H la se y E n te r p r is e .H a ls e y , O re g o n . J a n u a r y 10, 1029 S p oon R iver Spark« (By an Enterpiise Reporter) Jennie N'cewood of Lake Creek wee tbe guest Mouday o'ght of N eli’ e Falk. Mr. and M rs. E .E Care; and children were Sunday diuner guest» at tbe H enry Seefeld home. Mr. and Mra. Alex Snodgrass of Shedd were Saturday evening vis. itors at the H J F alk home. Ava and Edna F alk were dinner guests Sends; at the R. E. Bierly home. Mr. aud Mrs. L. R. Snyder of Salem, accompanied by Edna Van- nice who is attending echool in that city, were guests at the Mer­ win Vannice home Sunday. They returned home in the evening. Ruth Snyder who has been visiting her eieter. M 'i. Merwin Vancice, the paet two weeks returned home with them Saturday evening a missionary The weekly prayer meeting of the Free M ethodist church was meeting was held at the C .E G il­ held at the E E. Carey home Wed­ lette home, w ith a large crowd present An interesting ta lk was nesday evening directory given l y a from China. Roburla Vaonice and her brother Kenneth who had teen spending the holiday» at th e ir home here re- tu r r e d to Salem Monday to resume their echool w oik. Halsey Theatre TUESDAY, JAN. 15, 8 O'CLOCK Mrs. R E Bierly and Mrs. L.R Falk and daughter Edna motored to the county seat Monday on a business trip . Yakinta Canutt in Ava Falk is assisting M r». io m Ixiop w ith her housihold duties, l'he Loops (orme11/ lived iu this v ic iu itv hut are now livin g near H arriet urg. W. R. K itk and fa m ily . Mr. and awn» Mrs | P. Tem pleton and E. E. Cater and fa m ily were among those from here attending the funeral of Robert Templeton at Brownsville ‘The Iron Rider” Comedy “The Big Pie Raid 9» ALBANY FLORAL CO. Cut Flowers and Plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. Flower phone 458-J EAST ALBANY BARBER SHOP Charles R Goltra. Proprietor Member of Master Barbers' Association Specializing In Ladies' and Children s Hair Cuts anil Bobs Work guaranteed. 1029 East Second St. Albany. Ore. ALBANY STATE BANK — We invite your business. Savings and commercial accounts. Capital, surplus, undivided profits. »100.000. ____ EASTBURNS GROCERY 4th and Lyons Street The place to buy good groceries at the m niiuMm ouum iiHKSiiiiiuiatioiiiiiniNuatHwiitaiuuiNiiuaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiuiiui 9 right price. On the corner, plenty of Report of condition ol the room to park. Albany. ed hogs to the Portland market FORTMILLER FURNITURE CO. fu r­ Friday. Peoria N ew s At Halsey, County of Linn, Oregon, at the close of business December 31, 1928 niture, rugs, linoleum, stoves, ranges. Miss Dale McKinley of lbany cam^ up Saturday and spent the week end Funeral directors. 427-433 West First RESOURCES (Enterprise correspondent) Street. Albany. Oregon. W illa rd Keen and AHred Bah- Loans and discounts_______________________________________ » 310,245.95 Mr and Mrs. Elmer Bault and sot) with home folks. cock were school visitors last we-k. Overdraft!____ . . . . . ________________________________________ 118.81 Mr and Mrs Paul Dawson and chil- IMPERIAL CAFE. '209 West First of Oakville were visitors In Pecrta, Harold a . Murphy, Prop. Bonds, securities, etc._______ u_____________%._______________ 2,358.30 dren of Albany came up to visit Mr. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Shelley vis. Tuesday. Phone 665 Banking house »2,230.t0, furniture and fixtures $3,512.00.1-------- 5.542 00 ited at a number o f homes in this Dawson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ed Mason of near Spokane is visit­ Dawson Sunday. We Never Close Due front batiks, cashaud cash ite m s .................................................. 54,161.73 ing here at the home of his mother Other resources Transit Items ----------------- '.................................... 113.12 comm unity last w ek. Mrs. J. A. Couey who has been a ROSCOE AMES HARDWARE Edna Falk is assisting Mrs Fred at present. patient at the Albany General hospi­ The Winchester 8tore Total.................... ....................................................................... » 272.5J9.91 Keen w ith her household work. Rev. Oscar Gibson was called to Cor­ tal returned to her home at Fayette­ L IA B IL IT IE S vallis Sunday afternoon to preach a ville Christmas eve. □ Capital stock paid in _______________________________________ $ 25.0 0 00 funeral sermon. Mr and Mrs. H F. Couey and child­ O AK P L A IN N E W S S u rp lu s________ _____ ________ _____ -___________ ------- --------- 10,000X0 At lowest rate of Interest. ren. Veva. Elinor. Melvin and Merlyn, Undivided profits—n et------------- ---------- ---------------------. . . . ------ 5,499 33 Mr and Mrs. Charles Shaw and soli INSURANCE went to Salem Sunday to visit Mrs REAL ESTATE ( I s t t r s r l M Corr»»ponden-») Demand deposits______ _________________________ __________ 101,778.58 Wilbur were business visitors In Al­ Prompt service — Courteous treatm ent Couey's sister. Mrs Lettie Smith. 45 539.66 Time certificates____________________ ____________________- Mr and Mrs. D. S. McWilliams had bany last Saturday. Miss-Frances Brown who has been In Win Bain, with Lane County Abstract 84,617.34 as their guests for New Year day Mrs. Savings deposits______ _____ _______________ *................. .......... Company. Albany W. D. Porter of Shedd was a visitor the Albany General hospital for some, 105.00 Other liabilities Unearned Discount ...................- ............................... Estella Kendall and son Clark of Al­ at the home of Mrs. Porter's mother. time recovering from an operation for If you enjoy a good meal T o ta l....................................... ............................................. » 272,539.91 bany. Mrs. Alice Dunn, Tuesday appendicitis returned to her home here And know a good meal when you get It Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hoflich of You'll be back for you'll not forget It. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Oithens and last Wednesday. State of Oregon, County of Lina, ss. Albany were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Ralph Hines and fam­ I, 11. M. Bond, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the children. Doreen. Billy and Ronald, PA RAG O N CAFE Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Chance Sunday above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. were Albany visitors one day last week ily of Marshfield and Mrs. John Plmin GEO. M. GILCHRIST B M. BOND, Caslner. afternoon. of Philomath were recent visitors at Mrs. Fred Hughes and family of near ALBANY Correct—Attest: Dr. and Mrs. H. Garnjobst, former Corvallis visited at the home of her. the home of Mr and Mrs. Frank Pimm C. II KOONTZ, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Duncan and sons. Coast to Coast Busses, 3 busses residents of Halsey but now living in mother. Mrs. Jessie Carothers, Sunday D. TAYLOR, Elton. Richard and Dwight, of Not! each way daily. Corvallis, were callers at thhe Sidney Mr and Mrs. J W Lamar and Mrs spent the week end here with Mrs L. D. TAYLOR, Directors Albany to Sun Francisco $13.50. Smith home Sunday afternoon. J. S. Lamar attended the meeting ot Duncan's parents. Mr and Mrs. J. A Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7tb day of January, 1929 Albany to Los Angeles $18.00 in e many tríenos ot Mr. ano Mrs. t qe Eastern Star chapter at Shedd Couey, and Mr. Duncan's mother Amor A. Tassing, Notary Public for Oregon. Albany to Seattle $6.25. My commission exoires 3-9-32. Sidney Sm ith will be glad to learn that Wednesday evening. Mrs Mary E. Duncan. A telephone meeting was held at thr, their daughter Eloise who has been ill Word has been received here of the Ticket office Bell Linn Stage. Report of the condition of the with asthma since Christmas is much school house Monday evening. There death of Fred Carlton, son of Mr and are a number of Important m atters Mrs. William Carlton, at his home In improved in health. A lb an y B argain H ouse which came up for attention. Redding. California The Carlton fam ­ Ne<-.’ and S- ond Hand Furniture At Shedd. County of Linn, Oregon, at close of business December 31, 1928 Miss Velva Hadley went to Cottage Mrs. Lucy Studley and son have re­ ily were residents of this vicinity for Highest prices paid for all kinds Grove Friday afternoon to spend the turned to their home in Portland after a good many years, going from here RESOURCES of Junk, Wool. Hides. Furs. Pelts. week end with her friend. Miss Rosff- a visit here at the home of the for- to California Fred died from effects Loans and discounts------------------------------------------------------------- i 81,538.92 lae Mason. Miss Hadley is the teacher Cascara Bark. Albany. Oregon of Influenza. mer's mother. Mrs. Alice Barcus. 69.94 O verdrafts_____________ a----------------------------------------------------------------- of the Oak Plain school. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beamer who Mrs. Floyd Nichols of Pine Grove 56,625.60 Bonds, securities, etc.................................... ........................................... 5,900.00 Jack Snodgrass, the young son of , was a Peoria visitor Tuesday afternoon came down to spend the Christmas Banking house 53400.00, furniture and fixtures f25OJ.UO..................... F ish er-B rad en 26,476.91 Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Snodgrass. Is look- ¡and while here attended the meeting vacation with their parents. Mr. and Due from banks, cash and cash items ........... ............ a------------------ Mrs. 8. P. Brock, and contracted the F un eral D irector» lng forward with a great deal of pleas- of the womans missionary society, flu, were able to start for their homo Total .................................... ....................................................J 171.611 40 E m balm ers ure to a visit at the home of an uncle Mrs j essle Britton and son who at Heather Saturday. The rest of the Lady Assistant. in Springfield over the coming week liave visiting here at the home Brock family are convalescing from LIABILITIES Phone 96 Albany, Oregon of the former's sister, Mrs. Alice Bar­ end. the same disease. Capital slock paid in ...................................... - ........................................ * 15.000 60 cus, have returned to their home at) Surplus ---- . . ------ ------- ------------------------ ----------------------- - Elliott McWilliams entertained a few The Dalles Undivided profits—net__________________________ ______ _____ • of his former school mates at hi? C all A t The regular meeting of the woman's fr Demand deposits ----- ---------- ---------- ------ -------— —------- -------- 84,995 73 home Saturday evening of Christmas V isit the D aven p ort M usic H ouse missionary society was held at the i Time certificates.......... ....... ........................... ............... . . . . . . . ........ . . 66,4.56,1, week. McWilliams was spending the parsonage Tuesday afternoon with a i For New and Second Hand Pianos holidays at his home here from P ort­ very Interesting lesson. Mrs. Hover, Pianos for Kent. Total................., ..........................................................................* 171.611.4o land where he is now attending school. presided over the meeting. Albany .Oregon State of Oregon, county of Linn, ss I, J. C. Clay, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the Word has been received here of the In their new location at 1 above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. death of Henry Messinger, on Decem­ F a y e tte v ille Item» 301 W. 2nd St., Albany J. C. CI.AY, cashier, ber 31, at Long Beach, California, Mr H ask in s & T albert Sears' Grocery Correct—Attest: Messinger was district sales manager (By an E nterprise Reporter) C. J. SHEDD, for the Upjohn Wholesale drug com­ A Service and Cash Store T. R. 8prenger was chopping grain L. L SWAN, pany He and Mrs Messinger had only Ask for prices at the J. A. Couey home Friday. W. D, PORTER. Directors. recently moved to Long Beach from Dr T. I Marks of Halsey was called •M B I Portland. Mrs. Messinger will be re- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of January. 192». L. L. Swan, Notary Public for Oregon ' membered here as Mrs. Alex Powers. to see Mr Dawson Sunday evening I. F McKinley took a load of dress- I and was a former resident of Halsey My connuiss-on expires Oct 30. 19.51. HALSEY STATE BANK FARM LOANS BAN K OF SHEDD E. L. STIFF Furniture Co. Complete Home Furnishers Albany Creamery Association M anufacturers of Jacobs Oregon City Virgin Wool LINN RUTTER mid Buyers of Eggn A Farm ers' Co-operative Creamery orma Indian Blanket or Motor Robe FREE with every man’s overcoat or two-trouser suit. Men’s Virgin Wool Two Trouser Suits $30 $35 $40 Men’s Virgin Wool Overcoats and Topcoats $25 $35 $40 FRED WARD Albany, Oregon The Men’s Store IU : See Anderson Motor Co. First and Baker Street» Albany, For ¿105o to SJL) • San Francisco Atwater Kent Crossley and Federal Radios >15 San s« Francisco San Franciaco 9:30 ».an., next day. 08 Los Angeles For Loa Angelea, G