The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941, May 23, 1924, Image 3

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    iniwi ah* gav* a jump, a man loosed
In at Ilia window, Juat aa lhay alerted.
Hhe waa almost > ertiiln It waa Iha aam*
man who had got Into th# rarrlaga nett
to them. Hha had a horrible feeling V A L U A B L E M O U E E H O LO
of hrtng »lowly hemmed In on «vary
R E C IP E S A B O B U O O E r r iO B A
“ You ***,'' alt* explained te Jan*.
“ If they Ihlnk w *'r* going I* Hlr
B ru n a L e a f — HI • w m ia pntiinl
Juntas, this will put lliem off lh* scant.
Now Ibay'll Imagln* wa'r* going le p i l l i l i '» u n lit t( f i l l e r ; re m o v e p ila .
T h e n »o a k o n e - lin lf hog g e la tin e
V 1
• III* country plarg Ir north In on e cu p f o l d w a te r, add on e
o f |. -■ dim couiC'vbcrr."
cup b o ilin g w a te r, 'o n e - h a lf cup
* ►
llollmru there wua ii block,
augur, on e-
“ Md the luxi Waa held Up. Title wax ra iM iii», tw o u | m
whul Tuppcm * luul I m i - ii wailing for. h a lf laan p ooti c ia n u iiio n , Juice
"tjulck," »Ii* whl»pci*d. "open lh* and rin d o f on e lem on , u p inch
right hund d oor!"
o f »u lt.
I'o tir In to a m old to
lh * two g h l» aicpjM-d mil Into the c h ill.
Irttltlc. T w o minute» later they war*
•entail In another taxi and war* ri-lruc-
H am O r o q u e tto * w ith O reo n
Ing their * 1 * 1 « . this Urn* direct lo
P a s o — T W o C lip » fin e ly ch o p p ed
Carlton llou «* l*rrn<-*.
T h e r e .” aald Tupimnra. with greet hu lled hum, y o lk « th ree e g g »
•atlafactlaa, "th l* ought to do them. tw o ta h le a p o o n » b o ile r , tw o c u p »
I >an‘t help thinking that I'm really uin»hi-d p o la ln e », 2 la h le »p o o n e
rather clever I
What's this thlug l 'i e i m
an d d u »li • it; en n e pep.
swerving—Oh 1”
f h i i i i h .io i Itile, . dd to
Thor* waa a grinding imla« and p
hump. Another taxi had collided wltb iim m I i i d p o la lo c « , *J i i - ii add i:r< uni
unii I d ille r , y o lk » o l P r o e g g »
I hem.
lie i t a ll l o g r l h r r
In a ftnah Tuppence wa» out on the u - I . b e a te n ,
imternent. A |tollceintiii « * » approach­
il * i i , o i ' '
M old ham in to
ing. Before lie arrived Tuppence hud pV' iiilid a h old e li ! fin g e r le n g th
hnndrd tin- driver fire »lillllng». and II- II in )-■ lie u t-gy Moil ri'io u ii .
alia and Jana hnd merged Iheioaelva*
lh .< <n i'ru ' ;
o r u m b «.
I n to
In Iha crowd.
*■ e I v J « -•(■> li- t w ith
" I f * only a d t p or two now," said ih ep fat.
i citili I'd peaa.
Tup|>*nre l>r*ntlili-««ly.
Hand In hand. Ilni two girt» hu?Mi -t
Trull Salad Draaalng — T w o la-
"It may ha my fancy," aald Tup
bli'»|H>on» flo u r , 2 lati|e«|«M>n»
Pence suddenly, “ but I fral a« though
augur, I e g g . ju ic e fro m on e
there waa aom* on«- behind u«.“
Tuppence and June took to their cun o f iiinen ppli*. Ile a l In g e th e r
Tlia house they nought wa» lilt* flo u r , » u g a r and e g g and
■Milne way down. ‘F „,d »le p « echoed lie tin 'll « d il In th e h u llin g ju ic e
hind them. Their hrenth wua C'liilny fr > im a la r g e ra n o f p in e a p p le .
In choking gn»pu ag they ...... hoi Kir I'h i« can lie uaed on any fru it
Jamas' door, Tuppi-lire aeljtrd Iha lie 11 »ulad.
and Jane the knoe»pv.
Household Dept.
Secret Adversary
Ir**** è
( ( '« M itiliu n i fr<»m I i i n i w n s k .)
"T oil ar* hurt r
When they rrarh.d Ih* ear, Julius
"Only a arratfh.”
br*alh»<l ■ al|h of relief l'ha danger
Th* girl »prang to hrr fart.
anna waa psaMhl
Vear had a r m i
" m* out I l,*l m* put, I «n y !
filili Iti piiitl |«*d III- initii li» liti »Iil*
Plup Iha rnr. It 1» in* thi-y nr> iiflrr
•Hai In." h* ordered. "Georg* I"
I'm th* on* they want. You ahull nol
T h * rhauffeur turnad hi» hand.
h**r your live» hrrauar of inr
*1 unni 1« ( o lo Oalahiiuaa In
toe go.“ Kb* waa fumbling with Ho
Kant. Know Ih* road al *111“
fu»li-n!nga o f th* door.
"Va». »Ir ; Il will h* about an (tour
.lullua tank he* by hath arm*, and
and a h a lfs run.**
looked at byr. Kho had apoken « lib
"Malta II an hour. I'm In a hurry."
no trnc* of foreign arrant.
T i l do my hr*I, »Ir." Tb# car abol
"K ll down, kid." he aald grnlly. T
forward through Iha irulB*.
gna»» thrrr'a nothing wrong with your
Julio» Mtai-otiaud hlmaalf romfnrt
memory. Ileen fooling tham all Iha
ably hy lh* »Ida i f hla vlatlm. Ha
time ebt“
ka|>l hla hand In lh* |Mx-kat of hi»
The girl looked at him. nodded, and
roal, bul hla manner waa urtianv |o
then auddenly hurat Inin tear» ' Jullua
lh* laat d**r*a
pulled lirr on Ilia shoulder.
Flowing down. Iha chauffeur rallad
"Tlier*. Ihar*—Juat yon »11 tlglil
ovar hla ahnuldar that lhay war* )uat
W a'r* not going lo let you null "
rotnlna mío Gatehouse
Julio« had*
Through her wdia the gtrl aald In
lh* ttuaalaa dlrart lham.
Ill* plan dlatlnrtly:
waa to d rlia straight up to lh* houaa.
"Y ou 'r* from home. I ran tall by
Thar* Kramrnln waa la aak for lh* your voir*. It inakra me honiealrk.“
tan (Irla
Julio» ■ <|daln*d In Mm
"flora I'm from homo
I'm your
that D i l l * W illi* would noi ha tol­
Jullua llaralirluimar. I rum*
erant o f failure. Kraoienln, by thl*
over to Europe on pjirpo»* to tlnd
tint*, waa aa putty In th* other's
you—and a pretty dnnre you've lad
Th* ear swept up th* drtra, and
The rar »larkenml »|>eed. Ovxirg*
atopped bafora the porch. Tit* ehauf-
»poke over hla shoulder:
b u t looked round for order*
T r o * » ronda h*r*. air. I’m not aura
•Turn th* ear tirai. Georg*. Than o f th* way."
ring th* ball, and gal hark to your
The rar alowrd down till II hardly
piara Kaap tb* angina going, and b* non ml. Aa II did an a figure rllmhed
ready to aroot Ilk* b— I whan I gita
anddmly o i w th* hark, and plunged
th* word."
hr«d IIrat Into the mldat o f them
“ Vary good, air.*
“ Horry," aald Tommy, extriratlna
Th* front door waa opened by th*
blmaelf "W as In Ilia buahe* by the
buttar. Kramrnln fall the muaal* of drlv*. Hung on hgtknd Couldn't la)
th* revolver again»! hla riba.
you know before at th* par# you war*
“ Now,” hla**d Jullua.
“ And b* going
It waa all I could do to hang
c a refu l"
Now then, you f i r I a. get m il'
Th* lluaalan harkonatl.
ilia lip»
There'* a station Juat up that road
war* whit*, and hla vote* waa not
Train -due In Hire* minute*
vary atendy.
« 1 eh It tf you hurry.*
“ It la I— Kramenlnl Bring down
"W hat th* devil ar* you drivlnu
th* girt at uor*I T b *r* la no tima • t f demanded Jullua. "J>o you Ihlnk
to to«* r
you ran fool them hy leaving the r a r f
Whittington had rom* down th*
“ You and I aren't going to laav* the
II* uttered an agrlaroatlon of car. Only th* g lr la i
a»ioul»hn<ml at »wring lh * othar.
Tommy MirtnHl to Tuppence.
"W * bn va Itarn liatraywd I Plan»
“Gat out at onra, Tuppetne
mint ha uhandoned.
W * mu»l aavr her with yon. añd do Juat as I any
our own »kina
T h * g irti
And at , Take lh* m in to London (to .traigli'
one* I It ii our only chanca“
| to Kir Jame» pe..! E d g*rt»n
Whittington 1 1 «•Haled, bul for hard­ «tarlar IIvp* out o f town, hut you'll
ly ■ m-iment
I b* anr* with him."
T o n hare o rd e r*-fro m him !"
“ I ‘ «m y o u l" cried Jalltta
“ Naturally I Hh.mld t h* h*r* nth
Jane, you stay »»h*rr yon ar* "
Hurry I Than* la no tlm*
With a sudden awlft movement. Tom-
to b* loot
T il* oth*r llltl* fool bad my snatched th* revolver from Julius'
batter com* too."
I hand, and leveled It at him.
Whittington turned and ran hark
"N ow will yon hellev* I'm In ear
Into tha houa*. Th* agonising min­ neat I Gat out, both o f you. and do as
utes went hy. Th#n -two flguiva ha*
I aoy— or I'll shout I*
Illy huddled In cloaks appeared on tlm
Tuppence sprang out, dragging the
•t“ pa and w *r* huatled Into th* car. unwilling Jana after her.
Th* smaller o f tha two waa Inclined
"Coma on. I f * all right. I f Tom
to real at and Whittington Shoved her my'a aura— he'a sui a. lie quick. W a ll
In iirnwrwmnnloaaly.
Jullua I m m l mia» tha train."
forward, and In doing *o th* light
They »turici! running
from th* open door lit up Ills far*.
Jullua' pent-up rage hurat forth.
Another man on lh* steps behind
“ What tha h— I— "
Whittington gav* a startled exclama
Tommy Interrupted Mm.
tton. Concealment waa at an end.
T »r y up! I want a few word» with
"M*t a m o** on. Georg*," *ln>utei| you. Mr. Jullua lleiahelmint-r."
TTi* rhauffeur slipped In hla rlulrh.
and with a hound th* car started.
T h * man on tha at*pa uttered an
Jana's Stary.
oath. Hla hand d*nt Into hla pocket
Her arm thm udi Jane's, dragging
There waa * Hash and ■ report. The b*r along, Tnppanre reached tha ata
bullet Juat ml seed the taller girl hy thru
They arrived on th* platform
an inch.
Jnat a» th* train cam* to a atundallll
"Get flown. J a n *" criad Juttu» Tuppence opened Ihe door o f an empty
"B iel on ihe bottom o f tli* car. Are flr»t-clnsa cuni|>artincnl. and lh* two
g irl» »auk doni
vn breathless on Ih* pad
you all right. Tuppence?"
"O f course t am. Where'* Tom my? dad arala.
What made them let ua g o f demand
I f th»y ótica reached Kir Jnmc* Peel
ed Tuppence.
Erigen on In snf«>ty, all would he well
" I reckon Monsieur Kramrnln here Hut would they rench him? Would
asked them an prettily Ihey Jnat not Ihe »lient fo y <■» o f Mr. Itrowa al
ready lie n»»e«ublltig *inilll»( lliem*
eouldn't refnael"
T h l* waa too much for the Kumlnn. Tappane* luuppwi upt ber plan o f earn
He hurst out vehemently:
palgn- -
Aa tha train at length drew slowly
"C ur** you--curat* you! They know
now that I betrayed them
My life Inin Charlhg Cruna, Jana Klnn aiti up i
won't he safe for an hour In this with a alart.
“ Hava we arrived?- i never ihmighi
"That's ao," assented Jullua. T 'd w * should I"
"Oh, 1 I lion gilt we'd gel lu London
advise yon lo make tracks for Ruaala
•II right. I f there's going to lie any
right away."
"L e t me go, then," cried th* other.
• “ I have don* what you aalyd."
"Kura thing. I’ull up, George. Th*
gentleman's not making llie return
trip. I f I ever come tn Ruaala, Mon-
gjrur Kramrnln. I ahnll expect ■ roua-
Ing welcome, and— "
Rut before Jullna had flnlahed Ida
•perch, and before th* rar had flnnlly
hulled, tlia Ituaatnn had awung him­
self out and dtauppeared Into the
"Annette and I didn't know what
wua going to happen to ua." aiild
Tuppence. “Old Whittington hnrrlef
ua off. We thought It wua Inmha to
the «laughter."
"Annette," aald Jullua.
“ I* that
«■hut you cull her?"
Illy mind »eetned to he trying to
adjust ll.irlf to n new Idea.
"It's lu-r nnme." »nld Tuppence,
opening! her ayes very wide.
“ SI tick* I" retorted Jullua.
mn.v think It'» her ::nme, heenuae her
memory's gone, poor kid. But It’» th*
onr real nnd origina! Inna Finn we've
got here."
"W hat- T” cric» Tuppence.
tin! «he «n a Interrupted. With gn
X u ijjH __ _
spurt a bullet embedded Itealf
In ihe upholstery* o f lh* car tnat he^ In * Flach Tiippensa W a i Outran tha
Mn.l he» lic-irl
i\vn \ltli > on " cried Jiilln* “ It'«
fuu, nmv Ii when M will begin. Quieti
r r aoihiwh
fnah bar a hit, George.'
,1't »ill. W e’ll nip Into n tn \l."
TI * onr fairly leapt forward. Three
!n ii not her minute they ivere alep
more shot* rang out. hut went hap­
pin,; Into a taxi.
pily wide. Jullua raised hi* hand to
"K ing's Cru**,” direct*d TtiMidtice.
J lp P '
hi« ctt*ek.
( < 'u iiliiiiiip l
. •
Orandmothar'a Recipe
Bring Back Color and
Lustra t* Hair
c h o p p e d p in e a p p le , on e poun d
• >f n ia r a lin ia llo w » d ic e d ; put to-
g e llie r , th en wliii> o n e - lia lf p ini
» » « • I e re a n i, add t o y o u r m tx-
lu re, unit w h en s e r v in g »p r in k l*
L U N C H E S - C A N D IE S
W. E. Pegg
If You Come Once,
You'll Come Again
Tell Your friend»
Cur. 2^ and Main UilUboro, Ore
Being U* Your Job Feinting
Put Amaixo into top o f double boiler. Add flour and sea­
soning» and Mir until thoroughly blended. Cook over flame
adding m ilk
gradually, stir­
ring conatanGy
until m ooch
and thick. Put
over hot water,
cooking until
ready to use.
Mapes A Son
Soft Drinks
Cady Building
Watson Street
Select amatl potatoes. Pare and cut lengthwise
m long narrow strip*. Allow to rtand a few
minute* in cold water. Drain and dry well. Fry
a few at a time in deep Amaixo hot enough to
brown a piece o f bread in 20
aecooda (395* F .). Fry until
light golden brown and cooked
through (about 7 minute»).
Drain on uuglaxed paper and
•alt juat before serving
Sweet potatoes can be fried in
the tame «ray.
and (U ir im S m i of m u tt.
Address: 111 W . Monroe S t, Chicago, III.
American Maize-Products Co.
N ew York
P r ic e «
Infants nnd Children
AJ»ray» bao»
Stg-iauira of
Amaixo it idem for deep frying.
It fries beautifully, thoroughly, quickly.
It heats quickly.
It does not smoke at cooking temperature.
It does not csrry the flavor o f one food to
another, so it can be used over and over.
It may even be used for shortening, after
having been used for frying.
First Clas* Shoe Repairing
N ow S lio i»» at R e a s o n a b le
In U bb ForOv«r 3 0 Year*
Send far free AjaaitaC*oii Book,
U n d ertak er and E m balm er
I I.. \nderaun. "He sure know*
how." Watchmaker and Jeweler
1117 2d St., Hillsboro. Oregon.
t! AIJ/R
Ooffoo Spanish Oroam— Mix I
and one-balf cup* coffee, one-
half cup milk, nne-tblru eup su­
gar. and one tablespoonful gran­
ulated gelatine. Heat In ooubla
boiler. Then add one-third cup
auger and one-quarter teaspoon
»alt mixed with the yolk* of 3
eggs, «lightly beaten. Look un­
til mixture thickens, remove it
from range and add whites of
three eggs, beaten until »tiff.
A - Id one-half lea»poon vanilla.
Turn Info individual molds first
dipped in eold water. Chill thor­
oughly and serve vith cream.
Kttmbcrqcr’s Confectionery
'Hut bcxutiiiit, even .lia-lr of dark
g lo iiy hair can only be had by brew­
ing « mixture o f Sag* Tra and Sul-
phur. Yuur hair ti your charm. It
m.ikr» or mar» the face.
When it
fade», turn» gray or »Ircaked, Juat an
4i i-h< it .on or two o f Sage and Sul*
pjiin enhance» it* appearance a hun­
I * » « '! bother to prepare tlir mixture;
you can get thu famou* old recipe im-
proved by Ihr addition of other ingre­
dient! at a »mall cost all ready for u k .
It ■» called Wyeth’* Sage and Sulpltur
I hn can always be dc-
i en- !• i upon to bring hai*, ihr ne turni
dor ami lu»tir ni iitur
our hair.
I vcrybody *»ca “ Wyeth'»' * Suge and
Sulphur liitn|»iund
hrea uve il
daikrni »o naturally and evenly that
noluxty can Iftl it ha» been applied
You «imply dampen a »|>ongr or »oft
brush with h ami draw tliia through
thr hair, laking one »mail Grand at •
tim e; by morning the gray hair hai
d i' ip(<carrd, and after another applicn-
tioii it become» beautifully dark and
appear» glojsy and luatrou».
ehesrful pisce to work to.
Vi tablespoon onion juice
few grains pepper
y> tableapoon Chopped paratry 2M cup. chopped chicken
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 cup thick white aauce
V i teaspoon aak
M ix araaonmg i wiih chicken, add thick white sauce until
mixture win hold together. Form into »mall croquette*
and act aside to eooi. Beat one egg with 2 tableapoon*
milk. Roll croquette» in dry bread crumbs, then in egg
mixture and then in the dry bread, covering well.
Fry in deep Aouuxo bo* enough to brown a piece o f bread
in « recon^a (M S * I ). Dram well on unglaxcd paper
and serve garnished with parsley on hot platter.
Makes 14 croquettes.
Thick White Sauce
2 tabieapoon» Amaixo
few grain* peppea
V* cup SouTor Vi cup corn March 1 cup scalded milk
Plnaappla Daaaart— < ina ran of
w e e k .)
Far Angot Oak*, try using
threa-fourlhs cup egg wmtaa
(about 7 white*) and filling the
cup with lee water or very cold
Mix In the uauai way,
Ginger Cook la*— tVk cup» •'!- water.
using I V » cupe Uigur and one
gar, | cup tiiola»»*», I cup isrd
cup sifted flour, tbree-fourlhs
or Crlaro, I tea»poonfm ginger,
•rnepoon cream of Urtar, and
I leuapoonflll rInnamoii, 3 lea-
«alt and flavoring to tast*. This
apoonfula and«, I cup boiling
la a saving of from ono to two
water, flour enough to make of
the right consistency. Mix to­
gether and bake.
Palntad furniture 1» dainty and
attractive for use in bedrooms.
A plaaalng variation of plain Wicker furniture, when uphol­
vanilla Ire cream 1» made by stered with chintx, i* good
»cooping out ball» of ice cream
wilh the round ice cream dipper,
Th« practical fin lab tor woo«L
and rolling each with nabisco work In the kitchen I* a wash­
crumb«, made hy rolling nabieeo able paint in cream, gray or
wafers on • hoard with a roll­ huff. Light colored walls make
ing pin.
Ihe kitchen a brighter and more
over It finely-chopped rherrie*
or Engllah walnut». A quick
and delirious dessert.
tMM-n u b p <1 BUccMsfulljr In thn treat men:
of ('atarrh.
Firsteliiss Work
BlntB of an Ointment which Quickly
R c II cvbb by local nppli ntion. and the
Intirnal Medicine, n Tonic, which acta
thr i«h the Blood «*n the Mucoua Rur-
fncr.-s, fbtia reducing the Inflammation.
Hold hv nil di mrulNtN
F. J. Cheney a
Toledo. Ohio.
11«ih in Conneetion
11 \I*I/8 C A T A R R H
An t)p-t(Mlate Sanitary
C. J. Stevens, Prof.
Every Motoring Need
At Lowest Cost
Y our Carpenter
will tell you that we always have the kind of
Lum ber you want— dependable grades and
That is why he has passed judgement
on the products of the
J. Haulenbeck Lbr. Co.
« i -poaitc S. V. P -'p o i
,‘. - 5
1 V
Beaverton Review
The Touring Car
**9 5
F. O
You Get tilVSBKofThese
Marines and**
Th e Ford Touring Car meets every
motoring requirement at the lowest
possible cost. It is sturdy, depend­
able, long lived; easy to drive; con­
venient to park — and possesses
the highest resale value in propor­
tion to list piice, of any car built.
Ku na f e » ! M M
Campo M M
Fardoor Sodom IH J
A ll prlcoo f. a. ».
I5 M
B D e tr o it
Demountable Rim»
r *#5 astra
r * « i — femaurmafrf SymalhWa«mal»Ja»*»»-*aymm»tamAorrornsimpooor • f r T ,.?r
f * 1— j
aa tko r*rdwaa* Ir Purckae. Horn. Thai fiwd dealer in your molt kbor hood will gladly r «piafe hoik plomo fe derail
r •