Friday, Daotmlxr t4, 1MC. TH* B*av*rton R*vl*w FIRE DEPARTMENT ORGAN­ IZED IN HIGH SCHOOL CHUROH Churches OF CHRIST W a y Through Corn Acres 9:15 a.rn., Bible school. Mr. und Mr». If. II McCor- 11:00 am., Morning worship, mtrk and dauuliler, Harriet, are (From the Beaverton Hummer; CHUROH OF THE NAZARENE 7:00, Young People's Oou- I d r ’ •ng Little Notes from the Surrounding Country a> »liandiliv the Ohrlatma» Imll- •II. . Sabbath School at 9:45 A. M. To Oonduct Fir* Drill* goon day* in Payette, Idaho, T oi; «.y Our \ctive Special Correspondents Weekly Pr*achifig at 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 pin., Evangelistic Service I he nlhrrrs of llu« depurf 7:30 PM. Ml»» Kllaalielii Ann Johnson no'llt are; Pre-Prayer services at 7:00. SOPHOMORE! WIN win given Tliurailuy In III«* «if New York eily I» «pending Ablen Harron . ........... Utiief j Mid-week prayer meeting on of I,eater Dray ......... I.irnteiianl »rimili liuilltorluill, lift IT Whll'll the holiday« at III« home RASKETBALL PENNANT , Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. In a very fast game on Fri­ ai'lmnl rloasd until after New tier anuí, Mr». P. It Whitsside. I.eland \r « « 'Gapl ,-nf-tlie did*-« Mr*. I,. M Kru'k«uii enter- Yeur’a. day, December to, the «opho "The N«*w-!iorn King,” a Murk Jones Hapt.-of lfuu*e:neu I ti i ti rii Ilio lti>lii>ku|i rliilt ul lier CATHOLIO CHURCH SERVIOE more class of B. H. 8 . won tho l.iiwr* nee Day ............... <•—-I.u .. V»,|. ullaral roanUallm, 7:40 A. M Saturday. This tournament is an annual Boyd Sprague. H*-. m m I.lmlo v A aonu »ervlce ami prnurnui nltig'» entertainment. Mr»,» (look and family la»l Third Mass (High Maes), fO event, and all classes partici­ Kotlitt« Muir way through uluiost lien (lermlquelte, John Rankin. week. Mr. and Mr*. Hull have pate. The different lea':* Frank Huru, Hen /uerrher, My­ four million ucres of cm,ned coin Ir A. M Saturday. ju»l rrlur/ie,| from a »aven Ihe form of stinge I» tl„. J,g, American Kethlehe(n Cave and Crib Re­ were somewhat handicapped as ron Nlehol, Mnrtleit Halley, arid «•mile, nio.ily r o w h . iK'.oaiplUl, moni he' trip lo F.urope. production ip Church, Christ­ no letterinan or woman wa« al­ Floyd 'Yann. every year, n<. orti • to the Sears- mas night, an,| the follnwittg lowed to play, amd so the con­ Mr. and Mr». William Hmall Tlie Fire Chief has orderri latioa P test was hard fought between and con, Ilotdiy, left Friday for fire not h e « | ul up in a|| I In e»tl,.i I, I it,.., t|,ey**tnui% two week«. to the less experience*! boy* nnd Hmi,| UIver, where they will lie rooms In the building to dir iiltrv V|t »ling,, i ,i|e .,n the fa.iii li* Inspect ynur fumar«' and Confessions for Christmas on would have been a permanent has nol gone through any drl !1 I» reti »raue«! ■ h U h r: it. - a nose it h pul it in fir«t cl«»» condition but they will next week. Tho not n pro.luci Ile l «un lm h.indlei) Friday, from 2 to 5 and from (rophy on lh* walls of B. H. 8 CA P I T O L H I L L * Thla F a * !’ Inspection la a for the class of 1927, as any nr*f lire di ll) wni be Thursdiv. »iM'cessfully thron !i roiiuiier< lui cliah- 1 7 to 9 P. M Tile (la r si in Heiuht» limn pail nl tin- »rfvirr * r rriut team that holds litis pennant nels. At present there nr« more munlly rhurrli gave a aperiui CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH three consecutive years re- C l In llrlp tuli grt limili- than I wo hundred fifty student Christ ma» progrurn Sunday. mains In possession of that In B.II.A. After two op Hire C'Ulilurl lili« winter. Sunday, I»eccinber 26, 1926. Mr. an,| Mr». F. II. Crank«* drills, Ihe »ipiad hopes to be pennant Jong a« the sehr.' I Hogs Cot Barley Diet F:45, 8 unduv School. stands. and daughter arc «pending I lie •ihle In clear Ihe building li j !i 00 a.m.. Morning worship— ) The freshnrpwt and Juniors holiday« In Scuttle with rela­ a half of a minute. Sermon— “ All Bound Around were eliminafed in Ihe fir«t: tives, o. Mr. Mel/ler advises them h wil|, Cords of I-ove." 'part of the tournament. th e A New Year'» Kve dance ami purchase 3 new tire hose« am Music— “ There Were Shep- freshmen losing to Ibe sopho- (i «(rap Ihe reel« lo (he wal watch-party will le at the club herds Abiding'' (Birchs sung mores, and tlie juniors to tho I RAMI I1 IV I», Prop. house tonight. Confetti, hul- er pipes so th ey nan he uacd | by the choir. seniors. The fir Innii« and horns will d«> thru without any damage. )>:Sr* p.m.. Junior and Interme-i This is run on a ba-is if extinguisher* are to be emptied pari» l«i helping usher (lie New diate Christian Fndeavor. points for each rla-s. i.- .1 i and re-fllled In rese o f fire Year In. 7:45 p.m.— Evening worship, lone (cam could h d -:i 1 'lie building will he mad# a I.ast Friday evening the pu­ Sermon— “ I Shall Not W ant." be in the running, a- 'I d •afe from fire as possible. pil» of Hie l apllol Hill m H iooi Music—The orchestra w ill 1 senior girls, The member* of Hie squad gave a Cliri»tnias program for play “ A YuletnJe Fantasy." t The scores and tot:. or are receiving badge« so that the Ihnr pureula and friends. Tin Ladí«-*’ eluiru»— “ Jesu Bam- games are as .follow » : students can recognise (h*in. different rooms had their owe 1 bino" (Yon). Boys Girls Tol l! program» and tlhrlstmas tree- 8 olo—“ The Voice of t It e Fre-hmen 11 3 1 i (Ilnn-tbrViarl A »,ew ll«r»l *'>,i (Mt«f)—» ) In typing- Philip, which fin >e«lerday aflertmon, Chimes," Mrs. («uy Carr. Sophomores 24 33 57 ger do you hit the figure 2 Approximately SO.i*JQ,OOU bushels of Duet— Harris Hansen and Juniors 25 32 A t.iirlslina» i‘iiierlainm«»tii 7 ith? barley will h«' f«sl to farm animals In Mrs. H. M. Barnes. Seniors 28 5 was given last night in tin Philip—The engagement fin Ihe Cult«')! Mates this year If the George N. Taylor. Pastor. Finals Community tiuhlmu»«*. hingin*. ger. Boys Girls To:a! present cro|i outlook Is fulfilled, ( i f Seniors ChriKluiaa carol« uml «peukin, 4 31 27 I ali U h i rton. 3 v3 (hi* amount a trble over ofMsUatf, or METHODIST CHURCH 4 28 32 i.liri«lma« recltatipon, a gor­ Sophomores • r *().!'7.. according to the llgures Com­ Two bucks, on leave lo Pari* - piled by the Sears-Uocl.uck Agricul­ geous Christina« tree, ami tin were Improving Ihe fleelin Mr. MeUler— I misg the «, ! piv«.ic«* «»f Santa C|au« all cre­ hour hy a museum tour. In nn > tural Foundation, is consumed by Services as follows:- Next to them, horses eat the 10:00 a.m., Sunday school. cuspidor since it's gone. m y ated a festive atmosphere am. of ( lie Egyptian ro**ms t h e y bog«. most barley, or 17.7" o f all barley fed 11:00 a.m., Public worshiq. dear. made (he evening a very eu- loud ill awe before a mumm to farm animals. Tin n ll.tir t 1» fed Benverlon, Ore. Ncar S. P. Depot Mrs. Metzler— Y'ou mi-sed joy able one. over which hung n card in ­ to cuttle, mostly to dairy rows in Ihe ; 0:30 p.m., Epworth League. 7:30 p.m.. Evening Service. before — that's why it’ s gone. GIRLS INTER-CLASS form o f barley chop. Farm poultry scribed "It. C. 1006." at seven- BASKET HALL GAME. "Wotcher »'pose lhal mean* flocks get away with another 10.r>%. I Thursday evenings thirty, prayer meeting. Ie»v ing '.»7- 1“ he fed to »beep and “ How was that lecturer w li o uu iuesduy, December 7, tin Bill?" asked one, mystified. us)«I for miscellaneous feed puri«.*es. A cordial invitation is exten- was to speak on Self-Mutm Freanlliau gins met the soph The other was reluctant (•* Harley 1« the chief competitor o f oirn ,ded to you to attend all these merit " H ay, G iu in , F c e d , P o u it y S u p p lic a , L a n d P l a a t e r oinurea m u liuni louglit game ronfes« ignorance. a« livestock feed uml is esiieelally “ ■He didn’t come. His mana .VvcrLheo'ss, the Fresh men pu “ Oh, that," he replied airily. Ini|wirtnnt In the northern com t»clt *?rvices. W . Edwin Ingalls. Pastor, ger canceled the date." up u light i» worthy o, “ Thai's the number of the uu' i Hnd Pai'lfle coast states, ncrording to C lo v e r & C r a s i »ceda, M olasse« nieiiUoii. They did their blame- that killed biro." the Foundation’s exjierts. dent und who Lnows but that — — within u lew years when Uiey grow up, they will win the pen W* III ommeml nunt. Tlie game was one-sided Irom the first. The Sophs cop­ B k s t h «> i . i > DA iu v F kki » ped the game witli tt score oi J.1 to the Frosli'g 3. H kktiiui . ii F jkatch F ood On Thursday, December 0 , H rktiiold liu.r. M as » the Junior girl* met the Senion girls. Aguiu it was u one-sideu affair, the Juniors winning with a score of 35 to the seniors 5. Although the Junior girls won Gsrdsn Soed» and l'tania. Cu*!* meri*’ • ri riditi« and Rolling and lull up a score, the Senior buy* no the Junior boys Ihut the score averaged in fa­ W c Delivcr vor of the Seniors — Uihs entitl­ ing the Senior girls to pluy the ’ FIGURE IT OUT FOR YOURSELF. Put down Sophs who were winners in the the cost o f gas, oil, depreciation, tires and re­ first game. pairs for your ow n car; then offset it with the tin Friday, Decamber to, the stage fare. You’ll hnd you’re money in pocket Seniors met the Sophomores t< plus an enjoyable trip. decide which clans should win Use the motor stages for business or pleasure, the championship and the pen­ and economy o f tim e and money. Frequent Exports o f meat from the I'nit* d eent. ami Germany was fourth, taking nant. Tills indeed was a Inert schedules, reasonable rates . . and, they take you fought guiuc, usptcially on the Slates In the twelve months endli slightly less than .3 p«>r cent. Bel­ to your exact destination. AUTO TRUCK AND LIVELY SERVIOE, DAILY TRIPS June 30. 1020, amounted to 5,37.772,0! 2 part of the Seniors. The Styphs gium and tho Scandinavian countries TO POHTLAND p«.unds. valued at Í10P.S72.1S5, accord are other nations to which the United meant to win the pennant hut lug lo the Seara-ltoetiurk Agrleupur:.' FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING the Seniors wanted an eye for Foundation In a survey o f the 192 ; States delivers yearly substantial Local depot, Whitehall Cafe Phone 1452 hii eytr uml u toolli for a tooth. ment situation, unices: llcnvrrlon, Corner of Watson amt First SI firent llritnii* w; » quantities of meat. Germany, on the other band, was a lard customer, tak­ During the last half the game the biggest customer, taking 52 po I’m Hand Office, I’ orflutnl Auto Freight Terminal waved hot. The girls knocked cent o f nil the meat exiairts in tl • ing about 13 pounds o f lard for each I’ lione; Henverton fl.’03 Portland, Main 35to «*ach other out and buck again. last flsoal y«*ar mi l more lhap s! . pound ut our meats she purchased. I s e f uml veal exports make up only rvL" Margaret Litton got in front time* as much as Cuba and the W e la d le s the next largest huyera. Can als'Ut 4 i or tent o f the total amount of of somebody’s arm that was i il'jM OUR CORRESPONDENTS Plan For Winter > BEAVERTON SHEET-METAL W K S Hea+\b\i r Home the CHARLES BERTHOLD U. S. Exports 537. i 72.C32 Pounds of Meal:, Worth $109 872,185 Beaverton ¡Transfer Co. Lewis Broihers Props. Pacific Stages Inc. working like a battering ram and cuiiseiiuently received a se­ vere knock on the nose. Doro­ thy Hnnkin also got in the way of Hying lists and received a hit on the jaw that practically knocked her cold. During the first quarter, the Sophs ran up a large (core- unj again in fhe second quarter they made many points, but in Ibe last half the Seniors woke up and fought for all they were worth. They played so hnrd they held down the score so the Sophs hnrely made a few points. But the first half brought up the score o f the' Sophs so much that even though the boys were badly beaten the girls’ score averaged up with one point to the Sophomores’ good— so they won the pennant (his year. The Seniors wero at a disad­ vantage this year as their for­ mer class learns were made np qf lellermen. Tills year a new rulo caused the Seniors to look for new material as lellermen were not allowed lo play in the Jlnler-elnss games. Fletcher’s Castoria is a harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared to relieve Infants in srms and Children all ages of M OTHER! Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea W ind Colic T o Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels Aida in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, a ml Natural Sleep without Opiates ^ To avoid imitations, always look for thr »ignaturc of Proven directions on tick package. Physicians fvsrywhtffl i ____ _ da ranked third hm took only 5 p. r United States meat exports. The Ideal Chrislmas Gift E Z Terms Radio information Freely Given CHRISTMAS WISDOM P