Friday, October 1. 192ft THK BEAVERTON REVIEW GIRLS OF SCHOOL AGE LEARN VALUABLE LESSON The GIRL in the MIRROR By ELIZABETH JORDAN of time. See how fast these llttla hands are moving. The nearest poltc« | station la only two blocks away. I'n lesa you give me that promise, you Lfturt* !>«▼«»«. * N*y you mi c h a p *ovri# w hat In c lin e d to w ild - will he In It In " he made a calcuta belittling It! I know It was something n#i»*. h a s r * c # n tly *uco##d# r# i. tton—"In Just about four m inu te*” a playwright H I* w e a lth y *1* big. Hut the finish you chose wasn't lortlla H Plnkham'a Vegetable Com­ She seemed to »>iue to a decision. t a r B a r b a r a , w h o h a * h e lp e d him meant to be. or It would have »»me pound. and II did her a wonderful to a u c ca e d . h a a Ju a t b e e n m a r« “ IJsten to me.” she said rapidly. *T off. You see that don't you? The lot of good. Hha bad been out of rfe d an d is g o in g to J a p a n , leav « cannot be frank with you achool fin (our mouths 1 road tha In g l a u r l e on h i* o w n . K p a te in I very sun in tta course took pains to ’T » e noticed that." Laurie tnterpo ; advartlMinauta of ih» Vegetable a n d R a n g * , h ia t h e a t r i c a l p a r t ­ j show you to me In time to stop it. lated. "with regret.” n e r * . h a v e p r o m is e d B a r b a r a to Compound end since ahe hea tsken j That means something. Miss Mayo." h a s p an e y e o n l^ au rle T he\ She Ignored the Interruption. It ahe haa Improved and haa gone She seemed slightly startled • cold h im fo r h is l a s i n e * * o f la te , bach to school again. I recommend "But I can tell you this much. I am an d h * ro to rt* th a t he see k s a d ­ “It ts Miss Mayo. Isn't It? That's the Vegetable Compound to other not alone in my trouble. Olliers are v e n tu r e F r o m h is w indow In | the name the elevator hoy gave me, mothers with girls who are not as N ew Y o r k h e s e e s th e re fle c tio n I Involve»!. They are—desperate. It Is strong as they should lie “—Mae. I yesterday ” o f a b e a u t if u l g i r l in a m ir r o r because of them that I —you under - ~ 1 A in u lauTU aa. Route 1, Charle« l a t h e h o u se o p p o s ite F r o m th e “It will do." She spoke absently, | stand?" it* «*» ton, llllnole. e l e v a t o r bo y In th e g i l l 's h o u s e j already on the trail of another la u rie shook Ills head, lie did not L a u r ie le a r n s th e g i r l s n a m e la "My daughter was out o f school i thought. Suddenly she caught tt. M ay o . A g a in In th e m i r r o r * r e ­ understand st a ll; hut vague and uu tero tenue I have known about “Then you brought the basket, or pleasant stories ah»»ut espionage and Diagram of tho S*loctiv* Five Tub* Rerson Association with me. and the fidelity. »»as hie chagrin to learn that the amplifiers work better with a V bat­ enough for that. B u t—you're young, this restaurant to the nearest police study of my poise, will do a lot for The colla are of the ribbed type of tery. and the saving of “It" battery other five spent much of their time too.” station, and have you locked up for you. By the way. y»»u have ouly thirty hanl rubber tubing, r»-»»nimeo»1»t for In ruling the gravea of Jewels, cruci­ I* considerable In the long run. He was looking straight at her as attempted suicide. You know, it’s a se»-»>nd* left.“ Its high electrical efficiency. There fixes and other valuable* Wave-Length Range. he spoke. Her eyes, a little hard and I crime here.” / _ iNDforinoN j are 12 riba running lengthwise of the • Do yon want to be killed?" The set should unllnartly tune from challenging, then dropped. tube and spaced equally around the '.?»* to .12»! meters smoothly and with The word they had both avoided She his.«e»| the words at him. Culticure for Pimply F ace« “That's different." she muttered. “G«»o»| gracious, n o !" I-aurle spoke circumference. The turns of wire, »tual volume. However, the author j was out at last. Although he had I® B c l l a n s Tn remove pimples and black head* He nodded. j spoken It very softly. Its ech»»es absently, his eye* on the watch. touching only the tops of the riba, fouud one set In severnl he built that Hot water amrer them with Cutlcura ointm ent. “I know the causes were different | leave a space under the rolls an.l pro­ waa for some reason or <»thrr a tittle ! seemed to fill the big »aim. She shrank “Twenty *e»*»mds." he end»!. enough." he agreed. “But the feeling Wash off In five mlnutea with Cull- Sure Relief hack and stared at him. her hands “Do you want to be maimed or crlp- vide practically an air »»re. The an­ tricky on wave lengths under .HI) me­ back o f them, that pushes one up curs H«»ap and hot water Once clear tenna coll waa wound (as shown In ter»—that Is, It hail a tendency to | clutching the sides of her chair. pl»I. or—or kidnaped?" against such a proposition, must he j keep yottr akin clear hy ii’ lng them for Fig 2) with No. 22 D <\ t\ wire. 1.1 spill over and was difficult to balance. “You wouldn't d are!" He look»! up in surprise. pretty much the same sort of thing. j dally toilet purposes l u m 't fall to In­ turns for the primarv »»II (L I) and 4rt This tendency waa »» rr» -t» l by mak­ “Wouldn't I? I’ll do It in exactly “I don't know why y»»u imagine I Anyway. It makes me understand: clude Cutlcura Talcum Advertisement. fifteen minutes, unless you give me have such lurid taste." he said, dls- ing use of the ltl»-e system of nentral- and I consider that It gives me a | 2 S« snj 7 bd PM y Sold Everywhere your word that you will never make rontentedly. "O f course I don't want Ixatlon. Thla »»nalsta of an Indu» claim on you. and the privilege of try Instantaneous j another attempt of the kind.” He took any of those things. My nature is a tnnee and a neutralising condenser. Ing to help you." "la»»»k at the hoys picking them out Home In one tnrm or another, ta hls watch out of his pocket and laid quiet one. and already I'm dreading Th<-se part* are lndlcat»l In the draw­ Her eves were still cast down, anil the great ohjet't lu life - J . 11, Hol­ in the hotel dlAliig room." . . . . _ . . _______ .__, It on the table between them. “ It's the excitement of taking you to the ing to allow their location, hut nr»-d sud»leniv she flashed, a strange, dark . . . . "Bum mer lo v e at first sight.” land. . flush . . that . . . looked .__, out . of . place _____ i exactly quarter past twelve, he said. station. Bnt n»»w I must a«k you to only he used If difficulty Is ex|»erlrnr»l on the •■ put on your gloves and button up your pure whiteness of her skin. She had '* l'as, —‘ on the low wave lengths. There la. the exaggerated but wholesome pallor . * nd 1 thought you were coat for our little J»>urney." however, only one chi nee In a hun­ 'T h e Journey you take with me." of skin that often goes with reddish ! hitid dred of their being r»|Ulre«n. Keep up work »11 day at top speed without tir­ He looked at her reproachfully. "No.” she exclaimed, nervously. predictions as that especially as I'm Construction of Colls. ing. Hut I have not itop(ied taking the treatment and you grow stronger, One baseboard, 7 hy 20-Inch wood. “Dear me. no! Why. you'll have to “It's Impossible; I can't talk about Tanlac, for it is tho one way to con­ The roll form shown In the drawing 1 going to have my way alsviit a lot of healthier, more robust Brass strip, >4 by 1-10. See text. It.” Then. In an obvious effort to see me every day. I've got to look tinued g'«»d health, to top »trength Don't neglect your health, don't (Fig. .1) performs a threefold duty— One Itadlnn panel. 7 by 3-1(1 Inches. aide-track the Issne. “You «ahl you after you for a while." At her ex­ t things right now. I have your word.” and energy. Mv wife, t«a>, highly suffer from p «n needlessly, I »-gin tak­ j he added. that of supporting the It. F. primary, Two variable condenser*. .0008, Gen­ pression his tone changed. “You see,” wanted to tell me about your—expe­ praise* Tanlac. She is inclined to lie ing thi« wonder tonic now Aak your the II. F . secondary and the regenera­ eral Instrument. "Y es." he said, with smiling seriousness, “you rience.” druggist for Tanlac -- today I delicate end has found that Tanlac tive coll. The R. F . primary coll “Good! Now I'll give you my pro­ One variable condenaer, .001/2. Gen­ “I do. but It Isn’t a nice story. For­ have shown that Just for the present ( i r l o t i r H|M»rr T ln tP I MAI in u l^rurn W« is composed of 20 turns of No. 22 D, gram. First, of all. I'm going to be a eral Instrument. Fantaloon tunately. it won’t take long.” He you can’t be trusted to guide your C eel I y o u l i n t f t o R d i r t I h l l t o n i l l h U « l n r » M , I brother to you : and I don't think." he C. C., the It. K. secondary coll (L 4) of un lveragl m a r k « ! W r i t « K A V A N A U I I H R OH. Five 201 -A tubes. First Club Member I here's Rickey, tpoke reluctantly. It was not easy to own action«. So I’m going to ‘stick A C O . 1 3 1 2 \V K i n d « HI C h ltw *.> ill 4fl turns of No. 22 I). C. and the re­ end«l thoughtfully, “that I've ever i Two rh»»stats. You wouldn't recogiilze the old horn, hook two such memories out of the around,’ and guide them for a few H M iU -O .M O l O . t M \ M K II fo r l « r * « j offered to be a brother to any girl be- generative coll (L5) of 12 turns of No. Two Itadlon sockets. would you? Tln-y tell me he's beca darkest pool of his life and hold them days, until I am sure you are your­ r * l n r o * ( m a n u f a c tu r e r I p j *ll«yii*ra. l : »*o !tli D. C. C. The sparing between the - fore.” Three ao> kets, gang, hnkellte. A l l r o t o r * . o u t f i t fr*« v W « » d « rn M llr k a r C o . rejuvenated. self again!” bp to a stranger. « n « A . 1 1 1 4 N o r t h A v a f ’ h l r » * < i R. F. primary and the It. K. secondary “You're a nice boy." ahe said ah Two tubular forma. 3 hy fl Inches S e » »ml Club Member Te gods, If “Tills—" again she choked on the “Oh. I was a young id io t” he must lie two Inches, or slightly more and 3 by 3 Inches Hndlon hnrd rubber. «• a m i i * a in row rA i.n r t « k t i i . « h ii . ii he'd only bad It done tn hla Jokes la­ ruptly. rushed on. "and I suppose 1 hadn't the words—“this Is Intolerable!" brl«lx»*d. r r o w n fi o ld p lat»*« ttl»ini»nd1 Adam*. Jarkeonvllla, I'l* “A nice boy, though a fool, r hoped tive coll (12») Is spaced about one- One grid condenser, .00028. think there's some excuse for me. My for yourself that I mean well, and j you would notice that. You'll be daz­ eighth Inch from the secondary. Three amperlte* and mountings, G iga n tic Chicago Sign fattier and mother died »hen I was In that I'm going to he a harmless sort zled by my virtues before you're To obtain a variable condenser of Likes His O ld Bus The largest projecting electric sign knickerbockers, and I grew up doing of watchdog. Also, you can depend I through with m e" He went on con­ 0002 capacity for the regenerator a 1 A V " f »••» the French are expected to In Ihe world haa been Inatalled on a One audio transformer. very much as I pleased. 1—made a on me to go off duty as soon as it's versationally; ’T h e reaaon I’ve never larger condenser can be used hy re­ make a coup d'etat." Two reslsto couplers. Chicago theater KleetrM ly sufficient had Job of It. Before I was twenry- safe. But for the present you're go­ offered to be a brother to any girl be­ moving a number of the rotor plates. "Muybe so, but the ol' d ieser Is for n town of 8,(Mg) persons la re­ Four resistance*. .08. 28. .1 and 2.0. bne I was expelled from college and ing to have a guardian; and It'* up fore is that I've got a perfectly good In this case a .00036 was used, after good enough for me." quired to light I t Two coupling condenser*. .000. I had worked up a pretty black repn to you to decide whether that guar- I sister of my own. Her one fault Is removing four rotor plntes, which Twelve binding post*. tatlon. Then I gambled and lost a lot dlan shall be Laurence Devon, very that she's alwavs bossed me. I warn brought the capacity down to approxi­ Termlnul strip, t<4 hy 4 by 3 10 of money I didn't nave, and It began much at your service, or the poll.-e I vou from „t9r, of our relations mately .0002 mfd. . you from the start Inches. to look as If about the only safe place force of the city of New York.” j that I'm going to he the boss. It will The inductance forms can be fas­ Terminal strip, by 8 by 8-10 j for me was the family vault. She had her chin in tier hands now. : be the first time I've ever bossed any­ tened directly to the baseboard with n Inches. “I made two effnrta to get there. in her characteristic pose, and waa one. and I'm looking forward to if a wood screw or elevated a half Inch Three dial*. The first time a wise old doctor regarding him without resentment. I lot.” or so on S-sh:t|ied strip* of brass. One One filament awltrh. stopped me anil never told any one When she finally spoke It was with­ The faintest suggestion of a smile end of the S Is then bolted to the form One pound No. 22 D. C. C. shout It. The second time one of toy out resentment, too, hut coldly, as touched her short upper lip. Above and the otKer end si-rewed to the base- One-eighth pound No. 30 I). C. C. chum* took a hand In the game. I one states an unpalatable fact. It, her red-brown eyes had softened board. Necessary screws, wire for connec­ don't know why they did It. I don't "You." she said, “are a fool." again. She drew a deep breath. For beat results a good audio trana- tions, etc. Suppose either my pal of the doctor I .aurie flushed, then smiled. “It's strange," she said. “ You've let thought I was worth saving. But they “That Is not a new theory." he ad­ me In for all sorts of things you don't talked to me like I>utch uncles, and mitted. be Increaaed that much by the Iran* realize And yet. somehow, 1 feel, for Amplificr* Are Used to iny chum kept at It till I g a .e tom t iy former. "Two hours ago," she said. “I the time at least, as If I hart been ly­ Aid Strength of Signal word that I’d never attempt anything warned you that It would be dunger- ing under the »»eight of the world and When two transform ers are uaed tn Amplifier* arc used to increase the n act it la known a* a two-step audio- o f the sort again " j ous for you to interfere In my affair«. some one had lifted the wretched strength of the signal. One type of frequency amplifier, and when the re- ' “You were Just an unhappy hoy , Did I not?" thing off me.” amplifier, used before the detector. In­ '•elver ha* no Hinpllfirntloii it Is known ape said, as If thinking aloud, 'with "You did.” “< an t you. by a supreme effort of all life before you and many friends "I warn you again. It may be a the Imagination, fancy that I llfied It crease* the strength of the aerial Im­ a* a simple detector set. pulses, and Is called • radio-frequency to back you up." matter of life or death. Put your off?" suggested Laurie, mildly. amplifier; Hnother type used after the “And you." lie suggested, “are Just watch in your pocket, pay your Mil. This time she really smiled. No C op yrigh t Decision detector Increase* the volume of the an unhappy girl with all life before and take me home. Then go away “I can.” she conceded. “And with­ The Department of JiiMilre an­ sound Impulses, and Is called an you. I don’t know anything about and forget me." out any effort at all," she added som­ nounce* that no derision ha* been audiofrequency amplifier. your friends, but I’ll wager you've got Laurie glanced at the watch. M O T I I H R ! - Fletcher'sC m - berly, “I can fancy us both under it The convention;d type for live-tube reached In reference to llcenalng of a lot of them.” “ We have used up eigtit minutes again." radio hrnadeaatlng station* to u*« toria is a pleasant, harmless set* use* two tubes for radio-frequency She shook her bend. since I gave you your choice," he re­ He shook his head. amplification, a d< icclnr tube for con­ copyright gnu «le, owing to the unset­ “Not one,” she said, slowly. “I mean, minded her. Substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- verting the impulse into sound cur­ tled d a le of the law relating to radio not one I dare to call on, now." “ You are like a child,” she mut­ piric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared and the posslhllltle* of legislation hy rents, and two tidies for amplifying “I like th a t! You’ve got me to call tered. “spinning hls top over a powder A new character •nt«ra thi» emigres* at the next *e**lon. for Infants in arms and Children all ages. the sound currents to operate a loud magazine.” an. right here.” mysterious orama. What does speaker. This time she really smiled at him. Laurie frowned a little. the girl fear? Whin will it To avoid imitations, always look for th« signature of Tlie sound Impulse Is Increased by P u zzles by Radio N»-xt Tt was a pathetic little smile, but both 'T o o melodramatic,” he murmured. ctrik«? an audio-frequency transformer, which Prnvrn direction« on each package. Phyaicians everywhere recommend i t lips and eyes took part In It. He “I tell you.” she said fiercely, “you Now that photographs are going consists of two colla u *» l to link one through spars by means o f tha radio —— : waited, hut «he said no more. He he are acting like a fo o l! If you Inter­ tube with another. One coll, railed gun to fear that Ills »infldence had fere with me you will he drawn Into (T n HK CONTI STUB t> ( the primary, lias u few hundred turns, and cartoon* hy thnt ngi-riey Into thè been given to no purpose Kvldently all sorts of tronble, perhaps Into and the other »ill, called the sec­ home* of rodio set owner*. A ayndl- I K*t*bU*b*d 190t by L. W. Clark — Poultry *ln r* unsightly and annoying . . ¡n* she had no Intention o f making a con­ tragedy, perhaps evrn Into disgrace." Fa iry Tale I IHHtf, Whit# (.'•ithoffii* rrnljr, th# iarir#. h#*vy I my - provadbyoMappUqlionof fession In return. He resumed hls a t­ “You're forgetting the net.” he re­ Once upon a time there was a cho­ ondary, has several thousand turns of cnle I* helng formerl la fihnnre thè inir kind. Thia hi»trh#rjr I* *crr#*lit# ,6 : ; 6 " 6 ‘ I Sure Relief ELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION Claims Everyone Can Now Have Good Health sa* dren C ry for PETALUMA HATCHERY I FACIAL ERUPTIONS Resinol