The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941, March 02, 1928, Image 2

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The Endless Trail
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Accept only “Payer* package
which contains proven directions.
T«a Wagon Maoa By New Jaraay Housewife From the Backs of Two Folding
Chair* That War# No Longer Fit for Servica.
H an dy “lla y s r ” b oisa of I t tablsta
A lso pottles of t4 ami 100— Druggists.
Aaptrta la IS» trails su it «4 Baras Maas/artem at M»ai«e»in a«M»a»ss • ! aaltafUaaAi
( P r e p a r e * by l b s B u n a , o f H >'m t Bcon om ln a. C a n e d e to to o D e p a rtm e n t of A r r l r a t t a r e .)
Unusually well arranged Is this farm kitchen In Essex county. New
Jersey. The modern sink with its double drain boards Is placed sufficiently ;
high for a medium tall woman. It has splendid light from the double window
above and also from the window In the dining alcove, which Is near enough
to make meal getting a very simple problem, yet just enough removed from
the activities o f the kitchen to be pleasant. The useful tea wagon was made
by the homemaker and her husband out of the backs of two folding chairs
that were no longer lit for service. The stool on which one can sit while
washing dishes Is also homemade. The wooden rack saves the bottom of
the sink from marks made by the dish pan. Other features that make this
kitchen attractive to work In are the cretonne curtains over the sink, and the
appllqjed drapes In the alcove. The Improvements In this kitchen were the
result of advice given by the county home demonstration agent The photo­
graph was taken by the United States Department o f Agriculture.
Many Essential» for Good
Nutrition Must Be Present.
(P r e p a r e d by t h - B u r » .« of B o m * Econ om ic».
C a tte d S in t.-» D e p a rtm e n t o f A g r ic u ltu r e .!
Some of the nutritional and environ-
mental needs o f children were dis­
cussed In a talk recently given by
Miriam Birdseye, extension specialist
In nutrition, before the West Virginia
State Nurses' association. Miss Birds­
eye said. In effect:
"Adequate food must be provided
for children. This means that essen­
tial foods must be raised on the farm
or available at all seasons of the year
In nearby markets. Chief of these are
milk and other good-quality proteins,
butterfat. whole-grain products, veg­
etables and fruits, and pure water.
Foods must be selected to meet the
needs of the body at different ages
and to come within the reach of the
family purse. They must be prepared
and seasoned to meet the needs of dif­
ferent age groups, combined Into ap­
petizing meals and served at regular
hours. Food habits must be wisely
“ Other essentials for good nutrition
must be present. These are sunshine,
sleep, rest, fresh air, happy work and
play, freedom from overwork, normal
emotional life, wise parental guidance,
protection from Illness. A glance at
this list shows that agriculture, medi­
cine. sanitation, nutrition, home eco­
nomics, and psychology all have their
contribution to make.
service Is needed from a number of
agencies, and on certain points several
organizations can unite their efforts."
t l
Plump fowl, weigh-
lnff 4 to 6 pounds
4 or 5 medium-sited
t cup raisins, with-
out seeds
t cups canned torn*-
How often does that fiimilly qusstkei find you full of
pams and ai lira caused by kidney, b m and bladder
troubles t Keep your haalth while you ran. Ucgin taking
Gold Metta! Haarlem Oil Capaulaa at ont*.
Hardy tlollandrra hav* ua*d thia remedy for
over 200 yrat a. In sealed tsiaaa. at all druggtata.
3 aim. Look fur the nauta on every bua.
Chicken Stuffed With
Potatoes and Raisins
A large fowl o f too uncertain an
age to be safely baked may be appe-
tlzlngly prepared In the following way,
says the bureau o f home economics:
t l l W
A ll in Line o f Duty
S tablespoon«
chopped onion
I tablespoons
Salt and pepper
C en tu ry o l Steam
Lost H er N erv e
Just tiki years ago the Baltimore A
Ohio road laid th* first rontmen lal
railway trark In (he world Mince that
time more than 420,000 miles o f rail
road hart been constructed In tbit
roontry alone. This Is more than one
third of lit* aggregate mileage of th*
world. Th* eteel and steam lines are
not to be pushed out of the picture by
a gesture from the motorists and avi­
ator*. Tber* la a notable centennial
of service.
Visitor (to villager)—1'in s u q i r M
you never remarried. Mrs. Field.
Mr«. Field—No, elr.
So meow I
aven’l got Ihe pluck I 'ad When I was
younger, I doul think I could ever
bring tnyeelf to ask another man.—
Simmer a plump few) weighing four
to six pounds In a small quantity ot
Salted water until tender. Remove It
from the broth and set the fowl aside
for stuffing. To the chicken broth add
three cupfuls o f canned tomato and
two tablespoonfuls of finely chopped
mild onion and let this sauce cook
down. In the meantime prepare a
stuffing for the chicken by cooking
and mashing the potatoes and adding
to them the raisins and enough milk
to make the mixture like ordinary
mashed potatoes. Stuff this while still
hot Into the body cavity and neck of
the fowL Crowd In all the stuffing
possible and do not mind If It protrudes
somewhat. Four a little melted but­
ter over the chicken and put It In the
oven to brown. Thicken the tomato
sauce to the consistency o f a gravy
and add two or three tablespoonfuls
o f finely chopped parsley and green
pepper If desired. When the chicken
and the surface o f the potato stuffing
have become delicately brown put the
chicken on a huge hot platter. Pour
part o f the sauce around It and serve
at once.
Marie— Iton't be silly.
than you think I am.
BUI—Aw. 1 doubt It
Cherry Pie Can be Made
During Winter Season
T h e Straight and Narrow Path la
not a favorite thoroughfare with
crooked people.
Cherry pie can be made In winter !
time If canned cherries are used. The (
bureau of home economics gives the
If the homemaker would use a meat following suggestions for making It:
Bake an undercrust nntll It Is deli­
theroinometer when roasting beef she
would get the same results each time cately browned. Be careful not to let
she cooks, according to the bureau of this crust become too brown, however, |
home economics. United States De­ or It will be overcooked when the pie i
partment of Agriculture. The ther­ Is baked. Strain the Juice off of the
mometer Is placed In the center of canned cherries. If they are unsweet­
the thickest part of the roast, and ened mix the needed quantity of sugur
when It records certain temperatures, with about one-half tablespoonful ot
the meat lias cooked to the stage of cornstarch for each pie, and cook this ;
rare, medinni. or well done. When the with the cherry Juice until It Is thick­
family preference Is for rare roast ened. Add one tablespoonful o f but­
beef, the meat should be taken out ter and a few grains of salt, stir In
of the oven when the thermometer the fruit, and put this filling Into the
reads between 130 and 150 degrees prebaked pie crust. Moisten the rim, .
Fahrenheit. A medium roast Is cooked lay the top crust In place, and press
to between 150 and 170 degrees the edges carefully together so that ,
Fahrenheit, and the meat Is well done the Juice will not leak out. Prick the !
at about ISn degrees Fahrenheit. The top crust to allow the steam to escape. |
clement of guesswork U thus removed Bake the pie for about ‘¿0 minutes In
when a thermometer Is u«ed. Meat a hot oven <450 degrees Fahrenheit),
thermometers are made by several or until the upper crust Is brown.
different manufacturers.
They are , For cherry tarts bake pastry shells
not expensive. Specialists In meat on Hie outside of muffin pans, and fill
cookery in the bureau of home eco­ with the fruit mixture. Serve at once,
nomics have found that by their use or to give an extra touch add a spoon­
ful of whipped cream or cover with
In the laboratory they can cook hun
dreds of roast* and always have the meringue made o f a stiffly beaten whit«
results comparable. They recommend, of egg. one tablespoonful of sugar, a
therefore, that homemakers who wish few grains of salt, and a drop or two
to cook by exact methods should use of vanilla. To brown the meringue,
return the tart to a very slow oven
the meat thermometer.
for 15 to 20 minutes.
B earers
of G reat Names
William 8hakea|>eare run* a saloon
in London
lie Is on* of the three
men with (bat name who are regia
tered In the London directories One
of the otlo-r William Sloikeaprare* 1»
a singer, while the third la a lawyer
William Shake*peare, the singer, re
rently appeared on a concert plat
form with Francis Bacon, anotbet
noted vocalist
F ran kly Put
I'm older
The most efficient kitchen shelves
are narrow, holding just one row of
• • •
A spicy snnee for fowl Is made by
dissolving a glass of currant Jelly in a
cup of hot meat strek.
• « •
Even the very robust child should
la* allowed to wear socks during cold
writ tier
' l i e child who Is nervous.
r"ellv tired or subject to colds should
C ookin g A rtich ok es
The family which has two vegeta­
bles a day besides potatoes all win­
ter long has little need for “ sulphur
und molasses" In the spring.
a a e
Besides the fact lltat we know more
of Its value as a food, cod-livcr oil ro
day is more highly purified than It
was 23 years ago. Also, It now car
Is- obtained fiaiored or carbonated b
make It more palatable.
His Suggestion
Wife (showing new short skirt) —
Look, dear, and I gol II on th* In­
stallment plan.
Husband—Huh I Hadn't yon better
wall fur Ihe second Installment?
M issed This
“ la an editor a man who puta tiling*
In p r ln lf
“ No, yon foot, an editor la • man
who keeps things nul of prltiL“
K ep t Busy
Egbert—Did he leave ble footsteps
on (tie aanda o f time?
Bert—No. be was loo busy covering
hit trarka.
T he End o l Evasion
“Our friend luxlge Ielle me that bn
It doing settlement work lately.“
“ Tee, hla creditors finally cornered
him."—Boston Transcript.
The man who la looking for trouble
doesn't have lo look far.
If It were not for the unexpected
life would he terribly monotonous.
“ H oot, M o n , Luckies
dinna hurt my throat
or wind,” says
Sir Harry Lauder,
famous Scotch
Jerusalem artichokes may lie boiled
In their skins and peeled afterward»
or peeled beforehand. Only a small
quantity of water should be used
Small tpbers will cook in 15 to 2C
minutes. They may then be served
with melted butter with a few drops
of onion juice, In cream. In white
sauce, or in a savory tomato sauce;
or they may be scalloped In a white !
sauce with grated cheese and crumbs
on top. Pared and sliced Jerusalem
artichokes may also be cooked In milk
In a casserole or a double boiler, or
they may be simmered In meat broth.
wear long stockings except on the
warmest duy&
• • •
U seless B ag ga ge
The trouble with many |>eople, say*
a great scientist, la that they a|>rnd
Ino much lime “packing trunk*” they
cannot take with them and that
would contain few useful thing* If
they dhL — American Mngailn*.
The Cream o f
the Tobacco
A Remarkable Freckle Cream
Care o f Paint Brushes
London T it II I IA
Bugs Succumb to Gas
Hermans have found that pruaetr
•dd has proved an effective exterml
nator o f the brass hug. an exception
ally destructive beetle, which Is aide
to bore through metal. Th* appear
anr* of tha Insect In lleldrlher*
caused alarm, at previous attempts to
extirpate ll had failed. Th* houses
Invaded by Ihe pest were gnaaed for
two weeka, and at the end of that
time thousands of Ihe beetles were
found dead.
Use Meat Thermometer
for Rib Roasts of Beef
Paint should never be allowed to
dry on a brush, says the United
Btates Department of Agriculture In
Farmers’ Bulletin 1452 on "Painting
on the Farm ” Nor is It advisable to
keep paint brushes In water. When
painting stops for more than an hour,
the brushes should be kept In raw
linseed oil. When painting Is again
resumed, as much nil as possible
should be scraped or wiped from the
brushes, after which the remainder
should be thoroughly mixed with the
pulnt by repeatedly filling the brush
and scraping It against the inner edge
o f the paint pot
contest held over at the Bugvllle fair
last week)
Second Bug—If -was a tie between
the grasshopper and the flea I
Too Much T erritory
“ So many men marry for money,”
she said. "Ton wouldn’t tnarry me
for money, would you, Harry?”
” No,” said Harry, absently. ” !
Wouldn't marry you for all the money
In the world.”
And he was stuazed when the ex­
claimed: "Dh, you wretch I”
A S cap egoat
"I hear a burglar got Into yout
house since your wife’s been away."
"Vea, and I'm rather glad of It.
I'm a rotten housekeeper, and that
burglar's going to get a whole lot of
blame for the state things are In
when she gets back."
“I’ve smoked Luckies
for years and all this
time I’ve been active
in my work which
dem ands a clear
voice for singing
and good wind for
dancing. ‘ It's al­
ways a bra bricht
m oonlicht nicht
with Luckies—Hoot,
M on, they dinna
hurt my wind or
throat’ ”
D ubious O u tlook
"Warden, do any o f the Inmates of
your prison Intend to reform?”
"Well, Hint's a question. Half Of
'em are studying law."
No Throat Irritation-N o Cough.