Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1927-1929, December 27, 1928, Image 7

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Best Treatment
for Seed Grain
early hatching
Copper Carbonate Favored
for Preventing Smut of
Wheat and Oats.
C opper c arb o n a te is th e best fungi-
w h e at a n d th e sm u ts o t hulless oat*.
Form aldehyde la th e best fungicide
for p re v en tin g sm u ts o f hulled o ats
aud covered sm ut o f barley.
Form aldehyde should not be used
Some fa rm e rs when they find the for tre a tin g w heat. I t p re v en ts the
p rice o f d a iry feeds going up seem covered sm ut, but It is likely to In­
to think th a t the only aud most profit ju r e the seed severely, especially if
able thing for them to do is to cut th e seed Is d ried a f te r trea tm e n t, or
down on the am ount o f feed which sow n in dry soil.
they a re giving th e ir cows, and sone-
C opper c a rb o n a te does not prevent
feeders have been known to cut down the sm uts of hulled o a ts n o r th e cov­
to such an e x te n t th a t they reduce the ered sm ut of barley. It reduces the
body m aintenance requirem ent, sa y s s am ount, but is not a s effective a s fo r­
w riter in the Michigan Farm er.
m aldehyde. F orm aldehyde does not In­
It Is known th a t a cow w hich Is fed ju r e the seed of o a ts a n d barley and
the pro p er am ount and q u a lity o f feed is th ere fo re recom m ended.
uses about one-half o f it for m aintain
I’u ten t fungicides a re not b e tte r
ing h e r body und the o th e r h a lf for th e th an co p p er c a rb o n a te and form alde­
m an u factu re o f her product, lienee, hyde. T h ere a re m any p a te n t fungi­
cu ttin g down on th e ratio n by 10 per cid e s now on th e m ark et, w rite E. C.
cent m ay reduce the m ilk Row 20 per Stakinan and H . A. K odenhiser in the
cent w hile th e am ount o f feed w hich D akota F arm er.
is used for th e m aintenance o f her
How to Use Dust.
body will rem ain p ractically the sam e.
G et a good g rade of fine, fluffy, cop­
T he anim al m ust first keep up its bodv per curbonate. T h is light m aterial is
w eight and then w h atev er feed is left as effective us th e m ore expensive
over goes for th e production o f milk h e av ier m ate ria l. Any d u st w ith a 20
It Is of first Im portance th a t th e p e r cent copper equivalent or m ore is
cows have sufficient food for both sa tisfac to ry . Use tw o ounces of dust
body and production m aintenance. A p e r bushel. If th e seed is very badly
d a iry cow th a t is bred for produc­ sm utted, use th re e ounces. F o r sm all
tion, with the right kind o f handling, q u a n titie s of seed mix th e du st w ith
will pay for her feed, and in many th e seed in an old b a rre l churn o r a
cases «he will re tu rn tw o dollars’ w orth sim ilar hom em ade device. R o tate the
of d airy products for every d o llar's ch u rn seven o r eight tim es. T ills is
w orth she consum es.
M any d airy furm ers m ake the m is­
tak e of reducing the g ra in ru tio n in
the spring, when th e supply o f grain
begins to get low and the g rass is be­
ginning to sta rt. It is well to keep
in m ind th a t green g rass can in no
way com pare w ith c oncentrated grain
feed, until the gra ss crop Is well es
ta ill I shed. A fter th e stock has been
fed liberally during tlie w inter, do not
reduce th e ration too early In the
spring, and theretiy lose m uch th a t a l­
ready has been gained, and In m aking
tlie change do so gradually.
Breeders Find Chicks Make Farmers Make Mistake by
Better Winter Layers.
Cutting Down on Supply.
T h e official re s u lts of laying te s ts
recen tly concluded show th a t early-
h a tc h ed chicks o f th e heavier breeds
m ake th e b est w in ter layers, Rhode
island R ed p u lle ts w hich w ere hatched
in M arch g ave a w in ter egg produc­
tion of 42.35 eggs. A pril-hatched pul­
lets g ave a w in te r production of 35.40
eggs a n d May p u lle ts gave a produc­
tion of 22.50 eggs.
T he profit in producing eggs conies
largely from producing them a t a
season of the y e a r when they a re
highest in price. T h is m eans ttiat we
m ust plan to produce eggs during the
w in ter m onths
T h e experim ent re­
ferred to show s th a t, w ith th e gen
eral p u rp o se breeds, the early hatched
chicks a re th e ones w hich m atu re in
tim e to s ta r t laying In th e la tte r p art
o t O ctober a n d continue throughout
th e w inter.
M any people have failed to raise
early chicks fo r th e reason th a t they
have tro u b le w ith leg w eakness and
brooder tro u b les. T h e leg w eakness
can be largely overcom e by tlie ration
advocated by th e W isconsin expert
m ent sta tio n a s the resu lt of th e ir
experim ents in overcom ing th is trouble.
T h is w as reported art an e a rlie r d a te
but for those who overlooked It we are
rep eatin g the form ula which they sug
gest : eighty pounds ground yellow corn,
iw enty pounds w h e at m iddlings, five
pounds ground raw bone, five pounds
pearl g rit and one pound of common
salt. Skim milk Is used freely but
no w a te r Is furnished. In fertile eggs
or cod liv e r oil is added In lim ited
q u a n titie s If the chicks do not have
a ccess to sunlight.
T h e first ex p erim ent q uoted show s
th a t April p u llets produced a fairly
good q u a n tity of eggs. T ills Is un
doub ted ly on account o f th e fa c t that
Felix Shouldn’t Have Mentioned
»WXJ wJOtO.GH.tk -
wosht mouno - builoeq eus
< TOU6-' S omb - cu * * * * \
Oto MOUMDf BAL« NiViß—1
M a d SkPkOCSD ■
VUfCt- US© AS WAS u BS-/
Prevent Tuberculosis
by Thorough Cleaning
A fter diseased anim als a re found
and removed from tlie prem ises, a very-
thorough cleaning and w ashing of the
Inside of the h a m and o th er buildings
w here tlie a nim als have been should
lie m ade. T his m ust he followed by
the proper application of some ap
proved d isin fectan t. Tlie use of d isin ­
fectan ts w ithout first doing th e neces­
sary and proper cleaning is Ineffective
for tlie reason th a t th e germ s of the
disease m ust be exposed. All utensils
or a n ything else th a t may have be­
come co n tam inated by use around tlie
diseased a n im als should likew ise he
cleaned and disinfected. Tlie m anure
and refuse m ust be hauled from b a rn ­
y ard s o r lots to plowed fields, spread
thin, and exposed to tlie sunlight. Tlie
yards and lots. Including feed troughs,
w a te r troughs, nnd fences, can then
lie sprayed property w ith tlie d isin­
••Crop-bound'' Is caused by eating
food too larg e to p ass through the
gullet from th e crop to the proventri-
c u lu s or tru e stom ach. Chicks become
crop-bound if fed whole w heat when
too young. T h e w heat sw ells and be­
com es too large to pass out o f the
crop. C ourse feed w ith an excess of
c rude fiber o ften causes th is condi
tion. T he p a raly sis of die m uscles of
d ie crop Is a n o th e r cause. T h is oc­
c u rs in c ases o f cholera.
Som etim es the co n te n ts cun be re
m oved by dren ch in g th e fowl, then
k n ead in g th e crop and holding by the
ta n t
, i , i ,
feet head down and w orking th e eon fe c All
th is m eans m uch w ork, nut it
te n ts out by the m outh
In severe m ust be done to prevent Infection from
c ases an o p eratio n Is necessary. Re spreading to tlie healthy anim als.
m ove the feath ers, m ake a slit through
th e o u te r skin, sp read a p a rt, then
m ake an Incision In d ie crop and re
m ove th e c o n te n ts; then sew up the
crop, th en th e o u ter skin. T lie crop
m em brane a n d skin should be sewed
Pullets Require Green
Feed When Confined
W hen th e p u llets a re penned and sei
to th e ir work task of egg laying, th eir
need fo r succulent green feed m ust he
m et. say the poultry sp e c ia lists of
th e Ohio university. Succulent green
feed provided for th e p ullets for the
first few w eeks a f te r they a re housed
will keep them in good physical con­
ditio n . Rape, green clover, and alfal
fa a re sa tis fa c to ry fo r th is purpose.
If uo succulent green feed Is avail
nhle th e poultrym en recom m end a
dose of Epsom s a lts for th e birds soon
a f te r housing. O ne pound of th e salts
for each 100 b ird s should be dissolved
In th e ir d rin k in g w ater, and no other
w a te r should be given until th a t con
t n ln im r th e s a lts has been consum ed
Care of Pullets
P o u ltrv m en who buy pullets s t this
season should have facilities for prop
erly housing th e birds and ranging
them s e p a ra te fm m old hens. T l*
p u llets will be u n fa m ilia r with their
new location and possibly changed r.i
thuis, and every day th at they g" an
de rfe d m eans s day or m ote of egg
production lost du rin g th e w inter. B
nuty be p o s s b le to learn the ration
used hv th e fo rm er ow ner and m ake
cluing»» g ra d u ally to th e n itlo u s y ”
a re using.
lion of tlie Wide v a r ia :Ion in individual
cows will be fully successful a s a
feeder Some cows may have n a lu m l
capacity for producing large quanti
tie s of milk, and may not receive feed
enough for m axim um production. By
Increasing the feed of th e highest
producing cows and c arefully consult
Ing the milk sheets on w hich each
cow’s dally production is recorded, the
skillful feeder will soon find th a t some
cows In the herd will respond t» th e
Increased allow ance and re tu rn a good
profit on the additional feed given. On
th e o th er hand, th ere a re cows that
! have a lim ited capacity for milk pro
ductlon nnd a re very liable to b - over
fed. By carefully studying m e b Indl
virtual cow the feeder will soon asc er­
ta in the point beyond which any add!
tlon to the g rain ration becom es U»
Salt Overlooked
ng sa lt 1» seldom overlooked
the sum m er m onths ns most
,ve fhax salt before th e anl
I n|| tim es. D uring w inter
dairy cows a re housed In barns
t l,py gre en tirely dependent
eir ow ner for all the feed they
| some men overlook salt, ex
t Irreg u la r Intervals.
lex of salt given at Irreg u lat
Is do not accom plish the sain»
. as s re g u la r supply.
n's J u ir flo silfltt
TjJAT MATT p o t ; OWN A
claim Tb SuOt a placc -
- AMD fit O F F tC C D /
Wintering Herd nun
tawny /
voo out- half A /
A ccording to A rk a n sa s College ot
A griculture a u th o ritie s, th e farm shop
will pay for Itself m any tim es In
money und tim e saved. Care, how ever
should be exercised In choosing the
equipm ent for d ie shop.
W oodw orking tools should he chosen
first. T h e follow ing will m ake d ie
basis for a good k i t : a m edium weight
claw hum m er, a 24-lnch fram ing brace
nnd bits of U . H . % nn^ > lnch 1,1
diam eter. T he above list of good quaj
ity cun he bought fo r from »10 to $15.
As needs dem and th e follow ing tools
m ay be a d d e d : 25H point rip saw , a
24-lnch w recking bnr. a 24-lnch level, a
% and % -inch wood chisel, and an
8-incli draw knife.
A very sa tisfa c to ry wood for a bench
vise can be m ade by using a I Inch
by 10-lnch screw and using a well sea
soned piece of h a rd wood fo r th e vise
face. F o r m etal a n d pipe work a
bench o r leg type vise which has a
rem ovable set of pipe Jsw s will come
In very handy.
M iscellaneous tools to be Included
very profitably a r e : a 14-inch pipe
w rench, a 12-incb a d ju s ta b le w rench,
a 10-lnch hack saw and a doxen e x tra
blades, tw o cold chisels, a m achine
punch, a 2 f t pound hall penn ham m er,
a p a ir tin snips, and U -Inch, H-Inch
and H -Inch drill blta, w ith sq u are
W ith a big crop of beans, fa rm e rs
will find th is crop valuable to use In
feeding swine.
• • •
W hen soy beans a re fed to hogs
they should be accom panied by a good
m ineral m ixture.
• • •
W hen th e re Is a creep In the p a stu re
f e a t b reed ers w inter the hull sw ay for feeding g rain to calves, lam bs, or
D on't get tlie Idea th at because It Is from th e herd, but too often he Is kep
colts. It 1» a good plan to keep the
cold th a t y our hen* do not need stiy
gait box near the creep.
In s dark, d irty stall, w ithout ever
• • •
th in g but corn t orn Is all right an •
iae. ^ e r c t s e . protection fm m v e srt
W hen soy b ean s a re used properly
has Its place In the m enu, but If .»»"
and s m o.len.te m tlo n will keep
as s supplem ent to com the dan g er of
w ant eggs, and also to gel your hen-
din in good condition.
soft pork is p ra ctic a lly elim inated, sc
in good co n d itio n for h a tc h in g ( •»)
Build a strong stall In a c orner '•
m ust have som ething beside* c« m
he ,-„w barn, w ith s strong paddo. k cording to P u rd u e specialists.
Give them a good egg m ash and II wi.
■r , - r r s l adjoining, or a
l»e b e tte r If It Is fed moist and warm
run from stall to some
.•nee a d a y —b e tte r still If It I" Tet
„ fee, from the b a r n : a sh o rt, s r mg
m erited fo r 24 h o u rs w ith yeast. D
_______- from the ring In the I '" 11
n o ! feed nil thev w a n t
M ake then
Hens Need Mash
t'JT H£J
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