1 .1 eolW t intere*!, cut. coupnns, druvv Ili* salar). and gr»ov rteh, l*H«IHt**« Ini «evirai veni« M i«« Mite W all«, i etili lieti lllts- W all II.'! lui «haitil. Whose tlcilllet* 'I I I . .1 ill I nu U vvllo li .1 » aitile, ni fnet. these dulie« mie inerti) incidi il •• lite tinnitili», 11«| Jiiiiiuiit necesall a I etl a -h« liecn liti seul il yciiis, teaadung m business. Ile mu«l fii «I errale tiii'iiie«*, and whil«* erratili A lui« coni munite* nf their o«lohii*h a girls' sellimi ut lung Cluing line»« li«' is eivaling eonlidcuee. and vtlnle «rcàltng cniifidencts meni m settlement of Hie e* 1*1# Fu. Stundung T ii« reception, Mie lUUat neee*«aril> cooperate in thè generai eoinniunil) dovei she is advertising for a realer wliicli look tin* foim of the r<|g- J‘nbl inked b> lopment. Ile must at all Unica he nundful nf eredi! nreesitary lo ular evening service, was large- fur Ilio store building. The Review Publishing Company, Inc. lite mere lianl s, au,| auvanees needed l>) thè liushantlinan duri li v attended, the congregation hav­ The three rural carriera of ing (lie opportunity to congratu­ r~ • '• - - i 4 Rt>avf rtou Orrpm. lite maturili* of Ina ero»«.* tin. Beaverton Posi office, Mes late Miss Walts and her perenta j. II. llul«*tt, I ‘n * u h n i . Harry IVmv. V»«r P r e s c ie n t, The wealtli aliti arimi li o f olir city i* eunhna.nl un Ilio sers Boyd, Kell) ami McKell Mi umi Mr*. Il Ü. Watts. Miss Verne Itrijelit, U c c r r t n r y - T n w m r r r . prosperity o f lite «aitlying livide terrltory, and H is iiieunihenl on Personal Items About People drove lo Forest tlrove Motliiu) Walls, ns speaker of the even righi lo attend a meotim. of Ho* thè hall Iter Iti umleratatm thè neetl« of lioth ut ortler th.n Ite ma> ilig, tolti some of lier experlen- Whom You Know lo And Washington Cimiti) Rural lä d ­ ces in preaehing the gospel and “ E n fe m t a.« se< <«nd-cl»«s m atter December # U , t i i i , at the 1*0*1 rentier thè grealeal assist ance . ier Carriers' \sacciatlon This especially in describing the in­ Around Beaverton Ilowever, thè hanker oan only tielp III«, community in thè O ffice at Beaverton Oregon under the act o f March 3 , tl* 7 tt." was railed |iy Ihe usssociuHoti fluence still maintained hy tlie sanie intasine liuti thè mere I mi ni and farmer are willing lo lu-lp president, Mr I \. Kennetlv, In other religions in China. The life Mood ttf thè conuuunily i» ertala. Credit ih n u evi Friday, June to. lt >27 Mrs. B. I.eis in ili al St V in* Connection wdh a m,.ellug o f Ihe Issued every Friday «tener o f money. We gel our money front llie farmera, m ordi- eent's Hospital under thè I-ureal tlrove ('.haniher o f Com Mr. luid Mrs. M I» W eill*, of «Mere merce ti» make plans for enter anta, and llioae wbo live wilhin our horders. If ymi malte' your .f l*i's Hiileninli ¿tini .loyce Portland, spent Sumluv m Mie liuninoiil of tlie Slate Iturnl l et .... ............. Kdltor money liore, ami spenti il olscwher«\ eredit privileges are like- Hurry IV muv ------ Me« tM.tti t! e lek soli aim staici*, 1er Cacrlei's* !««H*iullon at For home o f Mr unit Mrs. II. T. Weills. .. .faeoesafr HilHitr wise liiuled. » liieli in turn limita thè fruii o f y««ur o\tn lahor Mr«. Notile l.ngtin, ofSuti Jose. est tlrove, June ïh-'.'fl. Verne Bright ------- California, lt*fl Sumluy for Sei H it.t i n t i t i M n n a g e r J. H. Huletf _____ LIBR ARY N O TIO E Mr. W. II. Cady and family, Mcn in rcrtitili walks of lif«< bave l«een *i«ecifioally lol.i limi side. fnim Aberdeen, Washington The llhmiry will he open on Tilt* Otto Krìckson Co., Stili* "harniony i» llm sucre«« of air inatitution*,' a faci, vvhtch ni n Sulatt riptitin, fi.50 per yeur Atlvcrtiainp ruttai mi applini mrge incasurc, is Iruly «sciupi ified on our t'.iiy i:<>uncil. Po m «H «k-alera, reporl» tln* sul,, of u spent tli<‘ week end with relut Thuraday* only durinar tbe mon­ Ite* in ami near Beaverton after ili) of June, July and August, tion. a meeting ns \\c tini t>n Moniti) evening, i« ccrlaiul) refrc«hing, ticw Star truck to tln* Molili alleniltng t li«> graduation exor­ Mr* Roberts, librarian Ituiry. f 'Iftni It’tuliuti I » r All The A’«t miiy cises of tin* Mill Plain I aioli lite mondici* cxeculing Hit“ city'# business in a uianiicr limi bo- Mrs. Ida Bum*, of Pori lituo High School, near Vancouver, «penks a fine spiri! o f ronconi, an«| an cifo li on Ititi paci of curii gpent Sutniuy ut III,. II. W a ll« Miles Cady being among (lie • The business which on the whole is likely to prosper moat .nembi r lo liiorouglily, and wiib a coitimi imparimi il), siiulyic The Inter will In* lumie. Mrs. Punta is a «i«ie i graduate*. i« that business which aim« to give the customer soine.h'ng more cadi amt cvci) i.«»ue wlicu introduciti ¡oc e«>u side m don ami tlis n Mr. Watt*. remembered here as tlie soil ol limn lhe mere commodity which he comes lo buy." ,...«.il. A town do «« noi. |ikc Ilio proverbiai l'opsv. Just drop ufi Tie* M Svvensoii. tilt* realtor. report« the late A It. Cn«h\ Jr ■—Calvin Coolidg . I.ucklcierr) i-usli and continua lo llirivc witli gì. ovili ami ex Ilio sale of u 5-rooni house ami P. Cady family, from llllsboro ,...ii»i«.u ita >mce*s l'c.ng largray continuimi on ll.c mgenuily ami mi arre of Ialiti w lue li bcloitged attended Ihe exercises, iis did 7 7 / a ; no\n: TOWS MKRVIIA\T Mr. umi Mrs. W I.. Cady, Mr. .. i.... 11 » « o. li.c c.t.uncil or executive body. Bcuv ertoli“» I om III i lo 11. tl, Set>lL a F W. Cady amt Barbara, from n o w v a.f (he niagnuuiinou» al Illude of il Miss Merle Oavica, .locoiiip.in Beaverton. A.i.vu j.riM h ...., tu.il .u m e luiiau* eye he uu* become Jim««.«. temi hy Mr«. I.ultc Borine, tlrove ■un. il io orni.ci.< of pu.-tc polit y, iis stead) and slapl«. grciwl Several Protestant churches ¿¿.. Ai^utiKwiti .« t.^ itii} ..u ttfu r you m.iy p ie fu ie iuiiit .... iou< • . tue | asi lew ccurs .showmg a aironi ami sincere cndeuvor on lo Hickrcall over tilt* vvcek end of lleuvertnil united on Suiuhiv le visti Miss Orna F.mtnons. jjix a i «iiu luteuitMt uut.tmui t bar a fter— L utre . n iiii . ...e puri of tbe goxerning officiai». Ju»t now ibe làiuneil evening in a recent Ion held in S. K. "Cnp,” Fuy rulli, coni L iu iu o u im s are wont lo portiu.v Imu iu ciiurucU*ni or oceupicd in lite passili# t»f au ordinane« providmg for a city Imi llu* Methodist church, honoring Make tlu- most ol rralut cvl many luoous ana taurhv— lrout a fund ueatietl old stviu ....a to ami HddiUoual lire e«]uu>ment, botti o f whieli are hadèy needed icerciul printer o f Foresi tìrove, matks a sluirl imi p!en«anl cult summer roum ltrip I'urc* a puiiumuropisi ol the uruudeui ainl uiout generous type, l i e t be ordinane« ve ili be submitlcil lo Mie coler« al a «penai elecUon on tlu* Heview fttree Mimtlay. novvinctlca t. You can travel is ooosted aud lualigued , praised and condemned. but verb­ some lime in Scpleuiber, ami The Heview slrongl) urge» il« adoi on llu* ti.ni« at ««irprikingly Borii Saturila)' eveuiflg, .lune low etna. Kitlc in con«lt>rt in ally eucouraged to eouuuue bin buaiurvw iumituiiou, y e l at tion. l. lo Mr. ami Mrs. \\ alluce llan- long, Miiamth-rialing t ci adccilising. lu proportion lo lhe cosi Ib», • >1 at lim it ami others gootl htr w e«.k. MoniimtiHi last a> gréai, ii nul grenier, resulU nul uccruc lo lhe licavcrion the summer season. tonli uusiuess men. Mr. unii Mr* H. M. It a m e« na ît nam» if ttiey conaisleiilly use lhe coluuiu» ol lhe ileview iu W hy 7 A »li . i l t « u l i N e i r (V i i a v I m t i n | « i 1 H 4 droit» 1«» Seaside S ilur lay alt. r lu k* t iiwiii u til » u w * t cK* iieiau se ln-avertoii mere hauls stand by the home town at atitcriisiug Hieir respeclive commodities. im r i l t i i l / )f« w t i r f ’ Jufu noon. rt turning 1 ome Sun«lay Io­ al Itmtil coif. a ll times; at a il times are Milling lo lend a ueipiug hand iu N% ay ■ f the Tillamook h niche». De ye* "Ask Mi* Another is an old game in Hie lift* of a newspaper KOÌIIK a* far south as Ta ri. support oi an nome enterprises, and because they buck every / « ( r M a | y e a r f a m i l y o/ IA«« MMalw/i Ay fa llim i lo ••iun. An >dilor is com-mered as ready data on ino.-l lopic.», am movement that is lo r the nest interests o f Ilea vert on Mr rtieoilorc Ilo *i, of S< utile k o to * '*A « m h » yomr hmmt f .nr liumlier c>i oivcc» iiu|uiries vve tlaily reçoive bear protu of in • nien mc nouder u tbe citizens o f lieuvertou and trad, c.iinc down Sumlay Iti visR bis Ay oU mom u Is- comuiuiiity fu liy realize the worth o f tho bourn town mer supposition, \S e are always g.«td lo liave you re 1er your t(ucst- mollici-, Mrs. Jomiie Medili, wlm UoU omo l o J o y . Mr. eiiauis— oi ihe many things they do for the town and our peu ...I.« to u», and n vve luck lue ic.,d> facts, we »hall uscertaiii is in SI. Vincent'* hospital t aiust has spine ac reagiva bere ..cm toi you as a husmee» courtesy with as much dispatch a« f. F. Mien pie, aud how uiucb we actually owe them lor benefits we tinti Ite is improving. possible. daily and weekly enjoy. Igeili. Miss A vu Ad.lins, the p.is- Hack o f iwery movement fo r good, for progress, develop The management o f I Ile Heview w*l| gladi) accept rea.b rs lor ,if Ih.' N.1/1111*111* chorcli li ere, j B e a i B rto n Oregon incut, and uplift- are the home merchants, in a large measure has suffered il nervous break ommuuiculioli» lui* puluuati. il, «tnd are anxitius to emouritge itciiayin g eteiy exjieuae o f the town's activities other than ii'Wii ami ber pii)striali Ims 101,;!™ '™ ™ "^'*^^ *.e praetiee. \\ e wuu.d suggest |bul coiiiiiiuincutions he cui Iter (Lai sin* must noi neler ilici m at imposed »y d im t taxation. • *m*d a» neurly i.s |iot»ible to community uilercsts and kepi fr<* pulpit again for at toast sii i-'or the luuiulcuuutc o f church, school, social welfare, >1 personal ucrimony. As a pr.nogative we reserve thè rigut t< montila. autl civic improvements, uot to mention numerous public • iistir aiiy artici« Minili we nvay «jecin inimicai lo publir liar- People I iviiiv west and so n i h i charities- sjms ml demands constantly arise licyuud the budget 111011)'. C.'l Ht of I owii are heing r.*«l « 11 r • il vision, ami the home town merchant, because o f bis peculiar ta* <1.*lonr win•n coming into A U T O T R U C K A N D U V E R Y S ER VIC E, D A I L Y TR IP ® jsis.tion*—sir may haps, a long estalilished custom— is consul headline «ays: '‘ Portland Man Elevated To tiem ral l-.leelrn l«< a\ erton. as Hi * hrtdg.* toer T O PORTLAND JoIm cied tin- natural financial reservoir; aud, strange as it may «on ' “ a •e.'k II......Id Hills- »II o»l .Making liglit of Inni as it were. F U R N I T U R E A N O P IA N O M O V IN Q Imro just W «*sl of I owii is road seem, one who is always resjionsire. ■u t and is being rebuilt. tillires li.'ioerlnn, Cnrurr of Watson umi First Ft. When the necessity for improvements arises, it i„ usually F I V E H U R T IN A U T O U P 8 . T Portland iiffu»*. Portland Auto Freight Terminal Mrs, Mary I»'llotialt. o f Hills Ihe home town merchant who assumes the initiative, sacri N E A R b E A V E N T O N SUN D AY born, was u llenverloti visilnr Pimm*: Ih-nverton 6203 Portland, Main 3510 fic.ng not on it mm h caluable time iu creating favorable Car Leaves H .gh w ^y and P o*a t'uesday. Mr*. I ''Umidi was in By p b . ____________________________________________ T h r u Field; T h e n OtW.lu ns sentiment, but shouldering a large share of the financial bur- If Hie ladies' styles keep on Three men and two women, lien changing along (lie lines of tin* Alex B.-lland, 35, o f 5it5 East , , As we are racing onward ih the “pursuit of life, lilierty ia»l few years there will soon Stark street, and lii« wife, Jul ainl happiness,' , let us not. ox;ftrle “sure no ether Intsi'i. • V :Ii etc.li. fo fake ifieir plftl-es, dx there’ n*»tli»ilg so patert hi s ;M».> ttiisini-Ns '«if¡it* from it fe w ir as •! oi R.-nt“ ;»i”.ii' *»i! \Denied buiMingn. ■' » *• »*» Iliis should not prevent any nt u« from trying lo learn as iimeli a« w« possibly can. .Naturalists tell us Dial storks male for life without the Irouhl of a written manage license. • lie storks evidently arc-dissat­ isfied witli our brand of civili­ zation, an “ gin, men and smoke." At least tins is tlie impression one g.*t- m - - i.y reading the society news o? BANK8 IVECE«SAHV TO COWWtTMTTY LIFE AND DEVELOPMENT ur Movie Capitol. Too much • — w ■ ■ r •* • -*» ~ > In a difcussion of Ihe value tff trading fit home there is an* easy money and a po r .¡ualit. f gray matter is a dangerous nllier insitluMon whose svlcce«« i. v<‘iy vdal to the general pros, combination. perily t»f tl.e conTmunlty— the bunk. In m efl'rn't m' ili^ days credit is a great entJiue for advanr- R E T U R N E D M ISSION ARY m ¡mills' ry . n,| developing new enterprises. The Id-/ ik t niusl V IS IT S A T M Y A T L E POINT Wave t refill in ch'vetoping Ins farm; I lie laborer niusl ImiV credii lo rs!;il'lis|| 7ii« home;1 the business man must have credit at var­ Hev. and Mrs. Omar Idso, of came Thins lay ious* times lo sueress iully rarrv on. Without credit tliesi Myrtle Point, I.) «pend the rern ijn.ler o f las Art ivilirs would be eri|i|d<*d and iMagnabd. week with Mrs. Ido's parsnls, Beaverton is especially favored with a strong banking insti- Mr. and Mrs. Henry W all- to!loti direrled tiy a very capable man in lli<> person of Itujr liray. When they returned Monday, Hie cashier. Mi«s Watts accompaiend them Fverywlii're vvr> have evidence o f the sineprity o f the rounlrv for a three weeks' visit. After Miss Watt's return to banki i s efforts lo britep conditionp of the community in wliicli be li'es. « n(J no small portion of his time jg oeeupied in the ad- Beaverton, which will be about July t, she will »pend about two v i-ir . and rounselling o f patrons and citizens, who may desir months «peaking before a nuni- lo extend tlieir present business or branch out into new lines. bet of Camp Meetings in thi* Bui a large majority of people fail to understand Ibis lo be a section. It will be remembered that fact. Henee, one o f the minor problems confront mg the banker is lo convince tlie neoplc iliat the bank is not « cold-blooded Mis« Watts is the returned ni i - - sionary who was brought out and calloused corporation, but an institution largely dependent from flie interior at the out­ for its success on the «urees« o f its customers. break o f the recent Chinese So many people think that tlie main business o f a banker is* Rebellion. to St. Vincent’s hospital as a re­ sult of an auto spill oceurrmg Sunday after noon a short ills lance from here. \\ it nesses «late that the car left tin* highway while traveling at a fast speed, enlerej a field, vviiere il tore thru (he soft turf for a short distance, and then turned turtle, pinning the five occupants beneath. • Passing motorist* extricated them and Ihe Red flross Ambul­ ance service took them to flu* hospital where examination dis­ eased that Mr. Holland was cut ¡ihoiil tlie head and chest. Hi« wife lin'd a fraetun d arm. The f olidas were suffering from hea,| and face injuries and *he- htn escaped with minor cut» and bruises. TO HOLDERS OF SECOND LIBERTY LOAN BONDS EXCHANGE OFFERING OF NEW TREASURY BONUS N o t lr « W «1*-» # f « n#w n ff»r In « ot t m ir r .n s t a t ic s t r k a s i r y m o n o s . h t » l Jun* 15, 1927, «..a ti'.TrIn« i i . ! , r « i t fron* that Sat* at tha ra t- o f 3 par rant. Tha hon.la w ill m atura In tw an ty raara, hut m ar ha rallatl fo r radamptlon a fta r alvtaan raara Saaond I.¡baity lo a n bond« w ill bo ar captaH ta a irh a n ir« nt par. A rrru a.l In- taraat on tha Sarond l.lb a rty bond* ot- forod fo r airhnnao will hr paid na o f iv n a l ( , 1(27 Sarond l.lbarty lo a n bon.la hava barn rallod fo r paymont on N o v r in b -r l i . 1927, and w ill raaao to baar Intaraat on that data. Hnldara o f aurh bond* who daatra . . » sdrantapa o f tho o irh an a a offar ahould rnnotiH thalr Itank or truat rom- pany at onra Tha axahanira prl .la y , w ill hr avallabla fo r a llm ltad porlod o n ly , and may aaplra about Juna 15th. Furthar Inform ation m ay ba oh.ainad frnw. ban4a or trnnt cotnpaniaa. or from any Fodoaal Raaorva Rank. A. W. MELLON. Secretary of the Treasury. Washiagton, May Jl, 1927. < 6 Modem smokers praise the integrity of Camels T h i s is the age o f frankness and plain-speaking, and it rates Cam el first am ong cigarettes. For Cam el is that kind o f a smoke. Camel is all quality and no false front or show. Camels are made o f the choic­ est Turkish and Domestic tobaccos grown— no substitutes. A n d the finest blending ever given a cigarette. I t is Cam el character that lias won the smokers o f today — #uch honesty o f taste and fragrance as Never was known mi a cigarette before. Y o u ’ll find all dreams o f smoking pleasure realized in this modern, quality rig « r . „ . "H *vt 0 C am el!” m a «