IL d s o v E n to r p r is e ^ J L d s c ^ O r e ^ o n ^ J a n u a r y ^ J O ^ i AERONAUTICS N A SH U A BLANKETS The Kind That Keep You Warm The time to buy blankets is now, and the place to buy them is here. We have a moat complete line of the Popular Nashua Blankets An 1 invito you to inspect the lin i now while complete. This weather is a gentle reminder of what comfort is enjoyed in good warm Nashua Blankets. M.V. K O O N T Z CO. Blanket Headquarters for over 5Z Years. NEWS RECORD OF THE YEAR 1928 Summary of the Notable Events of the Twelve Months in America and Abroad. H O O V E R ’S B IG V IC T O R Y Republican! Sweep the Country in the Presidential Election—Kellogg Treaty to Outlaw War Signed by Nearly All Nations— China Won by the Nation­ alists--Germany and the Reparations. Dy EDWARD W. PICKARD Nothing elite was so Interesting to the people of the United States ns Ihe business nt selecting the ir next Presi­ dent. The (*» u t|> tilt;iiln x stnrleil enrly, mid from the beginning It xvaa toler­ ably apparent Hint Serretnrv o f Com­ merce Herbert Hoover would win the Urptihltenn nomination, and Unit Go», Al Smith of New York would head the Democratic ticket. The O. O. I ' , tin - tlonnl convention met on June 12 In Knnsns City w ith ihe Hoover delegates strongly entrenched, the only oilier prominent candidates being Frank (I. I.nwden of Illinois and Senator Charles C urtis of Kansas. Lowden was stip|ioiled by the leaders of farm or­ ganisations who wanted the Me Nary- I Haugen agricultural relief hill, and they promised that there would he u tremendous demonstration by farmers if the convention did not at least adopt a platform (dunk to tlie lr Ilk lug. " 'I b is turned out l o w u false alarm, and Hoover went over easily on the lira! ballot a fter Hie resolutions couiiuiltve hud Used up s platform to eoiifurm to his policies. Senator Cur­ tis was eonsoled w ith the nomination for Vice President. Mr. Hoover select­ ed Secretary of the Interio r Robert ttMse..-sMMi»rMSMa«Mwa ■« m ntter o f flood control President Cool­ idge Insisted that the states especially interested must share the cost, and the measure adopted recognized this principle and appropriated $325,000,000 fo r the work. The President was equally Insistent against the McNnry- llaugen farm relief measure and when Lady Assistaut botli houses passed It he vetoed It. A ll calls answered day or n ig h t Another m ajor piece o f legislation was Phone 255. Halsey, Oregon Hie finance b ill which reduced taxes more than $200,000,01 A The Boulder Canyon dart! project, so dear to C ali­ fornia, wns (he subject o f a long nnd hitte r fight. The house passed the b ill, hut when congress adjourned on May 20 It wus left as unfinished business In the senate. Congress assembled for the short term on December 3 w ith smalt prospect o f passing any Important measures except the necessary supply In their new location at hills. The Republicans decided that 30-1 W. 2nd St., Albany the m ntter o f ta riff revision should he taken up early In January, but It was virtu a lly agreed upon that this and farm re lie f should be passed on to a special session x h lc h Mr. Hoover had said he would m il. President Coolidge In h it message gave un account o f Ida stewardship for five and a h a lf years and pictured the state o f the nation as most favorable, w ith peace, pros­ perity and good x-lll unprecedented. The senate passed the Bculder darn on the highway. hill amended to meet objections. President and Mrs. Coolidge spent th e ir summer vacation at a fishing Short Order Lunches lodge In northern Wisconsin. T heir son John went to work In Ihe office« Groceries o f an eastern railroad, and In Novem­ ber Ids engagement to .Miss Florence Trum bull, daughter o f the governor of Connecticut, was announced. Meat Market The convention of the American l-cglon was held lu San Antonio, Tex­ Gas and Oil. Camp Grounds as.. In October and Paul V. McNutt was and Cabins. ' elected national commander. At the saute time the United Spanish War Veterans met In Havana, Cuba. In We an* here to 9erve the t September the Grand Army of Ihe Re­ public held Ita encampment In I ten Public. ver and chose John Kcese for its cvw - jl mxnder ln chief. I Fresh Eastern Oysters ; and Kippered Salmon : Hoffman Meat Market • E. C . M IL L E R Allphin Auction House TUSSING & TOSSING LAWYERS Halaey and Brownsville Oregon ; D E L B E R T STA RR^j ¡Funeral Director and Licensed Embaimer LADY I Cbssiiied Advertisements FOR SALE—O r w ill trade for any mer­ chandise modern 7-room house, garage and other buildings and lot injAlbanv. Small cash payment, balance like rent with 2% interest. Albany fun k Co. 315 K. 2nd St.. Phone 123R. A S S IS T A N T Brownsville, Oregon y B For General Hauling ■ ¡1 Transfea and Drayage I B Business. Orders for Wcod, * a Sand and Gravel. " Ralph C. Smith Phone M orris Pharmacy 2X3 W ANTED—Thin calves from S-week* ® j | Trips made anywhere. old and up Han Roth, Shedd, Oregon No phone. j3* FOR SAI.E—P in t Real Estate Mortgages . Good securities, legal investments (or tiu xt funds. I.inn County Abstract Co. GLOBE Sun., Mon., Tues., Jan. 6-7-8 Richard Barthelmess in N O T IC E OF A P P O IN TM E N T OF EXECUTOR Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for ’lieCounty, of Linn lias been appointed Executor of the Ia9t w ill and testament of Nancy J I.ainb. deceased. A ll persons having claims against said estate are required to present them w ith in six months from the date of this notice, w ith the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at his residence at 528 N. 8th St., Corvallis, Oregon, or at the office of Tussing \ Tussing in Halsey, ill Linn County, Oregon. Hated and first published January 3rd, “ Scarlet Seas'’ W ed, Jan, 9 Ramon Novaro in “ A Certain Young Man” Thursday, Friday, Jan. 10-11 Nancy Cairoll ard Richard Arlen in “Manhattan Cocktail” Saturday, Jan. 12 Hoot Gibson in “The Danger Rider” 1929. Oman B. Porter, Executor aforesaid Tussing & Tussing, Attys. for Exr. Jan. 3 10 17-24-31 No. 511 Wins Prize ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE OE FINAL s E I’TLEMEN r. Not.ce is hereby given; That the un­ dersigned, as the A dm inistrator of the estate of R. If. Dougherty, deceased has filed his Final Account w ith the County Clerk of Linn County, Oregon and the County Court has, by an Order, fixed Siturday, the 9th day of February, A.D. 1929. at the hour of ten o’clock a. iu of said day at the Court House in Liun County, Oregon for the final hearing of said account and for the settlement of said estate. Any and all persons having objections thereto are hereby notified to he present at the County Court room at said time and present the same. Dated this 2d, day of January, 1929. J. R. W YATT, Adm inistrator of the Estate of If. H. Dougherty, deceased. Weatherford & W yatt Attorneys for Adm inistrator. Jan. 3-10-17-24-31. Of Saturday, Dec. 29 Come and Get It. Prizes Every Saturday Morris Ph’ey Purchase of any of these gives you a ticket, S tationery, Aiarm Clocks, W atches, Razor Blades, Hot W ater Bottles, R ubber Goods, and D rugs Select Candies for All Occasions Candy always makes an accept­ able g ift for any and all occasions and wc are stocked with the best brands and packages. Fruits, nuts, chewing gum and smokers supplies always in stock CLARK'S Confectionery Dana C. Rossman Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited FUNERAL D IR EC TO R W h y T a k e Chances On Y o u r B rakes \\ heu we have the new High Rail lining that w ill wear you three times as long and w ill hold in wet weather? It w ill pay you to investigate. HIGH B A LL before lining your brakes. Let us explain this wonderful lining to you. Visit the F. L. STIFF Furniture Co. Complete Home Furnishers there's Nothing CiketheBridge'Beach WOOD SUPERIOR CIRCULATOR B uilt Like a W a rm ’A ir Furnace T h e coU sir »tilers at the b o tto m , it heated and h u m id lfie J hr-twrm the jtrr pot and th e o u te r caitng and pateet o u t throu-;h the top. C IR C U L A T IN G tha w arm , Motet, haalthtul air to the moat dotant corners of tha adjoining rooma tla a w o n d e rfu l h ra tin g capacity— w ill heat aavvral room s co m fo rtab ly in the coldest weather, Burns coed w o o d , .h lp a , blocka, knots is easily tcgulated an d heats up qut.kly In the m orning. Cornea in beautiful W a ln u t Fn am el ttnish and also in plain black w ith WcllsaiUe polished steel body. W o n d e r fu l in R esu lts — w R u w t u b l c In Price HILL & COMPANY Hardware. Furniture, Stoves, Plumbing Straley Bros. A r r o w Garage, Halsey F IR E S T O N E A N D S E IB E R L IN G S I he Cummings-Ahlskog Electric Store E lks Temple, C o rvallis Are giving a beautiful calendar. "GOLDEN HOURS” Painted by Maxwell Parrish. These lovely calendars must bej seen to be appreciated. Call for yours at the store. M B