y Sfaljseg ÎEttterprtsr ■ O íírtcÚ ÍTpR E .LIVESTOCK I m 1912. Voi. 17. No. 35. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TO ATTENBCOMFERENCEATU.O. S O C I E T Y Halsey, Oregon, Thursday, January 3, 1929. NEW S HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIB POULTRY J Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn County SCHOOL NOTES GUN CLUB STAGES GAME HUNT, FIFTEEN TAKE PART Amos Ramsay and son Robert Mrs Em il Helseth and two M U R IE L U A H S . M A R T I R were tranrac'ing buiinees at the children left for their borne in P . Jawwary 11-12 high school stud '1 he members of the H»l««y Gun county seat Monday. louts, Wash., Monday after an • m M, their ag.£>wpuar «hare tbeir delegates a tussle with tie fin in the mean expectations, yet it was a su?ce»i entertained a group of fiienda to for a visit over New Year's day at Gladys Hadley who has been spend- 1 will he >« eea.-ion is what prom­ time. and much inform ition g tin e la -i assist them in watchirg the old the home of his parents, Mr. and ing her vacation at the home of* ises So he- the most interesting and An omission iu the last school to the bast methods to he used ia year out and welcoming the new Mrs W H. Robertson. her uncle, Frank Hadley, in the heat attended h’gh"school confer- notes pub i-h d bef« re vacation, one in The rooms were gay with George Cross returned to C-r- Oak Plain district, returned to wag the name of Alice Sturtevant, such a bant, and a better >h >wing eneeaever held at the university. will be made the next time. Yuletide decorations and softly Monmouth Tuesday evening to re­ who roceived an “ A ” average in Tha* « ill ba the ninth annual shaded lights added to the beauty vailis Wednesday morning after Harry Leeper secured a ferret sume her studies at the state nor­ spending the Christmas vacation examination. rneoting at (be Eugene campus of of the decorations. to uie in routing out rats but was mal. at his home Hi Halsey, to resuae Mr. Liliard of the Curtis Pub the' high school p*ess association, Five hundred was the diversion his studies at 0 .8 C. His brother H L st evening Mr. and Mra. B a lf unable to do much with the animal li«hing cumpiny, visited school the student efl6cers,and the girls’ of the evening w it h the prizes going Elden took him over. Tuesday but it is planned by Mr Bond. Mrs. T I. Marks ard Miss Wednesday afternoon and started league representatives The state to Mrs I.auhner and Mr. Porter, Leeper to use tbe ferret in ridding Cleona Smith drove to Shedd aud Mr. and Mis. Lyman Patton and a campaign for subscriptions to principals will meet here for the while the consolation prizes were bams aud grainarie* of rats and attended a meeting of the Eastern daughters arrived home tbe Gret of the "Countiy Gentleman,’’ “ Wo- seciMid time, as will the girls’ ad- awarded Mr. Laubnerand Mr. Fat- the week from ’’ortlund where they Star. This was the first meeting man's Home Companion," aud the mice. visorc, It w stated that hereafter ton. Duriug the evening Mrs. At a meeting of the Gun Club visited relatives during the holi of thecbaptersince the installation "Saturday Evening Post." Sides all these emhrence will he held Marks served refreshment?. days. Mr. Patton also attended of tbe new officers. Mrs. Bond is were chosen and gieat euthusiaam held last Friday night the question annoelly ah the university. Those enjoying this pleasant eve­ chaplain. came up regarding financial aid displayed by the two teams Nearly (Wl delegates from the ning were Messrs and Mesdames the toachers institute while there W. F Carter has sold his large Johu M iller was selected as the to the Study Club which is to build Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Alberts« n h'gh schdofi thro ugbout the state W D. Porter (Sbedd), George \V . farm west of the Muddy to Mr. "greatest lion tamer," while Er. a public library building, and it a>id son Lester were transati- g are expected to L ein attendance Laubner, L. W. Patton, Eldon Siui|ieon, a newcomer from Ne­ realine Coleman leads tbe red and was voted to render aid both finan­ business in Corvallis Saturday. and instructive and interesting pro Cross aud Janies Drinkard. braska and who at present is visit Jack Underwood the green, in tbe cially and offers of material and Clate Smith and son Kenneth of grama for the two day sessions are a • a ing in Tangent. He expects to contest to be staged for subscrip­ labor. Route One were guests New Years’ being arranged. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dawson Lal The winners in the hunt T u is ’ ay day at the home of Mrs. Jou’e take possession about the middle tions to the above mentioned msg Eatill PWppe, M edford, will di as dinner guests for New Years day of the month. In the meantime azines, while Miss Nelson will act and points gained were: Smith of Halsey. reet the high school press confer­ Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dawson and Francis Leeper 105; W ilbur Nor­ ence, to wbieh greater interest has Mrs. Flora Taylor of Wateayilla, tbe Cartels will move into their as faculty member for tbe reds and two bods cf Albany and M r. icd bean added Uiie gear by (be offer­ Wash,, who has been spending the residence property in west Halsey Miss McCornack fur the greene, ton 100; Frank Koontz 100; Elias Mrs. O.J. Albertson and son Lester ing of a n tin be* of handsome cup past two weeks in Hals*v at tbe and M r. ar.d Mrs. W . Holloway and Professor Patton will be the Rabins 100; Harry Bressler 100; of Halsey. trophies for the best journalistic Douglas Taylor home, left Monday who have been eccupying :he Cart­ ‘‘high aud mighty neutral.” The C. J. Straley 100; Cedric Moody GO; • a a projects of various types in th* in company wiih her lister, Miss er bouse will move into the T J. contest closes at noou next Wed­ J. W. Drinkard 50; Harry Leeper On New Years day Air. and Mrs. Anna Drinkard of Halsey, for A l­ Skirvin residence on First street, nesday, • 50; Martin Koontz 50; J. A- Mc­ high sebeoia. fudgos already are Miss Eorothy Nicewood visited Williams 45; Jack Cornett 22; F. receiving copies of h'gh school Robert Ramsay entertainer! Mr. bany where they have taken an which they have just bought. school Wednesday. Gansle 5; Herman Koontz 5; papetg or copies of newspapers in acd Mrs. Amos Ramsay and Mrs. apartment for the winter. C H A R I T Y G R A N G E Ora Smith for dinner. A basketball game will be play­ Claud Thomp on 10. which are sections devoted to high Mrs. K j G Bramwell and child­ s e n ed with Sweet Home here Friday school news. Awards will take ren, Roberta and Linden, and Mrs. (By Special Correspondent) SPOON RIVER night. place at the time of the conference Tax Commission’s Labor Edith R>bnett drove to Albany Announcement of the eneago- Tbe families of Albert, Arthur Monday taking with them M s. ment of Miss Ellen Vannice and After laboring sevaral dayi tie P in e G rove Item s Repert cn Land Settlement Robnetl's son, Truman who had and Byrd Waggener have all been Rev.Theodore Milzner was made at piatwreekth* several committeis down with 11 j. been visiting here and who left by (BotsrprtM OorrMpoB*«ac«) on tax rtfoirn in Oregon produced The yearly report of land settle- * luncheon given at the home of Thejfiu has claimed all or part train from Albany for Clatskanie Russel Knighten of Albany wa» me resolu'ion that is not sati*- tnaut wygk of the Oregon state Miss Vannice’s parents, M r. and where be is ilerki'.-g jn a drug of about all the families in this a guest at the A. L. Knighten home tactorv to the grange or to a great chamber of commerce shows that Mrs J. H. Vannice, Wednesday. store. community during the vacation. Tuesday. The rooms o, the Vannice home nauy other*, and wb'cb really does there were 12.1A8 wqn'ries receiv. Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Sickels Pine Grove sebool opened Wed not seem to promise much relief. Mr. uml Mrs Dewey LaFollette ed between January ], 1928 and were attractive with Yuletid-i deco­ entertained all their children and nesday morning after a prolong« I It calls for "enactment by the leg- Jaouary t , ft»29: 785 sign’ d quea- rations and the same attractive aud three children, Dcnaid, l.yle grandchildren on Christmas day vacation. slalure of an iucome tax ou indi­ tionairta were returned; CG7 stated scheme was carried out at the and Gerahline, arrived hi Halsey The Faiifieid and Sylvester fam vidual incomes al rales and proper- Monday evening from Baker where Miss Ethel Quimby came home they ware coming to Oregon tv lo­ luncheon table tbe centerpiece of ¡lies spent New Year eve at the P y tax ( Vests which will produce cate with speoift*A-. capital iuvest. which was a holly wreath and they have been making their heme, to spend the holiday*. She re­ A. Pehrsson home. and speut New Year’s day at the turned to Corvallis Wednesday to candles. The names of Miss Van- pprox'mately <1,000,000 iu net meat of 81,b?8,283; 81,723 letters Miss Eunice Sylvester retu ue I evtnue. to the end that taxation resume her college work. home of the former's father, E. A nice and Mr. Milzner were found and 35,9*20 pieces of literature were Brandon school began the new to her school work at H irriahurg >n tangible property may I e re- mailed out; 2^618 people called at in the nut baskets. Places were P. LaFollette. Wednesday morn­ marked at the luncheon trble for ing they left for Roseville, Calif., year’s work Wednesday. They bad Tuesday eveuing. luced.” The true principle of an th< office. Mies Lora Stewart returns 1 to income tax is not recognizeJ in Thwe were 457 ssw settlers ie- the Misses Amanda Mitzner, Ida where they plan on spending the their Christmas tree and program her home at West Stayton Sunday .bat resolution, say ¡(a critics, and p >rt*d covering an investm nt ol Mitzoer. LaVelle Palmer, Gladis winter. Mr. LaFollette is a painter. oil Thursday evening, December after spending the week with her until it is what's tbe nse mon key- Hadley, Velva Hadley, Nellie Falk, •2 *128, 3 fB. So and 887,031. noon, 1 be center of attraction for Mrs. W ilson. From tw j o'clock aunt, Mr*. E E Hover. ng with counterfeit measures. Edna, Robnrta and Ellen Vannice. those present was a prettily deco until four open house wa* held and Mrs. Eliza Davis of Albany v ii- and Mrs. Merwin Vannice and Mrs. rated Christmas tr’ e on which many friends called daring this d P erson als •leu her daughter. M r*. Ray Hover L ake C reek New * J.H. Vannice. was a gift for each one present. time to cxlend tbeir best wishes Friday until Monday. (By an Knterpitse Reporter) Miss Vannice, who is the eldeat After the presents had been ad­ Mr. and Mrs. Wilson liveeast of Mr. aud Mrs. Ray Hover and Iva (By an Enterprise Reporter) 5 Mr. a ml Mrs Will Porter were daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. mired the hostess terved delicious Sbedd and during their many Tanu spent New Year Day at the overnight visitors in Eugene Tues- Vanuice came here several years refreshments. Mis* Mary Evan* is confin -d to Several children years of residence here tiave made Everett Hover home in Harrisburg her home with intluenza. ago from Lewiston, Idaho. She were also present for this delightful <»•/. it a host of friends who unite in wish The Pine G ’ove communily meet Pcho>l did 0*4 Op< n on Monday was graduated from the Halgey afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.J. Yoder and son ing them many more bsppy years ing has been postponed until Jan­ • • • because ol rucaneas but is expected high school and attended the state Lloyd speot Sunday in Eugece. of married life. uary 11. LAKE CREEK normal at Monmouth and W illam ­ to rerun»« Monday. • • • Santa Claus brought a new tadio A lirge number of residents of Mis* Grace Pebreson went to Rev and Mrs. F i,b ; r t re re New ette university at Salem. For tbe ta the J.S. NicewooJ home. C H A R IT Y G R A N G E this community enjoyed the New Lebanon Wednesday to visit her Year Day dtuoer guests at the past three years stie has taught Mi s Irin * Quimby entertained*« friend Miss Dan Oldham. 'V.J Drinks d had several sheep Year night watefi parly held at tbe school, Bra»haul home. group of friends at her home on killed by dogs Saturday night. Miss Muriel Stralcy vitited al Rsv. Mitzuer is also a graduate church here. Rev. Gibson gave a 8. J. Sfeuet, Hugh McDonald and Monday evening tbe affair being Helen W illiam * is »«sistirig with the Pebrason home Wednesday. of the Haltey high school end W il­ short address and the remainder cl A Tec Snodgrses acsompiniel C W, in honor of her birthday. Games the work st tbe C.R. Evan* home. tbe evening was spent iu songs and L. E. Eagy and family spent lamette and is now taking graduate Maleen bo Salem W edneeday on a and music made the evening pas« New Year Day with Mr Eagy't contests. Late in the evening re­ Karl W illiams who spent tbe work at Kimball school o, theology buamase trip. all tooqu'ckly and the serving of parent* near Oakville. freshments were served by members vacation here with hi* pireots re- H ” is a son ol Mr. and Mrs. Gus­ delicious refreshment* added to the The joint iastaltation of Masons of the Epworth League. Mr. and Mrs.Clareuce Eagy and turned to school in Portland Tues­ tave Mitzner living just nerth of * • • pleasure ol those pre ent. Eastern fhar lodges was b Id last daughter of Wishram, Washington, day. H aleey8utha highway. For the SHEDD Those enjoying M in Q'limby'a visited L. E. Eagy and family Thursday night aud was witnessed Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Jackson are past three year* he has been pastor III celebration of the fiftieth an­ ho* itality were Mr*. Curlia Veatch Friday aud Monday. by a large crowd, still confined to their bid witli flu of the Methodist church of H irris- niversary ■ 1 their wedding day and daughter* Eaid and Wanda, Mr. and Mr*. John Pugh and burg. M r. and Mr*. W ill Gilljspie of Mrs. Turner ol Albany is eteying Mr. and Mrs. L. R Wilson were Mie* Ruth Snyder, Mis* Dori* Tb* Da'les, M r. nud Mrs Earl Al children have been i l l w ith the fin. • a a with them. hosts at a dinner at the C ittags o Howard. Hiram Bierly, Arlsigh b«rt«on of Monmouth and Mr. and Mrs. A- EMaruas sad Miss G ertrude i'EORIA Mr. and Mrs J S Nicewood en­ Monday. Dinner was serv.d at Falk, Curran and John M illar, Mrs Harvey Wallace and daughter Farwell ara assisting them. Friday the Poller sewing club Harvey Vannice and family and Maxine, were visitor* at the A. F. tertained a large company of their nooj with plates laid for tbirty-s x B ill’ Hobbs tow ol M- and Mrs. held thejr Christmas party at the friends at their home on New Year Albertroo home lait week W-H llsbhe. rku rae d to his home home of Mrs. P .H . F'recrksen. Au gleets, all relatives of M r. and Merwin Vannice and family. day. M r. and Mr*. A. F, Albertson hare after being w ith bis g ia n d - all dav me tmg was enjoyed. At The annual m e e li'g o f the tele­ were Corvallis buaiues* visitor* pareott and altes hug school in noon a bounteous dinner was Aa&Usd. , phone company was held at the Monday, served and i business meeting fol­ Tbe 2". Miss tie I in a Falk loot sick church Saturday afternoon Misa C>erias M cC onnell le ft for lowed after which gifts from a same officer* are to serve for with flu that day and her part in Jennings Ixrdg* Tuesday to resume prettily decorated tree were dis­ rJ 'O U R G E a more practical, every’ day applica­ the play was taken by tbe teacher, another year. her school duties Wednesday. She tributed. Two little girls, Dorris Mr. and Mra, Bill Allingbam tion o f faith in our fellow men—our neighbors Mis* Irine Quimby. h*4 Spent the halt lays w ith her .Mae Workinger and Iris Abraham, and everyday associates, is the message which Charity Juvenile grange gav* a and daughter of Portland, accomp­ pen eta hare. » handed tbs g ft* out. Each one prompts the appeal as undersigned by the business program and enjoyed a Christmas anied by Mr*. Alliogbam's parents, I present also received a tack of men o f this community. The fu ll text o f this tree ou lb* evening of December 22 Mr. and Mrs. Watte of Iowa, were Mias Gladys McCornack returned candy acd cuts. Complimented appeal appears elsewhere in this paper. but *ickoe«s and lb* inclsment dinner gueats at the C 3. Wiil'ame to Halsey Wednesday morning guests of the dub for the day were home Monday. weather kept many away. from Eugene where abe bad been Mesdames Alien Dunn of Peoria We believe that a sincere interpretation and »pending the holidays. and Dale F rise of Sbedd. Rnid aud Wayne Veatch were Thursday evening Rorcoe, Edgar application o f this message by every' man. woman Misa A dah Neleon who has been s e e hone for the holidays. Wayne and Florence Sisk, Lucile and Rus­ and child in this community w ill make fo r the bet­ PINE GROVE spending the Christmas vacation returned to Eugene Monday with sel Herndon, Dorthea Hathaway terment o f all. Faith—a trust fu lfille d -a n obli­ at bar home io Portland returned M r 4 B isiel Githcna aateitsioed tail father wha went on to Cottage and Jennie Nicewood drove to Eu- gation promptly m e t to Halsey Tuesday to be ready to the meni'-ert of tha Kroweldcen Grave to look after property inter­ gene end took io tbe vitapbooe at resume her school duties Weduee- club at her home Wednesday after- acts the McDonald lb