THE BEAVERTON REVIEW Friday, December 3, 1923 Pioneer Limited Wrecked but No One Killed IN DAYS OF OUR FOREFATHERS » Womtn Prepared Tb«ir Own Medicine* Wreck of the Pioneer limited, clack train or the t'hkagn, Milwaukee A HI. Paul railway, at Columbus, Win Only two people «rer« hurt in the acctdruL The wrack was caused by a freight car door that had dropped off on tho right of way. Gobs of the Memphis See Some Castles in Spain The wise pioneer women gather, la woods and Aelita, dies the used. F r rafters o f houses, hung bunchsa of r o o t s sad From t h o * » times o f alokoeea, the busy mother browod almple an* powerful remedies From roots sod barbs, L y d i a t Ptnkham.a M M nt thase alurdy pioneers, mads bar Ysgetable Compound. The beneficial offsets of this dspeadabls medicine are vouched for by hundreds at woman Mrs. Wtn Kraft of MSI Vine wood Avo. Detroit, Mich saw a Ptnkhaa a * VwrUaanant is tho *’Newe" oos day sad mads up bar mind that sha would glvw the Compound a trial At that dm* she was vary weak. “ After the first bad Urn" »ha w rits» "I began to fool batter and llku a new woman after taking eta bottles I recommend It to others sad always hoop a bottle la tba houea” Mr» Oust arena o f 401 Lincoln Park Boulevard. Rockford. Illinois, found herself In a oondltlon similar to that o f M r» Kraft. "I waa weak and run down,” she w rits» "but the Vegetable Compound has helped mo sad 1 teal bettor now. t recommend It U ail woman who need mors strength." Tho Library Statistician According to a statement Issued by the committee on library eitension of the American Library sseodsttea. there are In the United Htatee and Panada U.filfl public librarian coo late lag t total o f 07.P1D(W| volume» or about all-tenths of one book tor earn man. woman and child o f the pope Is lion Tha total annual circulation o f hooka from Iheos libraries la XU.4BX. TNi, or a trills more then two vol­ umes per capita; B1.254.133 people te tha two roan(rlew 45 per root of tho total population, are without arrows lo local public librarian -ta ts Book Review. A D E M A N D “ B A Y E R " A S P IR IN ! Aspirin Marked With "Bayer C Mae Boon I*roved gets by M illie«» photograph made on board the U. K. S. Memphis as alia arrived at ban lander, Spain, on a courtesy coll which gave the members of the crew a chance to see a little o f the country. Chicago River to Be Straightened B E A T C A L ’ S F R IE N D " P i m i f l a m .f ” "Any mall for M lolla;. sonny T" "Tao. dad. a lottar with a b a ; wtn dow" « the amiable or lovely, the ktndly. In to your dictionary again. To “ ap­ HE festival o f harvest time his philosophy It was vitally Impor­ preciate" means to “ set a value.” The Is upon u s We are antici­ tant that our minds should be oc­ man who has adopted God'« standards pating the good fellowship cupied with such thoughts as these. of values, who aces the true and the and the prospect o f the He understood, as we are understand­ good and the lovely and lovable as the happy reunions which are ing better today, that what la in a worthwhile snd abiding things, is the accompaniments of this an­ man's thinking will determine the real sppreclator, and for him there nual celebration. Perhaps, character of his life. He understood, «rill always be occasion for the grate­ then. It will not be amiss also, that In order to keep one's think­ ful thinking which Is thanks. If we dwell a little upon ing on a high and wholesome plane If you And little o f It In your mind the deeper significance o f thanks­ there must be effort and discipline. today there Is something wrong with giving. Ton are It was not easy In Paul's day to do your standard o f values It la always an Interesting adven­ this. The world In which he lived erring In the practice o f "apprecia­ ture and often profitable to trace a was superficially provocative o f much tion.” Ton have set your heart upon word back to Its derivation, and a bitter, evil and unclean thought In things that are unworthy, temporary. very cursory research with the aid a city like Philippi there would be Illusory, and they are disappointing o f a dictionary will reveal to us many things happening to the Chris­ you. Take Paul's recipe. Begin to think the suggestive fact that the words tian and many things under bla obser­ about all that la excellent and praise­ “thanks" and “think” have a common vation to evoke thinking on the baser worthy. Take your mind out o f the origin. The former. Indeed. Is an ob­ level. Even In this Joyous letter he material shadows and Into the sun­ solete form o f the latter, and required felt It necesaary to warn his friends light of God's thought and love. Make only In course o f ttm* and usage Its with tears against those whose "appe­ your wants known to Him. The spirit ■peclal significance o f pleased or tites are their god; who glory In their of thanksgiving will enter your soul, grateful thinking. shame, and who are absorbed In and the "peace of God. so far above With this in mind we may turn to earthly matters." any human thought," will come tn a passage in the letter which Paul It la not easy In our day to follow stand "guard" at your mind's gat wrote to the Christians in Philippi Paul's Instruction snd example— for way. o f Macedonia—a letter which Is keyed he practiced splendidly his own teach­ And so on this Thanksgiving day to a high note o f spiritual rejoicing, ing. What we do not actually see In let all good Americans give thanks la and breathes throughout the gladness the happening Is brought to ua In the spirit to the Pilgrims of Plymouth which should mark the life attuned to news columns o f the dally press— R ock : for turkey, cranberry sauce, the purpose o f God. Ton will find it things that are evil. Indecent, ugly, and pumpkin p ie; for their heroic In what we call the fourth chapter, in cruel. We cannot «h olly Ignore these struggle for freedom, and for their suc­ the farewell words addressed by Paul things; Paul did not In hts day. When cessful demonstatloo that their new to bis friends. We quote from Doctor necessary he spoke frankly o f them, land could be made to yield a living. Goodspeed's translation o f the New calling a spade a spade. In his let­ For the specialties served up at all Testam ent: ters. They are part of the world In good Thanksgiving dinners, Ameri­ “ Have no anxiety about anything, which we live— o f the world we moat cans must bow to that friendly old but make all your wants known unto help. But our effort must be to dis­ Indian. Massasolt. It was he who In­ God In prayer and entreaty, with cipline our thinking so that they will troduced the cranberry and the pump­ thanksgiving. Then through your not flood and overwhelm our minds, kin to the American people through anion with Christ, Jeans, the peace excluding or submerging thought of the Pilgrims. Massasolt may have of God, so far above any human better and finer thing». been a poor uneducated savage, but thought, will guard your mind and Even more difficult, perhaps. Is It be and his people had a delightfully thoughts Now brothers let your minds to escape the peril of those “ who are simple and fairly efficient agricultural dwell on what Is true, what Is worthy, absorbed In earthly m atters" The system r Corn In the hill and a climb­ what Is right, what Is pure, what is tide o f materialism Is strongly set ing bean; a pumpkin seed every live amiable, what la kindly—on every­ sgalnst the Influences o f the spiritual. hills. Massasolt showed the Pilgrims thing that la excellent or praiseworthy. Unless the channel Is kept clear which the cranberry growing wild tn the . . . Then God who gives peace admits the flow of God's thought we marshes, and bad no difficulty what­ will be with you.” will And ourselves presently with ever In demonstrating that roast tur­ It la at once apparent that Paul minds lncspahle o f rrasplng His pur­ key and cranberry sauce was an un­ understood the intimate relation be­ poses and principles, with mind* which beatable combination. The Pilgrim» tween "thinking" and "thanking.” His cannot meditate happily upon His of course, knew all about turkeys, admonition for the thoughtful life is truth or which will not respond to which had been taken across seaa manifestly the underlying basis for what Is right and pure and lovely. from Mexico and had become common the thankful life. And the thankful The possibility o f the thankful life, on English farms before the year 1000. life Is the assurance o f the guard­ o f the life which knows the comrade­ But It was the friendly Indian who ing and companioning peace of God. ship o f the Ood o f peace, will be as Impresario brought together for tho first time on sny stage those three Paul sets forth the things upon lost to us. which our minds should dwell—the This Ilfs o f right thinking and glad Thanksgiving stars—turkey, cranberry true, the worthy, the right, the pure. thanks la the appreciative life. Go sauce and pumpkin pie. War Gas Made Useful A war gas made by Prof. Gabriel Bertrand o f the Pasteur Institute, has found a peace time use In the silk In­ dustry. The silk cocoons are gassed by small quantities of chloroplcrln, which baa proved exceedingly practi­ cal end easy to handle. The gas has been tried In various sllk-ralsing cen­ ters and has been found to posses* marked advantages over killing the cocoons by baking or steaming. Under Comragm C row ning Virtum C o u n t* Is a gem o f the first wa­ ter. Ita association Is with tho brass and nobis. Its contrast l* the coward and bts meanness. It Is the rlrtos that makes the difference between a true man and one Urine below the line o f his privileges Courage means something more than brarery. Hrarery belongs to the battle­ field. bat courage mores In qolet places and grows like tbs ferns, rather In the shade. It takes grit to be courageous It is more telling than thrilling. Warning! Uolooa you oae the i "Bayer" on package or on tablets yen ere not galling tha ganalne. Baywr Aspirin proved safe by millions sad prescribed by physicians for » year» Bay "Beyer" when you buy A qtrln Imitations may prove dangerous— Ad* A alnwnaaa lo appi ■ ad brlrn /t a cold tompor or an envious aptrtt — M «r» PRICE IN TRO DUC T C O R Y OFFER. ' 2 . TO D IA B E T IC S / David 1. Walsh, Democrat, was sleeted United Htatee senator from Massachusetts, defeating Senator Wil­ liam kl. Butler, chairman o f the Re­ publican national committee and doe* friend of President Coolldge. The dotted Unas on this photograph show the course the Chicago river will take when the straightening project, to which the railroads Involved have • greed. Is completed. The bend that now stifles the development of Chicago's South side by blocking through-street communication with the loop wlU be removed. T P a y m o n d cVlmtfi sa y s: - H O ST T O QUEEN km v V m m 090 h ü a t rojocérd bu mu n t» in tu ronco Co ¿¿cau to K fô a Friend < Danish Vessel Sunk in the Delaware JSf < $ n t& rj¿ A r i » fAr r e t u ff a fe The Danish steamer Fredensboro which was rammed and sunk by the British freighter, Manchester Shipper. In the Delaware river. The crew of the Fredensboro was taken off In safety. Off "//ulani e/lecé m m ucoso- /m~ prcilcm rnt nota cable in l ulne A. t Z C T ® 'fan/ D/abet/c should sfar* r/qhlçuM y to io < d rin k m o rm ttf r/anCautoy a n d dilanino— DfOMMÒM llVPSPtCAL f DIAI HERB otherwise be deceived by the plaus­ ible tales of professional beggars. It Is a complete "W ho's Who” of rogues of this class and gives the stories they tell In order U abstract money from the pockets o f the tender­ hearted. Most o f the Information In the volume has been gathered from the author's personal experience. He R ogu ed W h o’a W ho has found that most professional One o f the moot novel reference beggars have only one story apiece. books In the world Is now being com­ After they have exploited It to the piled by an East London vicar for full In one district they move on te i the protection of those who might another.—A newer» the prevalent methods of silk culture the cocoons have to be all sold with­ in a period o f two or three week», but the use of chloroplcrln promises a practical way. It la said, for the grow­ ers to turn the cocoons Into nonpar- Ishable merchandise which can be sold when the market Is best. This Is Chief Two Guns White Calf of the Glacier park reservation who was chosen to be host to Queen Marie of Rumania upon bar arrival at the Great divida half puree o rre R . iTrm/mo maro informât fan m ü fofS * “ Plagiary” upstart crow, beautified with our feathers, with his tiger's heart wrapped In a player's hide.” Quite frequently the master playwright drew forth shrieks o f distress from fellow writers who had wakened In the morning to discover that over­ night William had taken some In­ sipid Idea of theirs and transformed It into Immortal eloquence. The original meaning of "plagiary” was kidnaping, but the term early be­ came confined to those who steal the children of other person's brains Shakespeare was aald to be guilty of the crime, stealing from Plutarch, Bandello and others with what Sir Edmund Ooeae In the London Times calls "the calm agility o f a practiced By the aid o f platee sensitive to the eat burglar.” Robert Oreen, a con­ Invisible Infra-red light, stars may be temporary, called Shakespeare "an photographed la the daytime. FROM TH E FOUR Eire Is a serious cause o f decay In trees. China has a coast line o f more than 1,000 mllea A few of the American Indian tribes were cenni bals. Natural gatta o f all horses are the walk, trot and canter. The Red Jacket, a sailor o f the 'Upper type. In 1M4. crossed the At­ lantic in U days and 1 hour. Q U ARTERS oà h f t tan O* my >«rP_ Can’t Bo T oo C arol at The druggist had up a elgp: "Drugs and Picnic Lunch.” An airplane that will carry 1UU pas­ "I want a picnic lunch,” stated a sengers Is being built. customer, "and be sure you give me a Oold mining was conducted In careful compounder, one m o won’t 8paln In the days o f the Romans get things mixed.” The average length of Ilfs o f an automobile Is gradually Increasing. Rmatonablo P roof The United Htatee now makes about «tags Manager—What makes ywu BO per cent o f the dyes II usee. think the fruit they threw at you m e Foot-and-mouth disease In live stock bottled! has been eradicated from the United Actor—I «sit a Jar —The Pragiea- lu te s . slve Grocer. S i HO TOP AVAHO S A V f HAI f FACIAL ERUPTIONS I easigbtlv sad »snoring—Im­ proved by eM application of Resinol a