The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941, May 16, 1924, Image 1

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    T he B eaverton R eview
pi«t 1
ü <*»" u
Consolidated, December 28, 1923 with
Volume II
No. 24
$ 1 .5 0
which w u Established in 1910
Beaverton« Washington County, Oregon, Friday, May 16. 1924
Per Y ear
Few Attend
High School
| The resident» of Tlliaioouk
County are ••iirtnr»mg
A iilm t
tire Meeting
Charters Boat 'il. Ural» for ilia primary limit
dr via affoirtco
Local and Personal
News of the Town
Alt o f the
alumni ’
of Ihr University uf Oregon have
Interesting Little Notes from the Surrounding Country •$
begun work on their campaign to
Told jy Our \ctive Special Correspondents Weekly
rai»e a large »hare of the mill­
ion dollar» alumni fund which Itc ms of More Than Passing In­
will he u»rif to erect new pudd­
terest to Those Living in and
E. D. Peffer o f Salt Lake
City has been visiting with hi*
liny F. Via- Pli of Hank» ia lo­
family here. They Intend to move
cal i-hairman o f Ihr rampalgu
The Martin faintly are to be to Halt Lake City as soon as the
which will hr completed May 3«.
frequently riding out in a •chord here is out.
University o f Oregon alumni
Che ladle» o f Ryan Place met
all over Ihr naliuii arr organiz­ turned to her home here aftrr
Mrs. Charles Lincoln Hr. has recently at the clubhouse to pre­
ing for llii» work which 1» a part
; been visiting her son and bis pare article» to be »old at a No­
• •f the University» gift ton,
vember bazaar. Refreshment»
rampalgu which 1» to finance it«
Mr. P. M. Madden o f Hillsboro
»'* «rande.
ware served. They consisted o f
five .year building
program is bring employed in the ofllce
The Hoffman Addition is be-
Student» on the campu» have <>l K. E. Swenson, real estate , ing improved by the laying of coffee and sandwiches. The next
meeting will be held May 21 in
raised $219,000 lo hmld Slud dealer.
line new road» and sidewalks.
the clubhouse. Every lady in the
n il» Union and the people o f the
Commercial community is invited to attend
An all-day meeting wa* held! The Maplewood
clly o f EugenS have proposed
a mading not long
In i»auc bond» to raise $5,000 for by die member» o f the Hea- \
Among the principal »peak
th - University's auditorium. Thr verton M. K. Church on Monday
ers were Commissioner Rudeen
alumni'» »hare will hr u»rd for a of (his week.
ami the candidates Hennett and
lit rary, a men's gymnasium and
Mr». \V. L. Cady entertained Brown.
a war memorial courl in honor
Mis» Ida Love is quite ill at
Mis» Gertrude
of die University of Oregon men
A surprise party was given the Forest Grove Hospital.
Mr. Frank Kline at dinner Sat­
who died iti the World» War.
recently for Mr». J. Jones. The
urday evening.
Fred Irvin and Chas. Myers
The (lift Campaign 11a» hern
chief features o f the entertain­
oiganized because increased an-'
Mr». J. A. Hopgood and ehil- ment were dancing and music. attended the ball game at Roy
(••IIiiirii! ha» made il necessary dii'ii o f Portland, formerly of ; Everyone reported a most en- Sunday.
In u»e most o f Ihr University* BeitverUm, attended the Grang,' joyahle time,
E. Cobb and family are in
u . , _ .
. _
im'iuur for metruation, leaving im-eting here Saturday.
Eastern Oregon on a two weeks’
Muriel Holm and Eunice Part- vacation.
»mall margin for building«. The
’■Ir and Mrs. I>iy Gray ami low wenl to McMinnville recently
University is determined not to
Mrs. M. Donnelly o f Portland
family have been very busy the i lo attend (he “ Older Girls’ Con-
"\ hole »a le" education and 1“
pa-t few days moving into tlieir ferenee." They came back with was visiting Maxine Holt here
k> i*p il h »lamtard« high despite
many helpful suggestion» to aid this week.
increasing number».
II look» mw home on Watson Street.
in Church work.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Noack and
lo il» alumni throughout the
Have you tficd Everybody s I
hildren motored to Salem Sun­
country and friend* o f higher Store* Folk» say they have the
IJmre have been two Maple-
i'i local ion in Oregon In supply lielter grades of good* and their : wood-Hiilsdale hall games, both day morning.
fund« to care fnr 11» imined- pi c,.. ¿ rv reasonable. Adv e 21 i of which were won by the Maple-
Felix O'Donnell and wire and
lale building nerd» This is nol
•am, the score o f the Irst baby motored to Roy ana Hills­
n new depnrlure for Rlule Un­
game being 22 to t and that of boro Sunday.
iversities; many of them have lb- delivery truck for Hinder'» 1 the second game, 17 to 2.
Mrs. T. McParland of Buxton
f, nml il itiipoHHihlr to adripiatrly Grocery in place o f Cecil Harne.»
was visiting friends here last
Jiminre rapidly growing work who has secured another post- ;
Thursday and Friday.
from »tale appropriation* alone
iii.itlon for Joint »atiulor from
] lltr rtlalrii'l composing Wnthlnf-
Steamboat Madeline Makes Trip ! ton, Yamhill, l.iiii'olti ami T illa -! Mayor Erickson and Council Call
i monk Counties. A»klnn lair play
to Multnomah Falls and back; | ill Ilia hunil» of llirlr *l»l*'l‘ COUII- I Fire Meeting; Only Nine Be a
ly, who ha» uhlr »rtialorial rrp*)
verton Citizens Attend
Ptcnlc Eaten At Falls
■Till» l>l»lrlr| ha« an assessed!
valuation of Nlurly Million l»n|-|
In lanarrt lo Ihr mutter*. of
Tile »inili'iii limly ni non ver* lai«. Tlllamouk I .mi nly rrprr
lull II I« It Sr lumi chartered Ihr ill Ilir Sriiulr tv 11 h Mil» etmii^llon j wbk'li I am iiboui to w 'ilr, I
»tramboal Miulrllnr fnr’ ii trip lip w• >n 1,1 hr In a lain*' extent, I iix - ! only w i»li to »ay m r.tlie father
I Irlln (hr lltllr buy wluui hr Ink"*
Ihr r.iiliiiiihlu River as Inf « » . alloii
Practically Al thr prr«rtil lima nrilhrr I,ill* linn nrro»» III" paternal knra
Ihr riilirr student hmly it ml fa- roln or Tllllamook rouuttew lievr ( uni i.umlnlHlriM ll.-i mjw dusty
n illy unit minty of Ihr parent* a rmial mail in thr Krnulr, ex* j «llpprr, “ il hurl* mr more than
Mini relative* took advantage rtf I’rpl a* they arr represented by I II rtora you,"
Thr Mayor ami Ihr City Court*
thr excellent uppurluiilly fur an a joint senator.
liolli Yuinhill
excursion and accompanied U» iiiu| \\'a»hinn<i>ii Counties have all al thr regular marling nrlii
j M'.mlay availing May i pa»»t*i| a
nil mir plritlr.
m i individual »rnalor. Would it
'I lir ■Irainhnnt h'ft duck ul thr lint hr fa|r I I I nlvr Ilia roanl | rr«o|iilinn railing for a inept
font of Alder Slrrrl at 8:45 A rounlir* aentorial rrprr »no lath >n, | t ig to hr hah! at Mir High School
M . carrying a* u rargn a* Jolly atul Mr liral« 1» Ilir only rand! I auditorium for Ihr purpose of
n group nf pruplr an rvrr em­ I »Isle for »rnalor from Hot»« Iwo or. .mixing a firr rtrpartmrnt for
' Ihr (own. Wlulr il wu» not po»-
barked for «urli an »»«ttriliin Counties.
«ihlr for ” yr editor" to la* pres-
rhr ruhln war prarllrally filini
Mr. Haul» ha» lirmi a resident
on account o f huving a plr-
with luttrlt banket» while on thr of Tillamook County for 91 yrar*
lower deck »tomi Mirra large tub» ha» liikrii mi active inirreat in I lure »how running that evening.
o f Irr r frani A urnphniitila mul dll’ i|r\rlnpllirlil of 1l»r I'.minly, ' hr hart hoped Ihuf there would
a ulano nfforilnl in it « It* for rn 1« onr of il» fiirr|llo»l rjli/ro* I ha a lug ultrurtuiirr and dial
Iri'tuiniui'ul whllr «rhoo| »one» Hr ha« hart» a nit'tohrr iif I hr ■nun' «n il of an organization
mul nr hont yrll« lout ninny a Matiimli«l Chiiri'h for u prriml illlglil lie formril.
II iiimi * who wrrr prevent tall
itrrk limili ami pa»»riierr of pa«« ! ronlrihulrd lihrrally of lijr lino
ng linai» of Ilo* joy nini i'll- of 2 t yrar», anil ha« al all linn*« I 11« Ihal only nine per»nn» wrrr
thii»la»ui o f tho«r on tmarit Ilir uud no may In it« Hiipporl, anil 1 prrnenl ami dial Ihrrr wa» no
j 11»,. of Iryiug In makr any «ort
ha» rnrtor»rnirul o f ilia Minis­
('igilaln llo»fori|, a mar: wlm terial !l»»lM*lulplU of III« riipti- i o f organization. Tin* 1» loo had
ha» Iravrlnl Mir rlvrr alnrr IHM h ly. Ill' III»« hart» nlailtlflail wilh fur Mil* lowil need» a fir«* <|e-
hnnnrrit u* with hl« prr»rnrr II14 «l.itry hu*|na»« ami own* pm Inirnl.
The apathy dial in iuuiilie»tril
amt Inlil «lorie» o f Ihr rarly . 11.» out*
I ha Mlffesl
hy numerous of our ait urn» I*
11fr on Ihr Moliimbln Rvrr
fir dulrv farm» in Ilia enot-ly
al»n piilnlril out to o» many «rnlillK one Ibird of Ilia allow* laniriiluhh*. They *uh»rrihr lih­
plarr« o f Intrrr»! atul loht 11« nioouul or S.', ami ran rrally enough whan a paper i«
of r hnniin« In Ihr rlvrr'« rourar klnn a* Ilia lH|i naha*| aoiinly I la «»art u«knig for moiii'y for a
ami itlil all In hl« |mwrr »o makr in Ilia »(ale Thr main inmiairir» worlliy rau»e. That 1» vary rom-
Ihr trp a l educational our a» of Tillamook arr t'lirr*r, trrr» meniliihlr' »0 far a« it goes. Hid State universities have received
Men who has tried "Masler-
il dor.« nol go vary far. Money
wnil a« one o f r>lra»nrr
! and fi»li. Unlike our «i*lrr roun
over fifty million dollar» in pri­ Made'i- »oeks appreciate them
Thr boat nrrlvril at Mult­ ; la» of \V a»hiunlon ami Yamhill. rnunot and dor» md hov many vate gift». Ilia University o f Cal­
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry
They are excellent quality and West, a baby son.
nomah Kall« at I no anil wlillr . our fishermen annually rontrlh- o f Ilia halier thing- in life.
We lake il dial II 1 » nol ami«« ifornia alone receive,j over $13.- reasonable in price. Everybody's
many I mirti tia»krt» hail barn ulr $$5,000.1111 III Ilia Stair. i.»n-
| store.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Htinzicker
Adv c 24
••panni! I,afora Mil» hour, yrt in min r.mifily. hr ton a <*<'»»1 linin- 10 Ifiiiutre Into a few o f die rra-
■ th«
,,r a fim
Ki'ijrral llrry «l|ll rrmaluril In ly. al«o ha« il» lu lere»!« larnaly
Mrs. Martha Smith of Cor- | baby daughter,
Aftrr lamllna Ihr entlrr | s ||inu U,r »amr line» 11» Tllla- above menllonrd. What 1» your BLN r. DALY TO
nrlius ha» bought the front part , . . . . .
ermip mari«' a ha«ly rrlrrat to nmok CrtUBly anil l.incotn anil poln! o f view In regard lo the
VlrE>nl® Park* *nd
LOCATE HERE or A. B. Woods' place formerly
Ihr pania armimi* ul Ihr fool Tillamook tonrlhrr,
the Evans home. Mr C. H. Fry ' Nitl1 ’*,,Pnt lasl we«k-end at Sea-
malmlinn only, money, jiiftt »imply ra«h.
Mr. JL'H K. Iialy of Portland
o f Ihr fall» whrrr Ihny «pani Ihr aonlribuliim» by lly* ri»li
uiade the deal.
an hour in »allafvlna thr tnurr rrman, pay morr Ilian onr -half ••“ Id mul hrarllra« lucre. when na* Isiiiglil fi»a\ an I one-halt
' , , ' The Rehekah Sewing Club met
‘ Miss b w l# Tlray, accompanied ,
man hv ron*umlna Ihr ronlrnl« of Ihr »la ir lava» who'll arr 11 1« human »ympalhy and im- aci'cs o f land ip lhi'"%HV^lmlf*
Mrs. A. Zwei ne r Tuesday
Miss (iermain Cornei from
nf . Ihr lunati haakrt» ami Ihr p.ilrt in Ihr entire D i»lricl. To • h'r«lamliug Ihal 1« asked? Sup ju l al the end of WalA*’* Street
W'lie were expected home Fri-
flflrrn Ballon« o f lar arrant
ilrny I lo'm ilirrrl rcpresenyal'jtji wa« dying, and «ome onr ramr th" tract and intends to me
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Beckham
•' lo allenii the High School
\flrr lunati a antipln o f hour»
and family spent the werk-enu
ami offered ra*h. Imw wotiio you onto the place .i- «nun as It— {• 'nuiencement exercises.
wary »pani In hill-climbing. lak-
al Long Beach, Washington.
like it*
wi rk i* Completed.
Ina pialurr», exploring Ihr rave
Have you seen “ Fitrite ' La­
W aller Van Klark of Port-
I'he Y'. P. A. o f the Evan­
hark o f Ihr fall« an«! Inkina a
Innrt 1» driving Mir Union nil «piril, a life Ihal ia Ihr Cllv •to eph Daly, a u>eintier 01 the in s' "Step»g"w union suits at
gelical church gave a play and
Komi aohl »howrr halli ni Ihr
llin k fin liny |y drivrn hy A. II «rparnlr ami il»linrt Irnm anv ■ ii m Of Daly and Marsh, garape-
»»»un lima. Thru Illuni» hn»kn|«
very comfortable for summer entertainment at the school au
m irrai marta lo Ihr hont. Thr l l e i g r n t Wto> lla* pill III Ilia pther, a rouipo»ttr o f Ihr »pie inen.
j ditorium Thursday evening.
11'Mpnahle in price, c
He ha»~been in die llglil gro-
arra natila rail
„ ttt* nty fillmn »liilion al I Hi* “ Y." Mr. 11» of il» i*ilini'ii». Surli a life
A business meeting of
Van Kh'i'k lin» hminlil Ilia fl C m«i«l hr hiiilt up In a rotnmoni
eery and confectionery tnisin#'*
We #•■ from the Vernonia
mlurn Irli» lo Portland wa* ut -
comes anywhere fulfill the last Iwo years. He has also K;::livlilia l B. S. Kingsley and
«Inni a vary plnn»ant onr ni».,
W lille i'idlhg bis Sileyele Jusl mg H* ilralhiy. II ¡«ethe duly owned similar 1 stores both in K. J. Kingsley, late o f Hermiston was held- al the home o f Mrs.
ami al Ihr »ama lima wa» tinnir
B. C. Rue last Tnursday after­
III much Ir«« Unir owing lo Ihr eii*l of die Oregon Kleetrle Rail* ,,f. every eidzen o f a community 1H*liver. Colorado and i*i Kansas III e eslahlisbed die
HioadwAy, j |„
|,is mHe lo limi Ufo Clly heforo he came west.. He M* reant ile Couijiany in Vernonia. noon.
lari Miai wa warn nome linwit ro.'id Irgrk,
Ituyd SpTague was j which is essential to his OOm- expects l o ‘go Into business here.
. The last meeting o f the Social
»Irrum. Thr ofllrrr» uf Ihr limil tirar thè "Y
Iwo young ladies wera call- club wa5 h„,(, ;tt the home of
wrrr vary ron »irta rata fnr olir lut amt «liglidy injured hy n j munltjr.
For IhF upbuilding o f such a come lo ineelings that kre called ,r" ' lu Beaverton Satunlay eve. Mrs W i,|iain Ariss,
rurto»(ly for we war- prriultlril lyiehiiie driven hy K. C. Famme
the af,„ rnoon. The af,ernoon was
Ills bicycle was life and spirit we maintain cinto. for I he betterment o f your com­ n.:,g and having missed
lo lut mi inala 'every nook and of Pordnnd.
I churches, schont»,
fraternities, munity. Cross your licart. hope la-t stage were obliged to walk S[,ent in playing “ 500,” after
fum ar o f ihr boat anil our ipir«. broken.
ba k In Portland.
What's the whieh j „ , lcious
A Silver Tea wa* given by the have a city government, d • 11 an
limi» wrrr answered wilh pain*
to die. are* you giving to your matter with the young men in W1.rt. „erved by ^
slaking detail. While many en
It Ileon Women's Club at
die of die thing* dial enter into I*
community what you should if town, anyway?
Joyed die ctinrs on die upper' home of Mrs George Anderson | 1 1 ' o f eve -y £iti*."*, ,1 i\\ le t
yini offer hard easti as a sop
Among those from Tigard*wbo
•leek, tile engine room ^••'•'meit j In Tigard Wednesday afternoon w u h i your bulge tj-l G m u ga\
for veur non-appearance at the
Ir. George Baker o f Port- attended the “ Oregou ProducLs'
In be a great source of interesl Mi-« Iludí l.inklater of Hillsboro o !• of your mom y lo il* »up« where only human beings !a d was in town Monday «hak- dinner at Metzger \\ ennesday
for many others.
I wa» Ihn principal »peuker of the pult? Do you think dial an* can hope to accomplish any­ ing hands widi friends and ae- were: Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Rue,
Taking II all in nil, there wa« afternoon. Several ladle» from pn*tor would come (o a church thing?
quaintnnees. lie made a sliorl Mrs. Penline, Mr. and Mrs. K
and preach every Sunday lo eiii'*-
»oinediing o f lntcre«t fig- every­ Itcaverton were present.
a l in 'the Beaverton Review Gehlert, Mr. and Mrs. H.
n. Hof-
tf some one takes except ion
Frank YValdie o f the Chicago, ly pews? Vre your teachers -
one on board and when die hont
the slalemenls above, we will iflb’e in the afternoon. Mr. Bak­ farber, Mr. and Mrs. A. ewein-
arrived at die Portnnld harbor Milwaukee and SI. Paul Railway unfeeling that they would lis- be pleased to hear from him or er «how’s the effects o f his whirl cr, Mr. and Mrs. P. F.. I.ewi*.
a 14 expressed die name *end- of Taeoniu, Washington. 1« a |
wind campaign in his physical Mr and Mrs. E. B. Nenry, Mr.
leach in a room without an*
Do we need a fire it
mciit in dial die trip had been bn al loftiness visitor
He »'^children ' And yet you do in ! parlmenl? I «ay we do.
and Mr*. F. Praffte, Mrs. F.
die |ir»t ever
inleresled in chicken and squab
Leedy, Mrs. Powers and Mrs. N.
raising and I tei leve» Gii* an ideai
location. Ile intend» lo return !
The state examinations for the
ili (he tirar future and make il
sixth, seventh and eighth grades
\n old Joke rati lo Ihc riferì hi* duniic.
were held Thursday and Friday.
that inaiiy fine houses Inni a
A 'flfleen acre linei un Ihc
A etas* of 28 will be graduated
Uuoen Anne front Imi a Mary Canyon Rond, formerly the old 1
the eighth grade. As there
Ann back yard.
Kennedy place ha* been »old to '
are only two weeks more school
Many peopln rlean tip a frolli Mr. Robertson of Portland, fire
everyone is busy preparing for
yard a* Ihry gn almig Imi their man at Engine Ibnise No. I in
mal examinations and programs
hark yard» will gn along
all PiU'lbmd Mr. Rl>l>•>rl«•>n micini* 1
and the entertainment to be giv­
gradually aceiimulalmg. until by I |„ „„.ven u to the land and make
en during the last week o f the
May il buik* like "a In«! year’s j hi* honie there. Covrii A Co
hoot. The school picnic will
crow ne«l," IlH the old timer» |
||„, ,b.„|
held at Oswego lake May
There I» -m elh in g rather line
MooI,||gM bathing par........ .
and ginepro about the family i , P0Ili(.M, ,
Hny w fp ^ „ d
hai hale« disorder »0 much hat j a(Ta(rM .......... ..............
.... kh" P
Ur hark yard Just I whl,PP lm, bnn(,M aud wife* mix
ns : ,lny
' , I T ■ ..... srrimmal. lv and the savory
eon hi pin faith on people like prandnU b, „ hpH by , hP power of
If mu hough apples o f t ........ . (llo„ . br(„ K alami the
9Vien», you roiilu
rnirr tHut
, .
b^lwoon Marion Ma
Itir hollom on*'« would romoai»*
, ,
. ,
* ,
ai V
• non and
lit*r liu>l»ant| m All-
in \i»ranly wilh Inn*«» on H im lop. i
.. ,,
• « ,
..*, % ... .
/ 4 ...
, . .
1 1 ninny
al Ilo* Purl fu» rhfalro
I l»f* m n | Ihinpr I h lo n iv f
a ^ .... ,
. *,
_ Sulurday
and Sunday,
mnnd rlf'iiiiin^ al III!«* Inno nf
yoar, and tomo I vo Ihal from now
I1 fine»*» Hotlnird o f Hoavorton.
on you will have
a back yard 11 sophomore in Ih» school of
which you could use for n parlor Physical education at Ih.» Unlver-
if the bouse gels Ion crowded
The World Fliers
A sralhmj* rebuke lo
motley army of «Jazz babies
good guy»- sweet mammas hot
doggies and all Hie rest of the
steaming array that innsquer-
ndcs in the fair name o f Good-
fellowship. You won’t want to
miss II. "AllmpnjT’ at the Pa
eifie Theatre Saturday and Sun­
X IV, No. 26
Mnj. William Feldt and her
daughter made a business trip
to Hillsboro Wednesday.
Phe Scofield baseball
won the giyne Sunday from the
Roy team by a score o f 2t to 18.
Mrs. Fred - Caldwell and her
daughter Mary from Hillsboro
were Thursday and Friday vis­
itors here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ktandfield and
son spent the week end in Salem.
Frank Young and wife were
in Salem Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs.
and Mr. and Mrs.
motored Sunday
Joe Ross, to the
Paul Gralfon
E. H. Stewart
to Roy with
ball game.
Mr. and Mr*. Buckbee and Mr.
and Mrs. J. Durham motored It»
Portland Saturday evening to
visit over Sunday with friends.
The Ladies' Guild Club made
a new quilt and presented it to
Mr. and Mrs. T. Anderson who
lost their home by fire a week
I. P. Bledsoe was in Manning
Monday morning.
A. E. Rye was in Banks Sat­
urday afternoon.
Mrs. Jack Benefiel o f Shady
Rest was visiting in Scofield
John Brown and wife attended
• he funeral o f Mr. John Maynard
of Hillsboro Friday.
Harry Lee and family were
Sunday afternoon callers at the
J. M. Mills home.
Mrs. George Morrow was a
Monday evening caller at the
J. M. Mdls home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. W hile were
Sunday afternoon visitors at the
George Ederer home.
S. H. Bullock and faimly have
returned to Burrville after sev­
eral months stay