Or**on Histories! So«l*ty DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OP BEAVERTON AND EASTERN WASHINGTON COUNTY IF IT 'S VERTON V IB W 'B FO R SEA- THE RB- FOR IT T he B eaverton R eview Vaiarne V, Number 38. ir Sinfle Cupy, 5 Ceati Bearer!««, Wuhiaftou Caaaty, frega«, Friday, A ititi I t, 1827 Commerce Group Discusses Road F A IR IE S btj Uorne Briqlit I leap and run in the white moonlight, The fairies run with me: O, they laugh in the wind and merry brook, And sing in the willow tree. " <» F The fairies splash my eyes with dew And tease my yellow curls— But mother says that fairies are Just little girls! jg p v tin m iK :i»i,1 - Brief Review Of- Court House News S P O B IT U A R Y Flltahelh Welten wa* horn in gwiUerland September ¿H, I IM3 I, There she iinirrird i.,1,,, Bobbie’s Barbecue Changes Hands FALL CAUSCS V ER Y S E R IO U S A C C ID E N T Far Taar nstails New Drinking Fountains 1 An accident that elicited pro­ fo u n d sympathy Among the peo­ ple o f Boaverton, and many Hillside friend*, befell Mr* N. G. Freeman laat Thorn,lay night. She had cross«*! Broadway from their home to the theatre, end a* nlie stepped on the curb her We wish lo cull attention to •in m < 1 for " P a d " Waisuu ap- neariug on III* bark page, near Die lioUou: ut llie /list two col­ umn*, calling attention to the -------- uli opening of Uie Hillsboro Pane* Pavilion on Kept. 3 , ul ,00' U,r,,wi,‘ " » • « for- ward into the theatre lobby, wlilcli Uni« " I M ' will feature distance o f several feet, caus-l n real o ld-lim « 1 la nee. with uld- log a fracture o f the surgical j llnie inusie supported by old- 11 eik o f the femur, the joint' time huspitality. At the name entering the socket o f the hip! lime we wlnli to comment thu hone. This is not only a very sponsoring ' eily o f llill-lioro lor sruiisuriiiK , ■ I • # « . * . ' . ' I painful, »lljl hut & a B)08t most serious I | 11 ■ ■ «■ ■ ( Hi« Ilo (Ilf I Vf* II Id'll t É it L IH * 1111/ fan f . , , pHlflflli, 8#fÌOU0 movement, being an a» ef- w a. consummate«! eonsummaled on hrrak, break, nere**itating necessitating the placing! .... furl toward «' , A deal wa* ...---- .. - — 1 f t|,e p«,tion in a cant for at ‘ I he Booster club had work­ H|tr, I.il l o l i t e lie view A *|ie- deeper ownfldenee between 1 whereby B. W. Haiin-!0 men install the Front street • ml meeting ,,f (he Chamber or ?„n working for the geuerdj eily limit* desired lo extort sueli I'leled. The arrangement 01 1 ll,‘ Beaverton Barbecue i s (;ountv c«,ur, the Meaverlon-Ti- civic advancement o f Beaverton. unreasonable damage* from III.- 'heir new quarters 1* in ac- °,n*y eating house o f if* g ar,j market road leading soulb *iB in g at all lime* to cooperale II lull way isoinmiMHioii t li h I With plan* an .he doctora themselves, and b°ro. and since the day o f »urfaeed with a coaling o f o i l , ,PrPr i*e that will help to make '••* Canyon road some distanc ace complete in every appoint- opening, ha* enjoyed a thrifty a|)(j f n T P | wliich i * almost the °Jlr • bigger and better lo Beaver- npi.t lo the last detail. and business. A barbecued sandwich (>f „ 1V„ (, Wff|iw>v. P,* r,! 'n which to live. It wa* ,on o ff ,h,* highway entirely. contain many unique fealur. * having a palatable seduc ivene-s speaking with Commissioner originally organised a* an anx- r 9 correct such rumor* a pc- ! ° f particular interest to their 'hat ever leaves a longing in- |.iVprmorP> » , . learned that the ,l,ary to the Chamber o f C0111- Bllon I* now being eirculateo j-espertiv* needs. cMnation for more Apart from „il-gra vel surface is somewhat promote sentiment for H P H owner* H . I apecialty and short owler an puj gives ev- a,,d attend !•» Ihe details o f the among the I m pro|,crly K**'li room has two eleclric along the highway, asking llisi ' p'uh.i and i* supplied with I hi I h department 'bey serve a regular p,.y in>licaMon «if proving en- ®UiIding o f the Meaverton float the elty administration widtm light and power meters, th e ful' ^M*a, menu- tiiely satisfactory as a smooth- ^or ,,le Ro*® Festival parade. • he present street lo conform operating room«, and lahorator- Mr' formerly o f ¡ng_0f f nn,j mud-defying cover- s<> «uccessful were Ihe club's ef- With the plans o f the Stale ic* being tdiinitied f«ir I mi II i ga- City, is among Ihe re- jr,„ for rural roads. The only 7nr' * m Iheir initial endeavor members were pre- Highway Commission. and say- and compressed air, with the r 1’" ' arrivals in Beaverton, hav- ri,.n),.n( ,,f concern is llie last- qualities, which in every va*!ed upon to keep the organi- ing I liai they will no) n he un-j medicine rliesls and surgical ine iiiirctiBsed Mie King garage reasonable in (heir demands, cabineta built In so as to oc- ahout six weeks go, a name way seem lo warrant the pres- *at*on intact, which they eon- elastic ¡ « « « t e d to do. but will give every roopera- cupy the least possible space. winch he also changed to "B ea - Pn, „ p pndUures . the He will continue to |,jI((|Pr an,| KraVe| content mak- However, it is simplv a pubic- Mon lo extend the present Can-1 Both doctors will occupy Uie verlon. jneh in unit in our Civic life and can yon road llirnugh Beaverton. | same reception room, which is op. rale boll, establishments, il... |n a %pnPPr atK>lll w||j,.,, ^,louW rPsist th* only live so long as shown and The petition Ini* been signed rni.ilnrtahly furnished with u lull I dings being contiguous hut Its . y , |*r" ^ ' ir“ ll>' everyone so far. wicker suite and a few odd will p u p Ins personal attention iron<.n i| w<»ar ami fear o f road supported by public spirit. * ar a5f* ... , . ,, travel fur many years. A mar- membership is open to all, and * " nougli ns yet somewhat rhairs. Leading from the re- Mr. and Mrs lin ks, toge o r |.p, ,.oa|j , „ nni„ g *„uth o f Witch Ihe Review would like to see .J,,n,,rJr«mrt it gives every prom- reption room Is llie |>rivale en- wilh their head waitress. Miss H>Ipl all)| „ „ r n , ,,r u,.«Htville lias many more co-ordinate thenv- I'‘ ° ? r ,M'ing a unuiinuous re trance to each office. Ageline ( Peggy) Reif f will leave j..... f ,IlÌHbpl| with UlP ,|Uest. sann-; selves wilh its activities. Aa you rnter l>r. Welsh’ s o f- in a .few «lays for Salem, where Tlie next regular m e etin g will P. A . Hicks Disposes of Popu- lar Novelty Eating House To B. W . Saunders Petition For Widening Broad­ w ay Through Beaverton Is Being Circulated The fairies bring me dreams When I ain in my bed — I play by silver running streams The stars sing overhead. I mgngnmft m vwnm w s r a ‘Dad Wation Movement 81 M ! “S . a One At Bank Corna Already On Duty; Other To Be Near 20th Century If . .. Ibis union three daughter «11 of * h m „ --------- living John F O e l f £17. , K O raf of Portland ' Will, ,,., Item s W e e k s H a p p en in gs ( j r„ f „ « * , „ r ,,f church „„.I Mr*. church near Bethany: and .1 Milchmann of Alladena. Cui. The couple came to Ameri- • on In l*7S, just a Bilie more than fifty years ago and sel- . ' Lied nn what was known as the Archibald Bull donation " MAHHIAiiF I.ICFXSKS ' Inim on section 'JO. town - ------ ship t north, range I west. ticruld S. thlolii and Mabel K ' hey had lived nn Hie same Jewett, holli o f Beaverton, *<•- claim though in a I i l t d i f - eured « murriugc license u t ferenl location from the day Hillsboro, Friday. they look up their work o f sub- I.terns** were nl*n Issued in doing the wilderness, until llte» P. tleorge O'tionnor, idH tv Wn went In nnsw,-r the rnll of their stiret, Portland, and T K. K. Min Mm . Maker. telly, MM15 K »«t Foiirleenlh SI. When the couple came to l'or land: Fimi It. Hiller, 1510 America, there wa« hardly an «•onaiHMng h i c h ' «'so m “ v w il1 os,a,',lsh a ' rnll " 0 '>ry a r n ie « F.a«l Ninth steet North, Port acre cleared on Ihe eighty acre* onsiimng T room room, ' w which als«i U residence f o r several monili* „ „ A rest o f oil is first spread he a . . held * „ on Ihr evening o f Tues on Ihe coad. then left In *nak day. August 3«. tVafrh foe fur­ F IR g T C O U PLE Und, mid hin II. \N niff, (Invìico, ! they made their home. This " I,., * Indue s * , opens ,„to the hall, affording Mr, Hick- will he on the ro.,1 " " VPV -, ' .V; « " L * JlMIge Swenson, who whh in- np:v ailt, .. . i«»r several we»*Ks. i ne rini>n- ther announcement* sent week. Ethel M. Crawford, Oregon O i l y I n t r e p i d roupie took up t •’ P. .Iligurated as our rilv juriM ' ! ,?. M f operating conressp.ns at M a n y , r;t(hp|. glutinous in route J, and Hen. P, llickln- work o f rnrving n home out i . l ist a January, married his first L . J il . T r.“. ' ? ! " ' I b " - . « ' * ' * « T r.msistency, and prartFally In. E w o rt hothnm, Oregon City ; .lark, Ihe foresi, working " early roupie in th^ Chambers ««, A|T ' ■ in* ro« " ' - ,pa.ling through U. th* thmilghmit the Paciftr north- u, „-phe.-ie heat, re Thomas, (•tendale, and Marcel late, the wife hearing Ihe loir 1 ,|,,l,,e in me « Miumlier* * .i l« II".. rs on vug r|>| conni and lalVratncy. A west. Th*-v have made manv OOOO PATRONAGE cupi. - ^ ... . . . . L . . ... maiding in form, yet pliable, In A. W elch, Hillsboro; K. \ dens alongside her stalwart ' * al 7 'f® M- The eonirart private passageway, in which friends in Beaverton since their under all ordinary conditions. Thiel, Portland, mid llu/el Marie husband It i* said o f her 'hat ''ig parlies were both o f Port are Conner led phones, 1 all o f whom will aerom- their E. L. Jackson, manager o f Ilia land, namely. P. (t.-orge o 'C Freer, tSi.'t Inlerstnle aventi.*, she kept a model home, joins llie two -uites. panv them with Iheir liest wish- SUNDAY SCHOOL W I L L uml No. ¿6 o f Ihe T h rift ( W - Porltnnd; Francis T. Vandyke, no weeds grew in her garden. " ,>r a" d Miss I. F Minielly. P. l>r, Talherl has two operai- 1° Bn-ir uew- homo. N A V E P IC N IC S A T U R D A Y rers, which opened in lilts city go M Madden, the Judge's hust- Foresi (trova, and Frane.'* C. that she yet hnd time lo . ... ......... .. ass.ieiitti* d .i,M l . . »,,1 ,nF roonis and a lahoralory When? Saturday afternoon last Saturday, reports a very Peerenh.KWM, Rov. PA R TY MAKES 1000- ? . P W lb ‘ W° rh "és*. * * * * , ' .............. willi Mie »alesi m, and evening, August JOth. satisfactory business lo date. Marriage Hcenses w n * Tue* M, M IL E M O T O N T N IP Where? Lost Park, on Cor-'Mie patronage * on their initial She'was in (he ».est ,,f henllh Af,,,r "'V •'••reniony llis limi " W i V r *ÌT 1 " day Issucd tu Itarr.v I.. WliHe, m-H road, about one-h alf m ile !day far exceeding all expe«-la- lh® happy enuple ‘»I d. nl.il sur„. rv. hi • 3UII California avnile, Heatlh’ righi up lo a few monlh* ago, “ t- ............. (eo n aid Allants o f Ihe firm easl o f Cedar Mills, about 3 lions. As prevum-iy reporlini in ' wl' " h l" ' •••" and Ina I,. Hcan.lrell of Fore** sewing. emhroidering. and lielp *^lh a *ilver salmi f.irk, ueing 'V of Stipe and Bernard returned ¡mie- north“ "ôf Beaverlon. " n s papci . the H u lit Store l- (¡rovi*; Fred (¡eorge Hess o f ing wilh thè manv lasks abolii " " aW aiiulogy III« paratile o f ''has.ed for hi8 new o ff,..... b.- Monday from a two yve*-s- oy. How? Caravan will leave llie located m the Boyd huililmg in > ||(n,._h nl.lliv llf Hillshoro ami Naomi Pearl Sliip Mie home o f l y r son. Wlllinm *'.« haekyard fprk wl.nl, wa* « f • « « " • « " M ® opld .... teli he, a- - ... li«* " ' . , '1 . . . . gaiher. for ee in ••„.* 'o r trip »hniilgli manv o f »' « Bethel Congregational rliurrh al the spare recently vacated by man, 17, HiH*lior.i Harry llenr Sto* blu* w wou... .... son .. . . .. Imrning. ; thè «»M .. e „ r Irnlenf. „ , **•• lin instrument ««"> » principal play grounds J:3M P. M. Individual cars may 'he I.idle Brown Jug (.-oufection- llever and Elicli K. l aylor. Im iI,, returne«! lo thè home, “ I ve ruhhisU of h.¥ llm alle,. IH* Itoli- .............. W ilh him were hi* grandmoth­ go direct lo l.ost Park if more ery. of Ktrassel. ¡Ìearncd r ; l" a,n learnu«! n new song," song." or per- ° U'T " " ,hP "'® " » w Hirk eouHI ht* piate, and driìl all hemg *up er. Mrs. A. G. Allants o f Bel- baps II woulit he " I bave learneil a figurative sense lo ported on a single bn«e. convenient. (An admission | Air. Jackson is 0 married man lingham; his aunt. Miss n » ' h charge o f 25 cents per ear. at and will reside with his family sopie new verse*." Iter mimi uather fop deslruclion thè Wliat we noticeli partiriilar!' SI'ITE FU.FI» a n d (hp p ark . If you have no way iU OIIt. of the Welter houses on wn* qlerl an«t aotive righi up irimhjes lliat niiglit beset their'aslde from thè o ffice* . and A.n-er of l o s Angeles. II. I.. Molli is asktng for jii.lt rps£|s|pr w|lh H,»sa Hart. r«H U street east of l ombard th«> tasi minule. ftlial pnthway o f Hfe. lequtpment wa- (Ite womlerfid Miss Cel .•, Bernard o f Portland. , meni un a note fnr *500 in j OO m i . e r »PProximalely (Pllonc Beaverton 61.5) and The store is conspicuously Ahou^ Uve monih* ago she ---------- ^ _ ■ ' l e w from l»r Talhert’ s we-t sili) file.) Tllesday agallisi F car spare will he provided. desiguated with a very attrae- had ah ullack. slie waa nnt ah|e ALAEKA 1« FlgHENM ANS Jopernting rotini, heìng able io I*. l.yot|*. I wo Since their return llie FANADIgE, « A Y g EXFLONEN iliseern ohjects elearly as far Wh.v? Swimming. baseball, tive electrically illuminated sign Walter K. Frank in ji -in, 'o down and rest. The Uu-k former ■ ladies have been t h e Water, vvuler, everywliere— A ;WP,I « « Huher on thè higliwnv. guests o f Leonard and his fath- agam*l J. it Briscoe i* askin : " f provision for «he rebuilding ^ ,^ 1 , " ail » » i over the sidewalk. _ , „ __ _ ..... ilnvin-j contest Tor ladies, r«‘l- Pj;omment on the sign is their for Judgment on •l.'M.tn wliir'i " I h°'ly rou^l not Insl anil million brooks bountifully and north to Hie Wilson mad er. L. P. Adams. On Wednes lowslii|,. belter acquaintance ami «mi.lem— au arrow piercing the The ventilating system in Die II is alleged i* due die plaintif, I R<<1' eireutatinn became Ini - stocked with trout and salmon, day Mrs. Adams depart c l for center o f a bull's-eye. Is also for goods, wares, and im-relinn pnired. She began («> suffer Such a fisherman's paradise, 'nhornlorle* rather ||pr Miss Kaiser lo re­ .»lento dinner. ... W " ; '? Members o f t he School., Mr. Jackson was assisted al dise, | from swollen limbs, and I h e Arthur Young and Captain Jack unique, being so built as In main « few days liuiger. Church and congregation, and opat|il|g by H ^ Carnioe, Alyec Olson Tuesday starieil! poison that e«me from I h e llolierlson found on tlu-ir jour- admit the fresh air under the I W hile absent Leonard ae- . . district superintendent. artpm r,,r divorre against San poor, circulation finally got In neya. through Alaska, all o f work benches, a system al"o qui reti a real out-of-doors eom- h«Mr families. Refreshment!»? \es. indeed? _______ ford 0. Olson. *'* 'h-iully work. She died Sat- which are tlirillingly pictured in designed hv Ihe doctors. V r i™ . Bring your family baskets and #CHOOL D|#T|||CT -j| V __ __ , urday, August 13. “ Alaskan Adventures,” Friday fit and rernly for another year s vyp w j„ , U)gplhpr a, 6 P. M OKCI8IOXS HANDED DOWN waa buried from t h e Hnd Saturday at the Beaver. battle w ith the everyday prob- Jf nQ ..famil ** * , « nd-j E N L A R G E R U IL D IN O Alla Bruee was given u ill Helhnny linplisl elinreh o n Spring found them on the is- terns o f business life. wicl.es, a. cake, or fruit. let- voree from Claude D. Ilruee. The ^ ednesday in Ihe I nion eenie- land of Kodiak. It was the llrst ______ _ _ _ ' cream will he furnished. decree was given Saturday In beside her husband, who time when Ihe salmon in swirl- PORTLAND BOYS Don't forget: ( I ) The dale, Barnes school district Xo. 57, the eireuit court. .was called lo his reward in 1003. inR millionw seek Ihe sources of RECEIVE INJURIES \U£ „ Hj you,; ^* T o register, northwest of Beaverton, is con- A. Nimt was Saturday fmeu Beside* the four children stir tin* many streams to spawn ami --------- if you have no ear; (3 j Your j* 'drring a proposal to call a AfiOfl and sentenced lo serve six '*’ l" e s gpnndclilldren, is Hears, aftec Iheir lung Tw o Porlland hoys by the special school election in the >g suit and a towel; ( l months In llie county Jail by “ ''•’ o' jn-andehlldren one winter sleep, are hungry and llie name o f Claude Goodwin and p.atcs. cups, knives, forks and near future to consider plans Judge George Bagley, after J‘ r,,a* great grandchild, and « struggling fish fall an easy Dewit Morgan were quite ser- spoons. to increase the present one- pleading guilty lo Bn Informs- ,* o f friends and neighbors pr(,y j 0 |bP!ie marauders. This iously injured Saturday night \ special invitation is cor- room school to a two-room ilon liquor charge filed by Dis- will mis* her. .lie lived js huj one o f Ihe many interest- when they ran into a ear dially «(tended to the pareiil structure. Members of Mi e Irlef Attorney Bert Tongue, lie lo ' " ' i ' F i ' e a l great jnH: thing* which may he seen parked on Ihe highway just east 0f the School. 1 Hoard ronleipl that one leather wn* paroled wilh the pnymen' Franileliild in her Inp. |n |.|le vlvtrt picture o f our nor- o f Ihe I.oop Service Station. ____ ■ . will not lie able to lake care o f of *15(1. ,'v .- PiFE. Beaverton under- , hprn lnosl p088PK((ion8. Thev were brought hack to At tlH A .Iliilirii IIEMX overcrowded condition 'hi* Aulomobiles belonging I o Biker, had charge of Ihe funeral Preceding this and immcdbifc- town and given first aid treat- fall, and that one teacher could Gordon ( ’. ate* and II. II. Block, arrangement*, men! by Mrs. P. A. Hicks at the Mi** Helen Cowgill, assistant no, pOS„|b|y give a pupil much ly subsequent lo the showing of hoi || o f Hillsboro, wepe R atiir " "Our Gang" comedy, will he pre­ i Barbecue, Dr. Welsh subse- s»a,e ° ' u'' I'*:*«**“**- * « ■ , ' individual attention. Barnes is dnv ordered cunfisraled »• v Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braun and sentili several local amatrui ar­ quently dressing their wounds. Alolia-Huher club August 1». to onp j be ra|iidly growing Judge George Bagiev. T h e v IHtle son Billie drove down tists in a musical revue with a 'several slilehes being required *uperinlen«l a canning demon- communities just a short «iis- wen- found guilty by n Jury, of from Forest Grove Saturday proni am ns follows: to close the wound In the Good- strallon to he held h> the « lub - |ai)re from Beaverton, transporting liquor in Ihe cars night to spend Sunday at llie I. Oichestra win boy’ s head canning team r riday aflernoon Mrs. Emma Bryant, eoin.lv ______ J. H. Hulett home, llie taller '¿.Votai Trio, "M y Old Carolina i Officer McMahon investigated »*'>, 'J * '' *hf wForef* ° ' ° ' ® 8r,.)>0, superintendent, point« family being away on a week I the accident Monday, and. we and Hillsboro clubs in he lout that this is a part of the A0GIDKNTS REPORTED »«orne" en«1 visit In llie stale of W'ash- ! nncferstnnd, will prefer charge- morning, ’« vj. h e s l r a l.elloy James, o f Beaverton. tendrnry throughout the Tual- roule I, E n slightly injured «"«‘un- __________ __________________ L .oral solo against Ihe oeeupanls o f Ihe Mr. and Mrs. Seawell of Sla- „tin valley to convert the 8 0 - m in siilomohile aeeldenl gun- — ———— —— — — — —— ---- a. Orchestva : parked ear. cey avenue and Fred Turn »lead odd one room structures into nn day near Tobin*. Paul D. Him- 1121 East Twenty-seventh street (i.Sp«iial Presentali in tif Goodwin has a brother in are enjoying a visit to Diamond (WO room buildings. A more Inman scene wi.u ,..*«. Uuskv j fer was driving the car in which Portlund. Hillshoro. and Crater Lakes. They will highly trained teacher Is Mien maiden*, lepri a*i*l Indiati! James was riding when it c o l ­ -------------------- Visit in Bend on their way hack, able to lake each group. lided with a ear driven by Mar-' ARRESTS MADE ballad They are all highly Hil- W . H Hart, proprietor of a Word was receive«! from the ----------------- rv Fowl’ ll* o f Koedvjlle. Fow Emrnil Knowles was la*t week billed and Die equal of many so- j large ehirken ranch oul o n Gilmores that they were hav- Contractor Verner Don,og ilia ell* was coming onto the high arrested on a charge of Hide- cnllul professionals, route 3, shipped i fine crate o f ing a fine trip through Yellow- j, , , . pp„ awarded the job o f in- way from a side road and S|ia- rent exposure. lie had been All this wilh out any addilion- Rhode Island Red pullcl* to P stone Park, although they had *ta ||ing Die water system for fer says he failed lo see him In swimming in Dairy creek above al cost of admission which we S. Hale nt Seaside on Tuesday, encountered several eleclric ,b„ nPW Rj\,.r*ide golf eo ir*.* lime to stop. Janies receive,! Mounlnindnle, without a swian- Lelicve, will surely attract a cap- Mr. Hart has an enviable repo *torms. at Portland When finished the culs on llie head. mfng siiil, for «dglil or ten days, arilv house. tatlon as a chicken rai*er. he- Cameron. Harley Taylor, ini' will aggregate about ift.lM in Glerman, 500 F'.lghleentb residents o f that district told This Revue will only he staged ing known both for hi* honesty >n<, Rufjp San,oro w,.rP 0„ , m„ lineal feet or pipe, sunk below street, Porlland. was Injured on llie sheriff. one«*— following (lie eonieily al and for his ability m develop- torjnp aboU) W|,iie making plans 'be frost line, besi de* lU C H u n r August 10 in an automobile nr ----- — the llrst show. COME EARLY. landpipes and rluh Ijouse • * " « 7 r* , J ay,n* i", ' " T for a I.iterarv Soeiaty picnic to Ma,.dpi cldenl on llie Tualatin valley CONTRACTS E l l . E D -------------------- a o f the popular breeds. He |r hpW _____________ ?R a, t|1P Klsner ............. plumhii ¡limbing. W ork was started .... highway, arroding lo a report o f p; r Nedry, prineipnl o f llie Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Manning also operates a large eommer- nark on fhp Tualatin. The lla- Monday morning On Sunday, the aeeldenl filed Tuesday. Ill* Tigard puhlle school, filed hi* and son Maurice spent Suudav rial hatchery and ships ba,,y , e 1(talr ni,.mhers and friends are Mr Domogalla. together with kidneys were injured. Hended to ? 7 -’ 28 contract with M r s . in Porlland ns guests at tin Pluck* to destfhaltons „.nnv invj(p(1 ,0 bp ou, , * won- his family, and |iarent»-in-law. eastward on Ihe highway, Gler- Kmina Bryant, county school home of frbuiils. Mr Manning miles from Beaverton. derful lime is anticipated for Mr and Mrs. E. R. Doering. mo. man says lie struck an aulo *uperinlen«lent. Salurday. H* i s is |iro|iri«*l«ir o f the Beaverton Mrs. John Summer« enlraintyl young and old. Don’ t forget! Hired tp Salem and spent t' • mobile driven by J C. Biglons. salary was raised from 8 1 .Min Market and Grocery, a popular for Portland Tuesday morning '----------------------------------------------day with hi* parents, each fa m - rood emporium on Front street. I " ._ . ' . Z- xT , to >1800. on a return ticket. (More on back page, (ly driving tbeir own car. (Continued on back page) i Of Gleaned By Our Reporter At The County Seat Oh, Boy! Lead Me To It! ! ! ^ l 1 1