The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941, June 26, 1925, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    R ag» T h r«*
Th« »«avsrton IUvl«w
I Multnomah County, f>r»*on; thencx Nn* shall ha followed If Ua true
That It la our nurpoaa to organlao ¡w est alontf the canter line o f Me«- hearing varlea somewhat from th«
d ip tiId urtd*<r thu prt vl*|i<ni Uuf» Flffht ( I ) , Meet loll Meven (7), true bearing aa given for bravtty In
I • t <*hxi»t«-r I I I , feuwp of Ori son for Med It»« T w e l v e ( I D and Mpction the «hove d"idNMtJo8L * «
>921, *ntltl»4 "An A» t providing for K le vr« ( I t ) , to the quarter corner
r o u e petitioner»
, H ip in uu tikrul lor» of tunnel 'llitflcLi. between Mectit>ne Ten (10) and K i t v pray that said district ba organised
for th* « o n * ruction, operation «nd en ( I I ) in Township On* ( I ) Mouth. as in said act provided.
' niMint<»niiH’p o f tunn*'t pypt«*m*, *nd rt»n*p One ( I ) Wmt of thx W il­
A K Roy, Fort land, Oregon, R t
! for lh* payment of lh* r opt o f pnrh l s rn e t t a Meridian, In Wualilntfton
i. Nos 41, 22 acres In district.
«yp»* nm nnd *
Incident ther«* County, Ore*r‘*#i;
North On»*
J K. Nicholson, llosa êc Do sc h ltd,,
half ( Mr t mile to the Northeast cur*
That tht Ipnd* *inhraca 1 wlthlr rner of said Mactlon Ten (18); Cttefic* Portland. Oregon. Rt. 8. Box 81-A.
lh*» houndorlrp of th« district hrr*- | west One ( I ) roll«» to th«* Northwest I arra
Martin Melar, Portland. Rt, 8, Box
, Innftpr d«>p«*rtbod 11« In « ' orit’ nuou» corner of said Meet km T«*n f i t ) ;
hod y at «dtlipr *ml of th« piopopvd »hence north One-half ( % f mite to 96, 18, t0 acres.
the Quarter corn*r on the east Hn*
tunnwl connpctln« th « aam«;
Mrs. J. Mandat mm, Portland, EL
Thfit th« lihda o f tht und«rptvn'd of Meet Ion Four ( I ) In Township On* %, IJox 82, 1 acre.
| |H»tltton«r«, pnd «It lurid» In I * l*d
K »th «r K li' ger». Portland. Rt. 8,
! within »«Id dUtrlrt, will h« h* »>ffit#d the Willam ette Meridian; thence west Nos 81. 20 acres.
ihroutfh th« eonotrurthyn nt th« pro- One (1 ) mile along the center line
Theo. Bllleter, Portland, Ut. 8, Bos
of said Meet Ion Four (4 ); thence >0, 4 */* acres,
, IMotrd lunnrt;
Thttt lh « l«ftdp Included wltliln tho
Ktrully Hoimes. Portland, R t
t»ound«rl«>p of »«id dlrtrh't 11« within northwest corner of paid Meet Ion Four Mo* t t A. 8 acre*.
MuHnoiiiith t’ownty, O r « « o n. and
David M lr«Iff. Portland. Rt. 8. Bos
Wpphinirton c*ounty, O r » f o n ; th« southeast corner of Modfon Thirty- W, y% acr*.
urruirr portion o f whlf*h dlulrlct
Barbara Mtrelff, Portland, Rt. 8,
! In rid» arp pltuated In Waphlnicton o f Itamr* On* ( ! ) West of th* W il­ Dos 47, shout \% acres.
c . ,r , i« l« I r *» u Ck.tuca.
County, Orvui n
Albrecht H »r«iff Portland. Rt- 8.
half { % ) mils to the Quarter corner
Thttt lh* houtid«rl*tp of th« pro-
R-x 47. 88 'acre*.
r»n Ihe east lln* of said Mention Thir­
I itoprd tun»*l dlptrtct i r « u follows,
K. I(. Tfayle, Portland. Rt. 8, Box
ty-one (S I); thence weat One (1)
(C iH ilitiu c d (rum la a l w e e k )
Ut, fthtoit 7 1 aerea
mile to th* Quarter corner In the
And In Joyce's enufu«e.| and blush­
Charles WiJnrjn, Portland, Rt. 8,
* Hcitrlrinlnff tt a point, which I p the weat line o f «aid Mectlon Thlrty-ont
w II bii Un ilint, nnii b | ii < ivllnu obey tinr
ing face, In her eye» aa ah« raised
l«* n l* r o f t h # fforthwPPt gu art«r (S I); thenr* North on*-h»tf ( H ) mil# ?tox t«. 7 acres.
honor iu«>, h i ih ii'i « « ore lo i|<i, and
them ahyly toward Ills own. he rend jtN W Ip ) o f MMlh n N l»* <t). Town*
A. O. Carlson, Portland. Rt. i. Box
to the northweat corner o f said flec­
I'm no run* ilir lu rri in,.' Anil l l'i
their tannini hnpplm*ka.
Uliip On* ( I ) Mouth. ItaiiKP On« (1) tion Thlrty-on- (S I); thenr« wmt tt. 8 acres.
futlicr, in) iiiim'B gut n l<*ni(>i-r
William Wolfel.
Portland. Rt. 8.
With Joyce'« arm drawn shyly f Mart o f thr W!llan>*IU M«rldl»n,
Tw o IS) miles to th* Northwest cor- Rox 42, 0 aerea
like III« ilii'll lilMoir. «m l ill« J vu I ouhj
Hirough Ida own. and hla «boulders 'within th» corpornt« limitp o f the
o' Hu* m mu.I Turk.*
John Carlson. Portland. Rt. 8. Borni
nrliln t fre i» Fallier Metlrath'a hand- <’ ity of Portlntid. Multnomah County. ner of Mectlon Thirty-five (SS) In
“ Then I aprnk lo (hero vrrrn »<>fl. elaap. he left the M-hiMilliouae. Out- * «»rrgon; thtnc» Mat Thr^c-ciuartt-rp Township On* ( ! ) North, Range Two 48. 2 acres.
U ) ilinr mull, nail iii > ili nr wuiiuiuin * aide. Hie hor».* »t ' 1 '..l hnm.'»»ed to the
Thomas Mtr* iff,
Portland. Rt. 8,
o f a m il« to th« pouthropt cor* (5) West of the W lllm etU Meridian;
Nog 42. 4 acres.
I nay, 'yc'ro halth ruutli' fa il, «ml
sleigh, which wna loaded with Hie «up- io r of th«i K*»rtloaPt Quart«-r (N K ^ ) theme south One (1) mile to the
A R. Rogers, Portland, Rt. 8, Bos
¡Of th»* Morthpopt Quart«»r ( N’ K ) of
whiil'H i|un« ini iuih I * unilune. T M
lose handed Joyce Inalile nnd
Mout;.*v«al corner o f s a i d Mectlon
»lin t iiiBlriH'iiinn)'■ for, lu help ■ mun followed her. Father kl> (irnth took *a»d 8*ctlon Nln* <t|; th*nr* north­ T hirty-five (IS ); thence weat Two H, 1.85 acres.
Nor on« Robertson, Portland, Rt. 8,
e r l y «lon g th*» «‘PPt Una o f »aid »«•<:-
Mini n w uiiiiiiuii lu iln>iui|ilin«— llu ir
jtS) mtlm to th»* northwest corner of flog 187. I I seres.
(lie box neat o f the Mg alelgtl, which
nullin'« *Tls n «rrnltil i)ur«|H*naiiltun. hnd ortglnnliy funetloned In Hie alr-ela I I Ion (fin * (H to an Intrrppctton with .Section Four (4) In Township One
Bernice Robertson. 781 Ellis Ave-
i ( he oofitrr tin« of Arthur Btr«*t, If
la tmitrccnony. Ami, If yv'll Imllli n
of wane provincial city. Father ale p iim iltd ; thm«*« rpptrrly a l» n f the I (I)'*" Mouth. Ranire Two (2 ) W'cat of
us, f*orlland, 1 acra
iiiwiii I. i t '— I «ii On. i|H*akln‘ wl' what
J M. flog irr», I*ijrtlsnd, KL 8. H
lira 'll had driven It to tils destination !*aid i Hnti r lino of Arthur f U r « t * »d
yn tniglii cull a touch uf unction i
iltp ••»l**npl«tn thereof, to the renter I south Tw o (2) m il«», more or l. aa . »er«.
I h ' . iim I im ) b«furr aUtulttlns yn to lis
John Zurbuch*n. Portland, Rt 8 .
1 line o f Fr«*nt Mtr«e|; thepee north-
hi a did.air round the ren te with nit
pH vllw gei, far w w l I »aw Dial ya
***rly a|nnf thp renter lino o f Front i h* m* eaaterly and southerly fol- 8 nrr*».
« r r r la s III aaaarli-il nature»—’ ‘ Nurlli
Fatiick H srn«tt, Portland. RL 8.
fMtr**i*t to the renl^r line o f Mherman
Tilt* journey wna u alow one, thv i Ktreet; thrnre e«Pterly » l o f l f th«» ran- ] .'lives and In the center thread therc- Ro* 372. 18 «ere».
In« o' Iti« Burn I* lin y liur*t uul ln.ll«
A. Mainimi, Portland, RL 8. 7 *
ten line of Mh^rman Mtreet and it» J »f t** a point where >:« d center Un*
nanlly. Anil wl' llmi ih«y «<> ofT, arrm
piunglug tinuiigh the cruata that had * < xtenalon t«* the hnrhor lino on the j«nt>rsccts th** east «iml west etiuler am«».
In arrm to«H li#r.M
Gl*nn Fotilke», Portlsnu. TU. 8,
formed over Ilio «iirfuce. It wn« even W^at tu»nk o f the Wlllamwtt* Itlver: ! line through the ceuivr •»[ Mection
" I H u | m > you haven't M l»« I'rlly and
colder Hum before, and there w in e d I thence north » l » n « the wepterly hpr- j Kl* hi*« u tilt) T te n iM p Tw o (•') 7 % arre».
m yarlf In mlml. Knihar," m M I
H. Gr« pg. Portland. RL 8.
no donili that winter had act in at IlM.r line o f the W lllem ette K lv*r to j oul l t , liHMjit- One U ) West o f the
laushlng. “ I'm w liiln« 1» «ir p Into
Hj"* 82, 1 % a«r"s.
a point In the renter line of Ml** I »VIHarnett« Meridian; thenca oast op
your trap I .murmur, ami I'm iiiuro
1 John B. w K iU ok Portland. Rt. 8.
te» nth Mtrect. If eitended; thenee | proximate)? O n e a n d one-fourth
Inaine ealite Into view.
wlllln« In alr|i Into II thla uilnute."
*outh*-rly along what would be the J < l * 4 ) miles to the center Hue of ♦ » x 81. 1*4 acres.
Father kletirnlh got down. Hupping
Father MrlSmlh looked al ilium
Marion P. Pnvejr. Portland. Rt. 8.
renter line o f Shl*<*nth Mtreet. If
Ilia am. -
lut* lo'!(*.*.I Joyce out- extended, and the renter line o f Mlx- ¡{ketiou Mevnme«u (17) in »aid Tow«*
qillaxlrally. “ W r*l, wu'll Ju*t aay III«
No* 83. 2*4 acres.
Abraham Mels ter, Portland. Rt. 6.
day aflur tomorrow, Aadunun." he They set down the auptilh-a.
tpenth Mtreet to the renter line of and One-Half (2 Vs) tidies to t h e
"I'll help you In » T ll.eae gomia,** Waehinnton Mtreet; thenre wepterly 1 Quarter corner in the north line of Box 88.
»«Id. "K'.r ya hen. Ao<lrr»..n. a wum-
•aid the ptP t, '"hut I wllna come In n|t>ng the renter line r*f Waahlt gt«n .Section Five (i| of said Township
Martha B. Plummer, Portland. R t
mnn wunta a l« « t i » nmu lo picture her
aids. An.l .llnna ye la* coining hack HI feet t«» the r*HtfT line i’# MI*fer»Uh j »nd Range, thence east Two and 8. Dox 88. 18 acres.
Br|f a In mln.l'a «y e Imfure
Chan- Isehmann. Portland, R t
lo me. Mr». And.-ranO,"—Joy evi looked Mtreet; thenre poutherty alonir the | • »»»' -half (2 1* ) mile» to thg Mouth-
alia I hn .' oiiim mm *.''
ad»ruldy contused at the adtlresa— ¡renter linr o f Mlnteenlh Mtreet to the
aat c**rncr of Mectlon Thirty-four IWr <L7, 22^4 acres.
Jo hn
f^ehmann, Portland. Rt.
8. i
"und (til ni» laies about your hits I renter line of Main Mtreet. or Itp ex- (3 t) in Township On* (1) South,
bund. Pec, him - all the men are alike, jtpnelon; thenre materly along the ex- j tiangc On« i l l West o f the WII- Dox 67, 18 acres.
Margueritte Dosch Campbell, Port-
tenalon o f Main Mtreet nnd Mjln :«n»v*»tc Meridian; thence North Oni
na ) • ha' yet to learrn. nnd ye're In the
’ tod. Rt. 5, Bog 88, 17'acres,
.Htrcvt ttaelf to the center Una of
The Beat Laid Plan*
trap o' matreemony non, Ihe pair o' I Fourteenth Mtrepf; thenre aouthcrly 1(1) mile to the northeast corner of
C. K. Pierce. Portland. Rt. 8. Box
y a—tied fa il, nnd there'« nnethlng jalung the center line of Fourteenth «aid Section Thirty-four (S I); tbencc- 122 . 2 SFglOT lota
Kallmr MHJralli hail Inalaleii llmt
this aide o' delHi can unfaaten the ! Mtreet to the center line o f Columbia
Ross M. Plummer, 260 3rd 8t., Port­
almulil remain aa a «u ««t al tin.
! mile» to the southwest corner o f the
kted for ye.
street; then«« easterly «lung the cen- -Southeast Quarter <8i£U) o f t h e land, 3 % # acres.
iiilMlon ilurln« ilia two fulluwln« Haya,
"littld-liye and guld luck lo ye," he trr line of Columbl* Ptrret to tlic
John W. Cullen. Portland. RL 8.
ami ha tn«l«t«<l un au|>|4yln« him with
I Southeast Quarter (8K W ) of Mectlon
•«enter line o f Tenth Mtreet; thence ¡T h irty (18) In Township On« (lJ Ilex 388 a 48 mcrea
milled, extending a hand to «neh.
an imllli o f rlulhln«. 11« nakuil their
A \V. Mol in. Portland, Rt. 5. Box
Itili In (lie middle of that hand I poutlterljr »lo n g the renter line of js-iuth. Kanpe One (1) Fast o f the
plana ami 1.«« tolil him.
rlnsp lie stood »till, llalenlng. Ills face Tenth Mtreet to the center line of j WtllamdYte Meridian: thence north 868, 83 acre».
'■The I »ml thin« In Hi« wurrl.l," lir
Geo. B. Thompson. 484 Broadway.
grew grim law. listened too. And nt ¡H all Mtreet; thenre easterly alfn g . One ( I ) mile to a point In the north
»a id " V e jl hr «a fr al ilia I iu u m , an.l
Prat he heard only Hie nlglil wind stir­ ;«he rpntrr line Of Hall Mtreet to thr Mine o f said .Section Thirty
(38) Portland. 1 lot.
dlntta ha' any fear o f lh »a « .1« 1 1 «
Tho*. T. Oeorgea Portland. Rt. 8.
ring among the tre e»; then something ¡renter line o f llroikdwxy M t r e e t ! | which la One fourth (44) mile west
H «rni» al Platon Ink«, fur they'll k.-n
»hence southerly along: the center «»f the Northeast corner o f said Sec­ 48 acres.
all at>o»t Ihu pair o' y « l»n « ayn«. an.l
!îe**ie E. Zimmerman
by W. \
! line o f ilr o td w iy Mtreet to the cen­ tio n Thirty (34); thence east One-
out of the distance.
Zimm.rttian. 101 E. 85th St-, N.. P ort­
llury clan-na la lrrfa r« wl' ya lh « Bun.
ter line o f Grant Mtreet; thenre m et
i**N« 4«
It dirvi awny. The two men watched »•rly along the center line o f Grant ! fourth
land, 2 acrea
Hut .llnna prolans ) uur boaeysMMI lou
each other'» face» with a siicmlae that | Mi reel to • point which 1« One Hun- »«-♦»rner of said Section Thirty (30):
August F. Kohler. Portland. Rt.
lun«. f » r * ) « uiual I * uul o' Ibo ra n ««
did not Pml vent In utterance. Per .»led < 10 rt> feet wept o f the we»t line »hence north One-half (H > mile to 3, Box 82. S acres.
bufoir lh « huary a n « « » begtu."
ii ke Quarter corner on the west line
hap« It had been—the wind, the wnves of Htmth Mtreet; thence southerly
E. Herrman. Hillsdale. 18 acraSL
Lee an.l Lather M dlralh had a Ion«
*f Mectlon Twenty (28). Township
lapping the ahum—hut now It carne parallel with »nd On* Hundred (I0d)
Joseph M H*a1y,* 27« C. C. Drive
'')n * (1) Mouth. Range One f t ) Em*t
talk i««u ih «r ihai nlehi. low lol.i him
again, louder and unniU'akabi* lure fe^t wrat o f the wmt line o f ftixth j vf th« Willamette Meridian: thence Portland. 1 Lot-
lh « wholu alory of lila encounter with
B. Tannler, Sherwood, Rt. 4. 188
dared not rat»» hla eye« to meet I Street to tho P4»uth line o f Mhertdan sat One-Half (* * ) mile to the cen-
Joyrra In lh « ran«u, the dynamiting,
easterly •*r o f said Section Twenty (28); thence acres.
Joyce'« questioning gate, teat atte Mtreet produced; t h e n c e
ami hla puranll o f lh « hand al MlM<>n
C. J. Stickney. Aloha. 3*4 acres
i (ilonir the pouth line o f Mherldn«« • *torth One-half (> ») mile and east
should discern the sudden fear.
taka uml ruarnu o f the «trl. .'uiuiln..l
L aSemler. 228 Jackson SL, P ort­
Fur It wna the put putting uf Hath , S ir*«t pr«*duced to x twin! which 1» ! One-half < H ) mile to th « northeast
In« with their fll«ht Inin Ilia fureai and
•>ne Hundred and Thirty (ISO) feet
orner of said Section Twenty (28). land. 1 lot.
way's motorboat.
Joyce'» loan of loriiiury.
IL Click man. 242 Alder 5H.. P ort­
we*t from the renter line o f Mar* thence north Three-fourth« (%> mile
The three might have been ligure»
A l Prat lh « father detened and lo
uuxni r*o«nty Rond, ale«» exiled Ter- ¡to the *outhea*t ct*rner o f the North- land. 4 lots.
o f »tone aa they at.aid there, llalenlng wtlliffer Boulevard; thence p«»uthcrly
S. G. Bchlotthauer. Portland. Rt
ternt|.ted, nli.l kept « I 'l l . « tun! I »
lo the sound o f the engine, which and wepterly, parallel w Ith nnd One j i»vt Quart* r IN K »* ) of the North
8. Box 64. 1 acre.
Hnmnllon« o f ainaiumuni and Indiana
grew rapidly louder.
None o f the Hundred xnd Thirty <!!•> feet weal
Earl Sandro, llt h sc Varan* I Mtr
lion ; Iml aa Lee went on will. Ida
l.-ntoen (17) In Township - One (D
three uttered a word.
♦ rly xnd northerly from axld center .South. Range One (1) Bast o f thr* Portland. lOO'xlOO* lot.
alory h« full Into allrnce, |..nlln« in hla
Then the hont came Into view, near­ tine o f Mnrquxm lt«»xd. xlxo exiled
A. G. DUnnagan, l lt h & Yamhill
pipe b «»lil« lh « at.iv« and looklns ai
Willamette Meridian: thence w e a t
ing the batik. It eantnlDfd four men Terwlllliger Boulxvxrd» t o x point | On«-half <*4> mile to the center line Sts. Portland. l(*"*m
vtA0* lot.
U r Iniuntly.
G. D. Kenne
nd. R L 8J Box
On.- of ilium »im Itatliway. And even whlrh 1» One Hundred x»io Thirty *>f said Section Seventeen (17); thence
" T la n m a ilii«!" he «aid. when lu »
though Joyce was his Inseparably, Lee (ISO) feet northerly from x point xt ¡north One-half ( H ) ndlo to t h e 3*0. 3 H acr*
| ibi | elided. " I raima underalimd It
Chas. E . icunynn.
97 East 24th
united for the sensation o f nn Icy hand the dlvlelon o f xxld Mxrquxm Road | Nor theast corner o f the Southeast
For. look yon, Anduraoii, It lann a« If clutching
nnd Terwllllgrer Routevnrd xnd In the Quarter (8RH> o f the Mouth want Street. Portland. 10.0*»0 square feet.
hla licnrt.
lilla waa a uonnlry o' auvn««». whuur
E J. Jaeger, 326 Albemarle T e r­
Father M.-tlnith »poke. "*Tht Until- Center line of both xxld road and (Quarter (SW’ H ) «»f Section Eight
a ha»« mnn could do wlinl hr pfceariL
boulevard: thence wcaterl
parallel ¡(S I In said Township anu itange; race. Portland. 3 lots.
way, and I dont n»t hut lie's ».one
T la true they aril their fur It It y hooch,
with and One Hundred xnd Thirty and thence follow in g a straight line
Colonial Realty Co., 474 Salmon
dull's wurrk afoot. Hut hand sternly.
1 1.1«) feet northerly from the center
hul ihnl'a duefervnt fra' kidnaping
Anderson, lie wllna «litro—b « wllna line of Mnrquam County Roxd to x ' in a N'»rthea»t*rly direction to the St.. Portland. 1 Lot 6 F xIlS (.
place of beginning.
F. Prledlander. 723 Flanders SL.
dare— "
point where nuch line Interned» the
There'» anntuihln« nl the back o' Hila
It being understood that In all of Portland. 1 lot.
Ilia voice trailed off Into silence. {northerly line of Mirquam Roxd Ad­ we hnvemt till Upo*."
The engine of Hie motorboat hnd been dition to the City o f Portland. Ore- ihe foregoing description of t h i
Next inoniln« lu-u alupt late— art Inte
shut off
Itnthway nnd Ills men had iron. which point i« approximately boundaries o f »aid tunnel district,
Hint II w«a Ihu ruullalluna of the aultuol
stepped out. They were ashore, they One Hundred and Thirty (1S0> feet ¡the distances are understood to be
i approximate only, a n d the words
children «u ro «» llir ..pen «pace that
were coming up from (lie river toward north« oat« rly along p i I4 northerly
arou»ud hint kr«m hla l»'d he could the house, Knlliwny a little In the lead boundary line o f e«ld Marqunin Road j "more or less’* should in each case
hear Joyce’a value directing thum. mid o f the otliera. With hla hunched »boul­ \ddltlon. from the renter line o f he read therein et> that the point
F or Infants and Children
described may fall at the partlcula*
he anillud happily « I the lh «u «lil <<f der« nnd hla «rent muscular strength. Marquam County Itond uh novr 1’**
«■orner **r legal auh-dlvlalon. or point.
her. The morrow wna Ida uiarrln««
Ills look o f malignant, moektng fero­
ilny. H ie evening o f the morrow they
city, he seemed the nearest tiling Hint Township One ( I I Mouth, flsmre One Intended In the description above, Always bear*
(1) Kxet o f the Willam ette Meridian: ¡nnd where a direction la given to a,
would lie together In their log horn«,
Lee hnd known lo Incarnate evil.
thence northwesterly a l o n g
»hut ofT from nil the world.
Ills face, na he drew near Ihe group, northerly boundary line o f xnid Mnr­ given terral »ub-dlvlston point It is Signatura of
II w »« a riMiaacence o f youth. Hita wna twistet) In a wry, triumphant
quam Roml Addition to the north- Intended that the legal sub-divisional
tend, r joy Hull tilled I.Un. lie dreaae.l amile, lie looked mockingly nt Lee. lie weal corner thereof, which point Is
and Hrolled nernoa (ha Interval lo the looked Ironlcnlly « I Father McGrath. the most northerly point o f L o t
Mut there wan possession anticipated fourteen (14) of Block Three (S> of
Thu! waa the ImpplMt day o f Ida In the look lie cast at Joyce, and I oh > ax id addition; thence due west to
life. Joyce, at hla mandate, agreed to drew the girl to hla side, hla arms the west line of the Northex»t Quar­
W e Give Groen trading S tam ps
a In.If liolldny, nn.l nil Hint afternoon
about her, standing a little In front of ter (N B I4 ) of the Northwest Quar­
they (trolled IhroiiKh Hie anow-bound Iter to protect her from the sight of ter (N W H ) o f axld Section Nine (9 );
thence following: a atralffht line In
wood». Il.elr nrn.a id.oul eiieh other,
a south westerly direction to u»e cen­
planning their life lotfellier. Lee cam*
(T o he continued next week) ter of Section Rtffht (8) In Town­
more and more to nee that lo Joyce
ship One (1) Mouth. Range One ( l )
luipplneaa conalaled of the wllderne«»
Fast o f the W illam ette M rldlan. Ip
She would wilt In a city. She had
Say It With Printing
endured the period o f her medical
"Flowers Dia"
irnlnln« only aa a preliminary to re­
lum ing Into the wild«.
p h j c s k n t a t io n
o r
They decided that they would make n o t i c e o f
n a r r n o n f o r f o r m a t io n o f
thelf home« tl-.aro, lorn real«nln«
i l h 31 Kl, D iaT R IC T
the poll*« the following aprlng. They
Notice ia hereby glven that tho
would take up work under Father Me-
(¡in d i, enlarge Hi* log houae, create pétition Itère tu nttnehed aaklng for
a garden; In lime to come netller» th»' organisation of a Tunnel District
would dock In. the whlaky I raid.' would under the Tilnnel District Act, passed
go— they dranmrd for hour» unlll the b> the Legtslaturg o f the otate of
Otegon In the year 183!, w ill h* pre-
n.lvrnt o f nl«ht »< nt them homeward.
sented at a regulär meeting o f the
When your meats come from our store you can
Next afternoon nn old Indian and County Court of Washington County,
hi« w ife -w e re requisitioned f»t wit- at tho county courthouse of sait!
depend on them being fresh and pure. T h e quality will
nevare; and In the llllle trhootroom, In County. In the City o f Hillsbnro. State
the preaencr of the entire population o f Oregon, «t 10 o’clock A. M. of
be high but the price will be low.
o f the aelHement, which eonaUled of Momlay, the «th ilay of July. 1828.
Our goods safeguard the health of yourself and
the children, two half grown girl«, and
a young hoy, with nn aged aqiuiw or PETITION Fitti THF. Oliti AMI?.A-
family, give strength and keep you happy and contented.
two—all lenaelea of the great mnnll-
pox epidemic o f four year« before
G ive us your order today and every day.
which had decimated the region - F«*r the Conttruetlen, Maintenance,
and Operation of Tunnel Syateiw»
Fresh Goods— Lowest Prices
Father M ed rath performed the simple
ikk I the Fa y ment of the Cost of
ceremony that united (hem, taking the
*Nih gyalema and Expense« Inci­
gold ring from hla own (Inner, and
dent Thereto.
handing It to I-ee who put It on hla
Br "Vkitor IRtrasseau
«IT RavaaarUw
O r i* ,. I r ll.r c l, t loto.
Frank K Watklna. U t B t.rk « t .
< iota.
J. C. Luckai. ( I l
r ,v a t 8L, Port-
l»nJ. 1 Iota.
Mar gara* C. I*a «,t
(U y B. L » ,
*’• * • * )
l* * H
Stark •(..
' ) r .io n , 1 U t
L «U Ì» Itoaanblalt. ( ( ( ,
u .t
Coriload. Or,qon. t Iota.
L'JIth W Mtuhb, (liy h w. «tubka
t),r a l lo r a ,. In (art> TI. k u th 31.
or tlaad, Or»qon. ( Iota.
A ltru i L Stona. (X, Trlnitp
Portland, Oregon, l (oc
Carr Uangabrok.. Wllcox
l'ortUnd, CWagon. 1 tot.
In th» County Court of th»
ot O r t o n for Washington
In th» Matter o f Ut» Katat» o f
Arthur U. Spronar, Deceased
F. H. Seeley, o f Chicago and
Philadelphia, tba notad
expert, w ill personally be at
the Benson Hotel, and w ill ra*
main in Portland this Sunday,
Monday, Tuesday and W ednes­
day, June t », 29, 30, and July
Spermatic Shield w ill not only
retain any case o f rupture per­
fectly, hut contracts the open­
ing in to days on the average
Being a vu»t advance­
ment over »11 form er methods
—exem plifying instantaneous e f­
and wilhntaudmg any strain or
[mall ion no matter the sire or
difflou lt
eases, or (nrisim ial
(fo llow in g operations) special­
ly solicited.
Th is
received the
I n
England and in ttpain, produc­
ing, results
injections, medical
W a rn in g—
All cases should be cautioned
against the use o f any elastic
Notice is hereby given, that
the undersigned has been duly
confirmed by the above entitled
court, as Executrix o f the last
W ill and Testament o f said do*
ceased, and has duly qualified
as such.
Now therefore,
all* persons or web t^l9 • w ilh understrap»
having claim s against said e s - '* "
re,,t where the lump
late are hereby notified and r e - ''* i4n,i not where ,he opening
tuir-d to present the same, lo -
Prod®ein* complications (to­
gether with
vouchers r,,»«i!a U n g surgical operations,
therefor, to the undersigned at Mr- s *eley •»a8 document» from
the law office« o f Hare, McAlear ,h,> L'0 ' 1*''1 Hlate» (Government,
A Peter», in the 8hute Savings " »«h in g lon . D. C., for inspee-
Hillsboro, tion- Hp w '11 ,,c » l « d *° •»••*»-
W ashington
without rharge or fit
within six months from
t h e *b* ln
Tlusinesa de­
manda prevent slopping at any
dale hereof.
Dated this 21st day o f May, other piare in this section.
P. 8.—Every alalenient in thia
notice haa been verified before
Katie M. Spraner,
Executrix o f said last W ill Ihe Federal and Stale Courts,
and Testament.
— F. H. Seeley.
Hare, McAlear & Peters,
Home Office ÎI7 N. Dearborn
Attorneys fo r Executrix.
Adv &L, Chicago.
Adv p 30
Daniel and four adulta at­
tended church one morning. He
proudly deposited in the con­
tribution plate when it was
paaaed, the combined o fferiu g
o f the family.
The vestryman, not realising
this, moved aa though to pass
the plate to the others in the
pew. when he was arrested by
a high-pitched whisper
a n -
pouncing to
th e
nearby occupants o f the near­
by pews: “ I paid fo r five, m is­
“ Can’ t you look me straight
in the eye and tell me you did
not do it? ” »he pleaded.
“ No,” he
h is
glance went over her le ft shoul­
der and then her right.
“ And to think I shall never
be able to look you In m e face
as long as I liv e !” »he moaned
as her gaze mia»ed h i» face
W hat a tragedy I
They were both cross-eyed.
Unexcelled Job Printing
The Beaverton Review
perfect shortening
and greaseless frying —
cAs pure as the
golden com, from
the hearts of which
it is pressed.
Amaízo is wholely
In Use For Over 30 Years
StudioBarber Shop
An.l lu1«, looking at Joyce with a T « t h r l l a n o r n b l e t o n n ty C ou rt o f
W a s h i n g t o n C ou n ty , O r eg on , nnd ta
new wonder that wna almost fear, dis­
th e H o n o ra lile B. J. W a r d , C ou nt y
covered the purpoee that had sent
him Into the range.
We. the undersigned petltlonrm,
|t wns for till», and this alone, that respectively show, end asys*
ho ml fht And not oti'k Ids love, but
That each o f us Is over the age of
that intimide o f Ills heart's desire twenty-one years, duly qualified, rnd
whom he hnd siaighl n ) the days of the owner o f Five Thousand (fl.OOOi
square feet, or mmre. o f land situated
his JU.»
within the boundaries of the district
hereinafter described, and w h o s e
Bring U* Your Joli Printing
name eppeara on the left assessment
An experienced
Phone Orders Early
Beaverton Transfer Co‘
Lewis Brothers Props.
Offices: Bcnvcrton. Corner o f W atson and F irst 8t.
Portland. 188 Front 8t.
Phones: Beaverton, 51 on I I .
Portland, Main 3540
\ Why
Not Own
A Modern Home? \
W ith full basement, furnace, good drainage, land
enough for two houses, on a rock road that’s paid
for and readily accessible to both highways where
there is no city taxes and jnst J blocks to the train
station. These homes have five rooms finished and
room for 3 more in attic. If your old home is priced
right it can be traded in on one of these homes or
they can be bought on easy payments
We Give Green I radinq Stamps
Beaverton Market <8b Grocery
H. A. Morrison, Mgr.
DaUas P. M u rra y
Contractor and Builder