ft* tm ON THE Tualatin Tunnel Project Why This Dangerous Experiment Should Be Killed At The Special Election Called For Tuesday, October 20,1925 A Few Facts For the Consideration O f Property Owners In The Tualatin Tunnel District T’ ntil a few tiny* ago Ih m w n v u lrthin«l whp wepe «11 for the Tunnel pruj«*«'t Under the bill. We hadn't In; {.’ «in to use our heads. Million» in T a x i« fur a dumb tv grunt fraiiclilM-H to lut«'rurt>uiiN, s t r e e t «'tirM ami auto I iiikwh but that the law HI’ Et 'I I'll 'A LL Y nays that the director* «•an piaater your projierly with a DEBT OP M lLLIONH and then CHARGE YOU TOLLS to puss through the tunnel ei- tlu'r afiMit «ir in your own vehicle? Tin'll with «lection sch«ilul«-d for Tu««- «lay, October 20, we iM'gan to dig «round for FACTS and KIOITUTH.- Wh«t w «• found shows iih that a few I hid I SPECU­ LATORS Miami « chance on milking some nioni'y on «-I oh »' to l In* tunnel property NOW UNDER TI1KIR OPTION. T h e nut -of iin Htand fo pay AN A P P A LL- INO MILL ami take up a staggering load of •milliiMiN of dtdlarn in A D D IT IO N A L TA X E S with Niirh alini hop«« «if coming out ah«o you know that the pio|M»sed la w not indy glvwi the directors the right to l»o you know that land HPECULA- T oR S tilrcmly have under O PTION the land near the Tunnel Entrance uml that this land is the only property that MAS A t ’llA N t'E for IsKini price«? Don't pin your faith to guesswork and propaganda of Speculators! I f all build­ ing was absolutely stopped in Portland nml ‘ surrounding towns and A L L OF IT were centereil exclusively «>n the 59,100 mil's in the Tualatin Valley— it would REQUIRE H A L F A C ENTURY TO SELL TH E LOTS. Think it over. Iton't get the idea that you eniild s«dl your proparty nml the * other f«dlow eould not. It M IGHT U your property that wouhln't s«'l|. And if you diil sell— what would you g«*t ? Th«> •fuets an' in this statenient. Read Them. Tinnii t Would Coat 912.tMM),tM»0 Instead of Í3.00U.H00, a tunnel wonhl eost us not less than ff>,iMNI,—more aiul more taxes to o|M*rate and nuiiiitain tin* Ism* and the expensive ventilating and lighting system which It must have. For farm ami home owners in the Tualatin Valley this stii|M*BdouM expendi- turi' wonhl Is* only the Iwginnlng. What a lami owner eouhl get out of it; what he wonhl have to PUT IN ; W H EN he eouhl get anything out if lie did, is not hard to figure. A five minutes study of the map nml twenty seconds of honest thought is alunit all an ordinary mail m*«‘ds to see that what is PUT IN will T A K E A LONG, LONG TIM E to TA K E OUT ngaip— if ever in our life time. • Hen1 are just a few of the figures. Each is based on actual costs averaged down to make them sure. I'rn p iriji ('m ill .Yol l ‘iiy Out Land on the Tualatin Sid«' of the tun­ nel is in com|N'titioii for settlem«*nt with all other lauds, including East Side Port­ land, tli«‘ Peninsula district, the Upper Sandy, Like Oswego, and as soon as the H<‘I| w '« mm I bridge is finished—all the big level distrh't this side of Milwankie. A ll thi**e districts an* improved, clone in, easily reached over any nnnilier of stn*ets, with stns*t car s«*i-vlce, and an* serveil by five bridges. And yet there an* approx- inintely 50.000 vacant lots in Portion«! still. Much of it can I h ' bought for tho same prices it sold for twenty years ago. Tunnel or no tunnel the Tualatin Val- l«*y must «•oiu|x,te for home buihh'rs with these ami other pn»i>erti«« in Hillslioro, Multnomah. Tiganl, Garden Home, «*tc., T A X P A Y E R S C O M M ITTE E O PPO SIN G T H E T U A L A T IN • and so long as there is so much property available land will continue to command only the usual residential or farm use priees and NO MORE. The Tualatin Valley ia already w«dl# si'ttled. It nsjuires only a few minutes to travel to «>r from Portland. The main travel arteries are being steadily ad«le«l to an«l improved. For less than one-sixth of the 93,009)000 (which actually means 912 , 000 , 000 ) the valley can be made as convenient to west si«le Portlaml as Ir­ vington or Luirelhurst are now. Why, therefore, should we go out and put ourselves under an obligation to pay M ILLIO NS MOKE IN T A X E S for some­ thing that can not benefit us? Why not h't th«* SPECULATORS who have secured their O PTIO NS on the ouly property that could benefit— P A Y T H E IR OWN MILL? Residents of both Multnomah ami Washington counties are Itorne down now by a heavy load of taxes. To increase this loud will result in a general break- «iown of property values. The nationwide tendency is to DECREASE TAXES. The oult way to reduce them is to STOP SPENDING. lx*t us get «lowu to FACTS. Let us hack legitimate and worthwhile improvements and Put Them Through. By tb«' same tok«‘n let ns K IL L this ev­ erlasting agitation for non-essentials to the end that we can lighten our tax loud, and continue to make legitimate and ne­ cessary improvements. . / VOTE NO! We recommend VOTE NO on the Tu­ alatin Tunnel project Tuesday. October 20. Let the land speculators who have options of the g«>od stuff pay the bill. T U N N E L PROJECT, W . C. N O R TH , Chairman, R. M. T U T T E L , Secretary. Ér • . . ** ^ it * • For further information, telephone Main 5.015 or Main 5448. P aid Advertisement