. I suffered so much with backache and pain In my slda, and did sot get any relief : until I took Dr. Pierce’s Favorite P r e s c r ip t io n . A few bottles of the •Prescription' waa a permanent bene­ fit to ms and I am yglad to recommend ft to others for I believe It will do for (hem what It did for me.”— Mrs. B. Webb. 11 OS Laguui 8 t a Obtain this famous "Prescription" now. In tablete or liquid, from your druggist, or write Dr Pierce, Presi­ dent Invalid«' Hotel In Buffalo, N. V . for free medical adrtca. By ETHEL HUES TON Ceprilgkl mMjjJ b* Hobba M.f'UJ c*. 1 b*f vks. CHAPTER VIII— Continued — 12 — Thera were no guns, no casks, no bottles. Tbs furniture wee scant, and of aubatantlal and Inespeualva inuku. There wua an oil beater In a corner, end a large tank uverly full o f oil beside It. Thera waa an oil cook aloes, also, wllb pans, kettles and rough dishes. There waa fishing tackle strewn about, old magaxtne* and In a cornbr cupboard a > w rough ends of food ; beans, coffee, aalt and rice. Rome canned things, too, and a piece o f ealt pork. There were old pl|>ea lying about, rtgar stubs and scutlrred tobacco. The room tr. every respect wse exsctly as It would be left by a group of fishermen, lumber­ men or hunters. Officers, Inspector«, any one might step Into the room, examine It from celling to rough rock floor, end find It above suspicion. Yet Hand knew that within a space of two hours fully thirty uieu had left that very ep<>L With revolver and fisehllgnt In band again, be left the basement room an 1 went to the atelr*. Heavy curtains, thick and wide, covered every door and window so that no possible ray of light from within could be seen from without. On the upper floor were sleeping rooms, six In all, and two baths, al­ though the water waa not connected and the tutis were dusty and dry. Ooe of tliesa rooms, the one oa the north looking down to the rove. Hand knew bed liern occupied, although but rough blankets were thrown loosely on tin- lie-t. Htlll It nad tht feeling about It of recent occupenry. "(lay's gentlemanly Ingram.” he thought with s hoylab grin. "Couldn't stand It below with the Chink« No Wonder his ryes are sad." Katlsfied at last, be Went down, careful to leave everything behind him sa he had found lb end clam­ bered up through the narrow base­ ment window again, not without great dlfllrulty. Once more he was obliged to rrawl out. head first, and return In order to replace the window as bs had found It which be did carefully, •dglug It lightly In. and blocking It looarly with rocks from without Then be made hla final ex it "I hope nobody hangs me on the head before I have a chance to argue about It." he thought rather anxiously, as his legs «prswled out from beneath the plexxa Into the open air. Evidently, however, the Intrusion bad been unobserved, end very hur­ riedly be threw the stones back Into plarw to give the same appearance aa before tils entrance. Then be crossed the woods toward lbs Lous Pina. It was after nine o'clock. Hand was aut shaved, hla fare and hands were scratched and bleeding, hla hair wna malted with dust and bits of earth and moss, hla clothes were grimy, lie glanced down at himself, smiling. Hut bs went on. "I have no right to cheat her out of such a thrill aa this," he derided. Hut he hurried hla step« for be had no desire to explnln hla appearance to any cnliri but Oay. Her amdtement at hla appearance at her door equaled his expectations. "Hand —Hand." she gasped weakly. "lx-t me In. let me In." be urged laughingly, "thm't leave me out here with tha burden of crime upon me, for the first Chink to take a pot abut sL" Hurriedly she drew him Into the room, closed and locked the door be­ hind him. “ Hand — Hand — what have you done she whlapered. She listened slli-nily while he told. In sketchy fuahlon. the evenls of the night. Her eyes u | hui him were ter­ rified and troubled When he finished hla recital with a launty triumphant gesture, shs turned on him pusalon- • lelv. "You Shouldn't do such things," she cried thickly. “ You should noil You have no right to take such rhanres. Oh. Hand, what do they rare for murder? Think of that poor boy—” It was not until he had heen well fortified with strong coffee that the asked him genlly, for her sake, to give up llilt ridiculous, dungerous en­ terprise uml pity no more utlentlou In the activities In the l.lttle club. She said she was sorry she had ever told him anything about the affair In the cove, she felt ahe had led bliu Into terrible danger. "I keep thinking of that boy. Hand. They are utterly unprincipled, un scrupulous. I know they are. They would stop at nothing. If anything happens In you. It will he my fuult." Hand tried to renasure her, prom Ised lo take every precaution, hut he would not consent to give up the un­ dertaking. He wns sure he had hla finger on n thread that would unravel a vast network of Intrigue and crime Involving tunny thousands of dollnra. perhaps hundreds of lives. He wna going to have the reward the unrnvel- Ing would entnll, nut more Important Hum that, he wna going to have the sport of unrnvellng. He would not yield lo her, "And first of all. I'm going to show op your and eyed friend, lie's a rrook, and I'll prove It to you. Him. and his sad eyes I" "Handle, dear," Oay said, her hands In hla hair, drawing his fnce townrd her, “ did any one ever tell you that your eyes are and, loo? They are. ▼ary sad. Your lips are merry and your voles la light, but your eyes are always wistful. The voice la what one makes It—b it the eyes— Yea, open window* to th* soul. Bad. very sad." CHAPTER IX ft was amaslng to Oay that th* Island, enmeshed a* It was lo a net­ work of lawless enterprise ao Ougrant a* lo Include opeu murder, should con­ tinue Its placid aimless course of every day. uuruffted calm. The Cap­ tain fluttered from Ihe hotel drains to the Nixon porch ami talked regret­ fully of th* work be did oot accom­ plish on his boat. Auntalmliy who after Mrs. And­ over's stern denial of a Christmaa party, had remained wistful, quiet and meek, climbed Ihe hill one day with the old bright happy flush on her cheeks, and old bright light In her weak blue eyes. Hhe was laughing. "Oh. It Is a lovely morning, tiny, a lovely morning. Coming on to Christ­ ina* now, Isn't It, ruining on to Christ­ mas?" "Y * * It 1« Did—Alice Andover sny you could bsv* th* party, after all?" Aunlalmlry burst Into Joyou* gentle laughter. "Oh. my dear, when I think of Alice Andover—dear Alice! Hhe la s fine woman, for all her faults, on* In a thousand. Hut when I think of ell brr administrating, and her bossing, and her scheming—and all she gets for It—oh, ne," she Inter­ rupted herself, trying to sadden brr eiuhcrauc*. "oh, uo, no Christinas party this year. Oh. no I" Rha shook hrr little silvery head, but could not shake away that air o f Joy. Klir said she had only com* to bor­ row a bag. a good slxed bond-bog. 8he wauled to lake— some thing*—over to town Hhe said she would Ilk* to keep It several days. If Gay did not mind, am) promised to be very careful of It. Hhe chose the larger of two hand bags Gay gladly offered, explaining that she wantrd It to bold—well—plenty. A few days later tb t ram* again to explain that ah* waa not yet through with (be beg, and to suggest to Gsy, If shs did oot mind, thsl per­ haps It would be better out to say a word about It to Alice Andover, "She's e fine women." sli* said loy­ ally, "on* In a million, a credit to tbe Island, a typical Maine character. Hurriedly He Threw the Stones Back Into Place. A capable administrator, too, and all that Hut oo the sun." She run down to find Hand, In snow half to his waist, at her window that led to the valley, which he was strug­ gling to raise from without Gay caught up a warm cape, and ran to help hint. "You darling 1” she cried. In warm welcome. (TO un CONTINUED.) Hit Pet Aversion II. I.. II. writes that Junior on be­ ing told b> hla mother to be sure and .brush his teeth before going to bed exclaimed! “ Now, mother, you ought to know that's my favorite thing I hate to do."—Boston Transcript MARCH 2. 1028 F R ID A Y . French “ Z oo" A dapted„ for Study o f Im eet■ C the W .Ï L . Fr#rr What might be railed an Insert zoo baa lost iqwned In I'aris. In lb* new vivarium In th* Jardln dr* I’lan'oa tbe public haa Hi« esiraordlnary ex parlance nf watrhlng Insects In their natural environment* each group shown In an Indoor glass rage filled up to oeein Ilk* bom* to th* Inliabt lent* This hat oot bean ao aaay of areonipllahment a* II might aaeiu. Tha Insect* com* from varloos rlluui'es Than a complicated heating system Is necessary lo simulate th* African desert In one cog« and a cnotlsh ten» perature In th« next. In mnw case« It ha* been neeeaaary to fool th* In aorta for the of th« public. The scorpions. If left to thetr own de­ vice* would completely disappear from sight. However, they sacra well aatlafird to hide beneath (date« of transparent gluss through which they can easily he seen. Hevrral cages art devoted to exhibits o f Insect mlmh-ry The glunt phiismas look Ilk« the green leaves they feed upon, and others ex­ actly resemble th« straw colored branches In which they are clinging. The ot»server muot watch closely for seme movement to tell which Is which In Trim This Winter? Watch The Kidney« After Winter’s Cold«. f* lO L D S and grip are hard on the v J kidney*, when tha kidney* d o » up, impuritia* remain in tha blood and are apt to make on* brad and achy with haadacho* dutzinaas and often nagging lo c ker ha. A common veemioa i* *centy or burning secretion*. D e a n e P ilD . a etimulaat diuretic, iacreaae tha «aeration at the kidney e and aid in tha elimination of waeta impuritia* Are endorsed by ui everywhere- « 4*4 pour nelghtorl COLDS to end a cold quickly. HILL’S Co*. cmra-Hromido-GuintaM does all fo u r at ooe time. Stop« a cold In one day. Kad b o* 90 cent* All druggist* Sure Relief NO M ORE G A S SOURNESS, H E A R TB U R N . SICK H E A D A C H E , D IZ Z I­ NESS, NAUSEA or DISTRESS AFTER EATING or DRINKING W h e re H atb an d t Can Shop "Blualileas” shopping for men has now heen established by a Detroit d« partn.ent store, which haa a "men's corner," where when he wants a pres ent for her he can be painlessly Ini­ tiated Into the mysteries of step-in* fancy garter* silk* satlD* brocade* e tc Here be Is made to feet be la In a masculine a t m o s p h e r e , despite tbe femininity of the good* and th* )u dlctoui salesladies who obtain the customer's confidence and then sell him exactly what he needs, greatly to the benefit of his wife, mother, be­ trothed. or niece* cousins and aunt* —Capper's Weekly. INDIGESTION RELIEVED . . QUICKLY Sad can b« t*k«a by lb« •■tira family. AO Drugfiaca 2 S< ami 7 Sc Rod Pactaba». CARTER’S EEu PILLS B e l l ANS Hot w ater. Sure Relief _ E LL-A N S FOR INDIGESTION 234 AND 754 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE H A N F O R D ’S Balsam of Myrrh A Hoaling Antiooptic •m M e la s ti Full Board Yank—Say. I’at, do we get more than one mall a day here? I’ at—Sor. this la a first-class hotel, and It's three males yu do be gettln every blessed day of your life. Break fast, dinner and »upj*er. If you would be paid according to your own- Ideas of your worth, get necessary. s PI SO Could N am e It John Harrymore, whose favorite part la Hamlet, waa telling Hamlet ttorlen at a Hollywood reception. "Then there wan Garrick Better (on'a performance tn Milwaukee." Mr Karr)more aald. "Hla Hamlet wasn't anything to writ# home about. It went from bad to worse. In fact “ When Betterton biased out tbe line. There’s something rotten In the state of Denmark.' a gallery god hissed down at him; " 'And you're It, Ham, old boy.’ •— Kansas tlty Time* ' tou g h s A t ie m w -tk s d S V S i-. A r iu - termmUr. * ~ PTSCT* TW aac e * d O M h b «,M < . P A R K E R 'S H A IR B A L S A M -i w-urnff KiopctUir Failing Ratrtores Color and Booty to Gray nnd F«d«d Hot Me. and f l - to imt Q>*tw. vrRtu VnutsU t*. W. T. FLORE 3 TON SHAMPOO-Us»! tar w k canaacUoo with fu k iti it sir B***ai. Makes tb* haw «oft «a d Xuff j. W ca c ti by mail or at dnia- — nal* iliacos 1 — - - Wort*. FauSogia* H. f . R O ILS CARBOIL H am let’ t H om e R eetored K a r n r a t O r g a n is e r » W a n t e d — f l u b f o r T h * N «w P s y c h o lo g y ." B ig In d u ce m e n ts fo r lo c s l n . e m b e r s 8 o lv e e p* ru n n el p r o b le m * . P r o fit - g h ie , d i g n if ie d 1108 T ira n e B l d g . N e w Y o r k . Only the canopy taken to Stock holm by the conquering King t'hartea X In UViS will be absent when the Kronberg castle at Oeresund Is opened as a museum. Denmark's wonderful castle of tbe Renaissance— home of Hamlet—nas been completely realored. Authorities are now ready with plans to refit It as a museum, with Its old pointing* furniture and gobelin* these relics tn ne retrieved from the Danish mu­ seum* The Individual who his tonine for a weapon Is apt to use bis feel for defense. Some people seem to think It neces­ sary to tell bow little they went to school. A wonian wlll pardon a want ot sente qulcker Gian a want ot ma li­ ner* The drowning candidate catches at t straw rote. It Is easy to be patient If you are tired out. The demand tor good advlc« Is not equal to the supply. w * W ▼ V W-inea sad Otri* »h o ww A l l 1 L U are lo v e r» u f co lo r to •004 fo r r U M B «"« o lo r »tab u r a lic a *n titled O O b O M Ü W á . " » J O S In P r ie U n t e t i for those who a rc w M Rof u» c A little c a rry ? io th is c o c o c c u o e — K o • c iU D s t re©omn**r>d , lac. If ?oo feelToa c » n rror.?mt>eo 4 **L'N?, irr : I»T *S and D Y TINT. th« new 10e Tî»t. write ; tu »4 wc w ill e nter Toa t n this C o n tra t A d d rr s » Ischi. I , North American Irre UrpunUuo, , M l V e rn o n . W t