Friday, December S, 1926 THE BEAVERTON REVIEW Eapjmr Crest} Prams Taalao iwst and Consttpaiiun /tellread. Hmlth /Uttand. Gains St P im m 'Tanlac did ma touch good that have bean hoostii It whenever I could,'’ cars B. Creasy. 050 kflia S t , San T n o - o a eo,a n alartriral "Stomach trouble waa the aeat of my trouble. Whatever I ate did not digest. Itwouldhainthapit of my stomach and ferment, < _ that Moated any stomach and pained ms. Often this trouble waa ao bad I could hardly breathe. I wasalwsysconstipated and loot weight foot. Of course I waa nare- oua and at night I never slept soundly. "Than a lady advised ma to taka Tsnisc. I did, with wonderful result. It relieved all etomach trouble, gave ma ao appetite, cleansed ray system of con­ stipation and built up my strength. I have gained 26 pounds since *-trj- g Tan lac. And never felt better.” Take Tan lac for better health, for strength. First bottle shows arousing results. At your druggist's. Over 40 million bottles sold. F O R O V E R 200 YEA R S haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago arid uric acid conditions. G & HAARLEM D M & OIL M ' A s s EBEBEflEDEB A ......... ■_ x--- " ' 1 ■' 1 n t o M _ «U L J l_ * I L -- _ IWIBLUto---U ----- ... Ito 1 -11— 1 J-JI Hi-1 IS*SJM. SLA- I LIJI "l— «A IL- -is*l . MU — !■. -|---- Ul—mJllllllliUl. iS.. I..HII SL..UI ..A.XI small-----U.S 1 toll I l-IU-U—»---- jm ------------ 1 1 — ~ ~~ ' .. ■- ' .........- 1 —.............. ■ ............ . .11 ■' ■ ■ .1.1 ■■ ............ correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organa. Three aisea. All druggists. Insist an the original genuine G old liatoat. Green’s August Flower la a mild laxative, and has bran la aaa for sixty years for tbs relief o f ooa- stlpation. Indigestion sad similar stoan- ach disorders. A trial will c o n v i n e s you ot Its merit. JOe and Me bottles. At all drug gists. If you cannot g st It. writs to O. Q. Green. In c. Woodbury, N. 1. a W e Are Moving Ahead first Party — Things certainly moved swiftly for old Johnson; the doctor was there only once, and that waa the end of It I Second Party—Tee, It’s remarkable what progress medical science has made lately! F o r o v e r n ig h t r e li e f t s In A im e d e v e s » 4 s tie s s e e R om an E r e B alaam O s s a triad , a lw a y s p r eferred . ST2 P e e r ! Si.. N. Y . A d * . Distinguished "What has Senator Hokum ever done to distinguish himself?" "Well, he stayed home from Europe this rear." Golds B y m illio n s e n d e d H3Tt atop d i U xxw of colds every winter— and m 14 hours. They end headache and fever, open the bowels, tone the whole ays- •am. Use nothing less reliable. Colds and Grippe call fee prompt, eftaeot help. Ba sure you get A. Be Sure Its « A ll f i r . Price 3 0 t (NINE Cet Red Bag lew «.» O f S A n : P ~ m THE CLANCY KIDS Willie’s Bath C lw€uiAHl/NN Of thay candy 66 fo * e I K n o ck 6 ya for X oal BbddU Knew Dr. Jetise Stddall Reeves o f the University o f Michigan was talking at Wllllanistown about disarmament "Europe’s ideas about disarming." he said, "resemble little WUlle’a Ideas about bathing. " ’ What are you trouncing Willie for?’ the head o f the house grumbled. ’He’s making such a noise 1 can’t read my evening paper.’ “ ’He mortified me to death today— that’s why I’m trouncing him,’ salt! Willie’s mother. ‘He promised me faithfully that he’d give himself a thorough cleanin' so’a I could taka him to be vaccinated, and when we got to the hoapltal It turned out he’d washed the wrong arm.’ ’’ $ 4,000 PRIZES By PERCY L. CROSBY % >F IN SrOWt ‘ CAVELAN D STYLES WANTED TO MARRY FINANCIAL REPORT THE BAROMETER 1,055 PRIZES IN ALL K utar th a g rea t L iq u id V *n eer C on - tuflt. AH you h a r e t o d o la w rlta ua in laaa th a n 11« w ord * w h a t y o u con « r id er th o o u ts ta n d in g c h a r a c t e r is t ic o f L iq u id V en eer, or t e ll ua a t an u nu su al use f o r L iq u id Vanaar. Y o u m a y w in th a Brut p rlae a f •••# o r on a o f tha l , t l 4 oth a r prises. T h ra a m ln en t business m en w ill a ct as pea C on test c lo s e s D e ce m b e r Slot. 192C. B u t d o n 't d e la y . O st necessary E n try B la n k a a d fu ll p a r ticu la r s fr o m y ou r d e a le r. I f ha c a n ’t s u p p ly y o u w rit# u a D o n 't m is s t h is h i« o p p o r ­ tu n ity. L iq u id V e n e s r la s o ld by h a rd w a re, fu rn itu re , dru g. p ain t. P B U F F A L O S P E C IA L T Y C O M P A N Y I t L iq u id V sw ear B id # . fltonshammsr— Dsn*» you thlnK Ihooo »canty cloths* tha woman waar a.a outrageous? Bonachlaal—Why, na. I’m for 'am. My dama makaa a party draaa out at a coupla squirrel palta and laavaa my boar ahlna and tlgar china »Ion». HAD ORDERED HASH waiter ever Intend* to roine with my order?" Second Ditto— "(everything cornea to him who wnlta." Klnt Ditto —"fine»* you're right—I ordered hath." No Placo to Go l lrat t'ufa Diner— "Wonder If that "W hy don’t you get married T "fteranse we can’t get any house or flat." . “ Unt can't you live with your par­ rot* 10 I it tv?" "No, hecatlae they’ re MITT living with their parents In-law," 8h#—t’vs told you I ran never marry yon on aereral occasions. He— I only want yon to marry ma on one orraalon. Germs’ Philosophy "At least, we are Independent of wealth,” said one germ. "You are wrong." answered tha oth­ er. “ Our greatest friend la the man who wets hla thumb on Ida tongue when he la counting money.”— Wash­ ington Star. "I hoard her aay. If you bought her a diamond necklaca far Chrletmaa ana’d marry you right away." , ‘■Pahaw I If I bought her a diamond necklace, I couldn’t marry anyona for alx years." IN THE DARK ROOM J * |U| A Specter to the Good Aaalatant—The seance la going to be pretty good. Medium—Tea, Jnst a shade more and It’ll be a success.—Collier's. Joe— So she gave you a negativa when you asked her to marry you?” Jim— “ Yea; but we were In a dark room and I did a little developing, printed a klaa on her llpa and Anally produced a perfect picture o f happl- nes a." "How do you know thla la a good ahow?" "Simply because all the preacbera la town auid It waa awful." Many go out for wool, and coma home shorn themselves.—Cervantea. Collected a Fee The Safe Course Burglar—Talk about hard luck. I broke Into a lawyer's houae last night an' he got the drop on me an' advteaJ me to get out. Pal—Huh! Ter got off easy. Burglar—Easy nothing! He charged me flu for advice. The Sire— You and your dog have npset everything In the houae and I'm going to whip you tor It The Son—That's right. Take It out on me 'canae you know If you licked the dog he’d hits you. “Have you Shakeepeare’s works here?" "No, madam," replied the junior clerk, “but we have hla plays." The Distinction 3 0 R t a p e r prices, quicker payments, a, tier* deal * and liberal aaaonmetit, ihip your ra i furs to leo. I. F or, Inc., In New York where \ j % o f alt a n are marketed. W e char#* n o cooamiesiofk. W e a y o r re fu n d all «hipping charge*. W e keep you oirectly pneted o n the latest Air price*. Send yout * me an d addreea at once for the FO X-N ew York hasraneeed Fur Price LUC and FREE Shipping Taqa a d get New York Marks« Quotation*. GEORGE L FOX, Inc. L3J West 30th St. V. a N ow York City U., I» n Francisco. No. 47-1t2*.