ir i t ’ s ron bea - V KfITO N THt RC- V IK W 'S ro n IT T he B ea verton R eview Volume IV, Number 44 Single Copy, 5 Centi MACABRE UERNK BRIQHT Thu dead leavrs whirl in a swirl of bold Purple and crimson and lilac and gold, With magical messages frost enscrolled. Beamton, Waahingloa County, Oregon, A L O liA H IB fc K HEM S alo ha ; man c o m an OHIO open letter CHAMBER FON READING ALL THB F A M IL Y $1 SO Per T im Friday, October 1, 1926 to C LE V E LA N D , O L IA R OF to K1NT0N NEW* the Locai Gridsters COMMERCE Mi*« Lucille Finnell, who I« I Mr. w - departed ' teaching ut l.imrcl, drivi"» liomr j Monday morning for El»vidaud, Beaverton High miuiol, lieu- every week-end, *<»luo, where he will take a |>o- vuitoii, Oregon, September 2¥, Mr and Mr*. .1. MiK.own ‘V0 f; ,r *<*v 7 1 *" B«*v.-rlun Chauibei ol fowti i . ............ Baavartou, O regon. vlaileii lite Houlld-Up al Pen- partmont a torà Al ah i A vaam in »iiliiry over hi» former »alary i.enUeiuen: l ha Beav.riun dlelon weck Imi or** ia*l. in hi» postilo« wilh Mcier and Eliambei of Eominrr* u , u m i , Mr». | ; .1. .lohli*oii ,wn* litkeii ► ’rank fot a higg , and hetter Bea- lo lioiid Hi« in M ili 1*11 ho«|iilul, It wu* wilh reni regrel (Imi Vrtou. Il »laudi for anythmg Wednesduy wliere »lo* hud her Ih** Community *••»■< Mr. H an -j good ihal will adverlise thè fra- loti alla ri-moved. der leave a» he ha» Uken un ( tur. » of our cdy. .Mr. Harry Richard day with bis fami I ♦ .. . . . , £ r'f| v|J j* f S / s“ llb e‘* Ven lu » *U»nd»lill O the elm and the maple and the oak leaves hold greatly nn»»ed holh in her S u n -I h(tViIlg a thal t(„ w. ,ul" ‘iunug this week. when they held that team to a About Iwrnty little friend» Purple and crimson and lilac and gold.... efficiency Mr- a»d Mr». C. W. Young c,° * c 13 tw 12 »core, when ihe of l.lnubelli liuyc» guve her u day »chool and church work and to none m ‘ polIlt , ,,{ were transacting business in learns met last Friday a l- Over the autumn the sky burns cold! d''ll*lil lui surprise i>arty al her »• president of the p. I a all s last Week in Portland. ,n,.,n urn- n" ! ’**iT . D EAD A T SELLW O O O dicn w""iii to liitauiuok Finlay of tht» eslimalde family owiva whmd. and that is a U« wa« the guest of relative». ¡¡J J Ü í o - Í L d “ line Ihe vvi*|i them every »uceea» in Iheir .balanced Friend» of Mr». Hay Stanton, evening lor a visit over from winning fmdball team. .. . . i ------- Mr. Lchliherr drove new home. who .iiriili'rly Iliade her home wm-k-emk Th.» )«ar .* our banner yea. Mr H ^ hck> o i Portland winch Franklin shoved over the ------------ -- ■... III Aloha, wer« »hocked (o bear over after i he in Sunday. an,| we haw- prospects for Ihe WM" a * Uu* 1 **ot 1 »“ «'»day at <"»t touchdown after about live F A M IL Y D IN RER P AR TY ................................... of her death laid Thursday, a f ­ greatest football learn that ev. ll,u liW,“ e ot Mr■ ^ *ra. of play. Franklin made G IV ER LA S T 8URDAY touchdown after they Pcrioiul Items About People la ter a lingering Ulne»« caused by eanrer. She hud haen in the uiu among li,o»o who utle, de. li. Pomeroy spent the ( Mn M. McKerelier .mu I'oriland, Saturday ut i*>n thirty Mr». i . II. Hathaway ol Pori- ,„r from N).w York. ‘ , ^ ith the »core standing 12 to **rv*" your support. wee» end in Portland, where he t nothing against them m. lo­ Those presenl wera: Mr». C. Mi». \V , I„ attended lue Hhc wa» hurt*'*l in thè Gale* *u..u w.i» U|,*ia.«d on al the Iteaverlon High School play wa- luc guest of bis daugbier, j cal» began uuud »umartiOi» nospual m ou K, r d,i(ng. Mr. and Mr*. fiu*. Leader» Meeting lor Diri Seoul» re**k ceinelnry. a » eud> mai on it* 11 re I -ehedij|e*l football at me Cenerai Library ni l'u ri- Khe leuve* lo mourn her lo*», Strihlmg and cliildren, Mr». < u . (.r „jay afternoon, wilh F'.-- Mis. u eo ig e .Newell. down the held thal resulted m land 1 druda) evening. M, !.. IL Barbe«- IM» b*.-en Oran.mar nnd childra«. Mr. am, , arada on ,,ur horne „el)J an,, n loving hii»h«nd, Iwo «oli». Line of the employees o t the Jones slipping oil tackle for uppuiutcd manager of me A h - Mr*. F’red Ziirbm-hi-n grid rliil I.twi» alni Stanford, fnur » 1 »- 1 iiompsoii unil had the nns- Iheir lirst touchdown. From that Hr. L. L. Mason had the mi»- we think we are not unrea*on ______ ___ __________ _ tortune to break one of his I lime until the end of the third able in ______ asking thal the bugine*» roituue lu be »Irueg by a rue» ler». Mr». J . T. York and Mr». d<*r»oii chaiu »tori ut lliliso o ro ,, dren. Mi»» Stribling left Monday af- ()ou, HS nf Meaverton c l f * e iheir *' H * oue ^“y last week. quarter, neither team was able true« a» lie wa* driving we*i H N G as I m I **r M o k i, lir a 1 wiieie he ha* beeit empio)co a» ternoon for her home in New ! d(K>rs from 3 . , 5 1:30 oclocl; oil tile lligliway \V edile »day ui- Alien of lleaverton. Mr» T T a y ­ etera lur aome lini*-. Mr. Albert Dallman ha re- |° produce tl,e n*ce88* ry punch ____ from __ Yamhill where he to score. I'rlliioll. i III) I Ini' lot » murk lor of l'orilnnd; iwo brothrr». Mi», ila,vie) Lue» iiud u verj York after having spent her vn- | on f|ie afternoon of thal dale. turned X\>. u„. .,— i- ! itudcnl was J ’m ’The prune'- o r- J u * t hefore Ihe whistle ,n the coupe w a» knocked oil the road William \VII«on of Foresi ilrnve sai ioti» o|>eiatiou pei'ioi'iueu on .-ahon With relative. A,.-., and • * of the Beaverton high school chards uunng the season. third period, Jon es again slip- an,| badi) wrecked bill lie e* and Fred Wilson o f San Fran- i liumda) ol tasi Week a l Stt. In Portland. Cluco and I.on nnd l»en of Uale» ',-1 * Itospl.ill but IS report- ii 1 i.. | e»< ni and I P®*1 over tackle for twenty yards i «bed injury. t’. reek; unii inany friend», Imiti in lu *'0 TRA YER-BARRO N W E O D IR O m Hi^ r th<. footbal ‘ J l-rank C. F luke aft<1 our , econd score. Jon -s Mi*. II. L. UiiK lII», Houle In l'ortlund nnd Alohn Mr. U n s i n g Rtrsjrer. son of fM||, |n , h(. hjgtory a f Beaver a " d. o i «reenhur», form -1 then failed in his second a t- 1. tira venuti, iiregoii, wn* in* The «ympalhy of thè w-hnl** Mr. and Mrs. Tuiiy Strayer and on tn victory in , hHr flr., 1 erly of this place, were recent tempt to convert the extra winner ol uve Uollar bui* uno rolntnunily i» rxtended lo Ihe - , o f Mr ami Mr- I \ ............ fwD#> Kridav, Oct. I. callers at their former home, point that would have given the »IO.Oil creilil on ."vavmg* An fnmlly in Iheir her«nveiuenl. a - tie with that 1 111 1 ’ l l *‘ Morgan of the Sorrento di*- Respeeifully, (Signed Ray- Mrs. L. S. Bierly and Mrs. locals at least __ _______ omit | ue guessing rolli* »1 »dal diuai -.* .1 total Ol nine rib- trjf , >urpriied his friends I»-* ,nrtnd Harrison. President; Bel- Llitel McCormick and family wbu j highly touted town team, wa* held al the W aslilliglon bon, *» n> chirureii ul w*ek by announcing hi- mar- , n S(j|f>8 Secretary; George recciilly moved to UiUaboro,i Although there were several F U N E R A L NOTICE i.ouiii) l a i r and tue prue» wen riage to Miss Bernice Barron. ^ n t.mnijIV(r_ Athletic Manager. were at their home here Sunday, rough spots showing throughout Alexander, ul her huma in oiled Jointly b) the \\ ii»hlng lleaverton, tJeptember 20, 1926 A ousiiif»» im-cuug will o*-' genial assistant in T h y n g » con-, -------------------- oeorge Suider and dau-i l **e P*m3r' nE l he Beavertonian» ton huvibg» and loan A»»ucia- Aiigu*la I'. Alexamler. uged 7 i h " d b* l lie «"'igiegulioll *>l th. feclionery. a l OH* P.-T.-A. HOLDS ghters, Lucille and F.uuice Ellen U‘e t,,a,n •h°w«d high calibre tlob and Cru. I. Met ualli Mi* year». Molher s,(a}. allernooll lUt. fruit gathering and packing sea- " ' * * * * are shraightened out. iu u»a g>..musiuu. , house on Lombaid SL A# lie|d u,e Ulsl regular meeting son. Beaverton High will cheer oue • u ii .'"(’out» of troop U hud Ida B.t H. A., and Ü. 8. Alex- by a Utiutcr Mr. Strayer is an engineer, , ltl , ,,n y ol the g r e a t e s t teams that ever thvii regular niecliitg VS «due» ander of Beaverton, fire., and u( seven o’clock. Mis» ava ilompbrey, who has represented the school on Ihe and at present is employed »I j day uiit-rnouii at tbo Longr«- O. R. Alexander of Portland. mothers present. W iiiiicd I ituii.s received sud. been a guest of her sister, Mrs. gridiron, The funeral service» at 2:00 a high score on her sewing ai ; the Southern Pacific shops here j Work (or the »Limitai Church. Putrot l f ■ ireiuy cnanon, during tue past Beaverton plays its tirst con- worsvd on itieir liotneo*a»ci P M., Saturila) at Pegg’s Mort- Un county lair that she wu* I ¡ H enter­ I oUtI,nere**"it- Mrs. M. \\. lialtleld who hue Mrs. Dayton Peek. Mr*. Olio inon»tiuting whul to do in cast led ul the Washington County wa* given ... honor of the teach- Mr. and airs. Robert record *» »pent several week* with friends Breiten Mr*. B . J . Woodard, four of whom are new in Pomeroy. f » attempt is o e m . n f f i iu of lire, which will he the L-» fair. Tuestlay being children’* er*. in Weed, Cuiif., returned to A- | Mr*. J . A. Anderson. Mr*. have tb« busuiess bouses of hi Fire Piovenlion. day. srhool rinsed for u half a >ii. and Mts. W. L. Ball and Joha Friday, bhe will leave (Sat- Rigg*. Mr*. Louis Hughson. Mr-, this district. neavertoii close tueu* establish­ Delicious refreshments wer-" dauguler, jaary Katherine, fto»n Mr». Luwiciii-e Fucker enter day and most of the rhildren urda) lo take ufi her work as j K. Dnvis and Mr*. R. D. Young, ments lrum 2 :1b iu « : 2 o, the Others noticed were: served and the »octal hour was oaten*, spenl ouuuay a l lueir (unii ti intuì unti) Monda) ni bttonded tearlier in (hr turls Industrial hours o t the game. Mr W alter Stevenson, brother enjoyed by all. old home here, guests of Mr. honor ui th» birihdtt) anniver- Mr. anti Mrs. B . !.. ilrilTitl». 1 laming school at Salem of Mr*. Waiiner, and Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. Alberi haughty and M rs. U. R . blown. «<■ 1 ; ul iter sinici', Mi*» r e m BEAVERTO N TO Mr. iinj Mrs. W. himbill of Stevenson, n sister-in-law ami F LO R ID A REFUGEES itaiues. in e party wa» a sui- Mr. nnd Mrs. F . B. Clark. Mr Mis. biella lo y a le n of W is- F L A Y ESTABA DA 1'iisudena. Eulif. lias re lu rn ed d u iig h te r* lirace and Margarei and Mrs. Wm. P. Brooks, Mi­ COMING TO K IN TO N pli»e oli lite honor guest wm Cuua.u bus beou «pending a lew Beaverton high school will to tins community alter an a b - |0f Indiana arc visiting ut I lie j iia*l api*aienti) lorgoUeu ine ami Mrs.C. P. Hjrverson. Mr. B Mr. ami Mis. Aiitlunv SihulL aays u u i.e me pa«i week a t tue pjay ,ts br3t couferw ice fout- sencc of live years. They are W itmer home and will probably DniiBlily. Mr. Theo. Dew-hirst stgliilieaiiee ol tbu Uale. Ito a" ; 1" ; " ' . K. . l’ nt noun ui tier cousin, J . J . Van bau game o f this season today, now at tin" home of Mrs. kirn- deckle to settle in Oregon. cveiiiug wa» pleunaitliy »peut Mr*. Shaw, Mi*s Calla Salee, Hollywood, H ond a, for the paa. Klcck, i-teasam valley road. F nd ay, October 1. whoa it is hill'* parents, Mr. und Mr*. T. Grace amt Margaret have enter­ year and a half, are among the Mi** Jean Smith, Mr. Raymond , .. .. , * tu well piiitied galiies and otu» Cascaded at lluher. The child­ refugees of that storm -sw ept re- lu e h*ovveis in this vi- 1« u>eel the Estacada team on ed Beaverton II. S. ¡e’ulTci" w ni"h "t tdresIm.eiiTs wet* »urti and Mr. W aller Hur>l. ren, Mary, l.oi* anti Warner, They are now on their Cl,iU> **“ ' « 'e r j busy me the local held. Mr William G«een, form«-: gion. »•rveit. Mi»» liuinc» wu» p r e ­ pas* wee*, uarvesting vheii- crop. Beaverton has a strong team Myron tlray of Bii> i* are attending our school. owner of n stare at Aloha, i* roa*i to Oregon. se.ited w i.b u founluiu pen b> They own a ranch on Cooper lU ls w til ¡>ec Uir.m nearly j thia year and they are Turin among Ilio**" ple*lged to living Rev. Waring of McMinnville, in St. Vincent'* hospital in P ort­ lite g u e st*. Illune prenlil were to go,’’ and promise a victory this district, land where lie had an opera­ Ml., adjoining that o f Mr. and a l‘ gaihereu into the houses. Mr. ui.d Mr». M. li. Meteulf, Mi organixatlon» ul the University colporlepr for iu their initial slart. preached at the Aloha Commu­ tion performed. He ha* been re­ Mrs. E. I.. Eox. i ui» aalu ru a) is regular uml Mrs. II. M. Fiutile», Mr. un*. during registration week. The team has hud two good nity church Sunday morning. ported «* being in a very ser­ .vii*. II. t.. Doly, Mi. and Mi». Mr and Mrs. Sehulje are ex- nueung ui me .oca. o ran ge. ^ 1 prae“u ce'\ T m e7 1 u d “^ re'"iu mi'd- A committee met with him iu S T . M A R Y ’ S N E W S peeted to arrive it ti.eir home „ ju u > . an aii-uay session wuu ____ ... ious condition. The new own­ W . I.. Lady, ,v|i. aliti Mi ». IlatT) season form now. Ih eir many ouuier a l noon. All li rangers the afternoon and ••lactcd new ers, Messrs. Morrison and Low­ at an early date. Johnson, Mr. und Mrs E. t>. iW ith al| judications p o in t - , West, Mr. und Mrs. Philip Pel- Mr. J . oellnger wu* in Uilla- song book* for church service* ry took charge of the business friend» here will be pleased to are must, cordially luviled to he mg to a great season on the welcome them home. ¡present. Monday of this week. rt| il ut, Mr. and Mr». I.uwurence i boro ullending lite fair lust und Sunday »chool. grid, Beaverton high school as Tueker, Mi»» PelrigiMii, Mi** W ediiesduy. .vir. ana Mis. äain Ludwig re- a whole invites the people of Cutherino De»siug«i- und luineu luc ursi ol last week Beaverton to be on hand to *’ [ Mr. Olia». T . Myer* wu» in 1 uckur. rum a visit wuu their daugn- witness our tirst triumph of tue Wesliniher all lust week on -Uiss alary Ludwig, who is seusou Friday afternoon iloday) business. employed at Kuuppa. at 2:13, P. M. JU NIO R ENDEAVOR NOTES I M(. ^ ^ , p ,,y m • thè Junior Elide»ver of U.e U)rt.(1 U) , , wr, Ulld ihursday af- ur. aud Mrs. b. E. bparks oi ’ Lougiegutionul cburch gave ali lernoon Orenco and Mr. aud Mrs. L. P. R^NTO^ HOLD A auiumn purty liuti sulurdu) eve Dunn and sun, Mai shall, of Pur*- B U D G E T M E E TIN G a* thè opeiiiug avi-nt of ttieii Mrs. Elia». T . Myer» wus in land were guests Friday al tue I There will he a budget meei- fttll work. Muiiy of Ilio )ouug Portland on business l’hursduy iiumt ol Mr and Mrs. Robert I ing held at the school house on er iulh» atlended und enjoyod '»u m ili* «f l«"t wi’ek- the evening of October S. .-uuieruy. the ufteiuoon in game», ullei Mr». Elia*. T. Myer* visilo’d It is earnestly desired that Mr. uud Mrs. P. O. Eoruwell whieh thè Jun ior Huperinten- 0 |d frieuds al »coltelli and liux- there be a full attendance of ui MierwouU and Mrs. R. Brown dent gave a short lulk oli ”En- |,,,, M,.Veial duy» tasi week. tax payers in this district as i t i-uruaud were Sunday visit­ Il" aver"- W hai Hi« «unday *-v- ^ ^ /lm||), vaUQ wf* many matters of importance ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. will come before tlie meeting buiiduy visitor» ,,raycr .....“ i r * I f o r i lami we Kirk Hoover. Mrs. Brown is a wliy young fiuoplt* ^hniild al- for discussion. T . Myers home. sisier ol Mr. Uoover s. temi the*o meeting», and wlial , 0 11 1 Remember the date, Friday these nieellugs do for thè youn- Mr. and Mrs. W. Struilberg Miss Fay Daniels, who has evening, October tbe eighth, ger folk*. of PoMlund spelli a eouple of been employed in Portland, r e - ! his chosen profes- F'ollowlng- Ilio talk tight re- day» Itero ou Ihetr place Ibis turned home the ilrst of the success Paragraphs Of Local Interest W hile the “W orld ’s Series” Is O n the A ir iresti meni» were »er'ed and the week. party eiidetl wilh rcpeutlng thè yj,. Hlld Mr*. Durliam of l-aid'-avor ln nedlclion m unison. Hcollehl visiled over thè week- H u im I a y evening the inler- elld |,crtì yvlth Mr. and Mrs. i ineiliatn» unii junior» wiH li"l*l i;h a *. T . Myra. a Joinl meeting oelebrutiug thè 1 Miss F.lva Bledsoe of B a n k s' Holden Jubilee of Dr. and Mrs. stopped over Monday her* on FraneikF.. Clark. It was un­ her way home from the P»n- der Mr. Elark’s |rnder*hlp that dlelon Round-Up. Ehrislian Kmleavor Inni ila birth and tic xwl Mrs. t’lark I ni - year’» n o p of Oregon have devoted I In* i r live* to lhe spring wheat is estimated al I, eaii'i". anfl in api»reeiallon of ’’ V’ ,, .......................... bushel* and the win-, ltd " * " ......... W,M ........ .. , PP wheat erop at 17,600,0«». 1 fill ir (lie __ Dr. Clark Recognition 101 " nM" Fund, (be income of which I.» There i* n steady demand for to go to Dr. and Mr*, (’. lark loggers in all of the llr-produe- dtinng their lifetime and there- ing -eelioii of the Northwest, nrier to the cause of 0. K. in Several hig Oregon mill» nre the generations to come. ¡working two and three shift». J ^ week aud is a l the hums of * ‘on" her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . Those from this vicinity who H. Daniels on Pleasant Valley attended the Washington coun­ road. ty fair held at Hillsboro last , week brought back very favor- th e road supervisor and h.s We reporU as lo lhe F a ir he- crevv of men began grading on . „ lhe best ever.” 0 ne of the Cooper Ml. - Heedville road our Kinlon vouns Tl)pn, x\ ¡i" Mouuny morning und macadam Weil, e|. WO'. p.ize wii| soon reinaee the siren lie: best plate ol grapas. das been dirt I'Oao' Mr. and Mrs. Van Horn ot Portland who recruit) puici... the many friends of Mr. Fred ed tbc Spencer tract, were at Grabhorn will be pleased to be th iir place Sunday. They are informed that he was one of planning to erect a house and the successful applicants who other buildings at an early took the stale bar examination dat<* and reside here. We sha'I in Salem last July. We all b<> very pleased to welco e wish Mr. Urabhorn the best of family into our community.