Th« ■«avario« Review 1 ■ * ■ ' 1.. Friday, January It, 1 1 oonocrt to m WOm U T M I L \ \\\ A A o iv c n L A D IE S ' a i o 'ri|)lt> Chime» Com|«aii> The January will be in Meaverton »Wh at H o c k ck I*. M in the roit.imiuity r»«*n» o f the B illul #»irntion«l Church. At that (kite they will |»r«‘ *,'n' n concert for the benefit o f the Bethel l.ndie»' Ant. The Triple Chime* organim- Uon ha* an eatnbllahed repu- lation, anil present a program delightful to all music lover» The Triple Chime» eon»t»t of three bell metal lul*e* tuned ‘n unison and an octave apart, In all. there are twenty-seven of these Chime«. Their beauty of tone simply captivate* every audience. Other musical in slruments played are Ihe mu aical glasses, violins, mando­ lins. and piano. This is a high ela«s enter tainment. and it will he worth iur vHiUr Ip attend. H O T fY TOT»Y amt eharges are reasonable J. S(M>rfer, who liv«'* near «IV ■.mull or argr Job*. l i e »wile evuisider.t* Ft«’«l «’. Slrieklaml. Ill B m verton, ha» taken a |io»itimi «ivi v i h I*. C. Hempstead. M r . tion. c l and e flw e n e v . Our I* it, Beaverton. Sperber \,i!l have charge t>f the sa'c» isioin and parts depart- tiicnl while Mr. Itempslcad «‘ \ p els to spend his lime outsid1 selling Fords. . io The Beaverton ««range will give a dinner at Ilia «¿range hall, Saturday, January 3«*, from S to 8 o’clock. Price, *5e and 6«)c. There will he a pro- grom after Ihe dinner. Every­ body is invileil to attend. The Beaver Social Club card party Wednesday afternoon wa« very successful. Prises were awarded as follows: Mr*. Fil­ ey, first prise; Mrs. Boyd, sec­ ond prise; and Mrs. FarreJI, consolation. Beaver Chapter No 10« O. E. S. Reg­ ular meeting. Wed 1 Carpenter work o f any des­ cription by the hour or con­ tract. We go anywhere, han- Chatter shorteni tour car's life. Para-4rd w ill cure it. A perfect lubrf- cant made just fur vour a ty o u r STOP COUGHINO General Henairing. Horseshoe­ ing, Auto Spring Work L. F. HUMBGRG Formerly at Hillsboro Vetch, Rye Cheat, Timothy ctnd Clover Seed and Alfalfa Hay Beet Pulp Mentholated W hite Pine And T ar Specials This Week in Fleur Del Monte Flour $ 2 .2 5 Crown 2 .2 9 Sperry 2 .2 9 50c 7-ox. bottle A pleasant lasting. eCro- tive cough syrup. Son* ties and heals Ihe inflbm*'«! parts. Give- relief from the nerve racking »pasms | o f roughing. Try it on our guarantee. Dean’s Diug Store file ' RaHOilL JWw Praetor School to Start m Our Store at 10:30 in the Morning FREE LUNCH A T NOON FREE MOVIE SHOW I o All Who Attend theSchool * I verybody Invited Mon. Jan . 2 5 ^ ~ w Fisher’s Blend, 2 .3 5 Scratch-food $2.90 per sack Berthold Fgg Mash $2 80 per sack Berthold Dairy Feed $ 1 7 5 per sack Delivery charges: feed, 10c per sack; flour, S cents For Price on Ton Lots, call 3-36 C H A S. BERTHOLD H A Y , GRAIN AND FEED Beaverton, Ore. Near S. P. Depot 5 - Keels of EntcrUloibg and Educational Pictures • 5 Here is an opportunity, folks, for exerybedy to harp more about rngires and tiactors, t!eir crnstruction, their rate, and their operat: n Yv u Cannot .Jford to miss it. We will have trained men on hand whu will illustrate, demonstrate, and talk on question-; every up to-il e-minutc farmer it vitally in* t- rested ir. T i e nr« virp pit turca will be entertaining and instructive. The lu.vl. will lc a giod one. And there will be fun and excitrment ,«| «my. Your neighbors will be here and w- want you, t.*>. Make joji plans now to attend our big Power Farming Entertainment. Pemcmbe the d itejand the place. Otto Erickson & Co. 8 Hillsboro Bei:verton ForesL Grove Authorized Star Dealer, Fours, S’ mcîs BEAVERTON R ead these featu res— th en go and see th e car y o u r s e lf— C ontinental Red S e a l A l o t o r , s ix c y l­ inders w i t h e x t r a h e a v y cra n k sh a ft and fo u r m ain bearings. n r o M O R R O w it w in be the sensation o f the co u n try , so d iffere n t is this new car. 586 Pacific Coast automobile men de­ clare it w ill change price class for all time. m * $ &Ü i *'V ¡■t*' i N o w o rd o f m outh or stroke o f pen—no artist’s p ictu re — can a ctu a lly convey the beauty, value and economy o f this new engineering principle on w hich the new Star Six w as built. ! Entertainment and Tractor School! I Note Our Prices BLACKSMITH SH O P Mow Management I « Riser’s With Cod Liver Extract and Eucalyptus Farming Second St., Across From Court House Hillsboro, O reg o n F ET Y D RUG STO KE i ! I i' ree j Pow Power er » At Our Salesroom •w ith n e -'i ä y c v e n itfg . J a n . 27, at 8 P. M. O f­ ficial visit o f Ihe Worthy «¿rand Mai ron. I>egrees. Visilor» wel­ come. Bring receipt.*. By or­ der o f the W . M. Jessie C. Pharis, Secretary. Adv e 8 Under CHAT 49> W OW ! WtthnerV Broadway Kaiter- lamere alv again playing » • Huber Saturday night, January 23. Hard time dance, Wednesday, January ?7. Three cash prise». Music by Wahner's Broadway Eitlerlamer*. Adv c 8 lEAVEirrOM try U» t, Bov Adv p7 y o u 'll say so once you've Tried it " Full F orceF eed L u ­ b r ic a tio n p u m p i n g o il u n der pressure to main, cam shaft ¿^ co n ­ n ectin g rod bearings. W hat about this "different” gaso­ line? There’s only one way to find out for sure. Drive up to the Inde­ pendent Dealer at the Green and W h ite Sign and tell him to fill your tank with General. B e n d ix F o u r W h e e l B r a k e s , same ty p e as used b y Packard, L o ­ com obile and oth ers in A m e ric a and b y 90% o f a ll European cars. N a t u r a l W ood W h e e l s w i t h e x tra h e a v y spokes. R e­ m em ber n atu ral w o o d w h e e ls mean the spokes m ust be f la w ­ less grain. 1 hen you’ll see for yourself. It’s the same old motor, the same old car. .But#-this gasoline is different "fU U sJW here are they? Pick-up? S-a-a-y?i\^^ Every drop o f 'General works its head o ff in the motor everyday of the year. It is always the same— id*» ways the best gasoline that we know how to make. y G ENERALES PETROLEUM CORPORATION And the man who sell« it is worth while. H e owns his own station. “ Fill up your tank and let your engine decide.” m I' ■ Sport Touring Coupe Coach Brougham Otto Erickson (8b Co. Hillsboro - Beaverton - Forest» Grove r. v . B RNFS Distributor Hraverto«, Oregon ¡ASOLINE LUBRICANT* ¿ LUBRICANTS SOLD O N L Y T H R O U G H A U T H O R I Z E D IN D E P E N D E N T D E A L E R S