-■ ---------I A O L IV IN PAR TY he B hi ne L e J G e l v l t i r y U w t r " i ' a litlS> Culf l i Review M and THE HANKS HHKAl D RECIPE FOR MAKING DIXIE RELISH ¡ ^ g lU ,,mnl.,. ili N a lu ra Y way I { "(III, she 'Air '».«li-h e lp r e »* ■ biut mi. ” cxclaimpd mie of ili» p a r ty ." ■ " Y r s , a v a C hild's restaurati}'^ >siil U h * lilll«« (Tiri. • "A n «l il ì i alno 'A ('.altalen a,' ! »ahi Ih«« otiawffrur, as they nule Itcn vcrliii, Orejfan CASES O F D ISTRESS II. U nirli T h e re a rc usually in in o »l i i o m i.unities som e (oiks who » ' lim es a ie very hapl up fo r the . «1 t '.iu m ,| h TS«rv «N* '“tfc. hsolule n rc e s s ilie s o f life. Fre a, «« iw r~i INN**' •» lUr »?**!««» «lueiitly such persons have been . It.) d«*r : ! < A * **J Ümrb % sti industrious as«! have so much pride in s e lf m aintenance. Miai Snh«* “ it H " i . f 150 prr year. they w ould have Io feel e x tre m ' destitu tion l e to re they would ».i\ Advcrli'in -* I a l o «m «p p lir a li«’ " a w ord about th eir distress. T h is cou n try has n ever «ione I.ast V\ r«! "\\ a lrli Kam mieli in Hie way «>f olu age pell him at Ihr nrxt corn er.“ in* I . 1 « sums, fe e lin g (h ai il w;i< lietle: ; I«» throw the principal responsi Y. ii ilon 'l nr««4 a ll«•••nse lo b ilily fo r Ihe support o f needy Ituul I .tilde mir «b'k ' lo scare l«ers«ins in old age on friend »m il relatives and l«> ru m m a g e it up. savings. Hul as ii lias no! taken up this line o f ben evolen c the »o i'M (row You w ill find lo any extent, il is all the more in li m ellower a . you |!n * Uiel- o b lig a to ry lo look out for real lower. eases o f need on the |mrl o f de servin g people. W hen a persivi- «ii>nn> people have inaile a de- who has Irieit bard, larks fo r ride.l success in lit«' by a llen d - absolute n ecessities o f lite in this land o f abundam v. someone ii .. to (h eir own business. ought to d isco ver that rondi tion, ami see that it is reinedie«! The r.ek less d river must g>' by private ch a rity o r by public \\ ,■ all know that. Hut the reck- benevolence. less driver thinks he must g ' fast. H O W T O M AKE YOUR A D V E R T IS E M E N T S PAY Ileallh hint to M otorists: \ l ew m erchants really have lb ligh tn in g bug is about the only proper appreciation o f what ad one Ilia) ran gel along with just v e rlis in g means to them. A w ri a tail light ; ter in an exchange aptly puls i' • this w ay: I f a man spoke to h i' w ife on A man is hul a w orm o f Ihe dust— he com e» along, w iggles Jy nnre a month o r every two about a while and fin ally som e months, she w ouldn't even re«'og nixe his voice. Yet some men riiirken gets him. advertise once a month or every two months and Ihcn w onder W hen Ihe road builder en ­ why- they don't g e l nmre busi­ counters boulders o r rocks he ness. A dvertise every week. Re­ d -o - not let them sw erve Him m em ber “ the used key is always from bis course. Do you? b rig h t." T h e store that tells the public w hat it is doin g regularly is the store that g e ls there in Let us then be up and doing. the end’. O therw ise we may be done; l ilitur and Publisher Still acheiving. still persuing. Advertise and get the mon. Kind -tie who boasts that he is not a “ party m an" and you w ill find one who seldom voles but is always “ ag in " the g o vern ­ ment. One trouble 'cein s to be that the girl who lias the in itiative to make a Leap Year proposal probably w ill lurs out to be a back sea! driver. NO RATS OR ROACHES REACH THIS CABINET Alabama Women Inspired by Horn« Demonstration Club. ■ P rr rs r* 4 Sr * » » X'sltsd S lats, g s y v r tn a s t s f A g r M s lla r».l REMINDERS (Item nr plared In a saucer nn tup «if Ilia seed. T h e enutalner Is euveretl anti left fnr '.'I limira, T lie dtiaage la one ami unc in ili nuuees fnr III rtib lr feel nf sparti. D ipping the semi In bull­ ing w ater ami im m rdtgtely onnl- l " g wll d e s in i) musi n f Ihe w ee­ vils. T h e new crup Is usually infested by p lan tin g Infested seed. M. ve Ihe lil'uod« r house on to clean ground C occid iosi», round w orm s and roup mny lie w a ilin g , fnr the ehleks «ui Inst years runs. It does not pay to treat chickens fo r these discuses but il i! «os |iay to p reven t them gel , ling the disease. Sellini« fnr g ru fi m g m.xy he ■ i n lleeled nnw. tino veur ulti Leni liv. vlgiirniis, fim i ivoml I- I •« hurying in s.iwdlis* or ' l " : h " v il.imp nius.i o r by piit lin g Hit« bnnehi's n f riti en d » In dump 'Nini nini w r.ipph ig Ibe tnps In il vvel elnlli. liM Ifil K m ry l-'riduy Al J.. FARM Claude Smith TH E PlO t ’ S I R FU R N IT U R E D E A LE R Hugs M inte- lutti, YYnll pa per, I'a ml a. Ilnstrr kileh en rahinela Ml set«d pillatiti«» w h ile »1111 ■ ! inu m i sin uid be given the 1 hnnesi e irrn »tve su blim ale treni meni. - Sture AM , Ilea. tlfiO FO R EST G R O V E , ORE. MON UME N T S «e i» L la lc i t mn nnw nn yt»u ran purehuae Monument.- and M arkei a In hulh (Ylarble and Q ra n llg f<>r a great reduci inn In price a saving In the purchaser n f frulli IO tn J5 pel rent (•«itile and lie convinced H orner till and Main Ml reels, Millsbnrn, tlregun, M. N. L E W IE A OO \V««««vll tu fc 'le d bcuit» and I e.»s eun be |ri\»t«*d vvilli ru rlxn i- I isu lfid e tu d esiru y thè w oevils I efori« pillili m g T h e seed tu tu' Ircnlcd is ii'ii.illy plneetl In u tig lil re«'i'plneli< u f suine kiml timi lite Iniunl e itlie r pnurt'tl nvt'r Or. J. R. Talbert DENTIST Rossi llu ild iu g Beaverton Oregon Putting Up Supply PO R O O UNTY CLERK lFrpp«r«4 hv Ikt (Mat« « |V|«arimem of A«rl«-«H *r* t Edw. 0. L u e « CYnb girl*. under the direction of ihe l nltixl Stall's l«*'i>»rlmeiit <>f Acrl Why Mr N. Windsor (R. l.)P u t Up culture and the State agricultural colic :es, put up a great manj novel products l'n Ibe |tt-t»plt* n f \\ 'u ih llig lo r nith Ksts for Years accenting to standard "d ll" rv*'i|H‘s fi rnlshed hy extension leaders One of t :■ «ii ii i > “ Yssn sa» t f t »sow n i j s i s » . skkk sMiht the most popular of these products, especially suitable for making In Ihe fall, kilt-1 I'll ass « s s k 4*w VV, |W| S | 1 » V I t»U T h e ninne nnmetl w ill In» *t «atti » Irtrwt 1*4.1 SW •Vosi Rtl.Xase II -ucXy la "Dixie Mellsh " Here Is Ihe reel|>e m o d u la te ni lite P rim a ry Kl««i kMb rs«s. Ilssaak S-stt i n , *»*i*"l took It " S til Dial* Relish. A y »rsts4lss«t s t is t i l h w . iV .t k .lllk tinti. May Iti. I M I , nn thè K«*- 1 quart chopped csbbsg* or rhsyotra < ist>l**a|MM>nfuls m i l ml »«-sd. hsM sad sssissusd ky DR. SAMUEL SORENSEN I pint chopped white ««Ion I tsM< spoonful» *-»**r> seed «crushedI pilliIli'««il bulini fnr IIle n fflc e ni I pint chopped sw.et red pepper S eupful sugar. D p . Samual Soranson, D V. S. I hm I'a l>ruj» Htnn«, lli«avi>rluii, Cnuuty lllerk . t f nom liiute«l nnd 1 pint chopped sweet green pepper. t uunrt «Insanr l tablespoon fills salt. ( ìrallinit** atnl ||i'«««I«inil«»n d a in i) money and Mrs. Lcs velle Is very proud K ira t clnaa W o r k Pip«'«« ninkp nffar to P. O. of them. W A N T E D ar i F O R S A L E BANK OF BEAVERTON No account too small to receive our careful attention. FAVORED FOR SCHOOL LUNCH Appetising Cssib. nations Suggested by Department of Agriculture Specialists. The following menus sugaested by (he I'nlted States Department of As rlculture for the children's lunch has ket may remind the mother of some -nmbinatlons not recently thought of und thus afford a change from the usual monotony of sandwich lunches. CTt*p rolls, hollowed out and tilled with chopped meet or Ash moistened and »es'oned or mixed with salad dressing: orange, apple, a mixture of »Ilce«l fruits or berries; cake. Lettuce or celerv sandwiches; cup costard: J*Uy »an.l.vlches. Cottage cheese sandwiches or a pot of cream cheese with brtmd-and butter «andwlrhes ; peanut sandwlct-a, 'vnU : cake. Hard-boiled eggs; baking-powder biscuits; ceiery or radishes; brown- sugar or maple sugar sandwiches. Bottle of milk ; thin rombread and huttsr; dates; apple. Raisin or nut bread with hotter; cheeae; orange; maple sugar Baked bean and lettuce sandwiches; .«ode sauce: sweet chocolate. Becanse the liked carpentry, and needed an Inexpensive kitchen cab­ inet. Mn. M. C Lea velle of Buhl. Ala.. decided to make «me for bernetf. Her hnahand became Intereeted and assist- ed k«r. she state« in a letter to the t'nlted State« Department of Agricul­ T e ll me not in m ournful num ­ ture. adding that the inspiration for making tke cabinet, as well as other bers kitchen Improvements, cgme from the A dvertisin g is a dream, r in.. I mi » :n e- s '.»an who slum ­ home demonstration dab and conn- ry Lome demonstration agent. bers “The dimension« of the cabinet,” li.i- • . c h a n c e to s k im H ie 'ays Mrs LeaveJIe. “ are tHk feet high. rreani." 40 tnrhea wide and 2 feet thick. It '••■nalstj of one large drawer and two HINTS SUGGESTED ON BAKING medlum-alsed drawer« hi the bottom When the teams ramr trot­ section. Over this section la the table Ovens Ara of Varying Bias« and Con- ting in (be field and Hie *ub- 46 inchea long by 2T Inches wide, gtrwetion and Sam« Rssulta Not Alwaya Obtainad. •jiute (.layer» ran to the bench, which la cov«rred with wtilte alldoth. a ____ a vonne woman wlm Vnew mere The top section consists of one long Ovena ot varying sixes and run >ox on the left side for flour and about motoring than abou1 foot- sugar, a dish closet and two small »« ruction d u aot always hake In the b:i'l remarked- drawers on the right sld». The Inm- same way. even though the thermom­ "My. haven't they a lot of eter may record the «ame temperature stiares ?’’ In every rase. A Joint will roost, or a cake or loaf of bread hake quite us well tn a large, heavy oven (coal BY G O LLY range, heavy "Aretes«’ gn« range) at fl temperature 5A degrees lower than n i.Jd resident o f Alaska h3*J ia a »mailer, thinner walled gas range *r «. **n a motor car. On«* oven through which a blast of liot air h - was astonished to see la rapidly circulating, »ays the rnlted - !o . t’Ul was dumbfnundeij State» Department of Agriculture. " i 1 w. f- 1 low«-it by a m o- The larger »lie « of loaf, roll, muffin v r l* potatoes and auch usually require low er temperatures for longer periods, und the «mailer sixe« higher tein|*era­ tline« and «horter periods, other things luring equal. 1- The shape of the loaf or roll is Im- ^ 7 *7 1 («ortanl. A h»lf-poun«l sfMvnge «*nke « it nrttor \ or angel-food cake baked in a Turk-» X»? 1 j head pan («-enter tul»e) .'Hindi a com­ paratively high temperature lie tier { than does the same weight of cake e t» 1 ■ haked aa an ordinary loaf. J____ ■ M i „— C The composition of the hatter or dough largely governd the linking tem­ Cabiaal la Nat and Roach.Proof. perature. A plain loaf cake contain. Utr I uaad I* poplar, whlrh came from Ing comparatively little sugar, egg nnd our farm. The doors of the top a*«'- fat (I. a “ cheap" cake) require« Moo are made of x- re«>a W..C Tha greater «-»»* and a more gradually ap­ t»lai cost, including wire, latches, plied heat than d«ea a richer cake; It some people io lunge« «ad oilcloth, did not exceed ■diould. therefore, he pnt Into a cool $10 Tlie to«)t« used In making the oven In order to get the heat resul«« fe*v d a v » s in c e n soltet were a hand i t « , hammer and ‘ilit-jr ’ » '« ‘d for BEAVERTON BARBER SHOP Interest at 4 ‘,( on Savings accounts $25.00 will start a checking account which will give you a nice record oi your business and a check makes the best kind of a receipt for bills paid. A Safe Deposit box in our Fire & Burglar Proof Vault for your valuable* will relieve you of all worry. Insurane of everv kind written in the very best Com­ panies. Deeds, Mortgages and Wills, in fact all kinds of Notary Work promptly executed. The most careful attention given to all business intrust* ed to us. Officers F W . L IY E rtM O R E Prsaulai.l B. K. D E N N F Y . Vic* Pr«r#i.l«-i.t DOY GRAY On-bier Ilrandpnbprgpr, pare o f Con­ fluiate n f Rwitxprlanit, 107 tSpr- lingcr Hhlg., Porllaml, Orp. Ituth in Connection An I 'p todiit«* Hnnitnry Hlmp C. J. Slfftas, Prop. p Id lit BEAVERTON, Rant— two nr llirsc fur- nishri) munis lni|utre nf R. II. Zimnu-riiinn nn Front 81. pfl»t nf l.nmharil. c I Il f \ F op I — - If ORE 1 Y'nti Onina Once, Y ou 'll ( ’nine Again LIBERTY REST ADR ANT F op Sato — T . It Tested Holstein "A GOOD PLACE TO BET” mw, Sion Dahlia hulh«. E l.00 T e ll Your Frlanda per ilnxen Mrs. K J. Mann. Cor. I’ a and Main IIIMsbnro, Ora. H««aVerloni. Ml 4 . Phone 55- 41. c II tf W a. * lad— Deiipral (a m lra d ltig NIK* Hu i Id I It* work. Joseph Kn««x. Phone. M SNa.i, Knute 5. H«>i 255-A, Portlan d ( Ire - Fon. 9-|f 4 * ' I B a l ' r l i i a n Trap« For Rata Wotas AJ u m Drag u . T i u l I Tk-V vsyt “ tlAT-NM A P L «skm tk . we«k R * t l — I- urtilshed room s at iPMsonahe prices. T h e M p I xo II Mouse, Mrs. |„ W . W ise. Prop. e H If. land m»l»»»i*l,rt,k*r, m ss I s s i » » « u M u e s ' T ir II an jraur rats. aAT»*:WAP l'a*Ynansrt>srk“ rw af«aM 4 MW» kilter. I .«an n ah lo u,* ^ M an- U*S w lllle lW f lits. t ' , l i u . l * t a » » s i l TV m I .» t » .: r , p « , » ( U » i » So SSwfl. »I m » i H a f**c ana m i «k hr I tun* or • j «Mikt.ik.ti* ,, • "r «Vti/r—-Finii' rotini , . , ! ' S U n , u| I tart kiùnw rale «sSsr. Innnw*, • XeUseJ « M a a n l t , — |inrtly fuitinhi'il, und mie- Ih-an'» l)rn}» Htore, lleaverlon, half acn* of i’mund, clow to Oregon. piirenicnt. To In« wiltl cheap, on (*HN.v inotilhlv pnyinenlN W. E. pejiif, llouverfort. t f f *N D V F IX YO UR W A T C H I I.. Anderson. "M e sure know« I « . « . “ W aloh m n kcr nnd Jew eler " 1 7 2d 81.. Millshoro < Iregnii F o r Rant— F ou r ro o m » mid bain Hal, with room f«>p « garden. AM m odern conveniences. *20 per month. In q u ir« at S lipe's «ia rn g e A>111 " I uk I h<- «viitl«*n that ho had if 1«» ili«* (itlier place? And in •ii ' " k “ a fliv, "H pi thing—a look— \nd L r il |o live. i hr I««, g b A K jc 'jy FIR S T.” By Otarie* flughmr i Nn .... . U m A Complete Rest