Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, January 03, 1929, Image 7

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w eak,
Santa's Mistakes
Souring Is Caused by Bac­
teria After Milking.
The basis of treating «ickneee ha» not ;
changed aince Dr. Caldwell left Medical
College in 1875, nor aince he placed on ,
the market the laxative prescription he
had used in hia practice.
He treated constipation, biliousness,
headaches, mental depression, indigestion,
seur stomach and other indisposition»
entirely by means of simple vegetable
laxatives, herbs and roots. These are
•till the basis of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup ■
Pepsin, a combination of senna and
other mild herbs, with pepsin.
The simpler the remedy for constipa­
tion, the safer for the child and for you.
And as you can get result« in a mild
Ond safe way by using Dr. Caldwell’s
Syrup Pepsin, why taie chances with
strong drugs?
A bottle will last several months, and
all can use it. It is pleasant to the
taste, gentle in action, and free from
narcotics. Elderly people find it ideal.
All drug storeg have the generous bottles,
or write “Svrup Pepsin," Dept. B'd,
Monticello, Illinois, for free trial bottle.
To Cool a Burn
U s e H A N F O R D ’S
Balsam of Myrrh
Al iaalsrw are aatoaruad to rafaad
yew w a y far the
first kattia if set sailed.
W A N T S 1 YO U R
One Nut to Another
L i b e r a l G r a d in w .
B i» p r o f i t « f o r y o u I
P a y in g t o p - n o t c h p r ic e s t o r 5 0 y e a r * . F u r
m a r k e t b o o m in g . S e n d t o d a y f o r p r ic e l i s t .
M - c M
T r a p p e r s •<-'
G u i ¡.j
— i l l a - n - F u r
& Wool C a.
Minneapolis. Minn.
FR E E t o s h ip p e rs
Give Dairy Cows Silage
With Their Winter Feed
Corn silage Is the best and most eco­
nomical way of providing cattle with
the succulence necessary In dairy
feeding, says the New York State Col
lege of Agriculture at Ithaca, New
York. Some way must be provided to
enrry pasture conditions over Ini',
winter feeding and silage Is the best
form of succulence to be provided.
flood legume hay with a succulent
feed furnishes a combination of pro
teln, minerals, and succulence which
comes us near as possible to pasture
conditions. This palatable and bulky
feed is good for the digestive tract, and
is economical as a source of cnrbohy
drnles. Corn silage stjmulatea the ap
petltes of the animals so that they
do not easily go off feed; they consume
larger aimdlnt» of roughage thnr
when feil on hay alone.
B r a k in g T im e
Pearl White, the former movie star.
u .is about to sail for her Purls home
after u visit to America, and In an­
swer to a reporter's questions she
“It's safety first with the movie
stars nowadays. Why, If they have to [
skip a rope they hire a double. It
wasn't so In my time.
“Yes," Miss White ended, "our movie
stars aren't what they were ten nr fif­
teen years ago. Some of them. In fact, I
sre quite two years older.”
P ig e o n
Clean production, prompt cooling,
and frequent deliveries will prevent
the souring of milk and will put dol­
lars In the pockets of dairy farmers,
"This souring Is caused by bacteria
which get Into the milk after it Is
drnwn from the cow and can only be
prevented by the most careful han­
dling," says John A. Arey, extension
dairyman at North Carolina State col
When first drawn from ttie cow, ndlk
contains very few If any of the bac­
teria and the contamination conies
from outside sources. Chief among
these are the cow's' body, the hands
of the person doing the milking, the
air and the containers,
Mr. Arey states that all of the
sources can be eliminated by seeing
that the cow’s thinks and udder are
thoroughly cleaned before milking,
that the milker’s hands are clean, and
that all vessels or containers have
been cleaned and sterilised.
These containers should first be
rinsed In lukewarm water and then
scrubbed with a heavy brush In water
to which lias been added a strong al­
kali solution. They should then be
sterilized with live steam or some
chemical made for that purpose. All
utensils In which the seams are not
well flushed with solder should be
avoided ns these crevices are hard to
clean and furnish a hnrborlng plnce
for bacteria.
The ndlk should be cooled us soon
as possible after milking, placed In the
containers In which It Is to he deliv­
ered and stored In a refrigerator or
cooling tank. Only by taking these
precautions can the dairyman prevent
the milk from souring and he sure of
dellverlhg pure, sweet milk to the mar­
ket. states Mr. Arey.
M ade
T im e
A pigeon bent a telegram from
Hinsdale to Sanford, Maine. In a 100-
mile race of the Sanford, Maine. Pac­
ing Pigeon club
A telegram from
Hinsdale stntlng that the pigeons had
started was delivered In SanfoM
twelve minutes after the first bird
bad arrived.
to any
or ailing woman.
Dr. I’ierce'a F»-
vorlts Prescrip­
t i o n cornea to
her aid. Women
In every walk of
life today say
Dr. Pierce's Fa­
vorite Prescrip­
tion Is a reliable
medicine. It Is
made'from roots and herbs, sold by
druggists. In both fluid and tablets.
M rs Helen Slnqjsnw 571 k . 5*h Ave
gene. O re g . »1,1
"W hen a girl growing I
»uffrred from functional .IlMurhantea and was
wsnk in ,I nervous I sol an thin and pate thal
my peepte th,sight t waa going into a decline.
1 was too aiieerahle and weak fix anything.
M y mother had taken Dr. I ’lercv'l Favorite
Vrew rtp ttx, when ahe waa a gtrl and It bene­
fited her an much that »he ga.e it to me and
after taking thia medlrttie I gtvw n - ll and
atoms and .h-vek^wd mtu wamuu.l.ixvl without
any mow trouble."
Send 10c for trial pkg. tablets to Dr.
ld erces Invalids Hotel, Buffalo. N. T.
th e
G a rd e n
V a rie ty
A young Italian not long from the
land of Muasollnl la a waiter In a
downtown restaurant. Recently a cus­
tomer sat down to dinner and Inquired
aa to the hill of fure.
“Well, Joe. what tonight7"
“We have dock,“ the wulter replied.
"Dock I You don't mean dock like
we used to dig out of the garden 7"
“No. dock — like a goose — only
dock !"—Inillnnapolls News.
Not even the featherweight Ilkeä to
he railed down.
H ow
A v o id
r A|d o
N o th in g you can do w ill oo sffactw-
ally pro te c t you ««ainst Colds, la-
fluanaa or G rip p e aa heaping your organs of
d ig e s tio n a n d e lim in a t io n act Iva and year
system free from poieonone scrum« la tiewa.
N a tu re a Remedy (MY la b to to! doea more than
m erely reuse pleasant and easy tiowel artto a .
I t ton«« and s tren gthen« the eystern. Increas­
ing reststanca against diaeaaa sad infacuons.
O «t a l f < D a« a t T e a r Druggist*«
B a n a n a and
W is d o m
“Fruit of Hie wise” IJniinvui called
tlie buna na. say» the Nut lire lluga*
line, because tradition bus It Hint
when Alextmtler the Great crossed
Uih> Indln he found the pundit» dis­
coursing under (lie shade of Ila giant
Covetouaneg« I» a gort of mental
gluttony.—Clin mfort.
When food
Lot» of folk» who think they have
“Indigestion" have only an acid condi­
tion which could be corrected In five
or ten minute«. An effective anti-acid
Largest profit during I lie milking like Phillips Milk of Mngnegla soon
period m ay lie ei|»ecle(l on ly from restores d'Rest ion to normal.
P h illip s ih>.« awiiy with all that
row a that have been gotten in goo.l
rendition during the dry |<erl«d. Cows sourness and riis right nfter meals It
that are ttdn at calving time never prevents the distress so apt to occur
two hours after eating. Whnt a pleas­
have an opportunity to do their beat.
And how
Silage and a legume liny are the ant prepnrntlon to take!
best foundation of a ration for the good it Is for the system ! Unlike a
heifer or dry cow. The filling ration burning doge of soda—which la hut
should tie fed liberally (from 7 lo 12 temporary relief at best—Phillip»
pounds |,er day) for a period of final Milk of Mngnesla neutralizes many
to six weeks before calving excepting times Its volume In add.
Next time n hearty meal, or too rich
that when within a week nr ten days
of calving It 1» beat to change to s a diet has brought on the least dis­
lighter OBd milder laxative ration comfort, try—
Equal purls of corn or hominy feed
wheat bran, ground outs, and from 111
to 25 per cent of linseed oil meal np
proaches the Ideal as a grain mixture
for the preparation period.
Get Cow Into Condition
During Its Dry Period
Should Sunday clothes make yon
fed more religious, by all means wear
Desperate Andy
M iik ,
Dairy Facts
It doesn’t pay to overfeed. Over
feeding niaally lends to digestive ills
orde.-s that play hob with the calf.
» •
When your
Children Ciy
for It
Castorla Is a comfort when Baby b
fretful. No sooner taken than the little
one Is at ease. If restless, a few dropf
soon bring contentment No harm done
for Castorla Is a baby remedy, meant
for babies. Perfectly safe to give th<
youngest Infant; yon have the doctors
word for that! It Is a vegetable pro
duct and you could use it every day
But It's In an emergency that Castorla
means most. Some night when rosstl
pstlon must be relieved—or colic palm
—or other suffering. Never be wlthoui
It; tome mothers keep an extra bottle -
unopened, to make sure there will al
ways be Castorla In the bouse. It fa \
effective for older children, too; rear
the book that cornea with It
o f Magnesia
Inch hoard overlays or cork hrlrk
floors under cows Insure ngnlnst many
udder troubles which »rise from odd
concrete floor».
s e e
Experiments st different experiment
stations show that ground rom 1»
worth Iff per cent mure thnn whole
corn «hen fed to dairy cowa
• • •
Slimy, stringy, and ropy milk ar»
all caused by bacteria. Such bacteria
may come from water or lee, and eow-
wfter w ilding through surface water
may carry these bacteria on their
bodies to the barn.
s e e
¡tweet clover pasture» seem to gtv.
best anllafacllim to dairymen who sup
plement the pasture with »tinge, ha)
or grain.
» » •
Grooming rows »111 directly or Indl
rectly prove profitable. It Improve
the quality of the ndlk and afford
sallrfartbui to the owner.
s e e
Particular care must tie taken o'
milk and cream. Ttiey al»>ul<l he hep
In ■ rord place In earthen or glas
containers, and shoald he covered »
ns sot to absorb any sect of o d o rs
From Baby Days to Manhood
His M other Guarded Him
“ M y «on, r o w 8 grown m an, etili uw «
C lesero fo r cougha and colds. W hen 8 baby
it aver came a
I 1 r him » '
op all w in ter,” w rite« « grandawXkar from
M aine.
• a a a a
From baby day« to old age Cough» a n l
colds cam ready l x btwhrn up and atopp< —
croup m u fir rrbrw cd w uheuf t uMi««? and
whooping r -o g ti meed and lightened food
healtfc guarded by Cfaeaco— a physicians
1 1 rarriptio«, tim e -4'ted and proven. A»b any
¡factor any trained nurae—-aiw>ut its hened-
cial propcrtice. T r y it in your own home a n l
I now Imw quickly, m fe ty and surely ft acta.
Then beep ft «»w«ya at hand fo r every mem*
t e r o f the fam ily. Contains no opiates. Your
druggist o r general sLxe has Gieeata.
U lessco