T he B ea ver ton R eview „ ... . _ . ________ Consolidated, December 28, 1923 with Volume II No 16 Beaverton Town Council Meets S I . 50 Per Year HI GH SCHOOL _________ ___ l'U E B A N K S H E R A L D . . ...................... Beaverton, Washington County, Oregon, Friday, March 21, 1924 Ouimbcr of Commerce Meets CROW SHOOTING CONTEST . which w u Established in 1910 Robbers Enter Alo­ ha Business Places T H E BANKS H E R A LD , Volume X IV , No. 18 FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS An Inlcrnulioiial Crow Shoot- lug Contest, open to every dtl- Interesting Little Note* from the Surrounding Country a* /eii of the Dulled St al es and Told ay Our Active Special Correspondents W eekly Special Meeting Held Monday Eve­ Tunnd Commit « Appointed. E. Canada und staged fur (lie pur­ $75 or $80 Taken from Southern pose o f helping (o lessen the ning to Open Bids on Street B. Nedry and Mr. Macdonald Pacific Ticket Office, Cash Reg­ number o f thee* predatory enr SCOFIELD NEWS TIGARD HEWS Assessment Bonds Potts of Tigard Are Visitors mlea o f game and useful bird» ister Smashed at Schillings The tenni» court« are uniriuu and uiiimal», wu» »tarled March rouiplrllon am) »otin rruular I In* Cliamher of Dnininerce 15. II wu» planned to have the A rather daring burgfftjr en­ Otto Hchroeder spent Sunday The eighth grade room h#d a The »lu- Till’ Town Doom'll lor I Mollila) practice will hruhi. contest run three month». Pri­ tered »nine of the hiisinesn hous- in Portland. hdd lliclr regular .....Ini« m Un* “ weinie" roast on Wednesday Un* tenni» ze» have been arranged for In »pci'liil »maloti (or Ihr |>Kr ■ ilrnl» Itrlonulnu ea one night last week at Aloha. evening. fluì* are financing Un* improve- office of K F Hweueou Weune«- Mre. H. Stowed was in Bux- |*ioo* of opening (hr hid* oil From (he Houthern Pacific tic­ ■ lay evellhlg, Muri-li Ili. Tlie aim iuntinu hi «2500. The Rehekah sewing club gave IlMlllll worth of »ticet tisse»« - nienl» of Ilio rtnirl». Sport »inen, dealer» in sport­ ket office which i* located in the b>n Wednesday. mailer of Ilo* l'unnel wa» tukni a card party in the Grange hall inrnl homi» whlrh wits tirina F rid a y n lu lil. Un* lo c a l h o y '* ■il* and Menar». Knrkeon. «iruy, ing supplies, and rluh» in all Jiuck amt Hon'a store they ae- O. V. Outright waa ia Buxton Wednesday. A good number was nlfrrril for »nil*. pacta of Hie country are hack c ii red something like «75.00 or I hursday evening. I r a n i p la y r il T im ln llu m i U n*li‘ Swi>u»on, \\ in. Iloyd and Wood in attendance. I.add A Tilton limili of |*nrl flo o r T h e um ili* w u * » lo w u m l n iff were up|iolnled on tlie emn- of Hie content ami il is hoped «80.00, il being rather difficult lutili were Ihr »tirrc»»fu l linhlrr» m il v e ry iu lt ,i't'» U uu lo Un* »pet*. nillli'c lo repreaAnl Ibi» imm- that through it* agency million» to !e|| to the exact cent what Mr. and Mre. K. H. Stewart Miss Margaret Sommers, who hu* Inn |*ul In u Imi ■itlo*lnnlinlly In lo r» Im i Hit* B e a v e rto n Boy« uiiinlly ni Ihe mi'dinu of Ihc of game bird« and animal« may was taken. was at Portland Sunday. underwent an operation about over Ihr i>tiI vnlllr of Ihr lunula p la ye d a urn til uuim * th ro u g h o u t lonim lllee» (hai nere lo gullier •■»rape Ihe depredation» of Ihc Lillie of value was taken from two weeka ago, ia reported as Frank Treece was in Port­ improving rapidly. mol »ntuewliul higher Unni llirir Tin* f in a l a r o r r » lo o tl i l l In al Un* Corhell hiiildiuu Thiirs- crow. Nearly every rouimunity Ihe store proper but the men al­ land over the week end. nearral competitor, Ihr Lunil**'«'- I In fa v o r o f H e a y rrto n T h l* ■ lay eveuluu in nrdrr hi perirci • •il the North American continent so entered the Schillings ware­ The Epworth League gave a ninTit Truel Co. house and removed Ihe ra»h I» Ilo* la » l u a n ir I h r hoy» w ill pian» fot fiuaui-mg ami olher- lias during rerenl year» found Mrs. Chas. T. Myers was in party In the social rooms o f outside and Hanks Thursday morning. Thr maller o f ItiyiiiH » new p la y Ib i» »rn»t*n. 1 1seIf the victim of the damage register, look it wi»e promidinu Un* projeiil. the new M. E. Church. Every |*I| m * llnr ilown Krnk-on Ave bird, «lame broke it to pieces receiving prac­ Tliere were »everal reporla hy wrought hy till» one had a fine time. T h in »tiny, M a rc h ’ < > . Hit* t y p ­ Mrs. L. L. Crawford w »8 in wa* brought ti i* liy Mr. Nnyea, ■ lifferi'iil metulier» of llic i.uain- warden», naturalisl» and »porta- tically nothing for llieir labor. The last basketball game if who lina rhai'Kr o f Ihr city's in g c o n lr » l* w e re lic it i a) I In* In r limi uave Ihe iinpre»»lon limi men have made an It was also reported that they Hillsboro Friday on huaineaa. inlennive the season will be played at the iduiilhllig llr stall'd dial Ihr lim it »c litio I lo d r lc r u iilit * tin* ilo- Soni Iteri) l'a d flc were tliiuk- «Indy uf Ha habits nnd have broke into the Aloha Harage and Mr. Love was shopping at gymnasium Friday afternion be­ |i||>r wA» prarllrally worllil**«». H ire r w h o w ill o ilie r Hie r o iiu ly i ing »erioimly of Ihe prnpo«i'd ar­ ••becked 11» depredation#. The »(ole some tool* but this report Hanks on Thursday morning. tween Hillsboro's and Tigard's Unii II limi lim i Un* rallar of • iin t r » l a l F o re s t U rtiv i* a week cade belween Ibi* iw> umili crow docs »nine Rood at times has been denied. N ine o f (lie f a * ! - »Ircele of town Icndinu I" Ihdr hy Hie number of grub* he eats No trace o f those who perpet­ Mr«. Paul Noack made a bu- boys' and girls’ teams. Ihr lorn* of wnirr of whirli Ihr flo u t F rid a y >1 ly p la l» o f Un* f lr » l y e a r“» di'p**l. Some eonfuaiou wa» ere- hut hi* destruction of Hie eggs rated Ihe crime was found nor *nie»» trip to Portland Saturday. Council Ioni lire it •-< iiiiii I ni it In K The Social “ 560" club met re­ al illffrrrnl Unirti nml Unii II w o rk c o iiip c lr d b e fo re I h r n»- alni hy Un* »eerdary prò ieui and young of oilier birds de­ ha* any clue been discovered cently at the home of Mrs. R. Mrs. g. Holt was visiting on la»1 meeting enllinu creases the number of Ihese use­ that would warrant an arrest. litui hrrn pul In In »urn it • rm h ly T h iir » tln y In a f if l r e n - nf Un* lioyle. The afternoon was spent Wednesday afternoon at Buxton. The wlnn llroadway, Hanilllou SI Wè can ful specie» which if allowed lo roiullUon Unii II woiihl hr tm- minili*' lesi in playing cards, after which po»»ll>lr In rrpalr II tint) make Senior III* Ision. Joan Sllekney; ir**l »re limi tliere i» lunch dif- ••»cape him would he potential Mrs Joe Hellish and aon were Ihe hostess served a delicious LO C AL C O U P L E W E D Junior Div 1»ton,i Janet Huntley, fcreiii'e ni llu* » Iraets Uimiuli eoneuinrre of million» of insert» it »nU»ftu'lory Job of II. »hopping Thursday at Hillsboro. luncheon. Mr. Paul Hingle, the local Thurlow llmre i» conaiderable in (he ami of immense help to farmer«. and Thrrr wu» rotinulrruhlr dis- llltill II llllle II. Mrs. Jesse Atterbury and Mrs. manuger o f tile North Coaat Pow­ Mrs. W. Toison was a Tues­ 1 nume llrrunfwny and llamlltoii ri|»»|on a» Io (hr lv leailall lly Weed Recently a eativa«» was taken er (kunpany here was i|uietly flan A. Jones entertained their day morning shopper at Bux­ are Ihe »nule »treet, mie end of rrplarliiK n pipr loir thill I» m Pennsylvania of the damage The inter -da« » trio meet ton. husbands and several friends at priirl iriilly nrw, Mr. Borken will lit* held on the liluh «rliool tie miiu ime natile and Ihe ollter lu'lually done by Ihe crow Eye­ ■narried (lie oilier day in Van­ Ihe Atterbury home Wednesday. couver, Washington, to Mis* F.l- end Ihe otlier nume. Wliy imi bringing Up Uir politi limi II imitimi» in Hie near fill uri* The witnesses reported lhal he was »ic Haney o f Forest rtrove. Mrs. Paul Oration was a Wed­ The evening was spent in play­ bave uni* natile fnr Un* Street? guilty of practicing every crime Ulillhl hr pn»»lhlr lo uri »omr ria »» rapinili» are a* follow»: The young couple went to nesday afternoon visitor at Bux- ing “ five hundred.” Ili'llverloil I» lirokeu up eiioilgll in animal life from picking Ihe I h i it ax for Ihr pipr fr«m Ihr Senior hoy». ton. F.rne* I M i »1er» ; housekeeping almost immediate­ wilh lillle »bori »Ir e e l» and jo g » The division tryout for the company from which il limi hern Senior uirl*. Janet eye» mil o f young lamb» lo rob­ Huntley; wi'hiiiil givlng a diferenl tinnii' ly in (lie new house built by Loa- Amos Cutnght and children declamation and spelling contest purchased. Till» w u not llioouhl Junior», (loi'doli llnl»len anil i lo Iwo iliffnron! «ocInni» o f Ihe bing nr»l* nnd destroying the li Brothers on Hall Street. The was held at the schiol auritor- po»»ililr lay Ihr oilier» of Ihr Bertha Mal/kt* ; S o p h o m o r e » , e g g * and young, killing rabbits, best wishes of Hie whole com­ wa* in Banks Saturday and Sun- day. um Friday afternoon| The win­ r.iium'il beraum* il wn» »nnwn r.lytle Fd** ani» nml June llud- aème »Ireel Kit ber nume i» gnod ’ ml deslroying fruil and crop». munity go wilh lire young couple ners will represent this section limi Ihr pipe limi noi tim i latti inn ; i'rrahmeu. Frane!» Liver- eluiugll Imi Iwo »alile» uro Ino The contest will he divided a* they lake up their journey Mrs. E. H. Stewart was in at the county contest in Hills­ niaiiy. Imnirtlinlrly Imi limi laid out mnre into two classes, one devoted In through life. uml Kl*ie Whitworth Portland Wednesday on buai- boro March 28. Mr. K. II. Nedry, llu* Brcablcnl In Ihr »un »omr Unir before Wesley Cook wie elected rapinili individual »hooters and the other • f tln* Tigaril Cnmmuiiily Dluh In (earn «core». The prizes will being placed |n III*' «rollini of III*' whole lucci. Mr. C. McMichael was pre­ W H Y I B E L IE V E IB T H E alni Mr. Mclioiiald l*nll», ime of li wn* finally ilrrhlnl lo rrplnrr Mrs. R. E. Steel was in Bux- sented with an auditory trumpet he in tin* form of merchandise II.•- foumler» of (In* l’orllaiid C H A M B E R O F C O M M ER C E Ihr w h»lr llnr wllli new pl|*r. o,i Tuesday morning between by his sons, Robert and R. E. ii he olilaiued from local deal­ urna! were prcaenl al Un* 1. Because I live in Beaverton. ti ams. Mr (.Ini» Berthold thru prr H IG H SCHOOL er». There will be 79 award* cMichael, and his daughters, 2. Because my business in­ mceling, Mr. Nedry lo invile »•■nletl a p**lIlion to aonnrel wllli Orfemo Adams, and Ella M. OPERETTA COMINO Ihe Dhanilier lo rupie lo Tigurd '• individuals and 210 learn trn- terest» are here. A. L. Cutright made a busi- Ihr City mailla al Ihr Studio. llr 'iluoa. Fonner. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mc­ 3. Because I and my business ne»s trip to Banks Wednesday The operrtla. "The tiypay lo a blu dltiner and mecling lo wn* Io formrit limi he wtniltl hr Michael are over 90 years old. evening. i • March If cannot avoid being benefited by alile lo ilo »o a» »mm a » Ite hail •lover" which will * r pul on hy •E A V E R T O R M AR M AKES The regular meeting o f the Boll» g.ive a Bilie lalk on Ihe il* activities. rompiteli with Ihr new onllnnnrr Ho* Beaverton lllgfi School »In Mrs. Paul Gratton made a iu- Grange was held Thursday. Mr. ineiph'» nf Ihe uew rar lliul I» 1 . Because, united, we can ■ leni I m m I v iii '\I Thursday amt F A S T T IM E A T O. A. 0 . whlrh wa» prinicil in tlirar col­ siness trip to Portland Friday George Mansfield, former farm 10 h** bulli hy tlie American H.iH- succeed in advancing the growth morning. F» nluv al Un* Ululi School mull umna a few werk» »un Heorge M . "Puss Craves of bureau president, Mrs. Florence Beaverton Thr coni rover»y over un« luriuni, i» pri*ure»ainu rapidly. way Dm *u. D i i » w.ir aalvage produci will having and an elecetion o f officers held. H E L D SUR DAV me that greater benefit# will in Hillsboro Thursday cual purl of town ami piare il Höh'» fo»li*r moIber, Urniu l.ein- la«l. The prie* limi d<>wn al dental work done. come from il in Ihe future. The home o f Mrs. Serena o rile re ti iiioii ; /ara. Un* belle of Ibi* rump. llillshiiro i» *7 55 per hiindceit where It hail hern 7. Because no city in the Mr». L. L. Crawford was in WHITFORD \iken wn* I In* scene of a very I' i - uuv Marlin; Mario, Meg.'» poiinda. placed. •njoyable gathering last Sun- country has ever reached and Hllsboro and Forest Grove on hu»l*and. Dl if ford I’.ook; Sinfo, maintained a permanent pros­ in love vvilli /ara, Jainu* limi Tln* Moiipiainilale l*ig Club, lav afternoon, Ihe occasion be­ perity without Ihe presence of Wednesday on business. suLPMim o n « o i i i c m u rra Miss Irma Gerloch o f Portland »on; Itoli (Afterward» Sir liil- vvilli .1. II. Davis. Bank», II. 3. ug Me«. Aiken's seventy fourth Me». Chas. T. Myers was in is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ella C A U SE« C A N N IN O T R O U B L E an active Chamber of Commerce lierl Howe', The Hyp»y Hover. lli'fgiiii, eludei', organized hy Mr. •irlhday. liuxlon Wednesday afternoon at- Jones. Those present were: Mrs. Dan or a similar organization. lo*t heir lo I In* Hilbert llowc I»avi» and M i«« F.llicl Smith o f tending the W. B. A. Meeting. Chem ical and T ln w lth Juloaa ■’«laie», .lack Mnlnrkey; Miss Josephine and F’rank l.ady Sellimi Districi N o . Il, and Mi»« \ilams, Mrs. John Kamin*rger. Jack— What’s " difference Mrs. Joe Hellish and son are Kismalski are sporting a new Cauaaa Oaa F o rm a tlo n and Win. between a bank and a beehive* Don »lance, ilmiublcr of Sir l.ucy F.ufiumii of Sclinol Districi Mr*. YYnu I'elrh, Mrs. ' 'siting a few days at the Jno. Ford touring car. EwalUofl o f Can», «ay» B a ra * Ueorire, Heorutanna Malarkcy: No, 51, reci’ lved llieir record I’hurslnn, Mr*. Dass Johnson. Jim— I don’ t know. What? Bellish home at Buxton this I.ord Craven, an F.iiuliali Fop, hook» Ihi» wrek. and aro ready Ii»» Alible Billsleln. Mr*. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, late o f Jack— A hank lakes in notes week. Certa In fruii» Irralnl willi patii - " I loncha Know," larris. Mrs. Robert Kant*, Mrs. and a piano gives them out. John Dray: (or Ihe seuson's work, McMinnville, have moved into the phur atu.wl or apraji» wliile tir - Sir Ueoruc. an Knuii'h Hrnlle- On Tuesday evening a sur­ home recenty occupied by the l’Iie Mnunlalifdale l*ig l’.lnl* I» toy Herat, Winifred Berat, Mrs. Jim—What's lhal got to do velopliig will forili uà» whrn uian, liordou tlul»len; Nina, a prise party was gifen for Mrs. Burgies. Ihe fir»l pig club lo repor! rum- '.oren W ise. Mrs. A. H. Spraner with a beehive? rannrd in Un», rrporta II. I*. »Hier of Don»lmtre, Jean Jack- pleled organualion in Die counly md Mrs. 0. J. Slovene. Jack—That’s where you get " illiam, at the home o f Mr. Bara», plani patlioloui»! of Un* noii ; Itapi. Jerome of the F.ug- Mrs. Kllen Jensen has been and Mrs. R. E. Steel, it being Ibi» ycar. A dainty luncheon was served. slung! O. A riprrlmrnt »lalion. Thl» li»li Army. F.rno»t Nlrliol; So Mrs. William s birthday. A dain­ quite ill at her home here but i» Irne of gnnsoherrle», ami inay Toby l.yon, a »ocicly liullerfly, ty lunch was served the guests. at Ihe present writing is im­ prove Irne willi olhrr fruii» »urli Lawrence l>ay; McCorkle, a Those present were: Mr-, and proving. u* pruno». publisher o f aoiiu*. I.oy Antrim. Mrs. J. Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Misses Clara and Joyce Cheek Tliin fari, wliirli wa» alit*wn In Currants, Mr. and Mrs. Cassey, o f Portland spent the week end The ayllupain of the operetta rrcrnl rxprrlcnce may Influrnrr Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Tarry, Mrs. with their grandparents, Mrs. Ilo* (rrowrr who pian» lo »rii I»: William, and Mr. and Mrs. R. and Mrs. D. Spurlbi. Ad I Scene: A gypsy camp prunr» lo cannarle», in dmling F. Steel. wilh hniwn rol control a» t*X- near Loudon-; The mu»ical mini ■ We noliee in Ihe Portland pa­ her»: l;:»l riimcnlal Uverlure, plalnril In «Inlion rirnilar r».'l on pers the marriage license o f Mice Beach; "Sci* flic Light," I hrowu mi conimi. Carl J. Hansen and Miss Bea- GARDEN HONE "Snlpliur or »iilphur coni- i'horii»; “ A Gypsy'» Life for | triee l.ee. Some surprise, Carl, pollini» in any forni «hniild noi Mine." Huh; "Around Hie Gypsy but many good wishes. In* n»rtl on llir fruii ilaelf whrn Damp Fire." (by Brahms' t'.lio- Mrs. Melvin Roplogle is on III»; "So Dome Mv Friend.» and Mr. James Brooks, until re­ Il io lo In* di»po»f*tl of lo fiiiiiiri' Ihe sick list this week. cently a resident o f (his place, ir»,” *ny» Professor Bar»». Sup with Me," Huh and Chôma; Mrs. J. M Hysmith was in St. had Ihe misfortune lo lose one l.onu, l.onu A r o . " M cr mol Kurlhrr work I» planncd hy Un* Johns on business Wednesday. of his eyes by having a piece «lillloii lo flnd Ilio »htirlo»! Mario; "Fairy Lami," Huh pud Mrs. W illiam Rice, who has of steel driven info It at a log­ limo hofort* plrkinu wllliln wliit'h children; “ Uypny Lami," /ara. been ill fur about three weeks, ging ramp near Astoria. mi n |*i*l irai ioli cali »afrly he sinfo, and Dliorua; "Ah, lo Be Connaître: is much inproved. inndo i > ii »urli fruii a» pruno* llil|i|iy and Hay," The social and entertainment willmul ilmiuor of li'iiiil*lo frolli ‘"Tw a* Here Unii I hreamed of Mi»s Frances Rutherford of given hy the Women’s Club at you." Dnnalnnce and Roh; "No un» formai loti' Salem has been visiting with Ihe hall last Friday evening was Wilh (fooachorrioa II i* tiling Beni* a lluntinu Bay. Sir her father for several days. a decided success both socially Uiiniuhl unneooaanry lo pii) miy • i*ni ge uni) Chorua; "Thank Vnu | The program W. F. McLaughlin, J. M. Hy- and financially. Finnic . ¡ aul|*hiir tiii»! or apray on fnr for Your Kindni*»» was as follows: Selection hy Ihe »«nilh, and C. R. Martin attended Ad ?. Scent: A room in Hie milil miltlrw rmilrol wliilo Ilio j the recent meeting of Boy Seoul Whitford orchestra: Recitation fruii i» ilrvolopinu if a Dior- •innie o f Sir Heorge. The niilsi- Vocal I Header# o f District No. It of hy Rirhard Betlendorf; •muli »pray of limo aulphur i* fit I iiumliera: "Bind the Tri*»»e» Solo, Harris Hansen; Reading, Port lend. Uivon, (irsi \vln*n Ioni clilalora of Die Bride," Choru.» of «liria; nrr »liuhlly oximnitoil nini agalli "Linien, l.adv Fair." Conalance A surprise parly was held at Mr. Mos» o f Portland; Lantern juaf ht'foro Ilio fi rat bloaaoin» nnd Roh; "W e Are Merry Huh Ihe home o f Mr. and Mrs. Carl slides; The Columbia River High­ nro fully oxpandod. tura," Sinfo and Marin; "Moon, ! Sterner recently. There were way scenes; Vocal 8olo, Mrs. Thi» niolhod I» fully oxplainod Moon, Moon," Nina, .lemme and about twenty present and all re­ Spriggles; Vocal duel, “ I'll Never Play with You Again,” Mary In Ihc Oregon »Intimi riroulnr Churn»; "They Say «tiri» Can't ported a most enjoyable time. H*’ ff and Paul Borfer; Voval 12, In»i*rl pool» nnd disrase» of Keep Secret»," Don« I a nee and Mrs. T. E. Hills, a long-time Solo, Harold Bettendorf; Read­ flnoat'hrrrir», yb A f.. I.nvoll ami • » 111** ; " II » .lii»t LOVE," Doli­ resident of this place, passed ing. Mr. Moss; Lantern Slides; II. P. Bara». si n nee, Huh and Dliorua; “ Take away at her home Friday. She Canadian Prairies, and "Alice In Him From My Sight (Finali*). Mr E. U. Webb, mulinai Im ir ­ i was 76 years old and had been Wonderland.” A neat sum was Same a» Art ili u inatructor »I Beaverton lliuh i Ad 3. Scene: an invalid for several years. restlzed from the sale o f flower I lire* year.» Inler. Musical School, waa In Portlnnd Tue* ! I s he wa* beloved hy all who knew and vegetable seeds and plants, day afternoon having lii* eye* numbers; “ Bye nnd Bye," Hub; ker. she was burled tn Ashland pnpgorn, hot handle hMders, and «•rami Fintile, Enlin; compaio*. Betted. Monday. refreshment*. A b itu i a ll Un* m u le r la l f o r Ilio a n n u a l !» ready lo u " I " Un* in te r a m i i t la o i p e r lr t l lo bevo Ilo* a n n u a l» o u t ul lr n » l tw o week» b e fo re th e r f o » r o f »oh n