TM Baavarian Review Friday, Daoambdr *, I t t i LO CAL NEW S C h u rch e s C.KiROH OF THE NAZARENE S a i l . ' I , S c h o o l a t 0 rA5 A, M i’teitcliittg at 11:00 A. M. and 7:20 I’ M. P re-l'ra jer services at *7:00. Mid-week prayer meeling on \\ ednesday at 7:30 P.M. Wc exlanj a hearty invitation to thoaa without a church home to worship with us. CATHOLIC OHURCH SERVICE Sunday Masses, 7:40 and 40 A M. Sunday Catechism, 0:20 A. M Week-Day Mass, 8:20 A. N Confession: Saturday, 3:30 to 4 :3 0 ; 7 to 8:30 P. M. BETHEL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Sunday. December 5, 1028. ‘.' ¡5 am .. Sunday School. *1:00 a.m., Morning worship— Sermon -"The Sworj of the Spirit.” A mixed quartette will sing, “City of Gold.” 0:4 f p.m.. Junior and Interme­ diate Christian Endeavor. ,7*45 p.m., Concert prelude by Bethel orchestra. Sermon— "The Seven-Fold Christ.” The quartette will sing, “ It Pays to Serve Jesus.” 5:30 p.m., Friday. I>ecember 3, Chicken supper and bazaar by the Ladies’ Aid. George N. Taylor, Pastor CHURCH OF CHRIST Second and Main Streets Sunday, December 5, I9p8. 0:45 a.m., Bible school. 11:00 a.m.. Morning worship. Sermon—“ The Parable of the Sower.” This message w-ill be theflrst of a series of morning sermons on the gen­ eral theme, "The Parables of The Kingdom.” We urge you to come. 7:00 Young People’s Cou- eil. 8:00 p.m.. Evangelistic Service Sermon, “Character: How to Form II? What Affects it Are you concerned to know about that church in this day of dcmoninationalism? Are you Mr. and Mrs. Paul Angelo ha moved lo Aloha. Mr. A. Alenius has recently completed a new greenhouse to help take cere of his rapidly increasing business. Mr. a n j Mrs. H. S. Drewery and son. Lawrence, have moved into Portland where Lawrence will attend Washington high. Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Huntley and daughters. Janet and Betty «pent Thankegiving in Portland at the home of Mrs. Huntley- sister. Mrs. Louise Patton. Mr. A Alenius, the propriety: of Beaverton Greenhouse has ju st completed installation o a new automatic electric pum ping system to supply the need of his business. He found Bui Hun water too expensive lo us for irrigation purposes. Mrs. Goo. Th.vng eutertaine at dinner Tuesday evening, tin dinner being prepared and ser ved by representative s 0 f the Su per Mai,| Cook Ware - Corpora lion as an opportunity to deni onstrate their line of alummun ware. Among the guests wer Mrs. Mary Stitt. Mr. and Mr- W. L. Cady. Mrs. C. K. Mason Mr and Mrs. L. R. IW>an, Mr and Mrs. Fred MeBreen. Mr. ant Mrs. J . W. Raynard. an,i Mr. am Mrs. F. J . Dietsch. At the draw ing following. Mrs. Mason wot the aluminum frying pan. NOTICE OF MEETING Beaver Chapter. N- 106. O. E. S., regv. meeting. We.l nesday evening. Dr cember 8. at 8:0«' p.m. Election of officers, pa? iwcnl of dues. Visitors welcon By order of W. M. Jessie I Pliaris. Secretary. Adv. c-0 earnestly seeking for the ’r.i’ concerning these great thin - B ear this message, delivered i kindness, yet with conviction J . Frank Cunningham. Ministe CwtttafcJIGIAL UAPAitl MANY The w inners were Kenneth Wood Silver le a f (’.amp, of the M Mrs. Walter Johnson will —— - ! it ad llenriella Oerrtiw. give an entertainment Falurday W. A. meet the Aral Saturday vt ium the Beaverton Hummer |'he seniors selected their evening at the Grange hull. She and third Tuesday of the month. a commerciai Ueparluiciu i» standard-bearers later in the will he assisted by local tal They are giving a dance at the •i in au> progressivi week, so now, watch t h e cut ami Beaverton people are next mealing. Saturday, Decem­ ber 4. John lluher, Councillor, school. lu i* depaiiuieui Dir tly when they meet the a- looking forward to u treat. .lake Kammer, Clerk. \dv. c-5Stf ..- i.,e preparatory business tore-uid Juniors. Mr. John MoKerolier, Chief .ool ioi the student be tore The question for debate is: Mr and Mrs. W R. Van Kleek radio operator of the Algonquin, • ■e u s , s a position in an oiUec. "Renolvaj thul the policy of In the Coast Guard service, and an,) duughter, Katherine, were i>, ,iiei ton Itigli s-enoot is not Federal subsidies to the slates Miss Audrey Tripple of Port­ Thanksgiving guests of Mrs. without tins impiumili uivisiou. Ull,|,.r Federal supervision should land were guests of Mr. ami Mrs Van Klerk’s parents, Mr. and v\c have praelieaily 110 elu- j b# ubandoued.” M. C. MeKerclier, Sunday even- Mrs, Charles Anderson of the ji'iits in our school taking a . • City of Rosea.” ing. commercial subject. Below is ^ CORRECTION the average attendance of each. ______ -lass. In these columns last week, i >pmg, 1, 20 we slated the Mr. Frank Pul­ typing, it, — 0 ver, Proprietor of the Beaver­ typing, ill............................... 20 ton Sheet Metal Works lied a -noil hand, i, ................. 20 contract to install the “ heating -hurthand, ill...................... o system'* at the new Tigtrd Un- lookheeping.............. ;• • "• • * 18 ion High school house We are very glad to add. g plant at that Shorthand 111 to our list this , choo, „ouw wi„ b< of ho, • ear and are very sorry we water type while Mr. Pulver in could not last year. To add s I r II s only the war m air systems ,i the interest a n j material ot However, Mr. Pulver has » ins class work, all nine slu- eon tract for the roofing and ients subscribe for a monthly the sheet metal work at the nagiuine entitled, “The Gregg Tigard Union High school. Artier.” \\ itlioul our commercial de­ partment, we would be unable ,■ put over “ The Hummer" and Vnnual as we have done so suc- ssfully. Our important typ­ ists. sueli as she who is lyvist ‘ >r the Annual and The Hum­ on real estate. Low inter­ mer originally came from tin» est cost, repayment priv- lepartment as do our able book­ •'Quality is our Policy.” eleges. Write for details. keepers and good note writers, who write in shorthand. WASHINGTON In former years, Beaverton High School has been well re- Savings & Loan Assn. >resente,j at the County Typ­ Shute Bldg. Hillboro.Ore. ist's Contest and one of our W E D ELIV ER SATURDAY 10:30 A.M. former girl graduates, being an excellent typist, won llrsl prlte. We hope to be able to send many such to the contest this rear, and with the wish (hat they will receive high honors. The two capable teachers of this department are Miss Clary, an,j Mr. Metxler and as some {j F arm ers: We pay cash for your eggs and produce* of the previous graduates have since become private secretaries, we hope that these feel confi­ dent that these teachers can send forth many more students DRUg STORI just as able to All the same positions. A U S P IC E S B E A V E R T O N G R A N G E MRS. WALTER L. JOHNSON READER and IMPERSONATOR BEAVERTON GRANGE HALL 8 :0 0 P. PI. Saturday, December 4 COSTUME NUMBERS— GOOD MUSIC See Mrs. Johnson as “Grandma Grout” in “ Human Tonic,” and “Sis Hopkins" will sure drive away the gloom. Here’s for an evening of clean fun. Whole program a scream. COME AND SEE! Mrs. Johnson ha« given one hundred and fifty entertain­ ments in Idaho and more than one hundred in Oregon. Adults, 35 conts; Students, .'8 cents; Children, 15:. \ L o w e st. \ Prices Prompt Service LOANS Delivery Service: West side 2 P. M. East side 3 P. M. SAVE DEBATE ENTERTAINM ENT M e a ts ! Beaverton Market and Grocery -with m PROSPECTS BRIGHT AT B. H. S Enthusiasm runs high and competition is keen among the twenty-seven ' eontestants who have come out and entered the lists for forensic honors. It may easily be seen how- great is the rivalry for posi­ tions on the teany which are to represent Beaverton High when one realizes Ihat only four can he chosen. Elimination conlesls are be­ ing conducted and the fresh­ man class have Lawrence Drew­ ery and Mabel Kautz to contest against the sophomore team.i consisting of James Underwood and Vernon Rosebraugli, for class honors in (he semi-finals The juniors selected their standard-bearers in a big de­ bate Tuesday. It was a terrific battle of wits in-as-much as they had seven participants and each as ambitious as possible. ill /• dhe BIGGEST 1 THING IN "mv 2 k CO The dollar saved is the biggest dollar earned KLENZO Dental Creme A Sensible Tooth Paste For AH Begin Saving Now! Dean’s Drug Store 7 ? e ' X&xaJtL Star* BANK of BEAVERTON (0 Beaverton, Ore. FREE rizes Fifteen 5 Wrist Watches 2 Silk Purses 3Compacts m and several other prizes Limn Yard Service 2 _ 8 • Rules of Contest: m One vote will be given with each cent’s purchase. Votes may be cast only for girls between 12 & 21. * Buy Your Gifts a t DEAN’S DRUG STORE and win a prize Buying Lumber from our yards saves you money W. J. McCready Lumber Co. Marion W atson, Sales Agent, Beaverton, Oregon Paid Advertisement, E. E. Fisher,