Local News CHURCH NOIICK M t c< diri Cat holu (hursh . ' iiiii U v Masse*. 7 1 0 m d 10:20 Sitndnv School 9 50. Week day M .«■« 8:00. L E N T E N S E R V IC E « I .mi ten servici•» will bo hold ni 81 ('.cerila Gattini ic Cburrli rvcry v i . I ; : 11 1 1 K o t o ? nn W' ih I- nr *•••«- :;.H Friday al 7:30. TU K M «:. r.llURCH Su (i. y S olici! 10 A. M. Sitrxiro* Il A. M Vuoilo !*>•[. p|(>'¡, M illin g 8:3d p. in. 1‘ w iiiiii : Servirò 7:30 p m. Prayer Mocil off, Thursday Kvrning 7:30 P. M Roxorotid '«i*«irgo Gray. Mi^ W illiam Boyd Is enter I m illiiiK Iho “ 500" rlub today. Tlir Huber ('oinm errial Club bold their regular monthly inert­ ing on Mart'll 13th. I‘alia* Murray is building house at the corn er o f Lombard Street and Allen Avenue. Mr. (t. .1 Hales who lives jn>t cast o f town on the Canyon road has traded bis farm for a liouso in Irvington. Mrs. W illiam visitor» Mrs. R. ('lias. V osburg and son o f W heeler were recent at the home o f Mr. and A. Owen. Mr. K. \V. Cady reports that lie has traded bis farm at Oren- co for the place form erly owned by Mr. Hales on Iho Canyon road. Mr. fieo. Coveil o f Coveil & Co. reports the closin g o f a real estate deal involving about th ir­ ty-tw o thousand dollars Satur­ day. The dance given by the O. F S. at Huber Saturday evening w a , very well attended and those who were there report a very enjoyable evening. Mr. R. It. Brown o f the Service Lumber Company lias purchased another lot alongside his lumber yard on the triangle and will erect a modern home on it. Dr. Ileiu is having a nexv g a r­ age built on his lot on Hamilton Street. Mr. W isiner and sou spent cun Mr o o l Mrs. Kriedncksnn and •Ll) in The Dalles. Miss Kloranrc Hunt o f Hanks 'pent the week end here with Miss Noreen Nelson. Mi»« Thelm a P*'gg spent Sat urday here with her parents. Mr. and Mr» \V. E. Pogg Mr. and Mrs J. (Javelle o f I* irtlnnd are visiting a few days at the hume o f Dr. Iletu. C íete Gray o f the UiHxersily of Oregon xxns recently pledged to the Delta Delta Della sorority Mr. A G. (Mlinger. manager o f the Reciti ilio baseball team. XX.i ni town Thursday morning on business. Mrs. N. G. Freeman w a , called to Seattle, W ashington I'hurs day on account o f the illneaa o f relatives there. Mrs. W I Nove, left Saturday for a vistf with her mother at Goble, Ore. She ex|>ecls to h gon e several days. Mr. and Mrs. E. \\ W ood ru ff ■ ml fam ily look Sunday dinner xvith Mr. and Mr>. Charles K ('.lark o f Portland Mr. IL L. Hudson, manager of the Port o f Portland, returned recently from an extensive busi­ ness trip to the East. Mr. Earl Evans who has been som e weeks in the Good Samari­ tan hospital cam e home Wed nesday very much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Ituglu" i Portland visited Saturday at the home o f Mrs. Hughes par­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. W . F. Pegg. Mr. and Mrs. W aite are enjoy­ ing a visit' 'from their daughter and baby o f Kruitland, Idaho, on (Heir way to Los Angeles. Cali­ fornia. Mrs. Roht. Summers Is ill in the Emmanuel hospital in Port­ land. Mrs. Elmer Stipe has been taking car«* o f her there at the hospital. Mr. G eo. E. W aliner o f Huber was in the oth er day and ordered lie Review fo r a year. Mr. W al­ te r is w-orkiiig for the Service Lum ber Co. Mr. and Mrs. James Honey- man o f the Honeyman Hardware. Mrs. S. Speake was railed to Co. visited at the E. E. Swen­ Portland Tuesday hv the illness son home Monday. Mr. Swenson o f here sister-in -law , Mrs. T xx.is form erly in the employment Smith who was operated on ai a o f Mr. Honeyman’ ' Company. hospital there. The II utter Com m ercial Club will ¡rive a good lime to exeryonc wlio com es to tlieir clubhouse on March ?9lh. “ Five hundred" with prizes. Ilanring R efresh­ ments. Admission. 50r. Adv ctfi The Pacific Theatre is o ffe r ­ ing patrons som ething that tiev- er fail« to appeal. “ The Lullaby" stirs up the im mortal sentiment o f m other love and is acted with wonderful feeling. “ T he Lul­ laby," an admirable photoplay. Itaily news. Mr. E. C. G ifford who has pu r­ c h a s e d a lot in W oodland Acres and is building him a home there was in Tuesday m orning and counted out the amount fo r a subscription to the Review. He s a y s that the best wav fo r a com parative stranger to get a c­ quainted in a com m unity is to gel hold o f the local paper, and we believe he's more than half right. Mr. Arthur F oster o f the Land Settlem ent com m ittee o f the O r­ egon State Chamber o f C om ­ m erce was in town Monday a fter­ noon. He was trying In get a bunch from here to go to H ills­ b oro Thursday evening in help organize a W ashington County Cham ber o f Commerce to he com p osed of representatives from all the different com m uni­ ties throughout the county. Mr. C. E. Hedge, form er p o st­ m aster and prominent citizen, had the m isfortune to fall Sat­ urday m orning and break his thigh bone. He was taken home and (lie frarluse reduced by Dr. Mason who reports that the in­ ju ry is doing as well as could he expected under the circu m stan c­ es. The limb had been injured b efore and will probably be some time in healing. Mr. C. K. Buchanan o f Hills- boro was in towli looking over • lie -d ilation here and eonfering with our local EePd dealer, Mr. Olias. Berthold Tuesday. The students from Beaverton it the t niversily o f Oregon will tijoy a t-d a y s spring vacation. Those who attend from Beaver­ ton arc expected home The New York Evening T e le ­ gram says. “ Miss Novak d o e s wonderful work in “ The L ulla­ by. L illie Dorothy Marion Brock as the Baby doe« the bc«l piece o f child acting w e have seen on the «creen ." P acific T h e­ atre Hu« week, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs K. K. La Hair of M i«' Maud«' Cribble visited 111 Yerhoort arc xisiltng al the lie .• er ;» Sunday, home a few days tills week M> «pou;, « as «town from I a Bale is assisting in building the new garage for l 'o d o r '« new V ilinglon tiv spend Sunday with ¡■is fam ily here. sedati. i. V» . \. I, he d -i <«| the vivi« Me lice o f Syr.iCll ■ Nr\ 1 1 rk, 110*1 her i f Mr« I-'.! Banks Union High School was m >> *i Saturi v looking for Hi«' wai -ears, a form er resident n! Herald w.i» Bea itoli, spent Sunday visiting ¡'lace “ w hen die published.“ That is something at (lie home o f Mr. and Mrs. li«*' Ill«' pcnp|,< o f Beaverton I toy Gray. speaking of die Beaverton Mr. and Mrs John Peterson, T im e s ’ *. daughter. Carila and son. Ilaro'd Business is hndi on 'ontlinent and Mr amt Mrs Harry Harm's o a very irreal extent. If a and son John were entertained el low collies into my piace In v m and Mr*. W \ 9t h l-uv lit« g o o d , it i, «pill«' likely numi Saturday evening. that I'll buy what I n«*«*«l hi h i' Mrs. Lottie R obinson, w ife o f In««' from him Dr E. M Robinson, formerly o f Bui where there i» a nani Beaverton, died at her hom e in war«' man in (own ami the gn> Los Angeles. California. Sunday. ,«>r goes lo III«' big city to buy March !*. She will he brought Ids plum bing supplies. H is noi here for Interrinoli!. very likely dial the hardwniv nan will feel that lie 'Inmlil Imv Mr Horace Emmons is dim tils groe«'rie> o f dial grocer. eg the truck for the Beaverton , T he hunker perlm p« n eed ' Lumber Co Mr. M in o n \\ at " •«' liant ware for hi« new -on who has been driving the ¡h o u se . He g o «'' out o f town to ruck for them is now working for Ihc Service Lum ber Co. al bnv it though there 1« a 'lo r e right in town that would have Huber. let him hnve the gm*d, iii'l U' Dr. t'. Y. G u errd la z and vvifr i cheap, ««r at least alinosi a« ver«' i>ut from Portland Tuesdiiv eh eip . Can yon blame o lh i 'i ' for a short visit vvilh Mr. I G for going lo die big cilv when Purdin amt family. The doctoi the business im'ii ilicifisclvcs o f * a ch irop ra ctor a ml was so well the lilt I«' town an to the log city «leased with our comm unity that nisti'.-ut o f huving w litil they ’ic i ' thinking o f locating here can gef at home. •erinanenlly. The program at the Pacific Theatre this week i« a first run picture that Beaverton is ru n- >ing two weeks ahi‘a«t o f P ort- '«in l. It is a w onderful picture imi all Beaverton should see it. ' 1 1 « ' Novak i« the star in “ The iillahv.'* Saturilay and Sunday i! I he Pacific Theatre. The Canty-Pegg Co. who have •wned and operated a hardware -»ml furniture store in Beaverton for a great many years sold tlieir entire «took Saturday I«» Mr Ed. Halstrn. toYmeriy of North Dakota hut who have been living just west o f town for nl- nost a year. Mr. Halslen took immediate rliarge o f the st«*n' md will continue to conduct an ip -to -d a le store, adding In the slock as the nceits o f the corn­ il u n 1 1 y demands. A lid ie visit In the manual training department o f the high school the other «lay revealeil the hoys w orking on a m inia­ ture mahogany «lining room s«'t. flip work that wa« being «lone vas Irulv a revelation in what is possiti!« f««r a boy to «h> with tlie right kind o f instruction. Mr. W ebb, who lias charg«' o f the work very kimllv showed il' several different projects that •lie hoys are w orking on. nerk- • ie racks, pedestals, and tnanv ■ Ihcr thing« that are goin g to he useful as well a« ornamentili If you have m*t been up then* it will pay you to utaka ll|ein a visit. 4» R at T h a t D id n ’ t Sm ell A ftef Being Dead for T h ree M o n th s to the nerer you'll ag a ig , Have you heard the ,tnrv o f the man who walked through two s ta le , currying a paper ,.«e , filled with w ater? 1 g u é «, it hasn't leaked out vet M O N U M E N T S Look L is ia n from now on you can purchase M onum ents and Marker» III dndli M arble arid G ra n ite for a great rediielioii in price u suving to tlir purchaser o f from 10 to 25 percent Come and he eoitv inced C orner itti and Main Streets. H illsboro. Oregon, M. N. L E W IS A CO SAYS RED PEPPER HEAT STOPS PAIN IN FEW MINUTES BY 8. I\ S.EJT.C J T lEMAN John \\ hi'lly lias been a sc* d on forem an for Ih«' Rout beni Pacifie Company for t .* years tod «lining dial dine has never «unii it necessary to make out il accident report for liiiuself i- any oih or mem ber o f his crear o f track laborers. I»> this record kcllx Inis Ju«t vvi'ii the distinction o f hoing (he ■I a uplon “ tut ai'cldi'itl" foreman o f the railroad. H<* bus been a forem an since inn.* ami In «*•« Inhlisliiug In« record ha« work«»«! •n si'clioiis o f Mu' railroad in 1 » ogon, C alifornia. Nevada. New léxico, Ululi, and Arianna. Ah! Backache Gone Rub Lumbago Away Rub Fain from back with amali trial bottla of old “ • t Jacob* Oil.” Ah I P»in i« gone I nickty f—'Ye». Almo«! invtsnt fa­ ir em «orme»«, »tifine»». Umenes» xnd rain lello«»* • genti* rubbing with !'St. Jacob* Oil.“ Rub this toothing, oenetrsling oil right iigui on w,. your ivm . painful i— ■ w. rack. -. and Jihe mag.e, relief com*« “ St. Jacob» Oil i» a harndr»* hackachr. lumbago and « ii *I ii .'* remedy which never di**p- poinl« and doesn’t burn the »kin. Straighten up I Quit complaining I Step the»* iorturou» “»«itches” In a memrnt you will forget that you ever hut a weak hack, became It won t hurt or he «tiff or lam* Don’t »offer I Get a »mail trial hotle of old. honest “ St Jacob« Oil“ from pnir druggist now and get thi» luting relief. V We taraa m m i Have I f j Been pSjf; Giving Thursday night, Junior night, and Yo u r no admission except on previously DOME ATT ENDED TO purchased tickets. Friday night tickets may be purchased at door. Studio BarberShop BETWEEN ACTS ing pictures will be exhibited. SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE From the time the curtain goes up at 8 :1 5 P. M . ! Frohiuucr Building, East of Erickson’s Garage B K A VLR TO N , OKMOON Chas. Berthold OREGON BEAVERTON CALL 3 ON 3« Hay Grain Feed Poultry Supplies, Molasses Land Plaster, Clover and Grass Seed B U Y IN Y O U R H O M E T O W N RECOMM END Mash Bcrthold’s Dairy Fred Bcrthold’s Stamps For More Than Twenty Years G arden Seeds In bulk and ^ ■ p a c k a g e and p la n ts In sea- ( D son. Custom Grinding and Rolling A. II. Spraner Has Your Money Ready E S a lt s .t o F lu t h O c th e r a K id n e y s Bargains In Our Used Car Department ean Kidneys L>y Drinking Lots of Water B ack Come in and Get Y o u r CHIN POLISHED ItorM Shoeing nn.l Wagon Work, ami right priem» guarantard. General Blacksmith (imnl work, timi fliM Mltsfilb Brrthold’s Scratch Feed B la d d e r Thurs. & Fri„ Mar. 27 & 28 Alfred Meinsen W E Take “THE GYPSY ROVER" Mars ( ’ream Applied In Nortrtla Hrll«««*H II rail «'aids *1 Once. • • • a a a - w a a • • If yiair niMtrila sir *kigg«,l sail yu r F o r Sala— \\ lille Leglmrn nm » _.wd Is slulhsl sail kiii rani breath* lera, Hollywood Hlrnin. Fine frsoly I mm - siis « of s e«.1.1 ..r *slsrrli, Just bini«. $1.50 euch Mary A. grt s sins 11 ¡Mil III* n( Ely's Cieani llnlnt •t sny drug slur*. Apply a 11111» of (Id* Medili. Adv p IO frsgrsnl, antiaeplh' .-«■■ •««» into y.nir nus- tills snd l»l it | m n»li ,iI» llireiigli every air ii.is.irr .1 > i tuiail, so. .1L « « Mrs. Crandall (lo « .) T .I U »low «Ita fcmlmg tin- Inltsniril. ««relien nmruus Stopped O í toban L omo . mi'inl.rsnr nnd run grt Inslsnt relief ■ u m « « « ,.i.k iiM .ii.„ ,u b ,.w a. wuk Ahi Ilus gissi It feels. Yuur ms>. U ksusn «Ksil k ,« b * « .» . Wllk I...I !SM Irli« sr«. uni'll, your hsad Is rlrsr, no (**■« ISS k««* w» kllls«l ••*«!««• «I «»«• I kff « « I III. or lis»king, •ii.iftlnig. td.nrlngi no (O IkU «•««'• V.» ko I II W« - Kit tasa a «ss», Mur» In misen», drynrss or slriiRgl.iig «■«•g »—I wlb Is Uc. SV. Il 1« fc. I.resti. Kly’s i nsili lutin la Just ftsSi «sd | s iu M kr «arti li Sliffrrrr» (min lies.l raids sud esistili uissi. U‘* a dull.dii. Ih 'H it'a U n i) : H t.irv , U c u v e r to u , »♦ Ih 'iin 's I in to S to re , lle a v c r lo n . OPERETTA STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS ANO HEAD Is Full Row1 s R.d Pepper Rub. made fiom ppers, co»t« little a: any drug . ■ ;.ir jt i.ncc Be • genuine, nth the name Kowh icry patka::c High School Fop « a la — Bassinet o r eradle Price, $.1.50. Inquire o f Mrs. Earl Mall on norlli side o f Highway sei'oml house west of HughsoiTs Ford Garage. |> 18-17 If Your Book Riicumatism. Inmhairn. neuriti*« l.uk- ,-he. stiff neck, sore muscles, strain», prain», aching joint» Whrn yo.t arc ffering so you c.yn hardly get around, "-I try Red I*epprr Rub Nothing ha» »u. h concentrated. p»c-- ratmg heat as rod pepper«, aisl when t |iriirtrat*s right down mtu p.iin and congestion r*hrt» of divtres ii.nl! ¡.irly Inckache ami nii«rry in l!i kidiiei r ' 'ion. rheumatic Iwringi «. «cvcrr hradaclir«, m il »Iminch, cou«tipar . j torpid liver, »Irrpletvilcs». bLid l.-r ¡¡lid I urinary irritation. I j he moinrnt \our hack hurt« or kid­ neys aren't Tting right, or if bladder I bother« you, begin drinking lot» of good I water and also get about four ounce« of | Jad Salt« from any good pharmacy; | t ike a t iMcspooniul in a glass of water before breakfast for a few day« and your kidney« may then act fine. Thi« famous «alt« i« made from the arid of grape« and lemon juice, combined with lithta, and hi« l>een used for year« to flush clogged kidney» anil stimulate them to activity; also to neutralize the acids in the »yvtcm «o that they no k.ngcr irritate, tint« ofim relieving Mad d*r disorder». jad Salt« can not injure anyone pukes a delightlul effervescent lilhia water dfink sliic|i millions of men and women take now and then to help keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus often avoiding serious kidney dis­ orders By all means have your physi­ cian examine your kidneys at least twice a year. Ford Touring, $ 75.00 Dodge To u rin g , 450.00 Oakland Touring, 150.00 Overland Touring, 250.00 Chevrolet Touring Cars from $75.00 to 150.00 T o n Trucks (rum 225.00 up Used Tractors, 250.00 up A ll these and m any more e- qually as good. Com e in and let us show them to you. Otto Erickson & Company B e a ve rto n H illsboro F o re st G ro ve The Thrifty Man Buys in the Best Market! T h a t h r ift y m an whan m aking a trip w ill U S E T H E T R A IN bo - oaus*: Ha can aava m onay by p u rc h a s ­ ing a r o u n d -t r ip tlckat at re ­ duced fare. Ha w ill m eaaura In d o lla re and centa tha safety o f the tra in aa wall aa tha c o m fo rt It provlda a . He w ill spend hla m onay w here ha knows hla hom e tow n w ill gat tha greatest benefit— w ith tha ra ilro a d — a big fa c to r In t h a developm ent o f hla c o m m u n ity. Prizes worth $ 2 , 5 0 0 N T E R th* du p p n t In u m a tio n a l Crow-Shoo« — $2,500 in m .rch an dta* prise*. It e o atsyo ij E n oth in g to r*giat*r. D estroy thia m *naea to gém a and crop«. W rit* tod ay for booklet* about th acrow . E. I. D U F O N T D E NEMOURS A C O . IHC S p o r tin g P o w d er D ivirion He w ill ca p ita lize on tha faot th a t the tra in w ill ru n regardleaa o f u n fa vo ra b le w eather c o nd i­ tio n s and gat him to hla d e s tin a ­ tion safely. B« a thrifty traveler and ride the train For an? railroad information, ca ll on youi licier I agent — A* w ill gladly assist you In «wry uo y possible WILMINGTON. M i . /%*»♦. J O H N W. S C O T T I* rnnmr n a e r T ru ffle? M « n n | r r I'ortlNMfl. Oregon Southern Pacific Lines