- \ T he B e c v e r t o n R eview Issued R very Friday A l B e a v e rtu n , J.. K tiilor H. O re g o n Iliilt'll anil Publm har h.n!«<«.! W MMnU «ha» m *u*r in Jay. i' tlii'il in.tint Minin* h it right o f w ay. and TH E BANKS HERALD ft| t h « t V ' t O f l W Kt B # t t t t t * « H k. O lt jn « ■ nttar »I» A<-« •* ü « « » y >*!»• Subscription, » I . M por year A dvertisin g rales on application l.istru lo only one knocker— ( ip|iorlunity. Il r p iU morn Ilian double lo live a double life . Hun away from difficu lties, and you won't have lo g o a Iona way. (io lo cliurrU and learn about the h ereafter, or go autom a and tee it. Heel cure fo r lo n gin g fo r the •Id home town it to go back •re and Iry it again. An E pitaph: He »lull»’I have time lo slop at the c ro s s in g ; he hat plenty o f leisure now. O ften when the w o lf rom ee un i lo I he d«»or, he Hnds the f.iiid y out d rivin g m an a u lo - I. o b i l e . tin t a illo age llie hen may r x o tt the road b rea n te th e is despondent over eontinu rd ill health. Hell may be paved with good intentione, but at least bonds did not have to be issued fo r all the paving. “ In Ood W e T r u s t" is an ex ­ cellent m otto fo r a dollar, but not en tirely adequate fo r a pe­ destrian. The c h ie f trouble w ith in ­ creased earn in gs is that they nearly always bring increased yearnings. ■ W h o can rem em ber the guod o l d u . . j s wuen every man. w o ­ man, and boy in B eaverton knew how lo hitch up a horse? Correct this sentence: " I I was ii r, a nut that needed lig h te n ­ in g." said Hie auto mechanic, “ and a quarter w ill be enough. D A M A G E S A N D R E P A IR S \ n egro wom an 0 1 mammoth p ro p o itio u * and inky com plexion was in an au tom obile acemblit. She was taken lo I lie hospital, where she soon regain ed ron - »rio u s n e *». T h e doctor, seek­ ing lo c o m fo rt her a hit. said lo "Y o u w ill undoubtedly he able obtain a con sid erab le amount o f dam ages. Mrs. Johnson.” “ llu n ia g e a l“ said Mrs. Joh n ­ son. “ W h a t Ah want w if dam a g e «* Alt got enough dam age- now W lia l Ah w auls is rep a irs." i here are three Classes of m otorists : Th ose who view a horn sim ply as an ornam ent, those who retain their childhood attraction for noise and lois o f it, and those who know how lo use a horn properly. T h e Autom obile Dealers" A s- s ■•nil h is gettin g funds to- g iher lo erect a statue com ­ m em orating the deeds o f the fo llo w in g illlu slriou s men: Hud­ son, fra n k lin , B ran t, I'ierce, Cleveland, und I.incolti. iiig g n is i . % y# t •fi ü Ti never would be passed »ix cars with back­ ward glan ce— His w ife ha* his insurance. CAR C A TA S TR O PH IE S H- re lie the rem ains o f Percival bapp. He drove his c a r with a girl on *'i* lap. „ ..-»eri..g here one \Vi 1 - ii.nn Blake, !!• heard the bell, hut had no brake. Beneath this stone lie » W illia m Raines, GALLAGHER AND MR BEO PEPPER FOR COLDS IN CHEST Ease your tight, aching chest. Stop the pain Break up the congestion i eel a Lad cold loosen up in just a ’ rt time. i »(»per Rub is the cold rrm .} liiat brings quickest relief. It can­ not hurt you and it certainly seems to -nd the tightness and drive the conges­ tion and soreness right out. Nothing has such concentrated, pene­ trating heat as red peppers, and when beat penetrates right down into colds, ngestion, aching muscles and sore. • a -'ints re ltf comes at once ihe moment you apply Red Peppe' ub you feel the tingling heat. In th irec •innurs the congested spot ii warmy ’Ugh and through. When you ar» iff-re-g from a cold, rheumatism .arkache, stiff neck or sore muscles mst get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub, mift- from red peppers, at any drag store You will have the quickest relief knoren. th e Ir in g Oatmeal Cookies— Hue eup o f (»•lin eal soaked lit two n ip s o f i"Hk. two clips o f sugar, Iwo- Ih ln ls o f a cup o f h iiller. o n e « h a lf a leuspnonful each o f sail •m l soda, flou r lo make a dough,* to ll thill, cut out ami hake b e tw e e n rio u s iio M D e p t. Claude Smith FOREST GRO VE, A 8HEAN o h . Mr. G allagh er, Oh. Mr. G a lla g h er! I hear you 've another jo b in sight. Are you w ork in g here in town, >r are you ju « l o country rlow n. \\ ho m ilk » d ie row s and rliirk - ens every n igh t?” ‘Oh. Mr Shean. Ob. Mr. Shear»! w ork both in town and coun­ try. you bean; I sell suspenders to Ihe m ale*, m an; »•• t put .1 •" top. THE B o 'l Q ln gorh raid —-T w o cup- PIONEER New III leaps m olasses, one cup FURNITURE brown sugar, one cup shorten DEALER lug, one Inhlespuonful o f g in ger. I‘ u' nil in an earthen m ixing quickly. FARM REMINDERS lin gs Muon- dish, set on du* stove and let it Or on Pastu re Demand Grain V A S C A R C E «OUSEHOLD lUJii, W all pa \ iiIt pasture season com ing RE C IPE S A .'ID SUGGESTIONA is>me lo a boll, then add one Glngar Snap*— T w o cups o f tier, Pain t* eup o f boilin g w ater with one molasses, on * eup o f lard, one on ih er* is often a desire lo d is ­ H osier kilrh heaping teaapooiiful soda in it. continue feed in g grain lo the luhlcspoonful o f gin ger, mr E nglish W itn u t Cvko -.* cups ou cuti mets cow s lo a g e i l exlen l i f not sugar, o n e -h a lf cup butler, III ree ' I the m ivture cool, then stir I a ,ioi nl i f -nil, tw o o f hi. in five eups o f flou r. Hake in en tirely. Cows well fed d o n n i i I el the i ,i etilen i» boil up once, Phoue*i f l u i d i * tu p sweet milk, white dtore 053. ilcsrnftd shallow tins and oui ill squares. 1 r about arre ground, three block» from HOLLYWOOD SANITARY DAIRY. stiwk Skim mjlk fo r feeding until ropy, then » l i r in and heal a eo ffe e u p fu l o f cocoan u t; make lliih cr »ta lio n . (In veli A tai.. hogs o r chickens is w orth one- ♦ hi* w hites o f the e g g » ; fla vo r just s t iff enough to roll out P u r* Jersey Milk ai.J Beaverton. e lit If h a lf a* much per hundred Ihs. to taste. Bake the cake in lay- thin, ami hake. dream from Tu bercu lin teat- as corn is w o r lr a bushel, so ad c o w ». Daily d eliveries in For Rent— «til acres m Keel eoi 2 0 « pound- o f skim nulk lias Heedvllle, Aloha, Huber, Tow n» hip 2 N. Ila ligi' 1 \V . as mueli feed valu e a* one bn and B»'uvi*rloii. S \\ >, n i S K «* aml S.M uf -hr| o f corn. Phone your ordere BIS on 87. S F V». • •Id .1 Da li in den i -I ii 1 ns !.. It. Ji'p.snn. Proprietor, l'lOHMf» make o ffe r to 1*. G. Will be pleased to serve you E xperim en t* al the station it Hrandrnhcrgc r. ra re o f Con- Beaverton, O regon. C orvallis have shown d ia l ha) s iila l* o f Swtl xerlam 1. i «7 G er- pul into sto ra g e in the suinm ei lin ger HIdK. Portia nd. Dre m on ili* increased several pounds c I d - II) per hah* du ring dm w inter and J Kii-Mt-flnaa W u rk usually reaches il* maxim um in Interest at 4 'i on Savings accounts i r ta le • lu k d in i il w laide and February or March. II lake- up Iia lli ill ( 'u lin ovtiu li $25.00 will start a checking account which will give eli ina rühmet Good ron d in oli m oisture from d ie m oist a ir and i c An I ’ p ItM ln lf Hniiitiirv Sliop MeKell. Rotile 1. Heaver- you a nice record qf your business and a check make* the hales are con siderably h ea vi­ (•■II. r l « er al m id -w in ter Ilian they are T H E CO UNTRY T O W N BALL TEAM One o f the best features thn you can develop in a country town is a good ball loam, which may e ith e r be a school team, or one drawn g en era 'ly from I In tow n 's you n g men. Many conn Iry tow ns have very successful team s, and they are a b ig far lo r in m aking llie town seem attractive. T h e old tim ers looked al sports lo som e exlenl us a w aste o f tim e. Bill that point o f view should have gone by now A good hall team m a town in­ spires a hd o f en ergetic young fellow s w ith a spirit o f am bi­ tion- W h ere oth erw ise lliev m ight be g e llin g discontented w illi th eir home surrounding- and com p la in in g about llie d u ll­ ness o f Ih e ir life, the idea o f gettin g on llie srh oo1 or town team gives them an object lo work for. A fte r they gel on tb*' team they liave an incentive b practice. Then when llie gam es an’ held, llie tow nspeople have in­ terestin g events in their own com m u nity and do not have lo go roam in g in oth er neigh bor­ hood* lo fin d things goin g on A good hom e ball team helps keep m oney at home, a s wren people go lo oth er tow n* lo *ee gam es they are pretty sure lo spend considerable m oney llial oth erw ise w ould be kepi al home. a* m id-sum m er. T h e hay gen ­ And if you can develop a good era lly goes hack In nearly it* hall team in you r home town, it o rig in a l w eigh t the fo llo w in g must help lo develop rnnsider- summer. in lo see the gam es. It w ill pay the business men o f the C*»nsiderable a lfa lfa w ill prob- | own to bark up a home ball ably be p lan lcd on the riv e r j team. tmttom and oth er warm , w ell A good team can be developed drained soils o f W estern O r e ­ anywhere if the players w ill gon Ibis A p ril and May. Plan - ake lim e to practice. Perhaps ning lo seeure Ihe »re d o f die no form o f organ n a tio n d ial genuine Grinun a lfa lfa »e e d he- I could l>e devised w ill do more fire »lo c k - ar<* deplcted and lo lo prom ote home town co n ten t­ a n lie ip a le needs fo r lan d p lasler ment and make young men sal- w hieli ustiolly hetp* in g e ll m g fied w ith their home su rrou nd­ a stand o f a lfa lfa , is recom - ing*. L et's do everyth in g we meinli-d. ran to build up and support a ' stron g team here -in B eaverton Horns are m ore easily p re­ fo r the sum m er sea *o n . vented Ilian rem oved. MR In c o o firm ed deports say an A l rwan non swallowed a fliv v e r a iew weens „g o . He fo rgo t to shut o f f the engine, however, and shook to death in 15 m in­ ute*. People call me a travelin g sales­ • means a stunted mature horse V grow th )' yearlin g does not re man " 1 qu ire the fei>»t and care a fte r “ Oh, you 're a drummer. M' ■ ward tli.'il a stunted one doe*. G a lla g h e r? “ "N o , I play the violin , M' Shea u.” llrr«> lie» the body o f W illiam stunted y e a rlin g BANK OF BEAVERTON No a c c o u n t too sm all to receive our careful a tte n tio n . BEAVERTON BARBER SHOP the best kind of a receipt for bills paid. A Sale Deposit box in our Fire A Burglar Proof Vault for your valuables will relieve you of all worry. For Rent — ivv.i nr three fui - tu»||eil room s Inqu ire iif H, H Z jn in ifrn iai} <>u Front St * a » l o f Lom bard c U lf Insurane of every kind written in the very best Com­ panies. Deeds, Mortgages and Wills, in fact all kinds of Notary Work promptly executed. The most careful attention given to all business inlilist­ ed to us. Officers F. W . LIV E R M O R E . Pn-uient B. K. D E H H F T . V u * president DOY GRAY Cutiier Beaverton, B ackache O fte n Litficr v .. cian at on c <,r g t cist ibout ft-tr take a tabicsr^H-yr. u! before brc. ki: r i kidney :na; t famous snlr » * ¡rape» a i lithia, Ctrl itr help clcai f neys. alio system, so thi often relievin'’ l> Jad Salts is iiu -, in­ jure and makes a deln. . ui. efferves­ cent lithia-water drink Drink lots of soft water By all means have your phyu-rin examine your kidneys at least twice a year. n ti.ti II If Rent— hotnlslim l room s at reasonabe prires. T h e Mrtxell House. Mr*. L. W W ise, prop. c 8 If. S iili F o iir mM»in )iou*e, ■•»rtljr fnrni*hixl, inni (»iit> lllllf « t T f tif ('minili, riuso tu IMVflllfllt. Tu I n » (tulli clMAp, u ii ftvtv muiitli|v |iavinoni* W B. P«*KK, llcnvertuti. You i>.c p'iysi- rih'.rma- f J »! Fntts; o w a te r k -.r ii ¿ ar.»i Thiv . i-* nt p i .....„ For N o t B e e n D r in k in g Enough W a te r When you wake up urbh backache and dull misery in lb. , , it may mean you have been eating food- which create acids, says a well known author­ ity. An excess of such ncids overwork- the kidneys in their effort to titter it from the blood and they t/zcoin t of paralyzed and loggy. When > . r kid­ neys get sluggish and clog > o-s roust relieve them, like you rc!i vc yot-T bowels, removing all the body'» frinois waste, else you have backache, sic* headache, diery spells; jrriir :: ■:!•,;• cl» sour-. to;:;n; is coated and «hen the w all. '-.J you bava rlaaunulic twing- i . uri .c is cloudy. fj!I of sedin'MC. •;,’ ; rjl'in get n r . -.valtir t. W an ted — G eneral Contracting an,t Building work, J ii » ui »I i K m»x. Plmne, M 5*