■ — Business Directory he B e e verton Review ; s T A IL O R IN G _ è Hemstitching & Pleating t 5 2 T H E SUMMERS SHOR ^MRS. M. O. SUMMERS, Prop g Friday, October SO. 1SSS ^% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ' Beaverton, Oregon. F op F in « Watch Repairing an Optical W ork Soe A. E. W ILSO N Issued Every Friday At J.. H 'naval disasters. ■ ■ - illu siraled p h y s i c a l culture *••• ISS MW u s aaouoa nun* ta« chart. W hen you consider that laSerHaa«« tax«« »lock I« ( alifor l liciv art« substituir* fo r al - bmidreds o f «laitons In all UK*-1 everything, nowadays, bul P'*cl» o f *iur Country nr** soijd -- »-«•—-* °u t th e »« health exercises. ne lias found - substitute no ............. ths radio a* * family doctor I* level head. for reaching m illions o f people. , I n ' i> something like (ho who said he would rath fell er i ve us l he money forever than beat us out o f il. ( Huletl Editor and Publisher If there is anything in evo- 11ultou there is sur** lo be devel­ oped in time u tougher and more resistant pedestrian. KnU r*J m »wfonj-etiM Msttff I W r U - r *4t. W ATGII MAKER and JRW KLKR On Broadway, First Door East Sometimes all the friends a ' jO *r ta« Act ml lbn| A ISIS. o f tilt: Poat Office fellow can get behind him can not do as much fo r lum as a Subscription. 11:50 per year. good swift kick wvrnld do. BEAVERTON LUMBER BO. EASING THE BURDEN OF STATE TAXATION Baaksr Points Out Benefits ot Community Propsrty Sys- tem in Some Stato*. WANTED «od P OR S A L E i«"i*rov«d . I Oregon straw burry plant«. Ada In Oil« column lo a word I ► ‘»'••il Brttiin, fu si bouse woat ^ 4 of I per cent oa o f llnghson's Garage. e lB lf fo r a *tr m I m I »ala«. Whea considered Mmiumni i'bnrgi' o f ?3o to coajuaciio» «ita ih« ruling that «o any ad. la bori tu e « la i«« osa ho lavled upon For Balo— Hi-i'il bnliy I’ arriage any «teck la foreign corporations, or For Balo —First clune cordwood Fil'd llratin, first ||Otine west «pon hank accounts, honda notes, da II. Jolmsoit, Beaverton, Houle bastar««, «r atm llar eoeurUiaa belong o f llnghson's Garuge. e l Ilf i. Phone 6331. ndv If Ing to n hen resident but tooeted In the etnie ht tho time of such non real For Bol». - llei'ondlllotied y u r j. dent’s decessa. It will ho observad son t Tortora. O lio Erickson that at preaent U « Inharllance las A Go. Adv o 3» l f situation la California la moat favor •bia both to « o « residents who have Commercial Hatching— Maukine property ta this stale and to married starla Inai o f No vont ber. Gali people who live her« or who may sub or wt-ile W\ II. Ilari, Bea* »e« sea (ly move her« from elsewh.ee • tortoli. Oregon, Adi c 48 51 7Ì A fx d Z & t C í'U ^ c í THE PENCIL MAKES A FARM PAY BETTER For B h l»— \ l'Ii'li •.mi. D.m Rliaw. al Hie fork« o f lite Hillslioro 'and Farinm glon rnuils brlwesin llulier and Mutui Adv. e *#-*9 PkwtiwM« u yM U of tax «ra te«« arw sow among the most klgkly prised Farm Accounting Reveals Losing - vdvertising rates on application. »•sets of our K tlH . It 1« pointed o«t Now Open Foe Buslneaa Wie/ » , them won't watt» you1 A nul at (he steering wheel. la tk« American Bankers Assoclalloa For Sai«— \\ hito I rfh o rn pulì Methods and Points Way to /»•J. Under New Management l«|» Also fresh eow*. F. Journal In coanscUoa «ttb an article Bigger Profits. The greatest paradox o f mod- rt ‘ “ i,ch “ l h,!* * u,° * " h“ r*' W r’H loilail a fiss/wf /•»*) (um in (he road, is a good oa b o « Oa II torn la. which baa sever II. W ilson, Beau eri un, Oregon, I.EW IS BROS, PROPRIETORS »rn timos is civilised warfare. —/ram tk» piatoli» a/ Mr. Quit» recipe for a coron er'* verdict. in t o u a i au had a »tat« Income tax. cats «late ( FVoa* Aanhar Farmer) and Federal death tax«« nearly In A farm oanoot properly ha called KINNEY BROS. for IW provide change .. drawback wiU| , h# bjr tk« "community property" ayrt««* •occeaaful ualeaa It pays a fair rata W anted— Front owner, acreage D F I I'FII let it* look with huihtiugs near Beaverton ^ over your beut lug ay» Electricians «luarter is about the only u»c folks with remarkable m em orie» L. H. Roeeberry. Vice Proaidant So of tatareat oa (ha Investment and rw In exchange for attractive Inn The addition o f a left fop a nickel. ( nat (hey don' I seem to re- rarity Tru»t and Saving« Bank. I*M tarns fair wages for the farmer’s la Bells, Annunciators 3 room hougalum with 50x100 Angel««, author Of Iho «rtlele. my» her. Agriculture la considered by all iVw modern valves might “ : member the favors done Ihem. Burglar alarm work a Specially that • recent amendment to the tnt odds (he moat Important Industry In ft. lot XO’c from eoeuiohranoe. »ave you inuiiy dollars Hornet lines it is I he Iasi step Ihe world, and y«t In no other Indus Phone 5231 Beaverton, Ore In « enabloo future reeldeata of Ihv .1. W. Guinin, 885 Alluna Ave. pfi your fuel bill. jilia i counts, csiweially when you >>wer and fewer people are ■late to tako advantngo of It. Ref try is Ihe business and ao neglected Fori Und. Adv. «• 10 - kt* I It Is oommon to tad a farmer with j slep on the gas. • being killed by automobiles erenoo la mad« to a former art Id « by an Investment of grtean to twenty VOICE AND PIANO Anaiatant Secretary of Ihe Treasury lam you tell us what's the mal- thousand dollars, jai does he koep For Bate—Small apple« or > »i>k l.ike the lily, the flapper toil- (er yvitli the above siatemene?) Dew«y, voicing the need for death tax hooker Purhapu he may M dowa a mg ttptilra, 30 reut* par sack. PAI l.. K. H u r t a i llSBON reform and citing a hypothetical ea»e __________ Also sweat elder, li. 8haw, o f Porthind will lioid a summer noi but when a ear is avail- involving California Inheritance taxes aote now and then at an Important able she often spins. class at Beaverton Begvertoli, lit. I, at the fork« The wail o f the henpecked which might havs been levied la ISM d«aL hut this la of ao value la For Infprmation Call P eg g’s o f Ihe old County Road be­ husband: "B efo re we ‘ were Since that time the laws have boon analysts of bis business as • whole changed. Nr. Aeeeberry declare«, ao Me other Industry, however «mall. Is U alifom n gets the tween Iteedvllle and Aloha. beauty married I could have kissed Residence, Beaverton 37 carried on without hooka of prire. but Florida real estate yt,u j 0 ,b*atli. and now I wish that -the flgur«a then given do net Adv o *7-30 correctly reprooent tho preooot attna also shows a prelly figure. 1 bad.” Farming ta « business and to tton. He toys: For fbsnt— V ivember t. Five I OR. SAMUEL SORENSEN aaful mast he conducted In -Ever »lace Its admission Califor­ room house, furnished. Clos Or. Samuel Sorenson, O. V. S. businesslike way. The buslneaa man s nia has bad lb« 'community property' It is foolish to make a wet They say (hat Henry Ford mlad should hav« Indelibly printed Ul. C. K Hedge. p IB-18 raduale and licensed veterinary, oui 0f what you have j espises these new tangled system. Bight other state havs similar system TVmmunlty proper apoa it two questiona What profit Is been saving fo r a rainy day. PHONES dances, but you often see L u - ty’ la property «ecnmalalod by mar sty business making! How can that For Bolo— i »ne p rarlira lly new “ aie doing a sliinuny righl out rtod persona daring their marriage proBt he Increased I Tp know the Ut O ffic e Beaverton 551— 15 woofl range, pi perfect con ­ except that which la aegatred by gift t«r. one must and out tk* former; sud Comedians believe in g a g s , on the street. dition. 11111111 r g Mr*. G. K.l Farm lies. H ills lx iro S B 25 to and out about profits requires (be bequest or Inheritance. Approximate they say. and wc wish they _________ Allen, Iteaverlon. Adv a *7 i keeping of hooka ly OS per cent of all property In the would wear them once in Some o f Ihe infants o f today state la 'ccmmaaUy property.' Such U la not necessary for s farmer to while. STEVE VASILEFF may live to realise the fu lfill­ property In California en)oy* the most h*v* a coarse In bookkeeping. Al Tailor to Men and Women ment o f the tax reduction prpui- favorable position In regard to death ®°a* «very agricultural college la (hr .Many a man who wakes up l!M.„ |f U|e ,,„ .dll.(ll)n o f „eien- taxes, both slate and Federal, of any cuwwtry has Issued a simplified farm PRESSING AND REPAIRING w a s ||>u „ , rur. lhal ,he lH>1Iod o f state In Iho tin to« (excepting poesl accounting hook which K aeUa at coal Residence: 5th House W eal o f to find h im self famous hly tho eight other states having s and oat y a few minutas are required sleeping with one eye opeij, all numati life is being extended, Stipe's Garage, Beaverton simitar property system) Including each day to Jot do du the day's hap the lime. ' _________________ Shop: *97 W ashington Street, state« boasting of «o Inheritance tax penlnga Accounts Increase Fronts Portland. Oregon The police on tra ffic duty whatever. The California 'comment Instances number a thousandfold Ihe I aies where Ihe m otor vt^re eijuipped w illj white gloves, ly property’ «yatem Is recognlned for ear has di-plaeed (he locomo- * bUe WM.ra|tof alu, whl|e b H - the purpose of levying Federal estate where farmers have profited by know taxes, and only one-half of It la now ao Ing their business Accounts kept by A E. HANSON live do not include (lie railroad i'he pedestrian slowly taxed, while In Florldi the wholo »• nineteen formers la Illinois led them crossings. opened his eyes and imjuircd tale at a decedent Is labjoct to tho to Improve the organisation and oper WOOD ANO COAL »Hon of their forms In ways (hat add —— —— — - weakly where the harps and Federal h f f Get fo u r Orders In Early ed approximately $«W to thetr aver How M m Law w.rks A British visitor ha* remind- halos were. • « « pet » ^ In i m . th« aavnath rallfornla » h r .spveMly Provide, | ^ ^ (proa ^ •’ d u- that the Statue o f Liberty __________ Phone Beaverton *38 «M that apoa th« death of either husband stands with its back to Ihe RADIO ANO H EALTH An Iowa former found at : thè end ut or wife, testa ta, only -»«-half of their United Stale*. th» ara« year he kepi hook» ibat erope An aipertcnced MARGKI4.EH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'he influence o f the radio. net 'community property’ shall he fed lo Hveatock brooght more money CONTRACTING ANO BUILDING snbject to Inheritance taxee The •ha* when soid outrtght. HU figuro» fcrh a i > it would be a saving 1,11 rea-ing a* it does the t'iea- : nm| exemption appIlM npon the N. P. Johnson In attonduneo showed that bla cows «ere poor. ,.f time to have a -landing -SU11' » uf fa rl" l ' r»‘ •'• <*>e liome. tsmh of the hatband Intestate. while comparod wttb other forma 1« thè PLANS FURNISHED connatkee o f in ve«tig«tio n f o r " ■« Freal factor m ronscrx a- the whol« art ’«ommualty p r o p e r’ Is «tal«, he found tha Barn bar of «crea lion o f liealtli. totally exempt from all aU l« Inher Estimates * Gladly Given rultlvated por man on bis farm, «a FIRST C L A M WORK A T ----------------------------------------------Radio service in many o f f t|v>! « » » « • Uxatloo upon the death of th. P.ione 0231 Beaverton IL 2! wlfa Inteatat«. Ths Federal estate well ss th« nqmber ot «eros par borse, state* include* broadcastNsg o f tax taw bow follows preHaety th« Oak wwro belo« «venga. H« rented mor. REASONABLE FNICES land and reptanned bla field». so that what are known as liealtli ex­ Iforala law U Ibis respect. tha erop arma per man and hors* Mapes A Son ercises, or doing what is knowu "A* th« result ef SS «»«o^tpeDl He «oM som« of bla BILLIARD PARLORS as the “ Daily Boxen.” These mad« to th« fslttoswla Uhcrhagcf •en*M «Od bouabt good cosi. Th* tax law by the I f f » Legislature, this Cigars physical exercises in 1 Ite lióme ■•eood year bla Ibrome tiùm W Tobaccos are supplemented by sending Immunity from »tats Inheritance farsa after paylng all expenseo and taxes llkewls« now extends to ’eoi Confections out illustrated chart« free from mnnlty property* of noa^resident mar latereat oa th» money tnveoted. hsU Soft Orinkv the broadeasting station, illus­ rled persona, who hereafter tab« np he«« Incresusod aver |IU Corta Cae B* Regulated • T k a c iik k of P ia n o a n ii Voten trating I lie application o f this their legal re«M-ne* la th« atala Cady Building W atson Street [. * • \ "I hav« dlacovervd," aaya one farm This puts ’community proparty’ ta • radio feature. [4 Taucher ot CLARA UJW . I'ortlaiul’o Oriental »Nafllsl R bookkeeper, "that thè klad of man mors favorable poiltloa regarding The managing director o f one death taxes than »lists In any other you hav« on a Job. sa well sa thè llig li School Credit» Civrti 0 BEAVEPTON BARBER SHOP station reports requests from ■late In the Cnl«« with t*« possible parUculnr team, oflen makes quii« a more than *5,000 homes fo r the) exception of tb* other eammually varlatlon in tb« coet of porformlng C. J. Stmns. Prop. Piano System« of Volc* Systems t-fB I bava Immoti frora i property states This extension of tha certa In tasti, ‘ Liinlains Ihe same o ’ d pi ires- lesch tisky hbrigli« 0 exemption will add It por eont to thè pegr» ot ta f hook that if I couM f H j k i T ’*’ 1 Shave 25c Haircut 35o Lhev . fio Ib. He-l r 1 property In Ihe ,1x1« coming under bava Increeaed thè yleld ot my wheat i H f i V m d by twe bushel» and my coni by - ' Laundry In Connection this dpflnlton which means that ap Hravetir» ' M proxlmafety «0 per re*X ot all'prop Ero buabels I would bave reallaad a p * For infurmatKMi phom 3-7 B TEAVERTON. ORE W if S