The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941, March 20, 1925, Page Page Three, Image 3

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M û Favorii« Stori«*
TW Poor AW ol Mr. Imm
WI mo Ik« Hrew reached Ik« m m II
Vermont t«wa Ik« proprtetor tea rad
for a white tk«i kU ifttnwap perfora-
» » * aright look II« ebi«f tettar«. U m
■lar of tk« aggiogati«« » u Zeno, tb«
Mexican baiti throw«/, aaaw«ring la
privai« Ul« Io tk« u m « « f H ian m j
Twto« a dar loa«, dra«M d la gaady
trappln««, would «at«r tb« «r«na u -
«— #■■!»< bjr bla wir«, a young, plamp
«ad piatir « « n a * la flab turbia, «ad
followed bjr a roustabout boario« a
basket full ai tea« bowle-knivM and
■Mola« b a tti«*!'« White U m band
Pl«»«d ab appropriata ««tectloa of
•hlvery Bulle tk« «orni« woman weald
®«ll«n hateotf against a b«rh«rooad of
Ma« plänkln« *b W i had baa« »rartad
te lite «riddi« of «b« rin«. Thar« aha
would pvM motionless, bar arma oat-
n « mu»! gat after him again. And
what had happanad to bla bora«!
Now from where ha lay h« bad a
gllhipa* of tha fawn Banka, tb« thin-
lag Mari clrrteu banaath the hoof».
Hla horae « » ■ lying lower denn the
atnpa. at tba rary edge of the rorka
liariile tba torrent. Pally mnri have
abut bla bora« aa w«U. Or parhapa It
waa only tha bora«, and L«e had baan
«tunned by tha tell.
Tha rad rim of the tun waa Jnri
dipping Into iba horiaon and La* re-
inemlwrvd that whan be had laal aeen
It, It waa midway In tba waa lorn shy.
lint ha had aeea It from a cliff lop.
With that tha girl flashed Into the
picture. Laa aaw har and har horae
to(>pllng down tba ravine. It« remem­
bered hla own fall, tba landallde. the
d> nnmlta. Uemory grew complete, the
lari link» «napped Into place
He roallxed (bat bo had barn Anna
from tba height« above, and that by a
mlrarlo of Inch hla deacent Into tha
rock-rirawB torrent had baeg arraated
by iba scrub growth which held hint.
Otherwise lho*e rock a would have
ground and battered him alm»ri out
uf wiuhtance to « man, or toaard him
Into I he whirling torrent.
An II wn* It waa a miracle that ha
had »urvtrad the fall. Probably ha
waa badly Injured, ila must nuiaf
on broken limb».
-11« tried to rise, and tnnlnntly tba
body »creamed Ita protest
With tin-
tuenae (Mlflrully ha aucceeded In get­
ting n|<on hla handg and kuea*
(tel*-! each yf hla lloiha Ip turn, lie
frit Ma Maly and riba, ha patted him
* d f all over.
ft *aa increriiMe. hgt though uvarj
at«acl« la hla body •earned twitted, and
he waa aching and hrulaad from head
to foot, nu boon ap|MNir«d to ba
Ivering along the edge of tha ravine. aaw tbe girl'a horae lying a Utile
tlUraara away.
The effort to gat ap-m hla feet
aaciued to roasuia« an tarredlblr
periml at time. Ily the exercise of all
hla « i l l Lea manager) te beep hla
haiaare until tba rocking eonli bad
grown rompacatlvely atable.
forcing hla frbelilouf l|mha and
moaclea Into oo-ordinatlnn. he atag
grrf-d toward the glrl'a horae.
It waa alive, bill Ila back and l!nd>«
were broken, ao that It waa roroi W ylj
paralysed. II lookad at I-ea aa he up
proached out of Ila bright, pathetic
eye«. In»ilnct with tba foreknowl»il*c
f t (tenth
law «a a rick with tha fear that h*
would cli her And tb« flirt deed- (Ml
«»red alnmet out of rerognltlon among
Ilia rock»—or Blaring; drowned In lit«
torrent below.
He aearrbed «very Inch of the aur
rounding terrain within o radius of
three hundred yard*, and then ahan
(k neil hop«, anger, honing up within
him, »«eluted In reviving atrength He
would follow her murderer« nnd «hoot
them ibm n Ilka tba wild bearia they
Before leaving tha ride of tha In­
jured boro« Lae drew bla autiuwatte.
which had remained buckled In Ida belt
hnlatnr throtighmil the fall, nnd merri-
Ri1f)r" ended the anlmal'a life with a
finale «hot over (tie heart.
Now there remained tba pnrmtlt.
yeaitenace— then the original duty of
picking up Telly. Hut he «wore that
he uoidd takk one man. not throe, to
And. with tbe derlalon, he retraced
hi* steps, until once more he ntood l>e
aide tba gorge between the dead
ho race.
The content« of the parka had bnrat
from the broken canvaa and lay »cat
f«rri| everywhere. (rat lh# rifle waa not
to l>e found. Two or throe rarirlilgxe
at the edge of the rliaam, were nil Ie*e
Heluctantly he canto to the con
clualon that hla rifle lay at the bottom
of tbe river.
He turned doggedly to take np the
purault again. But aa he wa« pttsstag
the girl'« horae, aotnetldng yellow and
ahlnlng on the ground caught hla eye.
He atnoped In examine It.
treoxea of pale, yellow-brown balr
colled ratind hla flugera.
It waa the hair of the gift I
He tried to pick It up. but the enda
were pinned under the (lend nntinnl.
prrhnhly caught In the broken girth.
The end» »lint lay upon the ground sp-
pgered to have hem rooglily acvered
•*|th a knife.
Thera waa no donbt It waa the glrl’e
t.r, nnd the treeae* mnat hnve lieen
»dverrut within n few Inchea of her
h«*tl. for there wna more tlmn three
feet of them In view, trailing along the
He logged at them to detach them,
but It waa • matter of coBtldernble
effort, nnd he only aucceeded In re-
leaning them «trninl by «trnnd
tnet. however, he managed to detach
them, nnd. nflcr a moment-» hesita­
tion, he thruxt them Into the beanm of
hi# »hlrf.
And then of g tnddrn he nnderatood
what hml happened, and hi» heart
gave a bound. „The girl hml not been
Hun« into the water.
She mu«t »«mellow hnve become
planed by the hair henenth her home
lifter her fall.; It had come near roll­
ing on her, 'nnd her hole had been
cut off to effect her quick releaae.
glio wak not dead, slip had been
curried off by the two rufflon».
A Single Shat Pram Where Ha BteeS,
Wall Alma«, Would Sa SuffletenL
bsrerd hla courae. On elllrer ride of
this lab« i | i <' forests hml given pi««-«
fo rvady awamp.
And, Hfiina up hl« « > * he »aw,
ui»m a low elMullon In front <«f him.
th« log hula o f lh« f M
Then Ira knew that tha long rhaae
had come to an end.
And with that the man shook the
fatigue fr<>ui him, knowing that he
muni bold on to alt (ilg strength and
wfl f*w an hour or two longer, nu«l
(hat what ha had tu do Ira muat do
quickly, craftily, boldly.
He did a. t know how tpffta uran
wprp In the Krv* Traders' headquar­
ter«, but Ite muat save the girl, get liar
Tha a#n of the lake that wa» thrust
nut between the elevation and the end
of iba trail waa *> more ihan two hua
dr»d yards, tf aa much. In width.
Katlafylng hlm»«lf that there waa m>
way of approach except by water, un
leaa there exlated » m * trail acr»«« tin
awnmpa, which (her» waa no time te
And, Lee waded Into Ibe lake, 11 toe
Tha currant ran atrong; tha shoe!
of the ley water at And nnmlrad. then
tnvlgoraicd him. (t cl tyred Hi« duuM»
and fear» uf night from hla liralu
•wtmndna dlnconalty agulnat the enn
rant, tn a tew mlnutca U v bud retn hed
the (tut terrain at the base nf the
Ila walk'd »«Imre, shaking him »eff
Ith« a dog. On the terrain were heitped
gnat piounds of »g s t» and flaibug«
froar Ora encampment above; pile« of
disintegrating cone, rotting rase«. In-
numerahl« bottles partly eavated with
the rill and protruding from It th«
acrumulnilon of a long period.
Looking through the ralat, I.*-« per­
ceived n »nmll York loxd, of the kind
n»ed universally between lludaon'a buy
and the Mackriwlc, riding aaaxvd
(igaln'it the rocky edge of the promon­
tory «ome dUlMncc away.
The ricvallon, long, low, and flat,
formed an Ideal fortreoa; with tha
only nt>|>roM<-h njipurcnlly by water. It
wmr evident that U would be a fon.Jd-
atilo pp>;ngltlou for any body of the
jmliee t" attnef. In tho- event of <te-
lam began tn make hla tntjr »croaa
the- terrain, keeping under the »belter
of the cliff to eeou|ie observation (Torn
• be hint above It was growing light
now, nnd ha enuld oee the surround­
ing« clearly. He reached the end of
the patch nf ground without coming
upon any place hy which It might Ira
possible to ascend to the aumnilt o t
tbe promontory.
He hurried track, doubling on hla
tracks, examining the cliff In the other
direction. lie reached the other »l(\»
nf Hie flat terrain, only fn And that the-
elevatlon preeetttod the same ln»ur-
mouniahle flunk to him everywhere.
Rut then of a andden ho reallxed
licit the York boat muat he drawn up
at the point of entrance. And It wna
with this that he must moke hla flight
with tho girl, beaching the hont across
the water »otuewhere, Inking Jo the
And without hesitation he took tn
the wnter again nnd swam with etendy
Strok«« toward It. In two or three
minutes he had gained Ita »Ido.
The kidnapers muat have left their
horse» at some refuge or rendemvoua
In tho forest nnd hrought the girl by
boat tn ftl»tnn lake
And It wa» evident that they could
not have arrived ao much ns nn hour
The York boat waa moored opposite
a cleft In tho great dome of the prom­
ontory, which offered easy acceaa to
the summit. I,ee wuded ashore one«
more. Hut before attempting Ihe as­
cent he drew hla automatic from Its
holster nnd examined It. The holster
was lined with waterproof, and only
a few drop* glistened u|mn the aurfnee
nf the weapon.
Scrambling tip the ncellrtty. Lee
*nu. the two but» nwong the tree* Im­
mediately overhead. lie scrambled up
the low wall of rocka, nnd was about
to »top on to the elevation when of a
»mblen n man came out of the farther
hug and mode hla wuy toward the
nearer one.
Lee ducked hi* head down Ju»t In
time to escape detection, and through
Ihe Interstice» between tli# bowlder»
he wntched the nmn until .he had en­
tered the Tint Immediately above him.
He looked nlwmt forty year» of uga
Ha wag »buyer than Lee. but nppnr-
man standing over what looked llhf
a camp bad, on which he could die
tlugulsh tba head and »boulder* of f
gin. lying perfectly »till
Lea'« heart leaped. Ha gripped hi«
aulotnalte, levelled If.
A attigte abut fru<« whew h« Mood
wpll »liood. would h* auAelent.
And at that moment tnrilnct and da-
«Ire struggled with dlariptlna aa nevar
hefura, with tba marim Inculcated dur­
ing hla eight .yaura of aarvtca, never
to take life except when Ilf« 1« In Im­
mediate danger.
Than dlriiplln« won. (.«« M tha
mottle drm>.
And at' that moment ha beard the
growling voice of the man. and tha an­
swer uf a third penem Bride tha hub—
a worn«»
SO* »«rite wane Inaudible, and MW,
heritatlng no longer, Lae »cramhlad
orar the rocky ridge and made hla way
toward the door ubllquetj, ao a« te ro-
B«ln concealed from lb« right « f thoa-
The man » »ole« roe* In n falsetto
"Whnt do I mean to do with her!
What woo'd I do with her? She-»
,"dne. ain't »lie?"
"AntJ what about me?“ Low aa the
voice waa, restrained, yet passions ta.
something aUxit It sent a sudden
•hirer through, and for a few mo
merit» he cmi\tJ dhly reiuulu a hel|v
atrl hero. Ynull rrgre( It. That mine
dneant exist. And when «he And«
you’ra fooled her. wh»t «ra yon going
to d o r
“ 8o we're Jealous, »ra w el Well.
Tve l>een tired of you for ■ loiyj \lpte>"
ho Jeered.
“¿Ute-*' Thera was desperate plead
tng In the woman's tone«—"I gar« up
ail for you. Lac her go. Doat east
mo off. I lore you, Jim—*
And now l,ee knew. A m l« trembled
before hla eyea, and. gripping hla ante-
matle, he »prang forward to tha door.
He muat have shouted!- though ba
wna upconaelnua of everything hut the
derive to get Rathway by tbeihroat.
M’haaltng, Pathway »wore, and then,
heedless o f Lee's pistol, laapad.
Ru| la tha moment hater« (bay
closed, Lee aaw tha woman'« tec« and
khew her fag Ida dead lore, who had
broken hla lire and chnnggd It utterly
I-ee did not ahoot. Instinctively he
obeyed that unwritten law of tha po­
ller tradition not to taka life aave In
Ihe last extremity-
But the sight of thla sinister figure,
tbe wholly Incredible praam ca there
at Katelle, the woman who h«d
wrecked h|a tyM and tha (ftrt lying un-
cotiscltius on ihe bed In this lunn*«
power, aroused In Iara'e heart a «l«ep-
Ing devil of whoee existence he hnd
hardly been aware at any time tn bla
life Itefore.
He wns ronacloua only of a mad de­
sire to kill, but to kill with nature's
own weapons, In obedience to own'»
Instinctive ^w .
Clubbing hla nntnmatte, Lee leaped
to meet Rathway's charge, and breast
to breast they met, rehoontllng like
trail» of rubber. Kathwny'k hand shot
not nnd grasped Lee's wrist before the
weapon deacended. Then, Interlocked,
they stood almost motionless, matched
so evenly that neither budged an Inch
before the other for • full minute.
Rnthway'« sneering face was up­
turned to Lee'«.
Malice ap<( gate
gleamed from hi« bloodattdt eyes. Be-
sldf them stood Katelle. with har hands
Mill el «aped In the gesture that «he
Imd mad« at th« moment of Lee's Inter­
vention, struck dnmh nnd rooHonlfss
with terror and amatemene
Rathway wa« proving himself the
stronger. Malic* and hate became tri­
umph. derlalon. Lee’« platel hand was
being beul bark. I,ee adapted ^tp^s«|r
with quick Instinct (ft th« ««corarjr
|UM he was the weaker In arm and
shoulder mnsclea. Aa Rnthway*« bod>
slowly assumed a forward Ult. «Mittag
hla center of gravity, ■ Le« suddenly
drove hla knee Into the track of Rath-
wny. causing the man to stumble for­
ward. The Impetns of th« body pro­
jected against him sent the pistol fly­
ing out of lira's hand; hut Lee, In the
moment of Rathway's loan of equipoise,
drove his list home Into hit tec«, «put­
ting his lip« and sending him reeling.
In an Instant they were together
again, delivering and receiving a «uc-
ce«rion of ulle-driver hlow| ^>t( Rill
(Cuatinuoti next weck.)
la Forming a Claag of h t n l l
Mono Pupila f l 1 t w fM |
BOI Fina Artg Bid«.
Than Jteao. «tatloalug himself 40 f«M
tram bar, would gin« hla knlvM and
tXm at bar, nd«rin« bar aarh tia « by
tb« narrow««* of margin» Pr— ntly
bar form would bo completely outlined
by tbe deadly riaal. bat aurh woo So-
note marveloaa «bill that aba took no
hurt from tbe ikerp bladeo which
primed her feet
Bat on thte day Mr» Zeno bad fallen
m «ad, «Ubeagb tba rtrma owner of­
fered a reward ter aoma oaa who
would taka bar pUca, be could and no
voiuateen «moo« the member« ad bla
■*•*. la H la «mar«an ^ tba Invalid'«
metbar who by tba «am* tobaa waa
Ken o'* amtkarta law *n0 who trav­
eled with Iba »haw la (ha eaparity af
wardrobe mtetrae» atappad forward
•nd ««read to larva «a an uodmtudy
In order that the performance might
not ba marred.
Tba hour came. Forth cam« Brno,
wearing bla «cowl, alight.
|y enhanced. Ute mother-in-law, akin-
ajr «ad homely, with her balr knotted
la a knob on bar bead and bar daugh-
lar'a aaablnga bangina in looaa fold«
upon bar bony Itgure. followed him
She pteatered barer If flat
agalnet the wooden background. Kano
gave bar « look «earning!* fraught with
undying hate. He teak up hi« h*«g**t.
■h«nra«t khwte-balte. Ha teried Ite
tpftkHIk« point upan hla thumb. U «
petard It, aimed It, Cun* It
Lika a Javelin It hurtled Qg Ite
blaring flight through ik« air. dtrik-
In« tip neat a «cant quarter of «n Inch
tram tk« lobe of the motheeda law*
teft any, K buried Iteatf deep In tba
the blit ualveriag.
The pauae which ensued waa broke«
hy tbe astonished uc'ca of a lank na-
U r« anting ba the lowermori tier of
blue seats tndaatriouily milking hi«
"Wall, hy Heck—ha missed her!"
<Co»rrt«fct Mr th« Oratnl Vr*m A« m «UM( hi .)
What a time!
There isn’t a one o f us
w ho doesn’t enjoy getting
a bargain.
A nnie says that m odem
life’s made up o f trying to
get the best at lower prices
than you expected to have
to pay.
She and I have agreed
that the best bargains we
know o f are the low fares
aboard the
Red Electrics
StudioBarber Shop
A * egperieneed
Quick results
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O llO O N
C. E. A L L E N , Local Agent
Beaverton Transf er Co.
Lew is Brothers, Props.
Y o « g e t—
w hat you
W ant
when y o u
w an t it
Ant# Truck nnd Livery Servie#, Daily Trip# T#
Furnitur# u i i Piano Moving.
Ofleee: Beaverton; Cor. Watson and First St. Port land ; 188 Front St.
PI m m s : Ha»verton. Mon II.
Portland. Main 3640
Bright prospects mark
the opening o f the new year.
The businecs horizon is a-
glow, lor fundamental condi­
tions never were sounder.
During tbe next tw o months
thousand« w ill need materials.
J. Haulenbeck Lbr. Co
Opposite S. P. Depot
B E A V E R T O N .O R E G O N
Have A Joint Account
In 0 » Bank
By a “ Joint Account” we me-
l l l i P i l <^TV
an an account into which ei.
ther a man or his wife may
' . ' r
put money or from which
LLf /
either may diaw money.
, _ — | Vv ,4
m H fl|
Every man should make his ______
wife hu F IN A N C IA L P A R -
/ lI
TNER. Then if anything ha-
/. I
W ith (a ll bane meat, furnace, rood drainage, land
t u n g h for two house«, on a rock road that’ s paid
for and readily accessible to both highwsys where
there is no city taxes and jnst J blocks to the train
station. These homes have five rooms finished and
room (or 3 more in attic. I f your otd home is priced
right it can be traded in on one ol these homes or
they can be bought on easy payments
Dallas P. M urray
Contractor and Builder
ppens to him she will have
the necessary experience to
be able to take cere of his
W e will welcome your acc-
1 ') L L _____ I
\ v \
General Banking with unexcelled Service
" f l ’ d " ■ Savings and Time Deposit*
$ 2 5 will # tart « checking account and w e make
No “ Service Charge” on same.