t jO f NE, ORfcuUN tJnlA- «Hy Library i r ir s VE R TO N yon TH E nr a . R|. views run ir t X T he B eaverton R eview O LIAR é R IA M R O FOR ALL THE FAMILY The Only Newspaper Devoted Exclusively T o Tl)fl Interests O f Eastern Washington County. Volume1 VI. Number II Single <’<>py, 5 Cents I tea verton. Washington County, Oregon. Friday, March 2, 1928. $1-50 Per Year ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Water System Offer Fails To Materialize Figures Shown Where! y i eav- erton Could M aintain Own W ater System It wll !»«• ivttivlillM ti'tl t ir ! t»1 Un' last regulitr monthly nuH'timr »*f the C’lty Counrll, the Muni t|*»l Ita!* ticcitlr«! to mort i’ vrry M< »inlay evening until stuh time m they who • hie to have suine defil ilo plan in view. KEIM TILICAN ^C A N D ID A TE « The following candidate» m i thè Reouhllcan ticket and thuir slogan* are lisi ed a* follows: l'or founty fommlssioner M. K. i'aslerdny, Eureat (¿rovo. A tlolinr'* worth of serviee, for rvery du.lnr *pent." J. M liiatt, llllley, pre*ent in- cumbent. J li. Wescalt, Gasimi. "F fflci- cncy und Eeuoomy." Kor Recorder of fonveyance* Jamei M. Davis, North l'ialns, pre ent Inrumbcnt. Il l’nttvn. “ l'rompt and up to date serviee." Eor fountv Aeae»aor J E Lowton, Eorcst Urove. “ A Earmer ami a (.ranger,'' L. Hnley. l’ reaent Incumbvnt. "M y renrd and cxpertence la my i nom manda Uoti." I ol S l l . l l f f to SIDELIGHTS ON THE “ BIG FIRE” .... at Hall and Kestaurant B «ar lh< Bruni of Destructhn; Both H ave Insurance A fire which broke out Wednesday on the roof of the llunna building “ *» Trad# »treot. housing the White­ hall restaurant and Dewey D. Dror- baugh's plumbing rsUblishment, caused damage estimated at more than fioiiq and created much excite­ ment in Beaverton. The structure, a frame building, was an easy prey to the flames v.h: a were believed to have started from r spark falling on tbe roof, ami fir a lime the blare gained m i id hi—dway. The local volunteer fire fjgh'«T* attar’ cd the flames te o points, and hv strenuous efforts *u reeded in checking them before they wore beyond control. Much of the goods and movable furnishing in the building were re- ’ ovrrf and escaped being damaged by water The roof of the struc­ ture was barfly burned and the walls and i-el’in - suffered from the smoke *rd water. A great deal o f the lin- n|enm in the Whitehall was ruined hv the hurried removal o f contents. file second atorv. which is used hv th* local Odd Fellows and Iteb- ek ;h rhsnter as fmlcrnn! headqunr- ter-i, hire the brunt of the damage, but the contents of the hnll them­ selves were not injured. The Hill-boro fire dernirtment res­ ponded to a hurrv esll and ru«h*d »heir equintnent to Reaverton's a’d. Th~ timely work c f the local volun­ teers had the Mare under control, h wev-r a*d I f ’llsboro'a department >vns not nut into action. After the fire wna evtingeished. an dthc furnishings ren'aced. busi­ ngs» was resumed. The lo-s is renorrd to be fully covered hy In-nrnner. At that time thert was a r.-pre • ' fonnell, llillahoni, “ K ffk l- M'ntative from the Ore g n-VMtAhmg eln v, or nomy and courleay." ton Water <*o. |r »fit wl|S «led Vi i- I Werkert. “ Economy and that his n»n i an wr r ’ < Î in purrhating the Hnivertim water dis- offWicn Eor founty School Superlntendent • - ’•-ntje n systeo . That rom | any l!m ” n Brvnnt. Foresi Gravo. “ For ans to have nn il* for the tl I, • lin ut linai Interniti of tho Can Ride ration o f thr iV in rll inside county.'' it h yet f fifteen. That c ff*r I N A. Froat, Gales freek. "W itl of shown up n* any r*gu!t r.ie**t ■ I ot > i y tinte and energy to thè the Council. wclfacn of thè rchol* o f (he county.'* tl|R At the same meeting Mr. of thu Tun! at in Water Co. war B. S. L0SK8 TO ent and made what T.ed ! very renanimhV "nmprttr p e - i all time*. With the writer pnving 111 iv rt -n high school'* forensic into the Cit treasury from ?*!■•'< ft to talent rnc‘. th.- delmters of Milwau- $i>oo or more a month, it would !rvik kie high i*t Friday evening In the an though it would r »t »**• n high ti,, | iioihlortum and suffered bualnesR j rop«»Mti»»n to sell hut that ih ut til the hands of the visitin* with water surtdied at nh**tit t ? *S ' m l' i benne he Wood and Heni- n month *h< City should he ah «♦ to otta tier, w, who carried the banner soon brfln to pay o ff some of It. for the I ni», advanced affirmative debt. argument for the question: "He- The income fn m the water I* ■ dved thr the United State* should something like $1.1H*0 iwr month, or cancel all Allied war debta contrac­ $12,000 per jrrnr O f iw irw these ted prirr to th# signing o f the figure* are no* *b«olut • c a r t, armistice. ’ while Milwaukie’* U-nm but, -speaking in round numbers, fur the nevaUve wna rompoMxl of thr\ are rlmo to thr amount. Now WUIett H werienn and France* Hab- $12,000 1« lopted intemetl il trade relations, and de- ed two violin se'eetion*; sceompan- without follow In- out ’ l it r f i e it red I' '.*• Shylock-like insistence ied on the pisno by her si tor Miss r-r-t legal? fa n it la* enforced if for payr •nt championed by the Lois. f r ndv was sold aod petted seriously contest*»!? opposition a fair amount. Th* argument usually put up I* Tho committee wishes to thank tn tk - rebuttal, thr aggressive that it alwovr li i* I i-en like thaL • ” th,«e who In any wav heloed to Just a. thm.gii urh a statement oratory c f Wood, who utilised his time welt in clinching his argument* n>-t ', (ho program a success, espec­ war any «ort of a renaon. the pewsonner- for their ’ ing his upironents' defen- ial >-v » ' wn a decided feature of the n-d licit.» M - Free men fo r his ro- NEW HA UN 1.' SCHOOL -.o fp l 'g i the Ati.-as Gev the *ish- TO IIK D E IH C AIE D bvrnlng The ji ’ -e, R. H. Down, history xr- e-d »he pphtic for their genor- h*'*H of Franklin high aici pntrenng»». , When the new, modern school ib' artn.c I iiiu «- b*in. erected in the Home* ■ ’ ml g- e a short summary o f the issue nfti both side* hsd completed Ftt'i M Wright and Miss MU neighborhood i* completed, it I* to bv properly dedicated by the eituen* nrwuni'nt touching upi*n the vari­ P ?•!« Wells, teachers in the Penv- ous ete icnts entering into the orton schools h w e move»! hack to uf the* plnee. i tie ilale of lit eictli ‘ on- II n. He stiiti-d that he bas»«l h- ir homes in Porlsrd nnd expoc* ho* been net for .uureh V. bis de ’is" n mntnlv on the weight * drive hack and forth. A piugr-m will u b u n d auppvi me two of tbo proposed lea- " f con i' live argument presented; end d '’¡very and last the rebut­ CAM OF t h i n k s lure* of tbe e\filing , 1 lie »upper tal Rot rton's delivery w hs de­ will lit* served by the ladle* ol tne I wish to thank our friends and clared to have been the better, hut conimilnay lor -’•> eent - and union* '• ant ji was awarded the decision neighbors for their sets of love and the nuinbei* on the prog o ro are aei kindness during the recent loss of it'd th» championship on the basis ectiona by the t ethuny Oreiieatrn, my beloved mother, and to extend " f argument* advanced. and hy llannuli A oung and an ad- grateful thanks for the beautiful A fnir sired audience _ braved the dre < t '• County School Sup'l. Ury- •' r:i to hear the question discus­ floral offerings. Tulk* by men of the neighbor- sed. Violette Spinner Roilman liood and number* given by the aehool pupil* will ai»o be included O B I T U A R Y in the Heliedul* of the evening. N. I*. Johnson, loenl contractor ELIZAB ETH S TO LLER ha* been in charge of the erection Mr; i.lizaleth Htollcr of Bethany t the structure, which i* fire proof died Monday at the ag*> of 84 years and modern. nnd 1 month She was born in the ■nntrv of Switxerland and moved HUBER LAD IE S CLUB STACKS CARD I’ A R T Y o Bet Tiny ¡Id years ago. The funeral services were held on The Indie* Auxiliary.to the ilulwr *!” day afternoon at the Beth- Commercial cluh hud a very success- ful card party and luncheon on !■»•■• Pap ist church nnd interment Wednesday, February 22. The fine was ai tho Union cemetery. She i» mirvivied by one daughter, quilted spread that the Indies have been working on, was drawn by Mrs. Kliaheth Trnchsel, and five Kubcn Smith, of Portland. Mr. Hons, Abe, Jacob and Sam of Both- Anderson of HuIRr won tthe first •1 v. Jghn e f Walla Walla, Wash- prize, Mr*. M. Neiper*, consolation. ton nnd Giligian of Metolius, Ore­ The next card |>arty will lie held at gon, besides 31 grandchildren. the Clubhouse at 2:0t) o'clock on M ary k C hristensen March 7. Everybody is welcome Mr*. Mary Elisabeth Christensen Come und get acquainted. There will be a small ndmi*sion charge died nt the Emanuel hospital, in Portland, from pneumonia compli­ of 15 cent*. cated with henrt trouble. She is survived hy her husband, MRS. COOPER GETS SU RPRISE P A R T Y ON BIRTHDAY Carl Chri'tensen. and three child­ The 79th birthday of Mrs. Julia ren, Pntri la, Virginia and Fred, and Cooper wa* celebrated hy a large i her mother, Mrs. Cardiff. The funeral services will he held group o f her friends surprising het Saturday evening. Tlsev presented nt 9r00 n m. In the St. Ijiwrenee her with a beautiful pot o f tulip* churrh. Third and Sherman street*, land. and a large birthday cake. Snnd- wirhes, pickle» nnd coffee were ser- ( A "Pnw wow" for hoy* was giv­ ved. •Those present w ere: Mrs. Elmer! en Friday evening in the Bethel Dinner wa* Stipe, Mrs. W. H Boyd Mrs. Ruh- Gon-regatlonal ehureh. ert Summers, M r r Kilby, Mrs orved followed hv a short talk on Doy Gr'iv, Mrs, Henry Nolscn. Mrs. "Tenra to Riile the Horse that Otto Erickson. Mrs. V. A. Wood, Throw* You" by Rev. Donald Mac- Mrs. II O. S'lpc Mrs Inex Whit- I Noil. The rest o f tho evening was worth, Mrs Geo' ge Thyng Mrs. j scent in gomes. Rev. nnd Mrs. D. N. W. Gorham and Mrs. Cooper’s A 's'N eil. R. C. Dotv and Willis Ca­ ¡ brother, Robert Scott of Cornelius. | dy were present with Id boys. I» B A I B R S F R O M Just when th* Whitehall conflagration w u at tte worst a gent with an #ye for busi­ ness nt tempted to interest Mr. Hanna in the rental of a new building in which to resume hia business. s e e Beaverton had two traffic cope on d u t y Wednesday for a time. Altho, they were merely on fire duty, they gave our town quite a grown­ up appearance. "Barney," operating the nos- xle, while perched astride the ridge-pole loudly remarked, "Whadshai? Latk have some water!” Right after this th* Hillsboro smoke O t ars appear­ ed; perhapa they heard him 'holler. • * i To those who Rke to think; Wcdnr-dey’e EXCRement gives food for medftatinn. Such subjects as wdter pressure will bc.ir a heap o f thinking, too. # • a He i able reports h>ve it that every tins* friend Hanna glances at his mutilate! roof, he start* to hum. " It Ain't Gonna Rain No More." in a sort of hopeful manner K IN T O N SCHOOL PU PILS H A V E W ASHINGTON PROGRAM Kinton, Ore., March I,— Special— l-aal W-dr..-~-iay morning was fit­ tingly observed at the achoolhouee at Washington’s birthday Fifteen of the parents and those interested in the school were present and en­ joyed a fin* program given by the scholar*. At the dose of the pro­ gram a short session of school was hold after which cake and lemonade were served te thoae present. No ool hell rang fo r the afternoon TOM C ORNELIUS OUT FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER JOB Tom Cornelius, who lives just north o f Reedville, on the opposite side o f the new market road from the Reedville Dairy wa* in town the other day and called on the Review. He is ae 'king lecetion for county commissioner on the Republican ticket. Tom has hsd several year* ex­ perience in one official rapacity and another. Hr has been deputy war­ den o f the State prison at Salem, superinterdent o f the prison farm, foreirsn e f the brick yard, and at other times Chief of Police of Sal­ em and for three years was street commiseionrt at the Capitol city. Other candidates for the office are M. H:»t. the present incumbent, and Harry Westeott of Dilley. Mrs. Emma Hnckens, Mrs. Ethel Edwards and son John, Mr*. A. B. Clement nnd daughter Emma. Mrs. S. W. Hogate and daughter Phyllis were luncheon OIMSts Thursday at the home of Mrs. T. J. Rowe of Per* land. The Whitford Women*' club en­ tertained at 500 Friday evening. February 24. Mrs. Will Rice of Garden Home and Edward Hanson won first honors, Mrs. Mary Mac- Rroom e f Vancouver and llarrv Eeidmnn o f Garden Home took second honors, while Mrs. Doy Gray and Fdwcrd P-npcndorf won the eonso’ ntions. Mr*. J. E. Davis' drew th- door prixe. Cake and coffee were served. • BEAVERTON PIONEER Short Summanf Of Court House News LOCAL BARBECUE SOLD TO FREEM AN BROTHERS Arrange pent* were completed Monday wh*-reby. Robbie's Barbecue restaurant chanced hands. Mr. and A*ri. P. A Hicks, the estabiishers of, the busir, :s* »old th# well-known cats emporium to T. R. and G. P. I Freeman, Portland barbecue men.! | The Freeman brothers announce Items Ot Weekly Doia* At TW • hat under th# new management, the ! lunch room will offer such viands County Scat Aa OkUiaed By j Rn' 1 w rv i'e that hungry ones wifi j travel far to he served there. Oom- Our Hillsboro j plete renovation of the interior and ) a ehanee of nome to "Ted's Barhe- ! CIRCU IT COURT ji-ue” »Iso » tanned bv the new re-! | gime. Charles O. Malloy was named de- Mr Hi ks, reports that he will fendant in a damage suit brought < ¡r orn ession work at Oaks by Mike Cuzoni for injuries received nart during the summer season. an automobile accident, for the ---------------------- sum of $10,081.56. Richards and FATH ER GIVES P IN T OF Richards are attorneys for the plain- RI.OOD TO SAVE SON ’if{- Wi'lf*,r>. the seven and a hnlf Hare. JJcAlenr and Peters in the month o'd son of Mr. and Mrs. W. ‘‘»m e cf their client Bert C. Ship- Mr*. Katherine M. Spranrr. rrsi- Mon»pi.mcry. receive,} a blood trans- •«y have • turned suit against L. R. f'ision Tuesday, his father giving Austin in an action to recover mon- Beaverton who was fatally a lured hy an automobile, Febru­ un n pint of blood to restore the T - child to health. L G T ore Aloha, asks damages ary 21. Report from the Good Samaritan to *' m *190.50 for damages hospital in Portland, where the op- " d ' rivation o f car from th# Kuthcri e M. ('¡grand was born in eration was rerformed, state that n Automobile Insurance Com- 'VedUnia Wisconsin, October 15 ihliti, th« child is resting comfortably. r,any • Dav, Humpdson and Nelson *t# daughter of Nicholas and Suz- — are pMnnti'f's attorneys. inne Cigrand. Marion Dooley, Rey Dilsman, B. She received a very good educa- I s French. W. R. May. J. C. Smith 'ion in her home town and for a and Vem Sommers all have liquor number of years was postmistress B A B Y C H I C K S law violations entered against them of her home town— a position of -------- on »he court blotter. Earl Strong rather unusual responsibility for a J. L Harris lost 1,000 week-old ! covered by a patent former deputy sheriff and arms ar- o f Chicago. To this union was litetr wbAch smothered the flame*, ""«ted by Sheriff J. E. Reeves. born two children, George Arthur, The los« wa* covered by insurance. Frank Shadduqk faced a true who died in infancy and Violette. ------------------- — bill of burglary. James Wihlbrink. now Mr*. Van Rodman, of Portland. F R C P RAISERS' MEETING Clayton Cramer and Clarence Fruch An adopted son, Adelhert. died just 8 F T FOR M ONDAY NIG H T were indicted on larcency tharees. a vear ago in a sanitorium in Phoe­ -------- E d "»r Wiltse is held to answer on nix. Arizona. A meeting that promises to be !arc«*nv nnd burgalry counts. Lo- The couple remained in business < f vital interest to every grower in " I Milton was indicted for deposit - in the metropolis of the Great Beaverton and vicinity will be held »ng injurious substances on the high- Lukes for a number o f year», hut at 7::t0 Monday evening in the offi- way. Carl. F. Biers facet a charge later sold it and decided to follow ce« of th-1 Beaverton Realty com- ror attack. the sunset to the Golden West. In parv. This session is the first to Roy Sergent and W. L. Irving the aytumn o f that same year— 1905 he held since booster meetings in were both fined $500 and given six —they arrived m Beaverion where adjacent communities were decided months in jail. Irving was paroled they were destined to have a great on to estimate the probable success on payment of $200 and Sargent for Influence in shaping Ahe future of o f uuch a venture and this one will $150. our minature metropolis. nrove or di*»-rove Beaverton’s inter- j . C. Smith and K. E. Deviek was When they first arrived they est­ e*t in nr -operative Growers' group. f ined gsoo and sentenced to serve ablished a business in a email build­ F. J D-itsrh. the secretary o f the slx months in jail . Smith was par­ ing on the site now occupied bv thi* ti-moor irv organization is in re- nlcd for $150. Deviek for $250 Stipe garage, where they carried a ccipt of n recent letter from R. H j >ck Merria waived a grand jury meat, grocery and produce ho«ine*s f i o n manager o f the Agricultural indictm.-nt, pled guilty and was Five vears later thev purchased *'a-ke»ipm Department, offering his f,ned $ioo. He was paroled for $60. the southwest comer o f Front and •i r e rod «crvices to the grower« of Frank Shadduck and Harold Em- An eel streets and built a home a R't’.veri-n in the work of ortraniza- rjd, were remanded to the juvenile store and later the telephone build­ tior. Mr Kipp also reports interest court. ing. in the e lm at other communities In ______ Mrs. Spraner was an active, ener­ ♦he vnlley. ARRESTS getic lady who took great pride T- • ft-avert on Chsmh-r of Pom Pau| Winston and Allen Donatl in being one o f the first o f a class 1 an excur.qon to IT '-.»'- v. re taken in custcxly on February peculiarly American— a business­ •ale ” d • eveninv to determine >q by offi.ers Duly and Parsons for woman. She tok an active part in ints ' there in a f t of o»r»»na! property, the business and its success was ip 'inn. and reoor» much en- Sheriff Reeves and Officer Duley •-> smai! way a result o f her ahility. 'No«».« m. arrested James Beckwirth February She never was too husy to find The secre*ary «tate« that upon atntntory charges. •tme for social service and gave un- »he n»endrnce and the interest cal- H. Rose of Orenco was arrested ktintinglv in many ways to the fur­ led f-rth hy »he Monday "vening by Officers Duley and Hathorn on therance o f those rause* which she v.'i’ l nrohobiv hinge the fu- ^ liquor charge February 22. considered a benefit to the commun­ ♦ore o ( th , i ooperativr nroiect, an«l \ liquor charge brought the ar- ity. She acted as judge o f elections mpes i t growers to K- present at rest 0f D. L. Goodman on February here, being the first woman ever to th» meeting. 22 by Officers Duley and Hathorn. hold that position. She was presi­ — ------ — Edwin Nortendyke was taken on dent o f the Parent -Teachers associ­ TH t R^D A> MORNING HI. \7E February 27 by Shorirf Reeves and ation in 1914-1915. and ever active DESTROYS CHICKEN HOI SF ,s being held for investigation . in charitable and religions wort-, A b aze starting from a h»v>odcr — session c# *;,l and liouor 'the was a memh*'r of the Sixth ■ 'n v ¡n the chiclen-hon -■ o f L. A. c,| against the name o f Jsek Church of Christ Scientists, and a f ’ -iai-en, just west of town on Weaton, of near Tigardville who member of the Mother Church, the Th'irrday morning totally destroy- was arrested by Sheriff Reeves, First Church o f Christ Scientist«, of ed that building and for a time , . — Boston Mass. •T’ or-iy threntened an adjacent ACCID ENT For many years she has been an barn. Terisa Seita! of 354 College street active member of Reaver Chapter 5'rs Clanssen had contracted for Portland, received injuries when a No. 1(*v O. E. S.. of Beaverton a large number o f baby chick* and car jn which she was riding was Grange and, when the Rehekahs or- had 1 ghted the oil stove of the struck by a car driven by Carl Nei- [Gonlinued on Bsc’ - Page! broed' r in prparation for the arriv- port, a builder o f Huber, Oregon, a’ of the chicks. In sonic manner on Sunday, February 26. Mrs. Sei- tbe flames form the stove set the tel was taken to Smith’s hospital poultry house afire, and. once for treatment and later was remov- started. the blaze soon grew beyond e,| to st Vincent’s hospitel in Port- control. land. A volunteer sack and bucket brig- _____ ade centered their efforts in an at- PROBATE tempt to save other buildings that Cuprdinn*hin o f ' » - ' '