T he B eaverton R eviews Volumt IV , Number 46 Paragraphs Of Local Interest Personal Items About People In and Around Beaverton Col­ lected for Our Readers 'tr 1!. 15. Iif'iirli— I,. | uriii'tl Friday from a lio»tiu<»» trip to Heattle. Mr» Mary K. Kmllh I ioh pur- eha»ed it five-room bungalow In Aloha. Mr. ami Mr» Hyril Fclf of I'ortlumi were dinner aural» Humlay o f Mra. W. K. Ural. Mr. «m l Mr» Frank Alim rr- turnrd Monday afternoon from a two wreka motor I rip to Han I ranrl»ro. I rum Mn»l*r» i*umn liomr from Eugene lo allrnd the |>ia ani'ir al Multnomah Flrlil lu»l Haturday. Mr. ami .Mr*. II. II. Hrarkrn- I'ury of Goriiellos wrrn cullers at tlm home of Mr. amt Mr» " It I'rtch Monday, Mr.» J, R. J o I iiimuii of Tlia Dull**» »|innl from Sunday until l'ur»day vi»itiiiK lirr |>urrul», Mr. and Mr*. K. K. Kwrnioii. Mr. I.ouia llughaon and Mr. Ilay Malilrr look a lulling trip 10 Ilia Upper Ncnalrni River i*uda) I liny report a nice wet trip. Mr. Milton MeU'alf ha« re­ turn ad to hi» work after a va­ cation o f live day» following an operation for the removal ol III» tonaila. Mr. and Mr». 1.. I.. Myrr» are being rongralulntrd on do arrival o f u baby »on, Sunday, October 10. Re will be calico Itoiwri Lee Myrr». Mia* O rta «tray, who ha» been a student at the L\ of u returned from Kimruc last wnei». She i* »ulTering from iiil«»ltiial "rtu." Ill and Mr», hurl Sv\. K. S. at Multnoimil Slut ion Monday evening. A L O H A -H U B E K H E N S Men’s Bible Class Gets Publicity Channel Swim Impossible for Woman BEAVERTON TRIMS GRESHAM TO THE TUNE OF I*-* (From Ihe Beaverton Hummer) in u fast lim e last Friday, Hie Beaverton High Rchoo| foot­ ball team b?at Ihe team from Gresham Union High »chool to the lune o f (0 to 0 on the lat­ ter'» Held. Three fouehdowns and one converted goal netted the “ Or­ ange and Black" their score. A solitary touchdown in the third quarter resulted in Ihe score for Gresham. In lh<* second quarter, Barry, Beaverton's right end, recovered a fumble made by Gre»ham be­ hind her own goal for the sec­ ond touchdown. The first touchdown was made soon after Ihe kick-off al the beginning of Ihe game after a »eries o f line plunge* from the center of the Held. The third louchdown was made when Jonp«, local half- hack, skirted their end for a thirty yard run in the third quarter. Another long run in Ihe fourth quarter for a touchdown was ruled out ns Beaverton'« left end was "offside.’’ Beaverton lore through Gre­ sham'« line at random, they rot being «Irong at defense, al­ though quite evenly matched in sixe with Gresham possibly heavier, but they could not slop our attacks. Our next game is to be played at home against Motalla, next Friday. I.el's see everyone out to yell for (he team After winning two game» we can't afford to fall down in front of Molalla. so lei's everyone he there and fight for Ihe learn. Y ’V ' \ V 11L’ l - __ _________ * KINTON REVS Mr. Oscar Dallman and fam­ ily spent Monday In Portland. County Phone Systems Merge Mr. F, A. Bucher and aon, Albert, were Hillsboro visitor» Saturday. Mrs. F. A. Bucher spent a few days in Portland, during the past week. Five InácpkOuuii Umpku.-, i.id ti­ ding Scholls Telephone Co. In Deal A meeting of the school board was held at the school house (This story was mailed from Monday evening. Marstilied for u* bul did iiol Mrs. Harry Richards spent reach us 111 time for publica­ Friday in Portland where »he tion tn»l week. U always pays lo get mailer for publicatiou m was Hie guest of relative*. ibe publisher s bands early.Ld.) Ur. E. L. Cox attended Hie Five independent Oregon tel­ men log of Canton No. t, held ephone companies in this sec­ in Portland Tuesday evening tion of the slate, including the Wild geese in large numbers Scholls Telephone Co. of Bea­ were seen llying over here the verton are included m a slock past week on their way south. transfer, final details of which Mr. Edward C. Robbins of have just been announced. Under the terms of this tran­ Hillsboro was a business caller in tuwu last week Wednesday. sfer, Mr. Charles Hail of Marsh- Held, president o f the Coos and Mrs. August Wenxel and son, Curry Telephone Company, and William, were among the kin- Mr. Earl W. Gales, superin­ ton people in Portland Tuesday. tendent o f lhat company, pur­ Mis» Fay Daniels spent a chase all the holdings o f the few days in Portland last week Hillsboro Tidephone Company; in the where she was « guest of a controlling interest Scholls Telephone Company the friends. Newberg Telephone Company, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Van Klees and Hie McMinnville Telephone were Fun day callers on Mr. Vail (Aunpany, and a half interest Kleek's mother, Mrs. il. M. Van in the Western Telephone ami kleek in Portland. Telegraph Company of Forewt Mr. and Mrs. Al. Godfrey and Grove. sous, George and Edward, spent Mr. Bali and Mr. Gates have •Sunday at the home o f Mrs. been associated in the develop­ Godfreys sister, Mrs. W. G. ment o f the Coos and Curry lust, at Uswego. Telephone Co. since t al i ami Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wenzel during that time have extended of Portland were Sunday visit­ the opeation* of Uie company ors at (he home o f Mr. toenzeTs from Marshtield. with an or­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. August iginal investment of approxi­ mately $137,000 to include a Wenxel. H IN T O N C E L E B R A T E S 300-mile stretch along Hie HOME-COMING DAY Mrs. L. S. Bierly and Mrs. coast from the Umpqua river in A very plea»anl day was put Ethel McCormick and family, in at Ihe church Sunday. There who are spending the winter in Oregon to Trinidad, California, wa> a very good attendance and Hillsboro spent Hie week-end with an investment now total­ ing approximately $1,000,000. "Rally Day and Home-Coming" al their home here. In announcing this transac­ ererci-.es were ejoyed after the Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bierly tion, Mr. Hall and Mr. Gates session o f the Bible school. and family were guests al tlie say they wilt give ihe territory The following program was home of Mrs. Bierly's sister, served the snwie standard of much enjoyed by all present: Mrs. Loreiix Fickeu, Sunday. Mr. good service which has been Fung, by the school; recita­ tion by Elmer Bierly; exercise literly also called on friends responsible for the [fepM m Farmington. yelotmionf o f the Coo* and by Mable Anna GemheHa and Mrs. Hurt Braune of Rainier Curry Telephone company. Eveline Young; recitation, by Mr. J. to". Raynard will con­ Lucille Petterson; recitation, by- and Joseph to enzel, who is at­ Robert Richards and Ro«eoe tending Ihe -Rainier high school tinue as manager o f the Scholls the Telephone company which has Bl«riy; song by the choir; re­ were week-end guests at citations by l.ois Bierly and Leo borne of their parents, Mr. and 560 subscribers and operates a Young; quartette, Margaret Van- Mrs. August to'euzei on Cooper loll line between Beaverton and Scholls. dermost, Ada May Godfrey, L il­ Mountain. In the matter o f tlie number ly I.udwig. and Gladys Dallmau: Mrs. Virgil Landres and dau­ song by the choir; exercise by ghter o f Chitwood, Ure., arrived of subscribers served, the For­ Ivan and Amos Bierly; organ Funday at the home o f Mrs. est Grove company is Hie larg­ solo by Miss Grace McCormick; Landres’s parents, Mr. and Me** est involved wtih 1,550 patrons and exchanges at Vemonia. song by the choir. J. J. Van Kleek, Pleasant Val­ and Gales A basket funeh was served ley road, where they will be Cornelius. Banks Creek beside« the Forest Grove after the program, the Pastor guests for awhile. exchange. Mr. George Bauman and his wife, Hev. an,l Mrs. to’ . Mrs. Oscar Dallman, who was is manager o f that company. L. Strange, being present. In­ Mr. Hall and Mr. Gates will stead o f having Ihe regular ser­ reported ill last week, was op­ vice in the evening, (he pas­ erated on at St. Vincent's hos­ be actively identified with thp She is do­ management and operation of tor preached a very able ser­ pital last Friday. ing as well as can be expected. the companies although the de­ mon in (he afternoon. It is desired lhat there be a She has the best wishes o f her tailed control o f th? individual full attendance o f the members many friends for a speedy and plants will be in the hands of resident managers. o f the school next Sunday as complete recovery. Mr. Hall, in addition to be­ Ihe matter of changing the hour Tha many friends o f Mr. and will be discussed. \|rs. L. M. Hesse, who live in ing president of tlie Coos and Curry Telephone Co., is pres­ ---- ——— — - " . . 1 this community, are extending messages o f sympathy to them ident o f the American Bank of Marshfield, president o f the Coos on the loss o f their baby dau­ Thirfy Years Ago Bay Building corporation of ghter who was bom to them i Saturday morning and only liv- Marshfield and actively identi­ ! ed until Sunday. Mrs. Hesse fied with other large develop­ ment projects in southwestern is reported as doing nicely. Oregon. The rock crusher on Hesse Mr. Gates is a telephone en­ hill which has been in opera- gineer and in fact a pioneer in tion during the past two the business. He has been sup­ months or more, was closed erintendent o f Ihe Coos and down the last of the week for Curry Telephone company since the season. The road super­ its organization. visor and cr«w have done some line work in this district and 6 IRL SCOUT N E W S the roads have been put in very good shape for the winter (This article was inadvert­ • ¿ f A m Evtcr- O V OH*0011 9190 For Toar Friday, October 15, 1626 June Gilmore attended (he Journal Junior »Imw In Port­ Activities of recent month» land Saturday morning. III the Men's Bible d a » « of Church of Mr. Verne Height all ended lh" the IKuverlon Oregon Wu»hlngtnn game al Christ have brought lo the urgaixutlon wide attention. Porllund last Saturday. A recent Issue of "The Look­ The boy» overwhelmingly de- i out," u magazine of relig­ feuted the g irl» In nn exrlllng ious education r,'*d by Chrta- game o f ha»ehall Friday after lian people the country ov­ aohool. er, carried a atory of the Th,- church elio«- ha* »eni «•lablisbmrul and growth of for d ir i» ) ma» muslo un,| will Gie ela»s and H group plc- »oon commence practicing on a lura o f the memhera. Unusual interest mid en­ cantata. The regular meellng of the thusiasm In Ihe work of (lie Oucau F.»ther circle ma» held cla »» Jual al this lime are utlsn- al the horn» of Mr», toalmer allribulable lo the dance conleal which 1» be­ Thursday afternoon. ing waged agaliiKl Hie Men's The ladle» of the "(Jileen F.»-j cla»s o f the tlill»horo Chris­ tlier'* circle have derided up­ tian Bible school. on I O'loher twenty-second a» It»e to omen a classes o f Ihe classes and a greater knowb'dgi Ihe ilale for the "Old Maid»' two »cliuols are al«o trying to u,,. |||h|,>. (iaivvrnOnn." outdo each other In attendance, (in Ociober io, (bere w<*re 2» morninar Mr», to K. Sander, who I» etc., at the Hunday mori in attendane« ai Hie B>-a- an alunintiN of (lie University aessiona. verlon ehi»». (Ve hope in the» This is Ihe second »urh con- near future to have thè aiten- of Washlligtn. enterlalned a bout fourteen friend» who came teat that the Men's classes have danee far in advanee o f Ihi*. to allend Hie big game Suturduy held. Tha flrnl resulted In in- You are invited to sh tì wiih Mr». Hoy Antrim enterlalned creased interest in the work of u» eaeh timida)- inorniug al Hie ladle« of Hie rhurrli at » the rlasse«, as well as a cou- Coma oul I Giva thè eia«» u Sliver Tea held « I ber home |i|e of evenings o f splendid fel­ chance! Y’ou uve it lo yourwlf Friday afternoon. Mr», Health" lowship between Ihe two classes. The preservi contesi Inda fair lo out tliat Ihe lodge» ani gave » wonderful report o f the f«r «urfin»» Mie former one club» do not bave a niouopo y Interdenominational Mi»»iunury Of course (he maln purposo of « " brotlierhood and iellowship. convention held al Ihe Flral Ihe eonteal is lo bring more Beside», to'E H Tl'liY THK Dilli. K Mu»ton. land. Rev. Taylor us a meeting for Hillside, llooil View, Beaverton Hie Sunday School board bul aii,| liieir pastor.*, a« well as SUNDAY SCHOOL MOLDS when he arrived al the church many Congregational minister» AN N UAL E L E C TIO N and saw Ihe size of (lie "hoard" now engaged in leaching or re­ I lie annual «lection of ultlrer» tie promptly .-Inline.I 11.» meet- tired. for the Meihodisl Sunday »cloud mg ns a birthday party. 1 Among (he speakers will be sa» held la»! week and the fol­ About sixty sat down to eul Hev. Eltuer Galt, one o f lie lowing person» were elected: at 6:30 P. M, from wrll-lllled American Board R i-,.iiiu iie hdw. Ho.i-ninn, Mlpertiiteodelil (.11 After I be dinner l»r staliomd at I'jffl'in gi«, China !.. I.. to alker, A»*t. Supt., Jaoe M««.in »poke, representing llie at present home on furlough, Beamish, See.; Kva Whitworth. church and welcoming (he Tav- «u|.crFtiiendrrit <; |f Harn-.u Irea».; Hele Sundgerg, Lib.; I- lor» olllrially, followed by M r.1 and Fred Grey o f Hie »local nex Suiidherg. Supt. Primary li.dy speaking for Ihe Sunday Congregational forces and Pro- t>epl,¡ Mra. to. R Petch, Supt. Scliuol an(l Mrs. U. M Barnes fesaor H. S. Tuttle o f (he fac- Home Dcpl.; Mr». J. H. Law, for Ihe Lndieg* Api. tq which ulty of Ihn University of Hregnii Supt. Mi»»iunury Dept.; Mary Hev. Taylor respond«.! in an Heamiah, S u p l. Temperance appropriate manner. REMEKAH LODG E W IL L BE Dept.; Mra. Ktliel Edwards, Lyman Webb contributed to IR S T IT U T E D IN B EA V ER TO N diorister; Mabel Sundherg. Pi- I lie enjoyment by reading a There was a meeting in tlie anisl; Mi»» Helen Schulli, Supt. selection which wits enjoyed by I O.O.F. ball Friday evening for Cradle Roll; Mrs. Kdw Roaeman every one present. the purpose of investigating th. (»»ista lli Stipi. Cradle Roll. possibilities of instituting a Re- Three Had Men are mining bekah lodge here. About tlf- LADIES ATTEND CANO lo Beaverton. They are due to leen members of lodges loealcd P A R TY IN W O M E N ’S BLDO arrive Oelober 28. Heller look 'll other eilies -igmlled their The "Daughters o f The Nile" out for them. willingness to withdraw from borii» gave a card parly In The Beaverton Really Co. re­ their old lodges and enter Hie ihe Women's building In P o ll­ port I hey have leased the new one to be instituted here. Sev­ ami Tuesday afternoon. l.osli »lore lo P. A. Hick» for eral others vvlio are qqalifird Aiming those present from one lo two years for a barlie- lo become members also staled Beaverton we noter Meadames cne and lunch room. Mr. nicks (hey would join as soon as the vV. II. Boyd, Hoy Gray, J. F.. I» an experienced man in that new lodge was instituted. Llavi». H. !.. Hudson. Win. Kn- business. The Store is now oc­ gelke, Francis Livermore, Jr.. cupied hv Mr. Pill as an apple Mrs. R H Sc.'ll o f Comeliu» J. R. Talbot. C. G. Beach. Guy store but Mr. Pitt is moving was al her brother, 'Toni Allen’s Alexander. N. to'. Gorham ami into Ihe llaulenbeck building. place for Ihe week-end. J. G. Huntley. W ED D IR O B E L L * RING R tO H T M ERRILY Me. John C. Clark, popular young Southern Paoillc employee was married al the Christian church parsonage here, Satur­ day evening, Ociober U, lo M'»s '.aniline Mohr of Portin’, d. The pastor of the Christian A dinner party wn» given al hureli. Rev. J. Frank Cunning­ the home of Mr. uod Mra. 0. ham performer the ceremony. to’ . Allen, t In* occasion helm The young couple will make Mr. Allan’» sixsy-sixth birth­ heir home here. day. Among those pre-cut w* noted: Mr. A. C. Allen hiii I VENA Q A E K ILL A P P O IN TE D daughlern, Anna and Sadie, am! T O IM P O R TA N T F L A t Mr. and Mr.». Sieve Stevens of Miss Venn (Inskill has been Portland: Mr. and Mrs. W ill­ appointed one of the director* iam Wilson of Forest Grove. in charge of committees pre­ Mr. nod Mrs. It. I.. Dnnha paring for "Home-Coming at I', entertained Iasi Tuesday even­ of (). 'This year several events ing al "b00." Among those will lie celebrated a I "Hnme- present were: Mr. and Mrs Comin " There is a new Pres­ Floyd Teffl, Mr. and Mrs. J. A ident to jnaugarale, Ihe semi- Anderson and Mrs. .Riggs. Mrs centennial o f the inst tution of Anderson won first prize and the University and Ihe big fool- Mrs. Tefft won second prize. ball game along with oilier r- Mrs, Uny Gray and Mr». W veni.» of importance lo be rei- II. lloyd molored to Salem Fri­ ebraled. day and brought home Mr. ami Miss Ha «kill will he in charge Mrs. to’ , to’ ilmnl who have been of several committees who art* In „ hospital (hern slnee they preparing for the big event. were injured In nn nuiomohl’e neeldenl while reluming from O L D -F A S H IO N E D Q U IL T IN G P A R TY EN JO Y E D ♦ lie Stale fair. They are both much improved. A n old-fashioned quilting Mr. and Mrs. Collin Mo r narly was enjoyed Friday at and Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Moore Iho H. A. Rohse home. Dinner nil from Morn. Oregon, arrived Wn« served al 1)41011 and a Hue Friday afternoon at the home quill Hnished early in the af- Those present were. of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ilunlley lernnon. Young, Bella The enme over to ntlend the Ms'sdames Roy Fisher, Olio Brellen, s. But- Oregon - Washington football game. They returned to their n»*r, William Smith. C. E. Hedge S. Aiken and B. Woodard. 1 home Sunday. Mrs. L. U. RchellrnbergCr'a ia r was »truck by n truck and I nocked nlf the Canyon road Thursday, October 7. She w »t alone In the ear and escaped injury but the top o f the car in d the windshield were bad­ ly damaged. B eam to a, Waihingtoa County, Oregon Siagli Copy, 5 C e iU OLEAN ________________ T rooie S HEW '(OtX Howe tq G ala attire CHICAGO— If Gertrude Ederle|eonstrictine the body would have main youthful today because they hn