■ ■ NOTIOC o r HOAD MEETING prove the roads in said D istrict No. 32. IN DISTHtOT HO. St Dated this 20th day o f Octo­ Notice is hereby given that a ber. 1924. J . \V. Goodin, • meeting o f the resident tax pay­ er« o f Hoad D istrict No. 32, Adv o 47- 18 County JiuK'e W ashington County, Oregon, I* hereby called and will be held at the Community Club Kou-o, NOTtOC OF ROAD MEETING Garden Home, in said Bond Dis­ In D istrict No. H . tr ic t on the 3rd day of Novem­ Not.... is hereby given that ber, l®24, at the hour o f 8 o’­ a meeting o f the resident tax clock P. M. o f said day, to dis­ pavers of Itoad D istrict No. 2# cuss the advisability o f .«-vying W ashington County, Oregon. Is a special or additional tax in ¡hereby railed and " 'l l he held al sai(j road d istrict, for rhe pur­ the Harnes School House ill said pose o f raisin g money to im - Hoad D istrict on the «III day of November. D»21, at the hour of j 2 o’clock I*. M o f said day. to j discuss the advisability o f le>> ">c addalional lax ling r* "ill said I ond c l - ! : ’ -I. for the f rs'sm g monry to purpose improve ! ' roads in said D is­ trict No. utili day o f O clo- Itlltl'tl • 1 ber, DIM 4, \\ Goodin County .ludge \ih c 47 IH l’hcrc va ili b * a mu»t|m>rnih« 'For tale or Trade— Hoover d ec itiiico ai Ilio Km tuli G range trie cleaner« eleelrie t«»aster, Hall Siilurtlay rvcitm g, Novein elee!rie iron, adjustable dress ber I. W Imi is Ilio inaiittor ent- toyod l<> a \ stupire tu briug \ D ii I o bel feci? Wliat .are ber w ileaf I . ahi* riaver r only l»'f l;*x*'s. F. I nmon»y in Stale mid county ex I t'enses, believes in edueation,’ i development and progress, of > your county. When ymt go to • he polls on election day. vote •or W . F. Young, Sherwood. rarcaai« r«aa. te w * The Ford car is the logical and necessary c h o ice of th e bu yer who wants to get the utmost from every motoring dollar. Fred Thompson • range, dresser. bed. hay or grain. Phone Successor to A. H. Spraner Fresh DRAM D. SELLERS DF.MOGHATIG CANDIDATI-: For County Clerk of WASHINGTON COUNTY “ A public «illlee is a public trust —not a pri vaie snap.” Horn und ruin«*d in Dii'gon. educated ill Oregon Schools, in clu d ­ ing four yours at Paci fie Cniversity. Fi|«npp<>«{ for the job. No partisan politics in County * «Sloes. MOTTO: Klllcieney and Keonomy. i Paul Advertisement) WE carry a complete stock \ Dean’s Drug Store \ BEAVERTON OREGON and Cared Staple and Fancy Meats I m il Groceries Vegetables Ice H. A. Morrison» Mgr. We Give Green ! ntdinq Stamps W h a t * w ill 4 Mrs.Grundy * Say? I ■ In sta ll , No m ailer how elaborate the other furnllure and arrange- menl» of your home may be, u n ­ less your bathroom is Inviting In appearance and modern In ei|tiipinrnt, you may safely wager that ’’Mr«. Grundy’’ la un­ favorably iTtilrlzIng your house. l.et us (car out that 20-year-old bathroom outfit and put you in some modern, attractive, san ­ itary fixtures. a modern bathroom In your homol F . W . BISHOP Phone 320 OREGON BEAVERTON BIG LA FOLLETTE MEETING \ and His Marvel Horse Silver King The World’s Champion W ant wood, 2Mb. Beaverton Market & Grocery FOR EV ER Y OCCASION THE CORRECT KIND f tm Min We Give Green Irndinq Slumps STATIONERY The Ford car delivers more useful, care-free, economical service per dollar invested than any other car. Its sturdy, rigid construction is striking evidence of enduring materials. Every minute operation is scientifically tested and accurately checked. Control of natural resources and complete manufacture in large volume have made pos­ sible value that is the one standard by which every motor car must necessarily be judged. T k 4 F o r d dmmUr Music by thè Vagabonda. -Adv p 4 7 - IH form, small farm wugmt, also one pure hre«l Jersey Hull flu* ami o n e-h alf months old. A spine-shivering succession of su perthrills, surcharged with the si/zling action, sm ashing drama, scintillating humor and stagger­ ing suspense! A Ions college man, face to face with a band of desperate cut­ th roats who stop at nothing to gain their ends. How he fought hie villainous foes tooth and nail— was driven alm ost to the brink of death— but came back with all the courage of the he-m en he was and triumphed! It’s a picture you’ll remember for a long, long tim et! Athlete In A Rip-roaring Story Of Adventure Webfoot Weekly No. 61 Showing Scenes of the Pendleton Round-up Pacific Theatre Tues. & Wed. Oct. 28-29 Fearless La Follette and and Wheeler ^ In c o rru p tib le BEAVERTON PACIFIC THEATRE FRIDA Y EVE. OCT. 24 8:00 O’clock, P. M. ERNST KRONER, Campaign Manager for Ore. R. A. BA LK EY, Portland Attorney ------------------------------- THINK THIS O V ER ------------------------------- The Boyj won the War, Now after waiting 6 long years, a Bonus bill passed. Who vetoed it?Coolidge. When the farmer# asked for relief legislation, who said,‘‘The Farmers must help themselves?” Coolidge. Who vetoed the Old Soldiers’ Pension bill (known as the Burlsum bill)? Coolidge. Has Labor forgot about Daugherty’s infamous injunction? Government by injunction! Who signed the Japanese Exclusion Act under protest? Coolidge. Who tried to stop instead of speed-up the Tea Pot Dome exposures? Coolidge. Who fought hard on the right side tor all the above measures? Senators La Follette and W heeler. Nowadays if a poor man steals a loaf of bread he is put in jaill But if a Rich Guy steals $ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 , he * becomes a Canadian tourist! lEe Famous Beaverton Quartette Will render new Campaign Songs Everybody Come! Come Tonight! This advertisement paid for by Earl E. Fisher.