Friday, February 11, 1027 THF RKAVKKTON RKVIRW ft iHe Really SaÿIt?” Alabaster Lamps N ^ ^ M a r g a r e t T u r n b u ll "• talked ■ « * paused * so much I I •T O A Y FROM THE STA R T l * f s « /issi MsU l lo s e 'A— J m « V (Mas A * S e s t* M esser. FORTIFY YOURSLLF AGAINST COLDS, GRIPPE mrm to any one be A ire Oi C o p y r ig h t . i t t i hr M argar«« TwrakalL course I*«*1 11 g »gent for live pro|ierty WNU »arsivo I have to keep my mouth shut. But ('la u d s Ms last te I'a b h e r * . what would you do? Turn them out? lu m a trvm N * w Y o rk to hla By ELMO SCOTT W ATSON i » t i « r « l ir w c a r y (n V a lltjr, now. It's call,si a cottage, hut It Aren't they safer here than In some l*a W it h him cum«** Nad C ar* KK o f th « favorite oilier place? Peace Valley's slow lakes Ave servants to run It. I’ rofes lur. m a tra u ^ # r. w ham l ‘ “ hba In- lie f» o f (bo AmerU'itu , m oving'' I rot!uova la Aunt I hla sor O’Toole, who live* there, drinks people — probably lie- ' Old h u u » « k » « p * r a * a nrph aw He looked ap|irallngly at Ned. for something » good iteul stronger than m o w o f the cubile flat- ( L o ta r I'a h b a td m lla lo Aunt evidently that “ Mot on Ihe landscape" tea. He told me thut the purity o f l.y d d y (h a t O a r t t r is a chan»** tery o f their Intelligence hla Gaelic tleiHUnled on a diet o f new rankled. a ctiu a ln ia n co , of iha which It im p lies-la tl>»t Ned said nothing. He was frown war, w hom ha had mat potatoe» cream aud whisky. l*ou't Lincoln once Mid, 'T o n In N a w Y o r k and la ka n a llh * know where he gels his stuff, nor how ing. staring straight ahead o f him. can fool all the people Inc to- i 'a r t a r talla (h a t ha haa I "iii'lis. glam tng at he get* It past the revenue officer», seeing noihint krok an with hla fa m ily and hla eotne o f the time, and bul hla cellar’* full, lie 's against him. puaalril. explained fu rth er! “ O f flaucaa harawaa uf (h a ir u ltra t eotne o f the people all the course, I ’ve only given you tuy I ilea p a cific lo a n in g ». everything on God's green earth ex time, hat you can’t fool all the people I ’d not set you against ccpt Ihe Irish republic. I can't help o f them all the time." Although aome peraoua In fact, they hoping Ireland never Is a republic, for them, fur anything confuae thla quotation with I’ . T. Bar CHAPTER I I — C o n t in u e d If It 1» Professor O’Toole will be a might amuse you.“ nam'a “ the people like to be fooled." “They wouldn't,“ Ned Interrupted terribly disappointed man He'll buve probably ninety-nine out o f every hun “ I don't want to know “ I will. If you think you’ll stay nothing left to live for. or talk about. vehemently dred who have occaalon to quote this awhile,“ M nut* replied eagerly. "Course he d,*.'t work for hla liv ­ th em " epigram believe Implicitly that the The wagon gave a Anal lurch aa “ O f cou rt» I'll stay, and whal'a ing. Ills English mu le left him so words are IJncoln’a more. I’ nt going to help Motoring much 'unearned Increment' I hat he they turned Ihe corner near the Mann­ But did Lincoln ever really aay It? A slender mean» nothing to me Let me tug Just has to use saline o f It up on |m heim's buck gateway. Rev. W. K. Barton, probably the heet- AB R AH AM LINCOLN Monde girl came through thrwrought- after you and look thing# over ; t<# of Valera and that hunch.” "You can foal all th# paoplt aom* use. If | cun.” He looked at Ned. and aibled: “ A w ­ Iron gules at a breakneck a|iecd. of the tima. and aome of th* people Ihibhs looked Immensely pleased. ful pleasant fellow, though. You'd pulled along by an Infuriated young all tha time, but you can't fool all the collie on a leash Neither th* girl "B y Jlmtny I That’ll b# g re a t! like to tulk to him." paopla all tha tima." Suppose you drive with me to ‘T h is la a maxing!" Ned »aid. "Next nor the dog seemed able to atop, and Jenny would not. • ’ lover Hollow with the order». You house ?“ late John Dickinson Sherman, feature Horae, iktg and girl seemed a* one cull always preteud j o * are a stran­ "That's the show place. M. Adol­ writer for the Western N ew 'P *l“ 'r ger getting a lift, or you can Jump off phus Manuhelm. the East side mil­ In Ihe cloud o f dual that enveloped Union until Ids death In I92S. then aud admire the scenery when w* get lionaire who married a settlement them. Hyde Park correspondent for the Chi- Aa Dnhhs polled at the r e in » Ned there. Y’ou don’t look like the worker. Uvea there. He's a good pro­ cago Tribune, and his frien d Clarence grocer's boy. you know." vider and a nice fellow. If there ever Jumped over Ihe side o f (he wagon P. Dresser. Hyde Park correspondent “ Well. I am." affirmed Ned. “ My was one. l i r a also got some excuse slid landed at the girl's feet. o f the City Press, succeeded iu board­ “ P e te r!” she shrieked “ My pre tooka may he against me. but It Isn’t for talking klmtu wild. Seems before ing the Vanderbilt special when It kind o f you to rub It In. I'm your he made hla million* In a chain of clous dog! My Peter I You've killed stopped at Michigan City, tnd. for llun fo r delivery or anything else.’* stores over here, hi* family were Rus­ him.“ water. A fter the train was on Ita way “ D - m I ’e ie r !“ Ned muttered sul­ Ned watched Claude Dabbu handle sian Jews and had what he calls they were admitted to Mr. Vanderbilt's “ What are you doing here. (he r e in » Like everything else he 'pogroms' hui'pcn lo them. A pogrom lenly. private ear and granted an Interview did. he drove skillfully, hut apparent seems to he some sort o f excuse for Dorofhy ?" In the course o f the Interview Mr The girl looked at him amaaed. then ly without giving It all his attention. raging round si things In general. Sherman put thla question to the rail On the way, he told Ned that the "But M r» Mannheim, why, she aorta at the wagon and Mr Dahha. who had road magnate. “ Do your limited ex kept hla seal and regained control car was out and 81m needed the truck fo r g e t» Some o f us knew her as Ms press trains pay or do you run them I for Ihe expresa stuff—an explanation xle llarrtgan. a school teacher at Fel over Ihe horse. Peter, who had not for the accommodation o f the public?" • wen killed, donhled hack and waa * f why they were using Jenny and the low ’s Corners twenty miles away “ Accommodation o f the public!" ex wagon. But Ned was secretly con­ Llxxle always was a rest less spirit, now cowering sgutnat the girt, growl claimed Mr. Vanderbilt, ’‘the p u b lic1 vinced that the wagou wa* being used and she made a strike for freedom Ing ha lam ned! We run them been ue we A D M IR A L GEORGE DEW EY a* a test o f hla own endurance, aud and Ihe city. Duhh* quietly descended and took She's got Mannheim “ You may fir« whan ready, G rldleyl’ GEN. W. T. SHERM AN J smiled to himself at C. M s guile. Antlered lo death slid footed, but ahe (he I mix containing the Mannheim or­ “ War is hall!" Ned was the target for many curi­ can't fool Pence Y’ alley. Leave* her der from Ihe hark o f the wagon Ned meut has been attributed to the edi­ Informed man on the life of Lincoln tor o f the Tribune erroneously. But ous, unwinking stares before they left hlg automobile around the corner, and turned abruptly, went toward the today, whose investigations gave to the so fully does he concur In the advice the short main street. At last th* » II- In a plain shirtwaist and skirt sml a wagon and climbed tn th* Beat, "I'll deliver the order at the next world last year the truth about Lin- It gives that he Indorses most heartily lage lay behind them und the road sad smile tries tn stir up the girl* at coln’a famous Bis by letter, recently | the epigrammatic advice o f the Terre run winding past qualut homestead# the factory to Aght for their right*. house, Uncle Claude. and come hark set ont to learn the truth about the Haute Express aud joins tn saying. and Inviting side road» They chew their gum and laugh at for you." hr announced, and was gone j Winding W illow road was tu name. her. ’fool the people’’ quotation, which la I ‘Go West, young man. go WeaL’ " Fellow '* Corners ain't so fsr before Claude could protest. said to have been ottered at Clinton. Admiral IV w ey. standing on the Claude Informed Ned a# they neared but some o f us have heard o f Uxxle The girl, her attractive face painted Ill- between the second and third bridge o f the Olympia at the battle the top o f the hill. Ned looked about llarrlg sti'» rich marriage. She got I like a bisque doll, stood staring at tha , Joint debates with Douglas. lils con­ , o f Manila hay and watching the on- him. ab-orbed In the panorama of hint o f that last time she tried tn rapidly disappearing wagon. Claude, clusion In ihe matter, as given In an I coming Spanish fleet, remarked qul- comfortable farmland and w, sided make a strike leailer o f herself and wisely concluding that he had nothing article in o recent Issue o f the Dear­ - etly. “ You may Are when ready. Grid. h ill» He realised that the lovely road found she was Ihe wlude strike. She'* to keep him. shouldered the box and born Independent. I* Incorporated In ! ley." So lays history, and It haa be- lived up to the ffrst part of Ita name. all for plain living sml high thlnklug. went toward th* bouao. the following statement: j come one o f our favorite quotations It wouud on and on aud not too and look where she Uvea! Five nm ld» When be returned, a few minute* I But In an Interview published In the smoothly. There Were steep hllla and a cook and a chauffeur. And clotheel later, thr girl was still standing there, T o m y m ind t h « s tr o n g e s t n e g a tiv e a rg u m en t Is not th at so fe w people Chicago Evening Post o f October 29. sharp turns before them, but Claude Llxxle struck luck when alie married holding llir dog and blocking hi* exit. rem em b er h e a rin g L in c o ln say those hud arrived at a place where he might Mannheim." - 1SSA*. Dewey Is quoted aa saying “ that Dabba could see at ouce that ha waa w o r d s but that. I f he r e a lly s a 'd them ihe American policy toward Agulnaldo relax and talk. at C lin ton w h en D o u g la s w a s not pres- ! “ I know M r » Mannheim." Ned said, uot to eioup* easily. ent, he did r o t rep ea t so a p t a phrase •honld he ’straight from the shoulder* “ By Jlm lny! It's good to he out of to Dabbs' complete astonishment, and "N ice boy. Ned.” Dahlia remarked In one o r m ore o f the fiv e r e m a in in g with plenty o f force behind It. that he doors! I make a break once In so N’ ed'a voice was hard "I'd rather go warily. )ota t d e b a te s H e m issed fiv e e x c e lle n t did not tell Grldley to Are when ready, often and take out a l » l of o rd e r» to her kitchen door with groceries any op p o rtu n ities tn use e ffe c t iv e ly an u n ­ “ Uncle Claud#!“ Ihe girl rirla lm rd d en ia b ly pat expression. and that he does not want to be Presi­ so's not to get too fat aud laxy.” day, than lo Iter front door. Who accuslugly. “ Are you the tale M r » ! N e v e rth e le s s I In clin e to the b e lie f dent.“ Ned amlled. He had suspected that started thla blot on the landscape?" llan geley'» brother?* th st L in c o ln a c tu a lly need those w ords And It la now known that Pershing C. M , waa trying hliu out. and now Dubb* visibly started. He shot a " M r » lla n ge le y !“ Duhh* echoed. AD M IR A L W. S. SIMS did not aland before the tomb, make he waa sure. quick glance at Ned. hut the younger “ Mean Mr*. Carter, don't you Mlai i " W i can start at ones. Wa nada Dabbs turned and looked at the man did not notice the look. H e ld en r preparations on tha way." I young man's fare with great content. “ Isn’t 'blot on the lundarape’ a lit "N o, I mean Ned Carter Uatigviey*« “ Y'ou do like !V ac* Valley. Juat ae Me strong?” he Inquired anxiously have to. They do not pay. W e have mother." ; I felt you would. Grand country, "Y’ou see I’ m the agent for the man tried again and again to get the d if­ “ Ned Carter llan geley!“ Dnbha re- ' j Isn’ t 111“ who bought the land cheap, and pealed. “ Y'uu inenn my boy Ned?” ferent roads to give them up: but they “ Beuutiful! 1 don’t too how one thonght It'd make a good Investment will run them and. o f coarse, as long “Then you aren't hla real unde?“ could be restless or disappointed down ua an exclusive residence place, lie as they run them, we must do the " l i e haa always called me 'an d *,' here." had a good architect come down here, sa me." “ I f * a queer thing." Mr. Dabbs an­ who was craay about remodeling old though Ilia relationship Isn't quite so Did General Sherman ever say. swered Introspectlvely, "how tIlls place houses, and soon Mr. Mannheim ami rloee." “ W ar Is h e ll!"’ ? According to one ver­ tlorntby Krldrn looked at him take all the spunk out o f same people a man called Green got Interested, sion. he made this historic declaration shrewdly. “ I'm wllllug to bet overy and makes them so mild and ladylike and they brought Ihe rest h e r »” at a reunion o f his brother's brigade there's no stirring them up to any “ I suppose," Ned began reAectlvely, penny In my purse.“ and she Jangled { at Caldwell. Ohio. Another say» that sort o f decent ambition. You’ll km « aa though he had scarcely been lis­ the llttla costly bended article and he uttered It at the graduating exer­ fee that the folk* brought up around tening. "that M r » Mannheim thought dropped It back Into the deep trouser cises o f the Michigan Military acad­ here are terrible hard to 'route. I ’ve she could get together u set o f her pocket o f her expensive farm erette i emy at Orchard Lake. Mich., on June felt that way often myself. Then own down here, and drug Mannheim costume, "that you don't know who 19. 1879. The epigram, say some, is Loren l.orimer Itangrley I » “ sometime* there are days when aud away from his friends." rally an abbreviated quotation, the full Dabba could not help hla Jaw drop "Don't know,” Dahb* answered, a denly the very peaca o f It get* on your text o f which la, “ I ant tired and sick nerve*, sorts slap* you I d the face. triffe bewildered at Ned's Intimate ping a little. “ I do, though,” he an­ o f war. Ita glory is all moonshine. It I ’ ve felt that. too. But when I g » knowledge of these people. “ Thut'a swered quietly enough. “ He Is a big Is only those who have neither A red away from here, t want to eotne bark, Green » house over there, nmong the New York hanker, on* o f the mealiest i , a shot nor beard the shrieks and and I f * the d —de*L hardest place to tree*, where we're going nexL lin e n 's men God ever let live.” groans o f the wounded, who cry aloud CORNELIUS V A N D E R B ILT "K now ing that.“ snapped the girl, , leave that I ever knew." He slapped a character. He can talk while Into for blood, more vengeance, more deso­ “ Th* public b* dam ned!" Jenny lightly with the whip. " I t it looking black, and Ihe other way round. "and knowing lhat Ned Is Ida only son, j lation War Is h e ll!" others maln- GEN. JOHN J. PERSH IN G was anyone else l was talking to. He was a professor, o f something or why thla silly pretenso lhat Ills name and at C lin to n T h e e v id e n c e Is fa r "Lafayette, we art h a rt!” they'd think I talked like a fool shout other. In some college. He’s In Ittis- Is Carter only?" fr o m co n clu sive, but It is not la c k in g my own place. But you get me, don't ala now.” "N ed has bis reasons." he told her tn p r o b a b ility It sounds lik e Lincoln, an appropriate gesture and say. "L a ­ and the occa sion a lle g e d ts one In “ Who has th* house now?“ you?" ro'dly, "and Itungelry deserve* lo be : fayette. we are h ere!” That yarn orig­ w h ich th e w ord s m ig h t a p p r o p r ia te ly " It doesn't sound foolish to me. I “ Don't Just know. It wa# r r e ’.ed gept In the durk." have been used. inated when Colonel Stanton o f Per­ think I feel Us charm already.” hy the New Y’ ork agency wnen I wna But If L in c o ln n e v e r ep ok e thte shing'* staff stood before the tomb c le v e r a p o 'h e g m . then It w o u ld alm ost I didn't see the name Sim* "And yet. when I wn* your age. away. and salt’ “ Lafayette, nous soinme la !* •eern po ssib le to fool a ll th * peop le a ll A ll right, than, Oorothy, Juat j But It was soon tacked onto the cotn- Ned, how I kick'd at being kept here, put on the order, so I can't tell you the tim e : fo r a ll th s people, v ir tu a lly , whether It'» money or Just views, but who la Loren Lorlmer Rangelayf b e lie v e these w o r d * to h a ve been L in ­ i munding general, and even President tied to a country store.” He pointed should think It would he money and c o ln ’s. Does th* plot get thicker or doe* Wilson In a speech before the French his whip to a group o f buildings at the view*. Som etim e» you know, a regn- It get thinner? I f “ the people" rememlier that Lin­ chamber credited It to Pershing. T l e foot of the gentle Incline before them. ’T hat'# Clover Hollow. What do lur family. Just looking for |>e,ire and coln said they couldn't be fooled all general himself has denied that he quiet, land here. Itut It’a generally the time, because they like to believe ever suld it. as he has denied that his you think o f It?" (T O U H C O N T I N I !K D .I that, then “ the public" well remembers Ned »aw several detached houses, one o f the same.” offer o f American troops to General that it was once damned by a Vander­ Foch was made in the form o f the his­ most o f them built o f »tone, more or I X f X f X i X f X f X i I f X » X « f X < 'X 4 X 4 bilt. probably because o f popular preju­ toric. “ A ll that we have Is yours." less elaborate In design, except where they were merely the original farm­ dice against Wall Street and men o f However, he did say In 1917, "Ger­ money. The “ public be damned" Heroic Deed Recorded in Letters of G old many can be beaten. Germany must house, or laborer s cottage, remodeled phrase Is one over which there has j be beaten, Germany will be beaten." and enlarged hut retaining some of •>een much dispute. It Is usually, and the original simplicity o f form. They When a British admiral asked A d Btrong!y built upon the lust rock dnred to venture on the wild sea Tha erroneously, ascribed to “Commodore“ mlral W illiam 8 Sims when the first were #et In the midst o f gardena aud on a French const stands a light house official entrust* d with this duty wa* Cornelius Vanderbilt, and members of division o f American destroyers could lawns, some o f tlo m quite extensive. away ; he had recently paid hi* perl- “ Attractive looking spot. But what whose light revolves everlastingly to the Vanderbilt family bate often de­ be reatly for business, he replied, “ We guide sailors through the neighboring mllral visit, so that hla responsibility nied thut it was ever uttered by one can start at once. W e made prepara­ la i t r wits covered. “ I f * a Joke on the man that built reefs o f their number. There has also been tions on the way." Or so the news­ It wa* hla two children. Andrew HORACE G R E ELE Y tt,” Claude »aid thoughtfully, "and If, In calm wenther, you happened some dispute as to the circumstances paper* reported It at the time. But and Bertha, aged alxtecn and four­ “ Go West, young man, go W esL" to get near enough to the lighthouse I ought to know because I'm his agent. under which It was uttered, but the In a letter to the New Y’ ork Tlmea. teen, who volunteered. The aallora In facts In the case are these: tain thut Sherman never said It, hut dated February 21, 1919, from London, Y'ou we, he thought out this schvtne you would »eo there, written In let­ In 1882 William II. Vanderbilt, son that the expression was first used by the admiral denied ismltlrely that the for bringing u good clas* o f people ter* o f gold, two names: Andrew Duf- the harbor soon Inst slglit o f tha Ulti* o f the “ Commodore," was on hla way Charles Francis Adam# at the thir­ question was ever asked him or that Into the neighliorl nod, and by so doing lot, Bertha DuAoL Thut Inscription Mint cnrrylng the two children Into boost Id* native village, Atinnclally and commemorates the deed o f two young the dnrkneaa. But anon a sigh o f re­ to Chicago on a special train. The teenth annual dinner o f the Confed- he ever made that reply. people who lost their Uvea to auve lie f arose among them when they auw otherwise. And thla la what he got I suddenly the light pierce the black­ •'It's a kind o f collection o f good- those o f other». ness o f the night. natured cranks,” Dabba resumed, after History and legend are vague In reclt- : valentines for the ensuing year. By The lighthouse Is uninhabited. Ita Saint Valentine’s Day Ing the details o f their personal his­ and by the women were released from waiting for comment, which did not functioning la autornuMc; (he light tory. The lover's festival is appar­ the obligation to make gifts and only come. "They rail It a community, and shines nlglu and duy. tiru-e u month, Newspaper to Clean Gun It Is a popular error to assume thut ently to lie connected not with the the men sent presents or missives ex­ they call tliemaelve* workers, thlnk- A writer lo the l-nndon Field, a very or thereabouts. Hiking advantage of February 14 la to be associated with birthday o f these holy men but with pressive o f affectionate sentiment. ! era, writer*, a» leader» o f the cairn weather, a boat goes out to the well-known nuthorlty on all sporting j a single saint. The day belongs to no an early pagan fe«tlvnl that w a s part j new revolt, and a lot o f other names. lighthouse to renew the stock o f car­ subject», suggests "a method o f clean­ few er than seven persons In the com o f the Iioman Lupen alia. The medie­ Everything except a plain American bide which Is used lo feed It. But one ing gull barrels, which has Ihe merit Famous English River prebenslve ecclesiastical calendar, and val custom In England und on the But there's no night the light went out. A fearful of being simple, ready to hand prartl- ' Caesar suys that at the Mine of his live* there. • he head o f an eighth Is venerated at continent waa to put the names o f InvssioD o f Britain the Hlver Thame# harm In any o f ’em. They are Just atorm wn* blowing, and dualities» n rally everywhere, yet most effective? this time. They came from France. young men olid women In n Jar and In England wna called “ Tam esis" people with money enough not to wave or else a gust o f wind, had Three or four pieces o f newspnper ] Belgium. Spain and Africa, anil the draw them out on Saint Y’ aleritlne’s Other early writer# call It “Tamesa ” work, and yet a burning desire to do »mushed a pane and blown out the (the more henvtly printed the heller) best-known members o f the group were eve. Those whose names were thus In early Raxon times the river was something for t living that won’t ham­ pushed througl. with the cleaning rod, | light. a bishop o f Umbria and a priest of , linked had to make . presents to each called “Tliam ls." The Thames above per 'em none." _______________ will remove nil dirt and leave the bar­ At all cost* the damage must be re­ Rome, both o f tlie Third century, A. D. , other und agree to be each other's , Oxford often Is called “ Isla." He laughed. "U'a funny. Ned, how rels nice and bright; follow this with paired and the lamp relit, but no on# nowadays |>eop|p feel they have to o bit o f oily m g and one’» gun Is ready have some on u-e besides their money for next day I” Second Growth of Trees not tha same amount o f Are and color for living. Money was enough when Sapphires From East as the diamond flash lias. The sap­ I was young. It Isn't any more." Society’s Warp and Woof The bureau o f plant Industry says Impressive Warnings During a prolonged atudy o f Ihe phire Is mentioned In Ihe Bible, hut He chuckled *t the thonght. ’T h e that a second growth late In the sea­ The sapphire, which Is o f such a It I» thought to he tha lapis lazuli way I reason It, Is that people who lives o f various men both great and Roy* dressed like rata and mo* son Is a frequent occurrence with the beautiful blue, comet from Burma, that Is meant, and not the sapphire are Just a Utile off on some one thing atnall, I came upon this thought: In qtiltoea learned to Imitate the move­ cheery and the plum tree after a con­ Ceylon, Borneo and Australia. It Is wa know. become »o much o f a darned nuisance tbe web o f th# world Ihe one may ments o f the pest* aa a means of tinuous dry spell. This second bloom­ also found In Europe In the Rhine that ordinary |>eople either laugh at well be regarded na the warp, Ihe warning persona attending the exhlbt* ing may also Indicate a diseased con­ valley, says tha Cleveland Plain Deal­ Governmental Basis them or try to run away. This makes other » * Ihe woof. It 1» the little shown during bnliy week In Bombay, dition of the tree. I f this has oc­ er. The star Sapphire, which Is rath­ You cannot |>osalhly have a broader them band together so as to get an men, after all, who give breadth to India, auys I’opular Me« haul' s Mnfn curred only on one tree. It is Indica­ er lighter In color, comes from Brazil, basis for any government thnn that audience somehow. A t Clover Hol­ the weh, and Ihe great men firmness xlne. The costumes all but concealed tive o f » dlae.iscil condition, while tf as does also the white sapphire. A which Include* all Ihe people, with all low they ran have meetings and argue and solidity; perhaps also the addi­ the actor», who Illustrated by panto­ It Is prevalent throughout the entire perfect white sapphire Is clearer In their rights In their hands, and with aa often a* they like. I f one man does tion o f aome sort o f pattern. But the mime how the moiqulto inflicts its |o|. orchard. It Is s result o f weather con­ color and gives a longer Hash o f light an equal power to maintain their ill the talking one day, he knows he’s solanora o f the Fate# determine It# sotlous Idle and how Ihe rat rnrrlee dition*. than d<>e* a diamond, but tbe flash has rights.— William Lloyd Garrison. length, and to that nil the rest must disease and destroy# food * » w,.|| got to listen the next. other tilin g » “Take this house wa're coming to Join In submitting Itself.— Goethe. erate \ eterana* camp o f New York on January 'JtV in n . It has never to-en found in any o f Sherman's sayings or w ritin g» So there you arel Horace tlreeley was not the It rat to aay, "lìo W>«t, young man. go West !" although history says thst lie did. The utsn « ’bo first said It was John t . IL Soule, editor o f ihe Terre llsu te (In d i K\press. In au editorial about the West’s opportunities for young men he declared I hai Horace tlreeley could never have given a young men better advice than contained In the words, t l o West, young man." Thla waa state,! merely at Soule's opinion o f what flreeley might liars said, but newspaper* all over the country re­ peated the saying and credited It to Greeley. fin a lly the famous editor o f the New York Tribune reprint­ ed Soule's editorial with thla foot­ note: "The expression o f this acnrt- C olds C ost M oney /I «• « U s e d Met • 71 ms a * D R . P I E R C E ’S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY PI SO’ S , /"'COII nits lO u d M b ii «^ M M U k u M u r e . 9 V I k > « 4 IS S U m v w Æ " / Drink Water If Kidneys Bother T ab* a Tableapoonful ef Ralla tf Back Pain* or Bladder la Irritated Flush your khlueya by drinking a quart uf water each day. also taka aalta occasionally, says a notod au thorlty, who lella ua lhat too mocb rich food forma acids which almost paralyse Ihe kidneys In Ibelr effort* In c\|" l It fttmi llie hi.Hid They he mine sluggish and weaken; then you may suffer with a dull misery In Ihe kidney region, sharp pains In tbs hack or sick headache, dlaxlb e*» your alomarh enure, tongue la coated, an-t when the weather la bad you liave rheumatic tw in g e » The urlno get* cloudy, full o f sediment, the rhannela often get sore and Irritated, obliging you to aeek relief two or threo I linos during Hi# night. T o help neutralise thee# Irritating arld a; to help cleans« the kidneys and Hush off th* body's urinous waste, get four ounce* o f Jail Balts from any pharmacy her*. T ak e a tablespoon ful In a glass o f water before break­ fast for a few d a y » and your kidneys may then act An*. Thla famous salt* Is m ad« from th « arid o f grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and haa been used for year* to help flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys; also to neutralise the arlda In the aystem ao they no longer Irritate, thus often relieving bladder weaknesn Jnd Malta la Inexpensive; cannot Injure and make» a delightful effervoa rent llthln water drink. Broken m cM a * to aay IU1 • «et quickly— u rtv«r *fvl duippear. Grippi li conqurrrd In ) d « n E m » «roter ii mv « «Uli*** t (hi bc*t help m.tenet knows. Be Sure I t i ^ y Price 30t CASCARA UININE Cei Bed N » with DISPEL THAT RASH ■ " E h y «uficr when skin troubles yield so easily te the healing touch SÊ Resinol soothe«— bring« quick re- £ lief to Irritated air passage«, _ L U D E N » sS K S a& 5 f FOR OVER ZOO YEARS haarlem oil has been a world­ wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder diaordera, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. O0 U>MKQ é / W H A A R L E M OIL B D o n *^0 a correct Internal trou M e » stimulate vital organ» Three elves. All druggiete. Ineiet on the original genuine O o in M u m l ** » î ?r,7“ f o r co ld s PASTOR KOENIGS NERVINE j ot Epilepsy * ■ Nervousness & Sleeplessness PRICE $1 SO A ! YOUR DRUG STORE iVt ¡te f o r lie s I S o o k h t KOENIG MEDICINE CO. 1 0 4 5 N W ELLS ST. CMlCAGO.ILl