t IF IT 'S FOR B EA ­ VERTON T N B R E­ V IE W S FON I T T he B eaverto n R e vie w Vilume V, Number 13. S iijle Cof7, S C m U Beiverteg, W u k iiftea C m b I i , Oregon, Friday, February 25, 1927. iM m w W AS H IN G TO N 'S B IN TH O A Y I NI AOS T H E A T R E ONOW OI When the eurtaln* were drawn from the ntage Tueadu) " Kht nl the Heaver Theater, a large crowd feasted Its eye* on a va*t array of grocerle* amt N I other premium*. The feature of Hie evening, an over-nlghi tferne öriqht traveling ease, was won by Olive snider, who I* now #- T a b o r is a high hill, 'pupped In travel In luxurious M t. H ood ie h ig h e r— »lyle. Mr. C. F. Johnson nan drink to his heart's content M t. H ood is w reath ed in sn o w now that he ha* won such Lik e w hite fire. refreshing prize ns a pilche an,i drinkig alas* set, alfhuugl in the quiet overling we run's vouch for the quality A n d d r a w in g d ow n of night of the drinks he Intend* to serv# I Anyone wishing to find Mr*.J T a b o r is a d ark hill, T. York will probably lorati M t. H oo^, w reath ed in light. her ut home initialing a new broom, the Twentieth Century's donation to the Country Store P ‘ The contribution of Charles Merlhold. a fifty-pound sack ot ....... .................... ■■ ■. — 1 .■ ■ ••perry.# Flour * « • proudly rar '•led away on the shoulder ol ALOHA-HUBÜÄ I U I S ______ I.eMotne Wlaner. Ten ladies were parlieipanls Mr.. * . H, lelw ller has been (n „«„.d r iv in g rontesl. Mrs quile eirk for a wf ek. Ingram ou( wlnn gone to RealUe for a re* brother, H. H. Hurlon for the l>a*t three week*. day*. Harley Buck loaned til* radio Tlie family or Mr. Henry l.urk* have been ill with l be lo the achool Tuesday morn- ing so that the kiddies could influonia. 'tear the mhlress on George Mr. Karl I'yno wai a buuduy WusliiiiBrton by Prealdenl (tool- viailur at (he lioine or Mr. and nlge at Waahtnglou. I» C. Mm, F. M. Rchoene. The primary chldren are Mr. anil Mr*. Van Hodman ol getting a lot o f enjoyment oui Portland *t*ent Sunday at the >1 furnishing and equipping a home of Mr*. Hodman'* mother, doll-house, The little boy* Mr*. A. II. Spraner. papered It and made the fum - Mr*. J. C. Huntley left Tbur»- Hur«! "whFr"7l»e'""g!rl«' "heiiìmèd and dressed l(u, day lo spend a few day* al tbe curtain* the home or her duughter, Mr*. Colli. Moore at Moro. Waller und Dorothy Stettin, I he I .a die»' Aid of the Meth­ odist church will hold a cooked food sale Sul unlay, February *0. al (lie l>ew Drop Inn winch I* owned by F.M. Hoeeman. Mr. F- on Houle home by 1 )avie* t* tv Kelly, rural carriei I ia conllned to la» lllne»*. Mr. Lealer auhatitutmg fur him. Mr. und Mr*. Carl Hughauii and son Uordou, of Portland were dinner |cue»la at the home of Mr. llugliHon'a parents. Mr. and Mr*. Howard llughson, on Wednesday of Inti week. Mr*. H. H. .Nelson entertained the Afternoon "500" club Fri­ day. Mm. Hoy liray won tbe honor* and Mr*. W. U. Ilob- ertn the ConMotalloil. Mr. W. II. Uoyd, rural ear­ lier on Route £, was conllned to his home hy Mine»* a few ■lays recently. Mr Jttmoison fubf Announrsmviil wax piade on lh « alflv'tMilii ol FMlWIry of the engagement of Mis* Katherine Rliarkey to Mr. Le Roy Rkstrom The wedding Will take place I" May. Mr. L. V. Gorham left Bun day lo spend a few day* at A*- toria. on buslnes«. — _________ Keveral from thi* community attended the "Fellowship din- r) « r" «• u'e First Church ol Christ In Portland. Wednesday ''VPnh'* on thi* week. Among •hose from here we note, Mr. *"d Mr- Charles Horence, ol Huber; Mr and Mr*. Kimonton of Aloha with their daughter. Ruth; Mr* F. I.. Humburg and Mr*. D. Adam* of Heaverton. leaverton Man Passes Awa> Demise of Steve Vasileff And friends A miscellaneous shower wn- Jack R.iyniirfl, the little son held In their hall last Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Raynard. for the bcnellt of the Beaverton Grange. Many useful artH'le* ha* been quit« !|l, r were given and afternoon tea Thomas Robs* entertained was »erved. the second Trade from the pub- plc school Tuesday, Wnahlng- at hi* home, Rev. J. R. Shatter, r " , l ° r P' *«n 'i birthday I he Methodist church at Cor­ with Ihe radio and listening 1» nelius, accompanied by about » lo President Coolidge'* speech. dozen o f the young people of The members of Ilia |!|iwnrth hi* congregation had charge of the »ervlee* at the Beaverton League of Hie Methodist eliurch Methodist church last Hundny were entertained Kalurdny .»ve­ iling III thp homo of Mr. nnd evenlnv. Mrs. August Kundberg gt flha|- Mrs. F. I.. Kpencer entertain­ tuek station. A large number ed at a luncheon Wednesday. were present, Among I he guests wero: Mrs Mr. and Mr*. 0. M. Chase and George IV Haynes of Chicago. family of Kyraouae, New York, Mrs. W. fi. McKell. Mrs. J. W. arrived Tuesday at the borne Barnes and Mlsa Juliette Curler of Mrs. Chase'* parent*. Mr. and of Beaverton. Mr», Frank Lomlx-rger. They « The Beaver Roelal rluh gave left New York Jflnuary 9 by flf their monthly "BOO" parly In motor and came t»y way the Masonic hall Wednesday. Florida and Ihe southern state* Februury 10. There were about They expert to make their home eight laWes. Mrs. C. C. Bench her*. won I he first prlxc nnd Mrs. G. Mis* June Hudson, who I* a Rldwcll of Aloha the eonsolallon student at the O. A. C. had the Mr. George 11. Haynes of Chi flu and came home Wednesday. rngn, Pnssengcr Trnflte Manager February 18, lo recuperate. She of Ihe C. M. nnd 81. P. rnll road returned Fridnv accompanied hy »pant the week end at Ihe home her m»thor, Ml'«. H. I- Hud­ of Ills sister, Mrs. W. C. Mc- son and Mrs. J. W. apragRR who Koll. He came here to attend with her *on,‘ Boyd Is at h Cor- | (lie Forum luncheon given by vallls hotel where Boyd *s c - j Ihe Portland Chamber of Com­ covering from an attack of Mis flu. i merce Nonday. LY TO FC A V GRESHAM New Social Club Mages Party Tln re were about thirty pres- - f ^ rom Beaverton Bummer) ( ent al the bridal jhow er given Al the rate the local team I* a urday afternoon at the Geo now going, it should be an ea.y r . nl. i home by Mrs. H. A. Hich- matter to trim the "blue and ^ rds P * ’,* n llr ” pen' in * ’ U°n predict lb « i _______ . . ai)<1 Dancing fcbjoycd by Ibc Rainbow Social Gub Members and (meats. -- in social int*rcour*c. mt^rrup- Ihe ‘‘oranire and hl*j*k** n '■*. ted by mueie on (he flrunewick have liiMp iPfltihi .n W* 1 ,e ^•*r»bow Social c«luhf e Many u-i-ful gifts were re th.Tr one de e.^ o f I “. 7 " * ’^ of Ohm reived by the bride which she out of II..- ^ * i7 ! <,nr" " u" When a hoy of eleven he wu veil, sandwiches, cake, fruit sal- eg „n" mHt1i , 0 1 Pickles and ro(T.-e. svsl.-m« of n l»» u ,n , ,, l' r pre-i-m who do not, or d‘.l ipprrnliced to a tailor und to All wi-h the happy couple be used When the li-am-' rn-ef '°i-|Pl,43f U,al cve,lin»- followed the lafipr trade ai many toy years o f happy wedded n,e 1,r*1 ‘ be evening wan w weddfd The era mi* will h# ..... ..... . ... 1 ,,€ liri’ 1 ° « r llje III* life. Till* I* the custom u of PorGarid [ T * ? P'* ymK ' 500' Pul a l" - he Kuropean* who in the mu life. The young people in thi- Wa(|<. W |Hinma » i l l y a* we|| «„ fr„ n< who |# r» fo(fnjlP(1 a fl,' r ,p" lu* " « « r « « « d «*«''- jority of case* choose u trudi other places, gave (hem a Chari- b^»t ba» ke,ba|. r- forPP, ,,,J' «■"^"»hments were served vlien lliey are young or liavi van In the evening and enjoy- _______________ " nd then dancing was enjoyed. one chosen for them and ilm SENIOR FLAY Hi- re ha« b-cn a tot of dis- stick to that trade. How differ ed . very pleasant evening. ______ cussion about tjie hall as :• i ent here where the young *ori of drift along, sometimes nevei The A B Co: 8f Port- d a w ^ p u I ^ o i t i r t o ^ K e lit" *« ccommodate a dance.' VS. getting any training at anything In 1011, Steve came to A merica, sailing from Amester dan) and coming direct to Port land by way of New York. Now he would hardly leave the ship ,»ut then it was thought be*, to come by train from New York but then they didn't havi he Panama canal. After a few years living in Portland by himself lie becaim acquainted with and marrin Beaverton girl, Mis* Dena Claassen, to which union Hire, children were bom, Horothy, 8 Florence, 8, and Kaurene, only iglit months old. Tlie couph have lived In Heaverton evei since their marriage in I u I ft. On arriving in Portland. Mr VaslletT worked for a lime 11 one of the big tailoring shop* there but soon put In a sho| t his own, first at Fifth am' Main, known as the Grown T i dors, then moving '«v iff# d way building and later mnvim out to the corner o f Fifteen!I and Washington w.iere he ha* ¡n huslne'«, "f.'.'r the pa- ‘ • Ine years. NEWS Miss I.llltan Rvnns Is on the sick |ist qt thia writing, *NB Ktevc VasilelT was horn on .nristiims day, Hue m Hrenova Ihilgariu, the youngest »on u a family of »even hoy* horn I Mr. and Mr*. Hle.e Vasilctf, Hr Jon't forget to come to tbs J»» •«••«i I f i ^ i at the GrH..g. ball tills Vridiy evening, Feb ruary ?.V There will be » plenty o f pies for all. so come pr pared lo eat your «hare. Ilaxel Hansen. John H ies. Frank Reheorsal. are being held for Pulver. I-red and Choln Gee. « f,|ay by loca| ln,pn, wh)c), Horothy Clark. Patty Reynold*. |.romises to be very interest- Hurlon Henisey. F.l*iirr and Kd- |nlr. g0 ron,p brin(, yonr Hs has been ailing for some ward Karson are among those friend* as there will be a good Ime past, end he 1i»d Friday February 18. Sinee Christmas who are hark In school after time for all who attend, being absent with the flu. ______ _ he had not been in the shot much but kept in dose touch Mr*. Verne 'Huddleston of Beaverton Realty Co. report with vvbat was going on in il. Willamtna ami Mr*. R Wells the sate o f a beautiful two He was buried Monday from of Sheridan, drove over Iasi acre tract at Aloha, known n* Friday and took dinner with the Bolton Place (o F. H. RI. Cerella Church in BeaverlO' Mr*. Gilmore ami In Ihe after- Frolse, of Maplewood. Mr. with interment in Mt. Calvary Father J. P. O'Neil noon visited school. Mrs. Hud- Frelse will move on the place cemetery. bad charge of the funeral am dleston was formerly Miss l.uey soon und improve It. F.ggimnn, who taught the third Also leasing of M. II. Bar- arrangement* were under Pen.- grade at AInha-Huher. four's ten-acre Iract at Witch Undertaking Parlor« He leave» to mourn his loss _____________i__ Hard lo G. L. Ilixon of tnglc- R E O ITA L PO STPO N ED wood. Calif. Mr. Hixon will ar- his wife, his three d>»Mren, al! - rive about the lenlh of March Of Beaverlpn, his father and The redial announced in Ihe * n<* (he p i * « “ f » * r - mother nnd four brothers in hi- native land. rolumnn o f tlie o f ln«l ^our movf Mr. VnsilefT was well and ev­ work an Koliijr to hi' hold in nm,,‘ Bethel ConjrroRHtlonal church Also, the renting of Mrs. M. en intimately known here and m Thursday o f lids week ha* » ; O '« * ’" C°r'"*r * nothing we can say will add lo been postponed on aeeotint of " lll!*on t<’ He'tnell re- Or dal rad from the esteem in which his memory will be cher­ nkknenn nnd will b«» hchi next gently of Iowa, week. Thursday evening of the Clemont and daughter ished. He was a loving father a kind nnd indui».'nt husband, third o f Marrh. ImRead. A,,co' lh‘‘ th'-rls Beaverton home and re­ a wrm friend nnd true, and a Kveryhody is Invited. turned to MrMInnvIlle. Mr. D. very good neighbor. He will he PIM has charge o f her orchard. missed from our community, LOCAL VRIDAL SHOW ER GIVEN B EA V ER TO N HONORING MRS. FR ED W E S T n Jod.i* u i’ FO» $1 50 Per Tear K ‘„ P“ S n ^ * n,der m rr* m OreahAm when the Mr fu .recJ,,nl " • ■ " 'M * two teama dash tonight in ihe • f Mr*. Knlifer • daughter. Ks- Beaverton gym. ther, to Fred W m L The after- j Those who have **en both I Mourned by Family S I E n ter — Exit ------------------------------------------------ïï--------- ................. . - .h e llre 'h u H d m 'g f ^ m e i ) oc- “A ^ • ! rt* r«*® la ^ *,1 - ™ " * * '? '* ? . * nd . , . 1;Vn* formerIy ing character In a play to he *e' enty Pe«Plre 'oha ware preapnt aswell as a charge of the brajieh here that' U' e Uon' J,,nn*y Keppel pfew, probably from Portland. will he operated in connection ; . .............. Kobert Wood The prizes for the card game with their establishment in „ Melm« 8 — Fugenc Bishop were awarded, lira* prize to I ri'and. Park*r ............. _ Hoo.er Allen Mrs. Fetzer o f Portland, scc- l( will he remembered ll.at J'UCa- , ......... ........ **0"! Spague ond prize lo Mrs. Rlchardso . this company formerly renled ! r ‘ “ y Cr* ek* BlhoCPp' •‘ •ten Stiles o f Aloha, first gentleman s to the lot just east' of ihe new Hon- MiHieenl Kep- Andrew Donholm of Aloha and Hedge building and were con- pH ......... .. 44“ rtli® WoodrutT consolations were presented «o lucting a used ear lot when Mr.- Hon' Mr“ ' ° " lhuun Mrs- H J- Fox and and Mr. O. Hempstead became the author---- ------- --------- Myrtle Johnson Hi Humbuiwr. Mrs. O Mara The next of this series of par- ided Ford liealer for Ibis ter- ritory. The A. B. Smith Co. are ., ........ ««Orgianna Malarkey tie, will be held Saturday eve- iUlhorixed dealers for tha Port- **.ify V u,aU>'8 «hallcnberger ning. March 6. land territory and arc allowed , ,e ^ lla* an — HHZZ----- to maintain a salesroom when be P'0t ** la'd C*“ eily P* " e " TS LISTEN TO VISIT- OR*' DAY FROORAMMC there is no regularly authorixed at the home o f Lord Urackeu- tlu.i-pe, an eccentric bachelor, denied in Heaverton. 'who is Absorbed in science. There was a very good at­ He i* attracted to Mrs. O*- HIGH SCHOOL Atara, widow of an Irish pro- tendance of the older ones and at the Visitors' Hay ; fessor, aiid Unding they have parents .!.»» «»eorgianna Malarkey a common intereat, "spiders,’ program given at the school- wa» injured in an automobile invites her, with her daughter. Fr,day Aftp™<>n- accident and has not been in Peggy, to visit him at "Hawk- The program was in keeping »inee February 21, uursL” TbU visit meeU with l *l<* birthdays of Washing- * ist Malarkey and a friend t^e nearly disapproval o f his *on And Lincoln, and also of were gvmg lo Corvallis when mother, Lady Crackenthorpe, 81. Valentine's Hay. The clnld- .' 11 c',y overturned. Both girls Wbo fears that Peggy may sup- r,*n received many vaientine.- were laken lo a hospital, plant her as mistress o f “ Dawk From a box which had been pre- — hurst." pared, i. ti.x.f Sprague attended tbe suggestion of her bro- *'lw following i* the program: he convention at CorvalRs and lhpl, Major plllpp,. Lady Crack- song, by all "America rc “ h r : , ; n " V n CUlh0: ,‘- >— « - citations by EugeJe Va" ’ K .^ k hotel in Corvallis uni I Bov . i! i0n* ,mn‘y' who “ to Ivan Bierly. Glen Pringle and Id,, to return to Beaverton* ‘->n* “ Be u,e attentions or Peggy. Bobble Teufel; song by the pri- Jimmy llnds this an easy task mary pupils; recitations, Lois •ent four dele U " d l,aS U‘e "''C1 ' " 5 “ :»0“ 8 a*«i Brnrly. Evelyn Richards. Jame> Beaverton on vent ionr at Cor* !‘ eK ïy' W*,° '■ a,lx,WU8 •» leave Holboke an<1 ,;|ad>. Hallman; ales to the con\ ' 18 i ,- I Lord Crackenthorpe free to mar- "How Betty Made the allis on February 18-19. f Elsie i " Gladvs Shel- ry l,er l,,otlu?r' M,s- 0 1 U r *> ••*« Flag," Gladys Hallman. Horothy Elsie NVhtlworth, I iverniore ¡.ml rift* object of his atTeclioiis. . ¡'eufel, Eveîvn Richards, Y'unia '* ‘ W.lh Gladvs Sl.ellenheraer and l\-n.,__ ___■ i :n„ i .. .. l C d r K prn g<;^w m ;'7 .;;'V ac:i';v - • " llh GUdyS Hallman and Lilly Ludwig; re "V ■ pu ^ r ‘ ,, f racuUy Robert Wood in tb« leading r ,„| \*r.-n advisor. Miss F. Mill«, were ap- roles ueorgmnna Malarkey as „altman W .ilu.n v V.7 , ‘ Mrs. OMaia, and Raymoud liar- und Maicar t Vandcnnos:: p. high school rison and Helen Stiles as Lord ppr, ' ' i j fe of Washington," by and Lady Crackenthorpe respec- Dj,.k Teufel; song, primary The recent rains have brought ,. . , , . lively, the play is assured sue- ¡,11V<- recitation E\e!vn Y’oti"z- Ihe e bcsl best water supply for year* _ , f. . . • ’ 1 1 ■ paper, “ Life of Lincoln.’ i-rai.., lo Klamath Falls where there is cess from the slait. Richards; song, primary girls; n promise o f good grazing and T Y P IN G C O N T E S T music by jazz band, Do*"4 bumper crops. Tuefel. Yuma Hallman and The Washington County type- |yn Richards: paper. Mehr» writing contest has started a Klcck. "The Little Cook: great deal o f competition in the tation. Francis Holboke; so typing classes al B. H. S. I Eunice Ellen Snider and Malie! There arc four second-year ,\nna Gembella; recitation, F.ve- - I students who are eligible for Young: song. Robert Rich- ■ HLLLL— e___- ------------ entrance but the school is only . arda and Charles Kulbel; mu allowej to send three from each 9jc by tbe band: long I- class. Helen Mills's average n,p third arnle; recitation b. speed is 66 words a minute and j eo Y'oung; song by Amos Bicr’v she is trying to increase it t o jand Lucille Van Horn: song by 70 words. Helen Stiles's aver- a„ "The Star Spangled Han- age is 60 words, C. LingmanN npr_" average is 57 and Alice Bloom- ______________ quist’s is 55. These four arc g i r l s H U R T W H E N A U T O trying hard to surpass each O V ER TU R N S NEAR D A LLAS other in speed, the goal o f the : ------- class being 70 words a minute.: Mi-s Ruth Kearns, accompa- The flrst-year class also h.islpj^d by Georgianna Malarkey four eligible contestants andi wa9 motoring to Corvallis to are allowed to send only three. aG,.„d the educational exnosi- Lilliarr Berg's average is id j Hon at the O. A. C. when, near words a minute while Elsie p a„ as, in attempting to cross Whitworth, Muriel Taylor ami L railroad track, they sa Vivian Harris all have an iiv-;„.|,jn coining and msde a erage of 38 words. This clas< j j urT, which overturned the Is showing a great ' t Mcpreefl of Reedville has been 1 1 , pncita" » Tuesdnv . riven for postpone«!. II whs HCheilnh-d „ , 0 Past Matrons’ elnb of 10 ’ I. for this week. Thursday, but is Mr- Maude Hanrell nnd M ss going to be given next w eek1 vd Overstreet were hoatees- s. Thursday at the Congregation-j They attended a matinee af- al church, March 3. I ter the luncheon.