U a ■A agriculture HORTICULTURE LIVESTOCK b Wnlsini ^Enterprise lE a t . r p r i a » POULTRY ] Devoted to the Interests of Halsey and Linn C ounty Halsey, Oregon, Thursday, December 27 1928. Pacific Cooperative Poultry Producers Continue Business DAIRYING WOOL, MOHAIR (By an Enterpiise Reporter) C u rT M D o o e e u c e ) 51 They Den't All Wash Dishes At College. Says Lulu Howard Miss Hope Clay, who has Iren Corvallt«, Dec. 26 —They d o n 't Mr, and Mi». Ray Hover and U th e Portland surgical hoepita1, | B|; waeh dishes J„e College is be- The Pacific Cooperative Poultry i va T ann went to Albany Wedoes- returned to her home here Sunday. coming mole versatile each year H Producers will continue to operate. day> Klire Tann rem ained to visit M rs Janies D a’ ry m ple of T ill« - earning lm way Iro in rook to »emor as more th a n enough hens have her mother u n til Christm as day niook »pent C hristm as at the Me- m the o p in io n of Mrs Lulu How. been signed up to m ake the new a„ d oud Georgia Overtou returned May all the joys of life be thine D onald home. a ril, e m p lo ym e n t »ecretary w ith contract effective Ja n u a ry 1, 1929. * ith tho Hovers. In nineteen hundred twenty-nine. M rs. Nora Coates spent Monday the Oregon State college Y M C A To d ate (December 20) more L. E. Eagy and family spent May love and hope and peace entwine and Tuesday in Albany at the home College statistics f o ra number th a n »0 per cent ol t' e present Christm as Hay with Mr. E agy's And make thy heart a happy shrine. o f her »on, A lto n Coates. o i years allow that appoaimately 51 m em bership have signed the new parents near Oakville. ... i r II j. . tier contract and in addition to this, With good deeds may our lives combine Miss ,, G ertrude F arwell 'a . assist- ’’ c< nt ol u the men and . 20 . per ., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sylvester, . . . i M- it u cent of the women are entirely self m any poultrym en who never were Mrs. Em m a Sylvester, Mr. and As clings to oak the ivy vine. mg Ht the home of M r. H .r.G ouey supporting. 1 l addition, 39 per affilated with the organization are Mrs. Ray Hover, Georgia Overton, That after us there still may shine while they are convales.ing from cent more of the entire student signing. A record made true to the line E. E. Hover and family attended , the flu. body «re partly so. The method« The association will lose some the Christm as program at the Sum ­ Of justice, truth and mercy. Mr. and Mrs Roy F arm er an used by these aspiring studeute members in Clark county, W ash, merville school near H arrisourg the parents of a bahv boy born at — W m . H. W heeler . during the college year to supple­ ington, due to a territorial agree­ Friday night. ihe Corvallis hospital. ment their summer sav ngs »re m ent between th e Oregon Eunice Sylvester. Nora and Pearl llen ry Halverson has been ill both varied nil. I odd. and th e W ashington associations. Pehrseon arrived home Friday to with Ihe flu He was at the lion e George H artley , 1 6 -,ear old U nder th is agreem ent the Oregon spend the Christm as vacation. of Ida sister, Mrs. Charles Davis freshm an from P ortland, who says association withdraws from the = J Mr Sylvester is painting the in ­ he will not tie satisfled until he and family. north ern h alf of th a t county, and terior of the school house and other E. H. Marggson and fam ily were finishes his undergraduate work the W ashington association from repairs are also being made during guests of the G V. Maxwell family ai d then goes on lor a doctor's de­ the southern half. gree in law, works in a Corvallis vacation. C hristm as day. T his rem arkable re-signup, radi­ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nichols and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beamer of barter shop in his spare hours and Delos C lark who is teaching at cating as it does th a t we will have Mrs. C.J Powell is reported to Fioyd Nichols aud family spent Crane, Oregon, urrived iu Halsey- Heather, are at the home of Mrs then plays the drum s in a cam pus m ore hens under contract this be very ill with pneumonia a t her Cbrietm as at the Charles Nichols Beamer’s parents' Mr. and Mrs orchestra on week end nights. Sunday to spend the holidays at com ing year than we had last year home east of Halsey. James B. and Robert Brown Luther Brock for the Christm as is testim ony to the poultrym en'» home in Halsey. Mrs. Tom Ardary and Helen liome. brought a pair of cows with them Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ely and Sam appreciation of the fact that theonly Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Well« had week. W illiam s left by stage Wednesday to college and started producing c h a rc e they have to survive is by Campbell and family spent C hrist­ noon on a trip to P ortland. Jam es Tate and d ater, Mr» Ag and selling certified m ilk. At the as th eir C hristm as guests. Mrs. acting collectively in m arketing the mas at the Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramsay of Enid Helseth and two children. nes C lark, are in Portland (or a start they performed all the duties com m odity which they produce, io Albert and Mary Heinrich oi from niiL'm aid to business near Halsey are among those who Mr. and Mrs. Glenn K eudall, Mr. few days. other words, cooperating in the Portland and Fred and Anna H ein­ Mr. and Mrs Merle Gregg of solicitors, but their business has are just recovering from an attack and Mrs. J. B. K endall and Roy rich of Corvallis are spending their disposition of their product. Bell/ountaia, Mr. and Mrs. Robert expanded to auch an extent th a t Wells of A lbauy. The association is in fine finan­ Christm as vacation with their of th " flu. G atke and Stanley Satchwell of they now hire extra student help. Dnring the last few days there L. F. T uttle, section forem an on cial condition, aud we will close parents here. Salem spent Christm as with their As representative of a shoe com p­ the Halsey division of the Southern have been num erous auto wrecks th e year with a surplus ol close to Harold Teal of A shland visited mother, Mra. Nellie Satchwell. any, Sterling Behnke, another Pacific, is confined to his home by along the highway north of Halsey #100,000.00. at the P. A. Pehrsson home the Portland student, carries his sample but so far there have not beeo any •a severe cold. At the meeting of th e board of first of the week. L V. Chance was transacting case aiound to the various fraterni­ serious accidents reported. I h e Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Moody and directors today, the custom ary 6 Quite a large crowd attended the ties and halls, taking orders lor wreckers however have been kept business in Corvallis Saturday. per cen t dividend on Common Pine Groye Christm as tree exer­ ch-ldren spent C hristm as in H ar collegiate footwear. F raternity Mrs. Ora Sm ith spent Wedner- risburg at the ho ne of the former s fairly busy. Stock was declared ,—Rggsaminer. meu are naturally hospitable, he day in Eugene and while there bad cises. Asa E astburn and fam ily of Al­ brother. finds, so he accum ulates m any a Dean Eilyeu spent C hristm as Charles Straley drove to M arsh­ b a n , were guestH for Cbrietmas some dental work done. free meal in addition to the busi­ day with his parents, M r and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C hris H o.telller of field the latter p a rt of the weak for dinner at the Buford Morris home ness. From the»8 two sources of R L. Bilveu, near Lake Creek. his sister Muriel who is spending in H alsey During the evening Mr. Crawfordsville were guests at the income Behnke is m aking his en ­ Now th a t influenza is epidem c H arry L. Stew art and family of the holidays at her home here. and Mrs. K enneth Coburn and d a t e Sm ith home for Christm as tire college expenses in th is state, it is well to know West Stayton spent C hristm as with Mrs Fred E. Taylor who has M aigaret Morris of Eugene weie dinner. And so it goes. Ona Rtudeul runs how to treat this disease Biid how­ the E. E- Hover lam ily. Mrs. Betty Bone of Spokane was been spending tbo C hristm as holi- visitors a t the same home. i popcorn stand. Another takes to control it, says Frederick D. Bert H aynes and family of E u ­ davs in Halsey a t the home of her Tuesday Mrs. Bert C 'a rk , son a visitor in Halsey last week at orders for a local photographer, S trick ler of tb s sta te board ol gene attended the Pine Grove father, John Standish, returned Delos and daughter Georgina were the O .W . Frutn home while enroute alters sell clothing, operate home h ealth. Both the cure and pre­ C hristm as tree aud program Mon- among those enjoying a family re- to California. home this afternoon. photo finishing shop«, or do a hit vention of influenza depend on day evening. H. F. Lake and daughter M urid f tutoring ou the side; union at the home of the form er’s Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ramsay had knowing the cause. The best w ay Mrs. Reed and R ita and John ol parents, Mr and Mrs. W illiam spent Christm as day in Albany at They don’t all wash dhhes! to keep from taking influ^ Xft I vlsited at the P. A. Pehrsson as their guests C hristm as day Mr. C urtis of Lebanon. Nearly It) *e e the C. E. G ladbari hume. Muriel and Mrs. E.S. H ayes and daughter keep away from people having | remained in Albany for the rest ol Agnes. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R am ­ present for the day. highly contagious d isease | the week. say, K enneth Sm ith »ud M rs. Ora Mr. and Mrs. W H. Beene and W hen you feel an attack o, iu- Church Notes Last Sunday Mr and Mrs. O. J. son Alan, who have been visiting Sm ith. fluenza coming on, take a laxative Albertson and Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ Miss Osa Miller of Portland and friends and relatives in Halsey the ert Ramsay of near Halsey were and a glass of t o t lemonade and Methodist: J.\V. Mullin and associates have 10 a. ra. Sunday school her brother H arold of Ryderwood, past lew days, and also looking gueete at the J N. E lliott home in ,nyen OVer the Nickel« S ilv-r mines go to bed early. E at lightly, drink after property interests, will leave 11:00 a.m . morning worship. w ater freely snd stay in bed until W ash., were guests over Christm as in the W allapal m ountains in Ari tomorrow for their home in Loug Brownsville T opic: ‘ Highw ay of Life. all symptoms have disappeared. at the home of their parents, Rev. Fred R obin, and son Frederick «one, according to au article in the Beach, Calif. It is understood that 0:30 Epw orth League. and Mrs. J. S Miller of Halsey. Isolate yourself. Do not kiss or have been confined to their home Kingman ( Arizona, Miner, No evening service. The former returned to Portland they have rented their lesidance lín ü , a north part of town with an even shake hands. Just because The g.ckels Silver p .party property on the h'ghwey to John Prayer m eeting T hursdays 7:30 Tuesday afternoon while H arold some one has passed th is disease attack «if influenz. for the p a .t ten q u it, im portant, there being a large Ladies aid every Wednesday rem ained here u n til this morning. Salash on to you is no excuse for your be They aie reported uetter tonnsg» of excellent ore on th Bible study class Tuesdays 2:30 ing careless. This is not a spectacu­ ‘ snrht in the various dum p ...<1 and in sight J . S. M i'ler, pastor now however. lar openings. For several year» Mr. I» l course VUUS ov. of tre - - - a - tm e n t nor will Sunday the home of Mr slid Bickels has been a t work ou lh9 it produce strik in g results, but it c h u rch of C h ris t: 10 a. m. Sunday school. I Mrs. Sidney Sm ith was the scene mines and has dave'oped them will cut down greatly the chances 11:00 a. m. com m union service lo f a very pleasant dinner winch tb rju g b tuunel and .b e lt to a for complication», such as pneu­ I was planned in honor of -he b irth ­ depth of about 200 feet, a 1-rge 6:45 p- m. C hristian Endeavor T h . problem - I ° " « " * ' " ‘J S i * m onia and other infections, says day of Mr. Sm ith and Mrs. Ora ore body beiug opened on the tu n ­ a friend. much before the public, wi J ^ - s i x t h annual convention at Med- M r. Strickler. Dairymen's association at its program than usual ha. I Sm ith. 7:30—Evening service. nel level. This ore carries values The streptococci:» hemolyticus ford. January 9 and 10. M oreof ' ram }U5t announced by j M Shelley, m inister Mr. and Mt«. Cecil Dawson ol irrangcd, as shown by the o _ _ ___ „r «air» ‘n o husband- dairy husband in silver ami Lud. been arranged, is usually unable to invade the I Halsey Mr. and Mr» Robert I The P. M. Brandt, secretary, and head of the deparimem taking over of the ----- Nickels liaiavj and sas.v. ---------- - m e IUBIIIK h ealth y to d y but gains e n tra n c e . W right In(e, 0 , . ry at Oregon State college. thg annlla! convention Ramsay ol Route One were R « s b L ilver property is one of of the ini- This is the first time in many yea h t » McCrilcken of in personsw ho are run down by in- BChojl god Charley at the Albertson home Monday eve- por(gl)t eVMnli of the W allapaii. ha, been held in the sou hern part o the sta. fluensa. Streptococcus pneum onia a - 1 B the Scboo, |n in g , end the Dawsons remained j Nickels who e a brother of a very serious complication a n 1 W n«hl P o rlland spent the Oregcn ChV. R e. P - d r - t T h, the chance, of P«lH»g Ibrough af- ol ^ontnert Chancy Sickele of Halsey, is well until Tuesday evening. program follows: te r thia infection has invaded the |c v b u n l. « „ tm - . - vacation in Hr.leey at known here and formerly IK’d Wednesday, January 9 M r „ rU, n the home of their parent«, Mr. and Opening session. Con" ? '‘,ee ^ ‘- ' ’’" ^ '’Mickle. .» Y d a ir y and food M rs. N. A. Corbett Dies here. body are none too good. l Mr». C-9. W right. Mr. and Mrs. "European Dairying as I Saw n . }■ c .llin g m a: T>lboU Bnd daughters, The im portance of Mr* Frank G ansleacd daughter . comm i„icc„. Mr». N. A. Corbet died a t her physician early can not he too high- lroaS aud g elly May, of G rand Leila have been »pending the past home so utheast of Halsey luesdey d „ h i,.,» » . - - - I . ly em phasized. Many of the com- , glg0 c h r ittm a i vi.ilor» ei-vcral day« at I**« ho““ ‘ "* evening folloei g a lingering ill­ associations with 300 lb. her „ Brewster, Redmond. plications of influenza can be pre- W rlg b t borne. form ei's parents in Oregon City. •Successful Dairying on Irng ted Land ' ness. The body we» taken to E« v ested by proper treatm ent. r pleasant fam ily reunion lC. H. £ r o w , Shedd. I Mr. and Mre. Kenneth Cross of gtne and funeral eerv ee» will he th e sake of others it is well to r - » p j jrorBt«r home in , Albany »pent C hristm as in Halsey held io th at city. Thursday Forenoon m em ber th a t in flu e rz i is a e o n . over C hri.tm as when Mr. ' «t the home ol the form er’s mother, • H „ 1 a , „ , d VP u , H - d F re e * ! » , « . , - » • »■ “ »"»>• Mrs Corbett wa born at Leone, tagious disease and it is up to you F orster’s m arried children Mrs. E. A P. LaFollette. John K ansas, Ju n e 28, 1885. The fam- k ,,p II I . ro a r,e lf U " ’ • » ' “ J I „ lb - - A h S ’S .'lr o l W .,k in J„ k .n n C c n , , . ' *- C Porter and daughter. Mr*- Edith ily bad only lived near Halsey h a n d k e rc h ie f and p r .r e c t rp r.e K o jo jio i W i, I Robnetl of IM sey were also gueste. m .,™ e — <*■ N c eiuce leet May, wheu they moved Mis. Lou Browne of Portland of Ih ed i.ease. „ „ H .r m .n S u i» » « -on Ihe Rolla McCullough place. C .,« . H „ l,k ,nd H n „ „ H „ l,h .- B T. ing spray out droplets of came ¿p Saturday evening and re- « d M r « 4 Mr,. f .« J R c b .r l. .1 Besides her husband Mre. Corfu t loaded with ge'® » and ' 4 Salem Mr aud Mrs. Preston New- rnained until Tueadav evening at Simms. O. S. A. C. Afttrnoon lis eurvived by three s tm , Harold nearby is certain to get a goo M r. aDd Mrs. L. the home ol her m other and ..»ter. •of K irtball, N ebraska, Fred and -W k.t c ,..m C r iln s C.n D« lndn.lr,.- «■ »■ Bo",». dose of this. If you have influe - Engeue end Robert Ml» Mary Allan and Mrs Fayette 1 Norman at home, and two daugh­ g, to bed and isolate yourself, .ay s A n |eU , f.ake. Charles Gollra and family ters, Virginia and Mabel, also at Mr. Strickler. Robert Foritef and H m ily who of Albany were gueste on I hri»t- hum« Kha ¡»also survive! by one n b ite h»’ e be‘ n he,# l? r ,Ome I mas day at the earns home. Bundt, O. S. A. C, . | % grandson. Any one finding a small ,#(t lo r their home m 19 2 9 HALSEY AND VICINITY BREVITIES Influenza Preventive Measures î. W. Mullen and Associates Take Over Sickels Mines Oregon Dairymen Arrange Meet for Medford Early in January '■>, fh, D,i„ ™ w Business session. Adjornment and black pup p le a ., not.fy Enterprise office. ,,ly Calllornia. | p- “ •