The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941, December 03, 1926, Image 7

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    Friday, December 3, 1926
tfiaZ CLCC ^ ^ -—*•
D ren
<l J a w n , " work -41 round« Interest
Ini. tlooe II not? II surely I* nil
thnl and mom. In h « . It la au toa
atnatlni. one* begin It, run will ba
'Planning a I'brtatmaa prraanl for moat
nvoryoo* you know, bojawalad by
tyowr »ary own handiwork. Tliara la
•Imply to and lo Iba pralty Ihlnia on#
'ana mnka fur Iba boma wllb Just aaal
lag w ai and a faw colorad glaaa jaw-
ole—«ad Iba mal la au trifling c o i»
1 parad wllb Iba look«
Bow to do III Wall, bam am Iba
dime liona which follow cloaaly If you
won! tba reward o f parlaci raaulta.
ran pick op aurb attractively
little wooden boxee or pletora
for • few panniaa or perhap*
lha box, aay a Cblnoaa dragon aa tba
mollf on lha b oi In the picture show «
or a floral patterning, tailing jewela
In tba ranter o f each flower aa baa
bean dune on the framoa In tbla lllua
«ration. Any c o lo n ran ba uaed. but
the brume waxea are tba prettleat.
A frock which gtorlflaa lha m at»
rial o f which It la made, la tba da
algnar'a Joy and prtdo tbla aaa
A almpie allhouatta accomplished
through an Intricate handling o f tb#
fabric aaparlally dlatlngulabaa tba pop
ular »al«at frock, alto tboaa o f aoll'l
colored goorgatta. To bo aura, when
trimming la ronaplruoua for Ite ah
aanca, (bar* n u t bo datalla to aupply
Ita plam, and genius la admirably an-
C ry
I f I cann ot Se grant things,
I can d o sm all th in g s In n g rea t
—Jam as F reem an C larke.
Every woman likes to ham at her
finger tips a faw "sure-fire" company
desserts—t o g i v e
confidence In times
o f stress.
three are simply
d e l i c i o u s and
they're so easily
M O T H E R Fletcher*« C rp -
made that you can
is a pleasant, harmless
treat tha family
any day In tba
Substitute for Castor Oil, Porto
week without wait­
gone. Teething Drops and Soothing Sjrrups, especially prepared
ing for Sunday
Lady-Finger Pudding.— Split twelve
(or Infants in arms and Children all ages.
lady Angers, spread with jam or jelly,
and put together again. Maks a soft
T o avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
custard o f one-half cupful of sweet­
Proven directions on each package.
ened condensed milk diluted with one
and one-half cupfuls o f hot water, three
egg yolk«, ooe-elgbth teaspoon ful of salt License for Travel
and one teaspoonful of vanilla. Place
in Canadian Forests
Leoni Leader Demonstrating Use of Ornee Form In s Flatte County. M l»
a layer o f the lady Angers In bottom of
Licensing travelers through forests,
sauri, Community,
buttered dish and cover a meringue
as • means o f protecting Canada’s
i r n r w v l h r t h e t l e t i e a ■ < • < «. t M e w t m u
If there la a member of the family custard; repeaL Make a meringue of timber wealth from tbe ravagea of
e f A e r U o lla r , I
A remarkable Impetus was given to away from home, the dreaa form tablespooofuls o f granulated sugar. fire, la advocated by tba Canadian
Ml Ui M ClâUâNTflO
■60MÜ i ^ com trims jui nci c*«’
borne newlng through the teaching. In made from her exact figure Is espe­ Cover top of pudding. Bake In a slow Forestry association. Rotson Black,
editor o f Forest and Outdoors, believes
connection with extenaloo work for
until meringue ta slightly
that a forest la potentially almost as
rural women, of the method of mak­ with such a plain foundation or guide broomed.
...... , ó ¿ ______
dangerous as a powder magasine and
ing a gummed paper dreaa form. Aa pattern. For example, the daoghter
Southern Pecan Pie.— Dilute three-
advocates tba issuance o f travel per­
the popularity o f this sewing arree-
fourths cupful sweetened condensed
------------- P
eory has spread over the entire coun­ with her mother ran send home • milk with one and on»fourth cupfuls mits. without which no one would be
try. It would be difficult to aay where »ketch or picture or commercial pat­ hot water and bring to scalding p e a t permitted to travel through any forest
1 4 C I A B A ST
S*N » » » N O S C O
region during those seasons when
It originated, or to estimate with any tern she likes, and receive a properly in • double boiler. Cream two la b l»
accuracy the number that have been fitting dress as aeon as the mother spoonfuls butter, add four tablaspoon- there Is danger o f forest Area. The
finds time to make It.
advantage o f tbla system, says Mr.
ade altogether. Reports received
fUls flour gradually, then two egg yolks Black, would be twofold. The formal­
Fitting Over Garments.
by the United lltatee Department o f
slightly beaten and ooe-fourth tea- ity o f securing a permit would bring
Another way tn which the drees
Agriculture from several of the West-
spoonful salt. Pour scalding milk over forcibly to mind the real dangers ot
era at »tea aay that home demonstra­ form Is a blessing to the home sewer
■ •»»•* mom.
mixture gradually, stirring constantly; forest fires, and since a permit can be
tion agents am no longer called upon la In fitting over garments bought
return to double boiler and cook fif­ revoked, tbe possibility o f forfeit
to explain how paper dreaa forma are
teen minutes. Remove from fire, and would make tbe traveler careful. The
made because practically every worn- brassieres are often too long or toe
near the armpits, and It Is exceeding­ add tbre»fourths cupful pecan meats preservation o f Canadian forests. Mr.
an who wants ana has one.
ly dlfflral* to get tliem Just right on cut Into small pieces, and one teaspoon- Black says, would assure to Canada
Uses Am Innumerable.
ful vanilla. Pour Into a baked pastry an annual Income o f $900,000,000 for
The uses to which the drees form oneself. Again a ready-made dress
shell and rover top with meringue all time to come.
ran be pot am Innumerable. First may need minor adjustments on the
made o f two egg whites stiffly beaten
and most Important la Its use In fit­ shoulders or hip line, to set well, and
and four tablespoonfuls sugar. Brown
mem There* quick, t
ting oneself; that la exceedingly nec­ hem the drees form helpa Nothing Is
lightly la a moderate oven.
essary when the farm home la located
Pineapple Tapioca With Custard
at a considerable distance from the washable collar and flod that the ends
•auee,— Dilute threw fourths cupful
nearest neighbor, and time Is too do not. come where they should. If
sweetened coodenaed milk srlth two
At AH Piaggiata —
precious to spend running hark and they am first pinned In place on the
co HemykerK
and one-fourth cupfuls hot water, stir­
forth for help In fittings. The women form such wasted labor, and much
«T O P ! B R E A K T P T U A T (O L D
tn the Missouri group Illustrated am Irritation, am avoided. The woman
w tth B » k o C otd TatiU ta W h y to lt e m i l a -
• toni rwltof. R afv t o tak*. P o » t p « l4 f o » Ito .
adapting a commercial pattern to an with a talent for designing her own a double boiler. Add three tablespoon-
B U C O SA LB S CO.. OM T6. ll£
Take Re Its at First Sign ef
Individual form, preparatory to mak­ clothes ran work out her Ideas di­ fuls quick-cooking tapioca, one cupful
Bladder Irritation or
Gift hRCfrotUa! Bovo y m tmeer-
ing a permanent foundation pattern.
Ito pboto modo or lato MRiMtu. B a i |1.H
fourth teaspoonful salt. Cook o n »
dop wtth Photo, boi Il i#. C. O- D. Chicle*
half hour. Remove from fire and fold
Statuetta Co.. *34 S. Dvtrbora m„ Chl«w«.
tn two stiffly beaten egg whites. Chill.
HI NUKED IS Ibi copro« paid *3 M KINO.
Make sauce as follow s: Dilute o n »
PREPARING FOOD half cupful sweetened condensed milk guard constantly against kidney WOOD ORCHARDS, Ita iom. O ta
trouble because we often cat too much Por ItaJr— Pe4i*rvw* i
with one cupful hot water. Bring to
D o c e n d a n t a o í G r a n d C h a m p í . / ns. t m
rich food. Our blood la filled with m
« o *3 0 . W . C . b r u i . ft. 1. P o n
scalding point In a double boiler. Pour
With Corned Beet at Main
•lowly over two beaten egg yolks to
which one-eighth teaspoonful salt has
Counter It Quite Hondy.
Feature It le Popular.
work, become sluggish, the elimina­
been added. Return to double boiler
tive tissues d o g and the result ta kid­
(P v s e e v s S kv I b e L’ sIlvS a is ta s D w u I m b I
E a r n m o n e y S p a r « tim e w o r k . C o l .
iPvvssrsS hr tks UaltsS e tsivs D vpsrtw eet
ney trouble bladder weakness an-1
•> A f T i e e l t s r e I
o r l n c p ic t u r e s . E a s y t n d p l e M U L
•f Afrteultwrtk >
o m p le t e e q u ip m e n t I n c lu d in g p i c -
a general decline In health.
Very simple and easily arranged la
tu res, fr a m e s a n d c o l o r * s e n t F R E 1 ’ .
On a good many days them la need this oilcloth-covered work counter flavor srlth one tea spoonful o f vanilla.
When your kidneys feel Uke lumps
r i t * At o n c e . H a r t m a n C o m p un y.
for a dinner easily prepared which will next to the sink, where food may be —Mildred Haddocks Bentley. Former­
F o r t W a y n e , In d . D ep t. 342.
o f lea d : your back hurts or the urine
almost cook Itself while the housewife prepared srtth the least possible effort. ly Director o f Qood Housekeeping.
la cloudy, full o f sediment, or you are
la busy with cleaning, turning out d o » The good light from two windows la
obliged to aeek relief two or three
eta or possibly with garden work. For a great advantage as well as the high
■ P A R K E R ’S ■
times during the night; If you suffer
such days the old-fashioned "boiled stool the home maker occupies while
with sick headache, or dizxy, nervous
On the day that fresh gingerbread
dinner" answers every purpose, with at work, in the flo o d below the coun-
spells, a d d stomach, or If you have
la baked, serve It with cottage cheese
Ita corned beef aa the main feature,
rheumatism when tba weather la bad.
and apple aauce as a & »
and the mixture o f vegetables usually
begin drinking lots o f good soft water
associated with It There Is an Impor­
and get from your pharmadst about loanee,
e i e . « o p e e l l p e l * , ei
flH H S B j
C a s s e r o le d
C h u c k
tant difference, however. In the mod­
fo e * , m akes w e lk in « f a s t . Me I
•teak.—Cut a slice or
ern method o f cooking this dinner as
tablespoonful In a glass o f water be
two o f chock at least
compared with the way In which It
fore breakfast for a few days and
two Inches thick and
would still be prepared In many coun­
Great Fan
your kidneys may then act fine.
try districts Tbla difference la In the
Madame De Lange, whose luxurious
This famous salts Is made from the
serole. Brown well In
attention given to short cooking the
ad d o f grapes and lemon juice, com­ hair vies In tome with that o f the
little suet, place In the
vegetables, all o f which, o f course, re­
seven Sutherland slaters, naturally
case« role with enough bined with llthla, and has been used deplores tbe l>ob. "In too many
quire far lees time than the corned
for years to help flush and stimulate
hot water, meat or vegetable stock to
beef. In the old-fashioned "boiled din­
dogged kidneys, to neutralise the though not always, a woman
rover. Cover cioeely and simmer un­
ner** the vegetables werv often "boiled
adds In the system so they no longer much of her feminine charm. Even
til tender In a hot oven. An hour b »
to death." at least the vltamlnea tn
children notice It. as I had occasion
them wem, and as the dinner defeated
tore serving add six small whole are a source o f Irritation, thua often to observe when the twins, Tessla and
relieving bladder disorders.
onions, a few sliced carrots and po-
the very purpose It was Intended to
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, cannot In­ Teddle. were condoling with ooe an­
potatoes; continue cooking until the
ve— that o f being a means o f com­
makes a delightful efferveacent other.
vegetables are tender. Thicken the
bining various vegetables In one dish.
"O f course you can never be a boy."
llthla-water drink snd belongs In every
gravy and serve from the casserole.
The right way o f cooking a boiled
home, because nobody can make a conceded Teddle. "but you can cut
dinner suggested by the bureau o f
Frame, Raisin and Cheese Salad.—
mistake by having n good kidney your hair the way tbe other girls do
home economics o f the United States
Clean and steam two cupfuls of
and maybe I can forget you're a girl
flushing any time.
Department o f Agriculture, therefore.
prunes. Remove the pits and fill with
and give you a nose bleed and black
Is to cook the meet alone until It la
a mixture o f chopped raisins, using
eyes Just Ilka tbe rest of us boya."—
Importance of Color
thoroughly dona If you ham a fir»-
ooe cupfu l; one-half cupful of grated
Man haa apparently become careless Loa Angeles Times.
lees cooker you will find It very useful
cheese and one-half cupful o f chopped
about one o f the moat Important
tor thla Aa the vegetables am to ba
nut meats. Arrange on lettuce with
Cuticura Soothes Baby Rashes
Itema In hla environment—color. As
rooked only tor the shortest possible
•talks o f shredded celery and
That itch and burn, by hot
time. It will be easier to finish tha
with boiled dressing.
and repressive Influence of drab, un­ of Cuticura Soap followed by
cooking oa tha top o f tba stove.
Pineapple Delight.—Rub a aaiad intereating color surroundings tha vis­ anointings o f Cuticura Olnb
You will require about 2Vt pounds of
bowl with a cut d ov e o f garlic, then
tas about will be Immediately Iran» Nothing better, purer, sweater,
corned beef, which should be mostly
add one cupful of finely shredded formed.
Man haa always conquered dally if a little o f the fragrant CMk
lean. Of course. If you prefer to use
cabbage, one-half cupful of finely cut or changed conditions unfavorable to cum Talcum la dusted on nt tha f t »
ham, tongue, salt pork or any other Good Light From Windows la Rig celery and one-half cupful o f diced hla best development There Is no tab. 26c each —Advertisement
cured meat you may do aa or use fresh
pineapple. Arrange on lettuce, serve
reason to believe that he will not rise
meat If your family likes It better. In
with French dressing and garnish with to the present situation and reinstate
Knew the Symptoms
that case select any o f the somewhat ter are seen supplies tn glass Jars, slices of red pepper.
Into bis dally life tha color which la
"Isn’t It odd how some children
cheaper cuts o f lean meat suitable for well protected from insects and mica.
so Important to hla well-being.— Ex­ learn so much faster than others?"
Stuffed Cabbage.—Remove the outer
•tewing or pot roasting. Them should The shelves o f the lower closet am
"What did your baby say now?"
leaves o f cabbage and wash them change.
also covered with oilcloth.
be, as a rule, at least one and prefer
thoroughly. Heat two tableapooofuls of
Hooks on the door o f the closet af­
ably two other vegetables besides po­
While you Uva, tell tha truth and
Heroes have to wade through a ta*
oil and brown ooe chopped onion and
tatoes. This recipe suggests small ford a place where such Implements
•ham« the devil.—Shakespeare.
o f trouble to get a reputation.
a clove of garlic, also chopped. Add
quantities o f six vegetables which com­ as egg beaters snd measuring spoons
on »h a lf cupful of washed rice, stir­
bine well In flavor, but If you do not can be hung Immediately after they
ring carefully until the rice la brown.
ham all o f them on hand, use what •re washed, and used without leaving
Add one cupful of chopped mutton and
you ran get or add others.
String one's seat oa the high stool. There Is
enough stock to cover the rice. Sim­
beans, beets or tomatoes might be add­ even • place In this attracllva kitchen
mer slowly until tha rice Is tender,
ed or substituted tor aay o f the follow­ for a few flowers on the window sill season with salt and pepper, nil the
to bo enjoyed In the midst o f one's
in g !
cabbage leaves with the rice mixture;
Hero la our Hat o f Ingredients: >H household duties. The picture was If toe crisp wilt them In hot witar.
pounds o f loan corned beef. 2 white or taken by the United State« Depart­ Roll up and tie. simmer tor thirty
yellow turnips. 4 or S carrots, 3 modi- ment of Agriculture la Utah.
minutes, turning occasionally. Serve
urn-siied onions, 1 small bunch o f cel­
with the gravy poured over the roUa
ery, 2 potatoes. H head o f cabbage,
Dark Vinegar
after removing the strings.
green If p ossible; 2 or I quarts o f wa­
Tha pronounced darkening which
Hash.— A well prepared and cooked
ter to cover, and salt If needed. Out sometlmea occurs lo vinegar la In
dish ef hash la a food that should be
the onions In halves and the other nearly every Instance due to tba p ro»
treated with respect, for It la a
vegetable« Into quarters or pieces of enca of an Iron salt which, combining
tempting, savory and wholesome
desirable else. Cut the cabbage Into with tannin, a common constltuant of
A hash prepared from the meat and
slices suitable tor sowing.
vinegar, causes darkening. Iron salts,
If the meat he from a particularly while not a normal constllaant o f vin­ vegetables left over from a boiled din­
ner la hash par «relian ce.
strong cure or la particularly high In egar, may gain entrance In the proc­
salt. It may be beat to parboil It by ess o f manufacture. Tha prevention
bringing It slowly to q simmer, and of the darkening of vinegar Ilea chief­
then simmering It tor 10 minute»
ly In the avoiding contact with Iron.
A M im c le
Ha ir "towerj
For S O R E E V E S
Bajawalad Handiwork.
¡gem bora bean treasuring a running
ewerlng the challenge. Unique node
" — a# frame wondering "what to do llnee la one way the stylist baa of
It." Ham’s your chance to trans­ adding a note of Interest, then there
it Into a "thing o f beauty and a am unusual sleevee. multitudinous
joy forever." In this Jewel work yon tier» on skirt«, graceful bloualnga ta
cover your article roughly with malted the walatllne, not to mention profuse
sealing wax. This la dona by malting shirring which la nee o f the dressmak­
ana and uf tba stick o f wax over a er's chief aaaeta tbla aenaon.
flame until It la vary soft. Then dah
Hpeaking o f Intereating neckline«,
It on your box or other article until the late Idea la for huge ca p »llk s col­
tba whole thing la covered roughly. lars. O f rourae these require auppla
Right bam let them bo a word of fabric for their styling. The collar or
Novar under any cirrata- capetet treatment lends Itself grace­
•tañera attempt this work on a callo- ful! y to a georgette frock such as the
W d foundation. The box mu at be picture ahowa In tbla dainty after
wood or tin, never celluloid, for It la noon dress the designer depends a »
-Inflammable and even If mil In direct tlrely on fabric for affect.
contact with the flame. It calchas on
Tba Idea of many ruffles or tiers ea
flea when too near heat. Moat every­ the skirt obtains In endleaa versions
one la familiar with the handling of throughout the mode. The latest la
Stylish A fter nows Freak.
seeling wax and It therefore may not
ba narasasry to mmlnd that a simple
Utile wax taper In a candlestick with
• good base to catch tba malted wax
dripping«, or a wee alcohol wick aa
used in pyrograph/ work la sufficient,
no large bias« being required. Re­
member always, "Kafaty first."
After the box or other article, a
tray, a frame or a jewel case perhaps,
o f wood or Un, but nover celluloid, la
covered with sealing wax. one begins
on the real design. Dab mom wax
where you want your Jew ala Insert
them one at a time, by pressing each
In Ita llttla pile o f soft wax. Taka
your spatula (thin, pliable knife), heat
It over the flame and carve tba wax
around the Jewel to form a setting.
Ona can traca or stamp a design on
tba ruffled velvet frock.
At Bret
thought this aounda Impossible unlaaa
ona la acquainted with tba naw vel­
vet«. which are aa auppla and easily
manipulated as tba sheerest cblffoo.
Fabric this season makaa an alu-
quent plea through color. Again vat-
vats triumph In tbla respect. Qoeeo
Marla blue and Rumanian purple pay
compliment to the royal visitor we
have with o a
Relga velvet la also
vary highly regarded and aa for black,
tha woman who owns not a black
valvat gown this season will be tha
exception, not tha rule.
For evening chiffon la a desired fab­
ric. There are any number of black
chiffon frocks.
Drugs Excite
the Kidneys,
Drink Water
( lb ISIS. W setsra M sw seaese u n ite >
W aistlines Rising
The waistline Is coming up, there
la no doubt about It, and the molded
bloune and toll aklrt for evening ara
one o f the agenta that la raising It
Skirts Creased Like Trousers
The talll-nra are becoming mora
masculine av#e than tha Eton bob. Tha
newest of tha aulta o f thla character
have striped gray aklrt# with an In­
fartad plait In front and a tuxedo
Jacket In black w o n ovar a piqua vast
the nfxb time you serve roast lamb by
putting aome gripe or currant jally
and a plaited silk blouse. The flklrta
are creased at either sida o f thb plait '
Uao hot water and a whlak broom In the gravy.
e o o
Ilka a man’s trousers.
tor sprinkling clothes.
e o e
A at earn pressure cooker should ba
For a sore or Inflamed throat, try used for canning meat because the
Rnturn to 3 u«da
After so much reptile skin an* mot­ gargling with a strong solution of salt high tesipersture obtainable with It
Insures lha best-quality product,
tled leather for pumps, there la A ten­ and water.
e » o
e » »
dency to return to suede in both fla ck
Vegetables sliced lengthwise In­
and tha brown shades.
I’arfect bunches of grapes, cut with
stead of crosswise keep their flavor scissor«, should bava tha atoms dipped
better when cooked.
In hot sealing wax, than bo packed In
Valvat Linings
0 0 0
sawdust. In thla way they keep until
Soma o f tha fall modela la costa
Olva tha family a ptaaasnt surprise the holidays.
have linings o f vaivsta.
lit * - w —U n
N tw tp tH T U l if l O
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians foe
Early American Congrete
The Anti-Stamp-Act congress, the
first congress o f the American c o l»
nlea. met on October T. I7flfl. Nine
colonies were represented. Four c o l»
nles not represented were: New York.
Virginia. North Carolina and New
Knocker1 e Long Service
A brass knocker an the front door
o f Francis Hopklnaon’a house has
been la use since the building was
erected la 1T80 aj Bordentown. N. J.
9 % ^ W
J /h
w h
,* 0 ^
Accept only "Bayer** package
contains proven directions.)
Handy "Seyar" toma of » taMatg
Afta bottles ef M and M0—Druggists.