The Beaverton review. (Beaverton, Washington County, Or.) 192?-1941, April 11, 1924, Image 1

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    ^ ■ '. U a f c a a j
T h e B eaverton R e v ie w
C o n a o lid a t e d , D e c e m b e r 2 8 , 1 9 2 3 w ith
V o lu m e II
N o.
$1.50 Per Year
Meeting of Council
w h ic h w a s E s ta b lis h e d in 1 9 1 0
B e a v e r t o n , W a s h in g t o n C o u n t y , O r e g o n , F rid a y , A p r il 1 1 , 1 9 2 4
Woman Killed
Winners Named
A progre»» re(eirl on the e c­
onomic atudy o f llyo*(ock
In Essay Contest ' » 't .L£ £ umZ Z ?.
Oregon, conducted by (be exten­
Mr. E. Cobb made a business
sion and experiment «tation »pe-
ciall»l» o f O. A. C., has been pre­ WiiAcrs of Coeity Coitest WL »1 ,r ,‘ ' 8* turd" y
Mr*. P Noaek was in Hills­
pared by II. A. Linderon nf the
Scad Essays to Sales to Css-
boro Hunday between trains
ox ion» ion »orvlca for Ihe wes­
pete io State Coatest
tern »lalew' exlenalon ronfereliee
Mr. and Mrs. J. Durham went
10 bo hold at Tucson, Aril., next
to Portland on business Tues­
The winners in tho Htate Den­ day.
The report 1» bused on a sur­ tal Essay Contest in districts of
Mrs. K. Benefiel was at Hills
vey conducted by III», college men the first class in Washington horo Thursday having
011 Hie cos! o f range rattle pro­
County are Dorothy Tongue o f J done.
duction in Ibo »Into. The sur­
Oeo. Thurman and wife moved
vey covered 10 eoiuilie- and co n ­ Hillsboro, eighth
sul,•red 50,0110 bead o f cattle. Clara Hoff o f HilNboro, sixth Monday onto a ranch wegi of
The renull» have been widely grade.
piihlished In Oregon through the
One o f Ihe winners in the
K. Benefiel made a business
preae, and are considered Ihe county outside o f the first class '•’'P to Po*-*»1 drove Baturday
most reliable in formal koi avail­ district» iw Marjorie Homine o f BV,*n*nE-
Publication lias extended
Wchool District No. i, Miss Ida
Mrs. Joe Pongratz o f Buxton
beyond the state and Ibe tacts , Merger, teacher. Marjorie is in vi»itcd Wednesday here with her
have been u»ed by rangers and the eighth grale.
The other daughter
supervisors o f national forest*
winner i- Durward Boyd o f For- < Mr. and Mr«, ft. E. 8t»el made
in various di»lrict meetings.
e«t Drove. M i». Thelma Knud- a business trip to Forest Drove
Oregon range ralllenion have »"ii, leaeher. Durward is in the Tuesday,
given support In Ih** project, sixth grade. Each o f these four
winch will be extended to in­ children receive a prize o f ten
Mrs. Francis Pongrmlz was a
clude entire ranch survey» as dollars Their essays have been ^ ^*'«**«*»y visitor here at Ihe
II a» (ho cost o f running cat­ forwarded lo Kalein where they
H''neficl home,
More definite material in will eompele with oilier children
Mr. and Mrs. W. Burnell went
regard lo production costs is in (he state for p twenty-five to Portland Saturday to visit
expected from tho enlarged pro­ dollar prize.
¡over the week end. ”
jot t.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bene-
Otlo-r subject* reported by Mr.
fiel made business trip to Bur-
M c k i n l e y
n e w s
I.ltigren for the colifoim ee com -
! ton Wednesday evening.
mittee are range management,
wool improvement, and live»tork
Alex Brandt purchased a cow '
Lk L' Cr* ^ rd. an^
feeding. These p rojarl- a» well
tide week for $100
“ *de * 1
»' •P •« ^ r e s t
u- production cost* are in har­
Drove Saturday morning.
mony with the range livestock
John Trochsel has completed
Mr. and Mrs. O. Thurman re-
program worked oul by the sec­ a new poultry house.
'turned home Wednesday niorn-
tion extension conference at Ft.
H. Marrs o f near Oreneo h a s !
^rom * trip to Ne&ttle.
Collins, Colo., last November.
moved fin North Plains.
-Mr. and Mrs. V. Richty and
The big egg hunt on Faster children and Mr. and Mr». D.
BEING REMODELED is stirring up enthusiasm— m ore O’Donnell drove to Hillsboro on
, Sunday afternoon.
Carpenters are busy remodel­ oirgs every day!
ing the Beaverton (iaruge. There
New song No. 12. “ 8he Sang '
will he living rooms filled up on
Ihe second floor and the build­ Aloha’ ’ was taken up Monoay by '
ing pul into e,'million for some
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Rue and
one (o stay there all the lime.
Win. Walker is burning
a family visited over the week end
Mr. Friek»,iu »ay» (hat he ba­ large patch o f brush on the Old w'lh relatives at Silverton.
it last listened to the wishes of
Meadow Farm this week.
The Ladies' Aid of the M. E.
lit» numerou» patron» and will
Erwin Stoffer brought the Church held a silver tea Ttaurs-
pul a man at Ihe gantge so Ihal
il may be kept opeu in the eve- fir»l Lady Slippers to school , y' w,lh Mr® Wll8®n acting as
tin» week. Spring is here
Rebckah Sewing Club held a
in Ihe f r . t b .s e hail game • ^
Klilaberh Vincent
Ceo. H. Smith et ux lo Joe .. .be sea»,,,, B elhw i, beat Rock ' ^
Tuesday afternoon.
Bush: ? ae. Beaverton Reedville creek last Sunday 21 to 5.
\r„ f|0.on.
Mi»s Tillie Losli was visiting
a birlhdav party xra- given
Mina Alloway to it. F. Via el ».H i her »Isler. Miss Berlha Saturday afternoon in honor of
nx: Irael in Blk 3, Foresi Drove. Losli. al Beaverton this week
Miss Marietta Grandy. A good
*,mp waK enjoyed by all.
Cha». Spie» el uv lo Flmer M.
The seventh and eighth grades
Vail el ux: Tract in See. 36. T.
thing is looking fine and dandy | gave an operetta “ Hiawatha" at
I n s w ., t i o.oo.
Ihe school auditorium. It was
Alfred Zalerfell In Alma Zaler- now.
fell: Traci in See. 12, T. I 8..
('.has. Spies and family have : ° njoyed by a ,ar*e crowd
II. I W .,' $10.00.
moved to Hie Orton
A Gamp Fire Girls' Club was
William Peachey el ux
to place near Rkookumville School formed Tuesday afternoon. The
Anion Dspelt: Tract in Sec. 9. House.
Misses Pearl Krause and Irene
T. 2 N., II 3 W.. $25.00.
Schmnkel are the local leaders,
Mr. Linhoom and family were
Deo. Boland et ux to Dust
Tigard teachers attended
Peters an : H ae. Burnham Trqct out Sunday from Portland. He
is planning on tiling Ins low ,,le " a»hinglon County Teach-
cr* Association institute which
John F. Hailey el ux lo J. \\ lan,l here
was held at Tualatin Saturday.
Vandervelden el ux: part o f Hlk
With Hie new petitions being I
5. Forest Drove. $10.Od.
A leap year dance was given
circulated to help build a new
H. F. Fatlnger el ux lo M K.
at Honesteel’« Hall Saturday eve-
High School building at Hills-
W alsou: pari o f Hlk. 6, Darden
... ,
, ning by Ihe Old Tyme Dancing
boro ReedviHe olid McKmley arc c)l|b A
crowd w„
a *
Trae! Addii ion. $10 00.
Fila Sumner *d vir lo Harry looking on this liuix.
By Auto Stage
Not only it now foollnill ooitoli
a now (llrorlor of pliywlciil
oilm sl Ion for moti have been
Imptovcmcat Bids Opeacd, Coa- nitmoil ul it A.
to micromi Mrs. M. E Emerick of Hillsboro
It It.
Itui lior foni.
tract U t Is Halts Cwapaay of
Wss Struck Dows sad Killed
■‘olirli I h I' iiii I J. Krhlnnlor, of
by Stage on Highway
Fertlaad; Bills Passed
l.ololinril College, I in I,-nli u i it. III.,
mol Dio no» tllrcrlor N \V. A.
Tli<* Town Council met uk tlin hoariia, illrorlor o f rorroulion
" l i e u Mr». Mary
Town hall Mudila) evening, llo*ir extension ut On k lit ml, t'.nl.
I'lm'iiok, who hud been vieillug
regulitr monthly meeting liriiiii
Hchl»»ler roiliCH lo Ilio college the grave o f her liu-baud in Ilia
loi|i| on Ilio ovoiiin k o f (In* finii on it llifoo yoiir contl'iirt
al 'oomelery one.half mile we»( of
Muiiilay In each Ilion III.
Con­ ♦ li ridi» Ilio fimi your ami smino IlilNIioro, wa» »(ruck down by
siderable 11 mo w o Inkan up III tlioronflor. lo Ito pulii liy h I iii I oii I a we»lbound Porllaiul-llill-boru
umili inn mid punk I iir oii
Ilia for h inni nulo rerefpts wltli un mid MoMiiinvIHo Stage |a»t Sun­
iinmllily MIN. »sverni o f wlilrli allunili contribution.
Ilo I h on day afternoon, »lie wn» killed in-
war* o f un tintinnai character u twelve montU* buwlw miti will »tunlly. Mr». Kmorlek wa» for-
uni’ ll u h Unit o f wot I Ins lid1 ma­ noi only couch vurnily fooiliull ty-uinc year» o f ago.
lar boxe», pul (top III Hu* now bui iihh NI io ollior »porla mol
Mr». Stephen Henalcy, mother
»• lor main along Rrtrknon
mir-mourut athletic».
lia» of Mr». Fmoru-k, who nccoiu-
• ml gel Una .lonneuled up w tlh ,
UM,|,.r Kni*'(. piinioif her In Ibe cemetery, wax
Ilio oullyius llutrirtH timi uro lliirknr nidi iihi ' w ii
ntodlfied nearly »truck when a *pe,-,|lng
uoìiik lo putrhuHC water troni Noi ir
limilo System of plny auto |*ii»»od them h » Ihey came
l.ooiburtl Ita» rlomioil np Oli ull out o f the eomeleey. Mr» Kmer-
Tlio lidi» on Ilio Improvciociit contonilora m Ilio ibroo yoar» lok wa» wulehing Iho narrow
of \S ,i » li 11 tp t on, u puri o f Lom- iunior Kohis»ler bui Ih,- inlglity o»rapo o f h<T mother and did
buril miti ho me ollicr ntroetn Ni'lio limili' 11»oIf uno liolm il not nolno ibo approaching bu»,
»e ro opcuctl mot Ilio contrari lei University 11 ncorcil non pumi» » b u ll wa» coming in Ibe op|M>-
lo t lia Kulan Engineering nidi iiku I iih I liti for ull II» opponrnl» »lle dieeclion. The wfago, wlueb
I alimi rur (ioti Co. of
Portland In t game» ilurmit Ilio porlo«!. w «» driven by "Slim " Wise nf
'Ir Itala» o f lite Company » » »
"lim i" Konrim » i l i bave super- Porllnml, »topped quickly be­
pranonl ami umlor liN di ree Iloti vUion nf a ll work ni p liy H irn l fore II ran over Mr». Kmeriek.
tu» fnrrmuii Hlulail limi (boy limi '■limaidai Inrlliding intercidi»«!,
Mr» Kmeriek had been a re«|-
ibmr no Hlroot work ut Ibi» ino nl». ii I li tot ir h a» » o li n» ■ iti r« - •lenl o f IliINtHiro for eight,-en
mailialc Mrliiily bui limi (boy murul n|tortn ami
gy iiiiiuhiuui year«. She N survived hy her
lm>l barn tu lite lumina»» fnr rot||'»o»
Ilo olijoyH a »d io l'cp- mollier and (wo brother». J II.
»ovorul your- mol Ihnt llioy had
f„ r llb,|,ty ttll(, (ntegrily llon»ley o f HHNIioro and Carl
i .••formo,I approximately half
„ „ Hensley o f Klamath Falls.
million dollar» o f work In Kid*
„ ff(rll,,
Connly in Washington
„ fix a t e d .
,, A
I bere w .i» a pedilón -l*no.l (mlifiirnlu uumc the lu-l vear
by several residen!« o f t h e T o w n :,,,
" 1 lie Hoad to Huppliie»»," a
coinplnldld* o f the (toa» limi ,
were nn (hoir prop. | Th„ nrw ,44rrrl(ir hll.
,n uiution picture designed to pro­
erky and M oine
coimldarahla |r ,v „ , „ uch wllh
California mole m icro»! m heller highway»
Till» pclllbm, mining mol Stanford syslems o f uilor- ha» Juwt been couiploted at the
uidlor Ilia alalo la w for licensing collegiale atblolicH for noverai l ord Motion Picture l.aboralory
It wu» produced by tho Ford
il"a», wa- referred lo Ilio eon- yearn and»
I horn
Molion Picture l.aboralory
»labio for Ihm dNIrlel
Ilo wuh rb>»o|y a ».
A politlón was presented ask­ noolalod with Iho very lalc«i In conjunction with the bureau of
ing for Ibo Htroot Improvomonl oduoallon. training and' Public Houd», (J. S. Ilopuriiueul
of Iho on«l ond o f Sixth Street »pori» a» a mombor o f Ilio ox- of. Agriculture,
bul a» Ihl» I» n »hört »treat and eeullve roimiiilloo o f Ibo pby- educational Hoaid and Ibo Nu-
N only twenty fool wide.
Iho Hioa diroolorn' woe lot y o f Iho Y llooal Auloinobilo Chamber ot
lUimmorce and carrie» their en-
pollllon wa» tabled (o
nwalt M C A o f North America.
»urli u limo an there could some
President Coolidgo per-onull)
ollior uoprm emoni work como
appeal o,| m one of (ho »cone»
up and bo acted uu *1 Ibo name
IR COURTV ACCEPTED and lia» exp i••»»,<, 1 hi» approval
• Hev. lam Hcyan Fi»lihnck vi o f (ho pu'luro.
He i» »„ow l
¡IIHUbor« bn- accepted ibo rhalr- prosoniuig a scholarship eertl
l ook idg I h n inali Iho "Help manahip o f I li«. I'nlvrr»ily o f firalo lo IPdi Preston, the farm
W auled" advertisement» m
a Dregon aifl rmnpaian In \\ Ini hero of the story, wlm is tin
farm paper the other day. il melon county. I mlcr hi- lead winner ,,f a prixo essay coulee
» a - |iilrre»l|ng In »ce how many j ornblp (lie alumni o f II i I h di.» on heller road». The scene wBi
o f thc.e farmer» ndvertNed "No Iriol »III do their -hare Inwards taken on
W bile
quitter» wnnied."
Judging by i rai»lna a fluid o f one million ground» and willi Iho Pro»i,|enl
Mir number win, mentioned their dollar» which •- t" be (he alumni > Dior» appearing in il inrludiu;
averalon lo quillcr». people o f contribuì Imi I» the S5,nn».(M>di members o f the Highway Kducn
Ihnl kind mu»l be numerou».
five year building progn.m re llonul lh mi r,1 o f which Hoy l>
There N nn incrennina mim- I qu iic,| for Ilio University.
Chapin 1» iliaiim an.
Alumni llirouabolll Ilio conn-
her o f people who are frightened
Principal setting.» o f the film
by bard work
They may think i try are rallying lo (fio »uppnrt »o re taken around Fairfax, Vs
they » „ u l ,I like farm life, bill i o f (bo University in Iho gift (ifleen mile» out o f Washington
•t, lh,-> are askrq lo pili ut • i campai*!!, » ludi ha» lieon madr and (lie chief characters wer,
pollravOil by people resoling Ii
reni day'« work o f tnusruiar ef- noro»»ary by Ilio largtdy Ino rea»
fori, Iboy gel Urei
After a ing number» o f -tudenl» al Ilio ibni vicinity.
day- Ihey foo| all in.
A l'n iver-ily. Tlio ciirollmont ha»
Copies o f ibo film arc M n|
tnry man quii» al Ihal. and »unir | arown 100 per cent »U hm
Ilio »out to branches o f the For<
men mny bo afraid they will Inni leu yrar», and it i» expeded Motor Company in Iho Unite,
do themselves pby»ical Injury. lliat wllliln Ilio nexl five yoar» State» and the picture will lie
Ilul if an able bodied man th<- mi in ho d now on Ilio rampu» shown generally. Highway Com
Properly lo ni(»»|opert.
will keep on. even If he doe* will live iloulilod.
cm i'dy
gel tired, lie will find (hut h i» euro for Ibe ' sllidonta eurullnl load official», school» and al'
?tr«nglf) grow» ,|nv by day III» in Ilio university al prenoti!, and I i tlerealed in Ihe promotion o '
experience will lie a benefit l o l l e givo llioni ini educallnn Ilio improved highway» may obtan
I. Prink et ux: tract in Johnson
lequsl nf llial proMdod in any use o f iIn* film free o f charge.
Fslale Add., Beaverton Reedville
_ _ _ _ _ _
Uiniversity, re,pure»
praotually ,
Ae. $10.00.
all Ilio rm \ or»ily fim o Ilio miti-1
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Danger.
J. M. B. Sol I wood lo .1 0
0A TE S OP A0HIEVEMERT ug". |oa\mg bui a »Inali margini
»Im recently returned from The. Uungorford: 3.203 «e., Sec. 3.
arhievement f"r building».
Every uook and i Dalles, a baby girt.
T» 2 s.. H i w .. $ 10 . 00 .
bave I...... rercivrd in Ibe Counly I ''• '"* 7 " f
University i» al
Offln* j
ì ' r « l o
III*' Uniti N»‘ \\
for Ibe Chehalem MI llolsteiu I building* are nee.led al once
Calf Club, leader W li. Baker. I * " '1 '*••• •Tnlver»lly nni»l li,-gin
and Ilio Potalo ilrowlng Club. lo
pmvialon» bir moro
leader V. A. Kvere»t.
Ilio Stalo I» provid
Tho»o eri Ufinilo» aro »Igned *
ge»termi»ly for genera! malli
by ileo. FarroI o f {ho li. ,s. Jtcpt. j lenanre and rimimi ho a»kr,lI lo
of Agr|t'||flui'e'; W'allqr M Pjèfe,. ] Increase its appropriation al * hi.« i
Ho Ihe University, like!
ii'ovgnior of iirrénn'; W J. Kmr. ¡lime.
PpoHidonl o f il. A, C.i .1, A. oilier »late universities, Inis c m -j
Chiù oblìi. Sialo Stipi, o f Sellimi»: j barked on a gift campaign lo |
Paul Mori», Ulroolor Sialo Kv- secure Ihe needed buildings from
I oiih I oii Service; II. C. Seyinour, (hose wlm are Ini,’ rested In e,lu-
Stnie ('.tub Leader; Kimmi Hry- cation In the Stale oi Oregon
mil, Co. School Hupt.; D. T. Me-
Tile buildings most urgently Ì
Whorler. County Agent; and by needed are library and menmrinl
(lie local d u b lender.
j court, liberal n il» building, alidi- j
These certificates
are given 1 Inrium, fine arts building, »ei-
In sudi Roys* mid Girls’ ! enee building, gymnasium,
Clubs who finish their work one , ffrinary, student union, armory)
hundred |ier rent.
journalism building, law build
____________________ __________ ini. rhemlslry
building, men'»
dnrmilnry, women’ s dorinilory, |
and, in Ibe city o f Portland, a
me,Ileal »eliool building, hospital.
m i ,I a building for Ihe F.xlension
From O ur R ea d er»
Of these the alumni have >et
Iteaverion. Ore oqt to provide the Library, the
April 8, 11)21 'Gymnasium and Alhlelie Fields
Dear h | i ;
uml Hie Memorial Court in mem i
I would
appreciate !°r y " f Hie 17 University men
your kindness o f you would give'w lm died during Hie wovbl win
us the following write-up In your I
—--- ----------------
"W hitford has again organized
If von want lo vo|e al Ihe com- i
Its baseball team Ibis spring, ing Primary election, yon had ,
game» heller see Ihal your nnme Is on
write Edward Bettendorf, B e a -> Ihe Voter's List. If you are not
verton, OregTln."
sure, you had heller
Yours Sincerely,
, IC«>y"tn. w. H. U.l______________
Edward Bell,indori sure.
, .-I-™«—
»"”»,..iTT2nl n,lni. tnrll X
Held Monday Eve
Congregational Sunday School j The Woman s Home Misslon-
ea, Ii Sunday at 10 A. M.; p reach -( !iry society o f ihe Evangelical
ing in German. It A. M. At- c.iiurrli met Wednesday after-
ten,lanre at Sunday school Iasi noon. Mrs Mauer is president
Sunday was to. Rev. Salienti». o f the society.
Miss Helen Cowgill o f Cor­
vallis, a leader o f (he Boys’ and
■ Girls' Clubs, visited the schools
Thursday, and held a cinference
with the club leaders and mem­
Beginning to Flow
Mr. Crabtree from
lias purchased the confectionery
store that was formerly run by-
Mrs. F. R. Burtch. Mr. and Mis.
Burtch expect to move to Port
land soon.
A Boy Scout meeting was
held Wednesday evening,
about twenty boy« present be­
came members. Another organi­
zation meeting will he held in
Hie near future.
A meeting will soon be held
in the Tigard school auditorium
lo disruss the proposed union
high school district. Everyone
i interested is urged present
al (lie meeting.
Small Child
Scalded to Death
M c rt Sprnfcr, Tw$ g*4 a Half
Yens $f Ajc, Mat i m l$ t
Water B r a $a i Shack
Robert Springer, the little 2H -
year-old son o f Mr. and Mr«. L.
D. Springer was so badly burned
Saturday evening when he sal
down in a pan o f scalding water
that he died shortly afterward,
from the burn« and the shock
The mother was at the W ash­
ington County hospital was tick
in bed when the accident happen­
ed. The Springer family home
is on the
about a mile southwest o f town.
Mr. Springer ha« been em­
ployed in a wood camp but had
been obliged to quit work on ac­
count o f ill-health.
The little fellow's funeral wa«
beld Tuesday at Hillsboro.
Mr. Springer had but recently
come to this vicinity and only
a few people hereabouts knew
the family.
The mother had been taken
lo the County Hospital at Hills­
boro and the father was staying
at the home here.
say that while the people are
poor they are net In Immediate
need o f the actual necessities
o f life as we were led to believe
by the reports in the Portland
The father has now secured
work in Hillsboro and is living
• here.
It is expected that the
mother will be able to leave the
hospital in a short time.
The ideals o f (his great Amer­
ican Independence, the principles
o f which were established by fine
men or moral fibre, strong and
firm with honesty, who laid the
foundation, making ail
countries' pallid.
Oraft has always been since
the era o f history o f the world.
In the late war honesty de­
preciated and lowered the sense
o f many and became more ram­
pant, amazing sums being in­
At the coming November elec­
tions partisan mud will be flung,
capitalizing graft and its as­
sociates. The present investiga­
tions o f corrupt officials will
awaken the public mind and de­
mand the cleansing o f the na­
tion, state and municipal offices
that have been besmirched by
men, traitors to the cause o f
this great Democracy. So I say
dirty dollar«.
A public office is a public
trust. These officials at W ash­
ington D. G. or elsewhere I trust
will meet their doom and de­
The stench left behind
must be endured and we must
restore the confidence and ideal
e f this government reestablished.
The action o f these corrupt men
with ability, edneation and trust
whose constituents erected or
appointed have destroyed o u r
faith in their character. It is
a sad betrayal and perhaps I
am a little strong in language.
Mediocre and weak characters
often are sentenced for petty
crimes and offences and the
higher ups, wise in the intrica­
cies o f keeping within Ihe Taw,
possessing cash and affluence
escape its mesh.
Tlieir acts
should be punished, being Ihe
more despicable.
Too much politics, and too
much "T o the victor belong the
" and dirty dollars.
.— By Fred Koshland.
Some Sunday School worker
recently reported Ihal it has
been estimated, tlml only one
flflli o f the rural population at­
tends church.
The source of
the statement was not givcu but
it seem* incredible for there are
Mrs. Virginia Hutchison had many neighborhoods where (he
the misfortune to fracture her churches are well attended. But
1 ankle Sunday morning. She is also there are many where the
now in the St. Vincents Hospital |churches are very poorly sup-
and is recovering as rapidly as ¡ported.
could be expected.-
I j n these times when the ma-
Tlie Metzger W om en s Club jo r i t r 'o f farmer* have automo-
niel at the Clubhouse W tdnes- biles, it should be easier for the
day. Dinner was served, and the ¡country families to go to church
business sessions were devoted | than ever before. But church
to the consideration o f various i services must be made attrae-
1 topics o f interest to the com -Itive. The people In the centers
[o f population must give finan«
trial aid to many struggling s o c i-
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Robins and jeties, so that they can afford f«>
family motored to Salem Sat-'h ire minfslsr* who are adequala
itrday. returning Sunday.
' for thefr great talk.